P s a l m s. In His Presence. Feasts and Solemnities A c c o m p a n i m e n t E d i t i o n. by the composers group

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P s a l m s In His Presence Feasts and Solemnities c c o m p a n i m e n t E d i t i o n by composers group Expressive Responsorial Psalm Settings Of ThreeYear ycle From Texts Lectionary for Mass International Liturgy Publications Nashville, TN

MB401 (ccompaniment Edition Feasts and Solemnities) right 2010, International Liturgy Publications PO Box 50476, Nashville, TN, 7205 www.ilpmusic.org 888898SON International copyright secured. ll rights reserved. No part this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, digital or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any or storage or retrieval system without prior written permission publisher. Printed in United States merica Psalms In His Presence F e a s t s a n d S o l e m n i t i e s Expressive Responsorial Psalm Settings ThreeYear ycle from Texts Lectionary for Mass by composers group Songs In His Presence. www.songsinhispresence.com ompiled and edited by Jane Terwilliger Photography and cover design by John nderson The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. (IEL) ll rights reserved. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition, 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc. (), Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Or collections available from ILP: Psalms by Songs In His Presence (400, MB400) Waters River: Psalms for Three Year ycle by Bill Svarda (MB110) The Mission Hymnal (HM20101) The Saint ugustine Hymnal (HM20102, HM2010, HM20104, 20102, 2010, 20104)

P R E F E Songs In His Presence is a group composers within International Liturgy Publications (ILP) who share spiritual and musical roots in a renewal faith and worship in our age. This Psalter is a bestowal od s bounty to us, shared blessings faith, love, worship and community. The Holy Spirit continually refreshes hurch as she seeks Him throughout time. So it is our hope that many will be drawn more deeply into love od through se sung prayers Scripture, Psalms. The practical use se settings will be as Responsorial Psalms for Liturgy Roman atholic Mass. Yet all who desire Word od to penetrate hearts will find se edifying, inviting many uses in or celebrations worship and faith. We have maintained original translations New merican Bible, as disseminated in Lectionary for Mass into a year cycle Sundays, Feasts and Solemnities. The order appearance in each volume is mainly according to each psalm s liturgical use. The Psalms In His Presence collection is available in separate volumes for each year cycle (, B, and ), and a fourth volume for many Feasts and Solemnities not specified to a designated cycle year. ccompaniment and Vocal/uitar editions are available. Or editions such as recordings, choral octavos and instrumental parts are available as listed by publisher, ILP. Note: The Feasts and Solemnities volume includes all four Responsorial Psalms prolonged celebration Mass at Vigil Pentecost. (Notitiae, 259, 156159) The Psalms are ageless sung prayers Sacred Scripture, shared prayer Judeo hristian faith. They express our hearts to od, our sorrows, our calling deep unto deep, yet with hope, faith, gratitude, and love. The community will participate in psalm most effectively and memorably when led by Psalmists who sing not only with skill and beauty, but who accept ir role, at all times, as humble messengers love and faith behind se divinelyinspired words. We pray that our part as composers, arrangers, and publisher assists ors in reception od s bountiful grace. Jane Terwilliger and composers Songs In His Presence Since its inception in 2004, Songs In His Presence has made an enormous contribution to musical worship hurch, helping us to pray more fervently as mystical Body hrist. Psalms In His Presence is an extraordinary work. We are honored to present this collection psalm settings for your use. May Word that lives within this eloquent music carry us ever more deeply into enduring presence od. Vince mbrosetti Publisher, ILP

4 q = 12016 Refrain Sing con pedale 1. deeds. Psalm 98: Sing to Lord a New Song Solemnity Immaculate onception Blessed Virgin Mary to Lord a new song, for he Verses 1, 1. Sing. ll to LOR ends a new m song, earth have seen for he to Verses & Final deeds. hasdone has Music by ONL FISHEL sal va done mar velous won tion by Last time 2. The Last time drous deeds; our od. his Sing Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: onald Fishel, b.1950; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2007, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured.

5 right handhas joy ful won vic tory for him, ly to LOR, all you lands; for him, break his ho in to song; ly arm. sing praise. Verse 2 2. (The) LOR has made his sal m va tion known: in he F kind has re vealed his jus m ness and his faith tice. sight He ful ness toward house Is na to Refrain to Refrain tions has re ra el. mem bered his to Refrain

6 Psalm 89: Forever I Will Sing Vigil hristmas, hrism Mass Psalm 89: The Son avid Solemnity St. Joseph, husband Mary Music by JNE TERWILLIER [9] [9/#] [Bm] [] h = 46 E9 E9/# #m [] B con pedale (REF. I: Vigil; hrism) Refrains I & II For (REF. II: Sol. St. Joseph) The [9] E9 ev er son [9/#] E9/# a vid [Bm] #m [9] E9 good ness, ev er, [9/#] E9/# [Bm] #m good ness will live for [] Lord. ev I [] [] B will will sing live er. Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, descant by Roger Holtz, b.1950, 2007, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. 1. [] B For to Verses [] B for 1. The 6. My The

7 Refrain I with alternate accompaniment and descant escant (optional) Melody [9] E9 ev er For [9] E9 good ness, ev er I [Bm] #m will I sing [9/#] E9/# [] [] B will sing goodness [Bm] #m goodness Lectionary Notes: Vigil hristmas: Refrain I, Vss. 2,, 4 Solemnity St. Joseph: Refrain II, Vss. 1, 2, 4 hrism Mass: Vss. 5, 6 Lord. to Verses Final [] Lord. [] B 6. "My 6. "My [] B poco rit.

8 Verses 1, 2,, 4 (Solemnity St. Joseph, Vigil hristmas) (Solemnity St. Joseph only) 1. (The) prom ises [2] E2 [] B LOR 2. I have made a cove nant [/B] /# I will sing (Vigil hristmas only). Bless ed people who know 4. He shall say me, "You for ev er; [] B with my chosen one, joy are my fa ful shout; [2] E2 through all r, [/#] B/# gener a tions my I have sworn to avid my in light my od, your [] [] [] F#m B E mouth shall pro claim your faith ful ness. ser coun rock, vant: te nance, for O ev er LOR, my sav ior." For ev er [F#m] #m For [] you will I con firm y walk. will I main tain have said, [/F#] /# "My your pos t your my

9 [7] F#m7 [F#m7] #m7 kind ness is es tab lished for ev ter name i ty [2] 2 y re joice all day, kind ness toward him, [] heav'n you have con firmed your all just him gen ice y are [/B] /# [sus4] Bsus4 faith er"; [] B and es tab lish your throne and my cov er a tions. stands ex and [] E in through your e nant with ful ness. alt ed. [] B [sus4] Bsus4 firm. [] B for to Refrain II The to Refrain For The to Refrain I For to Refrain For The

10 Verses 5, 6 (hrism Mass) 5. "I [2] E2 6. ("My) faith [] B have [/B] /# found cy [] B ful ness and my mer shall be with him; [2] E2 a [/#] B/# vid, my and through my [] F#m ser vant; name [] B with my [] [F#m] [] E #m ho shall [2] 2 ly oil him; fa his horn I have a noint ed him, be ex alt ed. [/F#] /# that my [7] F#m7 hand may [F#m7] #m7 always be with He shall say me, 'You are my [] B and that [] E my r, my [] arm od, may make him Rock, my [/B] [sus4] /# Bsus4 strong." sav ior!'" [] B [sus4] Bsus4 [] B to Refrain I For to Refrain I For

11 Psalm 96: Today Is Born The Nativity Lord, Mass at Midnight Music by ROER HOLTZ & JNE TERWILLIER h = 5660 con pedale sus4 Refrain born our to Verses Lord. Bm/ /E E Sav ior, hrist /E To day is Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Roger Holtz, b.1950, and Jane Terwilliger, b.1952; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2006, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. E born, today is 1. Lord. sus4 /E Today is 2. n Final / Lord.

12 Verses 1 & 2 1. Sing 2. (n) nounce to his Sing to LOR a E/# new song; sal va tion, day af ter day. a LOR; mong all Esus F#m sing to LOR, all you lands. Tell E bless his name. peo ples, his won drous deeds. his / glo #m ry a mong na tions; To day is To day is.s..s.

1 Verses & 4 E/#. Let heavens be glad 4. They shall ex E fills it rule #m in jus m! re /F# sound; ult before F#m and earthre earth. #m joice; LOR, for he comes; for he comes E/# tice and peo Then shall all Let plainsbe He shall rule Esus E joyful and world, trees forest ex ult. ples peo ples with E his con let sea and what F#m all shall rule to that is world with / stancy. Today is To dayis.s..s.

14 q = 100 Refrain con pedale Lord light Psalm 97: Light Will Shine Nativity Lord, Mass at awn will m7/ shine on us this /F# day: / is bmaj7/ born Bb/ for Music by MIHEL ISZZK & JNE TERWILLIER / Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Michael iszczak, b.1951, and Jane Terwilliger, b.1952; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2010, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. Eb us.

15 Verses 1. The Bb/. LOR 2. Light is dawns F/ king; Eb/Bb be F up right /B jus just, glad. let for earth just; re joice; let /B heart. tice, and all peo and ples see give thanks The Be his heav glad and m many is to his glad lands ness, for / ens pro claim his in LOR, you Eb/Bb glo ry. ho ly name. broaden to Refrain to Refrain

16 q = 12016 Refrain 1. ll con pedale od. Psalm 98: ll Ends Earth ends Nativity Lord, Mass during ay ommon (hristmas) earth have Bm seen sav Music by ONL FISHEL Verses 1,, 4 1. Sing 4.(Sing) praise. ll to to LOR LOR ends a new with m song, harp, earth have seen to Verses & Final od. ing pow Last time er 2. The 4. Sing Last time for he hasdone won drous deeds; with harp and mel o dious song. sal va tion by our his With od. Sing Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: onald Fishel, b.1950; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2007, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured.

17 (cue notes: V. 4) hand has won victo ry for him, trumpets and sound horn right joy ful ly to LOR, all you lands; for sing him, his ho ly arm. joy ful ly be fore King, break in to song; sing praise. to Refrain LOR. to Refrain Verse 2 2. (The) LOR has made his sal m va tion known: in he F kind has re vealed his jus m ness and his faith tice. sight He ful ness toward house Is na tions has re ra el. mem bered his to Refrain

18 Refrain I Psalm 128: Blessed re Those Who Fear Lord and Walk in His Ways The Holy Family Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Music by JNE TERWILLIER and NN BERER q. = 50 m /B m sus4 Blessed, blessed are those who fear Lord and walk in his ways. q. = 50 con pedale Psalm 128: Blessed re Those Who Fear Lord Refrain II Bless m ed, blessed are those con pedale The onferral Sacrament Marriage rd Sunday Ordinary Year /B Verses 1 & 2 / m/ 1. Bless (Ref.II) Bless ed ed is everyone who fears are you who fear 2. Your wife shall be like a who LOR, LOR, Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: nn Berger, b.1954, and Jane Terwilliger, b.1952; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2010, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured.. Be Music by JNE TERWILLIER and NN BERER sus4 fear Lord.. Be who who walks walk m in in his his F ways! ways! For For fruit ful vine in recess es your home; your

19 m you E 2 2 7 / to Refrain chil shall eat fruit your handi work; blessed shall you be, and dren like ol ive plants 2 2 a round favored. your ta ble. 2 2 Verse. (Be) hold, thus / m/ is man 2 2 blessed who fears m m LOR Bm ru sa lem bless E you from Zi F all days 2 2 2 2 2 on: may you see your life. to Refrain F LOR. The pros per i ty Je 7 / to Refrain

20 uitar: capo 2, play h = 6072 Refrain E[] antor: May od Psalm 67: May od Bless Us in His Mercy Solemnity Blessed Virgin Mary, Mor od F#m[] bless us in his [] mer cy. con pedale Refrain E[] ssembly: May od Verses [] F#m[] bless us [] in his mer 1. May od 2. May. May cy. have B[] pit y on nations be peo E[] E[] to Verses Music by ROER HOLTZ & JNE TERWILLIER Final E[] us glad ples praise rit. Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Roger Holtz, b.1950, and Jane Terwilliger, b.1952; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2009, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. and you, and ex E/#[/F#] bless ult O od; us; [] May he let be may his cause you all

21 B[] face rule peo #[F#] known shine ples in bless up upon E[] on us. peo praise E/#[/F#] ples, you! F#m[] #m[bm] earth; eq ui ty; us, So may your you May B[] way rule od [] among all nations on and may all F#m[] nations, your sal va earth ends you earth Bsus4[sus4] guide. tion. B[] be peo ples fear him!.s..s..s.

22 Psalm 72: Lord, Every Nation on Earth Will dore You q = 112120 Refrain Lord, con pedale na tion on /F# earth eve Epiphany Lord / ry na will Verses 1. O od, 2. Jus. The kings 4. For he a to Verses / dore you. 4 2 tion on ment withyour judg tice shall flow er shall earth, Final / dore rit. Music by ONL E. FISHEL you. eve ry m/ en dow in Tarshish and Isles res cue his king, days, shall fer gifts; poor when he cries out, / and with and pro found peace, and kings your till af flicted when he has Text: The English translation Psalm Response from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for use in ioceses United States, second typical edition, right 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: onald Fishel, b.1950, accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2007, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org

2 jus moon tice, king's be ra bi a no no and one to more. son; Seba shall bring help him. tribute. he May ll He shall shall he have govern rule kings from shall your pit y for Bm peo sea pay ple with justice to him sea, and your and from River to ends homage, lowly and poor; all lives af flict ed ones with na poor tions shall he shall /F# judg earth. ment. serve him. save.........

24 Psalm 29: The Lord Will Bless Baptism Lord (1st Sunday Ordinary B) q = 88104 Refrain E The Lord will B bless, con pedale E/# Lord will bless his peo ple with 9 %/E #m Lord will Music by JNE TERWILLIER B bless, peace. 1. & Final E Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2004, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. Last time Last time to Verses E (2.,.) The

25 Verses 1, 2 #m 1. ive 2. (The) voice to LOR, LOR you is sons o ver od, wa ters, give #m to LOR LOR, o ver F#m glo ry and vast B y; B praise, wa ters. #m give to LOR The voice #m glo ry due LOR his is name; might a dore E LOR voice in ho ly at LOR is ma E tire. jes tic.....

26 Verse #m. (The) od F#m poco rit. temple all poco rit. say, B "lo ry!" #m glo ry thun tempo #m The LOR ders, tempo and in his #m is en throned above flood; B E broaden broaden LOR is en throned as king for ev er. E..

27 P I N R S

28 Refrain Here m Freely con pedale Psalm 40: Here I m, Lord Solemnity nnunciation Lord, 2nd Sunday Ordinary B /E Verses 1, 2, 5 I F F am, Lord; I come to do your Music by ONL FISHEL will. (,B) 1. I have waited, wait ed for LOR, and he stooped toward me and heard my cry. (,B) 2. Sac rifice or fering you wished not, but ears open to o bedience you gave me. (Sol.) 2. Sac rifice or ob la tion you wished not, (Sol.) 5. Your justice I kept not hid within my heart; your faithfulness and your salvation I have spoken ; m (1.) nd he (2.) Hol (.) I have made no F put a new song in to my ocausts or sin ferings you secret your kindness and your m mouth, sought not; truth a hymn n said in to our I, "Behold, I vast as sus4 tempo od. come." sembly... Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: onald Fishel, b.1950; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2009, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured.

29 Verse Freely. "In written F od, is my de light, scroll it is /B F m pre scribed for me, and your law is within m to do your sus4 tempo m/ will, O my m Verse 4 Freely m 4. I an I did not m/ nounced your jus m/ m/b re strain my lips, F tice in as my vast as heart!" sus4 tempo F sembly; m/ you, O LOR, know..... Lectionary notes: Solemnity nnunciation: Vss. 2,, 4, 5 2nd Sunday Ordinary, B: Vss. 1, 2,, 4

0 q = 92 Psalm 51: Be Merciful, O Lord sh Wednesday, lst Sunday Lent Year Psalm 51: reate a lean Heart in Me Resurrection Lord at Easter Vigil, 5th Sunday Lent Year B Refrains I & II uitar capo m[bm] REF. I: Be REF. II: re m[] mer ci ful, O ate a clean [] Lord, heart for in we have me, O m[bm] sinned. od. 1. Verses Freely m[] 1. Have mercy on me, O od, 2. For I acknowledge. clean heart create for 4. ive me back joy 5. ive me back joy 6. For you are not pleased with chords may be rolled and/or revoiced m[] 1. in greatness your 2. and. and a stead 4. and a will 5. and a will 6. should I fer in my me, your your sac com my fast passion wipe sin is spirit out be re ing ing a spirit spirit holocaust, you sus sus would your O sal sal ri my fore new tain tain not Be re m[bm] good fence od, va va fices; me with in in ac to Verses Music by ONL FISHEL ness; tion, tion, m[bm] fence. always in me. me. me. cept it. Final Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: onald Fishel, b.1950; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2007, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured.

1 F[] 1. Thoroughly 2. "gainst you. ast me not 4. O Lord, 5. I will teach trans 6. My sacrifice, O wash me on ly out o gres od, is a from have from pen sors con my I your my your trite /E[/#] guilt sinned, presence, lips, ways spirit; m[f#m] 1. and 2. and done what my is sin evil in your. and your Ho ly Spirit take not from 4. and my mouth shall pro claim your 5. and sinners shall re turn to 6. a heart contrite and humbled, O od, you will not Lectionary notes: sh Wednesday: "Be Merciful," Vss. 1, 2,, 4 1st Sunday Lent : "Be Merciful," Vss. 1, 2,, 4 5th Sunday Lent B: "reate a lean Heart" Vss. 1,, 5 Easter Vigil: "reate a lean Heart," Vss., 5, 6 tempo m[bm] cleanse me. sight." me. praise. you. spurn...

2 with Reverent expression q = 80100 p Psalm 22: My od, My od Palm Sunday Lord's Passion, Holy Week (ommon) Refrain antor: My od, my Refrain B ssembly: m od, My od, my od, My od, my why have you a m why have you a Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: onald Fishel, b.1950; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2004, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. m od, why have bandoned me? why have ban doned me? you a ban doned me? you a Music by ONL FISHEL bandoned me? 1. to Refrain B 2. 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4 to Verses 1, 2, 4 My od, my od, to Verse m 5. Fine

Verses 1, 2, B antor: 1. ll antor: 2. In antor:. They deed, who di see man me vide my y dogs scf at me; sur round me, garments a mong m, mock pack me and e for with part ed lips, vil do ers clos my ves ture y p y wag es in cast ir heads: up on me; lots. y a

4 "He re lied on y have pierced But you, res cue him, I my O LOR; hands LOR, let him and be my not de liv er him, can count help, if all he my m feet; far from me; B loves bones. hasten to aid him." me. let O him my to Refrain B to Refrain to Refrain B Verse 1, to Ref. B Verse 2 to Ref. after vs. 1 after vs. 2,

5 Verse 4 B antor, male section, or choir: sem 4. I will proclaim your name to my breth bly I praise him; will praise you: ren; all you des re vere him, p all cen dants Jacob, B "You who in midst as fear you descendants Is give glory to him; LOR, m B ra el!" to Refrain B

6 Psalm 116: Our Blessing up Holy Thursday Evening Mass Lord's Supper q = 84 Refrain 1. How F Bb/F Our blessingcup is a commun ion with Blood Verses m F shall I make 2. Pre cious in eyes. (To) you will I Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: nn Berger, b.1954; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2010, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. m m Bb Last time hrist. Last time m a re turn to LOR LOR fer a sac ri fice Music by NN BERER F. (To) Last time thanks for all is and will

7 Eb good death call Bb he has done his faith on name for me? ful ones. LOR. Bb will son I take up, The cup I My vows sal va tion I Eb am your ser to LOR vant, m and I will call your hand maid, you will pay Bb up on name have loosed in pres ence all LOR. my his bonds. peo ple. to Refrain to Refrain to Refrain

8 Psalm 1: Far, into Your Hands I ommend My Spirit q = 80 Refrain m Fa Verse 1 m m r, in to your hands 1. In you, O LOR, I take ood Friday Lord's Passion B I com mend my Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: nn Fons, b.1955, accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2010, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. m spir B ref uge; let me m nev er be put to it. sus4 shame. spir it; In your jus B tice res cue me. m In to your hands B you will re deem me, O LOR, F m O I faith ful od. Music by NN FONS com mend my sus4 to Refrain

9 Verse 2 m 2. For all B neighbors, and a my foes B I am an ob ject reproach, m a laughingstock to my m dread to my friends; ywho see m B I am forgotten like un remembered dead; m m I me a broad m am like a dish flee that is from me. sus4 bro ken. to Refrain

40 Verse F B. But my trust is in you, O LOR; I m say, sus4 "You are my od. m In yourhands is my m m des tiny; rescue me from clutches my enemies B and my per se cu tors." Verse 4 m 4. Let your face B shine upon your servant; save me con pedale m7 cour age and be stout heart ed, F all m in your kind you m who hope ness. sus4 to Refrain Take in sus4 LOR. to Refrain

41 P I N R S

42 Psalm 104: Lord Send out Your Spirit Resurrection Lord at Easter Vigil ut time pulse q = 16 Refrain Lord, /# /B send Music by SR. STY WHITFIEL, S..L. out / your Spir it. Renew /F# face con pedale earth. sus4 earth. Re new face to Verse 1 & Final to Verses 2 & 4 to Verses & 5 r.h. r.h. 2. 4. You 7 r.h.. You 5. How Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Stacy Whitfield, SL, b.1956; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2008, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured.

4 Verse 1 1. Bless LOR, /# /B O my soul! / od, you are /F# great in deed! Bm You are clod / with robed in light O LOR, my maj es ty and /F# as with a sus4 cloak. glo ry,..

44 Verse 2 2. (You) fixed earth on its foun da tion, F#m moved for / ev er; with o cean, gar ment, you cov as not with to a be ered it; Bm bove / moun tains wa sus4 ters stood. a..

45 Verse. (You) send wind forth springs /# in to /B wa / ter cours es that a /F# mong moun / birds heav 7/ en dwell; tains. Be /B side m from a Bm mong ir 7/ y send forth ir song. F#m branch es..

46 Verse 4 4. (You) wa earth ter moun tains is raise grass re plete /# with for cat from your F#m pal fruit /B / tle, use, pro duc ing bread and from earth. veg / your ace; works. You /F# e ta tion for man's r.h...

47 5. (How) man wis Verse 5 i fold /# /F# dom you /B are your works, O / LOR! have wrought m all In full Bm LOR, your bless LOR, O my sus4 earth crea tures. soul!. Bless is..

48 q = 92108 Refrain The con pedale full earth Psalm : The Earth Is Full Resurrection Lord at Easter Vigil is /# full goodness / /F# good Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: nn Fons, b.1955; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2010, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. Bm Lord, Music by NN FONS ness, good ness Lord. sus4

49 Verses 1, 2 1. Up 2. By word works mouth are all Bm7 right is word, trust ir LOR sus4 wor thy. host. 7 word heav ens were /# LOR, made; and Bm all by breath his his He Bm right; sea as in /F# a flask; Bm He loves gath ers kind ness LOR in cellars he con 7 fines /F# earth F#m jus wa is deep. tice and ters full..s. The.S. The

50 Verses, 4. Bless 4. Our soul cho help ed sen for his own and Bm7 na waits, sus4 our shield. 7 tion whose od waits is for /# LOR, LOR, who Bm peo ple he has is our in her i tance. LOR O looks /F# down; LOR, Bm he Bm May From your F#m heav kind en ness, sees 7 all be u pon us who have put man /F# kind. our hope in you..s. The.S. The

51 q = 120 [F#] [Bm] m her it Psalm 16: You re My Inheritance [7] m7 ance, O to Verses [Bm] m Lord. Lord. Resurrection Lord at Easter Vigil rd Sunday Ordinary, Year B [F#m7] m7 [] Bb You are my in Refrain [Bm] m You are my [] heritance, O [F#m7] m7 [Bm] m Music by MIHEL ISZZK Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Michael iszczak, b.1951; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2004, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. in herit ance, O 1. [Bm] m Lord. Lord. [] m Final [7] m7 You are my pedal simile [F#m7] m7 [] [Bm] m Lord. [7] [F#m7] m7 m7 in [B]

52 Verses F[] 1. O 2. There Bb[] LOR, fore my. You will heart show m[] my al lot ted por tion and is glad me and my soul path re joic my you it my fullness is who hold Bb/[/B] bod y, too, joys a fast my bides in in your lot. Fsus4[sus4] con fi dence; cup, es, pres to life, F[] ence, pedal simile be de

5 m[bm] cause lights I set you will not at your right a LOR bandon my soul hand ev er be m[] fore me; to ner world, for ev er, Eb[] him suf fer lights at my right m[bm] hand your faith ful one at your right hand I shall not be to dis sus4[f#sus4] turbed. undergo cor rup tion. for ev er. nor will with you de [F#] to Refrain to Refrain to Refrain

54 P I N R S

elebratively q = 100110 m m cov m Lord; Exodus 15: Let Us Sing to Lord The Resurrection Lord at Easter Vigil m ered him self in glo Verse 1 Refrain Let us he has Freely, with proclamation 1. I will sing to m sing m to Lord; ry. Let us sing m covered him self in m LOR, verses chords may be rolled or embellished Music by ROER HOLTZ to Verses m glo ry. Final m glo Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Roger Holtz, b.1950; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2007, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. for he is glo rious ly tri ry. m to he has um phant; 55

56 Bb horseandchariot he has and he has been my cast m sav in m to sea. ior. Bb He is My strength my od, m od my fa Freely, with proclamation 2. The LOR is a Verse 2 r, I tempo ex m war rior, LOR tol is m/ m/ I him. and my praise him; courage is m/ his name! m LOR, Let Pharoah's chariots and army he hurled in to sea; m us.s.

57 Bb elite his ficers were sub merged in Verse Freely, with proclamation. The flood m tempo Red Sea. m/ m/ Your right hand, O wa ters cov ered m, LOR, m tempo m shat tered y m sank into depths like magni ficent in power, en e my. m/ Bb m/ m/ a stone. your right hand, O LOR, m/ Let us Let has us.s..s.

58 Verse 4 Freely, with proclamation 4. You m Bb brought in people you re deemed m place where you made your seat, O LOR, and planted m on moun tain your inher it ance: The LOR shall reign tempo m for ev m sanctuary, O LOR, which your hands estab lished. m er and ev m/ er. m/ m/ Let us gliss..s.

59 with Expression q = 100 Refrain 1 F antor: I will praise you, Lord. p Refrain 2 F ssembly: I con pedale Psalm 0: I Will Praise You, Lord Bb/F Easter Vigil, rd Sunday Easter, 10th Ord., 1th Ord. B /F I F will praise you, Lord, /E m will praise you, Bb/F Lord. mf m Verses 1 & m m for you have rescued me. Music by ROER HOLTZ /F I will praise for you have res m m 1. I will extol you, O LOR,. Hear, O LOR, for and cued me. you, F Lord, /E to Verse 1 or 2 Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Roger Holtz, b.1950; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2007, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. you have drew me pit y on m clear me; O m and did not LOR, mp 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 let my

60 enemies rejoice over me. F be my m help er. O m LOR, you brought me you changed /E neth er world; danc ing; m you pre served me Bb from among those O LOR, my od, Refrain F I will praise you, Bb/F Lord. m go ing downin for ev er will I to pit. my give you thanks. up from mourning in to /F I F will praise you, Lord, f /E m back to Refrain 2 on to Refrain for

61 m you have res cued me. 1. Final to Verse Verse 2 m 2. Sing praise to m LOR, you 2 1 2 1 m name. his faithful ones, m m m and give thanks poco rit. to his 1 2 For his anger lasts but a mom ent; a F /E m ho life time, his good will. Bb night p m fall, weeping enters in, m but with mp dawn, re joic ing. ly t to Refrain

62 P I N R S

6 Isaiah 12: You Will raw Water The Resurrection Lord at Easter Vigil, Baptism Lord Year B (option) Solemnity Most Sacred Heart Jesus Year B Refrain apo 2: [] q = 100 E [/] /E You will draw [6/] 6/E water [] E joy fully [] E [6/] 6/E sal from springs [26/E] [6/] 26/E 6/E Music by SR. STY WHITFIEL, S..L. va tion. Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Stacy Whitfield, b.1956, 2009, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. [6/] [] 6/B E You will [/] /E lightly con pedale [6/] 6/E wa ter joy ful ly [] [Bm] E #m 1. [6] 6 to Verses [6] 6 va [7] B7 [] E tion. [/] /E [F#m] #m from springs sal va [7] B7 [] E tion. lightly [/] /E [7] B7 [] B Final [6] 6 va [7] B7 [] E tion. molto rit. draw [2] E2

64 Verses 1, [] E. Sing [/#] B/# [/B] /# 1. od indeed is my sav ior; praise to LOR [/] E/B [] [/F#] E/# I am confident for his glo rious [] F#m and un a fraid. [sus4] Bsus4 a [] B chieve ment; [] E My let [/#] B/# [/B] /# [] B strength and my courage is this be [/E] /F# been cit my known throughout all [Bm] #m LOR, earth. [/] E/B [] and [/F#] E/# he has Shout with exulta tion, O sav y Zi ior. on, [] B [] E With for [/#] B/# joy great you in your

65 [/B] /# will midst draw Verse 2 [] E 2. ive [sus4] Bsus4 wa ter [] is Ho ly One, [/F#] E/# [] F#m at fountain sal va Ho ly One Is [] B [] E tion. ra el! [/#] B/# thanks to LOR, [/B] /# [/] E/B [] ac claim his name; [/#] B/# [/B] /# [sus4] Bsus4 [/F#] [] E/# F#m [sus4] [] Bsus4 B a mong na [] E tions [/#] B/#.... make known his [/B] /# deeds, [sus4] Bsus4 pro claim [] [/F#] E/# [] F#m how exalted is his name. [] B [] E [/#] B/# [/B] /# [sus4] Bsus4..

66 q = 8090 Lord, Refrain you have con pedale to Verses m cree Psalm 19: Lord, You Have Words Easter Vigil, rd Sunday Lent B, ommon (Ordinary Time) / 1. The. The Bb words F ev Verses 1, Eb law fear er last ing life. rit. to Fine 1. and Last time F7 Music by ROER HOLTZ repeat First time only LOR LOR is ordinances Bb Bb/ fect, sus4 is per re freshing soul; pure, enduring for ev er; LOR is trust wor thy, giving wis to sim ple. LOR are true, F dom all m just. Eb Fine Fine de F'2 Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Roger Holtz, b.1950; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2004, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured.

67 Lord, / Bb you have words F ev Verses 2, 4 Eb 2. precepts LOR 4. They are er last ing life. F7 l.h. Bb/ right, are more precious than gold, m mand sweet than a sus4 re joicing heart; heap purest gold; LOR is Bb clear, er also than syr up F enlight ening or hon Eb (2. The) com eye. ey from comb. F'2.... al Fine

68 q = 104 E Like B/# a deer con pedale F#m longs for you, my od. Verse 1 1. () thirst is my soul E Psalm 42: Like a eer Resurrection Lord at Easter Vigil that /# longs for run ning streams, Music by SR. STY WHITFIEL, S..L. for /F# od, E/B my soul 1. liv ing od. to Verses (od.) Final 1. 2. I (od.) /E When shall I go and be hold face Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Stacy Whitfield, b.1956; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 1999, 2004, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. B od?.

69 Verse 2 2. (I) went with throng and /F# led m, /E house od, with Verse. Send led mul ti tude keep m in /F# pro ces sion to /B a mid cries joy and thanks giv ing, ing forth your light, your fi deli ty; y B fes ti val. /F# shall lead me on and molto rall. F# bring me. to your holy molto rall.

70 Bm moun tain, to your dwell ing tempo place. tempo Verse 4 4. Then will I go F n will I give in to /B al /E tar od, B /B you thanks upon B/# deer /# that longs B /F# od my glad ness and my joy; harp, women: O od, my E Refrain od! men: E/B for running streams, My my soul soul F#m E my longs for you, od. longs for you, my od. B Like. a.

71 P I N R S

72 h =6068 Refrain* This con pedale /B let Psalm 118: This Is ay Lord Has Made Resurrection Lord Mass Easter ay is day, /B us re / joice sus4 and be 1., Final glad. day Lord has to Verses made; Verses 1. ive 2. "The. The thanks to LOR, right hand LOR stone has for which builders re /F# he struck is with good, pow'r; for his glad. /E mer Music by ROER HOLTZ ject ed has / cy en dures for right hand LOR be come is ex Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Roger Holtz, b.1950; accomp by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2010, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured.

7 ev alt cor m mer clare won er. ed. ner stone. cy en Let house I shall By LOR not has dures for / works der ful in /F# ev LOR." Is die, this rael say, been but live, done; "His and er." our eyes. r.h. it de is to Refrain to Refrain to Refrain *Refrain note: Throughout Easter Season, "lleluia" is alternate congregational response for Responsorial Psalm

74 q = 92 con pedale Psalm 118: ive Thanks to Lord 2nd Sunday Easter Year B (ivine Mercy) sus4 /# Bm love is /F# 7 ev er last Refrain* ive /F# thanks to Lord Music by JNE TERWILLIER 7 /# for he is Bm good, ing. 1. & Final Last time Last time 2. 4. Verses 1. Let house Is Bm ra el say, 2. I was hard pressed and I was fall sus4 [add2] "His mer ing,. The stone which build ers re ject ed but has his cy endures fore LOR be come Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2004, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured.

75 / ver." helped me. F#m Let house Bm7 a ron say, My strength and courage is "His mer LOR, and he has der corner stone. By Verses 1,, continuing (1) fear F#m () day LOR Bm say, LOR has Verse 2, continuing [add2] (2) joyful shout /B cy endures for ev er." been LOR has this been done; it is won ful in made; [add2] [add2] /F# "His mer cy en dures for let us be glad my sav our eyes. Let those who Vs.2 to bottom ior. [add2] ev er." and rejoice in it. / The This is victo ry [add2] in tents just. [add2] /.S. ive.s. ive.s. ive *Refrain note: Throughout Easter Season, "lleluia" is alternate congregational response for Responsorial Psalm

76 Psalm 47: od Mounts His Throne Solemnity scension Lord q = 8496 / con pedale Verses a blare trum / / pets for Lord. Refrain* Music by ONL FISHEL Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: onald Fishel, b.1950; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2007, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured. 1., to Final / od mounts his throne to shouts joy: to Verses 1. ll you peo ples, clap your hands, 2. od mounts his throne a mid shouts joy; all earth is. For king m od; Final shout to od with cries LOR, a mid sing trumpet hymns

77 glad blasts. ness, praise. awe praise; na Bm some, is great king tions, sing praise od to our king, sing (Lectionary correct:) sing sits up for LOR, Most Sing praise to od, od o on his ho High, reigns sus4 ver all earth. praise praise, to our king. sing praise. o sing ver ly throne. *Refrain note: Throughout Easter Season, "lleluia" is alternate congregational response for Responsorial Psalm.S..S..S.

78 q. = 7278 uitar capo 2 Refrain* [] E Bless ed Psalm : Blessed People peo [] F#m ple Pentecost Vigil con pedale [] F#m be [] B his [/F#] E/# Lord [] E own. Verses [/] /E 1. (The) LOR 2. Bless brings ed. From to naught na his tion fixed [/] /E plans whose od throne is na has [/] /E LOR, [] chos [] E Last time Last time [/B] /# tions; Music by JNE TERWILLIER he be holds he en [F/] /B foils peo all to to Verses 1. The ple he de has who Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2005, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured.

79 [F] signs cho sen dwell [] peo for his own on earth, ples. in her itance. [/F] / But plan [Eb] F He who fash ioned LOR From heav down; de [F/] / sign his heart, he he who [] sees [/B] /# through all knows [] B gen all all heart stands [/B] /# er [Bb/] /E for ev er; en LOR 2 man each, [/#] B/# 2 a [] B 2 ir looks to Refrain tions. to Refrain kind. works. 2 2 to Refrain *Refrain note: Throughout Easter Season, "lleluia" is alternate congregational response for Responsorial Psalm

80 q. = 56 Refrain* lo ry and praise aniel : lory and Praise Forever Pentecost Vigil*, Solemnity Most Holy Trinity Year /F# lo Bm maj7 for maj7/e ev er! lo ry and praise, Music by ROER HOLTZ m 1. ry and praise! / to Verses praise! / Final praise! / poco rit. Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Roger Holtz, b.1950; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2005, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured.

81 Verse 1 1. Bless ed are you, O m Lord, od our fa wor bless thy F Bm7 sus4 rs, and ex alt ed a bove all for ev er; / praise ed is your ho ly F wor thy /E m /B and glo and ex alt ed a bove all m sus4 ri ous name, /F# for all 2/E a ges. /F# and praise /F#..

82 Verses 2, 2. Bless ed are you. Bless ed are you in m tem ple your on throne ho ly glo wor wor thy and thy and ex alt ed F Bm7 your king glorious a bove all for ev /F# 2/E er. a bove all for ev er. ry, dom, / praise praise /F# *Refrain note: Throughout Easter Season, "lleluia" is alternate congregational response for Responsorial Psalm....

8 quiet and simple Verse 4 4. Bless ed are you /E /F# 2 cher u bim, who look in to depths 2 2 Bm from your throne up on F praise wor thy and ex m m/ /F# 2/E alt ed above all for ev er. /F#..

84 P I N R S

85 Psalm 107: ive Thanks to Lord Pentecost Vigil*, Votive Masses, Friday 20th Week Ordinary Year II h = 6068 con pedale Refrain* [] Eb [] Eb his ive to Verses ['2/E] b'2/f last ing. [6] b6 thanks love ['2/E] b'2/f to Lord, Music by SR. STY WHITFIEL, S..L. [] Eb ['2] b'2 is [/F#] Eb/ Final ['2/E] b'2/f last ev ing. [] Eb 1. ['2/E] b'2/f er last [7] Bb7 [] Eb [sus4] Ebsus4 ing. [] Eb Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary for Mass for Use in ioceses United States merica, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian octrine, Inc., Washington,.. ll rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Stacy Whitfield, SL, b.1956; accomp by Stacy Whitfield, SL, b.1956 and Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2007, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 7205 888898SON, www.ilpmusic.org. ll rights reserved. International copyright secured.