You get up a little early, maybe ten minutes or so. You have your shower, and if you are brave enough, you finish off with cold water.

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1 Superconscious Manifesting Notes for Session Six 1 Michael Domeyko Rowland Let's begin by giving you a very good way to start each day. You get up a little early, maybe ten minutes or so. You have your shower, and if you are brave enough, you finish off with cold water. This exhilarates the skin and allows you to feel much better. Then you sit comfortably, with your back straight, either in a good chair or cross-legged on the sofa or a mat or cushion on the floor. It is important to be comfortable for this. Then close your eyes, and consider for just a few minutes, any of the good things that have happened in your life so far. You merely run through your mind those memories of things that did work for you. Maybe there were some things from your childhood, or an enjoyable holiday, or some success, or anything that gave you pleasure and enjoyment. You do not give any attention to anything negative or unpleasant. You go over these positive memories a few times, running the memories through your mind, and so re-sparking the feelings associated with those events. Through this practice, you remain conscious. It is important that you do not abandon in any way your sense of self-awareness, but you just keep it relaxed and always present, always here now, always in control of your whole system, but surrendering to these enjoyable qualities. If you just let your mind wander all over the place, running any random memory, of worse, falling into negative memories, you will fall out of this state, and even go back to sleep. Remember, your body and mind are signalling devices that are continually instructing the Superconscious as to what experiences to bring you. As you sit there feeling good, develop a sense of your energy and its connection to the Superconscious. This arises more easily from having done the practices from the earlier sessions of this course. Then, holding that state of enjoyment, which automatically arises from running through those types of memories, you then plan your day, still with your eyes closed. You think about what you will be doing, and imagine how you would like it to turn out. It may a good idea to have a notebook and pen next to you, so you can make any notes of ideas that pop into your mind.

2 One of the strongest forces in human life is the will of a person who knows what they want. This is why it is so important to set a goal, and stick to it. After all, you are a goal seeking mechanism, and if you don t constantly set goals you cannot use your mind, or your life, properly. With your goals, the best quality you can develop is a confident expectation that what you are programming into your mind will come about, in the best ways possible. If you can develop qualities of hope, optimism, expectation of the good, then you will drive out fear, negativity and pessimism. This is also because if you remind yourself of enjoyable memories, they will release positive energy within you, and so raise you up the inner energy pole, the thermometer we spoke of earlier. This will give you access to a series of different subpersonalities that are much more pleasurable than those at the bottom of the energy pole. What this means is that you draw to the surface the subpersonalities that are of that nature, and of course that is helped greatly by doing anything you can to put yourself into a very positive energetic state. Remember the basis of all hypnosis or suggestive therapeutics, is to never attempt to deny the existence of a problem or some challenging issue in a person's life. The real key to it is to entice to the surface happy, healthy and naturally positive qualities in the person's life. So, apply that method of morning deliberate activation of enjoyable memories from the past, to every part of your life. If you focus on what is wrong, then you will increase it. If you focus on the state you want to be in, as well as what you would like to happen, then you will increase the likelihood of that coming about. That is just the way the mind works, so you might as well use it in your own life. Again, as always, the easiest way to keep yourself in a naturally positive outlook is by following the practices of chanting and proper meditation. And, by doing this morning method, you will find that a new natural confidence arises. You can look the world in the face, in a great mood. And, as confidence gives you power, the more you cultivate it, the better your life will be. Another way to cultivate it is to start manifesting some simple unemotional experiences. We have covered this previously, and it is vital that you do it regularly. Having even a minor success with this gives you more confidence, and awakens the ability to move forward with your life. 2

3 And don't forget, in the beginning in particular, it will be much harder to manifest those things you are emotionally attached to, because of the ego and its emotions, which mask the Superconscious. To understand this a bit more, take the following analogy: GLASS JAR Imagine you have a glass jar with a screw top. You open it up and submerge it into the ocean. Then you screw the top back on and sit it underwater on the sand. The water in the ocean is the Superconscious. The jar is the ego sealed tightly shut into its own identity but still filled with the Superconscious. The water inside it and outside it is exactly the same substance, but the glass jar gives itself the idea of being a separate being, even though it is essentially the same watery or Superconscious material. So the ego is in actuality just a collection of ideas of separation, just like the glass jar divides the inner water and the outer water of the ocean. In order to dissolve the ego or glass jar, the easiest way is to confront it with the reality that it is already the Superconscious. This is, again, why we emphasise the cultivation of simple and unemotional manifesting. Because when you do that, the ego is left with the unavoidable reality that it is already the Superconscious. So, what you are always aiming for is to become more and more in tune with the Superconscious. So develop a relationship with your energy system of feelings and sensations, as well as the Superconscious. 3 Back to our morning method. You then finish this process of it, with your meditation and any of the other exercises that you have learnt during this course. This simple exercise will show you just how quickly you can lift up your energy by keeping in mind what is good and pleasurable, just by mining and replaying your memories. The reason this helps you a lot is because the Superconscious is always looking to respond to the feeling state that you are in. Many people get up in the morning feeling fear, or anxiety, or even being overwhelmed, because of the present circumstances of their existence. You do not deny these things, but you make the conscious and deliberate command to your mind to replay, for that period of time, only those things that gave you happiness and enjoyment.

4 4 By keeping those early memories when things were working for you in the forefront of your mind, you find that you will feel better immediately, your anxiety, or feelings of overwhelm, or challenges, will be reduced, if not eliminated, and you will find yourself in a good state. It is very important to set yourself up for the day before you start living it. So include in any exercises for the body, this simple exercise for the mind. This habit of looking on the bright side will eventually become ingrained, and it will give you tremendous power over negative emotion, so that you are not swamped by it. And of course, because your Superconscious will now be responding to those positive memories, it will also create more of them for you, with similar feelings and experiences that match them, during your everyday life. Next technique: (Detached Awareness) This method will help you increase your relationship with your Superconscious: This is more movement in the direction of conscious stillness. It requires you to create a new, deeper quality, which builds on what we have done previously, by taking a period of time, as often as you can, and entering into what is called detached awareness. You do this with your eyes open sitting anywhere. It could be on a bus, sitting in a restaurant, in an airport lounge, a library, or in the office, at home, or anywhere you like. As you sit still, you remain calm, effortless, in an as neutral a state as possible. You eyes just gaze in front of you. People may wander past you, but you need have no reaction to them. If someone does speak to you, you are not affected by what they say. You answer their questions appropriately and pleasantly, but you do not seek to continue the communication with them any further than is absolutely necessary. You remain with yourself. You avoid judgement. Your breathing remains normal. You do not initiate or commence any sort of communication. You just observe everything in silence, with your mind quiet, and you make sure that you do not reject or criticise anyone. You observe carefully any emotions that may arise within you, for any reason. If they do arise, you do not react or become disturbed. You just observe them and let them go. At the same time you become aware of any thoughts that flow through you. You don't do anything about them, you just observe them, and let them slow down. You retain your awareness of your body being very still, very calm and quiet, as you are also doing the same thing with your mind. You are not manipulating anything, in any way. You are just at peace with yourself, observing your mind doing its thing, and keeping the sense of stillness in your body.

5 5 You can do this while you eat, but it requires the same attitude to the food, in the sense of stillness and calmness. It is necessary to do this while you're alone, before you try to do it when you're eating with other people. As you do it, you become aware of the normal process of eating and, as you do that, you keep in mind the thought: Just as I am not this food, nor am I the feelings and emotions that arise within me. You take this practice into your daily life, and what will happen is, as you detach yourself from the emotions and feelings and thought streams, a new sense organ will arise within you. This is something beyond the normal five senses, and allows you to develop more awareness, to a deeper and more subtle aspect of reality, that exists within yourself. You increase this sense purely by your inner attention on it. You make it as refined as you can, by not polluting it with the normal monkey chatter of your mind. And, as you develop more of this calm self-control and introspection, you will awaken what is called the Ear of the Heart. This is where you listen to, and observe life, from the deepest part of your being. It is the beginning of reawakening your heart that was closed off, during just about every person's upbringing. It is a totally different way of living. The heart is very sensitive, and it is the first part of yourself that locks up when faced with anything but unconditional love. Which means in normal human society it closes down very quickly. But by doing this detached awareness practice, and the other methods in this course, you will find the new energy you are building will allow the heart to slowly and carefully reawaken. As they say in Yoga, the Heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam. Once you do this exercise for a number of times, your mind will calm right down, and eventually sit at your feet like a pet dog, curled up comfortably waiting to see what you want to do. What this will do is build up, slowly but surely, a tremendous strength inside you. You will become a person who is respected because of the quality of your energy. This will then become your natural state, as you practice it more and more. You will feel completely connected to your own self, in a way that you have not done so before.

6 You will enjoy the sense of your inner universe and the depth, power and certainty that arises from this experience. 6 This will grow into a sense of contentment and enjoyment that will fulfil you a way that nothing else can. In other words, you will have your own Self. So in the beginning, you observe what naturally arises, and how this sensation grows and expands within you. This is called the fluidic state. This is because, at this stage of your development, you feel energy more than your physical body. Your body is an expression of energy, and because you are going deeper, you will feel that energy. As you do increase it, you will find that this feeling remains available, and will emerge whenever you want it, if you have been too much in the head, or involved with the outside world in challenging ways. You will also recognise very clearly how this equilibrium can be suddenly lost with outbursts of emotion. So you will lose interest in going down those paths of turmoil, that in particular, negative emotion brings. Once you have built up this inner detached, yet empowered state, you still go about your daily business. And you find that it is a state with no end, it is always ever deepening. Now you will be ready for a deeper understanding of manifestation. Words of Power In all the ancient traditions they talk of the words of power. In the Indian subcontinent these are known as Mantras. Mantra is usually considered to be the repetition of a particular word or sound, or series of sounds. And this is absolutely correct. It has tremendous benefits. One of these is that it gives your attention something to hold onto, while you are going through the early stages of becoming a manifestor. This gives you the means to free yourself from the monkey chatter of the ordinary mind. It can also remind you of certain truths, on an intellectual level. One of the most well used mantras is Soham, which, as we said in an earlier session, means I am That.

7 But the word That which is being referred to here, is of course the Superconscious. So when repeating it you are reminding yourself, your ego, that you are the Superconscious. This constant reminder can soften the grip of the ego, and allow it to relax enough to let go to experience expanded states of consciousness that is the ocean beyond the jar we spoke of earlier. I once knew a young monk in India, who, as part of his practice, repeated a mantra with as much relaxed concentration as he could muster, for a period of three days. He would do it in his meditation, as well as his normal daily activities of cooking and cleaning, and working in the vegetable gardens. At the end of those three days, he found that he had entered into an extraordinary state of consciousness, where he became one with the Superconscious, and experienced himself as everything around him. There was no separation between him and the physical realities outside of himself. The jar of the ego had disappeared. He also had many incredible meditation experiences as well. So the repetition of mantra is very powerful indeed. But there is an even deeper layer to it. In ancient Greece and Egypt, they referred to mantras at this deeper level, as causal words or words of creation. By using words appropriately, you can bring into being something that you want. So this is the power of manifestation using sound or words. You may remember the line in the Bible, In the beginning was the word. A statement similar to this can be found in most of the ancient spiritual traditions. What you find, with this deepening conscious exercise, is that when you go within, having developed the state in your daily life more and more, you will have far easier access to the deeper layers of your mind, which of course means the Superconscious. Exercise: Word and Image Revelation. This is an advanced exercise but certainly well worth knowing about. What you do is you take the single word that symbolises something physical. So it could be an acorn, or a plant, or tree of a particular type, or a mountain, or the ocean, or a small animal, or a rock, or a diamond. Anything in the natural world will do. You can also use things that have been manufactured by human beings, such as a glass, or a cup, or a garden rake, or anything else. 7

8 Keep it simple to begin with, and you can go onto more complex things once you practice this for a while. Now keep going in deeply into your mind, and once you are in a very deep state, and you will recognise this from your previous practice, you hold that word and the image of the item you have chosen in your mind space. You keep bringing the image and word back again and again if your mind wanders, so it is just sitting there in your consciousness. This is much, much easier if, previous to starting this you have meditated, thereby winding down the normal speedy processes of the nervous system. You do not try to see anything, or cause anything to happen. You merely continually hold the image of the object, and the repetition of the word, together in your mind space. Eventually the image of the object will dissolve and melt away, revealing itself layer by layer. It is very hard to describe, but the item, now that its physical covering is being removed, will reveal it's subtle sound blueprint. In the same way that a skyscraper has a skeleton made of long steel girders that form the framework on which the skin and floors of the building are built, but which are invisible to the eye because they are covered up, each living object that exists has a skeleton of energy on which it is built. These energy patterns have sounds associated with them, and you will recognise these as the function that allows each object to take physical form. Something extremely subtle becomes perceptible to you as each form reveals its underlying energetic skeleton or structure. This structure is accompanied by a sound that matches the physical shape. These are rather like waves, or the movements of particles of the subatomic realm. They might even remind you of the hieroglyphics that can be seen in the ancient tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. You can also see these kinds of things in scientific experiments, where fine sand is placed on thin metal plates. These are then caused to vibrate, using sound to do it, and on the plates appear specific geometrical shapes and diagrams. For instance, you can take a violin bow and run it along the edge of a metal plate that is covered with very fine sand or baker's flour, and it causes all types of shapes and patterns to appear. Many experiments have been performed in this way with all sorts of sounds. This is just a simple example, to show you the power of vibration and energy and sound to cause shapes to appear in the material, physical world. 8

9 9 What this hints at is that every manifestation in life has at its core the originating pattern or structure that allows it to exist. What is important for us is to bypass the physical manifestations and experiments such as these, and go directly for the main game, which is the Power of manifestation and creation that lives within us all. Naturally it is better to see this for yourself in your own inner Universe, and use that knowledge to bring into being what you want, by developing your manifesting powers. So every form in life has its basis in sound, which is just another aspect of energy and intelligence. And these three, of course, make up what we call the Superconscious. This is a totally new skill to develop. Very few have even ever heard of it, let alone put it into practice. But it is quite a natural phenomenon that grows from this building of a relationship with the Superconscious. Being able to use this manifestation ability is to realise that When you are visualising, Or doing the repetition of affirmations, Or infusing hypnotic suggestions into your mind, Or even having a vision board with pictures of what you want on it, Or entering into visualisation exercises, What you are actually doing is attempting to manifest what you want using these underlying energetic sound blueprints of forms to bring into creation those particular experiences that you want to enjoy. Even though it is likely you are unaware of this, just like the person driving a car is likely to be unaware of mechanical engineering, it is exactly what you are doing. The deeper you can go in within yourself, and the more you can cause a word and an image to melt away to their underlying pre-subatomic, luminous form, the more power you will have over manifestation. You words of creation and manifestation will be strengthened by this direct experience. This is why the great meditators were able to use these Siddhis, or higher faculties of the mind, to perform what appeared to be miraculous and unbelievable events. It is really just science, but of a very subtle and unseen nature. The more you go into the inner stillness and silence, while remaining conscious, the more you will begin to see just how these seemingly magical powers actually function. This is of course, advanced work, but if you really want to become a more powerful manifestor, then this is the fast track method to do it. The deeper you go in, the more creative power you have.

10 10 Final part the body With all this talk about the mind and the interior Universe, it is very important not to forget the body. Experiments have been done which show that by taking different positions physically and holding them for several minutes, you will find that the feelings in the body change dramatically. Your body is an expression of your energy system and mind. Stretch it out, and you stretch out your mind, and free up more energy. Even ten minutes of stretching will make a radical difference to how you feel, and even to your whole day. If you do more than that, then you can rejuvenate your body and energetic feelings back to when you were twenty-one. So take up the practice of Yoga postures, or even work on the bars you see in parks and next to beaches, with press-ups and chin ups, and such exercises. Get flexible and get fit. It will make a radical difference to you and your ability to go deeper within, explore your inner Universe and so manifest what you want. Doesn t just be an armchair philosopher. Become a fully conscious human being, and really explore your body mind instrument, as it holds all the secrets to your success.

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