Blessed Are We RCIA Response for the Rite of Election -Candidates Assembly, Cantor, SATB, Piano, and C Instrument (Opt.)

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2 For Mary Boulanger Blessed Are We RCIA Response for the Rite of Election -Candidates Assembly, Cantor, SATB, Piano, and C Instrument (Opt.) Based on Psalm 33 C Instr. Guitar Alto (Congr.) Soprano. Tenor Bass 1l!f (Melody) Gm 'FF 0 07 ~ t?3 l=iju mf Bless-ed are we, hap-py are we, (Descant) mf Bless-ed are we, are bless-ed, hap-py are we, mf -& Performance suggestions: Begin with either the soloist or unison choir singing the melody line. Next, add the congregation, then the choir, and finally the descant. You Inay also use the supplied verses to create a Psalm setting (Blessed Are We) or a short anthem (Imitate Christ). These settings are designed to be flexible in order to suit the needs of each congregation's particular resources and needs. Copyright @ 2001 Birnamwood Publications Sole Distributor MorningStar Music Publishers of St. Louis 1727 Larkin Williams Road, Fenton, MO 63026-2024 All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Reproducing this publication in any fonn is prohibited by law without t~e permission of the publisher.

3 f Eb cho-sen to F be your Bb peo - pie, Lord,---- cho-sen to be your peo-ple, Lord,----- peo - pie, Lord,- J.l; ;.l' Lord, r r f D7 Gm 17',* 0 7 cho-sen to be your own. ~17',* cho-sen to be your own. ; J ; J J.l~J \.:.I * 17', * *Cadence indicated by (j) and 17"\. Observe final time only. = =

4 For Mary Boulanger Blessed Are We RCIA Response for the Rite of Election - Candidates (optional verses over hummed refrain) Based on Psalm 33 Opt. Verses Congr. Keyboard 4 '. =====-J===-===just; made, Lord, 1. Ring out your joy to God, 2. God spoke his ho - ly word, heav'ns 3. Hap - py are we whose God is Refrain Gm 0 7 Bless - ed are we, o hap - py you were the -======-~m rgf===_' ===_ -----l~~======~ Praise Stars All is by his E~ F m=====_.m_ cho - sen to fit - ting breath from works done be r r your for his in r are ==F=r-# 1-~o===-

5 7 10 loy ho truth al ly and r hearts. mouth. love; cho - sen are you. earth with his love. word of the Lord. Hap - py God fills Faith - ful em cho - sen Gm ~* 0 7 own.----------- *Cadence indicated by (J ) and r.-... Observe final time only. and the the to

6 For Sue Havas Imitate Christ RCIA Response for Rite of Election - Catechumens Assembly, Cantor, SATB, Piano, and C Instrument (Opt.) Refrain from RCIA adapt. from Eph. 5:1-2 Verses freely adapted C Instr. Congr. Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Keyboard r~-..~~.~~~~~~~ Full Gospel style and sound J= 86) ~ 3 ----------, - tate Christ; walk in God's =, lin - - tate Christ; walk in God's J ; J J., f 3 = F Gm/F Am 7 B~maj9 Gm7/B~ B~Maj7 Copyright @ 200 1 Birnamwood Publications Sole Distributor MorningStar Music Publishers of S1.Louis 1727 Larkin Williams Road, Fenton, MO 63026-2024 All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Reproducing this publication in any fonn is prohibited by law without the pennission of the publisher. 3

7 love, loves-----------, 3 F/C Gm/C C#7 ---- Gm9/C B~6/C = 3 us. \:.) * F I7\. * (Gm/C), *Cadenceindicatedby 1":'... Observefinal time only.

8 For Sue Havas Imitate Christ RCIA Response for Rite of Election - Catechumens (optional verses over hummed refrain) 'L ;;>=====::m 1. "I am the way,--- the truth and the life. No one t @f'~.' ~ comes to the Fa - ther, ex cept-..- through me." =====W 2. "Sheep of my flock, hear my voice, fol - low me. For I F==.. ~ ~. II know you, and you know my voice." Says the Lord.....m 3. Je - sus, Mes - si - ah, liv - ing wa ~ ter we seek. Bring us ij F====ij' ~ wa - ter that brings-. e ter nal life. come,--. Lord -===== ======_. ~ 4. Je - sus our light, in the dark - ness with in. Oh,-.--._ come,--- Lord Je - sus, Je - sus,. ~=====. ~. help- set-- us us see. ====- ====-~ 5. Je - sus our life, ris - ing up Jrom the tomb. Oh,--. This may also be used as a dismissal song during Lent by singing stanzas 3, 4, and 5 for the third, fourth, and fifth Sundays of Lent respectively. free..~

Congregational Antiphons 9 Refrain Blessed Are We RCIA Response for the Rite of Election - Candidates ~i~r~~~~e ~~~~~" ~ Refrain Bless - ed are we, hap - py are we, cho - sen to be your peo - pie, Lord,--.- cho - sen m=. =i_j::=:::==_1 o~ to be your Imitate Christ own.---- RCIA Response for the Rite of Election - Catechumens ====1' ====2~_~. 1m - i-tate Christ; walk in God's love, just-._... as Christ- loves------ us. Copyright @ 200 1 Birnamwood Publications Sole Distributor MorningStar Music Publishers of St. Louis 1727 Larkin Williams Road, Fenton, MO 63026-2024 All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Note: These Congregational Antiphons may be reproduced for use in the service leaflet provided sufficient quantities are purchased for choir use, and copyright notice is included.,

10 For Mary Boulanger C Instrument Blessed Are We RCIA Response for the Rite of Election - Candidates Assembly, Cantor, SATB, Piano, and C Instrument (Opt.) Refrain With rejoicing (J = 86)..... ~ :!3i! 2~r *Cadence indicated by I':'.. *Cadence indicated by I':'... For Sue Havas Imitate Christ * ~~erses 12 I:~ RCIA Response for Rite of Election - Catechumens Assembly, Cantor, SATB, Piano, and C Instrument (Opt.) Full Gospel style and sound (J = 86),-- 8 ~~: t~~~. ~E~~F~~ b ~ ~t"':"'i * Verses With the purchase of this publication, permission is granted to reproduce this page for the instrumentalist. Copyright @ 2001 Birnamwood Publications Sole Distributor MorningStar Music Publishers of St. Louis 1727 Larkin Williams Road, Fenton, MO 63026-2024 All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Reproducing this publication in any fonn is prohibited by law without the permission of the publisher. 3 _=_.~=~=#E:1