in celebration of the Centenary of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity That All May Be One in Christ

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None of the pages in this book may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher.

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>. œ. œ. > œ j. w > j J. œ >. j J j

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horal Series celeration of entenary of Week of Prayer for hristian Unity That All May Be One hrist (Trilgual Hymn of Ecumenical Unity) Assemly, SATB hoir, Keyoard, Guitar, and lute Spanish y Rodolfo López Vietnamese y Nguyen Dh Dien lute Keyoard INTRO With scerity and hope (q = ca. 84) & 4 4 4 B Gm7 Am 7 Note: Spanish and Vietnamese refra and verses may e found on pages 5 and 7 of this octavo. Gm7 Am7 B m7 m7 Ricky Manalo, SP Arranged y Gerard hiano Text 2006, Ricky Manalo, SP, Nguyen Dh Dien and Rodolfo López. Mic 2006, Ricky Manalo, SP. Text and mic pulished y OP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 All rights reserved. B m/ rom recordg SPIRIT AND GRAE ompact Disc #30107153 1. 8 0 0. 5 4 8. 8 7 4 9 o c p. o r g

2 & % RERAIN (English) Descant Ó Soprano Ó Alto Tenor Ó Bass O O Gm. one Spir - it, % % % God, make God, make one as e /A one at your ta - le, come to ta - le, B Gm7 one Spir -it and truth. No you have giv -en /A Gm7.. one s4. truth. ẇ # No you have # A # A/ # # Edition 30110399 That All May Be One hrist

3 & & giv - en, that. read for orld, that Gm /A Gm/B. all may e one all may e one Gm7 /A B m7 m7 all may e one all may e one Gm7 / 1-3 1-3 1-3 N 1-3 N to Verses to Verses to Verses to Verses hrist and. hrist and Am7. 7 al U al U U al N u al U N U e e e e That All May Be One hrist

4 VERSES (English) & God, you rea up S/A T/B B. God, God, God, re you you - a sent - tor your of on rea up - on - ly /B Spir - it - each Sav - - ior to y of our -. on earth.. all, Son, earth.. to. name. orld. lives.. you to Send have e your. Am7 /. our lives. -. called come Spir. B. Send your - it # hange our hearts to Man - y fac - eed ith hange our hearts es, to # A A/ # # # # That All May Be One hrist

5 &. fash - ion a - ne. some Bread fash that of are ne, Life; - ion a - ne. RERAIN (Spanish) Soprano 4 4 Alto Tenor Bass Gm7 Que / /A. love, love e. make make love... e one one fd Gm Gm/B. fd O. hrist..... to - dos sea-mos u - no al reu - nir -nos al an-que - te, u - no en es - B Gm7.. /A S A T B O D.S. D.S. D.S. D.S. pí - ri -tu y ver - dad. Hoy nos has da - do el pan pa-ra el mun - do, que s4. A A/ # Gm /A Gm/B # That All May Be One hrist

6 Gm7 / to - dos se - an u - no en to - dos se - an u - no en ris - to, que to-dos se - an u - no en VERSES (Spanish) S/A B T/B Am7 ris - to, 7 Es /B Gm7 /A B m7 m7 Pa - dre e - ter - no, Pa - dre fiel, Tú nos das la ris - to, Hi - o ú - ni - co, Ver -o en -car - na - do, - pí - ri - tu di - vi - no, Sa - i - du - rí - a y ci tial, Am7 / B Ti. N e vi - da Pr e - les la sal - va - ción. Nun - ca es - ta - mos so - los, no - pio y f. Luz que vi - no al mun - do pa - uen - te de a - mor. Rí - o de a - gua vi - va,.. / A A/ # nos ra # a - an - do - na - rás; Tú nos a - mas con to - do el co - ra - dar la sal - va - ción; fiel Pas - tor, or - de - ro ce - les - ue - go siem-pre ar-dien - do; Sen - de - ro a la sal - va - Gm Gm/B. zón. tial. ción.. - - to Refra That All May Be One hrist

7 RERAIN (Vietnamese) Soprano 4 Alto 4 Tenor Bass Gm7 ùng húa cho ình /A n mèt t`m Bánh chomuôn s4 an.. Gm7 / nh`t trong Gi - su tình VERSES (Vietnamese) B S/A T/B B Gm7 ngıïi, chúng con chung ni m ` t, /A kh`n nguyÿn A A/ # Gm /A Gm/B. húa an Bánh TrıÏng Sh vh # Am7. y u, NguyŸn NhÏ NguyŸn /B húa g i hi n VıÔt mun ngıïi mun Qua chung 7 chúng nıîc mun ngıïi cˆu chuèc dïi - k t n tình, A A/ # chúc [ y trong tùng cuèc l a húa sâng m n y u anh lh # Am7 /. con lun n n mèt cùng phúc cho chúng con hiÿp Gm7 /A B m7 m7 góp chung khƒp mun sâng thanh. thıíng em thi ng d - mèt cúa chúc mæi Thánh lành, nhà, ThÀn, / B. lïi ngıïi ình. Gm. cho x lun. vang vui trong hòa dıôc - hêng ài làm n ca con Thi n chúng húa sáng Gm/B con lun soi lòng hiÿp d -, i NgıÏi. N. mîi, húa. húa,.. m n. nh`t. mîi.. e to Refra That All May Be One hrist

That All May Be One hrist (Guitar/Vocal) Spanish y Rodolfo López Vietnamese y Nguyen Dh Dien 8 Ricky Manalo, SP % O INTRO With scerity and (G) (Em7) ( B # hope (q = ca. 84) apo 3: m)(bm7) Gm7 Am 7 4 4 (Kd) RERAIN (English) (D) (D/ # ) /A (As4) s4 truth. God, make one as e (Em7) (D/A) Gm7 / all may e one VERSES (English) (G) B (D). name. orld. lives. (A/G) /B God, re - a - tor of God, you sent your on - ly God, you rea up - on ( # ) ( # /A A A/ # # ) Man - eed hange y our (Em7) ( # m7)(gm7)(am7) Gm7 Am7 B m7 m7 ( # ) (Bm) (G) (Em7) B Gm7 come to ta - le, (D) (Gm/D) B m/ (D) (D/ # )(Bm)(Em7) /A Gm7 Ó (Em) Gm one Spir - it and A A/ # Gm /A Gm/B No you have giv - en fac - ith hearts ( # m7) (Bm7) Am7 7 es, to hrist and ( # m7) (Bm) (D/A) Am7 / all, Son, earth. (Bm) some that Bread of fash - ion are ne, Life; a-ne (Em) (D/ # ) (Em/G) read for orld, that (Em7) (D/ # ) (Gm7) (Am7) Gm7 /A B m7 m7 all may e one (G) B. you have called to e - come Send your Spir - (Bm/A) / it each Sav - ior - to (Em) (Em/G)(Bm) Gm Gm/B. make make love e one one fd (D) e y of our. hrist. D.S. Text 2006, Ricky Manalo, SP, Nguyen Dh Dien and Rodolfo López. Mic 2006, Ricky Manalo, SP. Text and mic pulished y OP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 All rights reserved.

9 RERAIN (Spanish) 4 4 (Em7) Gm7 Que pí - ri - tu y ver - dad. (D) (D/ # ) /A to - dos sea-mos u - no al reu - (As4) s4 (Em7) (D/A) Gm7 / to - dos sea-mos VERSES (Spanish) (G) B u - no en (G) (Em7) B Gm7 ( # ) (Bm) A. nir - nos al an - que - te, (D/ # ) /A (Bm) A/ # Gm /A Gm/B Hoy nos has da - do el ( # m7) (Bm7) Am7 7 ris - to, Pa - dre e - ris - to, Es - pí - ri - y la sal - va - ci - pio y tial, uen - te de a - (Bm) (A/G) /B ter - Hi - tu (D). ción. f. mor. no, Pa - dre o ú - ni - di - vi - u-no en es- a - an - do - na - rás; dar la sal - va - ción; ue - go siem-pre ar-dien - do; (Bm/A) / Tú fiel que (Em) (D/ # )(Em/G) pan pa - ra el mun-do, que (Em7) (D/ # ) (Gm7)(Am7) Gm7 /A B m7 m7 to - dos sea-mos ( # m7) (Bm) (D/A) Am7 / fiel, co, no, nos a - mas Pas - tor, Sen - de - ro u - no en (G) B Tú nos das la Ver -o en - car - na - do, Sa - i - du - rí - a ( # ) ( # /A A A/ # # ) (D) Ti. e vi - da Pr - ce - les - Nun - ca es - Luz Rí - que o ta - vi - de a - mos no al gua so - los, mun - do vi - (Em) (Em/G) (Bm) Gm Gm/B a con to - do el or - de - ro la sal - co - ra - ce - les - va - no pa - va,. zón. tial. ción. nos ra to Refra That All May Be One hrist

10 RERAIN (Vietnamese) 4 4 ùng (Em7) Gm7 húa (D) (D/ # ) /A cho ình n mèt t`m Bánh chomuôn (As4) s4 an. (Em7) (D/A) Gm7 / nh`t trong Gi -su tình VERSES (Vietnamese) (G) B (G) B. lïi ngıïi ình (Bm) (G) (Em7) B Gm7 ( # ) (Bm) ngıïi, chúng con chung ni m ` t, (D/ # ) (Bm) /A kh`n nguyÿn A A/ # Gm /A Gm/B húa ( # m7) (Bm7) Am7 7 an Bánh TrıÏng Sh vh y u, chúng NguyŸn NhÏ NguyŸn húa hi n mun (A/G) /B g i VıÔt ngıïi vang vui trong hòa dıôc - hêng ài làm n ca con Thi n thıíng em thi ng d - mèt cúa chúc mæi Thánh lành, nhà, ThÀn, mun Qua chung (Bm/A) / nıîc cˆu k t (D). mîi, húa. húa,. cho x lun mun chuèc n (Em)(D/ # ) (Em/G) phúc cho chúng con hiÿp (Em7)(D/ # ) (Gm7) (Am7) Gm7 /A B m7 m7 con lun n n mèt cùng ( # m7) (Bm) (D/A) Am7 / (D) NgıÏi. ngıïi dïi - tình, góp khƒp sâng ( # ) ( # /A A A/ # # ) chúc [ y trong (Em) (Em/G) (Bm) Gm Gm/B chúng húa sáng con lun soi lòng hiÿp d -, i tùng cuèc l a húa sâng m n. m n. nh`t. mîi. chung mun thanh y u anh lh e to Refra That All May Be One hrist

omposer Notes 11 Background The restoration of unity among all hristians is one of prcipal concerns of Second Vatican ouncil. So states openg le of Unitatis Redtegratio ( The Restoration of Unity ), Decree on Ecumenism, promulgated y ouncil on Novemer 21, 1964. Yet today, close to 50 years sce that promulgation, challenges rema. or hile many hristian communions contue to present mselves to e true heritors of es hrist... all differ md and go ir different ays, as if hrist Himself ere divided (Introduction). Nohere is this more ritually experienced than celeration of Eucharist. That All May Be One hrist is a hymn that on 2007 hymn competition sponsored y National Association of Pastoral Micians and ranciscan riars of Atonement preparation for 100th Anniversary of Week of Prayer for hristian Unity (anuary 18 25, 2008). When confronted ith challenge of ritg lyrics for a liturgical hymn ith a motif of ecumenism, I foced on a ological me that fds resonance many hristian traditions: Trity. To this end, verses pot to Three Persons of Trity, hile refra emphasizes unity of eucharistic celerations. I also anted this hymn to e tercessory due to ecumenical context outled aove: namely, e still aait fulfillment of our vision here one day all hristians ill partake of eucharistic meal toger. Until n, e contue to pray and ask for God s guidance as e move toard this fulfillment. The Process of Intercultural Liturgical omposg Anor primary concern as that this hymn e composed ith Spanish and Vietnamese languages order to capture ho tercultural dialogue (and reality of our North American hurch) may mirror, some ays, ecumenical dialogue. It has een ctomary for a liturgical composer to rite mic and text, and afterards vite or ethnic-cultural representatives to translate hat is already set stone. My criticism of this process is that poetry and meang of text ecome fixed ith cultural perspective of composer, and, as result, might miss nuances that could come from anor culture and language. The spiration for this sight developed after a conversation I had ith composer Estela García-López. With this md, I vited Rodolfo López (representg Hispanic communities) and Nguyen Dh Dien (representg Vietnamese communities) each to compose three verses that are Tritarian me: first verse ould correspond to some aspect of God, second to es hrist, and third to Holy Spirit. Neir Rodolfo nor Dien sa text of my verses until y had completed ir on sets of verses; as a result, re are ne verses that express varyg images of Triune God. But amid this diversity verses, re is unity refra. To this end, I asked Rodolfo and Dien to translate refra as directly as possile. Yet even here, ir translations express particular cultural sensiilities. This hymn could e sung durg openg garg and procession, durg preparation and presentation of offergs, or durg ommunion procession. English translations of Spanish and Vietnamese refras are cluded, along ith a helpful Vietnamese pronunciation guide y Paul. Nguyen. Lastly, I vited gifted composer, arranger, and friend, Gerard hiano, to arrange this hymn for SATB, descant, keyoard, solo strument, rass, and timpani order to accommodate a variety of orship settgs. Ricky Manalo, SP That All May Be One hrist

12 English Translation of Spanish Verses Rodolfo López [The Refra is a translation of English Refra] Verse One Eternal ar, aithful ar, you give life and salvation. We are never alone, you ill not aandon ; you love ith all your heart. Verse To hrist, only Son, Word turned to flesh, egng and end. Light that came to orld to grant salvation, aithful Shepherd, elestial Lam. Verse Three Dive Spirit, elestial Wisdom, ounta of Love, River of Livg Water, ire ever urng, Way of salvation. English Translation of Vietnamese Text Nguyen Dh Dien Refra Sharg one Bread, havg one faith, e eseech you, O God, to grant your peace. You have given Bread of Life that e all may e one es, ho is love, that e all may e one ith Verse One God, please call all nations and all people to sg, one voice, a ne song of praise to You, Who have lovgly lessed and given charity love. Verse To Due to Paschal Lam s redemption, e all are adopted to your family. We are rors same home. Please keep union all time. Verse Three Please make all o our hearts and live peace, your grace, and love-fire of Holy Spirit, ho alays illumates and renes. Vietnamese Pronunciation Key Paul. Nguyen Refra oo-ng an mot tahm Bahn choh moo-uhn nu-uh-ee, choo-ng con choo-ng niem t, Kahn hoo-uh cho ee-g ahn. hoo-uh an Bahn Tru-ong See-g vee-g phoc cho choo-ng con hee-ep gnuh-ut tra-ng Gee-eh-su tee-a-g yeu choo-ng con loo-on nehn moth coo-ng nu-uh-ee. Verse One W hoo-uh ga-ee moo-uhn nu-uh-k moo-uhn nu-uh-ee, gap choo-ng luh-ee vah-ng hoo-ah ye kah muh-ee, chook too-ng hoo-uh e tu-uh-ng dah chook lah-g, cha choo-ng kan la-ng ma. That All May Be One hrist

13 Verse To Gnuh hee-yen Vuh-uh-t Ka ke choo-oke duh-ee kap moo-uhn nu-uh-ee voo-ee du-uh-k lahm kan hoo-uh. Duh-ee koo-uh-k so-ng ah-g em mot gna, seen hoo-uh loo-uhn hiep gnuh-ut. Verse Three W moo-uhn nuoi choo-ng kate uhn tee-g, so-ng tah-g ee-g cha-ng huh-ong uhn Tee-yen hoo-uh, cha-ng loo-uh ma lee-g tee-a-g koo-uh Tah-g Tuhn, loo-uhn sah-ng sa-ee doh-ee muh-ee. LUTE That All May Be One hrist INTRO With scerity and hope (q = ca. 84) 4 4 % RERAIN VERSES Ricky Manalo, SP Arranged y Gerard hiano... al to Verses U e. D.S. Mic 2006, Ricky Manalo, SP. Pulished y OP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 All rights reserved.

14 Assemly Edition THAT ALL MAY BE ONE IN HRIST (Trilgual Hymn of Ecumenical Unity) Ricky Manalo, SP 4 4 O Refra (English) ta - God, make one as e le, giv - en one Spir - it and. one hrist Verses (English). called come Spir God, God, God,. truth. read for orld, that and re you - a sent - tor your you rea up - each Sav - ior - it - to. some Bread that of are ne, Life; fash - ion a - ne y of our of on on come to No all may e one. name. orld. lives.. make make love you have all may e. all, you have - ly Son, to e - earth. Send your Man eed hange e one one fd - y fac - ith our hearts. hrist. es, to to Refra Text 2006, Ricky Manalo, SP, Nguyen Dh Dien and Rodolfo López. Pulished y OP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 All rights reserved. Mic 2006, Ricky Manalo, SP. Pulished y OP. All rights reserved. or reprt permissions, please visit or contact at 1-800-663-150

15 Assemly Edition THAT ALL MAY BE ONE IN HRIST (cont.) Refra 4 (Spanish) Que to -dos sea-mos u - no al reu - nir -nos al an-que -te, u - no en es - pí - ri - tu y ver - dad.. Hoy nos has da - do el pan pa-ra el mun-do, que to-dos sea-mos u - no en ris - to, que to - dos sea-mos u - no en Verses (Spanish) Es Pa-dre e-ter - no, Pa - dre fiel, Tú nos das la vi - da ris - to, Hi - o ú - ni - co, Ver-o en-car - na -do, Pr - - pí - ri - tu di - vi - no, Sa - i - du - rí - a e - les -. y la sal - va - ción. ci - pio y f. tial, uen - te de a - mor. Ti. Nun-ca es -ta - mos Luz Rí - que o vi - no al de a-gua so - los, mun - do vi - no pa va, a -an-do - na - rás; Tú nos a- mas con to-do el co - ra - zón. dar la sal - va - ción; fiel Pas-tor, or-de - ro ce -les - tial. ue-go siem-pre ar-dien-do Sen-de - ro a la sal - va - ción. or reprt permissions, please visit or contact at 1-800-663-150 -. nos ra to Refra

16 Assemly Edition THAT ALL MAY BE ONE IN HRIST (cont.) Refra (Vietnamese) 4 4 ùng chung ni m ` t, TrıÏng Sh vh su tình y u, Verses (Vietnamese). lïi ngıïi ình n mèt t`m Bánh cho muôn. kh`n nguyÿnhúa. choình ngıïi, chúng con an. phúc cho chúng con hiÿp chúng NguyŸn NhÏ NguyŸn húa hi n mun vang hòa ài ca vui dıôc - làm con trong hêng n Thi n thıíng em thi ng d - mèt chúc mæi lành, nhà, cúa Thánh ThÀn, g i mun nıîc VıÔt Qua cˆu ngıïi chung k t. cho x lun húa con lun n n mèt cùng. mîi, húa. húa, mun chuèc n an Bánh nh`t trong Gi - NgıÏi.. ngıïi dïi - tình, góp khƒp sâng chúc [ y trong tùng cuèc l a chúng con húa lun sáng soi lòng hiÿp d -, i húa sâng m n chung mun thanh y u anh lh. m n. nh`t. mîi. or reprt permissions, please visit or contact at 1-800-663-150 to Refra