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1 Issue No. 687 $ 3.00 Negative Events in Life? 2 Balancing the Karmic Sheets 3 Violence Against Women 4 More on George Washington/Adam Weishaupt 5 Is Having a Guru Necessary? 6 Accessing Multi-Dimensional Consciousness 7 The Divine Purpose of Karma 8 Do Not Fear Losing Your Individuality 8 & 9 Lord Greg Hallett and the British Monarchy 10 Dreaming of Disaster after Edgar Cayce 11 Crop Circles in the Ocean?? 12 Robert Shapiro & The ET Explorers 13 Underground Bunker at the White House? 15 How Does One Change Ingrained Beliefs? 15 Giving Thanks 16 Look at All Levels of Your Belief System 18 Cosmic Awareness Communications. You may share with family and friends but no alterations or public dissemination of the material is permitted without permission from CAC.

2 CAC General Reading, May 16, 2013, Will Berlinghof Interpreter; Zoey Zen Questioner and Energizer THE QUESTION: WHY I AM STILL EXPERIENCING NEGATIVE EVENTS IN MY LIFE? Does Awareness have an opening message at this time? It is now at least four and a half months since the Ascension event of December 21 st, 2012 occurred, and in this frame of time, this halfway point through the process that has been underway since that date, much has occurred not only the events in the physical reality that most are experiencing, but also events on the higher dimensional planes, and the energies are still in process and proceeding according to Divine Plans, and Divine Energies. This does not always relate to physical observation of events in the external world, but it does mean that for many who have chosen to remain in the physical realm that the transition continues the transition from what was, to what will be. It is important for all to understand that it is a process; it is not a singular event. Many anticipated an event of such magnitude that they would automatically be transported into their new state of consciousness, but in actuality, although a spiritual force that was and is Divine in nature did imbue humanity with new levels of consciousness, new energetic paradigms that have been implanted deep within the psyche of individuals and of humanity, many are still going through the actualization of the new energies into their physical lives and their physical realm of experience. This is a time for one s own personal growth and development, one s own challenges as they as individuals move forward, as humanity itself moves forward to higher awareness and understanding. In the event that individuals are feeling frustrated with a seeming lack of manifestation of events in their lives and in the current situation of reality that is collectively being experienced, it would be appropriate to ask, Why is it that I as an individual am still experiencing negative events and experiences in my life? It is to be always remembered that this time frame of transition is one that will allow the higher energies to come into being and into play, but at the same time it requires that individuals not look only to the external events of their lives and of the global situation, but to realize that the energy that is flowing has its source from the Divine and will come through the individual at the unconscious levels at first. It will be unconscious until one awakens to the higher reality of their being and accepts that there is much that is occurring, subtle though it may be. As one truly absorbs the energies of the higher state of their being, and as one moves forward in the acceptance that the reflection of what is external to them and seems to be the evidence of reality that surrounds them, they must be patient, and must work with trust and faith that all is not as it once was, and they are in a situation where they must absorb the understanding and reflect on the awareness from within as the chief criteria to observe their world, their reality and their lives. As this occurs, evidence of a new state of reality will begin to manifest itself more and more. It is not 2 that one must first see the evidence in their external world that something is happening, but rather accept that the change truly emanates from within. It will then begin to manifest in the external 3rd dimensional dualistic reality that they find themselves in. As it is still a dualistic reality, there is still the choice of what one wishes to experience, whether one wishes to experience their reality as evidenced by the external manifestations in their life, or whether one wishes to change their internal perceptions away from the evidence expressing itself and showing itself in their external lives and worlds. In this shift towards the inner understanding and realization, they will begin to step more into their individualization of the process and it will become for them a true experience of shifting consciousness as they then begin to see what they are manifesting from within, expressing itself in the external. As one has more experience of the manifestation of what previously was denied due to one s unconscious level of belief, one will find it easier to truly believe that the changes have started and are occurring, and one does need to remember that one is still in a physical world that is itself changing, but has not changed instantly. In the process of transition to an Ascended State of Consciousness, patience must indeed be employed, but so too must there be courage and confidence that all is not what it once was, and all that is happening is that the shift in consciousness is taking some time to express itself in the physical manifestations. In the next four and a half months that will complete the internal process that so many are going through who are seekers of the higher truth and higher consciousness, they will be challenged by their own lives. The experiences of their lives are meant to create situations where they question, Why is it that I am still experiencing such negative events and results? This is to be used as the signpost that will guide them into the understanding that they are manifesting from a negative level. Their beliefs that things are not changing or their insistence that there must be physical proof first before they can believe, will come into high scrutiny and it is therefore the opportunity this Awareness has always spoken of to make the internal shifts, to accept that one as a creator being and manifester of reality is starting this process from within, and not without. Therefore, when one faces one s challenges, do not assume that nothing is happening, but rather ask the question, Why am I still experiencing these negative events? What is there in my belief system, my paradigm of reality that is not accepting the inner truth of the Divine and of the expanded consciousness that is flooding the planet at this time? As one begins to understand and accept more and more that they are holding a negative attitude on these matters, they can begin the process of revising these negative attitudes and understand that the subtlety involved is a comprehensive one that includes this negativity and thus rather than seeing challenges as proof that nothing is happening, the challenges can be seen as an opportunity to work on oneself, one s core inner beliefs and negative energies or attitudes. Much still is to unfold in the next four and one half months and one always is then able to understand that even if one has not directly seen evidence of change, change nonetheless is happening and will begin to present itself as one truly deals with the internal issues that they are carrying. Finally, this

3 Awareness wishes to say that this is a process and one must understand it to be such. Also, even though this Awareness speaks of this timeframe, this 9 & ½ month period since the Ascension event of December 21 st, 2012, as a time for individual growth and development, it does not mean that on September 21 st a singular event will happen. This was the mistake that so many made in the original event of December 21 st, 2012, and it must be understood that as one grows and individually develops their greater comprehension and awareness of their own journey and their own growth, that when September 21 st, 2013 is reached they will see it more as the new phase of their personal growth and development in the external world. It is to be remembered that a child born after a 9- month gestation period does not know how to walk or talk or feed itself or take care of itself. Thus, it would be beneficial for one and all to always remember that with the completion of the 9 month period that one will still be in a situation of a newborn, learning how to become accustomed to its body, learning how to walk, to talk, and to function in this new physical reality it has just been born into. Luckily, there are others who will show the way, for there are many who are more advanced than some, and those who are more advanced will be leaders in the times ahead, but on an individual level, you are asked to be patient and to understand you are growing into the New Being. Give yourself the chance and the opportunity to do so. Understand that when things seemingly do not work out, it is always a further opportunity to assess why this is so and to make the adjustments from within that will eliminate further confusion, disbelief or non-acceptance of one s greater spiritual nature. As this Awareness sees it, the Ascension process has occurred, for It views this from outside linear time, but for those still experiencing linear time and linear development, it would always be helpful to remember that you are a New Being that is being developed at this stage and even with one s birth into the higher energies, it still takes time to become aware and adjusted to one s new state of consciousness in a physical reality. This Awareness will have more to add at a future time, but It is complete with this opening message at this time. WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BALANCE THE KARMIC SHEETS? Thank you. That s very much appreciated. Awareness, do you have any comments about the three young women who were freed after 10 years in captivity in Ohio? This from a member in the Pacific Northwest: DV. This Awareness would say to one and all that this event, this personal experience must be looked at from the greater perspective. The normal way that most look at this event is through the lenses and filters of the media that has presented this sensational case and many wish to judge the individual who abducted these three women, who held them captive for over a decade, who whipped and tortured them, and denied them their human experiences. One can indeed view this event from that perspective and one will see it in 3 the negative, and will always be judgmental that such a monster should be heavily punished. Those who are more extreme in their opinion of his guilt would even maintain that the death sentence should be used here for his crimes. This is what keeps this matter at the mundane level of dualistic thinking. Dualistic thinking here is reflected in the attitude that what he did was wrong and that he must be punished for it, for those who commit such crimes are working from the Dark Side. This is the observation and judgment of many who have been given this sensational story. However, this would not be viewing the matter from a higher perspective. It would accommodate one s linear thinking that for a crime there should be punishment and that by punishing those wrongdoers, eventually society will be rectified and brought into balance and such wrongdoers will be eliminated. This has not been proven to be the case over thousands of years of human development, for in a dualistic model there is always that which is negative, dark, and opposed to that which is right and correct. Such dualistic thinking keeps humanity at a certain level, and it must be remembered that many have come into physicality to have this experience of duality, of being judgmental as to the events that are experienced, be they personal, regional, national or global events. But this does not show the higher understanding and awareness that is needed to move into Unity Consciousness, which sees this matter not from a linear dualistic place of judgment and observation, but rather will allow individuals who are presented with such sensational events to see beyond the dualistic nature of those events. This Awareness does say at this time, that the 3 victims of this horrendous crime against them are not as innocent as it seems. This Awareness will qualify this statement by adding they are not as innocent if one thinks of them only as victims, for one must also understand that they have had previous incarnations with the individual and in those incarnations, they were they ones who perpetrated great harm, great damage upon the individual who in this case was the perpetrator of this crime. From a karmic perspective, they are experiencing the opposite of the coin. In this life they are the victims of an atrocity committed against them, but in other lifetimes they were the ones that committed atrocities against this individual and others. The soul has a need to balance things up, and to understand a situation from both sides. When the soul expresses itself in physical reality it presents the soul this opportunity to have both sides of the coin of experience in physical one perhaps as the perpetrator of a crime, the other as the victim of the crime. The Need to See Things from the Perspective of Unity Consciousness From the higher perspective of this observation of reality, it allows one to see the greater picture and to understand that while there are ramifications in this life for the actions that the perpetrator of this crime did commit, that one cannot truly judge the whole situation only based on the evidence presented through the media, for if one does so, one remains at a dualistic level of division and separation: of right and wrong, of moral indignation against atrocities committed to innocent victims.

4 Innocence is truly a matter of perspective, and as long as one only observes this matter from the dualistic perspective, then one could maintain that the crime that was committed was indeed horrendous and heinous in nature and that the victims were innocent of any wrongdoing and were only victims in this matter, and that the man who perpetrated this crime is solely responsible, but this is a very limited perspective. This Awareness asks one and all to begin to see always that perhaps there is a hidden history here that supersedes the actual event in the physical life experience. There may be historical reasons that have brought this experience forward in the lifetimes of the 3 young women so grossly handled, and one could even say, tortured and victimized. In terms of the soul itself, this Awareness does say that the actions of all involved have now been balanced. There are consequences in this life for the crime that was committed and the perpetrator of that crime. He will face these, for it is his soul s purpose and plan to experience the ramifications of his criminal act, but in terms of the greater history of those involved, this event also balanced the karmic sheets, and the checks and balances that the soul requires have been met. The victims now have in their life experience an opportunity to be released from their previous act of criminality against the perpetrator. They have been victimized. They know what is involved, and what it is like now to be the victim of one who can do such a horrendous thing. They stand at a place now where they can move forward and forgive this individual and forgive themselves for their involvement, and grow and expand as spiritual beings who are in balance with the soul, or they can stay at the lower linear dualistic level and always see themselves as victims of this crime and this monster who did this to them. Adopting this attitude will not benefit them in their soul growth, but it may still be part of the soul s design and purpose of what it would be like to live a life as a victim, to carry this matter in their being all of their lives, always judging the rest of their lives in accordance to this experience that they have had. It is a difficult challenge and this Awareness does understand that often one must still have the negative expression of the experience, for it is the soul s purpose to have this experience, but this Awareness, from that which is the level of Unity Consciousness does say that the greater act here to understand this event, is to not look at it in a dualistic way where one was the perpetrator of the crime the others the victims, but rather to ask: What could have been their history together? Is it possible that these 3 victims in another life perpetrated on this man similar acts? This will allow one to start to see many events from that higher perspective of Unity Consciousness. In the end the individuals must deal with the ramifications of their actions and of their experiences, but for those who are viewing this incident from the outside, hold please to that consciousness that allows you, the individual observing this event, to look at it from a higher perspective and to understand it with Unity Consciousness. This completes this answer at this time. 4 VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN THE WORLD TODAY Thank you. That indicates possibly a larger question about so much gender violence against women that exists in the world today, specifically the women in the Congo, and the women in Afghanistan. Does Awareness have a comment at this time? By extrapolation, that which Awareness spoke of as seeing things from a higher perspective of understanding finally that all of existence does not revolve around one life or lifetime experience, but that the soul has expressed itself many times in physicality in this dualistic reality, and there are many times when those who are victims now are those who were perpetrators of great crimes against others in previous lifetimes. Gender Bias Does Not Allow for Spiritual Growth As to the gender conflict that exists not only in Africa and Third World Countries, but even in Western nations such as the United States of America and other nations that are thought of as being civilized nations, the experiences that they have in terms of gender bias, gender discrimination and gender violence towards women cannot simply be seen as a dualistic conflict. It is dualistic in nature as long as one maintains there is a discrepancy between the masculine and the feminine. As long as one maintains that women are victims and that men are aggressors, this does not allow for expansion in consciousness and understanding of the bigger picture. It is purely an understanding that derived from dualistic thinking, divided thinking, black & white thinking. For women in this life who are experiencing such gender discrimination, even gender violence, it will be helpful for them not to simply maintain that all men are bastards, all men are monsters, and all men are aggressors. It is important for them to begin to understand that the men that they have experienced are playing their roles by agreement, and it is time to go beyond such stereotype concepts of gender and to understand that the new human being that is evolving now is neither masculine or feminine in its nature, but rather a combination of the masculine and the feminine. The new human being that is now beginning to emerge is the Balanced Human Being where one as a male for example, will acknowledge and understand that they have the feminine component within them the feminine energy as well as the masculine. For women it would be the opposite realization; that they as females hold the masculine, hold the male energy within themselves as well. When one has a fuller understanding of their balanced nature, of the balanced status of gender, then such conflict between men and women, between males and females will evaporate. There will be no need to prove oneself, to justify oneself, or to explain oneself. One will begin to understand that one is a unique individual who has the right to express oneself in a balanced form, neither condemning nor condoning one s gender or the opposite gender. Instead, one would look inside oneself to be the highest expression of one s balanced self.

5 Males can learn to be emotionally available, compassionate, caring and loving. They do not need to play with stereotypes of the masculine or to be stuck in them. Women, females, can be assertive, strong, and powerful and they do not need to be stuck in the gender role of the feminine. This is all that is now beginning; this Balanced Human Being, and to understand this, it is time to leave victimhood behind. There are many who play the victim, whether it is a victim of gender, or ethnic origin or religion, but whatever the reason for playing the victim, it is time to take responsibility for one s life and what one is creating and experiencing in that life. This is a place where many are starting to realize it is not good enough any longer to simply point the finger at the opposite gender and say, It is all their fault! They do this to us! Remember also that in the grander picture there was a time when the Matriarch was in power, and women were aggressive and hostile to the masculine, thus the stories of the Amazon women who were strong warriors that had conquered the masculine world. Before modern history there were many matriarchal societies and many crimes against the masculine occurred at that time, and it was the feminine out of alignment with Mother Earth, the feminine that were the aggressors against the masculine. Part of the reason of the experience and the experiment of a patriarchal society, a male dominated reality was to create a balance between the masculine and the feminine, in this case the masculine being the aggressors and the assertive ones the feminine being subject to the masculine ordinance or control of the situation. This too is that which was designed to bring balance between a matriarchal and a patriarchal reality dominated world, a reality that had one or the other as the dominant power brokers. This too is moving the situation of the blended human being, of the Balanced Human Being that is the future for humanity. When such balance occurs, then humanity will have respect for each gender and each other. When such balance occurs there will no longer be the strife and struggle that now exists. However, it is still very much a transition from one state to another. In this regard, this Awareness invokes the image of the Yin/Yang. The white side has always a dot of black within it, and the black has a dot of white within it. This signifies that the opposite is always contained within the body of that which is white or black. Thus it is that the white expression of the Yin energies always contains the masculine Yang energies and the Yang energies of the black side of the Yin/Yang contain the white dot of the Yin energies. Together they form the Yin/Yang symbol. This is truly a symbol of balance, of recognition that one contains within oneself the opposite gender energies and as one becomes unified in that energy, balanced in that energy, the struggle between the genders will dissipate and disappear. This completes this answer from this Awareness. 5 MORE ON GEORGE WASHINGTON & THE ADAM WEISHAUPT WALK-IN Thank you. Now we have a question from VB of Tucson, Arizona. His question is, Awareness, what is indicated? Was George Washington forcibly removed from office and replaced by that person whose portrait is on the one dollar US Reserve Note: Adam Weishaupt, who is a co-creator of the ideology of the Bavarian Illuminati? Is this correct? It is seen that there was an intrigue and he who was known as Adam Weishaupt, the alleged founder of the Illuminati, was part of an organization that although now is called the Illuminati, was in existence before its birth in 1776, and it is seen that there is a degree of truth behind the allegation that Adam Weishaupt, or White Skin did replace the entity that was George Washington, but it is not seen that it was only a physical replacement. This situation although it is has been previously explained as the individual Adam Weishaupt replacing George Washington physically and bodily is what occurred, that this Awareness would add to Its explanation previously given. that it was also a spiritual exchange, that which many would understand to be a Walk-in, and that the powers behind Adam Weishaupt who was himself a conglomerate being not simply a single individual, but rather a personification that was used to give an individual character to the man known as Adam Weishaupt this conglomeration, this hidden consciousness that was behind the leaders at that time (and often is still behind the modern leaders) infiltrated or took over the individual that was George Washington. Furthermore, although many consider that the Illuminati are the very expression of evil itself, they must also understand that the principles of the Illuminati were that which was to bring higher consciousness, higher awareness, and higher illumination to the masses and to humanity. The Powers That Be at that time wished to have in this first President of the United States, the energies, the consciousness of higher awareness and higher consciousness, and the Walk-in that entered into George Washington was the fabrication of those behind the scenes to ensure that the entity George Washington would guide the newborn nation in directions that were meant to bring higher consciousness and awareness to the new fledgling nation. However, at later times, that which was the Illuminati was infiltrated and subverted. The present-day organization known as the Illuminati does not have as its goal the same agenda, the same objectives as that which was the earlier Illuminati. This applies also to the organization that is known as Free Masonry. It is to be remembered that George Washington himself as well as several other Founding Fathers were also Free Masons. The individual who was George Washington before the Walk-in occurrence happened already was a Free Mason, and was already a subscriber to the principle of illumination for humanity and the masses. He felt that the goal and purpose was to create a nation of freedom where illumination, enlightenment, and awareness of the higher principles could occur amongst the people. This was later railroaded and

6 taken over as the corruption this Awareness spoke of a moment ago occurred. Many of the original forefathers of your nation did have that energetic purpose of creating an illuminated nation. Thus, when this Walk-in event occurred, it was not so much that George Washington the man was removed, but the energies of the group behind the Illuminati the Free Masons, were elevated in the individual known as George Washington. He became much more conscious of the energies of this group and these energies are that which took over, this being the energies spoken of previously of that which was the exchange of George Washington with Adam Weishaupt. There is great significance in the choice of the name Adam Weishaupt; Adam being of course the original male according to Genesis, and the stories of Adam & Eve; and Weishaupt was again: White Skin. It was not simply a racist regime, a corrupted power that was there, but rather a higher level of consciousness amongst those who were aware and understanding, who were part of the highest powers that were trying to create something unique and original that far advanced what existed at the time. There was participation by George Washington in this event. He did not simply abdicate his power. He was not simply removed, physically destroyed and another stepped in for him; he was one who was seeking the higher purpose of illuminating the people, and creating a nation based on the concepts of freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and all that the original nation represented. One can see now that a corruption did occur, and many of the values that were held by the Founding Fathers, including George Washington, are under threat now by another group that would seek to control, and that is behind the power. But this is another question and another answer. Ultimately, George Washington was not just physically removed. It was more that he allowed the higher consciousness to enter that was there at the time, with the intent and purpose of bringing humanity, bringing this new fledgling nation into a higher state of consciousness. This completes this answer. WHO IS GEORGE BUSH SENIOR? Thank you. VB in Tucson wonders if there is a correlation with the reincarnation in this lifetime of George Bush Sr. with Adam Weishaupt and George Washington. The entity known as George Bush Sr. is not seen as being Adam Weishaupt previously. Remember that Adam Weishaupt was not a single individual but a conglomeration of individuals, a created individual given the name Adam Weishaupt, which was a symbolic name. It was not an individual as such. It was the group that was behind it, the Illuminati at that time, the organization with the purpose of creating a higher state of consciousness and awareness amongst the people. Therefore, this Awareness does not see that George Bush Sr. was Adam Weishaupt, nor is it seen that he was the entity known as George Washington. It is seen that he had other lifetimes, or rather the expression of the soul had other lifetimes where he was one of the princes of the Northern Italy region, both from which the royal bloodline that is now in 6 effect on this planet did indeed originate from. In other words, it is seen that he has been a player; that which is his behind-the-scenes character has been involved many times in the manipulation and usurpation of the power away from the Light and bringing it towards that which is the complete control that is now the case by those known as the Orion/Reptilian Faction. It is seen that he is one who is Reptilian in nature, one who escapes back into 4 th dimensionality and manipulates from the 4 th dimensional state of consciousness, often reentering into a physical body to be part of the physical expression of those plans that the planners of 4 th dimension have concocted, have created as a way forward in the many timelines so that humanity would eventually become enslaved. He is such a player. It is not seen that he was the conglomerate personality that was and is known as Adam Weishaupt, nor is he seen to be the entity George Washington. IS HAVING A GURU REALLY NECESSARY? Thank you. I think VB will be very pleased with this answer. Now we have a question from DC, from Ontario, Oregon. He s been getting spiritual correspondence from sitting Yogis for the past 3 years, and he s confused about their insistence of a guru as necessary to cleanse one s granfalloons which are traits we bring with us into this life that keep us from our realization of Who, in fact, we Really Are. He wonders if the guru is just the idea of the guru, or does there have to be a physical guru? (Ed s note: granfalloon is a concept from Cat s Cradle, a novel by the late/great Kurt Vonnegut) This Awareness will answer this question by stating first that the soul does undergo a progression of development and in the progression of development there is a stage of soul growth and development where a guru or spiritual leader is followed. This is an acknowledged path of spiritual development whereby he or she who is the follower, is known as devotee, and the purpose of this is to learn to be open to spiritual teachers as one progresses on their individual journey of the soul. This experience is valid, but it is only one stage of the spiritual evolutionary process. Eventually, the soul must have experiences whereby the expression in the physical no longer needs to follow another or to be a devotee. The challenge is to find one s own inner guru, one s own inner spiritual teacher. One finds the inner connection with their Higher Being, with their expanded consciousness that is available. At this point, one must decide finally to stop being a follower and instead, to trust one s own inner inclination, teachings and understandings. This is a difficult step to make for many, thus many spiritual seekers spend many lifetimes as devotees, giving themselves to this guru or that guru, depending on what is called into their lifetimes, and what the purpose of the experience is for them to be followers of individual gurus. The ultimate guru is one who needs no followers whatsoever, who simply is living in a state of higher spiritual awareness and reflects this inner state of

7 awareness to those who can see, feel and experience the energies of higher consciousness. Another of the traps of spiritual evolution is for the guru to need followers and the situation this individual was referring to in his question is more a reflection of this track, of those who need followers who then insist that this must be so and following any other must be forfeited, so that one can only go under the tutelage and leadership of that which presents itself as the True Guru. The spiritual trap here is that as the soul evolves, the individual expression of the soul that is the guru, must understand they are not there to have followers. They are there to be an example. They are there to reach heightened consciousness and awareness for the individual needs and purposes of the soul expressing itself. Those who become stuck in the ego will insist on followers and will need followers, but this trap prevents their own spiritual advancement until they reach a point where they finally comprehend and understand that they themselves are as trapped as the followers who blindly and obediently follow one who is a guru. Thus it is that the individual that was once known as Bhagwan Rajneesh, later known as Osho, once expressed that he was trapped in a situation where his followers expected him to be the enlightened illuminated one and he had to play this role for his followers. His journey was one eventually where he released this role and it was at that time that he passed over and rejoined his soul consciousness group. This is simply one of many examples of one who is trapped by the ego need for aggrandizement, for a following to put him or her on their platform, the pedestal of selfimportance. Ultimately, both the devotee and the guru need each other to grow beyond their limitations of being a follower or a guru. At this time, at this stage of human development, it is the need of all to find their inner guru, their inner spiritual connections so that they can become their own leader, their own spiritual teacher, their own expression of the soul having a physical experience that is not encumbered or hindered by blind obedience to one s spiritual teacher. This includes even this Awareness, for It does not wish to have followers. It wishes to have individuals who are finally awakening to the inner truths of their being and who are stepping into their own leadership, their own authority, and their own power. This completes this answer. ACCESSING MULTIDIMENSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS Thank you. The next question comes from NR in the United Kingdom. His question regards multidimensionality. He wants to know if it is possible for him to access his multidimensional consciousness and fully engage in the life of his alternative personalities residing within a parallel or alternate life. It is indeed possible, and it is the purpose of the soul that comes into a physical body, a physical form, to realize it is not simply the physical body, but that which is much greater, that which is multifaceted, and 7 multidimensional. It is possible for him to have such experiences, and to have such realizations. The problem however, is that to do so he must expand all must expand from their reliance on the physical form to be the sole expression of reality. One must be willing to be open to other realities and this is much more difficult for most than is originally presumed by individuals when they start such a journey. The prime reason for this is because most judge their experiences of the physical to be that which is real, and thus it is that one looks outside of oneself to have confirmation of one s inner truth, one s inner multidimensional nature, and this is not always forthcoming. The Power of the Imagination Because it is not evidenced in the expression of the external, many do reject this, for the process of growing within does involve the use of imagination. The Powers That Be have long understood the significance of the capacity of imagination to transcend current states of physical reality, and thus it is that those Powers That Be have over a long period of time corrupted the concept of imagination at the personal level. Many are taught and hold that the imagination is not a power at all, but a distraction. Many have heard, and even used the term, It is only in my imagination thus downplaying the significance of the power of imagination. This is particularly relevant when one is told by others, especially authority figures that, It is only your imagination! thus disqualifying the impact or importance of one s experience with the imagination. Children are often told this, that It is only your imagination! and thus it disqualifies their experience and they learn that the imagination is not significant, and that it is but a distraction. To access the inner plane, to travel in the multiple dimensionality of expanded consciousness requires the imagination coupled with intent and openness to receive what comes through the faculty of the imagination. As one learns to live with the imagination, to allow it to be the vehicle that can transport one into altered states of consciousness, whereupon they can receive insights, awareness, education and revelation, one will begin to value the imagination for the true power it is, the gift that it is and that it is Divine in nature. Therefore, in answer to this individual s question: use your imagination. Do not disqualify it. Do not dismiss it. Even though you cannot perhaps prove what you have seen in that realm of imagination, it is valid at the level of multidimensionality, at the level that exceeds the physical reality that so many are immersed in, even stuck in, and for all who wish to have experiences of their multidimensional nature, of parallel lines of reality, parallel lifetimes, alternate timelines, it is imperative that one becomes the master of the imagination and allows it to provide to them and for them the gifts of expanded consciousness and awareness. This completes this answer. Thank you. He goes on to ask if there are any specific techniques to achieve this, and he reckons that if a person were to fully engage in alternate expression of oneself, the person would be able to fully disengage the karma within the lifetime that the person is presently residing in, but that the person would have to

8 take on whatever karma that was created by the alternative personality, and if the alternative personality had accomplished good karma, then the karmic paradox is fully resolved and the person would benefit tremendously. What is your take on his phrasing? Is it correct? THERE IS A DIVINE PURPOSE TO KARMA It is not correct. It is not incorrect. It is simply a different perspective and there is some truth in what he is saying, but what this Awareness will say first and foremost is that there is a reason why one is having a Focus Personality experience of life, and within the context of that life there are reasons why karma exists. There is some indication in his approach that seems to suggest that one can avoid the lessons of karma and all that it can give by simply stepping into an alternate lifetime where perhaps the karma did not exist. It would then qualify that individual to have a karma-free life and to sidestep the paradox of karma. Yet there is no paradox in karma. It is a way by which the soul learns, a way to balance the situation of the soul through many lifetimes and many experiences. It is not simply about escaping one s karma. It is more about learning from one s karma, addressing the issues that are involved in karmic relationships with others, of using the opportunity for growth and expansion, and it is very much possible in a lifetime to deal with the karmic issues that one has brought into the physical life. This will progress the soul. To simply escape the life one is in by going into alternate parallel lifetimes is not entirely the answer. One could use this as a way of understanding and learning how a life could be without karma, and one could then return back into one s Focus Personality and use this information to address the karmic issues, to free oneself from one s karma, to expand, to grow and to develop into a more balanced individual who has dealt with the karma that was their purpose in the first place to experience in the lifetime. In this way, viewing a parallel life where there may have been a karma-free existence would be beneficial to the Focus Personality of the individual in this lifetime. It is not seen that it is the soul s intent to escape the lessons one has come into this world to learn, for there is a Divine Purpose to the lessons and to the soul s need for growth and development. This conjecture of this individual is intriguing and should be considered, but so should the understanding that karma is not punishment. It is not a burden. It is that which has been taken on by the soul that is choosing to have a Focus Personality lifetime to deal with issues that the soul has experienced in other incarnations along the way. Is this clear? THE FEAR OF LOSING YOUR SENSE OF INDIVIDUALITY BY MERGING WITH THE COLLECTIVE SOUL I think so. Thank you. Another question from NR is another multidimensionality question. If I engage with other aspects of myself, would that be me anymore? Would I retain all the memory and history of that other aspect personality of myself? 8 This is a question that is of great significance, for one of the primary concerns, even fears that many have is about the loss of one s individuality by merging back into the greater pool of consciousness. There are many who with such a fear avoid partaking in teachings and in lives that will bring this understanding and awareness to the forefront. One can understand that the soul is not seeking this experience and is therefore focusing on a more limited direct experiencing of a life, but for those who have been what this Awareness would call Spiritual Seekers and who have reached a certain stage, the question of the loss of one s individuality does arise and is significant. This Awareness will explain it by way of analogy. Imagine oneself as a drop of water. The individual drop is self-contained, and is individual, but when that drop of water enters into the ocean, it is dispersed somewhat, but this Awareness would ask one not to focus on the dispersion and the loss of individuality of the single raindrop, but to imagine rather that the raindrop still contains its form, but at the same time, fuses with the rest of the ocean, with all of the individual drops within the ocean. Thus, it is possible for the raindrop to know itself as the singular drop of moisture it was before entering into the pool of consciousness or the ocean of consciousness that it has entered. But at the same time, one can also expand one s consciousness to other droplets of water that are around them, and then can expand one s consciousness to the farthest reaches of the pool of consciousness, the ocean of consciousness that is the ocean. One can even understand oneself as the ocean, the individual having the ability thus to perceive and understand its whole being: the ocean itself. It is not that the individual is lost, the individual drop of water dispersed amongst the waters of the ocean, but rather the unique individuality of the individual becomes part of the greater collective and the individual has access to the greater collective as well as to its individual expression. This Awareness will also use an example from a modern science fiction series known as Deep Space Nine. In this series there is the individual Odo who is known as a Changeling. For many years he is unaware of his origin, from whence he comes his family if you will. Finally he is introduced to the Founders, who are his family of origin, who have sent him off to have certain unique experiences with the hope that he would eventually return to the collective, which he does. In his journey he has many unique experiences and defines himself as an individual, but finally he rejoins the collective of the Founders. He merges with all of that which is the collective grouping of consciousness that constitutes the Founders, his family, his Source if you will, his Soul Group. In that experience he knows all parts of the greater consciousness, the greater collective, yet he still reemerges from this pool of collective consciousness of the Founders to be again an unique individual expression. In the series he is in conflict with his individual self versus his sense of cohesion that he experienced while in the collective consciousness, but this is a matter of good drama at that level of science fiction that is so popular at this time. It is nonetheless a good analogy to use here. Each individual does seek to return as Odo did to his collective source and in this journey toward

9 merging again with one s collective nature, one goes through the developmental stage of wondering and questioning if one s individuality will be lost when one merges again with one s Soul Family, when one merges with Divine Multidimensional Consciousness. This Awareness can only say that it is not a loss, but a gain. The individual consciousness is still there and can always be accessed, but so too can the collective realization of one s greater being be realized and understood. This completes the answer to this question at this time. CAC General Reading May 20, 2013, Will Berlinghof Interpreter; Zoey Zen energizer and questioner RITUAL BLOOD SACRIFICE: THE ASSASSINATION OF JOHN F. KENNEDY, ROBERT KENNEDY AND LADY DIANA This is a follow-up from RH of Tucson Arizona. His question is, Does it remain true that John F. Kennedy himself was not shot, but his double was shot, and that the person John F. Kennedy was allowed to live out the rest of his life in obscurity? This is one of the popular myths that arose after the entity known as John F. Kennedy was assassinated. It is seen that this is not so, and that the entity that was John F. Kennedy was indeed assassinated on the streets of Dallas on that day several decades ago. This Awareness says that it must be remembered that those who are in control are often of a satanic nature, and in this case, a blood sacrifice was required for the purpose of their plans their machinations of events, so that they could install the being of Lyndon B. Johnson to the presidency, who was more in alignment with the Powers That Be at that time. John F. Kennedy, although he was from what could be considered an Elite family, was not fully operating with the plans of the Powers That Be, and was starting to develop his own plan for the nation and the people of the United States of America. In this, he was united with his brother Bobby, Robert Kennedy, and the two of them were a splinter in the side of the Power Elite structure, the Cabal of Power, and it was needed that they be eliminated so that they would not be an obstruction. This too suited the needs for a blood sacrifice in a way that was a message to others who were being used, and are used by those who are behind the scenes and have the true power. Princess Diana Spencer was another such blood sacrifice. She too was becoming a splinter in the side of the Powers That Be, especially the royal Windsor family, and again, it was required that a sacrifice be made to the Dark Ones the gods they worship, and she too was assassinated in a ritualistic manner at a site that was the Merovingian place of sacrifice, the grottos under the streets of Paris, the location where the goddess Diana was worshiped. These two assassinations were particularly noteworthy in the sense that it sent a message to others of the Elite not to go against them, not to buck the system, and at the same time, it fulfilled the needs of those in power who work at the darker edge of that which is the way of things for them. 9 This way of things does involve ritualistic sacrifice, but this is often hidden away in dark secret chambers. The ones that are sacrificed are usually nondescript individuals, of no great importance, and they are often missing individuals and children that were once called the Milk Carton Kids. These ritualistic sacrifices do continue, but occasionally there is need to sacrifice one that is from the Elite background, especially if they are not in full participation with the plans of those who are in control. John F. Kennedy s family was part of the Elite, and the plan was for the older brother of John F. Kennedy to acquire power and serve the Elite. This failed when he died and as a result, John F. Kennedy became the substitute for him, but he was not always in agreement or alignment with the plans of the Powers That Be, and he began to resist them, and introduced different plans, for example, taking the production of the money of the United States away from the Federal Reserve Board and creating true government money. This was one of the reasons why he also was targeted. He was simply getting too big for his britches, as the saying goes, and by assassinating him, it was felt that a strong message would be put out to others who are servants to those Dark Ones. His brother Robert Kennedy also was seen to be one they could not marshal or control and in his bid for the candidacy for the President of the United States he grew in popularity and importance as a true candidate that could win the election, and so the action of the assassination of this man was carried out. These individuals walk a thin line and afterwards, those who follow did know that they had very little power to act on their own, this being of course the presidential candidate and the elected officials at higher levels who are on the whole servants to those demonic ones. This was achieved through the political assassination of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and later, Lady Diana. This completes the answer at this time. AGAIN: DON T FEAR THE LOSS OF INDIVIDUALITY WHEN MERGING WITH THE DIVINE Thank you Awareness for that sobering information. The next question is from NR, from United Kingdom, and his follow-up question is, If I engage with other aspects of myself, would that be me anymore? Would I retain all the memory and history of that other aspect personality of myself in the multidimensional timeline? (Ed s note: You are not hallucinating. This is the same question that was asked in the last reading. But Awareness sees it from a slightly different perspective.) This is an intriguing and important question, for many are afraid of losing their individuality when they merge their individual consciousness into the collective consciousness of their own soul and beyond. Many feel that they would lose themselves and this is a deeply implanted unconscious fear that many have who begin to walk the Path of Enlightenment. This is something that one must finally confront for in the end, it is an important issue, for many will not move forward if they are unconsciously afraid they will lose themselves in the pursuit of enlightenment.

10 For this reason, many never commence the journey for they have not developed at the soul level to the point where they can understand they already exist beyond their individual consciousness, their focus of personality. Nothing is actually lost when one engages with their expanded persona, their Soul Personality in full expression. What is also so, is that as one connects to their own aspects of being, their own expressions of the soul in the various forms that it is presented, that there is an expansion of their individuality. They become more than the small Focus Personality, and become the large, grand or even great Soul Personality. This is part of spiritual progression and it is needed, so that one does not refrain from spiritual development because of a fear of losing their individuality. As this Awareness explained previously, it is as if the drop of water that has fallen from the rain has rejoined the ocean of consciousness. It merges with the larger ocean of consciousness, but still retains an individual focus and can shift from the individual focus to the collective focus as it wishes. Mostly the understanding that one is part of the greater collective becomes the precedent for the focus of consciousness, but when there is need to remember the individual focus, it is most certainly still available. The irony here is that the individual is often afraid of becoming their greater self and holds themselves as small beings, and not the large infinite being they truly are. It is quite similar to a child that does not want to grow up because it sees adults and maturity as something where there will be a loss of their own individual nature as a child being innocent and being free. It is impossible to hold back the maturing process, but often many do not fully ascribe to the purpose of the mature adult being, and remain children, even though they are adults, even though they are mature beings. This does not normally work, and those who refuse to grow up will often encounter many problems in their lifetimes that could have been avoided had they truly accepted that the natural order is to grow into understanding and awareness, and greater maturity. This of course is part of their plan or purpose in life, and when they return through the death experience back into the greater soul, they do bring back the experiences they had by holding such a stance. But returning back into the soul is the automatic reemerging with the greater collective soul, and with this merging, the truth is always understood and the life can be reviewed and be seen for what it was. The purpose of spiritual evolution is to reach such understanding while in physicality and therefore, instead of resisting the expansive process of connecting to and being part of a collective whole, the individuals who resist will have their unique experiences which in themselves lead the soul and thus the Divine to greater understanding and experiences. Eventually, through the course of many incarnations the individual soul begins to understand its greater nature and there will eventually be willingness to participate in the truth of their being and not in the illusion of individuality. The individual focus is always necessary so that the soul can have the various experiences that any life will give it, but the ultimate goal is to evolve to a higher state in physical consciousness so that the merging with the collective soul is not a fearful event to be avoided, but something to be looked forward to, something to motivate one s continual growth and 10 development as a spiritually evolving focus of the soul, a Focus Personality. Is that clear? LORD GREG HALLETT AND THE BRITISH MONARCHY Is His Information Correct? Yes. Thank you Cosmic Awareness. Our next question is from EK, and he states he recently came across Lord Greg Hallett, and his information about the history of the British monarchy., and he would like to know if this information is reliable or correct. One projection on the website is Mafia, Blackmail and New Zealand Government; Clinton and the Illegitimate British Monarchy; the History of the Illegitimate British Monarchy; the True King of England versus the Incumbent Royal Bastards; Laws of Succession Try to Subvert the Legitimate Claim to the Throne; The Abdication of Queen Elizabeth II; that is some of the information. Generally speaking the information that is provided on this site has legitimacy and accuracy. There has always been a power struggle between those who are the legitimate heirs to sovereignty and power versus those who are considered not to be legitimate. But this Awareness will also add that the ones that are known as the legitimate heirs to the crown and to the throne are simply another faction of those who are behind the power, for ultimately humanity is not subject to the control and power of the ruling Elite Families. The ones who are truly in charge and in power, whether they call themselves legitimate or not are connected still to the Powers That Be. The ultimate connection, the ultimate apex of the pyramid does not lie in human families that claim to be Divine Rulers, but rather in the realms of the extraterrestrial Orions and Reptilians that lie behind, above and at the top of the structure. These ones often are in conflict with various factions within the family, thus it is for example, that the Rothschild Elite do not always agree with the Rockefeller Elite and there have been many battles between these two factions. In the end, both belong to the Orion/Reptilians and these internal battles are only to determine which faction is in greater power. Thus, to claim that the Queen is illegitimate and that there is a True King avoids the understanding that both are playing from the Shadow Realm. The only True King, the only True Sovereignty is the kingship or leadership that one finds within, connected to their higher spiritual nature. The only True Sovereignty is when one realizes that one is not subject to earthly rule at all, but only to Divine Rule. Spiritual Sovereignty Means Being True to Your Higher Self An individual is Spirit in nature, and not subject to the rulership of those who claim themselves to be the legitimate rulers. In the scheme of things it is part of the spiritual evolutionary process to come to the realization that one is indeed sovereign in oneself, and not subject to the rules of those who have been designated as the leaders, be they elected officials or those who claim birthright due to their background and

11 their connection to the royal bloodline they claim is all important. When one has a true spiritual connection, one is always guided to Right Action and Right Belief. When one gives over their power, when one is limited in their awareness, when one is kept asleep to the truth of their own spiritual sovereignty, they will follow the dictates of the land, of the nation, of the controllers. Ultimately, this website does provide interesting and challenging information that is largely accurate, but again this Awareness does state that it is still the controllers that are being talked about and who are being shown, and it is only in a limited way that they are being shown. Remember always to look to one s own inner sovereignty and to claim this inner sovereignty before abdicating to the rules of others and the rulership of others. This completes this answer. AFTER VIEWING AN EDGAR CAYCE SPECIAL, SHE DREAMED OF DISASTROUS EARTHQUAKES Thank you Cosmic Awareness. The next question is from PSE, and it concerns dreams. After viewing an Edgar Cayce special on television, she had a disturbing dream. She physically experienced the fear, the panic, the disappearance, and the death of people who were involved with several disasters related to earthquakes on the East and West coast. She told her daughter they needed to leave the area, being prepared with survival goods, and the need to go to higher ground was very strong. She woke up and then spent the rest of the night holding a small planet earth in her arms, kissing it and saying she loved it. Are there any comments on her dream in the sense that it was a possible scenario on one of the upcoming timelines? This Awareness has always spoken of multiple timelines. The entity Edgar Cayce did view some of those timelines, the ones where there were natural upheavals and geophysical disasters, and was able to express these so that humanity could be shown possible timelines. In her dreaming state she picked up on the energies of Edgar Cayce and his predictions, and pulled them through and saw and experienced these radical earth changes. This Awareness has spoken many times of such events and unfortunately, often individuals reading the words of this Awareness will believe that this is the singular timeline of events. There is a human need to be limited and constricted so that one cannot be overwhelmed with multiple choices, but ultimately, as this Awareness also states continuously, there are many timelines to choose from, and to focus on one timeline or a series of timelines that are similar in nature is likely to funnel one into the experiencing of such events. While it was important for this individual to truly perceive and see those timelines that could lead to such major earth changes, they were not and are not the only timelines. She is now aware that there are these scenarios, these timelines that many have seen and many focus upon where dramatic earth changes occur, but this Awareness says there are also other 11 timelines where the earth changes are not so dramatic and where the planet does pursue a different course of events where the absolute catastrophic event that many have seen, including Edgar Cayce, do not fulfill themselves, and do not play out. One also needs to understand that these are times where great changes are occurring, not only geophysical changes, but changes in humanity itself, in the political, economic, social and religious fields. These upheavals in some way can be as dramatic as the physical changes of Mother Earth as she shifts in her body and moves around, so to speak, creating these catastrophic events. There is seen by this Awareness many timelines of great upheaval and great discord. Despite this, this Awareness would still say to one and to all: Stay focused in a personal way to your own timeline, and to what you would wish to experience. Imagine that which you would wish to experience, and focus on the positive, not the negative. Realize that as a spiritual being you have the right to choose the exact life experiences that you have. You can choose in a conscious and directed way or an unconscious undirected way, where you allow the predictions and the machinations of others to form your reality, judging your reality not on what you create from within, but rather on the external, on the events that are happening around you, or that are being brought into your home via your television, via your Internet, via your newspapers, etcetera. It is the most difficult thing of all to see what is happening around you and not be drawn into it, to understand that you are having an experience that you are still in control of, even if seemingly things are falling apart all around you. Remember also that the evolutionary process of humanity and of Mother Earth upon which humanity resides, has come to a critical point of great shift and great change and that there are those timelines that have been seen by this Awareness and that have been spoken of by this Awareness that indicate a bright and grand future, a different world, and the evolution of humanity to a higher understanding and to a higher level of responsibility. However, there are also those timelines that this Awareness can see whereby individuals do not step into the responsibility of their own spiritual evolution, maintain that they are victims to the circumstances of their lives, and of their nation and of the planet. These are the more negative Planet B scenarios that have been spoken of by this Awareness. The Planet A scenarios are those where individuals have awoken to their higher spiritual natures and are given choices as to whether they would stay on what this Awareness has called Planet A, or to be involved with the continual evolutionary process of Mother Earth and humanity and come back to experience physicality on Planet A/B which is progressing towards a universal evolution of humanity. There are many at this time that have chosen this option but are still largely unaware of their greater expanded consciousness, and yet are beginning to awaken to this more and more. At the same time this still remains a period when the old energies are still also in play. It is a process, and not simply a singular event where all will change instantly overnight because of a single day, such as the Ascension event of December 21 st, It is therefore a very confusing time for many who are trying to access their own sovereignty, their own connection to their Higher Being and are still looking

12 at the world around them as being the truth of the matter, and because those who are in control are still trying to ensure as many of the timelines as possible go to them, they do need to understand that the events that are unfolding around them are still part of the old energies that they are still tied into. They must choose to disbelieve the external events and focus on the creation of their own timeline of experience away from the types of predictions and expectations that are still held largely by humanity itself, especially controlled humanity. Therefore, this individual in her dreaming was tying in to those timelines where such upheaval on the geophysical level can occur. She is right to be aware, but it is erroneous to energize these events as that which will be happening instead of simply viewing these as possible timelines that she is choosing not to follow; to be aware yes, but not to follow, not to energize. There is yet another level to this and for those who have such experiences and such dreams, to realize that for whatever reason, the soul plan is to experience this, and despite the experiences of such upheaval, to hold faith that all is still moving forward and that with the death throes of society, of civilization, of the planet even with such dramatic events, it is simply a clearing away of the old that their soul and their Focus Personality have chosen to experience. They have within them the capacity to change things up so that they do not necessarily come under a direct experience of cataclysm or destruction, or they could skirt it or avoid the deepest most powerful ramifications if they do find themselves within such upheaval, but also remember always that there is choice, and that the soul itself has made its plans for the individual experience of the soul to have. This individual has seen a timeline. Now it is her responsibility to choose which way she will go with this. This applies to one and all to look at one s life and the experiences one is having as challenges to change things, to accept one s deeper power and sovereignty and to refocus oneself or not. This is the ultimate gift the Divine has given to the individual expressions of the soul having physical experiences, for ultimately the Divine knows that all will return back to It, back into the nature of Spirit and will view all timeline events as those experiences that they chose to have. While one is in the physical realm it is often hard to remember this, and one focuses on the events around them and becomes immersed in them, overwhelmed by them, forgetting the truth of their being, forgetting they have the right to focus their lives in a way where they will not necessarily experience totally that which is projected, that which is planned, or that which is predicted. In the end, each individual is still going through the process of awakening to the greatest truth of their being and there are very many stages and points along the way that will bring challenges, but also opportunities to choose differently, to choose from that which is the internal understanding and awareness of their own personal soul experience, versus the collective and mass-experience that is projected outwards that so many tie into. This completes this answer at this time. 12 CROP CIRCLES OF THE DEEP? Thank you Awareness. Our next question is from LK. He is asking a question about crop circles of the deep. Off the Southern coast of Japan, there are circular designs made in the sand approximately 6 feet in diameter that remind people of crop circles seen in places such as London. Underwater photographer, Yoji Ookata first noticed the curiously intricate circles while diving off of the Southern Coast of Japan. They were so carefully constructed they could not possibly be the result of wave patterns. Were they the work of ocean aliens? It turns out the answer was really quite simple. A little fish did it for love. Yoji discovered that the underwater sculptures were created by a small male puffer fish. The organic mandala is an invitation to female puffer fish to come mate with the creator of the mystery circle. The females are attracted to the carefully sculpted circles and swim the hills and valleys until they come across the artist, and then the female lays her eggs in the center of the circle and the male fertilizes them, and they think the patterns of this sculpture aren t merely for decoration. They protect the delicate eggs from motion currents and potential predators. And his question is Can Awareness say how a fish knows how to make this temporary design in the sand to attract female fish? How does the male fish know how to make this design? The fish does not know how to make these designs. It is rather responding to underlying designs that lie beneath the sands themselves in that region, for it is seen that this is a region of great antiquity where the extraterrestrial ones resided hundreds of thousands of years ago, and the designs that they used were universal in nature and were energy collectors, or ways by which the geomancy of the land, the lines of power, the flow of energies in the land itself could be directed and focused. There are many such designs under the surface of the sea bottom and these fish feel the energy of these designs that still are emanating from below the surface of the sea and they are simply following the energy lines that their bodies are sensing and feeling and create on the surface of the sea bottom. The females also respond to these designs and enter into them so that they can lay their eggs that are then fertilized. There is an amount of protection due to the burrows and ridges and troughs that are created as the male fish creates the design in the sand, but this is not the reason they make these designs. They are simply responding to the designs underneath the surface. In some ways these designs are those similar to mandalas that also used lines and geometry and design to focus energy and to focus consciousness. These patterns are very ancient in nature and have been handed down through the ages to be expressed as mandalas at a later period in other ways as well. The fish here are simply responding to the energy patterns of these ancient designs and it works for them to perpetuate their species in this way. This completes this answer.

13 The Ancient Designs Have Extraterrestrial Origins Thank you Awareness. From whence do the ancient designs come? Is there any information at this time about the source of these designs? They are extraterrestrial in nature, from a time when extraterrestrial beings lived openly on the planet and had settlements and communities. There are those known as the Galactic Federation beings that had settlements on ancient earth. There are those known as the Anunnaki, who are the Reptilian/Orion ones, and these also had settlements, and there is much evidence of battles between these ones, and battles amongst the Anunnaki themselves, between Enlil and the forces of Enlil versus the forces of Enki. These settlements were all over the planet, even in areas that are now uninhabited and inhospitable to human occupation, but at those times, hundreds of thousands of years ago, the planet was quite different and great cities and towns, great settlements did appear and were used and have since fallen under the oceans and been covered over by the sands, and it is this that now stands to be the case on the planet. Thus when individuals discover evidence of old settlements that lie beneath the oceans and under the desert sands, the speculation is very prevalent and enticing, but the authorities that are still in charge would still deny the truth of the history of the planet and keep one and all ignorant. Still, the evidence is there and much more is being uncovered and will be uncovered in the times ahead on many of the timelines, thus finally connecting modern humanity with its very ancient roots. This Awareness wishes to add that there are structures on the surface of the planet where the contour of the planet itself has been altered over great areas and now appear to be natural contours in the landscape, yet when viewed from above by one who can see the patterns, it is obvious there has been actual manipulation of the ground itself, of the earth, the streams, the rivers, and even the lakes and oceans to some degree in some areas that now make such sites unrecognizable to those who are living on such sites. One such site is Glastonbury in Summerset, England; the famous Glastonbury Tor, the hill itself was shaped by ones that had such technology hundreds of thousands of years ago, and the earth shaping did not simply focus on Glastonbury Tor, but on the full area for miles and miles around. The course of rivers were changed, hills formed in areas where they were not there previously, and all of this can only be truly seen from above by a trained eye. There are other sites where greater movement of landmasses occurred, shaping of the physical surface achieved for the purpose of creating from above those places where one could see from above design and expression of purpose. Various purposes were served in this way. The lines of Nazca on the edge of the Peruvian country were guiding lines for extraterrestrial vehicles. There are other such guiding lines and areas where through the movement and shaping of the surface of the earth, energy could be harnessed as well. These are all elements that the Old Ones, the Ancient Ones worked with in their time. Although 13 most have been lost, now they are starting to be recovered. ROBERT SHAPIRO & THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL EXPLORERS Thank you Awareness. The next question is from JD, and it concerns the channel Robert Shapiro who channeled things on the Explorer Race. The entity Robert Shapiro was in connection with those known as the Explorers, who were and are an extraterrestrial faction that are communicating through 4 th dimension at this time. There is relevant information, but there is also misinformation that is provided through these channelings. One can read this individual s challenging information and make one s own decision, but remember always that there is misinformation and misdirection also involved. Therefore, do not simply take as gospel truth all that the entity Robert Shapiro has channeled, but be open and questioning of it. The individual himself is seen to be one who was earnest in his efforts and in his intent and trusted implicitly what he received. This can be a mistake sometimes, but the importance here is not so much that he was mistaken, but that he did allow information to come through that had much validity but is also being used to misdirect. Now the individuals who read his material have the obligation and responsibility to judge this material not simply as the truth, but as information that has some relevancy, but does need always to be queried and questioned. This Awareness is complete. Awareness, would you care to comment at this time on why and by whom the misinformation was given along with the true word teachings? The clue this Awareness gave a moment ago is that it is coming from the 4 th dimension. Those controllers of this planet at this time, those Powers That Be have their root in 4 th dimensional reality. The Orion/ Reptilian leaders come from the 4 th dimension where there is no element of time and what is available is the multiplicity of the timelines that one can see and work with. These ones who speak of the 4 th dimension, who offer it as the goal are often those who are manipulators and the misdirectors. Therefore, those who call themselves the Explorers, in claiming to have 4 th dimensional origin are showing themselves as those who have a vested interest to misdirect as many into the negative timelines as possible. Generally speaking, when a channeled source speaks of the 4 th dimension as where humanity, for example, is going, and states that it is the highest level that they can reach, they are themselves being manipulated and used to create such misdirection for the many who are following their channeling, their information and advice. There can always be useful information that is drawn, even from shadow sources as long as one remembers that the true and highest connection is not only to the 4 th dimension, but also to the 5 th and beyond.

14 A true spiritual evolutionary process will take one to the higher dimensional levels and not deposit them simply in the 4 th dimension, which all can access quite easily in the dream state. Because so many are so focused on a 3 rd dimensional level of consciousness, those who come forward and claim to have information channeled to them by entities from the 4 th dimension are readily believed and followed, but the true challenge here is to simply be open and aware of such information and look deeper, look farther, look higher than 4 th dimension. When 4 th dimensionality is cited as the goal and the ultimate, one generally can use this as a clue to the ones that are presenting this being misinformers, whether consciously or unconsciously, whether they are truly participating or are being used. Many who work from this level who are channeling sources from this level are not intentional in their misdirection, but they do not understand that they are being used and they are a source of misinformation. Robert Shapiro is one of these individuals. It is seen that his intent is relatively good, but the effect of this information can most definitely misalign an individual from seeking the higher truth to their own being, can misalign them from their own inner connection, and they thus believe and create the information that Explorers are giving. Is this clear? Yes. Thank you very much. This will be of great benefit to the membership I believe. Even though this can be of great benefit, many would still believe such individuals, for what they offer is alluring and fits many people s perceptions of a good life scenario, of a good course of human development and it is very hard sometimes to let go of that which pleases one s sensibility or a sense of rightness in themselves as to the spiritual evolution of humanity. Remember always to judge matters in line with one s own self, one s own spiritual pursuit for the Highest Awareness. Those from the lower dimension, the 4 th dimension, even though it exceeds 3 rd dimensional consciousness, are not here to serve those seekers who are seeking to connect with their Divine Nature, their multidimensional natures. They are here to manipulate and control as many as they can to timelines where they will still be in charge. The matter here is that those from the 4 th dimension who have for so long had free access to timelines have reached an impasse, a blockage to what lies beyond this shifting time. They do not know the future any longer and therefore, as gamblers in Vegas covering their bets, are covering as many options as possible, to bring as many into their sphere of influence to continue their domination, come what may, after the completion of these changes which themselves are long and drawn out. December 21 st 2012 was the day that they could not see beyond. They could see options and possibilities, but they no longer had the exact plans. They could no longer see the future with the exactitude they once could achieve. They could not see the timelines they were controlling as to how it would turn out, and as this Awareness has said, have chosen to cover as many bets as possible to ensure that on the Other Side of the Ascension Event they would still have power. 14 This power will be achieved on the many timelines that constitute the Planet B scenarios that this Awareness has so often talked about. What is important is whether or not individuals can see through this and choose another reality, where they do not subject themselves to the manipulations of those timeline bandits who have for so long used 4 th dimensionality as a way to eclipse the events on Planet Earth in its 3 rd dimensional state of consciousness, to misdirect, to mislead, and to be in control and in charge because they knew what was coming and who would be the players. These certainties that were once available to those of the 4 th dimension are no longer available. They are without, for the first time in eons, a clear knowing of what lies ahead, and thus cannot completely control and manipulate the future of the planet and of humanity to their liking. Still, they try. Still, they cover their bets. Still, they proceed forward as if they will never be held accountable for their actions over the many eons. This is their weakness and their failing, but in the end it is still the responsibility of each individual in their spiritual journey as to whether or not they wish to go along for the ride or to take a new ride, to take a new path and to move forward in a new way that has never before been experienced. Is this clear? He Looks into the Sky and says, When Are You Going to Come Get Me? Yes. A personal comment by JD is that he often feels like he is not in my time and he looks up at the night skies and has the feeling of saying, When are you going to come and get me? Many are having such experiences. Many have an inner knowing of their Higher Being, the multidimensional being, of their origins not only their spiritual origins, but also their extraterrestrial origins. There are many on the planet now whom this Awareness would call Star Beings, who have agreed, who have volunteered to be in the physical and on the planet during these most interesting and challenging times, to help hold the energies of expanded consciousness, and to help the energies to form and formulate that which will move humanity forward. These volunteers, these Star Beings often know at that subliminal unconscious level that there are others up there who are part of their extraterrestrial families of origin, and there is often a feeling of abandonment for those who are the frontline troops on the planet, who have come here to help hold the energies and promote the energies of spiritual evolution and awakening, but do so largely from an unconscious level. Therefore, the paradox is that one has an unconscious knowing of one s origins and one s spiritual connection to the extraterrestrial beings that are above, and yet one is still unconscious of their truth and of themselves. It is a deep racial cellular knowing that is held that must be brought eventually to the surface to full consciousness, where one can truly understand and accept that they are stellar beings, Star Beings who have volunteered to be here at this time despite the oppressive nature to them of being in a lower density consciousness, for most come from an expanded

15 consciousness, from a 5 th dimensional and upward consciousness. To be in 3 rd dimensionality is not only oppressive, but also soul-destroying for the many sensitive beings who are volunteering, who are here on the front lines, who are holding their position and working from within to help the process of spiritual evolution that the planet and humanity are undergoing at this time. This individual in looking upwards to the sky has a deep knowing within that there are brothers and sisters in the many ships in the skies above who he is connected to and that he is wishing in a way to be relieved from his burden that is so heavy and oppressive, and to return home to his family, back to the stars once again, from which he emanates. Many have this sense, this feeling and connection. This Awareness says to all who have such thoughts and such feelings, Be patient. Know that you have chosen these roles, these assignments, and that you have volunteered and have chosen to remain unconscious of them so that you can survive this physical reality that you are experiencing. Had you had a greater awareness and still could not be extracted from your post because you needed to fulfill the service you pledged yourself for, it would have been a most destructive way to try to live. It is, in actuality, a form of protection to those who volunteered, to be unconscious, so that the pain of the heart and soul that they were experiencing and are experiencing is not even greater. Yet there is the deep frustration held by so many Star Beings who know from within they are part of something greater and yet are stuck on a planet that is so offensive to them, so destructive to their being, so oppressive to their soul. Ultimately, this Awareness can only applaud all of those Star Beings who have volunteered for these most dangerous assignments, and who are here to help the spiritual evolution of humanity and Mother Earth, as ones who are of great courage and great heart. For those who look up at night to the stars and wish to be taken home, it will occur for you, but perhaps not as quickly as you would like. Simply be patient and know that you have chosen this. You have volunteered because of an awareness of something greater, even though that awareness may not be as prevalent or as profound in this physical reality, it lies deep within you. Drawing this knowing up, remember from within who you truly are and understand that the service you are providing is of great merit and great benefit, not only to humanity, not only to Mother Earth, but to the Divine Itself, and It praises you one and all for your courage, your devotion and your dedication. IS THERE AN UNDERGROUND BUNKER BENEATH THE WHITE HOUSE FOR THE SURVIVAL OF THE RULING ELITE? Thank you. This is from CW, from Canton, Ohio, and she wants to know if under the White House is a room stuffed with food, water, medicine, and telecommunication equipment, everything to survive a nuclear attack, unless a bomb struck it directly. She believes this was constructed during World War II by the Roosevelt administration. She thinks it is guarded by military personnel, the State Department and the CIA, and she wishes to know what else is there that they are guarding. 15 This bunker does exist under the White House and was constructed during that period of conflict that was known as World War II as a contingency plan in the event that a ship or planes would ever bomb Washington DC. It was not constructed for the later purposes of survival under more extreme attacks or geophysical catastrophe. To this purpose there are those underground cities that exist where the president and family and leaders of the nation would be extracted to for their survival, but this bunker that is being asked about is still in place in case something happens whereby there is a strike against the capitol and against the White House. It is only seen as a temporary solution and the planners would not use this for anything but an extreme emergency that was unexpected, but as they are the controllers and the planners, there is not much that they do not expect or know will happen. This is but a temporary emergency location, more in the event of certain natural catastrophes occurring that would perhaps threaten the president and family and certain leaders in a way that they must be sheltered from immediately to be extracted later to underground bunkers, if they did not get there first. The underground bunkers, rather being the underground locations that have been constructed for the Elite that exist throughout the United States and in other areas around the world. This completes this answer. THE COSMIC WRITINGS OF WALTER RUSSELL, CIRCA 1920 Thank you. The next question is from DS, and his question concerns the validity of teaching by Dr. Walter Russell from the 1920 s who had a 39 day and night cosmic illumination, and Dr. Russell s writings concern The Way, the principle of rhythmic balance interchange, in all our dealings with each other and with nature. Would Awareness please comment? What is seen by this Awareness is that this individual in his revolutionary and revelatory theme of the interconnections between all things, understood the deep underlying interconnections that exist not only between each and every human being, but to all the creatures of Mother Earth, be they plant, vegetable or animals. Even the mineral world was seen by him to have its own rhythms and cycles. In his revelationary experience he came to understand with the deepest degree of his being how important it was to live in harmony and in unity. This is the nature of his message: to live in such harmony and unity with all expressions of Mother Earth herself. There is much merit in his writings and his philosophies. This completes this answer. HOW CAN WE CHANGE INGRAINED BELIEFS? Thank you. RB of San Antonio, Texas, sent in a question that is so important we thought it should be asked again. Awareness has said that it is our beliefs that primarily govern our life and what we create? How does one change ingrained beliefs?

16 One changes ingrained beliefs by first identifying these ingrained beliefs. The real problem is that often these beliefs are held so strongly that one cannot even see them for what they are. One is subject to all the indoctrination from their lives and in their lives from the earliest moment. This not only includes the personal indoctrination process each individual goes through, it also includes societal indoctrination of a historical nature as well as historical indoctrination from the past. In other words, one is the subject of all that went before in humanity itself and its collective experience that is still interpreted in a linear manner. Thus one does not see that perhaps in this moment one is in a point of power for their own lives and their own decisions in life, but rather subject to what came before that dictates the choices they must make. During the war, the Japanese had a philosophy that preached it was a divine and sacred right to commit that action of self-sacrifice that Kamikaze pilots would do on behalf of the glory of their empire. They believed that to die in such a way would be an exalted death and one that would serve their nation. This is a cultural indoctrination that they held to, and there are still those who still believe similarly. Many terrorist acts are committed by those who believe, due to their social/historical indoctrination that they will receive on the Other Side great reward for their acts of terrorism, but this is an indoctrination, and many will never ask if this is correct or not, for they have simply accepted this as their truth, and this is why it is sometimes so difficult when one has accepted an historical precedent, an historical truth as being valid to see it is not valid, but it is simply what has been accepted by the individual. Many, for example, in the United States believe their political leaders are there for their benefit and their good, that they lead the nation wisely and impartially, working for the people and not causes and corporations that have power, but this belief is erroneous. To hold such a belief will continue to put power into the hands of those who use their position for the corporate entities and conglomerate beings that have true power and not for the actual people of the United States of America. For many, to even begin to question this is upsetting and they will react often very violently in opposition to anyone who would state this to be so. They are unwilling to look at the deeper truth of the matter, which is why so many can be controlled and misled. They have an inherent belief that is based on their historical indoctrination of freedom and liberty. These principles are of the greatest nature and are spiritual truths, but what is occurring is the corruption of these spiritual truths by those with hidden agendas. By not having a willingness to look deeply and ask if it is so that one s political leaders are indeed serving them, including of course the people, that they would then stand up if they do question, but they do not question. It is inherent in them to believe this myth of liberty and freedom that has been so sabotaged and derailed. This is but an example of how one can hold an indoctrination so deeply within them that they can never see that this is but a belief that they hold. Ultimately what is required is that all sacred cows must be questioned. All beliefs about all facets and aspects of life should be questioned. 16 This not only includes the political, but the religious, the societal and the global as well. It includes the belief that eating certain foods will benefit, especially those foods that are light in nature. The deception around food is great indeed, but many individuals believe that they are eating healthily because they have been indoctrinated to believe this. How many, for example, would accept that eating fat and oil is good for an individual, when the society itself has been programmed to believe that fat in food is bad? Those fats that are good for one promote the neural activity of the mind and the brain in particular, yet it is the current belief now that cream, butter, and fat are bad for individuals, and is what puts pounds on, et cetera, et cetera. This Awareness could go on and on. It simply wishes to say that unless one is willing to look at the sacred cows of their beliefs that they hold, they will not truly see the deepest truth in all matters, and it is a willingness to look at those very things they most believe in as being fundamentally correct and right without ever even questioning them, that must now be brought to the surface to be questioned, to be reviewed, to be looked at. Is this clear? Yes it is. This is a question from SP in Charleston, West Virginia, about concepts in the books, The Ringing Cedars series, and the information concerning holding seeds to be grown for food in one s mouth, then these are spit out, and one breathes on them before holding them in their hands and offering them up to the universe and then planting them. She wants to know if this is valid, and also is the concept that any food consumed and paid for with money loses its nutritional value, as it is not consumed out of love, but for profit. THE IMPORTANCE OF GIVING THANKS TO THE ANIMALS AND PLANTS THAT YOU EAT This Awareness will address the latter question first. Unless an individual grows their own food or raises their own livestock to be used for food, one must buy food or at the very least barter for it, but this is still not available to most. Therefore, one must buy the food and must use money to purchase the food. There is indeed the profit element involved, and most farmers would say to you that what they receive for the food is much lower than what is gained by the multinational corporations that go on to process the food or to sell the products in the supermarkets and department stores. However, this Awareness says that for most people there is no other choice than to buy their food and there is nothing wrong with this. It does not degrade the quality of the food itself, but it does introduce an interesting consideration. One often buys the food, be it vegetables or meat or fowl or whatever, without ever considering from whence the food comes, and what is involved, and the creatures that have given their life up to feed those who are consuming the flesh of the beast. Often individuals go to their local supermarket and simply fill their shopping cart with no appreciation or understanding of the sacrifice, the giveaway of the animal or the plants or the fruit that they are putting into their shopping cart. Furthermore, they go home and prepare the steak or boil the vegetables and sit

17 down to consume them with no gratitude, no thanksgiving. It would help tremendously before consuming the food that one has prepared that one offers a prayer of gratitude to the creatures that have given their lives, that are on the plate, that the meat be blessed and thanks given to the vegetables, to the grains and to the other things on the plate that come from a living conscious entity that is Mother Earth. When one gives from this level and understands the interconnection of all, then one energizes the food and sanctifies it, and sends back energies to the plants and animals that are part of the giveaway so that humans can survive. This understanding was once a dominant understanding in humanity, but with the industrial revolution, with the separation away from nature and the cycles and interconnection of nature, much of this has been lost. Many will give a prayer to God for that which lies in front of them, and this is of benefit, but do include also the plants and animals that have given themselves for one s nourishment and well-being. This will create an energetic connection to those very plants and animals that one is eating. Money to purchase them so that one can survive is the way it is done at this time. Remember also that money is energy. One has worked for the money they then use to purchase the products that they will consume. This energy is also part of an exchange, and if one does add to this the giving of thanks and gratitude to the plants and animals that one is consuming at the table, then one will find that they are in much more balanced interaction with the foodstuffs that they consume. Is this clear? Energizing Seeds For Planting Yes. Would it be of benefit to energize seeds for planting by holding them in one s mouth and then putting them into one s hand and holding them up to the Divine before planting them? It would be of benefit, for this would be part of that reconnecting with the forces of nature, with the seeds that one is about to plant and grow and eventually harvest. By putting the seeds in one s mouth, this adds the Water of Life to these seeds. By holding them in one s upraised hands one is reconnecting with the forces of Mother Earth, with nature. By even understanding the rhythms of the moon cycles, one begins to come back into the natural cycles. It was once the practice, for example, to plant only at the time of the new moon new beginnings, new enterprise, but this too has been lost. While most would consider such actions as the height of folly, of insanity and craziness, it is not at all. It is a rekindling of that inner connection with Mother Earth, with nature. One can indeed do these actions, but there are other ways as well. For example, it may not be practical to put all the seeds one is to plant in one s mouth. One could, for example, sprinkle the seeds with water that signifies the giving of the gift of the Water of Life, and then distribute the seeds. One does not necessarily need to hold all the seeds in the hands, to lift them up to receive the blessings of Mother Earth. One could have the seeds in a bin or bucket and simply raise one s hands above the seeds upwards, as a benediction to the seeds and an asking for the energies 17 of Mother Earth to bless the seeds and to tie in to the natural forces with appreciation and gratitude. Previously this Awareness spoke of asking for blessings when one sat to eat, giving thanks and thanksgiving to Mother Earth, to Spirit and to the Divine for that sustenance one has in front of them. This action of partaking with the seeds, of blessing them, of interacting with the greater forces of Mother Earth is similar in nature and are much recommended to those who feel such affinity with Mother Earth and with themselves as a servant to Mother Earth, as a provider to Mother Earth, as a provider to friends and families and others of the very sustenance of Mother Earth herself. Those who have such affinity are responding from a deeper understanding and awareness, are responding from what were known as the Old Ways that are being rediscovered and reconnected to. This practice is not necessarily for everyone, but for those who feel such an affinity, this Awareness does say that such a process and procedure is recommended by this Awareness, or an adaptation of such a procedure is recommended for those who can expand themselves to see that what is necessary is the acknowledgement of one s part and position in the play of the energies of consciousness at all levels, including the levels of the planting of the seeds, the harvesting of the crops and the consumption and digestion of the gifts of Mother Earth. This is a most natural way to live that most have forgotten, but it is part of that which lies ahead for humanity once again. This Awareness is complete in Its answer. Growing One s Own Food After Ascension? Her last question is, Will it be possible to grow one s own food after Ascension? Or will there be a necessity for food? This only truly depends on the individuals themselves and the level of their own evolution in consciousness. It will indeed be possible to grow food. This will be a quite different experience to what is done now. The trend has already started toward organic farming and sustainability of Mother Earth and her resources. This will continue and more and more will become totally aware of the necessity to grow healthy food and to be in a true and proper relationship with Mother Earth, and nature. This will have a spiritual quality to it. The human body will respond well with such connection. There will also be those who will exceed the human body, and who will realize that as spiritual energetic beings they can live on Prana, the energy of breath, and take in all the nourishment necessary through breathing itself. This will be for many something that holds a great attraction and will be available for those who wish it. Others take great enjoyment from eating the physical food of Mother Earth, of being part of this cycle. Neither is correct, nor incorrect. Neither is that which must be so. Either can be correct for an individual who has their own way of things. All that this Awareness will say is that humanity at this time is mostly unconscious of even the foods they eat, from whence they emanate and what they represent: the interconnection of all life, and it is necessary to evolve

18 one s spiritual awareness, even to the very food they eat, the air they breathe, and this is that which is unfolding more and more on a daily basis. This completes this answer, and this Awareness would also add that it is now time to bring today s session to completion. A WILLINGNESS TO LOOK AT ALL LEVELS OF ONE S BELIEF SYSTEM Does Awareness have a closing message? This Awareness has spoken today of increasing one s understanding and awareness of one s indoctrinational process that they have experienced in their lives, the grounding of belief to such a degree that one does not even recognize them as beliefs, but simply holds that it is the truth of the way of things. It is important at this crucial time in the spiritual evolutionary process to be willing to look at all matters, those that are questionable, but even more those that have never been questioned and have never been looked at and assumptions grown around those unquestioned matters of belief. It is through a willingness to look at all levels of one s belief system, the beliefs held by individuals, that one finally arrives at a place where one can let go of the lies, let go of the misconceptions, let go of the beliefs held to be so that are not so, that are based on indoctrination with ulterior motives. The ulterior motives are those held by the ones in control, and it is time to realize that one is controlled on this planet, but it is the purpose and the point of the matter to free oneself from such control. One can truly only begin with oneself, and when one has achieved such freedom within oneself of all the indoctrination, all of the false beliefs, then one can start to share with others. To assume before one has freed themselves of such personal beliefs and such personal indoctrination, that one must first go to others and demand that they change their ways, that they rebel for example, against the government without realizing why they have put the government there, what it serves them as individuals, even corrupt governments, entities will always be misdirected in their efforts. One must find personal awareness and understanding, freedom and liberty in their own lives before one gets up on the soapbox to preach to others what they must do to achieve their freedom. When one has achieved their own personal freedom, one can stand on the soapbox to share the journey, but not to preach about it, and it is up to each individual then to take that which has been shared and to apply it to their own lives in whatever way is of benefit and helpful to them. This journey is often a frustrating journey, for one does wish to share with family and friends in particular the new insights and awareness that they have come to. One can share, but be prepared to be rebuffed and rejected by even family and friends, for often that which is held and understood is too extreme for those who have not challenged their own indoctrination, who have not looked at their own beliefs. Imagine, if you will, sharing with friends or with family, that one should take seeds, put them in their mouth, then spit them to the ground, then collect them and hold them up to the moon in order for the crops to 18 grow well. One will see immediately how most individuals around them would not be open to such suggestions but would see them as folly and madness. It would be easier to do this for yourself, or other actions that are also of an extreme nature to many who do not question, or experience this for themselves, or to live this for themselves. If one, for example, understood the truth around nutrition, and was not simply a blind follower of the pundits of health and nutrition, those gurus for example who have spoken the need for not eating fat and having light food or light yogurt, et cetera; if one instead lived differently and went against the rules and found their own health improving, they would then have a much stronger argument to present to others of what they have done for themselves, and yet still allow others to make their own choices. Many simply cannot choose alternate ways, for it is too challenging to their indoctrinated belief system. This is ultimately all right, for each is a separate soul having its own unique expression and experience in a Focus Personality lifetime, but at these times those who are true seekers are asked to question and to challenge and to look deeply within at their own indoctrination, their own beliefs that are held to be so, and to be willing not only to question all, but even to change long-held practices, to take leaps of faith, to launch themselves into the stratosphere, so that they can fly away and break free of the enslavement of humanity that has been carried out for so long. It is a challenge, but the reward of facing such challenge is one of great benefit and great capacity to the individuals in their own lives. Once one has taken up the challenge and seen the benefits, one will begin to truly understand how enslaved one has been, and how enslaved humanity is. This is the time for such important inner work, such important inner challenge, and the energies will support those who are willing to challenge themselves at this time. This completes the closing message. This completes today s session. This Awareness is done for today. (Ed s note: Blooper Alert! In Last month s Revelations Newsletter, on page 11, the first sentence of the 3 rd paragraph under the headline: Will There Be an Extraterrestrial Messiah? should read, The Galactic Federation will not be those who propagate this deception. Instead it said that the Galactic Federation will be those who propagate this deception. This was a horrible blooper that was discovered by an eagle-eyed member after the mailer had already been sent out! This is an editor s worst nightmare! How the accidental omission of one small word can reverse the meaning that was intended. I apologize to the readership and to Will and to Awareness.) HOW TO GET THE CAC MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ONLINE VERSION: $32 per year. Sign up on the CAC website: or receive the printed newsletter by writing to C.A.C. P.O. Box 115 Olympia WA USA PRINTED RATES INDIVIDUAL: $52 per year or $15 quarterly CONTRIBUTING: $77 per year or $25 quarterly SPONSORING: $144 per year or $40 per quarter BENEFACTOR: $500 per year or $150 per quarter PATRON: $1000 per year or $250 per quarter ANGEL: $5000 per year or $1500 per quarter

19 WHAT IS COSMIC AWARENESS? COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as "Channels" for the "Heavenly Father" and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the "New Age" of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels. This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age. Throughout the thousands of "Readings" given through these various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel what is the Truth. Cosmic Awareness will only "indicate" and "suggest". Neither C.A.C. nor any of the Interpreters is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor does C.A.C. or the Interpreters necessarily agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in trance levels and are not personally responsible for what is said. The Interpreters published herein have no connection with, nor control over the editorial comments and material, including illustrations. This is entirely the responsibility of the editor. Members of C.A.C. are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication in this newsletter. 19

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