Manifesting Abundance Workbook

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1 1 Manifesting Abundance Workbook Understand and participate in the spiritual laws of abundance and co-creation Prepared by Patrice and John Robson We highly recommend you request the daily support. It offers more tips and inspiration to support your completion and success in the 3 money, prosperity and abundance programs. Click this link and fill out the form to request your support s.

2 2 Table of Contents: 1. Abundance springs from true spiritual wealth The ground of all being Spiritual or material or both? Money and ego, personality and soul Wants vs. needs Spiritual, mental, emotional and physical virtues Purpose and right livelihood Giving, receiving and service Using money to manifest love Practices to bring greater abundance Accept the mystery Appendices Appendix 1-50 Spiritual and Material Distinctions Appendix 2 - Values, Qualities, and Virtues... 30

3 3 1. Abundance springs from true spiritual wealth Man has a natural tendency to live in abundance. In his individualized human form, he wants to repossess the abundance he has in his spiritual essence, as a part of the One Self. Torkom Saraydarian We are spiritual beings in a physical form. Although the physical appears most real to us and demands our attention by the sheer force of its physical presence, we are ever drawn at deep levels to connect with the true spiritual nature of our being. In some ways, this third part of our series on money and abundance is more difficult to present, because it deals in the realm of the formless and intangible. It challenges us to consider the subjective and idealistic, and even to go beyond words into new dimensions. It definitely challenges us to raise our consciousness. And to manifest abundance in our lives, we must raise our consciousness. On the other hand, the spiritual realm may feel easier to access because, no matter who you are or what your present financial circumstances, you have the ability to connect with your own soul, your higher self, God, or whatever name you use. (We usually use soul. ) If you can believe in your own spiritual nature, you are well on your way to a new experience of wealth. In this final part of our series, we will look at the spiritual laws of money and the process of manifesting or co-creating. In our first program, Part I, Managing Money, we considered basic man-made laws like financial planning, budgeting, saving and investing. We will never achieve material well-being if we can t master the basic steps of handling our finances. In Part II, Thinking Prosperity, we considered how our beliefs about money and about ourselves govern our ability to attract and keep material wealth. If we are struggling to achieve financial self-sufficiency, we would be wise to reflect on our beliefs and begin to change the subconscious programs that are not serving us. In this workbook, we will focus on manifesting spiritual abundance. We experience true wealth not just in terms of money but also from our sense of health, purpose, beauty, joy and service. We experience abundance when all parts of our being physical, emotional, mental and spiritual are in harmony and alignment. We will look at manifesting abundance as a way of life, as a way of being, as a high level of consciousness. What is manifesting? Manifestation occurs when our dreams, visions, goals, purpose and essence become real on the physical plane. It s the act of fashioning something potential into something real. To manifest money, we use the same principles we

4 4 apply to manifest anything in our world, whether it be a new car, relationship, job, health, wealth or happiness. While many books set out the techniques for manifesting, we believe it s much more than a procedure to be mastered. We see manifestation as a process of co-creation. It requires us to access our own inner power and work in harmony with other forces operating in the universe. To empower ourselves as co-creators, we need to express the true nature of our being our spiritual identity. It s a process of growth and increasing aliveness. And so we ll consider how we can begin to align with our essence and purpose, and with the natural laws of the universe. We ll begin to see the power of love, true service, gratitude and the surrender of our personal will to divine will as the true forces behind our ability to magnetize. We encourage you to take our first two programs on Managing Money and Thinking Prosperity before tackling this one. We ve built our relationship with money over our lifetimes. We also carry our culture s and mankind s beliefs and energy around money and wealth. Fundamental changes in attitudes and actions don t happen overnight. Please at least allow our full 90-day process with the three programs to support you in beginning to integrate new thoughts and actions. So let us begin. Get your journal, either a scribbler, a binder, or a computer file, where you can compile your notes as we explore the path to manifesting abundance. EXERCISE: Today, set an intention for what you want to achieve from this program. Write it in your journal. Setting a specific goal will activate your powerful subconscious, getting it to work on your behalf. It will sharpen your attention on the material, so you will be more likely to catch what s most important for you. Explore your motivation for doing this program. Knowing your motives will lead you to an understanding of your soul s purpose. Not only can you can HAVE more, you can BE more and DO more. Indeed, it s only through letting go and being abundant in our attitudes and actions that true wealth and abundance are realized. No one can tell whether they are richer or poor by turning to their ledger. It is the heart that makes a person rich. One is rich according to what one is, not according to what one has. Henry Ward Beecher People want riches; they need fulfillment. Robert Conklin

5 5 2. The ground of all being Unity consciousness is a state of enlightenment where we pierce the mask of illusion which creates separation and fragmentation. Behind the appearance of separation is one unified field of wholeness. Here the seer and the scenery are one. Deepak Chopra The conclusions of modern science now reflect the teachings of ancient wisdom. We want to share some of the basics, for this helps us understand the process of manifestation and our own powers to co-create. Essentially, we need to grasp that the solidity of matter is just an illusion. All things in our universe are, in their most elemental forms, simply energy in patterns of relationship. At the ground of all being are fields of probability and force. Let s consider three characteristics of this energetic ground of all being: 1. All is one. The spiritual and the physical are inseparable. The physical exists within the spiritual. The spiritual exists within the physical. They are one and the same. And so while we live in a world where people and things appear separate and divided, in actuality, we are simply individual and unique expressions of a single reality. 2. The ground of all being is supremely intelligent with unlimited potential to create and manifest. Deepak Chopra calls this the unified field of all possibility. Others call it universal consciousness, the divine, God. 3. This force at the ground of all being is the source of all forms in our cosmos. Spirit creates matter. What does this mean in terms of our desire to experience greater abundance and manifest new forms of reality? First, it means that as an integral part of the universe, as an essential part of the unity of all, we already are abundant. We already have it all. This is tough to wrap your mind around if you don t have enough money to pay the rent. Nonetheless, we need to plant this concept in our consciousness, so it can begin to take root. This will help us begin to open to our immense potential. Second, if a unified consciousness exists in everything even in a rock and your TV, and is in us and accessible to us, then we can begin to believe in our ability to bridge distances with our minds. We can reach out throughout the universe with our own consciousness to draw what we seek to us.

6 6 And if divine consciousness has created the universe, then we, as unique and individual expressions of this universal divine consciousness, can use the same forces of creation. Nature goes to the same place to create a cluster of nebulas, a galaxy of stars, a rain forest, or a human body as it goes to create a thought. Deepak Chopra Before we get too excited about playing God and magically manifesting everything we desire, we might ponder that we exist in relationship to everything else in the unified field. We are not master sorcerers who seek to manipulate forces to bring about what we personally desire. Instead, we are participating with the rest of creation in directing the forces of evolution of the cosmos. As David Spangler says so well in his book Everyday Miracles, We do not program such forces. We honor them, we respect them, we work with them. They are companions, not slaves. Entering into manifestation is less an act of command than an act of communion and community. It is a participatory act, not an imperious one. Manifestation is about being, not getting. If we honor this, we will not fail to manifest in skillful ways. Spangler has come to understand manifestation as the art of fashioning a co-creative, synchronistic, and mutually supportive relationship between the inner creative energies of a person s own mind and spirit and their counterpart within the larger world in order to bring a new and desirable situation into being. And so in this workbook, we will explore co-creation: of the personality with the soul, the material with the spiritual, the individual with God. We will cultivate a consciousness of working together in cooperation to achieve a win/win for the highest good of all. The more we understand our highest spiritual essence, the more we align with our soul s unique purpose, the more we will work in harmony with greater forces to manifest change. Seek to be an expression of beauty, goodness and truth, of the power and love and intelligence of spirit, and you will know true abundance. Abundance is the result of unity, whether it is psychological or individual unity, group or national unity, or global unity. Torkum Saraydarian As a holistic being you shatter the illusion of your separateness and reveal your connection to everything. This empowers you in a way that the ego-driven self could never contemplate. Wayne Dyer

7 7 EXERCISE: The Seven Hermetic Principles describe the forces underlying the cosmos. To manifest, we must work within these laws. Review and write out each of the principles below. In times of meditation or solitude, select one principle for contemplation. Allow your mind to explore and play with the concepts so you tap an understanding of them deep within your being. The Seven Hermetic Principles: The Principle of Mentalism All is MIND: the universe is mental. The Principle of Correspondence As above, so below; as below, so above. The Principle of Vibration Nothing rests. Everything moves; everything vibrates. The Principle of Polarity Everything is dual, everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites. Like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree. Extremes meet; all paradoxes may be reconciled. The Principle of Rhythm Everything flows, out and in: everything has its tides. All things rise and fall. The pendulum swing manifests in everything. The Principle of Cause and Effect Every cause has an effect; every effect has a cause. Everything happens according to law. Chance is but a name for law not recognized. There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law. The Principle of Gender - Gender is in everything. Everything has its masculine and feminine principles. Gender manifests on all planes. Knowledge is awareness of the laws of the economy of Nature. As we increase our knowledge, we fuse with the Divine Mind in a greater degree. We begin to function within the causal side of Nature more than with the phenomenal part of Nature. Torkum Saraydarian

8 8 3. Spiritual or material or both? Trust in God but tie up your camels. Moslem proverb Spiritual beings in a human form exist in two seemingly separate realms one visible and one invisible. We know the invisible realm holds the greatest power, because consciousness gives rise to all matter. And yet, there s no denying the power of the physical, and particularly, the power of money. For most people on this planet, the struggle to get money for survival or advancement consumes all of their time and energy. In his book Money and the Meaning of Life, Jacob Needleman studies the challenges of living in a world of both spirit and form. He explores how we reconcile our preoccupation with money and material goods with our heart-felt quest to find meaning and happiness. Needleman concludes that this spiritual/material duality is a fact of our existence and must be acknowledged and integrated. We must be in contact with God and money. Our challenge lies in resolving how much attention to pay to each. As a society, we haven t much experience of spirituality as a way of life. For centuries, science has dominated social thinking with its sole focus on matter. We ve been told that only the material is real (if you can t see it and measure it, it doesn t exist). Consequently, materialism has become a compelling force in our belief systems and our lives. Unfortunately, we lose the meaning of life when we focus predominantly on the material. Lasting and deep satisfaction in our spiritual natures can only come from the spiritual quest of discovering the truth of who we are. If we want purpose and fulfillment in our lives, we must give top priority to the search for self-knowledge and our connection with the divine. At the same time, we must give proper and full attention to money. On the physical plane, we need money to survive and to support us on our spiritual journey. We have a responsibility to care for our physical, emotional and mental bodies so they can be a vehicle or temple for God s work. Needleman says, to obtain the most serious good of life, it is necessary to give exactly the right amount of attention to the aspect of life represented by money. Can we grow to be attentive to what is secondary in human life while being deeply attentive to what is primary? For if we do not give sufficient attention to what is secondary in life, then, sooner or later, what is secondary will take all our attention and leave us no energy or time to pursue what is most essential. And so the

9 9 challenge of human life is that of rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar's no more and no less and unto God that which is of God no more and no less. Paradoxically, the great masters all say that when we give up our preoccupation with material wealth to connect with our spiritual journey, we open the gates for abundance to flow to us. The more you seek the Goddess of Knowledge, the more the Goddess of Wealth will seek you. She will follow you wherever you go and never leave you. And the wealth you desire will be yours forever. Deepak Chopra In our experience, seekers who take the above too literally run into trouble. And so we support Needleman s conclusion. In our quest for the spiritual, we should not neglect meeting our physical needs. If we refuse to attend to the basics of earning money and paying our bills, the very real demands of the physical world will force all of our time and energy to be directed to basic survival. Spirit works through the physical. So it is important to have a strong, mature, moral, intelligent personality to express spirit effectively. There is only one class of people that thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor. In fact, the poor can think of nothing else. Oscar Wilde And so we are being asked to carefully assess our priorities in life and to live accordingly. How much attention, time and energy are we devoting to spiritual growth and self-knowledge? How much attention is required to provide for our material needs? To answer this second question, we need to know just what constitutes our material needs. What in this world wants to take more of us than we need to give? In this world we live in, notes Needleman, nothing brings that challenge more often and more dependably than the adventure of money. EXERCISES: 1. Answer these smart questions in your journal: What draws most of your attention, time and energy: spiritual growth or money? The inner world or the outer? Write about the balance (or lack of balance) of these two in your life. How are you living your deepest desires? How have you neglected them to attend to your material desires? If you have committed to the spiritual path, how have you neglected attending to money matters to keep you self-sufficient? What can you do to shift the balance between the spiritual and material so you will be more fulfilled/self-sufficient?

10 10 2. Create a list of words that describe your experience of spirituality. E.g., experiences that are sacred, blissful, heart-felt, meaningful, purposeful, inspirational, loving. 3. Take an inventory. Look at Appendix 1: 50 Spiritual and Material Distinctions. Go through the list and rate yourself 1 to 10 on each duality pair. A rating of 1 signifies your immersion in the material aspect and 10 is a full immersion in the spiritual aspect. Then circle the top 2 or 3 for your attention. "The first practical step that an individual can take to free himself from the thrall of money is not to turn away from it, but to take it even more seriously, to study himself in the very midst of the world of money the personal exploration of money is necessary for the discovery of oneself. Jacob Needleman 4. Money and ego, personality and soul Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Bible In Money and the Meaning of Life, Jacob Needleman maintains the principle of personal gain, the ego principle is expressed through money in this society. It's the belief in one's power to do, to be safe, happy, and fulfilled by one's own efforts without the help of a higher influence. This fosters the illusion of self-sufficiency and, with it, the disease of self-blindness, the illusion of self-power. In Chapter 2, we talked of the unity of the cosmos, that all is one. Separation is an illusion but it s inherent in the nature of ego to see itself as separate, as different from others. Indeed, that s why we human beings exist we are vehicles for expressing in our own unique ways the infinite potential of the unified field. Our egos and our personalities express individuality but they can run amok when they lose connection with the divine source of all. Although the ego believes that ultimate happiness lies in acquiring lots of money and security, this happiness has proven elusive. True happiness and security can only be found when the personality becomes acquainted with its soul and agrees to serve its higher purpose. Personality is most powerful when it serves as a vehicle for the individualized expression of soul. Soul bridges between the vastness of the divine and the material expression of the human.

11 11 The path to self-knowledge teaches us to distinguish between the fear-based, protective tendencies of the ego and the free and loving qualities of the soul. Paradoxically, our egos must be strong and independent to be capable of surrendering to higher forces of the soul. Jacob Needleman says, one needs to discover a wish that is stronger than the ego, and to which the ego can assent. And when you are willing to see how you compromise everything of real value because of the force of money, then it is possible to be remembered by the higher forces within. The point is that, since money has entered so deeply into the formation of the contemporary ego, then it is necessary for us to play the money game with our best ability, but with a new intention. So how do we discern whether it s our ego or our soul in control? Review again the 50 Spiritual and Material Distinctions shown in Appendix 1. Become familiar with the entries on this list. Later in the workbook, we will look further at soul qualities. It may also be helpful to repeat our overview of how the three parts of the series work together to show the progression of consciousness. Consider the different concepts addressed in our 3 levels of programs: Series 1 Managing Money Series 2 Thinking Prosperity Series 3 Manifesting Abundance information understanding wisdom Doing thinking being Habits thinking not thinking Instinct intellect intuition Inertia activity rhythm Taking giving service Habitual creative guided Reactive proactive intuitive Activity meaning purpose Quantity quality essence no will personal will divine will EXERCISE: How does your ego use money and material things and ideas to affirm itself? How does this contribute to your sense of separation from the rest of the world? Author Jerrold Mundis recommends this exercise. For the next month, review your relationship with money. At the end of each week, answer the following questions: Over the week, did you do anything concerning money that you regret? Do you regret not having done something related to money? Do you want to correct or change any action?

12 12 Did you do something around money that really pleases you? Ask yourself these questions to heighten your awareness. Don t judge what has happened. Simply be aware of how money influences your thoughts and actions. Be aware of whether your ego makes the decisions or the influence of your soul shines through. Watch the process of the push and pull between inner and outer. The Soul is: "- Source of one's greatest contribution in service - one's true vocation - Source of one's selflessness and altruism - Source of one's true conscience - Source of one's most joyous activity - Source of one's greatest sense of meaningfulness - Source of one's sense of the sacred - Source of one's 'heart's desire.' " -- Michael Robbins 5. Wants vs. needs Hell is the state in which we are barred from receiving what we truly need because of the value we give to what we merely want. It is a condition of ultimate deprivation, that is, poverty. Jacob Needleman If our goal is to manifest abundance, clearly we must learn to distinguish our needs from our wants. Wants reflect the desires of the ego, and usually exist in the material realm. Needs, on the other hand, are spiritual qualities of the soul. The soul doesn t care what we want. It simply senses need and it responds to that need, within oneself or for others. At the root of all of our wants are needs. We simply have to dig deeply enough to find the soul qualities that are drawing us forward. We can easily get trapped in desires when we believe that material goods will bring us the happiness and satisfaction we seek in life. Very skilful advertisers are continually reinforcing these beliefs. If only I had a new car... If only I had a more beautiful body If only I had a more fulfilling job then I would be happy. Of course, once the car or the weight loss or the new job comes, we discover we re still unhappy. We need something more. The key to manifesting abundance lies in uncovering the underlying essence of what it is that we desire, for this reveals to us our soul needs. I may think I want a more beautiful body. Why do I want this? A beautiful body in itself offers nothing. But my

13 13 belief is that if I were beautiful, I would be more confident, or more loveable, or more powerful. I would feel more passionate, more whole, more happy. Ask yourself what you want money to give you and then think of ways you could have the essence of those things right now. Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer Once we connect with the essence of what we want, we can then find ways to realize those spiritual qualities of experience through whatever situation we are in now. I can satisfy my yearning for confidence by engaging in an activity I know I do well. I can experience being loveable by befriending a child or a dog. I can claim my power now by taking a stand and taking action on something that matters to me. When we begin to acknowledge the qualities we long for, and find accessible ways to realize them right now, we experience personal power and true abundance. We can grasp the spiritual principle that we have it all, right now. And we can recognize that no matter what the state of our income or our possessions, we have access to unlimited wealth through the quality of our outlook. And the magic is that the more you open to soul qualities, the more you will raise your level of vibration. Remember the law of vibration we discussed in the last series? This will make you more magnetic to whatever on the material plane matches your new vibratory level. In Creating Money, Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer challenge us to expand our definition of success to include the goals of our higher selves. True success, they say, is having the right amount of money, transforming an old habit or negative belief, releasing a fear, doing things you love, and developing and recognizing your special talents. From a higher point of view success is creating something when you need it, making a contribution to others, and loving and respecting yourself and others. It is growing and learning from all your experiences. Look at others as successful not by how rich they are, but by the quality and happiness of their lives. As you focus on these higher qualities of success, you will realize that in terms of your higher self you have already achieved many successes, even if you haven t yet met the specific financials goals set by your personality. Re-examine all you have been told Dismiss what insults your Soul. Walt Whitman EXERCISE: With this new perspective on wants vs. needs, do you need to redefine what success means to you?

14 14 Make a list of your desires and wants and cravings in one column and next to them identify the deeper need that is the underlying cause. You may also want to re-think your answers to the first exercise your motivations for doing this workbook. 6. Spiritual, mental, emotional and physical virtues He who sees that the Lord of all is ever the same in all that is immortal in the field of mortality he sees the truth. And when a man sees that the God in himself is the same God in all that is, he hurts not himself by hurting others. Then he goes, indeed, to the highest path. The Bhagavad Gita When I read Wayne Dyer s book Manifest Your Destiny, I found his recipe for manifestation to be nothing short of complete enlightenment. If we want to manifest everything we want, we must first become God. Of course, this is right. But I confess my first reaction to his book was to stop reading. How can I achieve such a high level of divine consciousness? And yet, isn t this what we are all aspiring to achieve? I also reminded myself that while we might not get everything we want until we are truly one with the divine, we do gain and achieve successes as we work towards mastery. Once again we see the value of raising our consciousness. And one way of doing this is through attending to and expressing spiritual values and virtues. Esoteric works name goodness, beauty and truth as the top three spiritual values that will light our lives. In his book The Spring of Prosperity, Torkom Saraydarian says that spiritual prosperity expresses itself as 12 virtues: - sense of beauty ability to see beauty in everything - sense of universality all is one all we are and do affects the whole - sense of direction we must know our purpose and have a vision for our lives - sense of righteousness justice and harmony with natural laws - sense of purity in thoughts, emotions, motives and behavior - sense of joy and enthusiasm only in joy do we see things clearly - sense of service serving from the heart without expectations - sense of harmlessness using our thoughts, words, emotions, actions and resources only in constructive, creative ways - sense of compassion ability to see potential in everything and to support its unfolding - sense of sacrifice abandoning self-interest for the greater good of all - sense of gratitude awareness of the blessings of life - sense of striving willingness and ability to move forward

15 15 How do we realize these virtues in our lives? Deepak Chopra says that we need only be aware of them. When we focus our attention on these principles, they are implanted in our subconscious. He recommends that we simply read these virtues daily. In time, they will be expressed through our attitudes and behavior, without any conscious effort on our parts. Others suggest selecting one virtue as a focus for daily meditation. In this practice, we may simply contemplate the virtue and allow our higher mind or soul to speak to us. Another approach is to visualize yourself being that virtue, to experience the quality as fully as possible in your body. Use your imagination to create a scene in which you experience yourself expressing the quality. Keep the picture simple and repeat it over and over again. Fill in as many details as you can. Also, experience yourself right in the picture rather than just watching yourself from a distance. The more we express these virtues in our lives, the more successful we will be in attracting what we desire to us. For proper expression, we must demonstrate full integrity in our being. Our thoughts, speech and actions must all be congruent. And the more we consciously cultivate an awareness of these spiritual principles, the more our personality will align with our soul. In order to live a rich life, everything about who you are must be one, in alignment, and in pure harmony. Suze Orman Honor your integrity and you will be repaid many times over with increased prosperity. Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer EXERCISE: Values and virtues Scan the Values, Qualities and Virtues list in Appendix 2. Intuitively pick and prioritize the top 7 that make up your essence. Pick one and meditate on it for a few weeks. Journal on each value for one week. Understand intimately all aspects of that value. After all, it is you. Spirit works through these qualities. As you connect more intimately with each value, you are connecting with the qualities of soul. EXERCISE: Talk with God or your higher self One of the most popular and powerful journaling tools is Dialogue. In a Dialogue, you carry on a written conversation by making up the parts for both participants. Your dialogue partner can be anyone or anything a person (living or dead), family member, problem, sickness, body part, thing (e.g., a car), an event or incident (e.g., a birth or wedding), Soul or God, career, money, an option or alternative, emotion, pet, values and virtues whatever you choose. In this exercise, talk with God or your higher self.

16 16 For a deeper level of results, before you start this exercise, do a short entrance meditation. Relax. See yourself walking up a beautiful path in nature. Take your time and relax with nature. Then in your mind, see God or your higher self come over a hill. Trust that this is the right manifestation. As you get closer, greet this dialogue partner and ask a question. Then when you are ready, write out the conversation. First write down ME: and your question. Then write down God or Higher Self and its response. Then ask another question. You make up the response. You do both parts of the dialogue. You may find your dialogue partner asking you questions. If you are stuck really use your imagination. Make it up! This is a good exercise to do for 10 to 30 minutes. As you get into the dialogue, ask questions like: Is there anything else? Is this the truth? Is there more you can tell me, so I have full understanding? When you have completed, read over the dialogue and write a short summary. When we pay attention to these values that society has always held sacred then order emerges out of chaos, and the field of pure potentiality inside us becomes all-powerful, creating anything it desires. Deepak Chopra 7. Purpose and right livelihood How could there be any question of acquiring or possessing, when the one thing needful for a man is to become to be at last, and to die in the fullness of his being. Antoine de Saint-Exupery In manifesting abundance, we aim to realize all that we need. And once basic needs are met, we find that one of our greatest longings is to have a sense of meaning, of purpose. We long to be more than our job. Deep down, we desire to do great work, and to believe we have made a contribution to this planet. We each have a unique purpose to fulfill in our lifetimes. (Some say we have both a personality purpose and a soul purpose.) Our purpose defines what we re here to do. It s our task to figure out our purpose in life and to follow it. Whatever our purpose may be, our personal contribution will in some way serve the greater good of humanity. Our purpose can be simply stated. Examples of a life purpose are to heal or to bring happiness to the world. Obviously, purposes like these can be fulfilled through a wide range of activities: through many different jobs and careers, and through unpaid work such as support for your family, volunteer work, or pursuit of a hobby. Whatever the vehicle, it brings meaning to your life as you serve others.

17 17 When we discover and pursue our purpose, we experience growth, expansion, renewal and aliveness. Our lives are rewarding and fulfilling. And finding and creating our life s work may also bring us greater financial abundance than any other action we might take. How do we find our purpose, our life work? By going for what we love. Go within to discover what brings you the most joy, vitality, enthusiasm and creativity. Find the skills you love to use, and the talents you express naturally. Look to your feelings, imagination, needs and dreams for your direction. If you sincerely seek your life purpose, you will draw it out of you. Don t let your present situation discourage you. Deepak Chopra says, Knowing our purpose opens up the doorway to the field of pure potentiality because inherent in our desire are the seeds and mechanics for its fulfillment. In other words, if we can dream it, we can achieve it. Your soul is not limited by the identity you have right now; it sees the larger picture of who you are and knows what is possible for you to accomplish in this lifetime. Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer We would add a word of caution here. Many books imply that going for what we love will guarantee our financial abundance. In our experience, life is more complex than that. Remember Needleman s guidance in Chapter 3. While we need to focus our primary attention on our spiritual growth, we must also understand and properly apply the man-made laws of money to safeguard our physical well-being. It may be naïve to assume that our financial requirements will be magically and abundantly met by following our heart s passions. Both spiritual and material must be accorded time, attention and care. The spiritual magnetism of following our purpose must work through a mature, intelligent and responsible personality. Nonetheless, we affirm in principle that loving our work, being filled up by what we do, attracts abundance to us. EXERCISE: Mentally pick an animal and in your journal, write for about 5 minutes on how it grows up and lives its life purpose. Do this now, before you read further. *** Review what you re written and consider how it applies to your own life. We describe what we know. These are your beliefs around purpose. How do they speak to you? EXERCISE: How are you living your purpose through your work?

18 18 Right work is work that enhances your experience of life rather than deadening it. Jerrold Mundis Answer these smart questions in your journal: What do you enjoy about your work? How does your work energize you? How does it deplete your energy? Where do you find your greatest enthusiasm and creativity in work? Where do you find your greatest enthusiasm and creativity in life? What do you most value in life? How can you find these values in your work? Sometimes we may need to pursue a new line of work, one that will enable us to better connect with our passions, our vitality and creativity. Sometimes, it s only a matter of changing our attitude towards the work we re doing. Rather than feeling victimized by our situation, we can take responsibility for our own well-being and take the initiative to create what we need right where we are. Allow your doingness to spring from your place of beingness. Be happy, be abundant, be wise, be creative, be understanding, be a leader, be who you really are, in every moment of your life. And you ll not only find right livelihood, you will have created for yourself a life, rather than a living. -- Neale Donald Walsch "You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need." -- Jerry Gillies As we harness our abilities to a steady purpose and undertake the long pull toward its accomplishment, rich compensations reward us. A sense of purpose simplifies life and therefore concentrates our abilities; and concentration adds power. -- Kenneth Hildebrand Having a purpose is the difference between making a living and making a life. -- Tom Thiss 8. Giving, receiving and service My gift of giving is receiving. I reap what I sow. I sow generously, creatively, boldly, with an attitude of gratitude and it will return to me multiplied. Mark Victor Hansen The universe operates on an important principle of dynamic exchange. As everything in the cosmos is interdependent, the Law of Reciprocity is always in action. As you

19 19 sow, so shall you reap. For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. As we give, we shall receive. Spiritually, it s simply not possible to get something for nothing. If we think we have, it s because we don t recognize the debt that s been created. The Law of Karma is all about maintaining balance, and all karmic debts are eventually repaid. It s also not wise to be always looking for a deal. The universe never short-changes us. We can afford to be generous back. The Koran spells out a value for value principle. When something of value is given, something of value must be returned. It s important that we become conscious of how we participate in this dynamic exchange. We must always seek to give something that has intrinsic value. And we must seek to meet the need of someone or something else. We can never have a need fulfilled by taking. When you value yourself, and when you open your heart to give of yourself, then you give something of value and you will receive something of value in return. As you value yourself more, you will give more of yourself. In the process, you will meet the needs of others and have your own needs met as well. Most people assume that the purpose of life is to achieve or find happiness. We must know that the purpose of life is to learn and to serve, for these are the ways that we create consciousness. Or we could say that the purpose of life is to learn to serve. As we learn we discover meaning. Andrew Schneider Each of us has much to give. We are worthy both to give and to receive. And the world needs the gifts we ve brought to this lifetime. We will know we are living more soulfully when we feel a heartfelt desire to contribute to life. It shows we ve integrated a deeper understanding of our relationship to the whole. We seek a win/win approach to everything. Cooperation replaces competition. We work for the highest interests of all even for those we find difficult to live with! True service meets two criteria: 1. It is given through the inspiration of our hearts. There can be no sense of duty or obligation. If we give reluctantly, with any resentment, no benefit accrues to either the giver or receiver. If we cannot give generously to others with an open heart, we must focus on giving generously to ourselves, to meet our own needs. 2. We give without any expectation of return for the sheer joy of giving.

20 20 To serve is beautiful, but only if it is done with joy and a whole heart. Pearl S. Buck If you want greater abundance in your life, help someone else to a more abundant life. Giving generously of ourselves guarantees that we will receive in return according to spiritual law. If we give through volunteer work or on our own time, we may find our financial picture improving in unexpected ways. Giving openly of our gifts brings opportunities for greater abundance in all forms: satisfaction, meaning, self-worth and finances. As you serve others, you will discover how life increasingly serves you. You will become more aware of how serendipity is guiding you to the people, places and resources that will support your highest interests. Power lies in our being in service. While our actions are important, what s most critical is our overall attitude towards life. An intention to be of service shapes our lifestyle in all ways. It brings a commitment to harmlessness, a greater sensitivity and awareness of others, a higher consciousness of the dynamic interplay of the forces of creation and our desire to be in harmony with all. Magnetic power is created within your aura when you definitely formulate a plan for the service of light, love and beauty. Torkum Saraydarian As you grow and become more, you will naturally contribute more. In fact, the very act of setting an intention to grow is a powerful gift to the health of the cosmos. "To the degree that I am empowered, in some small but cumulative way, I am influencing the opportunities of every person on the planet and every action which they may take." -- Avrom King EXERCISE: A Captured Moment of Service Create a brief story or word picture that captures the sensations of a particularly meaningful or emotionally rewarding experience in which you were helping another person. It is a frozen moment in time, a written picture of beauty and joy. Focus on imagery, sensations, feelings and qualities. Re-experience the moment in depth. What do you most remember about it? How did it touch you? What qualities of life did you experience? How did it feel? Use lots of adverbs and adjectives. Identify a symbol for this experience and write about the symbol. Be not simply good; be good for something. Henry David Thoreau

21 21 9. Using money to manifest love It's an illusion that the mind, through technological inventions, will correct the current environment of stress, because this environment is powered by self-centeredness, ambition, competition, and addiction to stimulation. As I've said many times, the mind can't possibly address these issues without consulting the intelligence of the heart. It's essential for us to learn the ways of love and then shape them into an intelligent format for basic living. Through intentionally practicing more love and care, people can bring in more of their own spirit, resulting in a deeper bonding with one another and with God or their personal Source. Doc Childre In his talk For Love Or Money, Andrew Schneider observes that most of what we do is motivated by love or money. We act out of love or fear (which is the absence of love), and for money or because of a lack of money. What is money, really? It s a symbol of connection, and love is the energy of attraction, of connection. Soul also connects the essence of soul is love. Without love in our lives, we function with a lack of soul. In an effort to fill the hole that we experience because love is missing, we may use money to try to give us meaning. We seek meaning because it gives us a sense of value, a place in which we sense our worth or importance. True meaning is only achieved through soul consciousness. When we use money as a substitute, we create artificial value that doesn t satisfy our deep needs. Without love, we can get stuck in fear, guilt, shame, envy, jealousy and anger. These are emotions of poverty for they all create separation and diminish our value. As long as we stay caught in these emotional blocks, our economic situation will reflect this strife in our lives. Let s take a new look at money from a spiritual perspective. Money has soul and guess what it s love! Money can be a powerful tool for manifesting love in relationships. For money to be a vehicle of love, it must represent something that has intrinsic value true value in and of itself. It must be used to meet the real, not artificial, needs of others. And it must not be made at someone else s expense. Schneider believes that humanity must now learn to use money to manifest love intelligently. Our challenge lies in restoring right relationships by closing the gap between the rich and the poor. How do we do this? We build a new economy that is based on universal law.

22 22 Individuals are increasingly gaining economic independence. They are now able to influence governmental and corporate decisions through their spending, investing and lobbying. With this financial empowerment, we must take on greater responsibility to use the economy wisely. We must use money to manifest love. Schneider describes how consciousness shifts from the old to the new economy: Old Economy New Economy - personal wealth - having the financial means to serve others by meeting their needs - oriented to self - oriented to others - vertical structure of relationships - horizontal structure/community - competition - cooperation - building a better house for the - building a better world for everyone individual/business - perceptions of limitation and lack - belief in abundance and plenty - greed - sharing Universal energies now support people and activities in putting this new economic order into place. How can we best align with the Law of Economy that says that abundance in the universe will meet every need? We can support the flow of money that distributes resources equitably. We need to have greater wealth flowing through our lives to support the unfolding of our greater responsibilities in serving others. And we must actively pursue our soul purpose in service to humanity. EXERCISE: Practice the Pause The pause occurs when you personally or with a small group announce a 5-minute break. A break where there is no conversation, eye contact or doing things. It is a chance for you to slow down, ponder and integrate your thoughts. It s a great tool to use when you reach overload or saturation of information. Or when you want to attain your own clarity. Or to check inside for your own beliefs and truths and to see if they are your thoughts or other s thoughts. Just be aware of your thinking and your integration process. I often do a walk around the yard or house, or get a drink or a snack. In the quietness and stillness we are drawn to love. When you complete your little break, write down your insights in a few lines. EXERCISE: Meditation Journal: To connect more consistently with the spiritual realms, practice meditation, relaxation, stillness or being in nature. As you aspire to the higher and move to love, soak in that essence. At the end of your relaxation period, maintain the sensations of love as long as you can. Write about your experiences in your journal.

23 23 Love is not some sweet, Pollyanna, goody-two-shoes frequency band. The words love, care, and appreciation are like little word cages for wide, powerful energies. As science proves that "love" is an intelligence unto itself, then researchers will more objectively respect its wide range of potentials. Sara Paddison 10. Practices to bring greater abundance First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. Epictetus As we ve said, we attract abundance into our lives according to who we are. When we are being loving, grateful, open and conscious, we magnetize good things to us on both the spiritual and material planes. To help us BE more, we may need initially to DO more: to think, feel and act differently. To act as if you are being. To fake it till you make it with awareness. Here are some basic practices that will bring greater abundance to your life as you deepen your attitudes and habits of love and sharing. Go for what you love. Listen to and act on the inspiration of your heart and the energy that arises in your body. Identify your purpose and determine to follow it. Clarify your intention Consciously set your intention as often as you remember to do so. Identify the need that must be filled. Create intentions that inspire you to become more. Set goals for specific targets and create action plans to support your goals. The more you set intentions to serve the world by giving generously of who you are, the more you will experience purpose, meaning, happiness and abundance. Be more conscious of your life. Pay attention Pay careful and continual attention to your thoughts, motives, words, emotions and behavior. View everything from the perspective of a detached observer. Acknowledge and then release any aspects that do not affirm abundance. Focus your attention on what you want for yourself and others, for what we think about, comes about. Gain control of your life by speaking the language of wealth. Practice higher awareness. Be willing to learn from your present challenges with money. There s a higher lesson there. How is your soul inviting you to recognize and own a higher aspect of yourself? Every time we experience tension in our lives, we can be sure there s an opportunity to learn and grow. Practice daily meditation Meditation, prayer and quiet reflection all offer doorways to seeing ourselves more clearly. In solitude and stillness, we can perceive the traps and illusions of our thoughts and emotions that affirm

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