YOUR BAP TISM. into Jesus Christ and His Church YOUR BAP TISM. into Jesus Christ and His Church. by Noel Stanton

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YOUR BAP TISM into Jesus Christ and His Church YOUR BAP TISM into Jesus Christ and His Church by Noel Stanton A MULTIPLY Let s talk Book let for those want ing to experience living Christianity

Your Baptism into Jesus Christ and His Church By Noel Stanton A MULTIPLY Let s Talk Booklet for those wanting to experience living Chris ti an i ty

Jesus was making and baptising disciples. (John 4:1,2) He who believes and is baptised will be saved. (Mark 16:16) Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he can not enter the Kingdom of God. (John 3:5) For by one Spirit we were all bap tised into one body. (1 Corinthians 12:13) There are three witnesses, the Spirit, the water and the blood. (1 John 5:8) Third edition 2002 ISBN: 1 900878 06 2 Published by Multiply Publications, Jesus Fellowship Central Offices, Nether Heyford, North amp ton NN7 3LB 1994,2002,2005 Jesus Fellowship Church. All rights reserved. Not to be re pro duced, copied or transmit ted in any form without written per mis sion. Biblical quotations are from the Re vised Standard Ver sion 1952 and 1971 Division of Chris tian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ, USA.

Contents Introduction... 4 1 Your Beginnings... 5 2 The Old and New Adam... 8 3 Baptised into the Name... 11 4 Like the First Christians... 15 5 Burial and Resurrection... 16 6 Finding the Fulness... 19 7 Circumcision... 21 8 Power in Baptism... 22 9 The New Me... 24 10 Yes, You re Ready!... 26 Appendix 1: Membership in the Jesus Fellowship...28 Appendix 2:Baptismal Practice in the Jesus Fellowship...29 Appendix 3: The Need for Discipling and Care...32 Appendix 4: Receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit...33 Appendix 5: Understanding Covenant...34 Bible References... 35

Introduction FOR MORE THAN twenty years I have been priv i leged to meet and teach hun dreds of new dis ci ples of Je sus. Many of these have been rescued from great lone li ness and moral dan ger. As a fa ther with his sons and daugh ters I have re joiced as they have become men and wom en of God. The heart of this teaching is set out in this booklet. It is in tended to help pre pare new be liev ers for bap tism and church mem bership. With the national spread of the Jesus Fel low ship and the growth of the Mul ti ply Stream of Church es, I be lieve this book let and others in this se ries, will play an im por tant part in all God is doing in these ex cit ing days of Holy Spirit revival and Jesus Rev o lu tion. May the Holy Spirit anoint the pages of Your Bap tism to give light to many, so that they may ex pe ri ence the fulness of bap tism. Noel Stanton Note: You ll find the Bible references that are indexed in the text at the back of this booklet, starting on page 35 YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 4

Your Beginnings YOU HAVE ALREADY met Jesus! Some thing has hap pened in you! It s called new birth or be ing born again. 1 And now you want to belong to Je sus, follow Jesus, be a dis ci ple of Jesus, and be come effective as a serv ant of Jesus. 2 You are to be a fruitbear ing branch of Jesus, the Liv ing Vine 3. See yourself becoming great for Je sus! Get healed of self-doubts, self-re jec tions and a sense of fail ure. Say to your self: I m God s child. Jesus has saved me. All my sins have been for giv en 4. I ve got new life, the Holy Spir it is within me and I m nev er, ever going to run myself down again. 5 I m a re mark a ble person be cause God has made me so and I m go ing to do well. It may help you to re ceive min is try for the healing of mem o ries and emo tions. Say to your self: I m a re mark a ble per son be cause God has made me so and I m go ing to do well. YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 5

Jesus said, He who believes and is baptised will be saved. MY BAPTISM was emotional. Loads of people watch ing were in tears. I ve been to oth er peo ples bap tisms and it d been re al ly exciting but I d never seen people cry ing. A few people came up to me af ter wards and said I just couldn t help it - I had to cry. I didn t know why it was like that. I d had a mad week leading up to it, walk ing about in tears - all prep a ra tion, I guess. Justin YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 6 Your Choices Once you are born again, you have to make choic es. One of them is: Shall I be baptised at all? It s up to you! No one s going to force you to be bap tised! Another is: Shall I be baptised with and into this par tic u lar church? Bap tisms take place in many Chris tian church es. Which church or group are you happy with? Are you sat is fied it will be a true New Tes ta ment bap tism? You need to be! Then, assuming you are bap tised and come into mem ber ship with your church, you may find there are dif fer ent mem ber - ship styles (see Ap pen dix 1 for Je sus Fel low ship Mem ber ship Styles). Water baptism is God s way of ac ti vat ing and af firm ing the death of our old life and the res ur rec tion of our new life. 6 It is bap tism by im mer sion of those who are old enough to know they re born again. Your lead ers should also know you re born again and be sat is fied you will hold to the faith. It s good for babies to be ded i cat ed to God (even to be chris tened!) but it s not bap tism. Je sus said, He who be lieves and is baptised will be saved. 7 Bap tism should only be for those who are ac count a ble for their own ac tions, prob a bly no young er than age four teen or fifteen. Christian Beginnings Our Christian be gin nings involve four steps. They be long to geth er. These are re pent ance be fore God 8 (sor row ing over our sin and asking God to forgive us on the basis of Je sus dying for us), faith in Jesus Christ 9 (we believe in Jesus Christ and are born again), bap tism in wa ter and bap tism in the Spirit. 10 But we do not have two bap tisms! Bap tism in wa ter and in the Spirit are one sin gle bap tism. Your bap tism

is the Spir it mov ing upon you, fill ing you, pour ing over you, and you go ing un der the wa ter in wa ter baptism. 11 It is be ing unit ed with the ris en Je sus in the Spir it s bap tism and unit ed with Je sus in death and burial in the wa ter baptism. 12 Bap tism is water and Spir it, a com plete bap tism. Peo ple some times say I ve ex pe ri enced bap tism in the Spirit, do I need to be bap tised in wa ter? Yes, you do! Oth ers say I ve been bap tised in wa ter and I m sure I m born of the Spir it. Do I need to be bap tised in the Spir it? Yes! In the New Testament there are three bap tism timetables. There is si mul ta ne ous wa ter and Spirit bap tism 13, bap tism in the Spirit before bap tism in water, 14 and bap tism in wa ter be fore bap tism in the Spirit. 15 But the full bap tism is both! So we baptise people in wa ter when they are clear ly born again. They may al ready have Holy Spir it bap tism, or may re ceive dur ing their wa ter bap tism. But if not we bring them into bap tism in the Holy Spir it im me di ate ly af ter wards - with speak ing in tongues, lib er at ed wor ship and signs of power (tin gling, shak ing, fall ing). In fact, most who come for wa ter bap tism are al ready Spir it-bap tised and tongues-speak ers. But of ten they find a new and more pow er ful anoint ing. The full baptism caus es us to be bap tised into Christ Je sus 16 (en ter ing the Christing, the anoint ing), bap tised into the Trin i ty 17 (en ter ing the fam i ly of God), bap tised into the Body of Christ, His church 18 (enter ing the peoplehood, the knit ted to geth er body). All this is made ef fec tive by our bap tism with and in the Holy Spir it (see Ap pen dix 4). We baptise people in wa ter when they are clear ly born again. YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 7

The Old and New Adam IT WAS A TYPICAL overcast and cloudy au tumn day in Trafalgar Square. I was being bap tised in one of the fountains and, sitting in the shallow water, I be gan shiv er ing with cold. But when I went un der, instead of feeling colder I felt a red-hot heat - an in tense heat that took away all my shiv er ing in stant ly. When I came up out of the wa ter, al though it was still over cast and cloudy eve ry where, round me was a white light. I felt new and light inside - like I was turned inside out and washed clean and all the filth and rub bish in side me had been washed away. LET S SEE THINGS from God s view point. The first Adam (the old Adam) sinned and yielded the earth to Satan. 1 That s why this world is full of suffering, wick ed ness, blood shed and misery - it s hardly God s earth any more, its ruler is Satan. 2 He has taken the rule from man. But God cre at ed man to rule the earth and still wants him to do so. 3 We are all of the old Adam, the first Ad am s offspring. Our natural in her it ance comes from him. We were all born with the genes of the old fall en Adam life. 4 We had no choice in that, we just came along! And so, like all peo ple, we are sin ful, self ish - our bod ies, souls and spir its pol lut ed and cursed. So God in tro duc es the new Adam. 5 And the Bible tells us God s new Adam is His Son made man, Je sus, and He is life-giv ing spirit. 6 Be fore the earth was formed Je sus was the new Adam dy ing for our sins, as the Lamb of God. 7 Satan is an archangel who has fallen, and God s pur pose is for man to de feat Satan. 8 Man must have God s life (Holy Spir it life) to outwit and defeat Satan and his dark powers. 9 God sent the Saviour, Jesus Christ, to be the new head or lead-man, the new Adam, and in Him we are spir it u al ly reborn. 10 He is the last Adam. He re pro duc es spiritually. 11 The time came when his tor i- cal ly (eter nal ly it had al ready happened) Jesus was born on earth, born of the Vir gin Mary, born of YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 8 Glen

the Holy Spirit. 12 And when he was aged thirty, the new Adam, our great origi nator, lead er, rep re sent a tive and ex am ple, had to be baptised. 13 God s Son, Jesus Christ, the sinless, perfect man, need ed (for our sakes and with us) the full bap tism! God pre pared a spe cial man (John the Bap tist) to bring water bap tism, and even Spir it bap tism to His Son, Christ Jesus. 14 Je sus was filled with the Spir it from His birth. 15 Nev er the less, in His bap tism, He re ceived a spe cial commis sioning of Holy Spirit bap tism for His new Adam manhood and minis try. He began to pro claim re pent ance and God s Kingdom. 16 That was the histor i cal start of what we call the church, the col lec tive New Man, which Je sus builds. 17 The Baptism of Jesus When John the Baptist bap tised people, this is what he said: I bap tise you with water for re pent ance, but He who is com ing after me is mightier than I, whose san dals I am not wor thy to car ry; he will bap tise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. 18 John is saying, If you re pent, I ll baptise you but un der stand my baptism can not change you - you ll still be weak (still the old Adam) - how ev er, the One who is com ing after me, Jesus, He will bap tise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. The new Adam, Je sus Christ will put pow er within you, will bring the Spir it to you and light a fire of holy pas sion. You ll no long er be Old Adam people, but New Adam peo ple! Jesus was baptised in the Riv er Jor dan - you need a lot of water to be baptised!. 19 To bap tise means to im merse, dip or be sat u rat ed or drenched. Sprin kling with water is not Bib li cal! Before His baptism Je sus said: It is fit ting for us [the word us means all those whom He would re deem - that s Jesus talk ing as the new Adam with all of us as His off spring] to ful fil all right eous ness or to obey all God s holy ways 20. So He, the new and last Adam, must be baptised. And when Jesus was bap tised, the heav ens opened and the Spir it of God came on Him and a voice from heav en said, To bap tise means to immerse, dip or be sat u rat ed or drenched. Sprin kling with water is not Biblical! YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 9

MY BAPTISM was ecstatic, amazing! The best ex pe ri ence of my life! There I met the Holy Spir it and was bap tised in the Holy Spirit at the same time. It was better than drugs! Af ter wards, I felt more free to ex press myself. Barry This is My be lov ed Son, with whom I am well pleased. 21 The Pattern Bap tism So that s the pattern baptism. It s the bap tism of the new First Man, the new or last Adam, and all our bap tisms are meant to be similar, with a su per nat u ral di men sion. When you go into the wa ter Je sus Christ, God s Son, is in you and with you. Your bap tism is an oth er new Adam or Christ baptism. And just as the Holy Spir it came upon Him, so the Holy Spirit will come upon you be cause you and Je sus are one. And just as the Fa ther spoke to Him, so the Father will speak to you be cause you and Je sus are one. You will feel the pres ence of the Holy Spir it. The Holy Spirit set tles upon you like a dove and stays with you. You will hear the Fa ther speak ing and say ing (some tell of an audible voice but it is nor mal ly Spir it to spirit): I m pleased with you. I m re al ly hap py about you. You re my son, you re my daugh ter and I love you. 22 You will find your self crying, Fa ther, I love you! and you ll prob a bly speak in tongues. 21 When you go into the wa ter Je sus Christ, God s Son, is in you and with you. You will feel the pres ence of the Holy Spirit. YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 10

Baptised into the Name DURING THE PERIOD of 40 days be tween His res ur rec tion and as cen sion to heaven, 1 Jesus in struct ed His apos tles (those whom He sent in His Name). He had been cru ci fied. He had pur chased our re demp tion, suffered and died for our sins 2. He had risen from the dead and now be fore He ascended to heaven, He gave in struc tions to His apos tle-dis ci ples 3 saying, All au thor i ty in heav en and earth has been giv en to Me. Go, there fore, and make dis ci ples of all nations, bap tis ing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teach ing them to ob serve all that I have com mand ed you. And lo, I am with you al ways to the close of the age. 4 That was their mandate and that is our man date. They had to do it! We have to do it! It has to be done un til Je sus comes in maj es ty, at the end of this present old earth age. Jesus Christ, through His death, His res ur rec tion, and as cen sion, has taken full authority through the heav ens and on earth 5. He is adminis tering eve ry thing. He has authority over Satan. He has au thor i ty over all demons and fall en an gels. He is in charge of the good angels. We cast out demons in the name of Je sus and in the vic to ry of the Blood of the Lamb. 6 (We ve seen them go - hun dreds of them!) The high est au thor i ty on earth, the high est spir it u al au thor i ty, the great est au thor i ty, is Je sus Christ. 7 The new Adam is rul ing! Jesus said Go and make dis ci ples, bap tis ing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 11

Disciples, says Jesus, must be baptised. MY BAP TISM was very dull and boring! But it all dawned on me a week later and then it was elec tric! I realised that I re al ly HAD got pow er over my old nature. I still find res ur rec tion life just in the thought of it. Kelly So Jesus says, Go, therefore and make dis ci ples. 8 We represent His au thor i ty. We go in His name. We an nounce re pent ance and remis sion of sins. We call peo ple to fol low Je sus. We make disciples. The word disciple means an apprentice, a train ee. Many be lieve and become dis ci ples of Jesus. And the mature ones among us dis ci ple and teach the new ones. Disciples, says Jesus, must be baptised. 9 Dis ci ples must renounce eve ry thing and take up their cross 10. If that is your heart, you are ready for bap tism. Jesus in structs us to baptise you! The Two Families What happens at your baptism? When I was born, they wrote Noel Stanton on my birth cer tif i cate. But that s only part of it! You get the rest of it from the New Testament: Noel Stanton in the family of the old Adam un der Sa tan. Eve ry person, says the New Tes ta ment, is either a child of Satan in the old Adam or a child of God in the new Adam. 11 You don t be come a child of God until you re born again. 12 YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 12

We were all born wrong! Our spir it u al surname was Old Adam and Sa tan. It certainly wasn t God! But the time came when my spirit ual sur name open ly changed to Noel Stan ton in the family of the new Adam and God. When does that pub lic ly oc cur? Bap tised into the name of the Fa ther, and of the Son and of the Holy Spir it. 13 When we re bap tised the name change is de clared! We change fam i lies! I am no longer Noel Stan ton in the old Adam family of the world, the flesh and the devil, but Noel Stanton in the new Adam fam i ly of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And so you need to be baptised into the name of the Fa ther and of the Son and of the Holy Spir it. Your bap tism con firms your trans fer from one fam i ly to an oth er! Bap tism into the name means bap tism into the security and authority of the family. The Word at Your Baptism People sometimes ques tion the Bib li cal au thor i ty for bap tism ask ing: Were you bap tised in the Name of Je sus? or Were you bap tised in the Name of the Trini ty? and so on. They try to pick fault! To avoid this our prac tice is that those baptising (see Ap pen dix 2) should first ask can di dates to strong ly de clare aloud that Je sus Christ is Lord and then for all the fol low ing words to be spo ken just be fore each per son is bap tised: 1. We baptise you into the death, bur i al and res ur rec tion of Jesus Christ. 14 Your bap tism con firms your trans fer from one fam i ly to another! YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 13

IT WAS EXTREMELY powerful - like a warm flood of love throughout my whole body. I d been physically abused as a kid and I nev er knew the meaning of real love before - so the power in my bap tism was the very thing that I need ed. It reaffirmed the belief that God was really there and He did care. Glen 2. We baptise you into the Name of the Fa ther, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. 15 3. By the one Spirit you are bap tised with us into the one Body, the church of Je sus Christ. 16 4. In the Name that is above eve ry oth er name, the Name of Je sus Christ who is Lord, we now bap tise you. 17 We find these four words in the New Tes ta ment. So if any body ever chal leng es you as to the validity of your bap tism you say, I was bap tised ac cord ing to the words of the Lord Jesus and the first apos tles which you ll find in the New Testament. That ll see them off! What Jesus taught and did must be taught and shown to others. Now for the Discipling Jesus said that those bap tised need train ing, just as He trained His dis ci ples. Dis ci ples fol low their Master and are to be taught His wis dom, charac ter, au thor i ty and methods. 18 And so, you need to be discipled by your lead ers. They rep re sent Je sus. They must teach you - and dem on strate what you are to do. As a bap tised ap pren tice, you lis ten, watch, learn and do. You learn how we love one an oth er, live holy lives, share our wealth and live as His church. 19 The mar rieds learn to love their wives or hus bands and to bring up chil dren as Chris tians. 20 You learn how to cast out de mons, heal the sick, pro claim the gospel, lead peo ple to Je sus and build His church. 21 What Jesus taught and did must be taught and shown to oth ers. This discipling fol lows your bap tism (See Ap pen dix 3). YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 14

Like the First Christians JESUS IS ASCENDED. 1 He sent the Holy Spir it to baptise the first one hundred and twen ty. The Holy Spirit fell on them dra mat i cal ly with the sound of a mighty wind, fire on their heads, new tongues in their mouths and an anoint ing of pow er and joy. 2 They appeared drunk! 3 (In ci den tal ly if you don t yet speak in tongues do talk to your lead ers about it). Peter spoke, and thou sands of people were cut to the heart - be came aware of their sin. 4 You ve experienced that - heartbreak, con vic tion, needing God s mercy. You ve been cut and opened by the Spirit and the Word and your conscience be gins to trou ble you. That s how they felt! And the Holy Spirit, through Peter, said Repent (be sorry for your sin, turn away from it and believe in Jesus) and be bap tised, every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the for give ness of your sins, and you shall re ceive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 5 That was the Holy Spir it s pow er ful word to the thou sands of con vict ed seek ers! Obey ing the in struc tions of Je sus, the apos tles made thou sands of disciples, bap tised them and formed the Je ru sa lem Com mu ni ty church! 6 When you and others are bap tised and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, a fam i ly, a church is formed. You want to be to geth er, to worship to geth er, to love and serve one another, to share things. Self ish ness disappears! This is the new King dom of God so ci e ty. Justice, harmony and hap pi ness flour ish here. It s the new hu man i ty! It is church com mu ni ty. 7 And it comes about through the water and Spirit bap tism. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of life, the Spirit of love, the Spir it of justice. He brings into being the most re mark a ble society this world will ever see until Jesus comes. So be glad when class and race di vi sions disappear 8 and we be come a real broth er hood church, a people of one heart and soul, just like the first Chris tians. 9 The Holy Spirit brings into being the most re mark a ble society this world will ever see until Jesus comes. YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 15

Burial and Resurrection Bap tism is the grave of our old life. AT OUR WATER baptism we die to sin. 1 We join Jesus Christ in His death and burial. He has taken our old nature (or old Adam) and He has, in His own death, killed it. 2 That s God s grace in action! His body, con tain ing our dead old nature (the old me) goes into the grave. In our bap tism we join Je sus in the grave. We go un der the water. Bap tism is the grave 3 of our old life. And so, after your baptism, you say, I am dead and bur ied as to my old sinful life, my old Adam life. I am dead and bur ied with Jesus Christ. The New Testament says: Do you not know that all of us who have been bap tised into Christ Je sus were bap tised into His death?. 4 Hear that! Di gest that! Bap tised into Christ s death. Your old Adam (root, stem and branch) is dead with Him! God says so! You must say so! You know - and the Holy Spirit con firms it in you. But understand this! Your phys i cal body is still old Adam con sti tut ed. 5 It is your spir it and soul which car ry the new Adam life. Your whole hu man i ty (spirit, soul and body) is saved in Je sus, but the change in your body awaits the com ing again of Je sus 6. Con se quent ly there is, after your bap tism, a con flict be tween the old Adam flesh and the new Adam spirit. 7 But you have the Spir it s pow er to bring the au thor i ty of ho li ness and to win the bat tle with your flesh. 8 The Spirit s Seal Don t be surprised if your flesh some times gets the bet ter of you. But always remember that the Holy Spirit is your guar an tee and seal that all is well. 9 YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 16

Our flesh cannot affect our position in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is our ad vo cate and sure ty at God s right hand. 10 At your bap tism (water and Spir it), the Spir it seals you as owned and pro tect ed by God - sealed for the day of redemption. 11 Resurrection To be united with the death of Jesus Christ is to be unit ed with His resurrection. 12 In wa ter baptism, you go into His death and burial in order to get into His res ur rec tion. You can t have res ur rec tion with out death and burial! Your bap tism in the Spirit will not be real day by day unless your wa ter bap tism is ef fec tive. You must live your life in the au thor i ty of your bap tism, reck on ing your self to be dead to sin and alive to God. 13 After your full bap tism, you can de clare, We were buried with Him by bap tism into death (the death of our old Adam) so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory (or pow er) of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. 14 That is, you have joined Jesus Christ, the new Adam, to walk in new ness. The Holy Spirit res ur rects you as He did Je sus! Bap tism in the Spirit is our res ur rec tion by the power of God. And the Holy Spir it joins you to Jesus, and Jesus to you! (See Ap pen dix 4 on Re ceiv ing the Bap tism in the Holy Spir it ) All of Grace Your baptism is God the Father s ac tion! 15 You agree to that action, but it is God working. When you were saved it was God saving you. When you are bap tised it is God, in His Son, bap tis ing you. It s all of grace! We cannot do it our selves! God, as a free gift, credits to us our bap tis mal po si tion. 16 He legally (in the cov e nant of grace) unites us with Jesus Christ in His death, burial and res ur rec tion. And the Holy Spirit works it out in us. 17 God says, They are in My Son s death and burial and res ur rec tion. He writes that on the record. You may sin follow ing your baptism. We all do in cer tain ways - God s stand AFTER MY baptism I knew that I was free from my old life. I was free to be come what I really want ed to be. A free person. Free to love and be myself. I knew I was free from the pow er of my old life. Helen YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 17

ards are very, very high after all. Does that mean He erases your new birth and baptism from the record? No! Jesus is al ways our priest. 18 Of course, if there came a time when we became apos tate that would be dif fer ent. 19 But apos ta sy only comes about through con tin ued dis o be di ence, a hard ened heart and such a fall ing away from God 20 that His judg ment makes re pent ance impossible. 21 After your baptism, live in the knowledge that your old life has died. You Know! What then do you do after your bap tism? We know that our old self was cru ci fied with Him so that the sin ful body (that is our sinful humanity, our flesh ) might be destroyed (or an nulled) and we might no long er be en slaved to sin. 22 You know! It is faith-knowledge! 23 Af ter your baptism you live in the knowledge that your old Adam, your old life, has died. You know it by rev e la tion. That s powerful! You don t know it because you re perfect! You know it be cause God has done it. You know it because your full baptism has taken place. The enemy comes and tempts you, and, you say, My bap tism carries the au thor i ty of God s word and action and I know that my old life is dead and bur ied. You hold on to that. Dev il, you say, you may have caused me to sin but I still know that my old life was cru ci fied with Christ, dead and bur ied with Him. 24 You know it! You must express that knowl edge. And Satan runs from you. You Reckon and Yield So you must also con sid er (or reck on) your selves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Je sus. You know it and reck on it! God has done it. You say, This is my po si tion, I am dead and bur ied to my old life. 25 You reckon it! You rejoice in it! Do not yield your members to sin as in stru ments of wick ed ness, but yield your selves to God as men who have been brought from death to life and your mem bers to God as in stru ments of right eous ness. 26 You know! You reckon! You yield! You say: Lord, here I am. I am yield ing to you every part of my body and soul. So long as you travel this path say ing, Yeah, this is the new me. I ve got here by God s grace and God s ac tion and keep on yield ing your self to the Lord, then you ll find victory is yours. Know, reckon, yield! When you do that you ll be walk ing in the Spirit and eve ry thing will be good. 27 YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 18

Finding the Fulness THE NEW TESTAMENT says: For in Him (in Jesus the new Adam) the whole fulness of deity dwells bodily. 1 Just as the first Adam lost the fulness of God for human be ings, so the last or new Adam has recov ered the fulness. 2 We are now the off spring of Jesus Christ, the last Adam, rath er than the offspring of the original Adam. This fulness dwells bodily or hu man ly in Christ Je sus. The fulness of de i ty, the fulness of the Godhead dwells again in the human body. The first Adam lost it. Apart from Jesus, no baby that s ever born has been born filled with God! That would be im pos si ble be cause of the fall. But the last or new Adam has re gained the fulness - for us all! Through your new birth and full bap tism you become filled with the Spirit. 3 That s be cause you are of Jesus! You can not be filled with the Spirit unless you are of Je sus Christ. He is filled with the Spirit and pours the Spir it into all His re deemed ones who form the new Adam hu man i ty 4. The fulness of God has re turned to the human body in Je sus Christ! God, in His original creative in ten tion meant the hu man race to have this fulness all the time and to rule on earth 5. But sin and the Holy Spirit can not belong to geth er. If sin comes in, the Holy Spirit goes out! Yet through the blood of Jesus and the gift of grace (not because of your per fec tion, I WAS QUITE FEARFUL beforehand be cause I didn t know what to expect but once I got into the pool I relaxed and got quite up lift ed. I knew something good was going to happen - I didn t know what. It was a defi nite turning point - I felt I belonged and had my sisters and broth ers to turn to. Trust was the turn ing point and the trust start ed with my baptism. Laura YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 19

but because of Him, Je sus!) the principle of sin goes out of our lives. 6 Then the Holy Spirit comes in! So long as you are cov ered by the blood of Jesus, in God s sight you are not sin ful 7. You are justified! 8 The Holy Spirit can operate with in you. Of course, you mustn t grieve the Spirit by deliberate sin 9. So you are of God s fulness in the new Adam. 10 The old Ad am s people have lost the fulness. Jesus Christ, the new Adam wins the fulness back! Humanity Rules Again Jesus rules! In Him the new humanity rules! Jesus is Lord of every lord and king of every king. 11 He is the head of all rule and authori ty. 12 He has overturned the sordid deal old Adam made with Satan when humanity sur ren dered the rule 13. Je sus has re gained the rule - for us! We have rule and au thor i ty. We have joined the family of God. We are therefore high er than angels. 14 An gels are not sons of God, not made in the like ness of Jesus. We rule Satan. We rule the demons. We can call on an gels. We carry au thor i ty in Jesu s Name. 15 Through your new birth and full bap tism you become filled with the Spirit. YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 20

Circumcision IN HIM ALSO you were cir cum cised with a cir cum ci sion made without hands by putting off the body of flesh in the cir cum ci sion of Christ. 1 Now body of flesh means our flesh hu man i ty, our old hu man i ty, our sin humanity. Our old sin ful hu man i ty is to be circumcised. Cir cum ci sion means the removal or cut ting off of some thing. Our circumcision is not a cir cum ci sion made with hands. It is circumci sion by the Spirit, who applies Christ s death to us. But what does circumcision mean for us? When Jesus died on the cross our old hu man i ty died. 2 It was cir cum cised! Through that action we be came people of a new Adam hu man i ty, a spir it u al hu man i ty. And we lost, thank God, our flesh ly or sinful hu man i ty. Our old na ture was cut off, brought to the death. It is the cir cum ci sion of our old souls. God ordered Abraham to phys i cal ly cir cum cise all males, by cut ting off the fore skin of the penis. 3 It was a cov e nant sign, mark ing God s chosen peo ple. God was saying that the phys i cal act points to the day when He would circumcise the whole of the sinning nature and pro duce a new covenant peo ple for His own possession. 4 That old-style cir cum ci sion points to the saving action of God in the cross of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was cir cum cised when he was a little boy eight days old (the Old Tes ta ment sign). 5 Then on the cross the fulness happened. 6 He was ful ly cir cum cised - for us. In His death our old life was cut off, was killed, 7 God has cut away our old life! Our old sinful hu man i ty is cir cum cised in Christ Jesus. Hu man i ty belongs to God again! And this cir cum ci sion of Jesus Christ, the new Adam, brings all His re deemed ones into a cov e nant re la tion ship with God and with one an oth er (see Appendix 5). And you were buried with Him in bap tism in which you were also raised with Him through faith in the work ing of God who raised Him from the dead. 8 What is dead (our cir cum cised old hu man i ty) needs burial. Bur ied with Him in bap tism! Raised with Him! Isn t that powerful and beau ti ful? The new Adam hu man i ty ris es! And we belong together as this new hu man i ty, be ing members of one anoth er in the Church-Body of Christ 6. For by one Spirit we were all baptised into one body and all made to drink of one Spirit. 7 Our cir cum cised old human i ty needs burial in bap tism! YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 21

Power in Baptism Under the wa ter goes the old, vile nature, and we rise from the wa ter with our new nature. COMPARING BAPTISM to Noah s ark, the New Tes ta ment says Eight persons were saved through water. 1 Saved means freed, healed, delivered. Bap tism which cor re sponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body, but as an ap peal to God for a clear con science through the res ur rec tion of Jesus Christ who has gone into heav en and is at the right hand of God with an gels, au thor i ties and powers sub ject to Him. 2 Clear ly there is sav ing grace in baptism. It is not re gen er a tion, new birth, or the first flush of saving faith but there is Holy Spir it pow er in bap tism! Baptism saves us! When Noah, together with his fam i ly, went into the ark, there was both judg ment and salvation. The water which raised the ark through which Noah and his fam i ly were saved, was the same wa ter that caused the drown ing of the rest of hu man i ty. 3 The water brought both death and life. That s like baptism! 4 Un der the wa ter goes the old, vile nature, and we rise from the wa ter with our new na ture. Risen with Christ! And, like those eight people in the ark we be long to a fresh clean so ci e ty. Baptised Again? Now sometimes we get asked: If I ve al ready been bap tised by im mer sion, should I get bap tised again? The nor mal an swer is No. But, it does de pend on wheth er the original bap tism was a true New Testa ment bap tism. The New Tes ta ment records the case of some peo ple who had been wrong ly baptised. 5 They were dis ci ples of Jesus Christ, but Apollos who almost cer tain ly baptised them did not know, at the time, the full rev e la tion of baptism. 6 So they were bap tised ac cord- YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 22

ing to John s bap tism and not ac cord ing to Je sus Christ s baptism. 7 Twenty-five years ago I didn t know much about bap tism in the Spirit, speak ing in tongues or the anointing of power. I WHEN couldn t lead people into receiving, be cause it was not my ex pe ri ence. Yes, we baptised people, but had anyone come up out of the water speaking in tongues or swooning under the pow er, we would have been shocked! We just weren t mov ing in that di men sion! After I was baptised in the Spirit I re al ised that the bap tisms may not have been ful ly New Tes ta ment baptisms. 8 We be gan to know pow er in the bap tisms. And some peo ple felt they need ed a more val id water bap tism, with the New Tes ta ment signs. 9 One of our leaders had been spaced out on drugs at his water baptism! That was not a New Testament bap tism! Quite right ly he wanted a valid bap tism. Some were not even born again. They need to be bap tised as be liev ers, their first real bap tism. So if you are dissatisfied with your bap tism, you should check it through before God, and, if you feel it nec es sary, talk to lead ers about it. You must believe in your bap tism. If you can t believe in it then some thing s wrong. Believe in it and say Yeah! My bap tism was good. I m dead, buried and alive with Christ. I HEARD the whole meaning of bap tism including repentance I didn t feel that I had prop er ly en tered into all of it, when I first been baptised as a believer at 14. I want ed a full bap tism where the old would be buried and I d rise to the new. So I asked to be bap tised again. Afterwards I felt Yes, NOW my bap tism is complete! Verna My bap tism was good. I m dead, buried and alive with Christ. YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 23

The New Me! BAPTISM THEN is our ap peal ing for a clear con science (a pure con sciousness or self-aware ness) on the grounds that Je sus is risen. 1 We say, Please, Lord, seeing that the new Adam is ris en and I can be long to Him, give to me, through Him, a changed con scious ness. This is very im por tant. It is not God s in ten tion that we should find it diffi cult to live a holy life af ter wards. No! God chang es us so that it is our I CAN RE MEM BER standing at the side of the pool ab so lute ly freaked out with nerv ous ness, shak ing like a leaf! But as soon as I stepped into the water all that fear went. I felt God loved me in spite of all the bad things I had done and I re al ised that through the bap tism I was get ting a big, lov ing family. Keith na ture to live like Jesus! 2 So when we come to our baptism we ap peal to God and say God, look, I m keen to get bap tised but I don t want to strive and strug gle and fight to live a holy life. Please could you make sure I m so changed in side that I have the spir it u al power, and the strong desire in my heart, will, and soul, to live as a new and dif ferent person. 3 In bap tism you say to God Give me the inner con sciousness that I m a new me! You want a new self-con scious ness. We are a trinity We human beings are spir it, soul and body. 4 We re dif fer ent to all created spe cies, even to the big gest mam mals. And that is be cause we are self-con scious peo ple. YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 24

Think about this! You are aware what you re like! That may sounds sim ple, but in fact it is amaz ing. You are self-con scious! When you say I you mean the person you know, who feels and thinks in partic ular ways. You say, Yes, I know who I am. I m a per son who thinks these things. I m a per son who has these feel ings. I m a person who has these de sires. I m con scious of be ing me! Now that s impor tant! That self-con scious ness is the like ness of God. He is con scious of be ing God. He is self-aware! And so are you! The veg e ta ble cre a tion is ba si cal ly un con scious. Animal cre a tion is con scious but not self-conscious. Your cat does not think, I m me! He s sim ply a cat and he s pro grammed to act like a cat. We re human beings! We re the tops of creation! We re con scious of being us. We re aware of the kind of peo ple we are! We re a trinity: spirit (our God-con scious part), soul (mind, emo tions, will - our self-con scious part) and body (through the var i ous senses, our world-conscious part). In baptism we appeal to God for a new consciousness. New Consciousness So in baptism we appeal to God for a new con scious ness. O God, make me con scious that I ve changed. Let me know that I m a new me. We want a clear conscience. 5 As a new me you re going to do the things that the new me does. You used to do the things of the old me. 6 You thought, you felt and desired as the old me does. Now God su per nat u ral ly works the new me in you! 7 And it s really you! It s not you fight ing to re form yourself! It s you! You ve got a new spir it and a new heart! 8 You re a new me. You re bap tised! YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 25

Yes, You re Ready! SO YOU COME to your baptism: God, you ve got to change me! That s beau ti ful! It s already happened in new birth, and now God completes the change through the bap tism in water and Spirit. United with Je sus Christ in res ur rec tion! New! Yes, you ll need help and dis ci pling, but you ll know you have changed. You ll be long to God. You ll belong to your Je sus broth ers and sis ters! It s amaz ing! Rise and be Bap tised AFTERWARDS, WHEN I listened to a tape re cord ing of the baptismal service, I re al ised what an amaz ing evening it had been. Full of proph e cy, wor ship and wis dom. But at the time, all I was aware of was that I had ir rev o ca bly crossed a par tic u lar line and be come sep a rat ed to God. That made it a very se ri ous, so ber sort of event. The joy came later! Tim Why do you wait? Rise and be bap tised and wash away your sins, calling on the Name of the Lord. 1 You are wanting bap tism. Talk to your lead ers. Some times lead ers seem to want per fec tion before bap tism. We say, Let s believe there ll be such pow er in the baptism that the change will be obvious to all. But re mem ber only those who are re gen er ate and will ing dis ci ples should be bap tised. 2 Water baptisms can take place in the sea, in rivers, in lakes, in Trafal gar Square fountains, in port a ble bap tist ries or chap el bap tist ries (see Ap pen dix 2). But im mer sion bap tism should al ways be the same - real, pow er ful, lifegiv ing. Come to your water bap tism with an as sur ance that it s in God s will. Move in faith. Faith is so important. 3 Faith that God will work! Come to your bap tism say ing, I m re al ly look- YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 26

ing for ward to this! You may be a bit nervous but you re full of ex pect an cy! You move into the water, guid ed by those who are bap tis ing you. As you stand in the wa ter those who are with you may speak pro phet ic mes sag es to you. Eve ry one is joyful and the at mos phere car ries pow er. You, and oth ers being bap tised, will be asked to say Je sus Christ is Lord 4 be fore your bap tism (see Ap pen dix 2 for full er in for ma tion). Hands are laid on your head. Ei ther side of you are those hold ing you and ac tu al ly bap tis ing you. In front of you is a leader speak ing the bap tis mal words. Your Water Bap tism You fall backwards into the wa ter. Into the dark ness, mouth closed, eyes closed or open! The wa ters close over you. Je sus takes you into His death and bur i al. You are con scious ly aware of the dy ing of the old you, with its guilt, re bel lions and de spair. But now you are rising from the wa ter. Into the light, mouth open, eyes open! Je sus takes you into His res ur rec tion. You are con scious ly aware of the liv ing of the new you. You feel peace ful, lov ing. You feel joy ful, unhibitited, free! The pow er takes hold of you and you may shake and fall. You speak in tongues. You shout out the prais es of God. You re fully baptised into Je sus Christ, new Adam! You re baptised into His peo ple, His brotherhood! You have begun! Come to your water bap tism with an as sur ance that it s in God s will. YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 27

Appendix 1 Membership in the Jesus Fellowship IN THE JESUS FEL LOW SHIP, there are various cat e go ries of membership, these include Cell-church membership, Con gre ga tion al membership, Baptised membership and the dif fer ent styles of Covenant membership. Cell-church, Congregational and Baptised members are reg u lar attenders at our meetings who have been baptised and wish to express their various levels of commitment (see Flame leaflet 1). They can become Covenant members at a later stage. Covenant Membership involves your bap tism, ac cept ance of the Covenant of Mem ber ship, rec og ni tion by your Church House hold and Re gion al Meet ing and the taking of Cove nant at a Full Church Cel e bra tion. It has four styles. Ask your leaders for a copy of the Covenant of Mem ber ship. Read it and get them to ex plain it. Ask them also for a copy of the Style Dec la ra tions. In Style 1 you live in your own place and fulfil your cov e nant prom ises as you are able. Style 2 is similar but includes a fi nan cial com mit ment to the Church. Style 3 is community house and com mon purse style! It in volves giving any cap i tal wealth into the Jesus Fel low ship Com mu ni ty Trust and the pool ing of all in come as a sharing broth er hood like the first Chris tians. Dis cuss this care ful ly with your lead ers and ask to see the var i ous doc u ments. Commu ni ty life is full of life, love and action - but some find it pres su ris ing. Style 4 is similar to Style 1 or 2 but for those living at a distance from any Church Household, and who cannot reg u lar ly at tend meetings. You could think of it like this! Style 1 is the Covenant Member ship slow lane, Style 2 the middle lane and Style 3 the fast lane. In Community house living you do grow fast! Many find that Style 1 is best for them. But you can switch lanes! YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 28

Baptismal Practice in the Jesus Fellowship Appendix 2 THERE IS A NEED for life and power wher ev er bap tisms take place. Cer tain pro ce dures need in clu sion and there are pit falls to be avoided. In ev i ta bly there will be some dif fer enc es be tween in door and outdoor bap tisms, so some ad ap ta tion will be nec es sary. Each candidate should have been giv en basic teaching on bap tism, ei ther by read ing this book let, listening to the audio tape or watching the vid eo - or by a leader, or avail a ble per son, giving the teaching di rect. Safety is of overriding importance. Care should be tak en when baptis ing in sea, lakes, riv ers, canals that depth of wa ter is no problem, and that tides are friend ly. Expert ad vice (and even permission) may be nec es sary. Full safety meas ures must be ap plied and nothing risky un der tak en. The health of can di - dates must be con sid ered. It may be best in some cases (such as eld er ly, sick or dis a bled people) to bap tise by ef fu sion, by pouring water over the person while they are in a stand ing or seat ed position. A group should come together for bap tisms. Whoever is leading must be in spi ra tion al (anoint ed with the Spir it s pow er), giv ing time for liberated praise. Before each baptism, anoint ed Body ministry should be en cour aged. Beware of long or wrong ministry. Un less this part is living and quick (one bap tism per 10 to 15 minutes), peo ple begin to feel bored. Keep things moving. There is a need to in clude the whole of the group. En cour age peo ple to help new friends present to re ceive Jesus and the Holy Spir it during this time. Introduction Each baptismal can di date should be brief ly in tro duced (name, back ground, testimony) by their par tic u lar lead er/elder. This can take place before all the bap tisms or be fore each baptism. Membership Baptism and church mem ber ship nor mal ly be long to gether. Mem ber ship needs mentioning. Make sure that all those be ing baptised are coun selled. (We do sometimes find gen u ine born-again people want ing baptism who can not be come of fi cial members of a church, or who be YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 29

YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 30 long to another church. It may be right to baptise them and com mis sion them. If from an oth er church, speak to leaders.) Invocation Just as Saul/Paul was told to in voke the name of the Lord at his baptism, 1 so ask every can di date, before their ac tu al bap tism, to say Jesus Christ is Lord. 2 Clothing Baptismal candidates should wear their own clothes, chosen with mod es ty in mind. Where possible, they should have a towel and change of clothes. Make sure they have some where to change. Baptismal Team Our normal bap tism is by im mer sion back wards. Nor mal ly we use three people, although two are suf fi cient. The two or two of the three will be stand ing ei ther side of the can di date. Ei ther the one stand ing in front or one of those stand ing at the side will be lead er for the purpose of the bap tism. It is im por tant that the can di date is held cor rect ly. The front hands must be on the hands of the candidate folded over the chest and the rear hands must be at the bot tom of the back with the two hands of the two bap tis ers being joined. Pres sure must be into the chest and into the back so that the can di date is kept straight and does not bend in the middle. The can di date must feel con fi dent in the knowl edge that he/she is being held by the two peo ple and will not be dropped! It can be helpful to remind candidates to close their mouths - other wise un help ful splut ter ing can result! Before each baptism the leader should pray pow er ful ly, lay hands on the head and say the four words (see pag es 8 and 9). Then the can di date is taken swift ly under the water, held there for a mo ment and then lifted up to stand glis ten ing with water and glowing with the Spir it! After Baptism When the candidate ris es from the wa ter there may be lit tle need for en cour age ment to praise in tongues be cause he/she is well lib er at ed and un der the pow er. Make sure that there is a re lease in the Spir it, with tongues, wor ship and even prophecy. The spir it u al baptism of praise and love at this time is vital. Then, before they leave the water, ask these questions: (i) Will you be true to Jesus your Sav iour and Lord? (An swer: Yes) (ii) Will you be true to the Church, your broth ers and sis ters? (Answer: Yes) (After receiving this response say: And your broth ers and sis ters will be true to you. )

(iii) Who is your leader/elder? (Needs a name as an swer) (iv) Who is your caring brother/sis ter? (Needs a name as answer) After Changing It is helpful if the can di dates return to the group pos si bly dressed in clothes speak ing of their faith (eg Jesus Teeshirts, Jesus Army jackets etc.) Introduce the newly baptised to the group, for them to wel come and re joice. Church Membership Either im me di ate ly af ter bap tism, or at the first ap pro pri ate gathering of the church (or church house hold), which should include shar ing of bread and wine (Holy Com mun ion) the new mem ber should be re ceived and com mis sioned with the Right Hand of Fel low ship, with prayer and the lay ing on of hands. YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 31

Appendix 3 The Need for Discipling and Care EACH CHURCH MUST arrange for the dis ci pling and care of those bap tised. Bap tism is a be gin ning and should re sult in a full ac cept ance within a lov ing, caring church. In the Jesus Fellowship, each member is shep herd ed by an Elder or Leading Serv ing Brother and also has one or more des ig nat ed Caring Broth ers or Sisters. The Fel low ship has reg u lar Nurture Groups during the first year of mem ber ship us ing the Bible with workbooks. There are also the regular weekly church gath er ings includ ing an Agape meal, Church household meet ings, Sunday wor ship times and Cell-church groups. Regular Shep herd ing Bands and Disciple Grow Bands are also held. New believers are most vulnerable to back slid ing dur ing the first year of mem ber ship. The Je sus Fellowship, through its var i ous Church House holds, has Vic to ry Day Cel e bra tions for each new mem ber on the quar ter ly an ni ver sa ry of member ship dur ing the first year. (Send to ad dress on back page if you would like a free copy of the Victory Card.) Each church must have its pro gramme for coun sel ling, training and sup port ing its new mem bers. It is of great im por tance that the church should car ry an at mos phere of love. Spiritual gifts and ministries are im por tant to success in bring ing ma tu ri ty to new believers. YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 32

Receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit Appendix 4 BAPTISM IN THE SPIRIT can be ex pe ri enced through the lay ing on of hands with coun sel ling, in group praise and wor ship when the Spirit falls on the company, or on your own. All true believers should specifically seek bap tism in the Holy Spirit. Here are some suggested steps, but this is set out sim ply to provide a guide. Such steps are of ten over tak en by the work of the Spir it Himself. Step 1. Thirsting and seeking. There is a strong, al most des per ate, de sire to be bap tised in (or filled with) the Holy Spirit. 1 Step 2. Repentance and cleans ing. All con scious sin and disobedience should be repented of with a con scious receiv ing of forgiveness and cleans ing through the Blood of Jesus. Step 3. Self-denial and com mit ment. Com mit your whole life to Je sus, re nounce your old self-life and will ing ly take up your cross. 3 Be sold out for Jesus! Step 4. Asking and believing. Jesus said we should ask the Father for the gift of the Holy Spirit. 4 This asking will have an anoint ing of faith so that you are able to receive what you have asked for. 5 Step 5. Receiving. You must yield your whole self (body, soul and spir it) to the Holy Spirit and consciously re ceive His pres ence, love, joy and power. 6 This will re sult in your ex pe ri - enc ing sen sa tions such as tingling and shaking. 7 Step 6. Faith action. You will find your self worship ping (some fall to the floor and may stay in that position for some time with various ex pe ri enc es of the Lord s pres ence) either with out bursts of joy or more quietly. At this time it is helpful to speak in tongues by ac ti vat ing your voice in the Spir it, re fus ing to speak in your nor mal language. 8 Step 7. Full Release. It is of great im por tance that you are fully released and freed from re stric tions caused by soul-damage in your past, in her it ed in hi bi tions and emo tion al bond age. You may need help with this. YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 33

Appendix 5 Understanding Covenant THAT GOD MAKES cov e nant with a spe cif ic peo ple is the great est theme of the Bi ble. In Old and New Testaments refer enc es to cov e nant abound. The oft-re peat ed cov e nant word is: I will be your God and you shall be My people. 1 When Je sus speaks of the new cov e nant, He is re fer ring to this one cov e nant made new for those who would be ransomed by His body and blood an y where in the world. 2 God s covenant is al ways for a people rath er than a per son. 3 It is plural rath er than individual. He desires a people for His posses sion. 4 This peo ple is de scribed as Christ s body, 5 a spir it u al house, 6 roy al priesthood, 7 a holy na tion. 8 Every church is to be a mi cro cosm of His people. It is im por tant to realise that the cove nant has particular force col lec tive ly through the broth er hood of the Church. The covenant has a threefold di men sion, but each di men sion is through Jesus Christ and is ours in ex pe ri ence through the Holy Spirit: First dimension: God with His Peo ple. This is the cov e nant of grace. Only God can save and regenerate His peo ple. 9 Second dimension: His people with one another. This is the cov e nant of lov ing broth er hood wherein we pledge our com mit ment to one another in Jesus. 10 Third dimension: His people with God. This is the cove nant of our willing re sponse to God s claim on us, gladly ac cepting we are His Peo ple and pledg ing our lov ing obedi ence to Him. YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 34

Bible References MAKE SURE YOU have a Bible. The teaching and prac tice in this book let is based on the rev e la tion given by God in the Bi ble, especially in the New Tes ta ment. These are the ref er enc es: Chapter 1 1. John 3:3,5,6 2. Mat thew 28:19,20 3. John 15:5 4. Ephesians 1: 7; 1 John 1:9 5. 1 Corinthians 6:19,20 6. Colossians 2:6 7. Mark 16:16 8. Acts 20:21 9. Acts 20:21; Ro mans 3:26 10. Acts 1:5; Acts 2:38; Acts 8.37 11. Acts 2:38 12. Ro mans 6:4 13. Acts 2:38,41 14. Acts 10:47,48 15. Acts 8:12,14-17 16. Galatians 3:27 17. Mat thew 28:19 18. 1 Corinthians 12:13 Chapter 2 1. Genesis 3:1-12,24; Job 1:6,7; Matthew 4:8; Romans 5:12 2. John 12:31 3. John 12:31,32; 1 John 3:8; 2 Peter 3:11-13 4. John 3:6; Romans 5:17-19 5. Romans 5:18,19; John 3:16 6. Mat thew 1: 20,21; 1 Corinthians 15:45 7. 1 Peter 1:19,20; Rev e la tion 13:8 8. 1 Corinthians 15:49,57; James 4:7 9. Ephesians 6:11-13 10. Titus 3: 5 11. 1 Corinthians 15:45 12. Matthew 1:20 13. Mat thew 3:13-15 14. Mat thew 3:16 15. Luke 2:40 16. Mark 1:9-11,15 17. Mat thew 16:18 Ephesians 2:15 18. Mat thew 3:11 19. Matthew 3:13 20. Mat thew 3:15 21. Mat thew 3:17 22. Heb. 11:5,6 23. Ro mans 8: 16; Acts 19:6; 1 Corinthians 14:5 Chapter 3 1. Acts 1:3 2. Ephesians 1:7 3. Acts 1.2,3 4. Matthew 28:18 5. 1 Corinthians 15:25; Ephesians 1:20-22 6. Rev e la tion 12:11 7. Rev e - la tion 12:10 8. Mat thew 28:19 9. Mat thew 28:19 10. Luke 14: 27,33 11. 1 John 3:10 12. Ro mans 8:16; 1 John 3:1 13. Mat thew 28:19 14. Ro mans 6:3,4 15. Mat thew 28:19 16. 1 Corinthians 12: 13 17. Acts 2:38; Acts 19:5; Phil. 2:9 18. Mat thew 10:24,25; Matthew 28:20 19. Acts 2:41,44-47 20. Ephesians 5:22,25; Ephesians 6:1-4 21. Mark 16:15-18; Ephesians 4:11,12,16 Chapter 4 1. Acts 1:9 2. Acts 2:1-4 3. Acts 2:13 4. Acts 2:37 5. Acts 2:38 6. Acts 2:41,42 7. Acts 4:32,34 1 John 3:14 8. Galatians 3:28; Colossians 3:11 9. Acts 4:32 Chapter 5 1. Romans 6:2 2. Romans 6:6; Colossians 3:3 3. Ro mans 6:4 4. YOUR BAPTISM PAGE 35