Athonite Hymn to the Panagia *

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Additional Troparia

Athonite Hymn to the Panagia * rave Mode (Diatonic) Triple Meter Intonation: #22 Moderato Ú º & # B Un - der & # n a & #. ly our adapted from oral tradition as recorded by Hieromonk Hierotheos of Philotheou # thy pro - La - dy has - ten # tec - Œ do and en - all tion treat thy # O # Pan - a - ser-vants un - thee Panagiva Devspoina # gi - wor - thi - O most * This paraliturgical hymn may be chanted during the distribution of the antidoron after liturgy. In some monasteries on the Holy Mountain it is chanted after the procession back into church following the meal after a vigil on feast days of the Mother of od.

1452 Athonite Hymn to the Panagia & # & # us pure from & # from & # ly & # ble & #. do. & # a and to n the pro - & # B grace come. one. # ev - ery sud - den fi - nal - con - sum - # La - dy tec - tion. ly. heark - Has - ten dan - ger. death n mate all # of of. en the the # to de - n and ne - which de - # We know that things that # u - ni - world O un - to n liv - er ces - si - stroy - eth thou thou verse # art dost the # Maid - en us who all ty of Πand ut - ter - # ca - pa - want hope to and full pray of to

Athonite Hymn to the Panagia 1453 & # U #. thee.

O Protection of hristians Kontakion Intonation: #4 Allegro & Ú º O pro - tec - tion of hris-tians that can - not be put to shame & E & me - di - a - tion un - to the re - a - tor most con - - - - stant: O de - spise not the sup - pli - ant voic - es of those who have & Second Mode Prostasiva tw'n ristianw'n sinned; but be thou quick O good one to come un - to our aid

O Protection of hristians 1455 & E who in faith cry un - to thee: Has - ten to in - ter - & E ces - sion and speed thou to make sup - pli - ca - tion thou who dost & E ev - er pro - tect O The - o - to - kos them that hon - our F &. b. Πthee.

Office of Supplication for our Environment * September 1 Intonation: #10 Allegro & Ú º E Lord and Sav - iour who as od brought all things in - to be - ing & by a word es - tab - lish - ing laws and gov - ern - ing them un - & Apolytikion Fourth Mode E err - ing - ly to your Thy glo - ry at the prayers of the Moth - er of * Patriarch Demetrios of onstantinople made September 1st a day of special prayer for the Environment and commissioned the hymnographer Monk erasimos of the Holy Mountain to compose a special office for it. This service was translated by Archimandrite Efrem (Lash) and is available online at: Text 2008 Archimandrite Efrem

September 1 - Office for the Environment 1457 & od keep se - cure and un-harmed all the el - e - ments &. E Πwhich hold the earth to - geth - er and save the u - ni - verse.

The onsecration of the hurch of the Holy Resurrection September 13 Intonation: #8 Allegro & b Ú º F The hurch is shown to be a man - y - light - ed & b Kontakion Fourth Mode (modified) "On this day Thou hast appeared" F heav - - - - en that doth shine a guid - ing & b light up - on all them that do be - lieve; where - in while F & b Oujrano;" poluvfwto" stand - ing we cry a - loud: Do Thou Thy - self now Text 2005 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

September 13 - onsecration of the hurch of the Resurrection 1459 & b. es - tab - lish this house O Lord.

Saint Theodore of Tarsus Archbishop of anterbury September 19 Intonation: #1 Allegro & b D Ú º & b Son of Tar - sus like Paul and a teach - er of Pe - ter's faith Eng - land did re - ceive thee with glad - ness to u - & b Apolytikion First Mode "While abriel was saying" & b nite its di - vid - ed church. Thy words O Ho - ly The - o - dore brought peace while bear - ing in thy heart the gift of od.

September 19 - St. Theodore of Tarsus 1461 & b Thou pro - claim - est the true Per - son of hrist to all: & b both od and Man the world's Sav - iour. lo - ry to & b Him Who did choose thee as His friend; lo - ry to Him & b D Who hath glo - ri - fied thee; lo - ry to Him Who through thy & b. prayers be - stow - eth His mer - cy on us. Œ

Saint Etheldreda * of Ely Queen and Abbess Protectress of ambridge October 17 Intonation: #8 Allegro & b Ú º Apolytikion Third Mode "Thy confession" F F Let us praise the vir - gin Eth - el - dre - da flame of & b F faith a - bove the church of E - ly Moth - er Ab - bess D & b in - ter - ces - sor and pro - tec - tor for all. In her the * Pronounced "Ef-ol-DREE-dah"

October 17 - St. Etheldredra of Ely 1463 & b F im - age of od was re - stored to shine and she was D & b crowned with great glo - ry by our Sav - iour hrist ev - er & b F pray - ing in the Spir - it be - fore the Fa - ther's throne that & b F. His great mer - cy may be grant - ed un - to us.

Saint Tabitha the Almsgiver October 25 Intonation: #1 Allegro Ú º Apolytikion First Mode & b D With the flow of the man - y - streamed riv - er of alms - giv - ing & b thou didst wa - ter the dry earth of the need - y and & b show - er alms on the wid - ows and poor; thou didst & b shine forth with the light of thy works and wast ra - di -

October 25 - St. Tabitha 1465 & b ant with grace O Tab - i - tha. lo - ry to hrist Who & b lov - eth thee; glo - ry to hrist Who hath blessed & b D thee; glo - ry to hrist Whom thou didst fol - low as a & b. true dis - ci - ple and a spot - less lamb. Œ

Allegro & b D Ú º Apolytikion of the Resurrection First Mode Tou' livqou sfragisqevnto" When the stone was sealed by the Jews and the sol - diers were & b guard - ing Thine im - mac - u - late bod - y Thou didst a - & b D rise on the third day O Sa - viour grant - ing life un - & b n b D to the world. For which cause the pow - ers of heav - en cried & b out to Thee O Life - giv - er: lo - ry to Thy res - ur -

Sunday Troparia - First Mode 1467 & b n b D rec - tion O hrist. lo - ry to Thy King - dom. lo - ry to Thy & b dis - pen - sa - tion O on - ly Friend of man. lory... Dovxa Patriv D D & b n b lo - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the & b Ho - ly Spir - it. & b D Both now... Both now and ev - er and un - to the ag - es of Kai; nu'n & b ag - - - es. A - men.

1468 Sunday Troparia - First Mode Resurrectional Theotokion Tou' abrihvl & b D While a - bri - el was say - ing Re - joice to thee O Vir - gin & b at his voice the Mas - ter of all things took flesh with - in thy pure & b ΠU womb. He dwelt in thee as His ho - ly ark as spake the & b n right - eous Da - vid in the psalms. Thou wast seen to be more spa - & b D U & b cious than all the Heav - ens since thou didst bear thy re - a - tor. lo - ry to Him that willed to dwell in thee. lo - & b ry to Him that came forth from thee. lo - ry to Him that Text 2005 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

Sunday Troparia - First Mode 1469 D & b b. through thy giv - ing - birth hath de - liv - ered us. ThE AnnuncIatIOn

1470 Sunday Troparia - First Mode Resurrectional Hypakoe & b D The re - pen - tance of the thief hath plun-dered Par - a - dise @H tou' lh/stou' & b & b and the la - men - ta - tion of the myrrh - bear - ers hath pro - Œ claimed joy; for Thou art ris - en O hrist od & b. grant - ing great mer - cy un - to the world. Œ

Apolytikion of the Resurrection Allegro Ú º Second Mode $Ote kath'lqe" & When Thou didst de - scend un - to death O Life Im - mor - & E tal then didst Thou slay Ha - des with the light - ning of Thy Di - & vin - i - ty. And when Thou didst al - so raise the dead out & E of the neth - er world all the pow - ers of the heav-ens were & cry - ing out: O iv - er of life hrist our od glo - ry Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

1472 Sunday Troparia - Second Mode & be to Thee. lory... Dovxa Patriv E & lo - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly & Spir - it. & Both now and ev - er and un - to the ag - es of D & ag - es. A - men. Both now... Kai; nu'n Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

Sunday Troparia - Second Mode 1473 Resurrectional Theotokion & Pavnta ujpe;r e[nnoian All thy mys - ter - ies are be - yond com - pre - hen - sion; all are & E ex - ceed - ing - ly glo - ri - ous O The - o - to - - - - & kos. Sealed with pu - ri - ty and pre - served by vir - gin - i - & E ty thou wast known to be a true moth - er giv - ing birth un - & E to the true od. Do thou en - treat Him that our souls be F &. b. saved.

1474 Sunday Troparia - Second Mode & Af - ter the Pas - sion the wom - en came un - to the tomb E Resurrectional Hypakoe & to a - noint Thy Bod - y O hrist od; they saw & An - gels in the grave and stood in awe; for they heard their & voice pro - claim - ing that the Lord is ris - en grant - ing great E Meta; to; pavqo" &. Πmer - cy un - to the world.

Allegro Ú º Apolytikion of the Resurrection Third Mode Eujfrainevsqw ta; oujravnia & b F D Let the heav - ens re - joice and let things on earth be & b F glad for the Lord hath wrought might with His arm; He hath & b D tram - pled up - on death by death; He hath be - & b. F come the first - born of the dead. From the bowels of Ha - des hath F & b He de-liv - ered us and hath grant - ed great mer - cy to the world. Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

1476 Sunday Troparia - Third Mode F lory... Dovxa Patriv D & b lo - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly & b Spir - - it. & b F Both now... Kai; nu'n D Both now and ev - er and un - to the ag - es of & b ag - - es. A - men. Resurrectional Theotokion Se; th;n mesiteuvsasan & b F We praise thee the Me - di - a - tress for the sal - va - tion Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

D Sunday Troparia - Third Mode 1477 & b Πof our race O Vir - gin The - o - to - kos; for in the & b F Πflesh tak - en from thee thy Son and our od hath & b D F Πdeigned to en - dure the pas - sion through the ross and hath re - & b D deemed us from cor - rup - tion since He is the Friend of & b rit.. man. Sometimes singing in moderation successfully relieves the temper. But sometimes if untimely and immoderate it lends itself to the lure of pleasure. Let us then appoint definite times for this and so make good use of it. -St. John of the Ladder

1478 Sunday Troparia - Third Mode F & b F aus - ing a - ston - ish - ment by his ap - pear - ance and re - & b fresh - ment by his speech the ra - diant An - gel said un - to the & b myrrh - bear - ers: Why seek ye the Liv - ing One & b F D in the tomb? Ris - en is He that hath emp - & b Resurrectional Hypakoe D!Ekplhvttwn th'/ ojravsei & b tied the tombs. Know Him as the im - mu - ta - ble hang - er F of cor - rup - tion; say un - to od: How awe - some are Thy D & b Œ. works! For Thou hast saved the race of man. F Œ Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

Allegro Ú º Apolytikion of the Resurrection Fourth Mode (soft chromatic) To; faidrovn & E Hav - ing learned the joy - ful proc - la - ma - tion of the Res - ur - & D Œ rec - tion from the an - - - gel and hav - ing cast off & E the an - ces - tral con-dem-na - tion the wom-en dis - ci - ples spake to & the A - pos - tles tri - um - phant - ly: Death is de - spoiled and & E hrist od is ris - en grant - ing great mer - cy un - to the world. Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

1480 Sunday Troparia - Fourth Mode lory... Dovxa Patriv & lo - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly & Spir - it. Both now... & Both now and ev - er and un - to the ag - es of ag - es. Kai; nu'n & A - men. Resurrectional Theotokion To; ajp! aijw'no" & The mys - ter - y hid - den from e - ter - ni - ty and un - known Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

Sunday Troparia - Fourth Mode 1481 & E to the an - gels is made man - i - fest through thee O The - o - to - kos & to those on earth. od be - came in - car - nate in an un - & E min - gled un - ion and for our sake hath sub - mit - ted will - ing - & ly to the ross where - by He hath raised up the first - fash - ioned & F rit. b. Πman and hath saved our souls from death. Let the word of hrist dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. ol. 3:16

1482 Sunday Troparia - Fourth Mode Resurrectional Hypakoe & E Ta; th'" sh'" paradovxou The myrrh-bear - ing wom - en ran forth and de - clared to the A - & pos - tles the tid - ings of Thy won- drous a - ris - ing O hrist; for & E Thou as od art ris - en grant - ing great mer - cy un - &. Πto the world.

Allegro & Ú º Apolytikion of the Resurrection Plagal First Mode To;n sunavnarcon Lovgon A A Let us wor - ship the Word Who is un - or - ig - i - nate & with the Fa - ther and the Spir - it and from a vir - gin was & born for our sal - va - tion O be - liev - ers and let us & A sing His praise. For in His good - ness He was pleased to as - & A cend the ross in the flesh and to un - der - go death Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

1484 Sunday Troparia - Plagal First Mode A & and to raise up those who had died by His glo - ri - ous & A # Res - ur - rec - - - tion. lory... Dovxa Patriv A & lo - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly & Ȧ Spir - it. Both now... A & Kai; nu'n Both now and ev - er and un - to the ag - es of & # ag - es. A - men. Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

Sunday Troparia - Plagal First Mode 1485 Resurrectional Theotokion ai're puvlh Kurivou A A & O im - pass - a - ble gate of the Lord do thou re - joice. Re - & joice O ram - part and shel - ter for them that has - ten to & thee. Tran - quil ha - ven and pure Maid - en who didst not know man & and who bar - est in the flesh thy re - a - tor and thy od re - & A joice; and cease not to pray Him mak - ing en - trea - ty for & # A them that wor - ship and praise Him that was born of & rit. b. thee. A Π Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

1486 Sunday Troparia - Plagal First Mode A & A - ston-ished in mind at the vi - sion of the An - & gel and en - light-ened in soul by Thy di - vine a - ris - & Resurrectional Hypakoe!Aggelikh'/ ojravsei ing the myrrh - bear - ers pro-claimed the good tid - ings un - to the A - & pos - tles: Pro - claim a - mong the na - tions the Res - ur - & rec - tion of the Lord Who work - eth with you in won - & #. A Πders and grant - eth us great mer - - - - cy. Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

Allegro & Ú º E When the an - gel - ic pow - ers were at Thy tomb then & b they that guard - ed Thee be - came as dead. And Ma - ry stood be - side Apolytikion of the Resurrection Plagal Second Mode & E!Aggelikai; Dunavmei" the grave seek - ing Thine im - mac - u - late bod - y. Thou hast F & de - spoiled Ha - des and wast not tried there - by. & E Thou didst meet the Vir - gin and didst grant life to us. Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

1488 Sunday Troparia - Plagal Second Mode E & O Thou Who art ris - en from the dead Lord glo - ry & Πbe to Thee. lory... Dovxa Patriv & lo - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - & ly Spir - it. Both now... & Kai; nu'n Both now and ev - er and un - to the ag - es of ag - & es. A - men. Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

Sunday Troparia - Plagal Second Mode 1489 Resurrectional Theotokion E & @O th;n eujloghmevnhn Thou Who didst call Thy Moth - er bless - ed cam - est of Thine E & own free will un - to the pas - sion shin - ing forth up - on the E & ross wish - ing to seek out Ad - am and say - ing un - & E E to the an - gels: Re - joice with Me for the drach - ma & that was lost is found. Thou Who hast wise - ly or - dered all & E rit. F b. Πthings glo - ry be to Thee. Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

1490 Sunday Troparia - Plagal Second Mode Resurrectional Hypakoe & By Thy vol - un - tar - y and life - cre - at - ing death O hrist E & Thou as od hast bro - ken the gates of Ha - des & E and hast o - pened the an - cient Par - a - dise to us. And a - & E Tw'/ ejkousivw/ kai; zwopoiw'/ ris - - - ing from the dead Thou hast de - liv - ered our &. Πlife from cor - rup - tion.

Allegro & b Ú º Apolytikion of the Resurrection rave Mode F Katevlusa" tw'/ staurw'/ sou By Thy ross Thou didst a - bol - ish death; to the thief Thou didst F D & b o - pen Par - a - dise; Thou didst trans - form the myrrh - bear - ers' & b F lam - en - ta - tion and didst or - der Thine A - pos - tles to & b preach that Thou art ris - en O hrist our od F & b be - stow - ing great mer - cy up - on the world. F Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

1492 Sunday Troparia - rave Mode lory... Dovxa Patriv & b F lo - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly & b Spir - it. & b F Both now and ev - er and un - to the ag - es of F & b ag - es. A - men. Both now... Kai; nu'n Resurrectional Theotokion @W" th'" hjmw'n ajnastavsew" & b As the treas - ur - y of our sal - va - tion O all - hymned one Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

Sunday Troparia - rave Mode 1493 & b do thou lead up from the pit and a - byss of of - fen - ces & b F them that hope in thee; for them that were li - a - ble be - & b & b & b cause of sin hast thou saved by giv - ing birth to Sal-va - tion O thou who be - fore child - birth wast vir - gin and in child-birth wast vir - gin and af - ter child - & b rit.. birth a - gain re - main - est vir - gin.

1494 Sunday Troparia - rave Mode & b F Thou Who didst take on our form and didst bod - i - ly en - & b F Resurrectional Hypakoe @O hjmetevran morfhvn dure the ross save me by Thy Res - ur - rec - tion O hrist F & b. Πod since Thou art the Friend of man.

Allegro Ú º Apolytikion of the Resurrection Plagal Fourth Mode!Ex u{you" kath'lqe" & b F D F From the heights didst Thou come down O om-pas - sion - ate One. & b & b D F D And Thou didst sub - mit to three - day bur - i - al that from the pas - sions Thou might de - liv - er us. O our & b F Life and Res - ur - rec - tion O Lord glo - ry be & b to Thee. Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

1496 Sunday Troparia - Plagal Fourth Mode lory... Dovxa Patriv & b F lo - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - & b ly Spir - it. Both now... Kai; nu'n & b F Both now and ev - er and un - to the ag - es of ag - & b es. A - men. F Resurrectional Theotokion @O di! hjma'" gennhqeiv" & b O Thou Who for our sakes wast born of a Vir - gin Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

Sunday Troparia - Plagal Fourth Mode 1497 & b and didst suf - fer cru - ci - fix - ion O ood One and & b didst de - spoil death by death and as od didst re - veal the & b Res - ur - rec - tion: Dis - dain them not which Thou hast fash - & b F ioned with Thy hand; show us Thy love for man - & b F kind O Mer - ci - ful One; ac - cept the The - o - to - kos that & b # n F gave Thee birth who in - ter - ced - eth for us; and do Thou our & b. rit. Sav - iour save a de - spair - ing peo - ple. Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA

1498 Sunday Troparia - Plagal Fourth Mode & b F Stand - ing at the tomb of the Life - giv - er the myrrh - & b F bear - ers sought the im - mor - tal Mas - ter a - mong & b the dead; and re - ceiv - ing the good tid - ings of & b joy from the An - gel they an-nounced to the A - & b Resurrectional Hypakoe AiJ murofovroi tou' Zwodovtou pos - tles that the Lord is ris - en grant - ing great & b. F Πmer - cy un - to the world. Text 1997 Holy Transfiguration Monastery Brookline MA