Cultivating a Field of Hope :The Alchemical Cauldron of Manifestation

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1 Foundation to the Miraculous Life (6) ~ Cultivating a Field of Hope :The Alchemical Cauldron of Manifestation Opening Inner Space with Heart of Hope, Light Elixir by Almine Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 1

2 Foundation to the Miraculous Life (6) ~ The Field of Hope The Field of Hope, also referred to as the Temple of Life, is the alchemical cauldron of manifestation, that is cultivated by and emerges in ever greater power from the heart that is free of attachment. The Field of Hope is an active, tangible field it is a song sung by the heart through its intention, which creates an emphasis within such that we become the fractal pattern for the changing reality. The intentions of the heart that are free from the mind determining outcome, are frequencies or make up a song that delineates the space of impact of our intentions. The more powerful and all-inclusive is the heart, the bigger is the field of impact. Many people mistake surrender to Infinite Intent for over-passivity in life, i.e. simply accepting all that comes along. But surrender is not that at all. Surrender is nonresistance to life, knowing that if something shows up it is yours to interpret and respond to. We actively engage without protectiveness and in agendaless innocence, and in interpretation that does not defend and has no positionality, we receive clues as to what must shift within to be more deeply aligned to our realness. With the Field of Hope that is cultivated each day, we are actively engaging life bringing to it our unique perspective that adds to the alchemy of the many in creation. Once created, we sustain the Field of Hope through our conscientious, fluid, and masterful response to life as it flow through us, such that life is held in reverent appreciation and wonderment no matter what. Through this, we may articulate highest potentials into expression, and help to reveal divine reality. The Field of Hope supports integrated wholeness of heart and mind in each moment. The River of Eternal Life is the river of potential unarticulated chaos that can be managed but not controlled. To organize potential into the fluid patterns of our existence, we establish a field of hope the alchemical cauldron of manifestation. 1 Oneness is a reality created by the heart, while separation is a reality created by mind. They must unite as one in order to leave the old reality of linear change behind, and enter into the state of perpetual renewed expression of resurrection that is the seamless integration of both that creates a higher reality of fluid formless form that reforms in each moment. Neither the passivity of oneness, nor the overpolarized activity of the 1Almine, Notes from the Book of Runes (not yet published) Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 2

3 Foundation to the Miraculous Life (6) ~ many, we operate from the eternal unchangeable core, in full aware participation. The two realities unite through oneness, as the state of oneness has the excess resources necessary to move us through to a new reality. In separation, we live a resource deficit and decay and death inevitably sets in; while the opposite is the case with oneness. When we live the many and oneness simultaneously, we become our own source of sustenance able to sustain physicality through perpetual regeneration, and tapping into the Infinite Source within that expresses as the River of Life. It is in this state that the High Heart opens, which is the 'switch' necessary to move us beyond time and space. * * * * * The Field of Hope holds the power to dismantle the mirrors of the tube torus that has been our incubation chamber and now become our prison. The function of opposites has been to examine emphases or qualities by isolating them...taking them out of the whole through occlusions by non-resonance, and it has served for the vastness to get a sense of itself by what it is not. The unfathomability of being can never be known, but parts may be experienced. We have discussed this in the pdf on the meridians, and you may want to review parts of that writing now. With a cultivated field of hope that becomes a powerful emanation or song from the heart, we become the exclusive reference point of our reality, around which the many lie. Like a sun around which resonant planetary bodies rotate, we draw to us all that is in resonant harmony with the vastness within. This vastness can never be fully known known...but rather is to be felt from increasing power of infinite inner space. The spiral of reality that moves around us when anchored firmly in the center of the tube torus is determined by three mathematical numbers, whose values are determined by the degree of love, praise, and gratitude. The spiral pattern of our reality can be changed by changing the quotient of these three attitudes.2 Up to now, we have lived life (physical), death (soul), and ascension (spirit) alternately, and though each has valuable characteristics and qualities to explore, it is only in mastering the three as simultaneous rather than alternate realities that our divinity may express to greatest depth and fullness, such that we become the pivot points of cosmic life, affecting the DNA of all life forms. So long as we live the three phases alternately, 2 Almine, notes from a private retreat in July 2014 Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 3

4 Foundation to the Miraculous Life (6) ~ we are under their power, whereas we must master them as tools in order to be able to live them simultaneously. Everything that is not the indivisibility of our core inviolable eternal self is a tool that we must master. Throughout 2014, the polarity of oneness and the many, or individuation, was largely explored and examined through the work of Almine. Oneness is a reality created by the heart, while separation is created by mind. They must no longer be in competition for resources, as their battle depletes our being and banishes us to the chaotic movement of the tube torus. We will not go through another cycle around the disk of linear change, as this would cause great loss of our potential, and so we find ourselves fully motivated and sufficiently awakened to establish the new reality beyond space and time. Each reality of spirit, soul, and body becomes a useful perspective or tool in the hands of the master that dwells outside of time and space. The next steps of our evolution is to become the bridge of no-time and dwell in the timelessnes of eternal existence, and then the bridge of no-space, living in the fluid regeneration of spaceless space. To this end, we focus on the meridian system, which when expressed at higher functioning becomes that bridge that leads us into a life of no opposites. When the gaps close between cause and effect, we are in a life of magic. We have all the tools that we need to put 'roots under the wings' of Almine wings that have enabled her to reach a level of pristine power in her vast body of work. Oneness is not a stable option as the heart's field cannot maintain its reality as well as the mind can. In other words, the reality of the heart deteriorates quickly when in the density of matter. That is why the ascended state of oneness is a more ethereal one that takes place outside of embodiment. The drawback with this is that it is ineffectual, as only in the densest parts of creation may the fractal patterns that pivot reality be impacted. And so the ascended state up to now has been a reality of stagnancy. The next leap of evolution is to establish the integrated reality the harmonious interaction of oneness (heart), and diversity (mind), which is the integrated reality of the one and the many, in mutual support through reverent recognition of what each aspect of being can impart. The Field of Hope is the field of integrated oneness that combines attitude with perspective, and creates the opening for outer reality to be felt through inner space, and Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 4

5 Foundation to the Miraculous Life (6) ~ qualities of inner space to reverberate into the environment, thereby creating the fertile soil of infinite possibility of fluidic space. With hope that sees behind appearances and is strong in ascension attitudes that find the inspiration in each moment, we may create the eternal from 'realness' and fully articulate the moment's potential according to Infinite Intent. In this manner do we live the highest truth emerging within being. To the degree that we surrender to life, affecting it only with our attitudes, do we stop the tube toral movement that can be described as the gap between inner and outer space. (1) Eventually, through attitude, inner and outer realities merge as one. This happens in tandem with the opening the high heart. The tube toral movement stops when the high heart is activated, as it is the 'switch' that moves us out of the duality of poles, out of linear change, and into the reality of the Moebius circuit, wherein the poles are so cooperative that they express seamlessly as an integrated whole. The poles can then no longer be experienced out of the context of the whole. We then enter into reality. Through the opening of the high heart, do we become real. When the high heart is activated, the field of hope becomes more potent that it affects all within its scope. No illusion can sustain in the presence of the real. Moreover, with the activated high heart, the three blood cells operate at their higher functioning: Red blood cell: when purified of programs of fake hormones, achieves the selfsovereignty of pristine man, that recognizes the self as the center of one's reality all personality that comes come from coping mechanisms dissolves, giving way to authentic and spontaneous expression it the moment. The ego is then transcended and becomes a tool. Black blood cell: when activated, achieves integration of our vastness in every moment of life, such that we may live from interdimensional awareness and the compressed perspective of never having been separated individuation is then transcended and mastered as a tool of the deeper eternal self. White Blood Cell: as a higher function of the high heart, the white blood cell ensures integrity of our outer environment with our being.3 When the high heart is activated, it moves all elements in our environment into aligned support for the envisiond manifestation of our dreams. But this can only happen fully when 3 This is my recent discovery that I had not yet confirmed with Almine. It was said to be 'jobless' before fighting disease that is illusion. Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 5

6 Foundation to the Miraculous Life (6) ~ there is trust in the benevolence of life, otherwise the WBC is still under the old programs of protectiveness (see footnote). The WBC activation is the stage where inner and outer environment are a seamless whole, a Moebius circuit through which embodiment is transcended and mastered, and we live in fluidic spaceless space. You may use the FA oils to support the embodiment of pristine man, godhood, and what is termed 'supergodhood', on the following points4, respectively: 1- Rose oil on the point between the eyebrows 2- Lotus oil on the 671st point, 2 inches above the navel 3- Song of the High Heart on the 672nd point, about 3 finger-width under the hollow of the neck, on the sternum area The Field of Hope is also strengthened through living from the seven fields of perception or dimensions, known as the chakras. When living a programmed life, the membranes between the chakras are thick matrices that fragment reality into illusional mirrors. In a recapitulated life that is free of program and beliefs systems, on the the other hand, the membranes between these fields are clear and there eventually is established a common language and interdimensional communication between all levels of reality. Through this common language are the higher hormones of Infinite Intent secreted into the bloodstream. The highest state of evolved awareness is to live form all seven levels at once, and this confers greater power to the Field of Hope through which the River of life flows. We have then achieved oneness through the recognition of all of existence as expressing the Self, and the body becomes the alchemical cauldron of perpetual alchemy. We will be exploring the chakra system to greater depth in the next program. For now, we explore the Field of Hope in terms of the main principles to be cultivated through attitude and perspective. 4 Discovered recently by Almine, in October The points of godhood and supergodhood are the missing acupuncture points that make up the 672 acupuncture points of the body. When operational, we become omni-sensorial and see, hear, feel with our whole body no falseness can remain in our reality at that point. Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 6

7 Foundation to the Miraculous Life (6) ~ Each makes his own reality through the attitudes he wishes to cultivate and the emphasis he chooses to give. Within our ability lies the power to live heaven on Earth and make all the world our sacred sanctuary. DQ #56, Menhur-sachve-ublechspi Becoming a Reference Point of Delight for Infinite Intent The cultivation of the Field of Hope takes us into mastering both thought and feeling, and through the self-quickening power, we become fertile soil for the manifestation of ever higher potentials. The hallmark attitudes that create the potency of the fertile field of alchemy are: 1. Knowing the perfection of life, and that if we cannot see it, it is because we have blind spots within that will that will clear with full expression of our potential of creative visioning. We close the gap between potential and expression of highest truth arising, through our cultivated perception merged with deep feeling. 2. Delight ~ steeped in practices of the art of happiness, in commitment to the ascension attitudes of praise, love, and gratitude, and in surrendered trust that life is pure benevolence, we become a fluid reference point of delight to the Infinite a compelling conduit for higher life. 3. Celebration and Appreciative Presence the fertility of surrendered being sustains attitudes of praise and gratitude for being able to participate in the unfolding journey, that life becomes one of celebration in appreciative presence. When no disruptive thought or feeling can seep in, the cells begin to sing the song of joy, and perception expands such that seeing or feeling imperfection is no longer possible. 4. Intimate open-heartedness with life ~ when our life emanates from hope that reveals the ever-present magic, we enter into deep intimacy with it, such that we are able, increasingly, to touch the 'real' divinity within all of life. We then become a force of hope through which miracles unfold. Understand that the Field of Hope is a cultivated practice for life. The more we conscientiously live its principles, we close the gap of linear time and the more powerfully we may manifest. We live from past as inspiration and future as whispered potential that impels us to ever greater appreciation of the moment unfolding. Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 7

8 Foundation to the Miraculous Life (6) ~ Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 8

9 Foundation to the Miraculous Life (6) ~ Wheel 1 Wheel 2 Creating a field of potential Relying on effortless genius to through envisioned achievement silence doubts about capabilities Wheel 3 Wheel 4 Avoiding comparisons as a measure of excellence Relishing creativity s contribution to everyday activities Wheel 5 Wheel 6 Wheel 7 Wheel 8 Allowing beauty to fire the imagination Hope as joyous anticipation of unspecified and surprising outcomes The patient creation of your life as an unfolding work of art Opening the portals of miraculous life through the silent mind and the expectant heart Wheel 9 Wheel 10 Wheel 11 Wheel 12 Choosing perspectives of aware optimism Broadcasting the song of hope as a life-giving blessing to all Holding the vision through emotional self-sovereignty Shaping the quality of the day through self-determined attitudes Wheel 13 Wheel 14 Wheel 15 Wheel 16 Unshakable faith in the indestructible ever-renewed perfection of unfolding life Aware recognition of the infinite possibilities presented by the moment The intrinsic measure of intent clearly revealed Overcoming inertia and decay through the fresh, new beginnings of every moment Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 9

10 Principles of Hope 1. Creating a field of potential through envisioned achievement 2. Relying on effortless genius to silence doubts about capabilities 3. Avoiding comparisons as a measure of excellence 4. Relishing creativity s contribution to everyday activities 5. Allowing beauty to fire the imagination 6. Hope as joyous anticipation of unspecified and surprising outcomes 7. The patient creation of your life as an unfolding work of art 8. Opening the portals of miraculous life through the silent mind and the expectant heart 9. Choosing perspectives of aware optimism 10. Broadcasting the song of hope as a life-giving blessing to all 11. Holding the vision through emotional self-sovereignty 12. Shaping the quality of the day through self-determined attitudes 13. Unshakable faith in the indestructible ever-renewed perfection of unfolding life 14. Aware recognition of the infinite possibilities presented by the moment 15. The intrinsic measure of intent clearly revealed 16. Overcoming inertia and decay through the fresh, new beginnings of every moment * * * * * Below is an elaboration of each of the sixteen principles of the Field of Hope. Following each description, is a short contemplation. Exercises on how to utilize the Hope Wheels appear after the descriptions. Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 10

11 1- Creating a field of potential through envisioned achievement Through visioning potentials that bring joy and inspiration, we shift our state from being emotionally and mentally bound by life's conditions or circumstances, to becoming the cause of fluid circumstance. When we allow ourselves to dream, life reveals ever greater potential, and soon everything comes alive and life feels pregnant with potential and endless possibility. Through inner dreaming, do we discover our inner vastness, and transcend what has been until now opening the sluices in the body to the flow of true abundance. Our dreams emerge on the cusp of inner and outer space, and in this manner they evolve awareness toward integrated oneness. In seeing behind appearances of limitation we engage the outer senses in creating reality through perspective. In allowing dreams to take shape from the inner stirrings, we transmute past experience into pure inspiration and bring greater awareness to the inner senses. Both aspects are needed for true aligned visioning. Release the need to prove yourself through envisioned achievement, as this engages the little self that is not real. Envision from inner stirrings, and from a growing sense of fullness and celebration of life and you engage the greater self. As you cultivate this, the little self will simply dissolve like mist before the sun. Feel this deeply, envision beyond limitation from being as vast as the cosmos...from inner stirrings and inspiration...from recognizing the fullness of the moment wherein life celebrates your uniqueness. Do this now in some area of life Relying on effortless genius to silence doubts about capabilities Genius arises on being new in each moment. If we live by yesterday's achievements or failures, we live within perceived ceilings, which is like trying to walk forward while looking backward or looking beyond the horizon... Yet life meets you perfectly in the moment unfolding. When also we let our stories condition us, we actually allow perceived wounds to be the tyrants that determine our capabilities. Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 11

12 Only on being new in each moment can the transcendent power of genius flow through to still the doubts this power is the ever-present river of life that may flow through our veins. As we allow the moment to be new, we establish wholeness within and dissolve the ghosts of opposition in our outer environment. Doubt, that comes from living in the illusions of past and future, destroys the delicate beginnings of hopeful visions. whereas living from the center of being in the present moment is the shelter that can nurture the seedlings of our heart's dreams. Hold the space for new creations by stilling all doubt and in willingness to be amazed, and you become the causal center through which flows Infinite Intent expressed as effortless genius. Release the second-guessing and suppression of immediate insight by knowing the folly of reason. 5 Effortless knowingness respected is necessary to participate in high alchemy.6 In allowing genius on ever newness, where you are birthed anew in the moment, you will discover effortless ways to transcend boundaries and will experience the fluid responsiveness of form to the inspiration surging through you. Confidence in life's supportiveness will then be restored, acting as a power of firm foundation in an ever changing and unpredictable, benevolent reality. Feel this now...confidence in effortless arising of all that you need to effortless clarity and genius...confidence that through cultivated silence, emptying out of all noise..all you thought you knew...allowing the stirrings to be heard...and respecting them without does that change your life, having effortless flashes of genius that provide unmistakable guidance? How does trusting and respecting this level of knowing impact you? Imagine doubt stilled, knowing that as you are in surrendered trust, all action is innocent and you cannot make a mistake. 3. Avoiding comparisons as a measure of excellence Comparison makes outer reality, which is effect, into cause. When we live by external comparison, we have abdicated our throne of deep peace in the still point of the tube torus, and have entered in its chaotic movement that is the illusion. We then live in selfabandonment and the neediness that results. 5 Fairy gem, Keys to boundless life # nd of 5 core principle or pristine man Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 12

13 With comparison, you live by external reference points and unattainable standards, as there will always be better and greater, seen through the eyes of being not enough yet. You will tend to gravitate to those who are uninspired, or will collude to establish sameness and mediocrity. As there is only the Self, comparison in mirrors is pure folly. Comparison and the ensuing competition is one of the five flaws of the mind that are the cause of lack mentality. You then want sameness (tribalism) or you want to shine above others (which is self pillaging, and leaves you short in some manner, under the law of compensation). Yet there is endless diversity of genius in the expressions of the One Life, and the delight of life is in recognizing the self within this rich diversity and participating in the alchemy of excellence with others. Release the desire for sameness by recognizing the abundant expression of the Divine7 as well as the power of expressing from uniqueness that is to be found beyond programmed standards. Release also the sense of having to become by recognizing that you are all, and the pressure to transcend limitation by acknowledging Oneness8. Look to where you compare...release all that and become self-referential...feel when the heart sings...and the mind stills...and know all is well. Imagine life from that sweet spot of still mind and peaceful heart, such that nothing else matters...nothing else exists. Envision from that place. 4. Relishing creativity s contribution to everyday activities When we engage life from hopeful expectation and ready passion, we align with creativity and its pleasures. This can be lived in each moment, through the ebbs and flows of daily activities. We are told that the only reference point of the new reality is the fluid one of delight, and the more that delight and pleasure fill our life, the more we are stirred by the muse of creativity.9 7 Fairy gem #11 8 Fairy gem # 9 9 BVP 3rd pair of pure emotions is creativity and pleasure. Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 13

14 In relishing the contribution of creativity in the little things of life, we open in childlike wonderment to the magic awaiting revelation and live increasingly without belief systems or assumptions. The freer we are from these programs, the more that delight becomes our inner compass steering us to even greater creativity In willingness to discover the wonders and the miraculous in the mundane and the details, we open to greatest self-discovery in the adventure of the moment. Nothing is what it seems, and we can behold infinity within a single detail. Look through your life and notice the miraculous that you may have overlooked. Imagine living in childlike wonderment. Consider how everyday activities can become creative acts of devotion. 5. Allowing beauty to fire the imagination No need to see polarity as a curse See the beauty of life and polarity will disperse Filling our hearts with reverence and awe at the beauty of life helps us discover our own flawlessness. 10 When we perceive only beauty, and flow our vastness only into the beautiful, we expose the flawlessness of creation, and all in our wake are reassured and soothed. Beauty is an ideal that inspires and beckons to greater harmonies still. See beauty in all things and you will have found the poetry of life that reveals the perfection and harmony behind appearances. Through the yoga of beauty that lives in the poetic perspective, the imagination engages in creations of perfection, beyond what can be comprehended. The artist sees the stone already sculpted, and the statue's beauty is already revealed in imagination. We create our reality by what we focus on impelled by our deeper visions. Let your acts be those of devotion to beauty and the artistry of life. May you see with the poetic perspective that can transcend any unrest or burden. If the sunset came but once a year, we would line up in the high places to see its arrival. Yet its glory goes by unnoticed. Don't let another moment of unrest rob you of experiencing the glory that is ever present in life unfolding. 10 Hidden Planets Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 14

15 Beauty is to the senses, what truth is to the imagination. This practice is done in the little things, until your life and being are glowing with the potent illumination sourced from beauty. Feel into your life right now, around what you can beauty support you in bringing higher harmonies into expression? How can beauty stir ideal within your life? Feel yourself walking in beauty. 6. Hope as joyous anticipation of unspecified and surprising outcomes Hope as joyous anticipation leverages the joys of life so that they spread as a sense of happiness that sustains in times that would otherwise be experienced as ebbs. With cultivated hope as joyous anticipation, our heart sings in praise and finds the surprise, the beauty, the delight, and the even the miraculous in the little things of life. It is important that hope be free of any fixed outcomes or expectations, as these bind you to the illusion of lack, that 'takes' from the world and is thus self-pillaging. The environment is your greater Self, so when you try to take, you take from self. Whereas hope that is unspecified creates a space of boundlessness into which new possibilities may enter. Create happy experiences, like lighting candles along the journey of eternity, so that you may bask in their collective glow when the darkness of discouragement threatens your well-being. So powerful is joyous anticipation and the ensuing field of delight that is created by it, that we become a compelling presence to the hidden realms. They will draw nigh and reveal their magic powers to us. One of the equations of the stage of super-godhood is as follows: The refined art of happiness + The Song of Joy singing in the cells + The glad expectations of innocent wonderment = The luminous presence of the Field of Delight Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 15

16 The more we delight in the discoveries of life, the more life contrives to amaze us. Willingness to be amazed and have life show up in surprising deligthful ways, is precursor to being able to see the continually unfolding miracles of life.11 So powerful is the song of joy and praise, that it will cause the cells to go supernova. When this occurs, all cell memory stored between the necleus and cell membrane is erased, and we are free to soar, unencumbered by ages of dross from illusion. Feel into your life, at where joyous anticipation can enliven areas where drudgery, duty, flatness, and unconscious routine and expectation have set in. How might you create happy experiences and light candles along the journey of your life? Let go of all programmed expectation and become receptive to unprecedented and surprising outcomes. Life happens 'in vivo' each moment. Where might you show up in joyous anticipation, so that you leverage results through the alchemy of glad expectation? 7. The patient creation of your life as an unfolding work of art Release the concept of fast or slow, since within pure beingness there is no reference point for either.12 The awakening of a being occurs in flawless divine timing. You are an instrument stroked by the hands of the Infinite, and there is a time to be played and a time to be silent. Yet throughout the Infinite's composition, you are entrained by resonance with all that is being played. No part of creation is left out of the ever new expression of the Infinite, so you too are ever-changing, even in the period of apparent ebb. All things come to fruition when it is their season, and not one minute sooner. Be impeccable and ever more refined in your expression, and you will be in attunement and full alignment when the time comes for you to play in beautiful harmonies. Refinement occurs in each moment. The temple of sacred being is laid brick by brick, one shining moment at at time. Patience is the result of appreciative awareness of the 11 8th of 15 principles of Divine Compassion 12 Fairy gem #3 Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 16

17 potency of the moment, free of need of specific outcome. When engaged in creating a journey of artistry, life is infallible. We are invited to appreciate ourselves as life, in every aspect of its unfoldment. We may activate the compressed perspective that knows the vastness of being while engaging in the details of life. Your heart can sing and your hope can soar in the detail with the whole such is a life of adoration in action, in which there is no hierarchy of importance. If the next step is there, then life deems it worthy of your attention, and you can embrace it with with artistry through your inner mastery. You then have infinite patience in each moment that can be a revelation. Look to an area where impatience has eroded your peace...where patience might be restored...what shift in attitude...what might you express...what quality of meticulous care may be needed, how might you elevate life trough artistry... Release self-importance. Release resistance to impeccable timing of life. How might the hopeful heart carry you on light-hearted wings of change? 8. Opening the portals of miraculous life through the silent mind and the expectant heart The mind chooses through intelligence, which emerged from the illusion of guilt. Intelligence produces noise by way of rationalization, justification and so on. So long as there is such noise in the mind, the deeper stirrings of the greater self cannot be heard. With its endless desires from the world, the mind depletes and leaks resources. It operates from lack and sees the need to improve and acquire. It tries to control the present by avoiding what it deems unpleasant, based on the past. Similarly does the needy heart pull on the world as it seeks to assuage its emptiness. It tries to control the future by attempting to recreate the high points of the past. It chooses through sentimental value and nostalgia, perpetuating the creations of the false self. Only when the mind is silenced can we know life's perfection and experience boundless divine compassion from all-inclusiveness. From a purified heart in peaceful expectancy, we follow a path of resonance that promises exponential awakening. Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 17

18 Through the silent mind and open heart, a vaster perspective arises that reveals the intrinsic benevolence of life. Even seeming cataclysmic events may be perceived as the merciful destructuring of an aspect of life so that we are prodded into a new direction. The more we live from these capabilities, the more fluid and graceful do we move into new expression, until the prodding gives way to self-impelled inspiration and higher alchemy. Through the peace that comes from this vaster perspective, we live beyond opposites and open to the miraculous. Look to areas of life where the mind can be stilled and the heart opened, that trust in life's perfection may bring new vitality to you. Surrender deeply to the benevolence of life that confers deep peace, and from the inner sanctum...feel yourself opening to the miraculous. 9. Choosing perspectives of aware optimism Perspective holds the power to change conditions, as it determines the reality that we operate within. When we feel hemmed in by conditions, we sustain the static illusion of form and can only see life at face value. Yet it is through perspective and attitude in the day to day circumstances and interactions that we build the character and momentum to make the big leaps of courageous participation. In overcoming the conditioning of taking life at face value and the carelessness in thinking that any moment can be inconsequential, and choosing perspective with impeccability, life becomes an artistic creation from depth of being. In experiencing circumstances changing through chosen perspective, the little triumph becomes foundation for ever greater optimism. Soon you will know that indeed you are the center around which your reality pivots. From the great liberation of knowing you are the master of circumstance, the challenging situations become ones where conscientious optimism creates miraculous and unforeseeable openings. The exponential possibilities held in each moment can only dawn upon the one who is receptive through aware optimism and faith. Each moment is a portal to a refined life of evolved awareness, through the decision to choose optimism from a place of reverent appreciation. Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 18

19 Perspectives or aware optimism, maintained through the thick of life, is the selfsustainable infrastructure that enables the shaping of a reality of our choosing. When there is no preference to outcome, we also have the clarity to recognize the gifts of socalled failure, as all experience can serve to inspire the moment. Through this practice, we touch upon the timeless perspective of eternity, merging contracted and expanded awareness into one as an act of reverent appreciation of life. In this manner do you weave the luminous threads of a reality of deep peace.13 Let a wave of optimism from aware appreciation flood all aspects of your life in this moment. Feel deeply how things open up, until you feel the power of eternity pouring through your heart. 10. Broadcasting the song of hope as a life-giving blessing to all In pouring forth the song of hope from your expectant heart, are you a blessing to the environment. Like watering the soil in which your dreams may grow, the song of hope to the glory and in adoration of the One Life is a blessing to all in your reality. The song of hope emanating from your cells changes the potentials that you seed. All comes back to you, manifold. When you become the portal of luminous hope, you dwell in the perpetual environment of unstoppable benevolence. When the song is from deeply steeped hope, you open the cellular sluices of supply and live wealth immeasurable from the quantum fields of grace.14 Do this now...sing the song of hope to all sentient life in your reality..,visualize yourself as a wind of change that whispers gently in the ears of loved ones of the power of glad expectation, strokes all life with the tones of your heart's hope...sings of the benevolence of life...of its abundance from eternal supply...of indivisibility through the sacred union of the one and the many...from the realness of your being, see illusion falling away. Do this now from the depth of open heartedness...feel yourself travelling on light-hearted wings of change as you are the muse of inspiration in the reality around you. 13 DQ #3 14 Inspiration from breaking the Mirror of the East (material for Foundation 2) Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 19

20 11. Holding the vision through emotional self-sovereignty You are the most influential point in your reality, in your universe. If you abdicate the throne of self-sovereignty on the negativity of others, your grand visions will not withstand the storms you unleash upon them with your distortions and unrest. Whenever you lose center and allow yourself to be pulled into the chaotic tube toral motion, you forgo your realness to appease illusion. Not only is this an impossibility, as only realness can dissolve illusion, but it is a trick of the mind, as what you appease simply becomes stronger. It is the greatest act of dishonor to life to appease what causes decay. For the one who is actively seeking to be in the real, abandoning the throne of self-sovereignty comes at the price of aggression from the outer illusional mirrors. Yet, by your emotional steadiness are the storms of illusion soothed and rendered benign. The more powerful that you become, the more important emotional self-sovereignty becomes, for when you fall into the drama of illusion, you flow the vastness of your being into those illusions, feeding distortion. Keep your gaze on the magnificent dawn of reality rising, and your emotional wellbeing will be an ever upward spiralling function of your ability to hold the vision in ever grander and deeper nuances from an increasingly rich inner space. Your deep contentment in all experience is how you merge inner and outer realities until they are one, and you are your greater self the lucid dreamer that permeates all aspects of the dream. Understand the potency of depth of feeling through inner space you will know your boundlessness and experience the fluid compliance with the dreams of the trusting open heart. From the poise of emotional equanimity and respect of effortless knowing from the stirrings and nuances from inner space, you live in balanced grace, perpetually on the cusp of infinity in finite, ever changing expression. This is living from the inviolability of the inner sanctum. Scan your life in honest self-scrutiny, and find the ties that bind you to the emotional state of others or to changing circumstance of life. Expose the enmeshment that you have clothed with seemingly lofty ideals of loyalty, caring, and roles. Cut these cords now, that your field of hope becomes impervious to the moods and illusions of others, and your faith in your inseparability from the One Life be an inviolable force of a self-determined existence. Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 20

21 12. Shaping the quality of the day through self-determined attitudes Through attitude we may keep the heart open and flowing. The needy heart separates, whereas the open heart unifies, and is foundation to the opening of the high heart. The high heart is the magic organ that brings fluidity to form, and ensures that all of life complies with the song emitted by the open trusting heart. The heart is the ruler of the kingdom and the high heart is its minister that ensures that the spirit of benevolent rule is carried out at all levels. It answers only to the ruler who is in realness and at one with the Infinite; otherwise it is in latency. Attitude conveys the messages of intent from the heart to the whole environment, including the inner environment of the body. When attitudes are emancipated from conditions and circumstance and come from depth within, they ignite the high heart, and life moves to a new level of instantaneous manifestation and miracles. Through attitude rather than by force, the master shapes his or her reality. When steeped in the powers of praise, love, gratitude, and trust, through attitude we engage the flows of eternity and highest truth emerging. Attitude determines the grace and flow of the river of life running through you. Though attitude that expresses your highest perception, you may expect immediate changes of grace in your environment. Chosen attitude has the power to turn ordinary moments into exceptional ones. Feel into your life, at how attitude can enhance areas... can change from you feeling at the effect of circumstance to being cause... Feel more deeply now, and see how powerful attitude supports you to become the fearless epicentre of life, ready and willing to be the vessel of glorious existence and have the Infinite's Intent flow powerfully through you. 13. Unshakable faith in the indestructible ever-renewed perfection of unfolding life In knowing life to unfold in perfection, and beholding everything in aware appreciation, we move from painful prodding as a steering mechanism from life, to continual inspiration and deepening sense of knowing. We then also value the detours, Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 21

22 understanding that we gather gems along any path that life deems meaningful to present to, us as we embrace it in full presence. When we further allow everything to plunge into the ocean of the One Life the moment it leaves our sphere of perception, so that we can see with new eyes continually in every moment never assuming we know a thing or know a being based on past experience we allow for maximum newness to reveal and express into our life. Life is only repetitive when we cannot see its newness only then does it appears static and predictable, but that is merely a false sub-creation sustained by the mind. We only live predictable lives when we give up the adventure for false security. We will only accept the unacceptable in others when we are under silent contract for security. Illusion does not renew. We cannot hope for change without being willing to change. If we want life to support us, we must support ourselves by knowing that all is within. Life is the greater self, and it supports you the moment you are home to yourself. The Infinite is in ever new expression, and no part of creation is left out of this ever newness; it only remains concealed through belief systems and expectations of the predictable by living in the illusion. The less encumbered are you by beliefs, assumptions, and expectations, the more you will feel the boundless potentials of the moment. The adventure of life is like riding a wave of shooting the rapids. It is meant to be an exhilarating and inspiring journey of unpredictable delights. It is not for those who cling to self-pity or in faithlessness prefer the stagnant waters of the marsh. It is not for those who seek the safety of the pack but are instead at one with the heartbeat of life, even if only they can hear it. 15 When you also release the need for proof in outer life by way of fixed outcomes, you become receptive to all potential that fluidly responds to our faith. As with all dreams, if you try to force outcomes, things get more convoluted and unpleasant. In dream time as in awake time, outcomes are gently coaxed by attitude and not by force, and the more rooted are you in faith of benevolent outcomes, the more you open to receive the magic held within the moment. No moment is exempt of miraculous potential. And through our faith and ability to see with new eyes, we close the gap of manifestation from subtle levels to the physical. 15 From the 24 new Tones of Creation Qi-Vesta, by Almine Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 22

23 Look at stuck or stagnant areas of life...look at predictability in relationships and life. What silent agreements and unspoken agendas are you bound to? Resource for an abundant life of unexpected events are tied into those. Release them now, that you can feel the newness of life in each moment and participate in its regenerative powers. Now flow those resources unleashed, into circumstances or conditions that you thought could not change. Be in gald expectation of miracles, yet unattached to how things may look. 14. Aware recognition of the infinite possibilities presented by the moment In the timeless existence of the eternal moment, all is accessible to us by resonance. Eternity is not a duration, but rather is it the quality of ever newness through which the Infinite may express. Nothing is excluded from the permeating ever present Infinite Being in ever new expression. Life is inexhaustible and it cannot be depleted. From the realness of our being, the wealth of opportunities becomes revealed through recognizing the vastness without to be within. The outer fields of hope and glad expectations become fertile fields of manifestation when seeded with the joyous exuberance of inner senses. In this way, they co-create the reality of a master, opening the heart for the Infinite's influence to pour through. 16 When inner and outer merge as one seamless reality, we become the Door of Everything, living indivisibly from the One Life. Our being then permeates all things, and all of life moves in synchrony with the dreams of hope from the heart. The endless possibilities become apparent when we engage inner space in response to life, recognizing it as the place to tap into our boundlessness. In quiet mastery from inner depth, we open the doors of infinite potential. Observe how life changes from this exalted state. Become willing to be the vessel of and participant in the profoundly magical manifestation of a majestic and glorious existence, through knowing all without to be within, and expressing from that boundlessness in joyous exuberance. Feel limitation and mirrors shattering from this uncontainable and inexhaustible vastness that causes spontaneous exuberance for life. 16 From the Book of Runes manuscript notes. Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 23

24 15. The intrinsic measure of intent clearly revealed The measure of our intent is an innate power of manifestation. If you want to know how an action will turn out in terms of its ultimate or full effect in life, you simply have to know the intent behind it and the power (measure) of that intent. Whether aligned to Infinite Intent or not, intent produces beneficent or destructive outcomes in measure to its power. Actions for expediency cause eventual opposition in life, as they are lies, and all lies must be exposed in a universe of truth. Actions to get from outer life, are self-pillaging and undermine your ability to know that all is within. Actions from the depth of eternal being, on the other hand, well up within and fuse through resonance without, causing the universe to rush to their support. The eternal being is a portal of infinity, through which flows inner space and outer space, until all is one. Your reality then reshapes from formless form according to your inspired intent. The inner becomes the outer eternally in this revolving opening door of expression, and life moves through you like a conduit of Infinite Intent. Spacelessness and timelessness forming in response to inspired intent can be easily understood in the inner reality. It is this understanding that awakens such magical possibilities in our outer realities. 17 Look over all areas of life, and know the intent of all that you participate in, all that captures your attention, all of your relationships. Observe without emotion. Do this without feeling you have to change anything just observe and be willing to see in highest truth. Where intent is not transparent and pure are the areas where the power of hope may be focused. 16. Overcoming inertia and decay through the fresh, new beginnings of every moment Inertia is the phenomenon by which you must expend more resources to maintain a situation than that situation yields in resources. Most people's lives are under inertia, and so there is death. Inertia happens when we live under the law of compensation, from not knowing one's being as the source of our sustenance. 17 From Book of Runes manuscript notes. Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 24

25 To overcome inertia requires firstly, that we shed personal matrices of conditioned behavior that cause the ruts of life. It requires that we look for all opportunity to turn ordinary moments into exceptional ones; that we practice the art of happiness, so that we choose to live from the glad heart no matter what. It requires the continual state of ever renewed expression, and of engaging life from the aware participation of the appreciative observer. Even if life appears successful, there are always past standards to shed to meet the moment from highest expression. Every time that you shed an old belief or programmed response, you are overcoming inertia and decay, and unleashing those trapped resources to vitalize your life and catalyse new beginnings. As we release all personal matrices and live from the integrated oneness of our majestic vastness and individuation simultaneously, then our vibrant expression in life brings increased resources from inner space. This is the second requirement to being able to leave polarity and the law of compensation behind. In oneness there is an excess of resources, and in individuation there is a deficit. When you combine the two, through being emancipated from the games and attachments of separation, you live in a continuous surplus, and thus are in continual evolving awareness. It is our task at present, to bring inner space 'online' and that happens through first clearing the meridians and activating the High Heart. The freer from identities, stories,and beliefs that control the will and capture the mind, the more we transcend inertia and enter into the flow of the ever renewing River of Life. That is how we may manifest the new transcended reality of resurrection. The use of inner space reverses inertia, when coupled with outer expression. The energy released by the advanced energy source of inner space and outer space interacting, creates a renewing and refreshing energy flow that restores the earth and the environment. Inner space is the originating source of love, praise, and gratitude. Its Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 25

26 involvement in outer experiences restores their innocence and sanctifies them as acts of authenticity. It reveals the truth of unfolding Infinite Intent behind the appearances. 18 And so we may manifest the new transcended reality of resurrection, wherein all of life is refined to a higher order by our presence. We are then impelled by inspiration rather than by forced corrective measures. Hope is the power that emanates purely from within, feeding inner space and eliminating inertia by closing the gap between individuation and the greater self. We then live in integrated oneness, through the 'mind' of the High Heart. Look to where you are in predictable, conditioned responses in life (roles and expectations). Look to where you hold back expression in life. Understand that potential and its realization are one. In holding back, you deaden within until you no longer know what is possible. Find the places within that can now be awakened, and express this into your Field of Hope.. 18 From Book of Runes manuscript notes. Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 26

27 In a field of hope I am growing flowers never seen before. The ground is soft and generous and through joy the seeds are welcomed to an effortless germination. Visible only to the heart's eyes, I create my personal work of art. Paola Di Francesco Copyright 2015 Anita Lucia Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 27

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