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œ œ œ œ œ kind - ness; C/Bb B b F/A b œ œ. œ œ kind - ness and sal -

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œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œœ

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in loving memory of Karin Ann Williams, œ œ œ œ œ rit. œ œ a tempo œ œ a tempo A/C # a tempo

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LORD, Let My Prayer Arise/ Suba Mi Oración. œ œ œ. œ J. J j. Am7add4. j J j. J j. Su - ba mi o - ra - ción

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Taste and See That the Lord Is Good. see, . œ œ. all. and. who. the. taste. Bb Bb /A. œ. œ œ.

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Listen, Lord, and Answer Me. œœ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ. j œ. j œ. 1, Final. # œ n œ

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The Love of God. Assembly, SATB Choir, Keyboard, and Guitar. E B7 C # m C # m/b. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ


erformance Notes Using the traditional Adorámus Te text, this setting is designed for use during the Veneration of the Cross This rite is often a profound moment for people, as they are invited to reverence the cross during the ood riday Liturgy arish communities have many ays of carrying out this ritual, and it is important that the gestures never e minimized for the sake of efficiency Allo time for all the memers of the assemly, not ust a token group, to venerate the cross Consider inviting the assemly to approach the cross-arefoot folloing the model of the eighth century papal ood riday Liturgy and as suggested in the Ceremonial of Bishops () nly one cross should e used for the veneration; this contriutes to the full symolism of the rite A cross is used for veneration, not a crucifix If numers are very large, a full-sized ooden cross can e placed in the middle of the church, inviting the people to come to approach it from all sides iven that this ritual can take a long time, it can ecome musically challenging We Adore You as designed as a refrain that may e sung during the veneration of the cross This ritual moment is a onderful opportunity for a mixture of hymns, motets and choruses of some of the most moving sacred music ever ritten The refrain of We Adore You can e oven in and out eteen other pieces thus providing a common thread and maintaining musical unity through the entire ritual As an option, the people may e invited to stand at the end of the veneration and sing a strong hymn of affirmation in the poer of the cross In preaching on the assion, special care should e taken not to sho the eish people in an unfavorale ay The crimes during the assion of Christ cannot e attriuted indiscriminately to all es of that time, nor to es today The eish people should not e referred to as though reected or cursed, as if this vie folloed from Scripture As the church has alays held, Christ freely suffered his passion and death ecause of the sins of all, that all might e saved This is also the ay in hich the church understands the liturgical texts of ood riday, such as the Reproaches (See Nesletter: Bishops Committee on the Liturgy (BCL), an 1998) The text of the Reproaches, found in the Sacramentary, seems to accuse the eish people of the crucifixion of esus: "My people I led you out of Egypt, ut you led y Savior to the cross" Before singing a setting of this text, catechize the people that the Reproaches are addressed to all of humanity, not the eish people of the past or present Within the text of the Reproaches is found the Trisagion, or Thrice Holy: "Holy is od! Holy and strong! Holy immortal ne, have mercy on us!" The rthodox and many other churches sing this prayer If you omit the Reproaches, consider singing a setting of this text in its place rom the collections: LRY IN THE CRSS Songook edition 1180 Cassette edition 1181 Compact isc edition 118 Instrument ack edition 70 CHRIST WE RCLAIM Resce Book edition 119 Accompaniment Book Vol edition 1198 Compact isc edition 1195 Edition 1056-Z

Lord, We Adore You *escant STINAT RERAIN (q = ca 8) Soprano Alto Tenor Bass () Capo : () Cm ring - ing Cru - cem Lord, e a - cru - cem Sal - va (m7) B m7 you, Re - tu - am (m7/) B m7/ tu - am a - () sor - ros, nos, (C7sus) E 7sus dore (C7) E 7 deem - er, you, A (B$) do - kneel - ing e - ó - mi - (Cº7) Eº7 leav - ing n sal - va () (6) 6 here at y N ne () rá - mus, (sus) A sus fore () A you; ur - dens for nos (Esus) sus cross (E) n 001, ulished y C ulications, 556 NE Hassalo, ortland, R 971 All rights reserved Keyoard may doule choral parts *escant may e played insturmentally Use sparingly art for Cello is availale from the pulisher, edition 7066

We Adore You an Schutte Keyoard % % INTR Solemnly (q = ca 69) Soprano a tempo Alto a tempo Baritone a tempo 8va nd time We a - dore you, / / e - sus Christ / or y the ood of y B B/ / N ho - ly cross N C Cma7 We a-dore and / N sus rit less Cma7 you sus Last time to Coda you have re-deemed the /B C6 Last time to Coda fi fi 000, aniel L Schutte ulished y C ulications, 556 NE Hassalo, ortland, R 971 All rights reserved

5 1 rit S 1 orld (We a - / orld (We a - / B/ dore) dore) / / /B N Cma7 With expression; ruato Cma7 C sus / rit rit S /B Veneration of the Cross: We Adore You

6 fi CA N molto rit sus / n n n B ma7 molto rit n orld molto rit molto rit (We a - / E E/ dore) sus S Veneration of the Cross: We Adore You

We Adore Y Cross 7 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass 1- Hear STINAT RERAIN VERSES 1 N p C/E We a - dore y p prayer, f- C/E y the the y us, suf - pain lood death, B m Asus A cross, Sa - vior, B sus, C m Asus A fer - ing, you ore, you shed, Lord, prayer, sus, C us, C and y ho - ly C y strick - and and C Sa - vior, y hu - en for y y y y Sa - vior, Sa - vior, n Sa - vior, C m Asus A res - ur - rec - tion m mil - con - res - /E prayer prayer Asus A i - a-tion: of - fen - ses: dem-nur - rec - - tion: tion: E n prayer prayer E π /E prayer 1998, ulished y C ulications, 556 NE Hassalo, ortland, R 971 All rights reserved Keyoard may doule choral parts

8 Assemly Editions LR, WE ARE YU WE ARE YU an Schutte We a - dore you, e - sus Christ We a-dore and less you or y the ood of y you have re- deemed the STINAT RERAIN STINAT RERAIN Hear We a - dore y cross, prayer, Lord, e a - dore ring - ing 001, ulished y C ulications, 556 NE Hassalo, ortland, R 971 All rights reserved you, sor - ros, you, Re - deem - er, Sa - vior, prayer, orld and y ho - ly kneel - ing e - fore leav - ing here at y Sa - vior, ho - ly cross res - ur - rec-tion you; ur - dens cross 000, aniel L Schutte ulished y C ulications, 556 NE Hassalo, ortland, R 971 All rights reserved WE ARE YUR CRSS prayer for 1998, ulished y C ulications, 556 NE Hassalo, ortland, R 971 All rights reserved or reprint permissions, please visit nelicensenet or contact us at 1-800-66-1501