Responsorial Psalm Chants & Gospel Acclamations. Forever I Will Sing. December 2, 2018 November 28, 2019 Year C. Music by Timothy R.

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orever I Will Sing Responsorial Psalm hants ospel Acclamations ecemer 2, 2018 Novemer 28, 2019 Year Music y Timothy R Smith

Online Instructional Videos Visit timothyrsmithcom for links to online instructional videos for each Responsorial Psalms and ospel Acclamations These are helpful in familiarizing cantors and instrumentalists ith each piece Refrain Melodies for Assemly Worship Aids To receive pdf all refrain melodies at no additional charge, send copy receipt to forever@timothyrsmithcom orever I Will Sing Responsorial Psalm hants and ospel Acclamations Year ecemer 2, 2018 through Novemer 28, 2019 Musical settings y Timothy R Smith This songook 2018, Timothy R Smith Pulished y TR TUNE, LL All rights reserved timothyrsmithcom Ecclesiastical approval for pulication granted y Vicar eneral, Archdiocese etroit The English translation some Psalm Responses, some Alleluia and ospel Verses, and Lenten ospel Acclamations from Lectionary for Mass, 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommission on English in Liturgy orporation (IEL) All rights reserved Used ith permission The Psalm verses and some Responses and ospel Acclamations from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States America, second typical edition 1970, 1997, 1998, y onfraternity hristian octrine () All rights reserved Used ith permission All musical settings y Timothy R Smith Some settings ere previously pulished y OP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 972133638; as indicated, y are availale at ocporg Pulisher: omposer: Editor: over Art: TR TUNE, LL, Waterford, MI timothyrsmithcom Timothy R Smith Barara Bridge Mary udek marydudekartcom Special Thanks Rick Modlin, Scot randal, and all people at OP; to Mary udek for her great artork, to ar Scott Thiodeau, ar Brian Meldrum, parish and music ministry Our Lady Lakes, for ir support and openness to singing se settings Thank you to my family: Emily, ae, Al and my dear ife Kim, ho shos so much patience for her husand and his laptop appendage This ook is dedicated to memory my Mom and ad, Mary lare Smith and ary Smith To od e glory! We are still developing and refining this format and e elcome any feedack Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have feedack aout any aspect this pulication Tim Smith tim@timothyrsmithcom 2

Singing Psalm Settings Psalm Refrains can e adapted to piano, organ, guitar accompaniment, or even SATB choir The melodies, rhythms and harmonies are designed to emody spirit text Verse hants are set for solo voice (antor) ith sustained keyoard or guitar accompaniment eneral irectives for hanting Verses onsider example elo for a discussion various musical elements: In chanted verses, music follos speech rhythm text, floing smoothly so that text is understood and its meaning is clear Black notes indicate that all verses have only one syllale on that note Open notes indicate that at least one verse has multiple syllales on open note Where re is only one syllale on an open note, cantor should sing that syllale as though it is a lack note not sustaining that syllale ut maintaining speech rhythm text The Right Slash / indicates that one phrase ends and a ne phrase egins on same note, ith a slight pause at end phrase efore slash or example, at end Verse 2a re is a pause eteen creatures; and less to distinguish eteen to phrases Braces { } act as repeat signs or example, at end Verse a, right racket } indicates a repeat to left racket { at Thus, cantor connects a and to complete phrase, y are created, and you rene face earth The races in Verse 2a, 2, and 2c, direct cantor to connect all three lines: earth is full creatures; less Lord, O my soul! Alleluia! Square Brackets [ ] indicate a repetition ords or phrases from original text 3

Responsorial Psalm Refrain Alphaetical Index Page RERAIN Page RERAIN 2 A light ill shine on us this day 112 Lord, send out Spirit 26 All ends earth 11 Lord, send out Spirit 86 Alleluia (Easter Vigil ospel Acclamation) 160 Lord, this is people 50 Be merciful, O Lord 16 Lord, hen glory appears 52 Be ith me, Lord 82 Lord, you have ords 28 Blessed are y ho dell 108 Lord, you have ords Blessed are y ho hope in Lord 30 May od less us in his mercy 17 Blessed are those ho fear Lord 68 My od, my od, 170 Blessed e name Lord 3 O less Lord, my soul 132 Blessed people Lord has chosen 98 O od, let all nations 172 Blessed people Lord has chosen 116 O Lord, our od, 10 Blessed people Lord has chosen 70 Our lessing cup 85 reate a clean heart 156 Our help is from Lord 16 ry out ith oy and gladness 18 Praise Lord ho lifts up poor 72 ar, into hands I commend 150 Praise Lord, my soul 20 orever I ill sing 36 Proclaim his marvelous deeds 90 ive thanks to Lord (Psalm 118) 10 Sing to Lord a ne song 110 ive thanks to Lord (Psalm 107) 60 Taste and see 106 lory and praise forever! 75 The earth is full 10 o out to all orld 166 The Lord comes to rule earth 100 od mounts his throne 12 The Lord has done great things 12 od, in goodness 6 The Lord has done great things 126 He ho does ustice 15 The Lord has revealed to nations 80 I ill praise you, Lord 158 The Lord hears cry poor 92 I ill praise you, Lord 56 The Lord is kind and merciful 96 I ill praise name forever 175 The Lord is kind and merciful 162 I ill praise name forever 6 The Lord is kind and merciful 16 I ill rise and go to my far 102 The Lord is king 0 I ill sing salvation 5 The Lord is my light and my salvation 58 If today you hear his voice 176 The Lord is my light and my salvation 130 If today you hear his voice 62 The Lord is my shepherd 152 If today you hear his voice 136 The queen stands at right hand 1 In every age 88 This is day 2 In sight angels 8 To you, O Lord, I Lift My Soul 122 Let all earth cry out to od 22 Today is orn our savior 168 Let us go reoicing 12 Turn to Lord in need 78 Let us sing to Lord 9 We are his people 83 Like a deer 66 With Lord re is mercy 8 Lord it is good to give thanks to you 118 You are a priest forever 138 Lord, come to my aid 76 You are my inheritance 32 Lord, every nation on earth 120 You are my inheritance 13 Lord, go up to place rest 1 You are highest honor 18 Lord, make us turn to you 81 You ill dra ater 128 Lord, on day I called 8 You ill dra ater 7 Lord, send out Spirit 38 Your ords, Lord, are Spirit and life 7

{m q = c 82} RERAIN apo 3: /B /A B / / 1 Your To you, O Lord, I 2 ood 3a All paths 3 E m7 m7 lift my soul To A B you, I lift my E m7 m7 Verses: (antor) A E m B m m m E and {toard ays, up LOR those 1 teach me 2 shos sin 3 and ners his de paths, ay / He crees / The O right are ho /B A B / B / /A 1a teach 1 2 ust irst Sunday Advent ecemer 2 LOR, make is kindness and keep his Psalm 25:5, 89, 10, 1 A soul knon to me; LOR; / thus he constancy} covenant uide me in guides me, / for you are od {and for you I ait ice, / and teaches hum friendship truth humle LOR is ith those E m7 m7 my all le his A savior} day ay a tempo 2 and to ho 3 fear him, / and his covenant, for ir in struction 2 8 Music 2013, Timothy R Smith Pulished y TR Tune, LL All rights reserved

ospel Acclamation: Psalm 85:8 Acclamation: (Keyoard/SATB) NO III {m q = c 160} apo 3: / /A 3 3 Al E m/ m/b le lu ia, al le A B m m B lu Verse: (antor) E m A m B A ia Sho us, Lord, love; / and grant us sal vation Music 201, Timothy R Smith Pulished y TR TUNE, LL All rights reserved irst Sunday Advent, cont (2) 9

The Immaculate onception Blessed Virgin Mary {m e = c 130} RERAIN apo 5: A m m 8 6 8 6 Sing to Lord a ne song, for A m7 m7 ma7 B ma7 he has done mar velous E m7 A m7 Verses: (antor) A m m ma7 B ma7 E m A m A m m 1 () 2 The 3 All 1 he has 2a sight 2 {he has 3 y Sing LOR ends done re to has LOR a made his sal earth have ne va ma7 sus2 A m m /B B ma7 sus2 m m /E 1 victory for seen ondrous deeds; / His nations} right hand vealed his ustice / He has re memered our od / Sing oyful A m m him, / his 8 6 ecemer 8 a tempo B ho dm7 dm7 ly tion sal has his ly Psalm 98:1, 23a, 3cd vation A m m deeds song, / for knon: / in on kindness to A E arm 2 and 3 LOR, all his you faithfulness lands; 8 6 toard reak in to house song; sing Is ra el praise 10 Music 2013, Timothy R Smith Pulished y TR TUNE, LL All rights reserved timothyrsmithcom

ospel Acclamation: Luke 1:28 Acclamation: (Keyoard/SATB) NO IV {m q = c 116} apo 5: /E /A lu Verse: (antor) Asus sus A m m B Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le ma7 B ma7 1 2 2 sus sus Hail, Mary, full grace, Lord {lessed are add2 B add2 Music 201, Timothy R Smith Pulished y TR TUNE, LL All rights reserved The Immaculate onception Blessed Virgin Mary, cont (2) ia / /B m7 m7 2 and onard sus sus ia is you a ith mong you;} omen 11

{m q = c 92} RERAIN apo 3: A E/A A E/A / / The Lord has done great E m A m e are filled ith oy, Verses: (antor) / /A m/e A m/ Psalm 126:12, 23, 5, 6 A E/A A A/ / /E things for us; sus2 Esus2 A sus2 sus2 e are filled ith oy, 1 When LOR rought 2 Then y 3 Restore our Although y E ack said for go captives among tunes, O forth 1 e ere 2 LOR has 3 torrents in carrying seed Second Sunday Advent like done south to ecemer 9 men great dream things ern des e son, / y Zi na LOR, eep ing / Then our for m" / The ert shall on, tions, / "The like ing, / m /A E m mouth as LOR has Those ho come 12 Music 1996, Timothy R Smith Pulished y OP All rights reserved Through composed version in With Lord songook 10390 availale at ocporg

A/ add2 B m9 /E B add2 m9 1 filled ith 2 done great things for 3 so in ack re 2 2 E B / Al laugh us; tears oic ospel Acclamation: Luke 3:, 6 Acclamation: (Keyoard/SATB) NO I {h = c 96} apo 1: A/ /B /A Verse: (antor) ter, / and our / e are shall ing, tongue ith glad reap carrying re in re ir Second Sunday Advent, cont (2) a tempo E 3 3 oic ing deed oic ing sheaves le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu A / E /B / A E /A A / E /B B /B E A / B m m E m / m E / sus2 A sus2 ia Prepare ay Lord, / make straight his paths: / all flesh shall see salva tion od E Music: Mass Sacred Heart; Timothy R Smith, 2007, 2010, Timothy R Smith Pulished y OP All rights reserved A Asus2 B sus2 13

{m q = c 76} RERAIN apo 3: B m m You are high est hon or our m/a A m/ 1 Bless 2 Your ed deed are you, daughter, y ma7 / B A ma7 /A Most hope Verses: (antor) B m m/ m/a m A m/ A m/ 1 om en 2 e on for earth; / and gotten / y High od, / a ill ma7 A ma7 m B m B ma7 B ma7 A m m ma7 B ma7 1 ator 2 high * Added line Our Lady uadalupe m7 A m7 B m m race ove all nev er less ed e LOR od, / cre those ho tell might od / *You are heav est hon ecemer 12 or en and our a tempo B m m 2 2 earth race udith 13:18cde, 19 1 2013, Timothy R Smith Pulished y TR TUNE, LL All rights reserved timothyrsmithcom

ospel Acclamation: cf Psalm 85:8 Acclamation: (Keyoard/SATB) NO II {m q = c 130} apo 3: A 3 3 Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu B / /A E N E/ / A/ /E / /A Verse: (antor) Esus2 sus2 / sus2 B Esus sus2 /A sus Esus sus Blessed are you, holy Vir gin Mary, / de serving all praise; from A/ sus2 E /E sus2 N you rose sun ustice, hrist our od Music 201, Timothy R Smith Pulished y TR TUNE, LL All rights reserved Our Lady uadalupe, cont (2) ia E 15

{m q = c 70} RERAIN apo 2: 16 8 6 8 6 E ry out ith oy and / A/E B m7 / m7 E/ Asus Bsus E glad ness: for a mong A great and Hol y One Is ra el Verses: (antor) / E/ A E 1a od 1 {My strength and 2a ive 2 {a 3a Sing 3 {let 3c {Shout in my ith deed is courage is thanks to mong praise to this ex A B my e ul 1a confident and un 1 he has een 2a claim 2 knon 3a glorious 3 out all 3c city Third Sunday Advent a my his his a fraid} savior name;} deeds, chievement;} earth} Zion, ecemer 16 / A E m E/ B m With pro for you E oy you savior; / I LOR, LOR, nations LOR for knon tation, am and ac make his through O is claim ho ex great Music 2013, Timothy R Smith Pulished y TR TUNE, LL All rights reserved timothyrsmithcom ill in Isaiah 12:23,, 56 dra

B m/ m/e n a tempo Asus Bsus 8 6 A B Third Sunday Advent, cont (2) Asus A Bsus B 1 at er at fountain sal va tion 2 alt 3c midst {m q = c 116} apo 5: ed is A m m is Holy One n ospel Acclamation: Isaiah 61:1 (cited in Luke :18) Acclamation: (Keyoard/SATB) NO IV /E /A lu Verse: (antor) Asus sus B his 8 6 name Is ra el Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le ma7 B ma7 1 2 2 sus sus ia m7 m7 2 and onard sus sus ia The Spirit LOR is up on me, / ecause he has a nointed me to ring glad tidings to poor add2 B add2 Music 201, Timothy R Smith Pulished y TR TUNE, LL All rights reserved / /B 17

{m q = c 65} RERAIN E m Lord, make us turn to you; Verses: (antor) 1 O 2 Once 3 May E m 1 from 2a look 2 {tect 3a ith 3 /E E m shepherd again, help e ith throne upon don hat son man ma7/e let us see face and /E A m7 B m7 Esus e O man Is ra LOR el, right shall e saved hearken, hosts, hand, from hom 1 poer, / and 2a care 2 man hom 3a more ith 3 life, / and come you dra e ourth Sunday Advent to this from ill E m/ cher heav right you u /A A ma7 save us, come vine, / and pro } self made you; / give} call up on ecemer 23 im, en, hand self to shine and has made ma7 forth / Rouse see; / take planted, / son strong / Then e ill no {us ne a tempo E m save strong name Psalm 80:23, 1516, 1819 us 18 Music 1996, Timothy R Smith Pulished y OP All rights reserved Through composed score availale in Blessed Assurance songook 1077 availale at ocporg

ospel Acclamation: Luke 1:38 Acclamation: (Keyoard/SATB) NO II {m q = c 130} apo 3:A 3 3 Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu B / /A E N E/ / Verse: (antor) Esus2 sus2 / sus2 B sus2 /A Behold, I am handmaid Lord / May it e Music: 201 Timothy R Smith All rights reserved A/ /E / /A Esus sus ia E A/ sus2 E /E sus2 N done to me ac cording to ord ourth Sunday Advent, cont (2) 19

The Nativity The Lord (hristmas): At Vigil Mass {m q = c 100} RERAIN Asus /B ev or sus2 ev er I ill sing good ness A/ / er I ill sing good ness /A sus2 m/ /E Psalm 89:5, 1617, 27, 29 n n Verses: (antor) A m sus2 ma7 n 1 I have made 2 Blessed people 3 He shall say a ho me, covenant kno "You n 1 avid 2 countenance, O LOR, 3 rock, my y my a ith oy are my ful my /B A m E m 1 terity / and estalish 2 day, / and through 3 him, / and my servant: / orever ill I alk / At name y savior" / orever I ill / throne for all ustice y covenant ith n n ecemer 2 chosen one, / I have shout; / in far, / my Lord Lord sorn to light od, n n gen are him con re main firm oice tain my kind 2 2 all ness a tempo Asus2 er ex a al stands firm pos toard tions ted or 20 Music 1999, Timothy R Smith Pulished y OP All rights reserved

ospel Acclamation: Acclamation: (Keyoard/SATB) NO V The Nativity Lord (hristmas): At Vigil Mass, cont (2) {m e = c 150} 8 6 8 6 Al le lu ia, al le lu ia Al le lu ia, al le lu m A m m /A /B ia Verse: (antor) A m /B /A m9 Tomorro ickedness earth ill e de stroyed: Savior orld ill reign ov er us Music 201, Timothy R Smith Pulished y TR TUNE, LL All rights reserved 21

{m q = c 120} RERAIN A 3 3 n n day To day is orn our Sav ior, hrist Lord, hrist Lord To is /B orn B m our m Sav ior, E m7/a hrist / Psalm 96:12, 23, 1112, 13 E m Lord Verses: (antor) / E m 1 () Sing to LOR a ne 2 An nounce his sal vation, day af 3 Let heav ens e glad and earth () They shall ex ult e fore n 1 sing 2 glo 3 sea comes; n The Nativity Lord (hristmas): At Mass during Night to ry and for a hat he LOR, mong fills comes to all it rule you re ecemer 25 lands nations; / a sound; / let earth ter re song; day / Tell oice; / let LOR, / for ma7 /B A/ A m7 his he () () plains e oyful and all that is in He shall rule orld ith n m! ustice 22 Music 2013, Timothy R Smith Pulished y TR TUNE, LL All rights reserved timothyrsmithcom

E m / E m/ 1 Sing to 2 mong 3 Then shall all and all LOR; less his name peo ples, his on drous deeds trees forest ex ult peo ples ith his con stan cy The Nativity Lord (hristmas): At Mass during Night, cont (2) a tempo Asus 3 3 A 23

{m q = c 105} RERAIN 1 E m ref E m /B In ev 'ry age, O Lord, 2 2 ma7 uge, you have een our ref 1 You 2 You make 3 Teach us a ill us {may turn an to at A m7 B m7 /B man end m numer our dayreak gra you have een our sus Verses: (antor) sus A m7 B m7 uge ack in days ith to ir a cious dust, sleep; right, kindness, care saying, "Re next that that 1a dren 1 2a y 2 3 dom a shout od are for e 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time men / or like heart oy ours; / Prosper a Re and Septemer 8 A m7 thousand years {yesterday, no that chang {dan springs turn, O gladness ork in it up LOR! all Music 1996, Timothy R Smith Pulished y OP All rights reserved Through composed octavo Ed 926 and through composed ith SATB Refrain in With Lord songook Ed 10581, oth availale at ocporg Psalm 90: 3, 56, 1213, 1,17 is ing a Ho our our turn, O chil morning e may gain is e may LOR our sight are as} past, grass, / Which at} ne / ut y long days / And} hands for us!

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont (2) sus A m7 a tempo 1 or as a atch night 2 eve 3 Have Prosper {m q = c 116} apo 5: ning ilts pity ork ospel Acclamation: Psalm 119:135 Acclamation: (Keyoard/SATB) NO IV /E /A lu Verse: (antor) Asus sus A m m B on and our fades ser vants! hands! Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le ma7 B ma7 1 sus sus Let face shine up on ia servant; / and m7 m7 2 and onard sus sus add2 B add2 / /B ia teach me las Music 201, Timothy R Smith Pulished y TR TUNE, LL All rights reserved 15