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Kno That God Is Speaking is an upliting anthem o encouragement or communion or any time hich notes the many ays God speaks to His olloers The linear nature o the melody gives a onderul opportunity or luid and expressive phrasing and subtle dynamic shaping o the text Consider using a small ensemble or the oco meno mosso section (mm 870) to add even more textural contrast (and save rehearsal time ith the entire choir) Note the alternate italicized text (mm 7) hich oers the general orship textual option Gregory Chestnut is the Minister o Music and ine Arts at irst Congregational United Church o Christ in Sarasota lorida In his 7 year tenure at the church Greg has built a comprehensive music ministry ith vocal and instrumental choirs or children through adults a concert series and an annual ArtistinResidence eekend Greg is highly involved in creative orship planning and teaches in the church s arts education program With Bachelor s and Master s degrees in organ perormance rom Indiana University Greg is an active recitalist throughout the state o lorida He has served as organist or the Sarasota Orchestra and the lorida Orchestra o Tampa Bay He is a nationally recognized orkshop clinician or children s and youth choirs Greg is a published hymn riter Kenneth Dake Conductor composer and keyboardist Kenneth Dake has served as Director o Music at Ne York City s historic Marble Collegiate church since 1996 There he directs The Marble Choir hich has earned a reputation as one o America s inest proessional vocal ensembles The Marble Choir has released our CDs to ide acclaim: Seet Hour (01) It s About Love (01) Songs o Simple aith (008) and With Many oices (A Celebration o American Sacred Music) (006) Each recording eatures many o Mr Dake s compositions and imaginative arrangements o American olk hymns and spirituals shocasing the choir s extraordinary versatility themarblechurchorg revie Only A native o Chicago Mr Dake attended Interlochen Center or the Arts beore moving to Ne York and earning his Bachelor s and Master s degrees in piano perormance rom the Juilliard School He later pursued organ studies and ent on to serve eight years as organist/choirmaster o St George s Episcopal Church on Manhattan s Stuyvesant Square Knon or his technical virtuosity and communicative passion Mr Dake is equally at home as organ recitalist or piano soloist His many choral and instrumental orks are idely published and heard nationide ith increasing requency 6

ORGAN 7 10 10 WE KNOW THAT GOD IS SEAKING or SATB voices and organ* Words by GREGORY CHESTNUT Moderato con moto (h = ca 6) oundations ed n n n b n n n SORANO / ALTO 1 kno that TENOR / BASS n n n n b n n God is speak ing to day as Music by KENNETH DAKE revie Only * To purchase a ulllength perormance recording (6) o this piece go to alredcom/donloads Copyright 016 Candelaorks Music (ASCA) a division o Jubilate Music Group LLC O Box 607 Brentood TN 70 All Rights Reserved rinted in USA The copying o this music is prohibited by la and is not covered by CCLI LicenSing or OneLicensenet 6

1 16 19 in the past; u o vi sions that ill u ẇ ture ture through dream n last ers and build n ex plor ers o the n n n b ers 18 n re keepers o the 18 revie Only n no n n n n 6

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6 9 9 and preach and preach and preach and preach ing and orshiping ing and orshiping ing and orshiping ing and orshiping as as in el loship and car p n Oo p Oo n as as in el loship and in our car ing ing p n Oo one; one; one; one; p n Oo n revie Only n ith blessing and ith n ith blessing and ith n n b 7 6

8 5 n peace peace n n n er round the ta er ith the aith er round the ta er ith the aith er round the ta er ith the aith er round the ta er ith the aith ble ul ith that all love ho may join yet this east increase rit dim ble ith all ho join this join this east ul that love may yet may yet increase rit dim ble ith all ho join this east ul that love may yet increase ho join this join this dim may yet may yet increase east rit ble ith all ho join this east ul that love may yet increase rit dim rit dim revie Only 6

8 8 51 oco meno mosso (h = ca 5) p dolce U hear e hear that p dolce U hear e hear that p dolce U hear e hear that dolce p n U n hear e hear that oco meno mosso (h = ca 5) U p dolce U n n God is still God is still God is still God is still O Ho ly Spir it come and ill us ith thanksgiv n O Ho ly Spir it come and ill us ith thanksgiv O Ho ly Spir it come and ill us ith thanksgiv n O Ho ly Spir it come and ill us ith thanksgiv n n n n speak ing speak ing speak speak ing ing ing ing revie Only ing ing 9 6

10 5 57 or all that or all that or You have done You have done n π π n 58 You have done; You have done; all or all that π lis ten π lis ten π lis ten lis ten 58 or all that or all that have done You have done still still revie Only still ed 6

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1 66 69 to car ry out our mis to car ry out our mis to car ry out our mis to car ry out our mis sa cred place sa cred this most sa cred n sa cred place sa cred place sa cred this most sa cred n sa cred place n n sion sion sion sion accel place accel accel place accel ẇ accel 71 71 n n in this most n n in this most n n in this most n n in this most n n n Tempo I n Our hope in Our hope in Our hope in revie Only Our hope in Tempo I 6

7 75 God still speak God still speak God still speak God still speak ing is shared ith saints a bove; ing is shared ith saints a bove; ing is shared ith saints a bove; ing is shared ith saints a bove; hen e reach out hen e reach out hen e reach out hen e reach out > > > > > > > > > > > > to oth ers in jus tice and in to oth ers in jus tice and in to oth ers in jus tice and in to oth ers in jus tice and in revie Only 1 6

1 78 79 81 love love love love n 79 Our his t ry be ore Our his t ry n us is be ore us Our u ture ill be bright Our jour n Our u ture ill be bright Our jour n b n b n b n b n b n n n n n n b Our jour ney Our jour ney revie Only n ney ney n 6

8 87 is re joic ing in God s e is re joic ing in God s e is re joic ing in God s e is re joic ing in God s e 86 + Reeds Man 86 n ter nal light in God s e ter nal light ter nal light in God s e ter nal light ter nal light in God s e ter nal light ter nal light in God s e ter nal light b b n n b n b b n n b ed revie Only 15 6

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