EBPC-C135. To Change the World. for SATB Chorus, Viola and Piano. by Linda Tutas Haugen. ephraim bay publishing

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EC-C1 To Chage the World or SAT Chorus, Viola ad iao by Lida Tutas Hauge ehraim bay ublishig

To Chage the World or SAT Chorus, Viola ad iao by Lida Tutas Hauge This ork as commissioed by Mike eterso ad amily or the Mayloer Church Choir, Nacy Grudahl, coductor, ad dedicated to the memory o eth eso eterso, a loved member o the Mayloer Church Choir Coyright 016, Lida Tutas Hauge All rights reserved Ehraim ay ublishig Co ehraimbayublishigcom Email: lida@lidatutashaugecom Telehoe: 61--7117 ehraim bay ublishig

To Chage the World Text What does God require o you What does the Creator o the heaves ad earth, the Sustaier o lie, the Source o eace, ask o you, but to Do ustice, ad to Love kidess, ad to Walk humbly ith your God* Whe ustice burs ithi us like a lamig ire, he love evokes illig sacriice rom us, he to the last ull measure o selless devotio, e demostrate our belie i the ultimate triumh o truth ad righteousess, the [O Aeteral Oe,] Your goodess eters our lives ad e begi to chage the orld, Ad you live i our hearts, ad e, behold Your resece** What does God require o you What does the Redeemer o the heart ad the soul, the Sustaier o hoe, the Source o grace, ask o you, but to Do ustice, ad to Love kidess, ad to Walk humbly ith your God * rom Micah 6:: What does God require o you but to Do ustice, ad to Love kidess, ad to Walk humbly ith your God ** rom Mishka T ilah (Gates o rayer) Whe ustice urs, rom Mishka T ila: A Reorm Siddur 007 by the Cetral Coerece o America Rabbis sed by ermissio o the Cetral Coerece o America Rabbis All rights reserved

TO CHANGE THE WORLD MICAH 6: MISHKAN T'ILAH LINDA TTAS HAGEN LINDA TTAS HAGEN S A T Vla o Viola iao 6 Adate q = 6 1 rit dim dim or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute What does God re - quire o slightly sloer, thoughtully q = 60 LINDA TTAS HAGEN What does God re - quire o you π 10 u you e»e or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute 016, Lida Tutas Hauge All Rights Reserved Ehraim ay ublishig Co - ehraimbayublishigcom

S A 11 hea - ves ad earth, T Vla o S A T Vla o 1 What does the Cre What does the Cre - a - tor o the - a - tor o the hea - ves ad hea - ves ad hea - ves ad or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute earth, earth, the Sus - earth, the Sus - tai - er o lie, the Source o eace, ask o you, but to do us - tice, ad to but to tai - er o lie, the Source o eace, ask o you, do us - tice, ad to (oco) LINDA TTAS HAGEN or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute

S A 19, 0 God π Ó T Vla o S A T Vla o love kid - ess ad to alk hum - bly ith your, love kid - ess ad to alk hum - bly ith your God, hum - bly, God alk alk Œ Œ oco rit hum - bly ith your dim hum - bly ith your dim God God π alk hum - bly ith alk hum - bly, or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute A temo (q = 60) LINDA TTAS HAGEN ( ) or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute Œ Œ

S A Ó Œ Whe - - us - tice burs ith - i us like a T Vla Ó r o S A T 7 - - lam - - ig ire, Œ Œ Œ Œ rom Whe love e - vokes il - lig sac - ri - ice rom Vla o

S A 0 T Vla o S A T Vla o us us b b b b he, to the last ull mea - sure, he to the last ull mea - sure, Œ mea - sure o he to the last ull he to the last ull mea - sure o he the last ull mea - sure o he the last ull mea - sure o Ó mea - sure, last ull mea - sure, sel - less de - vo - or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute sel - less de - vo - sel - less de - vo - LINDA TTAS HAGEN sel - less de - vo - tio tio tio tio or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute

6 S A T Vla o S A T Vla o 6 e de - mo - strate our be - lie, e e de - mo - strate our be - lie, e roade de - mo - strate our be - lie i the de - mo - strate our be - lie i the b ul - ti - mate tri-umh o truth ad right -eous b ( ) ul - ti - mate truth ad right - eous b oco rit b b iù mosso q = 66 or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute - ess, the O Ae - N LINDA TTAS HAGEN - ess, the O Ae - 0 ƒ ƒ b or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute ƒ b

S A T Vla o S A T Vla o 1 ter - al Oe, your good - ess e - ters our ter - al Oe, your good - ess e - ters our chage chage the the, lives lives ad or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute orld, Ad, orld, Ad ad ƒ ƒ b you live i our you live i our b e be - gi to e be - gi to LINDA TTAS HAGEN iù ƒ hearts, hearts, or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute ƒ ad ad 7

This age has itetioally bee let blak or additioal d security The score ill cotiue o the ext age

S A 9 60 heart ad soul, the 9 T Vla o S A T Vla o 6 What does the Re What does the Re - deem - er o the heart ad the soul, the Sus - tai - er o hoe, the heart ad the soul, - deem - er Source o grace, ask o Source o grace, ask o o the heart ad the (oco) you, but to but to you, soul, the Sus or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute do us - tice, ad to do us - tice, ad to - tai - er o hoe, the LINDA TTAS HAGEN, love kid - ess ad to, love kid - ess ad to or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute

10 S A T Vla o S A T Vla o 6 70 alk hum - bly ith your alk hum - bly ith your - - alk - - alk rit or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute God, π Ó alk hum - bly, alk hum - bly, God, hum - bly hum - bly ith your hum - bly ith God LINDA TTAS HAGEN God dim dim or erusal Oly! Do Not se, hotocoy or Distribute π π π

Lida Tutas Hauge erormed o our cotiets, Lida Tutas Hauge s music has bee critically acclaimed as music o character ad geuie beauty [Mieaolis Star Tribue] Oera Today raised her oera, ocahotas, as suerbly crated, egagig, ad beautiul ad oerul She has ritte or istrumetal ad vocal chamber esembles, symhoy orchestra, id esemble, solo voice, chorus, ad oera She has received atioal aards, elloshis ad commissios rom ASCA, America Comosers orum, America Guild o Orgaists, Meet The Comoser, Natioal Edomet or the Arts, Natioal Kidey oudatio, Sa racisco Girls Chorus, ad Virgiia Arts estival ad Virgiia Oera Her choral music has bee erormed by high school, uiversity ad adult choirs throughout the S, i Euroe, Asia ad Australia Selected Choral Music by Lida Tutas Hauge rom Ehraim ay ublishig Comay MIXED CHOIR e Still ad Ko - SAT, cello, iao reath o the Moutais: A olk Suite - ( ) movemets, SAT, iao reductio Childre o Light - rom Sogs o Hoe ad romise, SAT, orga Domie Deus, Agus Dei - rom Gloria, SAT, iao Gloria - (0 ) 1 movemets, SAT, iao reductio I the Shado, I Will Sig! - SAT, iao I Caot orget You - rom reath o the Moutais: A olk Suite, SAT, violis, iao I Lit My Eyes - SAT, Native America lute or alto lute, har or iao, cello Laudamus Te - rom Gloria, SAT, iao Lizzy Lidsay - rom reath o the Moutais: A olk Suite, SAT, iao, ot olk musicias Lizzy Lidsay - rom reath o the Moutais: A olk Suite, SA, iao, ot olk musicias Sogs o Hoe ad romise - athems, SAT, orga A Quiet lace - rom Sogs o Hoe ad romise, SAT, orga The Eteral God - rom Sogs o Hoe ad romise, SAT, orga To Chage the World - SAT, viola, iao We Come Oly i assig - rom the oera, ocahotas, Sorao soloist, SAT, iao, ot violi We Come Oly i assig - rom the oera, ocahotas, Sorao soloist, SAT, chamber orchestra You Are Worthy, Our Lord ad God - rom Gloria, SAT, a caella or ith iao WOMEN'S/TRELE CHORS A Caticle o lessig - SSAA, Tibeta sigig bols or bells/chimes, violi A Caticle o lessig - SSAA, bells/chimes, iao Ae rak: A Livig Voice - (0 ) 7 movemets, SSAA, strig quartet Ae rak: A Livig Voice - (0 ) 7 movemets, SSAA, iao Gradmother - rom reath o the Moutais: A olk Suite, SSA, iao, ot treble istr, cello, erc Hiei Mah Tov: To rothers - childre's choir, chamber esemble Holy, Holy, Holy - rom Gloria, SSA, iao, lutes, clariets It is the Silece rom Ae rak: A Livig Voice - SSAA, iao I Wadered Loely as a Cloud - SSA, lute, iao Let s Sig! - SSA, viola, bells Mi rollosdag (My Weddig Day) - SSA, violi ad cello, or iao salm - SS or SA, har, cello Sushie ad Cloudless Sky - rom Ae rak: A Livig Voice, SSA, iao We Shall Never Say Goodbye - SSA, lute, cello, iao EXTENDED WORKS OR CHORS AND ORCHESTRA reath o the Moutais: A olk Suite - ( ) movemets, SAT, symhoy/chamber orchestra Gloria - (0 ) 1 movemets, SAT, symhoy orchestra Gloria - (0 ) 1 movemets, SAT, chamber orchestra EC-C17 EC-C10 EC-C11 EC-C16 EC-C1 EC-C1 EC-C11 EC-C1 EC-C1 EC-C1-1 EC-C1- EC-C1 EC-C10 EC-C19 EC-C1 EC-C1-1 EC-C1- EC-C1 EC-C00-1 EC-C00- EC-C0-1 EC-C0- EC-C01 EC-C07 EC-C0 EC-C0 EC-C09 EC-C0 EC-C01 EC-C0 EC-C06 EC-C00 EC-COR00 EC-COR01-1 EC-COR01- To order directly or or more iormatio, visit lidatutashaugecom or ehraimbayublishigcom