For the combined 2013 Oasis Alumni Choir and Minerva Community Choir, Wendell Nisly, Conductor. Shout for Joy. Excerpts from Psalm 33 (ESV)

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Excerts rom Psalm 33 (ESV) SOPRANO ALTO TENOR BASS q. = ca. 80 2 3 4 5 or joy in the Lord, O you right eous! m or Joy Lyle Stutzman * or joy in the Lord, O you right - eous! Give thanks to the Lord. or joy in the Lord, O you right - eous! Give thanks to the Lord. - Give thanks to the Lord. or joy in the Lord, O you right - eous! Give thanks to the Lord. 6 7 8 10 11 Sing to Him a new song. For Sing to Him a new song. Sing to Him a new song. For Sing to Him a new song. u A m or or joy. joy. m m the word o the Lord the word o the Lord 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 - right, and all His work is done in aith - ul - ness. He loves Give thanks to the Lord. or joy. u For the combined 2013 Oasis Alumni Choir and Minerva Community Choir, ndell Nisly, Conductor - right, and all His work is done in aith - ul - ness. He loves Give thanks to the Lord. or joy. is is *May sing better a hal ste lower. Coyright 2013 Blue Sky Music. All rights reserved. For inormation regarding the use o this music, visit

3 19 20 21 22 23 24 right-eous-ness and jus - tice; the earth is ull o the stead - ast love o the Give thanks to the Lord. right-eous-ness and jus - tice; the earth is ull o the stead - ast love o the Lord. Give thanks to the B Lord. 25 26 28 29 30 Lord. or joy in the Lord, O you right - eous. Give thanks to the Lord. or joy in the Lord, O you right - eous. or joy in the Lord, O you right - eous. or joy in the Lord, O you right - - eous. 31 32 33 34 35 36 Give thanks to the Lord. Sing to Him a new song. Give thanks to the Lord. Sing to Him a new song. Give thanks to the Lord. Sing to Him. Sing a new song. Give thanks to the Lord. Sing to Him a new song. rit.

4 C 38 39 40 41 42 q = ca. 160 m marcato By the word o the Lord the heav- ens were made, and by the breath o His m marcato By the word o the Lord the heav- ens were made, and by the breath o His m marcato 43 44 45 46 47 48 Let m marcato Let all the earth ear the Lord; all the earth ear the Lord; mouth all their host. By the word o the Lord the mouth all their host. By the word o the Lord the 49 50 51 52 53 54 let the in - hab - it - ants o the world stand in awe o let the in - hab - it - ants o the world stand in awe o heav ens were made, and by the breath o His mouth all their host. heav ens were made, and by the breath o His mouth all their host.

D m 56 57 58 59 60 5 Him! Him! By By For m For He soke, and it was He soke, and it was the word o the Lord the heav- ens were made, and by the breath o His the word o the Lord the heav- ens were made, and by the breath o His 61 62 63 64 65 66 done; He com - mand - ed, and it stood done; He com - mand - ed, and it stood mouth all their host. For He soke, and it was done; mouth all their host. For He soke, and it was done; ast. rit. q = ca. 104 67 68 69 70 71 72 ast, it stood ast. ast. m legato He com - mand - ed, and it stood ast. Our m legato He com - mand - ed, and it stood ast. Our

6 m legato E 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 He m legato He is our hel and our shield. is our hel and our shield. soul waits or the Lord; Our soul soul waits or the Lord; Our soul q = ca. 112 Our heart re - joic - es in Him. Our heart re - joic - es in Him. waits or the Lord. Be - cause we trust in His waits or the Lord. Be - cause we trust in His 85 86 87 88 89 90 ho ho - ly name, we trust in His ho - ly name. m - ly name, we trust in His ho - ly name. m trust trust His His

ho F q = ca. 120 m 91 92 94 95 96 ho - ly name. Let m - ly name. Let m Let Let Your stead - ast love, O Lord, Your stead - ast love, O Lord, Your stead - ast love, O Lord, m Your stead - ast love, O Lord, 97 98 99 100 101 102 be u - on us, ac - cord - ing as we have hoed 103 be u - on us, ac - cord - ing as we have hoed be u - on us, ac - cord - ing as we have hoed in be u - on us, ac - cord - ing as we have hoed in accel. 104 105 106 107 108 in You. have hoed in in You. You, ac - cord - ing as we have hoed in You. have hoed in 7 You, ac - cord - ing as we have hoed in You.

8 cresc. oco a oco G 109 110 112 113 114 You. You. have hoed, we have hoed, cresc. oco a oco have hoed in You. have hoed in You. have hoed, we have hoed, cresc. oco a oco have hoed, we have cresc. oco a oco have hoed, we have 115 116 117 118 119 120 we have hoed in You. have hoed, we have hoed in You. have hoed, hoed, we have hoed, we have hoed in You. hoed, we have hoed, we have hoed, we have 121 122 123 124 125 126 we have hoed, we have hoed in You. we have hoed, we have hoed in You. have hoed, we have hoed in You. hoed, we have hoed, we have hoed in You. have

9 127 128 129 130 131 132 have hoed in You. have hoed in have hoed in You. have hoed have hoed in You. have hoed in hoed, we have hoed, we have hoed in You. H rit. q. = ca. 84 133 134 135 137 You. have hoed in You. in You. or joy in the Lord, O you You. have hoed in You. or joy in the or joy in the Lord, O you 138 139 140 141 142 or joy in the Lord, O you right - eous. Give thanks to the Lord. right - - eous. Give thanks to the Lord. Sing to Him a Lord, O you right - eous. Give thanks to the Lord. Sing to Him a right - - eous. Give thanks to the Lord. Sing to Him a

10 143 q. = ca. 84 I 144 145 147 148 Sing to Him a new song. For new song. new song. m or the word o the Lord is joy. new song. For m u or joy. the word o the Lord 149 150 151 152 153 154 - right, and all His work is done in aith - ul - ness. Give thanks to the Lord. or u - right, and all His work is done in aith - ul - ness. Give thanks to the Lord. or 155 156 157 158 He loves right - eous - ness and jus - tice; the earth is ull o the joy. Give thanks to the Lord. 159 He loves right - eous - ness and jus - tice; the earth is ull o the is joy. Give thanks to the Lord.

J 160 161 162 163 165 11 stead - ast love o the Lord. or joy in the Lord, O you Give thanks to the Lord. or joy in the Lord, O you stead - ast love o the Lord. or joy in the Lord, O you right - eous. Give thanks to the Lord. Sing to Him or joy in the Lord, O you 166 167 168 169 170 171 right right right - eous. Give thanks to the Lord. Sing to Him - eous. Give thanks to the Lord. Sing to Him. - eous. Give thanks to the Lord. Sing to Him rit. 172 173 174 175 176 Sing to Him a new song. Sing to Him a new song. Sing to Him a new song. Sing to Him a new song.