The American Gradual Compiled and edited by Bruce E. Ford

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The American Gradual Compiled and edited by Bruce E. Ford Chants for Propers 16 through 20 (American Book of Common Prayer) 21 st through 25 th Sundays of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Revision of this work is in process. These unrevised chants from the 1st ed. are posted here for use, pending revision. Copyright 2001 by Bruce E. Ford. All rights reserved.

Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi:ppiviuvuyvuiviuoIv,cyuKiuizzzzzzzzzzz In- cline your ear to me, O Lord, and Crz5zHyrvRv.vryzuzKjivuvuHyyvrtRc,crvyz7zKiŸzoviuvi²zoz:lpzzzzzz hear me; save your ser- vant who puts his trust CiJuuyuvUYv.vyvuiJuvivyuHyvuvftfuvyvrtreFrrEv,v in you; be mer- ci- ful to me, O Lord, CrvrereAqvqvderyvytvyJuuyrvRv,vrHyyvyvdrzzetDerzzzzzzzzzzzzzz for I have called up- on you all the day CdrdtdRv/vvHyvuivivipviviviuvUIv.vuyvuiviv long. Ps. Glad- den the soul of your ser- vant: for to you, CivjivipivJuvyvyyyvrezRTv/vvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz O Lord, I lift up my soul.

Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual Bonum est (Mode 5) Psalm 92 MwvqvwvrrtvrrwzzFrrtzzDertzSawezzSwwzQc,crvyviyKiiizzKiuo It is a good thing to give thanks MoiviuviiyzzKiizzHyiozzKiizzHyuYc.czzzzzyvivyizkoviozKiiyizzLoiovKizzzzzzz to the Lord and to sing praise to MuivytyKiizLoiUc,cioiyzKioiovhihuviizzKiyzzKiizzKiyzzKiiYc,crtyKiizLop your Name, O Most High. MuizzgHyztˆzuzYRc/vrvHyvrvyvjiopKivivKivoKiitzzjKijozzzKjijozzKiitzzzzzzzzzzzzz = To tell of your lov- ing kind-ness MzjKijoj[zzzK][zLopiYc,chihuzzLkokpzzzzjKipoKipozLiiuYv.vyiLkovovoi:p[kozzKiiyzvz ear- ly in MyviyKiiivIHyz7zzizzkLozziopzzKiizzLoozIv.vzziizviviovzzozzKjizzutyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the morn- ing and of your faith- MzzjKizzutyzIc,cuo:piHyvyvyiHytyKiiyzzKiiuzzHyozGttRc.vdrytrvtyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ful- ness in the MiivKjioiyKioioviizKiyzzKiizzKiyzzzKiiYc,crtyKiizLopuizgyztˆzuzzYRzzz/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz night sea- son.

Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Alleluia (Year A) Tu es Petrus (Mode 2) Matthew 16 <FrvtvuiczziuizzHyyTv,vhuiozzKjizrtzzzJutzzzzhJuyuzzRJuuzzzzUGtz6zzUTzzzzz/ Al- le lu- ia. <uivivokiiuivijuugtytv,vzgtvtvtjuuzkizouzgztizzjuyrzfgtutzjuutzzz = You are Pe- ter and up- on <HyrvtrvRv,vttrzGttrzTWv,vrtJuutrzJuuuvKiuyUzTv,vuizzz this rock I will <hihuzloilovovooijuyrzgtz6zzutv/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzzzzzz build my church.

Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Alleluia (Year B) Spiritus est qui vivificat (Mode 8) John 6 ByvyvyuLoiuvopoHyuytYv,veHyuHyytzJuouizYv,ceHyuHyytz Al- le- lu- ia. BJuioYv/vcyyvyvyivioiyvJuiJuuYv,veyvyuKiuyvUYv.zzzzzz = It is the Spir- it that gives life; ByvyrGtytrGtrevyuKiuyvuvuoyvyvyuytYzzc,czzeHyuHyytzJuouiYzz, the flesh is of no a- vail. BeHyuzHyytzJuioYv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Alleluia (Year C) Quoniam Deus magnus (Mode 7) Psalm 95 VeveverHyyzzHyyzzJhuhivUc,cyuKiyzKiuizzJuuYc,cuiGtytezFrrEc,zzzzz Al- le- lu- ia. VrHyyzzJuizJuutyzFrrEc,crHyuizGtyzGtrezFrrEv/vervevyyvyuzKjivuLooz = For the Lord our God VLouyGtyuzKiuyzJuyiUzzv,vsusesrzzHyyezFdrdyzzFrrEv,vrzHgyzztyKiuHyytFrvrzzzzzzzzzzzzz is a VYFrz5zHytzFrervREc.ceyvyvyuzjivhuxyuzKiytJuytzJuiuyzzJuizgHyuytzYTzzzzzzz, great God and a great King VtvTzHyz7zzjiviuKiyzFruzHytezFrytyvgyguzytzzYFrz5zHyuzHyyzGtrezREc,ctyzJhuzyuzzzzz a- bove all gods. VLoiuzLooozHyuiuzGftyuzGtyzFrerzTzFrrEv/vvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Offertory Expectans expectavi (Mode 5) Psalm 40 XtvtJuuJuivuivipKio:pvpvivJuvuuuvTUc,cFrzzzzzztzzzzzzzz I wait- ed pa- tient- ly for the Lord, and he XUzJuuzzJuuiuvhuiLoiuvIUv,ctvtJuuGtvrzzzzzzztuKiuvuiviJuuGtuiu stooped to me and heard my sup- pli- ca- XIzGtz6zzfuftvTv.vrtvuuKioJuuGftFfzfyftvzzGtvtJuuHyuHyyvrJuyutHyyTc,zz tion. He put a new song XuuvtrtvuiJuyuKiiUv.vtvuuJutvtrvteFrtzjizzuyrvtrvGtzzzz in my mouth, a song of praise to our XtJuuGtrerzGftzzrzEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz God.

Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Communion De fructu (Mode 6) Psalm 104 BtvyuvuvJuvytvHyvtvTRv,vGtvyvJuvyvtrvzzzzzz The earth is ful- ly sat- is- fied by the fruit of your Btz6zzhuvyuvYTv.vtvyuvutvHyvzzzzztvzzzrvtyTczz,zzzzzzty zkiukizzzzzzzzzzzz works, O Lord. You bring forth bread from the earth, wine BuvoJuuyJuvtvtrverGtreGFrrEv.vtyzJuvuvou zkizzzzzzzzyvyuyzzzzzzztez to glad- den our hearts, oil to make a cheer- ful BdrdtverDewevEWv,vrwverGtyvtrvgy zijuivytvrtvtv/zzzzzzzzzzzz coun- te- nance, and bread to strength- en the heart. Ad libitum Psalm 104: 34 Btyvytvyuvuvuvuvyv zivuvyvtv.vtvyuvuovzzzyzzzzz I will sing to the Lord as Long as I live: * I will praise my BtvzztvyvtevtvyvTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz God while I have my be- ing.

Proper 17 Sunday Closest to August 31 Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Miserere mihi (Mode 8) Psalm 86 XrvuuvtrvtevrtvuuivuvUv,vuvuuzzJurvrvzzzzz Be mer- ci- ful to me, O Lord, for I have XrtvtvdtdrzGtrervREc,cetzhJuvuvuuuGtrvdrdtdRv.vrvrtJuyJuzz called up- on you all the day long; for you XuvtuKiuyJuuYc,cyvyujiviyvyivuyvYc,cyvivpppKiiuizz O Lord, are good and for- giv- ing, and a- bound- XIUv,vuvyuKiuvuuuvTv,vrtevruvuuyJuytJytyFrrczzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ing in love toward those who call up- XdrdtdrcRzzzzzz/vzzzzzzzrvtrvruvuvuvuvuyvuivivuivuvUzzzz. on you. Ps. Bow down your ear to me, O Lord, and an- swer me: XutvtuvuvhuvuuyvrtvuyvtvRv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz for I am poor and in mis- e- ry.

Proper 17 Sunday Closest to August 31 Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Gradual Timebunt gentes (Mode 5) Psalm 102 MwvrrtvFrvrvtyFrewGtertRc,crvyrtyKiiLoioviuizzzzzczzzzzz The na- tions shall fear your Name, O MytyKiiydFrytrTRc.crvtytHyciHyytvyz7zKiiuKioviucyvyiHytyKiiyzz Lord, and all the kings of the earth MKiiuzHyiGttRv,vrtHytvyzKiiiyzKiiuzzHyiftzzzzRHyz7zKiuytFrrzHytrGtrvRv/ your glo- ry MrvytvtivivKivoKiiizzKiyzzKiiyzzKiizzGtyˆzuzdzGtdrzKii:poKiiuYc,zzzzzzzziozzzzzzzz = For the Lord will build up Zi- MhihuhizzJ[[zKioizzJ[[[pLiiuYc,crvrvdrytrvtyvgyiuyKiiivicKiiYzz,zzz on, and his glo- ry shall ap-pear. MˆzuyutzzdFryutzzdFrytzIzKiiiHyyryzzfGtyzGttRv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Proper 17 Sunday Closest to August 31 Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Alleluia Cantate Domino (Mode 1) CFrvyyvhuzyzKiuivipKiuYv,ct7zKiuzzjKizzyizJuizHyytEc,vrz5zzzgyguzzz Al- le- lu- ia. CGGtuyztzFrz5zYRzzzz/zzzzzzzzrjKizzuzlzozzKiouyzzJuuyzzJuuzzHyui:ppUc,ciiuzKiuyJuiuHyz7zKiuy = Sing CJuiUzzzc,chihuz:ppKiuzKilzoiLovuvUTc,ctzvfyftzzHyz7zKiuivhuzrytzJgugyzzuyzzzzzzzzz to the Lord a new song CFrz5zzYRv.vFrvrHyyrzzHyyzzFrrtHyuzIUc,cuiJuvi:ppKiiuIv,vyilzLouzz for he has done CHyyrzzHyyiuzzHyytrzTRc,crHyyyzJgugyvyvyiuivipKiuYc,ctz7zKiuzzjKizzyizzzzzz mar- ve- lous things. CJuiHyytzEc,cFrz5zzHgyguzzzGtuytzzFrz5zzYRv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Proper 17 Sunday Closest to August 31 Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Offertory Domine, in auxilium (Mode 1) Psalm 40 CrvzzzzzHyvzzzyyyvsesrvDevrvyuKiiuvgygugyvYv.cyuHyvuzjiz Be pleased, O Lord, to de- liv- er me. Let them CiuvuivzzzzUYvzzzzzz,cyvHyvyvyuvyvFrvrHyyFretRc,cevyyuzzz be a- shamed and al- to- geth- er dis- mayed who seek CHyvtrvrz5zHytrvRzDez4zGtrezRv,vDevyvyuiuzzKjizzzuyvgyuiHyrHyyzzzzz af- ter my life to de- stroy it. CFrezHyyEv.vrvzzzHyvzzzzyyyvsesrvDevrvyuKiiuvgygugyvYv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Be pleased, O Lord, to de- liv- er me.

Proper 17 Sunday Closest to August 31 Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Communion (Year A) Qui vult venire (Mode 1) Matthew 16 BevGtvtvtrvyuviuvtyvtvtrEc,ctz6zJuyzJu ziuvytzzzzzzzzzz If an- y- one would come af- ter me, let him BrevtyJuvuvRv,vuvyuyuvtevtvyrTc,cryvuouzGtyzFrtzzzzzzzzz de- ny him-self and take up his cross and fol- Bez4zzftzzrwvEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzz low me. Ad libitum Psalm 34:15 BtvyuvuvuvJuvuvuvuovuvuyvYUv,vytvyuvuvuzzzzz The eyes of the Lord are up- on the righ- teous: and his ears are BuouvyvGtvtttvEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzz o- pen to their cry.

Proper 17 Sunday Closest to August 31 Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Communion (Years B & C) Domine, memorabor (Mode 8) Psalm 71 BtvftyuYv,vyytyvDeveveytyvyrtevHyvtyvYv,zzzzzzzz O Lord, I will re- call your righ- teous- ness, BftfyfuLoiLovovuiYvv.vovooovoivuvio:puvYv,vyuLoizzzzzzzz yours a- lone; O God, you have taught me since BiuLopvovuy zkjizzuztv.vyvyjuz8zloopvovuyvtyvec,ctvrtzgyzzz I was young, and now that I am old and gray- ByrtevEv,vtuzkovtuzkovouiyvYGtz6zzJgugyvYv/vzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz head- ed, do not for- sake me. Ad libitum Psalm 71:1 ByvuyvyovovzzovoivopvpvopvOv.vouvuovLovooizzzzz In you, O Lord, have I tak- en ref- uge: * let me nev- er ByuvoivuvYv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz be put to shame.

Proper 18 Sunday Closest to September 7 Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Justus es (Mode 1) Psalm 119 BwvevezJhuivuvuvuyTc,cyuvoovfyftvutvuvuz8zLouzzzzzzzzz You are righ- teous, O Lord, and up- right are you judg- BUv.vuovovpvpopvP{v,vovuovooLouvtyvtrvtuHyzzzzzzzz ments; deal with you ser- vant ac- cord- ing to your lov- ByGttrverGtrervREc/zczzzzzzzzzztvyuvuvuvzzzuvzuovuvuyvYUc.zzz ing kind- ness. Ps. Hap- py are they whose way is blame- less: * BytvyuvuvuouvHyvtvtttvewzzERv/vtvyuvuvuvuvzzzzz who walk in the law of the Lord. Hap- py are they who BuvuovuvuyvYUv.vytvyuvuouvyvGtvtttvewzzERv/zzzzzzz ob- serve his de- crees * and seek him with all their hearts.

Proper 18 Sunday Closest to September 7 Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Gradual (Years A & B) Beata gens (Mode 1) Psalm 33 BttyGttrzGtutrHsysevEv,vevevttyGtuvUv,vuvuoJuuyzzzzzzz Hap- py is the na- tion whose God BytvtrvHyytzzHgyguzzzHfyftzzYTv.vuuyuLoozLoiuvUv,ctyvJuuzHytzFrz5zHytyz is the Lord; hap- py the peo- BYTv,cGtvyvyGttrDeveGtteGtyzzFrtyzDserzDeeWv.vtvyuyJuioKiiviu ple he has chos- en to be his BhuzyuzyDetzzHzhyzztytzzFrtzzHgyztytzEzzc/zzzzzzzeuvuvuoJuuyJuytzJu ziuzhyz7zzzkjizzuycu zi own. = By the word of BuvuozzJuyuzzLoouzzLoozzzLozizzJhuozzHyytv.zzzvupLopoJuivuvuz8zLovyvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the Lord were the hea- vens BtuLouIUv.vtvyvyuyzJuozJuuzHyyzzGtz6zzUYc,cutuvytyvtyeGtteGtyzzzzzz made, by the breath of his mouth BsDerzDeezWc,cstsezTzGtz6zJuyzzJuopLooozJuyzGtz6zJuz ziuyvyuvouz zkiytuloovuyzzzzzzzz all the heav n- ly BuyuGtrtYc,cez4ztzzHgyzztuzHytrzDez4zzTEv/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx host.

Proper 18 Sunday Closest to September 7 Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Gradual (Year C) Domine, refugium (Mode 2) Psalm 90 XryGttv,vutzzHyutrzzHyrGtvtvutuizkLovuGttHytrvreGtrtzzzzzzzzzzz Lord, you have been our ref- XtertJuutrzGtz6zJuiJuutyTv.vuuvhJuvuvuvuyuiLouyJuuHyiJuiut uge from one gen- e- ra- XtuzGtrtzzJuutzzJuuyzzGtuFrrEc.cerzGftuyGtyvrtvutuiczzziuKioiuzLouLopiy tion to an- o- ther. Xtz6zzuzzjKizuioKioUzGtz6zzUTc/cvtvuvuivzivivzzziovoKiuyJutRc,z = Be- fore the moun-tains were brought XyrtzzJuuzKioizOc,cuo:piHyuGtrzGtzytrzTc,ci9:po:poiovOIc,civizzzzzzzzzzzzzz forth or the XPzKiz9z:poivKiviovhohuzzoizzJuutzzJuutzUzJuuzUTc,zzzzzzzzzcuiLoiuLoiuKitvzzzzzzz land and the earth Xtz6zJutvTv.veverzfGtvtvuytHyrtvutvuivjioJuyuIc,crtzzzzzz were born, from age to age you are God. XJuuoKiuyzGtz6zzUTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Proper 18 Sunday Closest to September 7 Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Alleluia Domine, exaudi (Mode 7) Psalm 102 VDeveytvuyuvUv,viuz:poizGtyzJuuyzREv,vuyzzKityzzzJuuyzzzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia. VrerzTzzFrrEv/veytvuyuvuiopvlpl[zzzzhuhozzzJuz8zLoizzLoiuzzIUc,cyvzzzzzzzzzzz = Lord, hear my prayer, and VyyyvuovjizzuiyvryvtrtvsesrsevEv.veytvyuvuuozzzJuuzzKiozz let my cry come be- fore you. When I call, VlpzzipzzzLoiuzzKiozzIUv,veveytvyuvuyuvhuzziuzz:poizzGtyzzJuuyzzREc,c make haste to help me. VuyzzKityzzJuuyzzzFrerzTzzFrrEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Proper 18 Sunday Closest to September 7 Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Offertory Oravi Deum (Mode 4) Daniel 9 BrtevrrzGteyFrtGzttDewzzDerewzzDetezFzrtcRv,vRztz6zzhuvuyvyezFrz I, Dan- iel, made my sup- Brvrrzftvez4zGttrzEv,vSwverevdrztzJuyuvryGttvTRv.vyvzzzzzzzzzzz pli- ca- tion to the Lord, say- ing, In- BiiLovyvJuvgyguzzHytrtvTRv,vrz5zHyuvyvyuHyyvGtvrvrytrzzzzzzz cline your ear, O Lord, to the prayer of your ser- BrrTv.veyzJuyzzzzzzyvuoKivivopLoovUyz7zKiuivIUv,cuzLoozzzLooozzzzzzzz vant. Let the light of your pres- ence shine ByuvrtvyvuyuzzLoovzzuyzvyizJuuyvYv,vyvyozz:povLovuvzzzzz up- on your sanc- tu- a- ry, and look with com- Btyzzhu iyuvrv,vtvrz5zhyuvyutvdevtezgttzzgtttzyv,vwevwzzzzzzzzz pas- sion up- on this peo- ple, which is Bez4zzGtyvtrvtyuvUYv,vtvdrztuzHyuzGtezzGttzGttrwzFryRc,cgyzuzHyutezzzz called by your Name, O God. BGtteGttWc,crzGttezFrtzzHytRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Proper 18 Sunday Closest to September 7 Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Communion Vovete (Mode 2) Psalm 76 ZdrtHyvyvTv,vdrtJuvuvuuiJuvuvuuJuvtvuiuvzzzzzzzzz Make a vow to the Lord your God and keep Zuuuc.ctytrvruyvuivIvRv,cztuzzzzzzzuiuyvftfyftvTc.zzvuzzzzzz it. Let all a- round him bring gifts to him, for ZuoivuyvuitvTvuyvuivuyTv,vtvuyizLovovoiLozzzzzzzzzzz he is wor- thy to be feared, who breaks the spir- ZuvivUzyz7zKiuivIUv,vuvuyuvtrGtrwvWv,vrtvtrzzzzzzzzzz it of princ- es and strikes ter- ror in the ZuuKiyvuyvtyvYTv/vzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz kings of the earth. Ad libitum Psalm 76:1 ZrzzzzztrzzzzzzzzzruzzzzzzzzzzuzzzzzzhuzzzzzzzzzzzUzzzzzzzzzmzzzzzzzzzuzzzzzzzzzzuzzzzzuyzzzzzzzzuizzzzzzzzzzzizzzuizzzzzzzzuzzzzUzzzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzzzzz In Ju- dah is God known, his Name is great in Is- ra- el: ZutctucucucuvuvucucucvuvuvuvzzzzizvutcucyrctyTc/zzzz at Sa-lem is his tab- er-na-cle, and his dwell- ing is in Zi- on.

Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14 Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Da pacem (Mode 1) Ecclus. 36; Psalm 121 CervrzjiovKici:ppizzlzLoziouzzIUc,vyuvilzoJuvyvuizHytyzzzzzzzz Give peace, O Lord, to those who wait CdrdtdrvRc.vrvyycyuczzziuzKilzouzcyuYv,vyvyz7zKilzoivppzKiiuzzzz for you, and let your proph- ets be found faith- CyizJuivYv.vilzoKiuvuvizlzozJuyzzzzzHyvuvUzyz7zKiuivIUc,cyiui ful. Hear the prayers of your ser- vant and CKiviuzHyyzFrvrzHyyzKilzouvUv,vyuHyrvrz5zzdydrvRv/vyvuiv of your peo- ple Is- ra- el. Ps. I was CipvivivKiviuvUIv,vuyvuivKivivipivJuvzzzyvzzzzz glad when they said to me, let us go to the house of CyyyvrezRTv/vvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzvvvvvvzzzzzzzz the Lord.

Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14 Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Gradual Laetatus sum (Mode 7) Psalm 122 VyyhuvgyuyzFruyuvhuioiJuuyzJhuhihUc,cyuvupvpLoovuvPhJuozi I was glad when they said to me, VLkokpzzLoipzLoouizUc.ccuivutvgyzrtEc,cectvuuyuzGtytzFdrtyhuvYFrz5zHyzz Let us go to the house of VycsesrsEv/vuyJuuzl:p[pzJhuoizLkokpzzLoipzLoouiUc,cyvuvuLoozzLoo[pzLooJuzzzzzzzzz the Lord. = Peace be with- in VuHyyrvyrHyyrtEc.cuvervgyzruyzJhuhpzLoooivopvPJuoizLkokpzLoipzLoozzzzzzzz your walls and pros- per- i- ty VuiUc,cervyuyvruyvuiuivuyvYc,ciuzz:kpkozzuoIzJuutzHyutzHyrerz with in your pal- ac- es. VTzFrrEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14 Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Alleluia Timebunt gentes (Mode 1) Psalm 102 CryzFrrevyuyvuizJuuyvYv,vyizzlzLoiuzKipzKiplzozJuuYv,cyiz Al- le- lu- ia. CloiuzzKipzzKiplozJuuyv,cuiuzHyuRzzzGtz6zzhuzzHyytEv,verGtyuzJyytzRv/vzzz CryzFrrevyuyvuizJuizJuuvyuzKiuzyuvyuYv,vyvyuKiuzHyuRzGtz6zhuzzzz = The na- tions shall fear your Name, CHyytEc,ceverzGtyuzzHyytzRv.vFrvrzHyrtevEzGtz6zzJuyzJuytcUziz9zPIx, O Lord, and all the kings Cyui:ppKiiizzviuyvuivuiuzHyurzHyyzFrtzFrrEv,veezFrrzzGtyzzhJuzyizJuizzz of the earth CYzzJuyzzJuizzHyytezzzFrrzzDeqezRv,vrvHyyzzFrtzserHyyzJuyuzKiuyvYv,vyizzzzz your glo- CzLoiuzKipzKiplzozJuuYv,vyizzLoiuzKipzKiplzozJuuYv,vyizcuiuzHyuRzzzGtz6zzhuzzz HCyytEv,verGtyuzJyytzRv/vzzzvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzz ry.

Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14 Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Offertory (Years A & B) Sanctificavit Moyses (Mode 5) Cf. Exodus 24 Btyvtvyuvyvu zizuyvgugyzjuytv,ctvuz8zlopzloozjuiuczzuc,cz Mo- ses con- se- cra- ted an al- tar BGtvuovOzLooozhuhihUv.vuozzzzzzzzzzyuytvtyvuyzHyyzzHyyzzHytzzHy ziuzvuc,zzzzz to the Lord. Plac- ing up- on it Buz8zLoouzHyyGtycTzrz5zzHyucytyvYTc,zzzzzTuz8zzLopzzzzzzzzopzLoiuvopzzz[pockokpkozzzzzzz burnt of- fer ings and peace of- fer- BOv,czzzuvopvooivLooovuz8zLoiHyvuzLoozLopvzzzzzoiuvzzzzzUc,cJuczutz ings, he made an eve- ning sac- ri fice, as a BuovzzozpLoovzzzuzzzvgugyzzzzgugogyzzzJuytyvYTv,cuz8zLovyzzzzzzzxxxtyzJuyzJuiUzz,zzzz sweet- smell- ing sa- vor, to the Lord. BJuvovouzLoozHyuzLoouzzGtyzGttzDetyzzGttyzzzDewzzsesrsEzzv,vSwvevGtvzzytzzzzzzzzzzzzzz in the sight of the sons of BGtvyuvhuzyuzLoouzzHyyrzzGtyzzFrz5zzHyyTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzz Is- ra- el.

Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14 Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Offertory (Year C) Precatus est (Mode 8) Exodus 32 MyitzzHytzzFrz5zHytyvYTv,vyvioKiizJutzYv,vwvrtvrtv Mo- ses ap- peared be- fore the MytzHyz7zKiuyvtz7zKiuyuzvUYv,vyvtrvtyzJuytyvYTv,xtzKiitzzzzz Lord his God, and be- sought him, say- MHyyzFryzKitzFrrwzzDerzGtytvTv.vyitzHytzFrz5zzHytyvYTv,vyviozKiizzzzzzz ing: Mo- ses ap- peared MJutzYv,vwvrtvrtvytzHyz7zKiuyvtz7zKiuzyuvUYv,vyvtrzzzzzzzzzzzzz be- fore the Lord his God, and be- MrtzHytzrtvTWv,vwFrrwzzDerzzGtytvTv.vtKiioviovKivoKiyzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sought him, say- ing, Why, Lord, does your MtyTc,ctKiizzKiiizHyyzzGttzzFrz5zHyuytzvYTc,crvtyzGtyJuvyvTzFrz5zHytyzzzzz wrath burn hot a- gainst the peo- MYTv.vrtyzKiiizzKiozvJuvivtyTv,vyviizkovytvyytzzJuytzzzzzzzzz ple? Turn from your wrath and in- dig- na- MHytrzGtyzJuytyzvYTv.vGtvtzzkLopvivoz0zzzJ[pvoviovuiviiuzzzzzzz tion. Re- mem- ber A- bra- ham and I-

Muv,vIzKiizKiizKiuzKiozzJ[povotzHyuyvYv,vrvGztvzzzyvyovivz saac and Ja- cob to whom you swore that MiuvyvzzzKiviizzvKiiic,vtyvtvrvTv,vtvtz6zJuyzJuyzKiiyzzzz you would give a land flow- ing with milk and hon- MKiiyzFFrz5zHytrzGtyzvTv.vrvyvKiviyvio:pvovioIYc,ciz9z:pzzzzzzzzzz ney. And the Lord was great- ly moved, and MovOzKiz9z:popvPOv.vOzKiizizOvtyvJuvOzKiiizOv,vytviz9z:pozzz re- pent- ed of the e- vil which he MpvzzzopIvjizzyizLoiuivzIUv,voivoKiiyzKiizzKiytzHyizHyiyRv,crtzz had thought to do to his MKiiuzHyz7zKiuyvtyzJuyztyvYTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvv peo- ple.

Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14 Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Communion (Year A) Tollite hostias (Mode 4) Psalm 96 ZiyvioiovuivIYv,vuivgigyzzJuiuvYv,vfuftzJuyuzzzzzzzzz Bring of- fer- ings and en- ter in- ZytvtvtuzHyuytzYTv.vuyvuvhihuvfuftvtrvREc,ctuzHyiuyzz to his courts. Come and wor- ship the Lord in ZyvHyvyiuvtiuyvYv/vzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz his ho- ly tem- ple. Ad libitum Psalm 96:1 ZoiviovoivipvpvopvOv.voiviovovOviuviov Sing to the Lord a new song: sing to the Lord, all the ZIvzzzzzYv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv whole earth.

Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14 Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Communion (Year B) Qui vult venire (Mode 1) Matthew 16 BevGtvtvtrvyuviuvtyvtvtrEc,ctz6zJuyzJu ziuvytzzzzzzzzzz If an- y- one would come af- ter me, let him BrevtyJuvuvRv,vuvyuyuvtevtvyrTc,cryvuouzGtyzFrtzzzzzzzzz de- ny him-self and take up his cross and fol- Bez4zzfGtzzrwvEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzz low me. Ad libitum Psalm 34:15 BtvyuvuvuvJuvuvuvuovuvuyvYUv,vytvyuvJuvuzzzzz The eyes of the Lord are up- on the righ- teous: and his ears are BuoJuvyvGtvtttvEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzz o- pen to their cry.

Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14 Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Communion (Year C) Dico vobis: Gaudium (Mode 5) Luke 15 MiyviovOv,vivovopvovKizzzzzzzzzivKivuvovfifofYzzzzz,z I tell you, there is joy be- fore the an- gels of God MyvtvyrvtyvYv,vyz7zKiuzKioKivyvdrdtdRv/zzvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz o- ver one sin- ner who re- pents. Ad libitum Psalm 32:1 MFrzzzzzzzyczivizzvivzzzzzivivivivovovIv.vyvivzzzovuzv Hap-py are they whose trans-gres-sions are for- giv- en: and whose sin is MizvyvYv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzz put a- way.

Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21 Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Salus populi (Mode 4) Cf. Psalm 37 CHyyzHyrvtyvuvuvuzlzoivIv,cHyvuviuizJuyztyvYTzzzz,zzz I am the sal- va- tion of the peo- ple, CtyzhuvuKiuyzJuiuvtuHyyvttYv.vruvzzzziuzKiovivuvui:povzzz says the Lord God; When- ev- er they call Cppz:pivioiJuivIUv,vuivuvuyviviz9z:poizJuivUv,vv up- on me in their trib- u- la- tions, CTzHyz7zzKiuzvuyiviz9z:poizJuivIUv.vuvKivuvuyuzjKivuvuutzzzzzz I will hear them; and I shall be their God CytrzzTRv,vrvrtzHyuvuvppizOzJuz8zLoiuvtuHyyvYTv/viuv for ev- er and ev- er Ps. Hear CuivKiviuvuovoviovIv.viuvuivivKivivivuyv my teach-ing, O my peo- ple: in- cline your ear to the words CuivuvTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzz of my mouth.

Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21 Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual (Year A) Prope est Dominus (Mode 5) Psalm 145 BevGtvtvteGttzgyzzzGttzGtezGttyzzDdrtzDewztzzsDerzDeeWv,vtyzzzzzzuuzzzzzzzyz The Lord is near to those who BtuHyvyvuyuLooLouzLoozLoiJuozHyytyvYTv.vzztvuovyvtrveyzzzzzzzzzzz call up- on him, to all who call up- BtyFrtDeewevEWc,cez4zzGtytzzaSwaezzGtttvytvTv,vuuyzzJuuzzzHyuzz zkiytzjuuzz on him faith- ful- ly. BtuLopzziozUc,ctyuLooz:p[iozJhuzzy zizutc/ccovoovovplooozlouzloouzloozzzz = My mouth shall speak BJu zizhfyftzzloozj[plooiuc.vuozzzvpoj[]ploouc,couzlooovovozjuz8zzozl:pzzop[zz the praise of the Lord; BLoo:ppOv.vtuyvyovopLooivlpl[l]vpovoik:pkozzJ[poizOUv,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz let all flesh bless his ho- By zijuizhfyftvuyvkopouc,ctyulooz:p[ziozzjhuzzy zizzzutv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ly Name.

Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21 Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual (Year B) Dirigatur (Mode 7) Psalm 141 VeveuvfuftzyuFrrEc,ceveytuvuiLoiuizOIv,vyuvizzzzzzzzzz Let my prayer be set forth in your VppuzIUv,vipvoviyuvfuftyuHyuFrrEc,cyyrHytytvsestzJuiuHyyzzzzzzzzzz sight as the in- cense, O Lord. VftzzetzFdrtzFrrEc/ccyuvhuhpzzLop[zLooozLouzHyyc,crHyyrzHyyuvyvfyftzzJuoKiopzz = The lift- ing up VKiiUc,cu:ppJ[cuvoJuutHyiuHyyzFrz5zHytrezFrrEc,cecrvyuvyvruyzJui of my hands as the eve- ning sac- VuvuutzJhuoizJuoizJuuTc,cyuGtyFrerTzFrrEv/vvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ri- fice.

Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21 Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual (Year C) Quis sicut Dominus (Mode 5) Psalm 113 MrrvtyvdydrzztrewzzGtezFrtvrvrtHyytHytvrtHytrtvTRv,zzzzzz Who is like the Lord our God, MyivKivyvjijovIzJuz8zLoiovOIv.vyvftˆzuytzzHdydrvHyvtvyrzzzzzzzzzzz who sits en-throned on high but stoops to be- hold MyivKivuivHyvtyvrtFrrtSawaqzzgyzztˆzuzYRv,vdrdydtIzKiiiHyyzzFryGftyzzzzzz the hea- vens and the earth. GMGttRv/vyviovoKiiyKioizzJguioYRv,vyKiioKiiyzzKioizJhuioYRv,zzzzzz = He takes up MgHygˆgzguzztuzzKjizzuizJuiYRv,vyrHytrzzHyrtyKiioœzJuiyzKiozJ[[[Ivv,viozzzzzzzzz the MPLoz0zz;[vo[vKiuKivyvyKiityRv.vrvytvtivivjijozKiozKipozzzzzzz weak out of the dust and lifts up the poor

MKiuIYv,vdrytrvtyvgyiuyKiiiviiYv,vˆzzuyutzdFryutzdFrytzKiiizzz from the ash- es. MHyyzFryzfGtyzGttRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21 Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Alleluia Confitemini Domino (Mode 2, transposed) Psalm 105 CervrvyrzHyyuzzHyyuvuiHyyEv,vyyzzHyipzzJuytzzFrz5zzYRxxx/xxzzzzzzzx Al- le- lu- ia. CrvyiuzHyyzFrtrvyrzHyyuzzHyyzJuzzvrverEv,vervruzHyuzGtyrver = Give thanks to the Lord and call up- Crtvervrz5zzYRv.vervyiuzHyyzFruyzGtezRzHyrzHyrzYEv,vevetzzzzzzzz on his Name; make known his deeds CrerzHyyzHyrzzhJuizHyytzFrtzFrezREv,vevrwvervyrzHyyuzvuizHyyEv,z a- mong the peo- ples. CyyzHyipzJuytzFrz5zYRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzz

Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21 Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Offertory Si ambulavero (Mode 8) Psalm 138 MtytvrtvtKiyzzJuyzKiizvozKiizJuytzvyyTv,vtz6zJuyzvytvzzzzzz E- ven though I walk in the MtzFrrzDewvtvtz6zJuyuzvYTc,crtvtzjKizzzyzJuyzKiizzKiiizHyyzGttzRc,cyz7zKiizz midst of trou- ble, you keep MoivjizuizHyuzzHytzKiizzKiuzzHyz7zKiuvyvtz6zJuyuzYTv.vrtvtKiizJuz8zLoivz me safe, O Lord. You stretch MioviuvjizzuizHyuzzHyyTv,vtvtytzFrtzFrrzDewzGtyTv,vyvtKiutzzzzzzzzzz forth your hand a- gainst the fu- MHyyzFryzKitzFrrwzDerzGtytvTv,vutvyviizLopozKiiuvtyvtyUYv.zzzzz ry of my en- e- mies; MtyvuizLoiyvIUv,vuvioKiiizzKiyzzKiizKiizzKiyzKiiyzKiutzYv,vryzzzzzzzz your right hand shall save MiutzHytvTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzz me.

Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21 Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Communion Tu mandasti (Mode 5) Psalm 119 XutvuivUv.vtz zygtrvtvuuuvuv,certvt yvtrzzzzzzz You laid down your com-mand-ments that we should XJuvuviuvuiUTv.vt zyzvgtvtvgtv zyuvutviuv zyuzzzzzzzzzzzzz ful- ly keep them; Oh, that my ways were made so di- XuiJuuzGtz zyztv,vertvtz zygtrvt zyzgtrvt yuz HytrvtrzGtrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz rect that I might keep your CerGtrDervREv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz stat- utes. Ad libitum Psalm 119:1 Xevtvuvuvzzzzzuzzzzzzzzzzzuvivivzzzuv.vtvuvuvuvivyvzzzzz Hap- py are they whose way is blame-less: who walk in the law of XuvTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the Lord.

Proper 21 Sunday Closest to September 28 Twenty-sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit (Year A) In nomine Domini (Mode 3) Philippians 2 BrevyvuivuvuivIv,vKivooovuz8zLopzLooviovOIc,z At the Name of Je- sus ev- ry knee shall bow, BuyvzzuivUv,vuoivoivUzHyz7zzIUzzzzzzzzzzzzv,vzyvuovLovzovzzzzzzzzzzzz in hea- ven and on earth and un- der the BipzLopzLooIv.vpvJ[vovpiovuyJuvovipzLopzLooIv,vyvyuzzzzzzzz earth; and ev- ry tongue shall con- fess that Je- BuzzzzzzzzzzzLovzzzzuvUzHyz7zzIUv,vzzzzzzzzJuvyvzzzuz8zLozvyvzzrvrtzhJuvuvzzzzzzzzzzzzz sus Christ is Lord, to the glo- ry of God the BfyftzzzJuytzHytrvRv/vxxxyvuivivivivIvivivivivizzzzzzzzzzzzz Fa- ther. Ps. O Lord, our gov- er- nor, how ex- alt- ed is BivzzzpvovLoviuvooov.viyvuivivivivKivzzzzzzzooivzzzzzzzzzz your Name in all the world: your maj- es- ty is praised a- BuyvuvKivYUv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzz bove the hea- vens.