Order for the Worship of God

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Park Cities Presbyterian Church

Park Cities Presbyterian Church

Order for the Worship of God

Order for the Worship of God

Order for the Worship of God

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Order for the Worship of God



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Order for the Worship of God




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Park Cities Presbyterian Church



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Park Cities Presbyterian Church

Order for the Worship of God


Order for Worship God Prk Cities Presbyterin Church December 6, 2015 8:00, 9:30 11:00 m Second Sundy Advent To ll who re spiritully wery seek rest; ll who mourn long for comfort; ll who struggle desire vicry; ll who sin need Svior; ll who re strngers wnt fellowship; ll who hunger thirst fter righteousness; ll who will come, this church opens wide her doors fers welcome in nme Lord Jesus Christ. The Prelude Comfort, Comfort Ye My People rr. John Ferguson The Cll Worship The Rev. Ron Willims 8:00 The Rev. Pul Goebel 9:30/11:00 Minister: O Zion, messenger good news, shout from mountinps! People: Shout it louder, O Jeruslem. Shout, do not be frid. Tell wns Judh, Your God is coming! Isih 40.9 Minister: will tend His flock like shepherd; will gr lmbs in His rms; will crry m in His bosom, gently led those tht re with young. Isih 40.11 People: Therefore Lord Himself will give you sign. Behold, virgin shll conceive ber Son, shll cll His nme Immnuel, which mens, God with us. Isih 7.14; Mtw 1.23(b) * Hymn Adortion No. 208 O Come, All Ye Fithful ADESTE FIDELES * Pryer Adortion

* Pression Fith Dr. Julin Russell 8:00 The Rev. Robby Higginbotm 9:30 The Rev. Mtt Fry 11:00 We believe in one God, Fr Almighty, Mker heven erth, ll things visible invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, onlybegotten Son God, begotten His Fr before ll worlds, God God, Light Light, very God very God, begotten, not mde, being one substnce with Fr; by whom ll things were mde; who for us for our slvtion cme down from heven, ws incrnte by Holy Spirit virgin Mry, ws mde mn; ws crucified lso for us under Pontius Pilte; suffered ws buried; third dy rose gin ccording Scriptures, scended in heven, is seted t right h Fr; shll come gin, with glory, judge both living ded; whose kingdom shll hve no end. And we believe in Holy Spirit, Lord giver life, who proceeds from Fr Son; who with Fr Son ger is worshiped glorified; who spoke by prophets; we believe in one holy ctholic poslic church; we cknowledge one bptism for remission sins; we look for resurrection ded, life world come. Amen. The Nicene Creed 2

* Hymn From Squlor Borrowed Stble Townend 4 Œ Œ Œ Œ skies wlked fights skies n know clims fer 1. From 2. King squ lor hev en 3. Through kis ses 4. Now 's st ing by hum ble ws crowned with filled in with ws ter Spi ser lift glo n po pun ced rit vnt ed ry ing guish wer ished now in in on on for for His bor rowed st Friend friend's plce be sin try hon vir F cru high shme Ho world's own gin's r's el est ly trns be 2 œ œ œ œ œ œ 4 œ œ 4 ú cme S vior filled with mer cy for till ws His suf fer ing F r clls œ œ œ were my for will filled rod breth, prt œ œ œ gels tell so well; hell; hell; with s yet His but hu bro sve bring prise hev'n, felt fights my for pin, me, trum pet sounds Gift righ with Bride teous will God steps shout run mn ken m rce! mn. lost. home! fith; hs, cross; throne, scn Spi gress lov ble, ners, l, or, dl rit, ions, ed But Yes, Then shep herds lis ten s joys sorrows tht I loos ing sin ners from hope hev en or come give me our her down hope souls Lov 2 œ œ œ œ œ œ 4 œ œ 4 w t I deth giv will de ing œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ú œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ dwn ing fol fet glo low ed ry œ œ œ œ ú œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ my by Im Im Im Im mn mn mn mn œ œ œ œ ú u u u u el. el! el! el! set er's œ mn gin: free: rms, œ Public Confession Sin Lord, we hve not lwys wtched for You, but hve occupied ourselves with our own concerns. We hve not wited find Your will for us. We hve not noticed needs people round us. We hve not cknowledged love tht hs been shown us. Forgive us for our lck wtchfulness. lp us wit know Your will. lp us look out for needs ors. lp us work wtch for Your coming. Privte Confession 3

Words Assurnce Prdon Gospel For behold, drkness shll cover erth, thick drkness peoples; but LORD will rise upon you, His glory will be seen upon you. Isih 60.2 Musicl Medittion Of The Fr s Love Begotten rr. John Erickson 9:30/11:00 High School Ensemble Covennt Choir Lynd Fry, direcr 5 & b b b4 Plese join in singing when so directed. choir Of F r's love be got ten choir O ye heights hev'n dore Him; All Christ, Thee, with God F r, & b b b & b b b & b b b ll hymn, let hon œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ is do ere worlds be gn be, n gel hosts, His pris es sing;, O Ho ly Ghost, Thee, œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Al ph O me g, Source, min ions, bow be fore Him ex l our chnt high thnks giv ing, un we ried no or, things ngue glo tht fu ture ev 'ry voice in e ter nl tht on ry, yers con vic re, erth shll cert tht be do see, ring, ry, hve si min ev ev ev er more ermore ermore ev ev ev er er er End God pris œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ing, King; es be, been, lent, ion, œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ more! more! more! Pryer Intercession/Offerry Pryer Dr. Russell 8:00 Mr. Higginbotm 9:30 Mr. Fry 11:00 Musicl Offering 8:00 Let All Mortl Flesh Keep Silence PICARDY Stephen Nielson, pino rr. Nielson 9:30/11:00 Crol Joy Dn Forrest Chncel Choir J. Mrty Cope, direcr Stephen Nielson, pino Green leves ll fllen, wired dry; brief sunset fding, dim winter sky. Lengning shdows, Drk closing in n, through stillness, crols begin! Oh fllen world, you is song Deth holds you fst night trries long. Jesus is born, your curse destroy! Sweet your ers, crol Joy! Ple moon scending, solemn slow; cold brren hillside, shrouded in snow; Deep, empty vlley veiled by night; her ngel music hopeful bright! 4

Oh ferful world, you is song Pece with your God, prdon for wrong! Tidings for sinners, burdened bound A crol joy! A Sviour is found! Erth wrpped in sorrow, lift up your eyes! Thrill chorus filling skies! Look up sdherted witness God s love! Join in crol swelling bove! Oh friendless world, you is song! All ven s joy you my belong! You who re lonely, lden, forlorn Now un you, Sviour is born! * The Greeting Pece Minister: The people who wlked in drkness hve seen gret light; those who dwelt in l deep drkness, on m hs light shone. The pece Lord be with you lwys. Isih 9.2 People: And lso with you. The Service Friendship If you re seted on left end pew, plese tke Service Friendship pd, fill out informtion pss it down. When it rrives t or end pew, pss it bck, tking note those who re seted in your row. Reception New Members 9:30/11:00 The Scrment Bptism 9:30 Alln Milburn Peck II Penelope Lyne Peck Zoë Lucille Peck Arthur Alln Peck Oliver Edison Peck * The Scripture Reding Mtw 1.1823 Now birth Jesus Christ ok plce in this wy. When His mor Mry hd been betrod Joseph, before y cme ger she ws found be with Child from Holy Spirit. 19 And her husb Joseph, being just mn unwilling put her shme, resolved divorce her quietly. 20 But s he considered se things, behold, n ngel Lord ppered him in drem, sying, "Joseph, son Dvid, do not fer tke Mry s your wife, for tht which is conceived in her is from Holy Spirit. 21 She will ber Son, you shll cll His nme Jesus, for will sve His people from ir sins." 22 All this ok plce fulfill wht Lord hd spoken by prophet: 23 "Behold, virgin shll conceive ber Son, y shll cll His nme Immnuel" (which mens, God with us). 5

The Sermon O Come, Emmnuel Mr. Willims 8:00 Mr. Goebel 9:30/11:00 Worshipers t 9:30 11:00, plese continue t closing hymn on pge seven. * The Gret Thnksgiving 8:00 only Minister: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit. Minister: Lift up your herts! People: We lift m up Lord! Minister: Let us give thnks un our Lord God. People: It is right give Him thnks prise. Minister: It is right good joyful thing, lwys everywhere give thnks un You, O Lord, Holy Fr, Almighty, Everlsting God. People: Therefore, with ngels rchngels, with ll compny heven, we lud mgnify Your glorious Nme; evermore prising You, singing: * Pryer Thnksgiving Blessing 8:00 * The Words Institution 8:00 The Communion 8:00 Plese come forwrd down center isle. Prtke elements upon receiving m from elders. Return your set with your empty cup vi side isle. 6

Closing Hymn No. 194 O Come, O Come, Emmnuel VENI EMMANUEL * Benediction * Minister: Arise, shine, for your light hs come, glory LORD hs risen upon you. Isih 60.1 People: Thnks be God! Amen. Postlude 8:00 Come, Thou LongExpected Jesus HYFRYDOL Mr. Nielson, pino rr. Nielson 9:30/11:00 Prise Ye Lord Hosts Cmille SintSëns from Christms Orrio Mr. Cope, orgn * The congregtion sts. The flowers in our worship service this morning re given glory God celebrtion Mry Jckson's birthdy from her fmily. Prk Cities Presbyterin Church exists extend trnsforming presence Kingdom our Lord Jesus Christ in Dlls world. Musicins ssisting in worship this morning: Kyle Shermn, trumpet Andrew House, trumpet Eric Swnson, trombone John Gill, trombone Joe Ferrro, percussion Personl Pryer Counsel Be devoted one nor in brorly love; give preference one nor in honor... rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribultion, devoted pryer, contributing needs sints, prcticing hospitlity. Romns 12.10, 12, 13 We wnt so much come longside you in brorly love hospitlity by your llowing us be in pryer for your slvtion or ny need you my hve. Plese join us in Prlor (north Fellowship Hll) following worship service where our Elders pryer leders re vilble eger meet with you pry with you in complete confidence. Music by permission: CCLI #364068 7

Sermon Notes Mtw 1.1823 O Come, Emmnuel O come, O come, Emmnuel, rnsom cptive Isrel, Tht mourns in lonely exile here, until Son God pper. Refrin: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmnuel shll come Thee, O Isrel. O come, O come, Thou Lord might, who Thy tribes, on Sini s height, In ncient times didst give lw in cloud mjesty we. O come, Thou Rod Jesse, free Thine own from Stn s tyrnny; From depths hell Thy people sve, give m vict'ry o er grve. O come, Thou Dyspring from on high cheer us by Thy drwing nigh; Disperse gloomy clouds night, deth s drk shdows put flight. O come, Thou Key Dvid, come open wide our hev nly home; Mke sfe wy tht leds on high, close pth misery. 8

Order Worship for Home The Week December 6, 2015 Prise Cll Worship (everyone ger) O Zion, messenger good news, shout from mountinps! Shout it louder, O Jeruslem. Shout, do not be frid. Tell wns Judh, Your God is coming! Isih 40.9 Of Fr's Love Begotten (red or sing se words ger) Plese see hymn on pge four. ring Lerning God s Word Scripture Reding: Mtw 1.1823 (one person red Scripture loud) Questions for Discussion (my be nswered in one worship time or spred over severl times) 1. Wht two nmes ws Christ given t His birth? Wht do those nmes men? 2. Is Jesus mn like us or is God? 3. Who did Jesus come sve? 4. Wht does dvent men? Wht do we men by second dvent Jesus? Questions for older children 1. Wht is Doctrine Incrntion? 2. Why is Incrntion such good news? 3. Could Gospel Jesus Christ exist without Christms? 4. Why is it importnt tht our King ws born in mnger? Scripture Memory for December: (memorize se verses Scripture this month) Isih 9.6 For us Child is born, us Son is given; government shll be upon His shoulder, His nme shll be clled Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlsting Fr, Prince Pece. Pryer The Lord's Pryer (sy ger) Our Fr, who rt in heven, hllowed be Thy nme; Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done, on erth s it is in heven. Give us this dy our dily bred forgive us our debts s we forgive our debrs. And led us not in tempttion; but deliver us from evil; for Thine is Kingdom, power glory forever. Amen. 9