Holy Mary, Revealing Your Son R. Manalo SATB (PDF)

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30140472 Ho Mary, Reveal Your Son R Manalo SATB 30140480 (D) horal Series celeration 100th Anniversary Our Lady Sorrows arish 50th Anniversary Our Lady Mercy arish, ersey ity, N Ho Mary, Reveal Your Son Assem, anr, SATB hoir, Descant, iano, Guitar, Solo Instrumt or B iano / INTRO Tder lullay (q = ca 108) 4 3 4 3 B B 7sus4 2014, Ricky Manalo, S ulish y O, 5536 NE Hsalo, ortl, OR 9721 All rights reserv Ricky Manalo, S rom collection BE STILL AND KNOW I M HERE Octavo acket #30140466 ompact Disc #30140467 800548749 ocporg

2 % VERSES anr % B add9 p anr B add9 p you In that you Gath er Earth saw night child tears heard Son life E dis She You Of He You Tak acclaim gave irth t cries emp wt up re ceiv up a der ty cour liz a won won sor good c ci d age, eth, der, der, row, news, d, ples,, faith, loud: e c, mer m, Heav Spir heav sus, cy,, it, All raise B e All 7 raise e Note: The verses correspond specific evts Mary s life: vs 1: The Annunciation vs 6: The Resurrection vs 2: The Visitation vs 7: The Ascsion vs 3: The Birth hrist vs 8: tecost vs 4: d hild esus Temple vs 9: The Assumption oronation vs 5: The rucifixion /E Edition 30140472 Ho Mary, Reveal Your Son rt USA

3 anr an gel Let us o Learn how our Sav ior e sus hrist is Go our ngues on Now that you cour spir trea felt um Bap age it give sure phant tiz re se if ome ray us, us, cresc cresc c o an trust di ris world, fire, Que Am you, you, gels our oic glo ths news, lead E ney es ry had who e us e our e re e yond an pro up pro we nounc claim shep on day! claim old Heav B add9 herds, from what s a pro one we ve pro gan! praise! hearts loss oice! lieve! names! irth! sus4 plan, loud, claim: start, cross, voice, se, claim, Earth, /E Our To We We Tri Ho Mary, Reveal Your Son

4 RERAIN Descant Soprano Al Tor Bs Ho that hearts that Ho Ma ry, re B eat eat B ma7 Ma ry, re veal one one sus4 veal Son, Ho / Son, Sa cr B ma7 Ma ry, hrist s hrist s hrist s B hrist s Ho Mary, Reveal Your Son

5 18 vic t ry is, vic t ry is won Sa cr vic t ry vic t ry is is vic t ry is won won, won B /D vic t ry is / /E 18 Sa cr won, Sa cr 18 B 7sus4 DS DS DS Ho Mary, Reveal Your Son

6 al Sa cr, sa cr al Sa cr won, Sa cr al B Sa cr Sa cr B, 7sus4 7sus4 sa cr / U U u U U Ho Mary, Reveal Your Son

omposer Notes 7 Ho Mary, Reveal Your Son w commission for 100th Anniversary Our Lady Sorrows arish 50th Anniversary Our Lady Mercy arish, oth locat ersey ity, N This is a hrisctric Marian Hymn that refra text ttiony places hrist goal Marian devotion: esus receiv his humanity from Mary ( Ho Mary, reveal Son, Sacr hearts that eat one ); goal Marian devotions is hrist, specificy s plan salvation through,, hrist ( Ho Mary, hrist s vicry is won Sacr son ) The ne verses highlight significant evts life Mary Each verse vites sem participate through short acclamations: you raise e onsider vary this format: first half each verse could e sung suggest cresponse format, while second half could e sung y Ricky Manalo, S Ho Mary, Reveal Your Son

8 (Bm/A) / % VERSES (Gadd9) B add9 anr celeration 100th Anniversary Our Lady Sorrows arish 50th Anniversary Our Lady Mercy arish, ersey ity, N Ho Mary, Reveal Your Son (Guitar/Vocal) INTRO Tder (D/ # lullay (q = ca 108) apo 3: ) 4 3 (Gadd9) B add9 anr (no) (Em7) (D/ # ) B p In Gath Earth She You Of He you that you er saw night child tears heard Son life You Tak ac gave wt re claim irth t cries emp up ceiv up B (D/ # ) (A7sus4) 7sus4 cour age, E liz a eth, won won sor good c der, der, row, news, d, dis ci ples, d, (D/ # ) a faith, loud: e der c, mer ty m, Heav Spir heav sus, cy,, it, B All (D) raise (Em7) All e (A7) 7 raise e Ricky Manalo, S (Bm) (D) (A/ # ) /E 2014, Ricky Manalo, S ulish y O, 5536 NE Hsalo, ortl, OR 9721 All rights reserv Note: The verses correspond specific evts Mary s life: vs 1: The Annunciation vs 6: The Resurrection vs 2: The Visitation vs 7: The Ascsion vs 3: The Birth hrist vs 8: tecost vs 4: d hild esus Temple vs 9: The Assumption oronation vs 5: The rucifixion

(Bm) anr Let o Learn e Go Now (Em7) cresc us our sus an how Sav hrist our ngues that you cour spir trea felt um Bap ome ray RERAIN: (D/ # All ) Ho (Gadd9) B add9 eat age it give sure phant tiz 18 (Em7) (D/ # ) B Sa cr al (Em7) (Em7) gel ior is on re se if us, us, Ma ry, re (Asus4) sus4 one B (D/ # ) Sa cr (D/ # ) (A7sus4) 7sus4 B B Sa cr ( # m) Am c o an trust di ris world, fire, Que you, you, gels () E our oic glo ths news, lead ney es ry had who e us veal (D/ # ) Ho (A7sus4) 7sus4 (D) B an nounc pro claim shep up on day! pro we e our e re e yond (Bm) Son, (Gadd9) B add9 claim old Heav (Asus4) sus4 gan! praise! hearts loss oice! lieve! names! irth! Ma ry, hrist s (G/B) B /D (A7sus4) 7sus4 herds, from what (Bm/A) (Gma7) / B ma7 s a pro one we ve pro (D/ # ) plan, loud, claim: start, cross, voice, se, claim, Earth, (A/ # ) /E Sa cr vic t ry (Bm) (D) (A/ # ) /E is (Bm) won (D/ # ) hearts (D) (Bm/A) / U Our To We We Tri 9 Ho Mary, Reveal Your Son that (Bm/A) / DS

10 Ho Mary, Reveal Your Son SOLO INSTRUMENT Ricky Manalo, S INTRO Tder lullay (q = ca 108) 4 3 % VERSES 19 3 2 RERAIN 18 al p cresc 2014, Ricky Manalo, S ulish y O, 5536 NE Hsalo, ortl, OR 9721 All rights reserv 2 U DS

Ho Mary, Reveal Your Son SOLO INSTRUMENT B Ricky Manalo, S 11 INTRO Tder lullay (q = ca 108) & # 4 3 & # & # RERAIN & # & # & # 18 & # al % VERSES 19 3 2 p cresc 2 2014, Ricky Manalo, S ulish y O, 5536 NE Hsalo, ortl, OR 9721 All rights reserv U DS

12 Assem Edition HOLY MARY, REVEALING YOUR SON HOLY MARY, REVEALING YOUR SON (cont) Verses anr 4 3 anr In Gath Earth you that you er saw night child tears heard Son life She You Of He You Tak ac gave wt re claim irth t cries emp up ceiv up Ricky Manalo, S anr a der ty anr E dis cour liz won won sor good c ci d a age, eth, der, der, row, news, d, ples,, All raise e faith, loud: e c, mer m, Heav Spir heav sus, cy,, it, All raise e 2014, Ricky Manalo, S ulish y O, 5536 NE Hsalo, ortl, OR 9721 All rights reserv plan, loud, claim: start, cross, voice, se, claim, Earth, Let o Learn e Go Now Refra: All Our To We We Tri us our sus our that an how Sav hrist ngues you gel ior is on cour spir trea felt um Bap ome ray age it give sure phant tiz c o an trust di ris world, fire, Que re se if us, us, you, you, gels an pro up pro we our oic glo ths news, lead ney es ry had who e us e our e re e yond nounc claim shep on day! claim old Heav gan! praise! hearts loss oice! lieve! names! irth! herds, from what s a pro one we ve pro Ho Ma ry, re veal Son, Sa cr hearts that eat one vic t ry is won Sa cr Ho Ma ry, hrist s reprt permissions, plee visit OneLicsenet or contact us at 1800663150