When We Eat This Bread. this. bread. and. and. this. bread. un - til. un - til

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& á. & œ. œ œ. œ œ œ. œ á á EUCHARISTIC PRAYER III. and all you have created rightly. You are indeed Holy, O Lord, gives you praise,


f Kevin Mconough Refrain bas on 1 Cinthians 11:6 Verses bas on Matw 18:0; 5:b; Revelation 1: Michael Joncas Canr/All *Soprano Al Ten Bass Keyboard?? claim claim REFRAIN: Flowing ( q = ca. 80 )?? When When r r (P.) death death eat eat un - un - bread bread til til drink drink come. come. cup cup pro - pro - Fine Fine Fine Refrain text 197, International Committee on English in Liturgy, Inc. (ICEL). All rights reserv. Us with permission. Verses text music 1981, 198, Jan Michael Joncas Trust. Publish by OCP Publications, 556 NE Hassalo, Ptl, OR 97 All rights reserv. *F alternate three-part arrangement, see Guitar/Vocal, p. 10. Edition 105-Z

VERSE 1: Soprano??? Al name,? geth - b y Where er, re three gath - er am c I. ban - quet b where - geth - b three, er Ld. in my gath - er -

VERSE : Ten???????? Bass me; Come, king - dom, b y full my c joy. ban - quet b en - ter Fa - b in - r,, God s Ld. come ho - ly

VERSE :???? S A T B. God,??. I. hus - b, b saw fill J j j J cit - y Je - with love. ru - sa - lem b clod a- dn as a, come bride from f her 5

6????. y VERSE :?? me, c There will be ban - quet no b me ep - ing God will Ld. mourn - ing, b dll with his nev - er - ho - ly

???? peo - b y VERSE 5:?? ple All ev - c er - me. ban - quet b J j J j Fa - r, Cre - j J j J a - r, Ld. most Ho - b ly, 7

8???? him; Broth -? b er, Spir - it him; God b b makes us Son,,, our one. Sav - i glo - ry al fine? b al fine

Perfmance Notes 9 TEXT: This communion processional song is a catena verses from New Testament emphasizing notion Eucharist as an eschalogical banquet. Sources f refrain verses as follows: Refrain: I Cinthians 11:6 Verse 1: Matw 18:0 Verse : Matw 5:b Verse : Revelation 1: Verse : Revelation 1: Verse 5: Trinitarian oxology LITURGICAL USE: is written be us during communion procession. The refrain is sht enough be memiz sung as assembly comes fward f communion. The refrain may also be employ as a memial acclamation in Eucharistic Prayer. Verses may be us in communion procession as ne but final verse should always be doxology. MUSICAL INTERPRETATION: The keyboard accompaniment is written f gan but may be us with a piano with me pulse than sustain notes. The refrain may be sung twice upon each recurrence: once in unison once in harmony at discretion direcr. The number verses is variable depends upon length communion procession. I recommend using a tlve-string guitar with lost sounding string(s) tun down one ne. M.J. a e,\d d f+, ( Guitar Charts (-tuning) d,./7 f+,\d ( 5 d6 d g g,./7 g, e, e,7 (

10 f Kevin Mconough (Guitar/Vocal) Refrain bas on 1 Cinthians 11:6 Verses bas on Matw 18:0; 5:b; Revelation 1: Michael Joncas *Melody Harmony VERSES: Em/ cup. All REFRAIN: Flowing ( q = ca. 80 ) When Where Come, I There pro - claim saw will eat be r maj7 A death Em/ bread Refrain text 197, International Committee on English in Liturgy, Inc. (ICEL). All rights reserv. Us with permission. Verses text music 1981, 198, Jan Michael Joncas Trust. Publish by OCP Publications, 556 NE Hassalo, Ptl, OR 97 All rights reserv. three cit - no y me Fa - r, un - Gmaj7 til 6 gath - Je - ru - ep - Cre - a - A er my sa - ing r Fm/ drink - most come. geth - Fa - lem mourn - Ho - Fine er r, ing, ly, *Three-part vocal arrangement; f SATB, see Keyboard/Vocal, p.

11... - in come come nev - maj7 three in - dn dll Son, my from er - Em name, me; God, me, him; God s as a with his our Em I. joy. love. me. him; Fm c Spir - it Fm Gm ban - God Fm 6 gath - ho - bride ho - Sav - er ly f ly i - her quet G Em makes G geth - king - hus - peo - Broth - us glo - er, dom, b, ple er, ry Em7 Ld. one. where en - clod God ter will a - re full fill ev - Em y y y y A am with er -

1 Assembly Edition WHEN WE EAT THIS BREA Michael Joncas.. Refrain gath ru ep a three in dn dll Son, 1- bless glo er my sa ing r When eat bread drink cup, pro claim r Verses death un til come.. geth Fa lem mourn most ho er in my name, r, come me. come from God, ing, ly, nev er me: him. gath er geth er, re am God s ho ly king dom, full as a bride f her hus b, fill with with his ho ly peo ple ev er our Sav i broth er, y c ry Spir it ban God quet I. joy. love. me. him; makes where En clod God All Text: Refrain bas on 1 Cinthians 11:6; verses bas on Matw 18:0; 5:b; Revelation 1: Refrain text 197, International Committee on English in Liturgy, Inc. (ICEL). All rights reserv. Us with permission. Verses text music 1981, 198, Jan Michael Joncas Trust. Publish by OCP Publications, 556 NE Hassalo, Ptl, OR 97 All rights reserv. F reprint permissions, please visit OneLicense.net contact us at 1-800-66-150 All Where Come, I There saw will three bless cit be us no Fa y Je me r, Cre Ld. one. ter will a All Refrain