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INTRODUCTION Moderato??? Trumpets 1, Tromoes 1,?? Timpai? 00898 Ÿ~~~~~ Ÿ~~~~~ Ÿ~~~ Ÿ~~~~ Ÿ~~~~~ Ped Ÿ~~~~~ Ÿ~~~~~ Ÿ~~~ Ÿ~~~ Ÿ~~~~~ For the 1999 priesthood ordiatio, Archdiocese o Chicago Cocertato o HYMN TO OY Sig ith All the Saits i Glory Oe i Christ SATB Choir, Descat, Assemly, Brass Quartet, Timpai, optioal Suspeded Cymal, Orga Sig ith All the Saits i Glory y William Iros, 181 18, alt Oe i Christ y Fred Pratt Gree, 190 000 HYMN TO OY Ludig va Beethove, 1770 187 Adapt y Edard Hodges, 179 187 Arr y Paul M Frech 10 5 Istrumetal parts are availale, WLP 008705 Artork: Copyright Eugee Plaisted Used y permissio Text o Oe i Christ copyright 198 Hope Pulishig Co, Carol Stream, IL 0188 All rights reserved Used y permissio Arragemet copyright 000, World Lirary Pulicatios 708 River Road, Suite 00, Frakli Park, IL 011158 All rights reserved Uauthorized duplicstio is agaist the la

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