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Quotes for Reflection Christians in community must again sho orld, not merely family values, but bond love Christ. Edmund Cloney The church is only institution supernaturally endoed by God. It is one institution hich esus promised gates hell ill not prevail against it. Chuck Colson The Church is a perpetually defeated thing alays survives her conquerors. Hilaire Belloc GOD CALLS HIS PEOPLE TO WORSHIP It is God self ho calls His people orship. We do not call ourselves, but it is King ho opens His gates ckons us in His courts. Gospel Invitation 1 Timothy 3: 15 The household God is Church living God, a pillar buttress truth. Introit Holy, Holy, Holy, Vs.1?? c c. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho - ly! Lord God Al-might-y! Ear - ly in morn - ing our Text: Reginald Her, 1826; Music: NICAEA, ohn B. Dykes, 1861.. song rise. Ho-ly, ho-ly ho - ly! Mer - ci-ful might - y! God in three per-sons, bless-ed Trin - i - ty!.. n n.. Thee; 2

Call Worship from Psalm 133:1-3; 134:1,3; Psalm 135:1 Leader: Come, bless Lord, all you servants Lord. Bless His holy name, He ho made heavens earth. Reader 1: Behold, ho good pleasant it is hen brors dell in unity! It is like precious oil on head, running don on ard Aaron. Reader 2: It is like oil running don on collar his ros or de Hermon, hich falls on mountains Zion! Leader: The Lord has commed blessing, life forevermore. Praise name Lord. Psalm Praise Behold Ho Good A Thing It Is (Psalm 133)? 2 3 2 3 Be - For Like hold it is good like de a up - thing pre - on it cious is, oil hills poured ho out Zi - on Her-mon'ho -com - ing on Aar - on's de - ell, head, scends, When those breth - ren are de - light in un - i - ty dell. That, go - ing don up - on his ard, up - on his gar - ments spread.? The Lord com - ms His bless-ing re, ev'n life nev - er ends. Text: Psalm 133, Scottish Psalter, 1650; Music: AZMON, Carl G. Glaser, 1828, arr. Loell Mason, 1839. 3

GOD SPEAKS TO HIS PEOPLE THROUGH HIS WORD The Bible is means by hich God graciously reveals self His people so e listen, read, study ith expectant hearts. God particularly entreats us in His Word sing psalms. And hile all Scripture is appropriate for hymns spiritual songs, re is a specific exhortation for us make use Psalter as church s songbook. Psalm Praise With oy And Gladness In My Soul (Psalm 122) 4 4 With They I oy come pray Glad learn Lord - ness in my soul I hear e - ho - vah s ill, His might - y peace may call deeds still ith - in your alls a - prayer on bound Let For And us re ev go is up udg God s on house bo - fore - ment s roy - al seat, Mess - i - ah s king - - er in your cit - a - dels pros - per - i - ty ly re throne found We Pray Yea, st ith - in your sac - red alls, O Zi - on, blest Zi - on s cit - y may blest have a - bun - for sake friends kin my heart des - ires for dant your aye peace peace Where For And - in peo - ple Lord u - nit - ed hom - age all love you in ir hearts pros - per in - for house God Lord my care nev - er pay. crease. cease. Text: The Psalter, 1912, Alt. Henry C. Haffner, 2016; Music: LOUISIANA, William Walker, The Sourn Harmony, 1835, Arr. Henry C. Haffner, 2016. Scripture Reading Acts 2:42-47 And lievers devoted mselves apostles' teaching felloship, breaking bread prayers. And ae came upon every soul, many onders signs ere ing done through apostles. And all ho lieved ere ger had all things in common. And y ere selling ir possessions longings distributing proceeds all, as any had need. And day by day, attending temple ger breaking bread in ir homes, y received ir food ith glad generous hearts, praising God having favor ith all people. And Lord added ir numr day by day those ho ere ing saved. Elder: This is Word Lord. Thanks God. 4

Psalm Praise All Earth To (Psalm 22) b 4 3...... All b. Earth. hom -. age. bring,. U The Lord lords, King kings. b b The For Both The All All And From ends His rich Lord s kin - Earth age un - dreds child - ren s all king - poor, fail - age dom, both ing her child - ren Earth His bond right - Earth hom - all hear right, free eous - ness age on brings, pro - claim taught He all hat b turn rules gen - un - or - ship b er - or - ship Lord glor - ious b na - b a - lords, hon - on - drous orks tions on tions as or b Lord by nd - ed b God King Lord in His fear; might; knee, con - fess, His has. a - lone. kings. name. rought. CCLI 2844402 Text: The Psalter, 1912; Music: HOMAGE, Gregory Wilbur, 2010. Baptism ohn Mar Hernez, Son Evan Maggie Hernez The Reading Word 1 ohn 2:12-14 I am riting you, little children, cause your sins are forgiven for His name's sake. 13 I am riting you, fars, cause you kno ho is from ginning. I am riting you, young men, cause you have overcome evil one. I rite you, children, cause you kno Far. 14 I rite you, fars, cause you kno ho is from ginning. I rite you, young men, cause you are strong, ord God abides in you, you have overcome evil one. Pasr: This is Word Lord. Thanks God. 5

Sung Response For The Beauty Of The Earth, Vs. 3? 4 4 For oy hu - man love, broth-er, sis - ter, par - ent, child,?? Friends on earth. Lord all,. Thee friends a-bove, e raise for all gen-tle this our hymn thoughts mild,. grate-ful praise. Text: Folliott S. Pierpoint, 1864; Music: DIX, Conrad Kocher, 1838, Arr. William H. Monk, 1861. Sermon The Family God Pasr, George Grant 6

GOD CALLS HIS PEOPLE TO CONFESSION, REPENTANCE, AND RECONCILIATION The People God respond His Word by confessing ir sins, repenting ir sinful ays, seeking God s favor through reconciling ork esus, Son God. Confession Sin from Isaiah 1:4; Psalm 145:13-18 Pasr: Pasr: Pasr: Lord, e come confessing. We confess e are a sinful people, laden ith iniquity. We are slo oy, hesitant follo, resistant Your ill. We are sinners fspring sinners. We are quarrelsome children ho deal foolishly selfishly. We have forsaken You, O Lord; e divide ourselves from Your ill from one anor. But, You, O Lord, are faithful in all Your ords kind in all Your decrees. You uphold all ho fall raise up all ho are boed don. Our eyes look You, You give us our sustenance in due season. You open Your h; You satisfy desire every living thing. You, O Lord, are righteous in all Your ays kind in all Your decrees. Lord, You are near all ho call on You, all ho call on You in truth. Assurance Pardon Titus 2:11-14; Acts 1:8 The grace God has appeared, bringing salvation for us all, training us renounce ungodliness orldly passions, live self-controlled, upright, godly lives in present age, aiting for our blessed hope, appearing glory our great God Savior esus Christ, ho gave self for us redeem us from all lalessness purify for self a people for His on possession ho are zealous for good orks. Pasr: Pasr: This is promise God. This is Word Lord. For Christ self confirmed: You ill receive poer hen Holy Spirit has come upon you, you ill My itnesses. In erusalem, in all udea Samaria, end earth. Sung Response O My Far, Guard My Ways (Psalm 39), Vs. 6 bb b 4 4 Lis - ten Fa - r, hear my prayer, give ear my cry! b b b. At my tears flood me ith peace, take me as Your child; b b b Sho mer - cy on Your child. Text Music: Nathan George, 2014. 7

HEAVENLY GIFT EUCHARISTO As God ckons His people bounty His table, y make oyous pression ir fealty. Pression Faith The Apostles Creed We lieve in God, Far Almighty, Crear Heaven Earth, And in esus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: ho as conceived Holy Spirit, Born Virgin Ma Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, died as buried. He descended in Hell. On third day He rose again from dead. He ascended in Heaven no sits at right h God Far Almighty; From hence He come udge living dead. We lieve in Holy Spirit; one holy church both visible invisible; The communion saints; forgiveness sins; The resurrection body; life everlasting. Amen. Sursum Corda Leader: The Lord ith you. People: And also ith you. Leader: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift m up Lord. Leader: Let us give thanks Lord our God. People: It is right give thanks praise. Leader: It is right, a good oyful thing, alays everyhere give thanks You, Far Almighty, Crear Heaven Earth. Therefore, e praise You, Triune God, e oin our voices ith angels, archangels, hole company Heaven in this hymn eternal praise: 4 4 Ho - ly Ho - ly Ho - ly is Lord - - Text: Is 6:3, Rev 4:8; Music: Nathan George, 2013. God Al might y 4 5 Heav'n Earth are full Thy glor - y, glor-y un - Thee 4 5 4 2 4 O Lord most high O Lord most high O Lord most high A - men 8

WORDS OF INSTITUTION AND THE LORD S TABLE Having confessed our sins made a good pression faith, God's Table is open all those faithfully-fenced" memrs covenant community. Please come forard partake this means grace. You may take bread dip it eir in cup ine or grape uice. Hymn Praise Be Still My Soul, And Kno Thy God 4 4 Be still, my soul,. kno thy Lord; His Be still, my soul, kno thy God; His light truth Di - spel, my soul, e - mo - tion blind; heat pas - sion life has made e -. hold. flee. live. With The With calm con - tent pre - pare thy mind To hear His is - shad - o a might - y rock His mind great. dom for af - fec - tion un - Christ, e - ter - nal prais - es. ld. e. give!.... He is ay, truth, life; The light men is He. At - tend, my soul, see light: truth make e free. Text: Gordon H. Clark, c. 1940, Alt. Nathan George, 2016; Music: Nathan George, 2016. Hymn Praise Faith Of Our Fars 4 3..? 4 3 Faith Faith Faith our our our fa fa fa - rs, liv - ing still, in spite dun - geon, fire - rs, e ill in all na - tions un - - rs, e ill both friend foe in all strive love.. our. sord; Thee; strife;.?? O And And ho through preach our Thee, Faith our hearts truth o, at as fa high comes love ith from knos - rs, ho - ly.. oy God, hoẉ.. faith.. hen e by - e'er all e hear n glor trul - - ious y kind - ly ords vir - tu-ous e ill true. Thee till.. Word! free. life.. death.. Text: Frederick W. Far, 1849; Music: ST. CATHERINE, Henri F. Hemy, 1864. 9

GOD S PEOPLE RESPOND IN GRATEFUL PRAISE, PETITIONS, TITHES OFFERINGS Our praying, serving, giving are essential aspects orship. It is here our faith moves from our heads hearts in our lives callings. Prayer Thanksgiving Intercession The Lord s Prayer Our Far, ho art in Heaven, halloed Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy ill done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as e forgive our debrs. And lead us not in temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is kingdom, poer, glo forever. Amen. Hymn Praise Glory Be To God The Far 4 3 "Glo- "Ho-nor,.. bless - rich - ing, God King praise es, God King poer, ho do - ho e - Fa - loved an - ter - r, us, gels, nal!" ashed us glor - y thus Spir - bought na - min - it, us, tions! ion!" Great e - made us Heaven thus its. from choir. ho - kings Earth, praise each God spot church - 's an - gels vah, ith your cre - Three prais - a - in es tion Son, stain! King, sings; One! reign! bring; brings;. Glo - Glo - Glo - Glo - hile e - ter - Lamb King nal ag - once King es as ry run! slain! bring! kings! Text: Horatius Bonar, 1868; Music: Gregory Wilbur, 2011. 10

GOD SENDS HIS PEOPLE OUT After calling His people in His presence, forgiving ir sins, instructing m in His Word, providing a foretaste marriage supper Lamb, God sends His people in orld sho His light in darkness. Commissioning Nae Soundara Benediction Philippians 1:9-11 May your love may abound more more, ith knoledge all discernment, so you may approve hat is excellent, so pure blameless for day Christ, filled ith fruit righteousness comes through esus Christ, glory praise God. Amen. Sung Response Holy, Holy, Holy, Vs.4??? c c Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly! Lord God Al - might - y!. All Thy orks praise Thy name, in. earth sky. Ho - ly, ho - ly ho - ly! mer - ci - ful migh - n... sea; ty!? God in three n per - sons, bless - ed Trin - i -. ty. Text: Reginald Her, 1826; Music: NICAEA, ohn B. Dykes, 1861. Announcements 11

Worship Notes: The Scriptures have a lot say about blessings duties families passages like Exodus 20:12 ( Honor your far your mor, your days may long in l Lord your God is giving you ) 1 Timothy 5:8 ( If anyone does not provide for his relatives, especially for memrs his on household, he has denied faith ) come mind. In keeping ith sermon text this morning hich repeatedly mentions fars children many our hymns include imagery regarding family: our church family (Glory Be To God The Far), our earthly families (For The Beauty Of The Earth), ten both simultaneously (With oy And Gladness In My Soul Psalm 122; Faith Of Our Fars). In communion, e even have an example a hymn ritten by a grson a text by his grfar (Be Still My Soul And Kno Thy God), a picture hat e sang earlier in service from Psalm 22: Children s children proclaim glorious honor His name. Henry C. Haffner Key Words: Children, Fars, Young Men, Word, Abides, Overcome Keysne Verse: The Word God abides in you, you have overcome evil one. (1 ohn 2:14) Presbyterian Church in America 4150 Clovercrt Rd. Franklin, TN 37067 Web:.parishpres.org / Titter: @parishpres Church Office: Teresa Sharp (574-1029), fice@parishpres.org Prayer requests: prayer@parishpres.org Pasr: George Grant (574-1029 Office), george@parishpres.org Associate Pasr: Nathan George (944-8831), nathan@parishpres.org Assistant Music Direcr: Henry C. Haffner (497-6573), henry@parishpres.org Pasral Intern: amie Crampn (943-1696), amie@parishpres.org Parish Nursery Coordinar: Blair Crist (415-5048), blair@parishpres.org Assistant Pasr: Cam Clausing (on study leave), cam@parishpres.org Elders Tom Goddard (218-3654) Mike Miserocchi (594-3880) ohn Scherrer (916-0654) Steve Nelson (483-4101) Nathan George (944-8831) Phil Hutcheson (775-7546) Bron Goodin (306-3652) Matt Morrison (482-5107) Michael Mastrorti (973-879-1368) Deacons Aaron Anderson (794-2989) Andy Clark (545-7626) ason Parolini (497-3337) eff Dokkestul (618-6064) Ry Sadler (972-1914) Nae Soundara (519-3720) Ben Crist (509-3040) Dave Gould (500-3351) Bron Blair (575-430-6436) Ian Kern (512-9337) immy Allen (376-9877) Tim Simmons (850-532-8997) Allan Douglas (513-4554) Tom Milligan (805-403-2166) Charlie Sno (400-5925) All Biblical quotes taken from English Stard Version unless orise noted. 12