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Septemer 8th First Antiphon Traditional Russian (Znamenny) Chant (A) Through in - ter - ces - sions of The - o - to - kos, O Sav - ior, save us. Adapted y Michael G. Farro from music of Frederick Karam (1926-1978) # (B) Through in - ter ces- sions of The - o - to - kos, O n Sav - ior, save us. V. 1: Rememer, O Lord, David, and all his meekness. (Ps. 131:1) R. V. 2: Lo, e have heard it in Ephratha. We have found it in plains of ood. (Ps. 131:6) R. V. 3: Glorious things are spoken of e, O city of God. (Ps. 86:2) R. V. 4: God is in midst of her, she shall not e shaken; God shall help her right early in morning. (Ps. 45:5) R. V. 5: Glory to Far and to Son and to Holy Spirit, oth no and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. R. MGF_0001A,B Copyright 2007, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 0, 8/12/07

(A) O Son of save us ho God, Who art sing un - to Septemer 8th Second Antiphon on - drous ris - en in from Thee: Al - le - Adapted y Michael G. Farro from music of Alert Hazeem lu - saints, dead, ia! Adapted y Michael G. Farro from music of Frederick Karam (1926-1978) (B) O Son of God, Who art on - ris - drous en in from saints, dead, save us ho sing to Thee: Al - le - lu - ia! V. 1: The Lord hath sorn in truth unto David, and He ill not annul it. (Ps. 131: 11) R. V. 2: Of fruit of thy loins ill I set upon thy throne. (Ps. 131: 11) R. V. 3: There ill I make to spring forth a horn for David, I have prepared a lamp for My Christ. (Ps. 131: 18) R. V. 4: Glory to Far and to Son and to Holy Spirit, oth no and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. R. NOTE: If feast falls on a Sunday, sing "Who art risen from dead." Orise, sing "Who art ondrous in saints." MGF_0002A, B Copyright 2007, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 8/22/17

Septemer 8th Psalm 94:6 The Entrance Hymn Adapted y Michael G. Farro from music of Archpriest Dmitri V. Razumovsky (1818-1889) Come, let us or - ship and fall don e - fore. Christ!. O Son of God, Who art on - drous Who art ris - en in saints, from dead, save us ho sing un - to Thee: Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! NOTE: If feast falls on a Sunday, sing "Who art risen from dead." Orise, sing "Who art ondrous in saints." MGF_0003 Copyright 2007, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 0, 8/24/08

Septemer 8th The Entrance Hymn (BYZANTINE USE) PRIEST: Come, let us orship and fall don efore Christ! (Psalm 94:6) Adapted y Michael G. Farro from music of Frederick Karam (1926-1978) O Son of God,. Who Who art art on - ris - drous en in from saints, dead, save us ho sing to Thee: Al - le - lu - ia. NOTE: If feast falls on a Sunday, sing "Who art risen from dead." Orise, sing "Who art ondrous in saints." MGF_0004 Copyright 2007, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 0, 8/24/08

Septemer 8th The Nativity of Theotokos Apolytikion Byzantine Chant Tone/Mode 4 Un. G Un. Thy na - tiv - i - ty, O The - o - to - kos, hath pro - claimed E F G Chadi Karam oy to hole u - ni - verse; for from e did shine forth Sun of Un. G us - tice, Christ our God, an - nul - ling curse and e - Un. -sto - ing less - ing, a - ol - ish - ing death and grant - ing us 1, 2. E Un. 3. life ev - er - last - ing. life ev - er - last - ing. G Un. F G Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 1, 8/17/17, CAH

Byzantine Chant Tone/Mode 4 Thy na Septemer 8th The Nativity of Theotokos Apolytikion - tiv - i - ty, O The - o - to - kos, hath pro - Melody y Chadi Karam Harmony y Christopher Holey claimed oy to hole u - ni - verse; for from e did shine forth Sun of us - tice, Christ our God, an - nul - ling curse and e - -sto-ing less - ing, a - ol-ish -ing death and grant-ing us 1, 2. 3. rit. life ev-er - last - ing. life ev -er - last - ing. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 1, 8/25/17, CAH

August 24th - Septemer 12th The Nativity of Theotokos Kontakion Byzantine Chant Tone/Mode 4 Un. G Un. G Dn. ohn El Massih By thy ho - ly na - tiv - i - ty, O pure one, o - a - chim and An - na ere de - liv - ered from re - proach of ar - ren - ness; and Ad - am and Eve ere de - liv - ered from cor - rup - tion of death; F Un. E thy peo - ple do cel - e - rate it, hav - ing een saved from E stain of in - iq - ui - ty, cry - ing un - to e: The ar - ren doth give G Un. F G irth to The -o - to - kos, ho nour -ish - eth our life. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 2, 8/14/17, CAH

Byzantine Chant Tone/Mode 4 By thy August 24th - Septemer 12th The Nativity of Theotokos Kontakion ho - ly na - tiv - i - ty, O pure one, o - a - chim and Melody y Dn. ohn El Massih Harmony y Christopher Holey An - na ere de - liv-ered from re - proach of ar - ren - ness; and Ad - am and Eve ere de - liv -ered from cor - rup-tion of death; thy peo - ple do cel - e - rate it, hav - ing een saved from Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 0, 8/24/17, CAH

August 24th-Septemer 12th - Nativity of Theotokos - Kontakion - 2 stain of in - iq - ui - ty, cry-ing un - to e: The ar-ren doth give rit. irth to The-o - to - kos, ho nour-ish-eth our life. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 0, 8/24/17, CAH

Septemer 8th Alleluia Byzantine Tone 8 Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - Arranged y Archpriest ohn D. Finley. lu - ia. Chanter Verse 1 Verses adapted y Michael G. Farro from music of Archpriest ohn D. Finley Ps. 44:9 Heark - en, O daugh - ter, and see, and in- cline Thine ear. Verse 2 The rich a - mong peo - ple Ps. 44:11 shall en - treat thy coun - te - nance. MGF_0010 Copyright 2007, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 0, 8/14/07

Byzantine Tone 8 Andantino Magnification Ison Mag - ni - fy, O my Septemer 8th Megalynarion: Hymn to Theotokos (A) soul, Adapted y Michael G. Farro from music of Frederick Karam (1926-1978) Vir - gin Mar - y, orn of a Heirmos of 9th Ode Ver - i - ly, vir - ar - ren gin - i - ty, O om. The - o - to - kos, is im - pos - si - le for a moth - er, as irth - giv - ing is im - pos - si - le for vir - gins. Yet in e hath dis - pen - sa - tion of oth een ac - com - plished. Where - fore all e fam' - lies of thē earth do cease - less - ly less e. MGF_0011 Copyright 2007, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 8/24/17

Byzantine Tone 8 Andantino Magnification Septemer 8th Megalynarion: Hymn to Theotokos (B) Adapted y Michael G. Farro from music of Frederick Karam (1926-1978) Mag - ni - fy, O my soul, Vir - gin Mar - y, orn of a Heirmos of 9th Ode Ver - i - ly, vir - ar - ren gin - i - ty, O om. The - o - to - kos, is im - pos - si-le for a moth - er, as irth - giv - ing MGF_0012-1 Copyright 2007, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 2, 8/24/17

NATIVITY OF THE THEOTOKOS - Hymn to Theotokos (B) - 2 is im - pos - si - le for vir - gins. Yet in e hath dis-pen - sa - tion of oth een ac - com - plished. Where - fore all e fam' - lies of thē rit. earth do cease - less - ly less e. MGF_0012-2 Rev. 2, 8/24/17

Septemer 8th Soprano Alto Psalm 115:4 Refrain: Communion Hymn Byzantine Tone 8 Arranged y Michael G. Farro. Tenor Bass I ill take cup of sal - va - - - tion,. and I ill call up - on name of Lord. Verses: (1) My vos unto Lord ill I pay in presence of all His people. (Psalm 115:5) (2) Precious in sight of Lord is death of His saints. (Psalm 115:6) (3) O Lord, I am Thy servant; I am Thy servant and son of Thy handmaid. Thou hast roken my onds asunder. (Psalm 115:7) MGF_0013 Rev. 0, 8/18/07 Copyright 2007, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese.

Alleluia B Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le-lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia.