Psalm 122: Let Us Go Rejoicing SAMPLE

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4 Joyful, relaxed "ospel" uitar capo 3 q = 84 Psalm 122: Us o Rejoicing 1st Sunday Advent Year A, T Solemnity Our Lord Jes hrist King Year, Vario Votive Ritual Masses, Last Weeks Ordinary Time (ommon) / / [#m7] / let re joic ing [] Verses [A/D] / [] 1. I re joic ing, / Verses 1, 4 re 4. Pray joiced let hoe / 2. Je 3. Ac 5. Be [#m7] re joic Lord. re joic ing becae y said inal [A/D] / / / ing, let hoe [] / / / me, Lord. Mic by JANE TERWILLIER [] re joic ing, re joic ing, let 1. [A/D] / / / / peace Je ru sa [#m7] We will up / OPY lem! May those who love you pros Text: T English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary Mass Use in Dioceses United States America, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian Doctrine, Inc., Washingn, D.. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Mic: Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2001, 2004, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 37205 888898SON, All rights reserved. International copyright secured.

5 hoe per! O LORD. per [#m7] pros i ty Verses 2, 3 2. (Je ) ru sa lem, And Je now May [A/#] /E [] ru we in build [/B] /D have peace set Je 3. (Ac ) cord ing de cree Is com pact u ni ty. name LORD. seats ru sa To ra it sa lem. lem, ings. foot be el, [A/#][/B] /E /D In it are set up / with with / / in in / gates, walls, [#m7] / built as a cit y with up, give / judg ment thanks [#m7] [] hoe LORD. / / seats, OPY Da vid. / / ()* *or reprinted on next page

6 ( ) hoe Lord. hoe inal [A/D] / 5. (Be ) cae Verse 5 / re joic ing, let / / Peace be with in I / my *rel you! [] Lord. / [] re joic ing, let Verses [A/D] / / re joic ing, / [] a tives friends cae Be [A/#][/B] /E /D [] hoe let [E] re joic ing, [A/D] / / I [#m7] re joic ing [#m7] let re joicing will / / [#m7] will [] pray [#m7] / LORD, our / say od, 5. Be OPY od. / / / * Lectionary discrepancy: eir "relatives" or "brors" may be ed

7 Verse 6 [A/#] /E 6. To it LORD. [A/#] /E [/B] /D [/B] /D [#m7] give seats thanks [#m7] Lectionary notes: Ac up, / cord ing name LORD. [] hoe / de cree Is In it [A/#][/B] /E /D 1st Sunday Advent Year A, ommon (last weeks ) Ordinary Time: Vss. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 east hrist King, Year : Vss. 1, 2, 3 Anniversary Dedication a hurch: Vss. 1, 2, 5 or Unity hristians, Masses Dead: Vss. 1, 6, 4, 5 Da vid. are set / up [Em] m ra / el, judg ment / / seats, / OPY

8 Psalm 72: Jtice Shall lourish in His Time 2nd Sunday Advent, Year A q = 100 J peace D/# Verses 1. O od, tice 1. / ev er. flour with judg ment 2. J tice flower 3. or 4. May res cue / ish in Am/ Verses / ev er. en dow in king, days, time, inal / ev rit. er. D full / pro found Mic by DONALD ISHEL ness name poor be blessed wn cries out, ev er; af flict with peace, till OPY as ed wn has long as Text: T English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary Mass Use in Dioceses United States America, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian Doctrine, Inc., Washingn, D.. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Mic: Donald isl, b.1950; accomp. by Jane Terwilliger, b.1952, 2007, International Liturgy Publications, P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 37205 888898SON, All rights reserved. International copyright secured.

9 j moon no sun Bm peo sea low ly earth tice, king's be one no more. lp name ple with jtice son; him. re main. af In Em May He him all have flict ed ones with v ern rule from pit y D/# judg sea, from poor; be blessed; Riv er ends lives all na tions poor pro claim earth. ment. D save. happi ness. D.. D.. OPY D.. D..

10 Psalm 146: Lord, ome Save Us 3rd Sunday Advent, Year A h = 76 Em/ 1. T Verses 2. T 3. T Lord, /B LORD od LORD fa come, Am come, /E keeps gives faith sight Am/ 7 come come s4 save ev er, blind; s4 save.. Mic by JANE TERWILLIER & DONALD ISHEL 1., inal Last time Am Verses r less widow s tains, secures j tice, LORD but way rais es up Lord, OPY Text: T English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary Mass Use in Dioceses United States America, second typical edition 1998, 1997, 1970, onfraternity hristian Doctrine, Inc., Washingn, D.. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Mic: antiphon, Jane Terwilliger, b.1952; verses, Donald isl, b.1950; 2008, International Liturgy Publications P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 37205 888898SON, All rights reserved. International copyright secured.