First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 2: Ellsworth Street Philadelphia PA May 23-24, 2015

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1013 Ellsworth Street Philadelphia PA 19147 May 23-24, 2015 First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 2:1-21 A reading from the Acts of the Apostles. Your blessing father Brothers and Sisters: When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. Amazed and astonished, they asked, Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs in our own languages we hear them speaking about God s deeds of power. All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, What does this mean? But others sneered and said, They are filled with new wine. But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them: Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I say. Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o clock in the morning. No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: "In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Even upon my slaves, both men and women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. And I will show portents in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and smoky mist. The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the coming of the Lord s great and glorious day. Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Praise be to God always. سفر أعمال الرسل يا إ خ و تي :في ت م ام ٱلي و م الخ م س ين ك ان الر س ل م ع ا في م ك ان و اح د. ف ح د ث ب غ ت ة د و ي م ن ٱلس م اء ك أ ن ه د و ي ر يح ع اص ف ة وم أل ك ل ٱلب ي ت ح يث كان وا ج ال سين. وظ ه ر ت ل ه م أ ل س ن ة م ن ق س م ة ك أ ن ه ا م ن ن ار وٱس ت ق ر ع لى ك ل و اح د م ن ه م ل س ان. وٱم ت أل وا ك ل ه م م ن ٱلر وح ٱلق د س وب د أ وا ي ت ك ل م ون ب أ ل س ن ة أ خ ر ى ك م ا ك ان ٱلر وح ي ؤ ت يه م أ ن ي ن ق وا.

وك ان ي قيم في أ ور ش ل يم ي ه ود ر ج ال أ ت ق ي اء م ن ك ل أ م ة ت ح ت ٱلس م اء. ف ل م ا ح د ث ذل ك ٱلص وت ٱح ت ش د ٱلج م ع وأ خ ذ ت ه م ٱلح ي ر ة أل ن ك ل و اح د م ن ه م ك ان ي س م ع ه م ي ت ك ل م ون بل غ ت ه. ف د ه ش وا وت ع ج ب وا وق ال وا:»أ ل ي س هؤ الء ٱلم ت ك ل م ون ج م يع ه م ج ل يل ي ين ف ك ي ف ي س م ع ه م ك ل و اح د م ن ا ب ٱلل غ ة ٱل ت ي و ل د ف يه ا ون ح ن ف ر ت ي ون وم اد ي ون وع ي الم ي ون وس ك ان م ا ب ين ٱلن ه ر ي ن وٱلي ه ود ي ة وك ب د وك ي ة وب ن س وآس ي ا وف ر ي ج ي ة وب م ف يل ي ة وم ص ر ون و اح ي ل يبي ة ٱلق ريب ة م ن ق ي ر و ان ور وم ان ي ون ن ز الء ي ه ود وم ه ت د ون وك ر يت ي ون وع ر ب ن س م ع ه م ي ت ك ل م ون ب أ ل س ن ت ن ا ع ن أ ع م ال ٱهلل ٱلع ظ يم ة.«وك ان وا ك ل ه م م د ه وش ين ح ائ رين ي ق ول ب ع ض ه م ل ب ع ض:»م ا م ع ن ى هذ ا.«لك ن آخ ر ين ك ان وا ي ق ول ون س اخ رين:»إ ن ه م ق د ٱم ت أل وا س الف ة.«! ف و ق ف ب ر س م ع ٱأل ح د ع ش ر ور ف ع ص و ت ه وخ اط ب ه م ق ائ ال :»أ ي ه ا ٱلر ج ال ٱلي ه ود وي ا ج م يع ٱلم ق يم ين في أ ور ش ل يم ل ي ك ن هذ ا م ع ل وم ا ع ن د ك م وأ ص غ وا إ لى ك الم ي. ال ل ي س هؤ الء ب س ك ار ى ك م ا ت ظ ن ون. ف ٱلس اع ة ه ي ٱلت اس ع ة ص ب اح ا. ب ل هذ ا ه و م ا ق يل ب ي وئ يل ٱلن ب ي : وي ك ون في ٱأل ي ام ٱأل خ ير ة ي ق ول ٱهلل أ ن ي أ ف يض م ن ر وح ي ع لى ك ل ب ش ر ف ي ت ن ب أ ب ن وك م وب ن ات ك م وي ر ى ش ب ان ك م ر ؤ ى وي ح ل م ش ي وخ ك م أ ح الم ا. وع لى ع ب يدي وإ م ائ ي أ ي ض ا أ ف يض م ن ر وح ي في ت ل ك ٱأل ي ام في ت نب أ ون. وأ ع م ل ع ج ائ ب في ٱلس م اء م ن ف و ق وآي ات ع لى ٱأل ر ض م ن أ س ف ل د م ا ون ار ا وأ ع م د ة م ن د خ ان. وت ن ق ل ب ٱلش م س ظ الم ا وٱلق م ر د م ا ق ب ل أ ن ي أ ت ي ي و م ٱلر ب ٱلي و م ٱلع ظ يم ٱلم ج يد. ف ي ك ون أ ن ك ل م ن ي د ع و ب ٱس م ٱلر ب ي خ ل ص. والتسبيح هلل دائما" Gospel Reading: John 14:15-20 The Apostle Writes: If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you. I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me; because I live, you also will live. On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. This is the truth. Peace be with you. إنجيل القد يس يوحن ا قال الرب ي سوع ل ت الميذ ه :»إ ن ت ح ب ون ي ت ح ف ظ وا و ص اي اي. وأ ن ا أ س أ ل اآلب ف ي ع يك م ب ر قل ي ا آخ ر م ؤ ي د ا ي ك ون م ع ك م إ لى األ ب د. ه و ر وح ٱلح ق ال ذي ال ي ق د ر الع ال م أ ن ي ق ب ل ه أل ن ه ال ي ر اه وال ي ع ر ف ه. أ م ا أ ن ت م ف ت ع ر ف ون ه أل ن ه م قيم ع ن د ك م وه و ف يك م. ل ن أ ت ر ك ك م ي ت ام ى. إ ن ي آت ي إ ل ي ك م. ع م ا ق ل يل ل ن ي ران ي الع ال م أ م ا أ ن ت م ف ت ر ون ن ي أل ن ي أ ن ا ح ي وأ ن ت م س ت ح ي ون. في ذل ك الي وم ت ع ر ف ون أ ن ي أ ن ا في أ ب ي وأ ن ت م ف ي وأ ن ا فيك م.

1013 Ellsworth Street Philadelphia PA 19147 May 23-24, 2015 Pentecost Sunday is one of the most ancient feasts of the Church, celebrated early enough to be mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles (20:16) and St. Paul s First Letter to the Corinthians (16:8). It is the 50th day fter Easter (if we count both Easter and Pentecost), and it supplants the Jewish feast of Pentecost, which took place 50 days after the Passover and celebrated the sealing of the Old Covenant on Mount Sinai. History The Acts of the Apostles recounts the story of the original Pentecost (Acts 2). Jews from all over were gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish feast. On that Sunday, ten days after the Ascension of Our Lord, the Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary were gathered in the Upper Room, where they had seen Christ after His Resurrection: And suddenly there came a sound PENTECOST SUNDAY from heaven, as of a mighty wind coming, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues as it were of fire, and it sat upon every one of them: And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they began to speak with divers tongues, according as the Holy Ghost gave them to speak. [Acts 2:2-4] Christ had promised His Apostles that He would send His Holy Spirit, and, on Pentecost, they were granted the gifts of the Spirit. The Apostles began to preach the Gospel in all of the languages that the Jews who were gathered there spoke, and about 3,000 people were converted and baptized that day. Father Vincent Farhat, Pastor Father Richard Cannuli, Weekend Assistant Mrs. Amal Kouyoumdji, Director of Religious Education QUOTE OF THE WEEK The greatness of contemplation can be given to none but those who love. Pope St. Gregory the Great The Birthday of the Church That is why Pentecost is often called the birthday of the Church. On this day, with the descent of the Holy Spirit, Christ s mission is completed, and the New Covenant is inaugurated. It s interesting to note that St. Peter, the first pope, was already the leader and spokesman for the Apostles on Pentecost Sunday (see Acts 2:14ff). In years past, Pentecost was celebrated with greater solemnity than it is today. In fact, the entire period between Easter and Pentecost Sunday was known as Pentecost (and it still is called Pentecost in the Eastern churches, both Catholic and Orthodox). During those 50 days, both fasting and kneeling were strictly forbidden, because this period was supposed to give us a foretaste of the life of Heaven. In more recent times, parishes celebrated the approach of Pentecost with the public recitation of the Novena to the Holy Ghost. While most parishes no longer publicly recite this novena, many individual Catholics do. You can take part in St. Maron s Church Office: 215-389-2000 Hall Reservations: 215-334-1884 Emergency Number: 215-952-0712 or 561-371-5316 CHURCH E-MAILS: Church Office:

the novena by signing up for a free e- mail reminder for the Novena to the Holy Ghost. ydaysandholidays/p/pentecost.htm FEAST OF SAINT RITA OF CASCIA Augustinian nun, also called Margarita. She was born in Roccaporena, near Spoleto, Italy, in 1381, and expressed from an early age the desire to become a nun. Her elderly parents insisted that she be married at the age of twelve to a man described in accounts of her life as cruel and harsh. She spent eighteen extremely unhappy years, had two sons, and was finally widowed when her husband was killed in a brawl. Both sons also died, and Rita, still anxious to become a nun, tried unsuccessfully to enter the Augustinians in their convent at Cascia. She was refused because she was a widow and because of the requirement that all sisters should be virgins. Finally, in 1413, the order gave her entry, and she earned fame for her austerity, devotion to prayer, and charity. In the midst of chronic illnesses, she received visions and wounds on her forehead which resembled the crown of thorns. She died on May 22 at Cascia, and many miracles were reported instantly. Canonized in 1900, she is honored in Spain as La Santa de los Imposibles and elsewhere as a patron saint of hopeless causes. SECOND COLLECTION As per the directive of the Eparchy of St. Maron of Brooklyn, there will be a second collection taken today to benefit the Catholic Communications Cosmetic, Implant and Restorative Dentistry Dr. Fred Haddad 856-589-7789 477 Greentree Road. Sewell, NJ 08080 Campaign. 50% of this collection is sent to the national Catholic television, radio, and other media and 50% is retained by our Eparchy for the Maronite Voice, and other communication needs we may have. Thank you in advance for your support. FESTIVAL VOLUNTEERS SIGN UP SHEET With the festival coming in less than a month, many preparations are being made to make this a wonderful event. Without your help this will not be possible. After Divine Liturgy, Tony Frangie will be going around with a volunteer signup sheet. If you are able and willing to help out anytime during the week of the festival please see Tony. Thank you for your help and support in this effort. WITH DEEPEST SYMPATHY On behalf of the entire community of St. Maron, we express our deepest sympathy to Tony and Leen Salloum for the loss of their cousin Jeffery Wakim who passed away in North Carolina this week. May Almighty God bless him and welcome him into His kingdom and may he console his parents and relatives during this difficult time. Allah yerhamo. MANY THANKS TO THE 2015 FESTIVAL SPONSORS Many thanks to the sponsors of the 2015 Summer Festival. Together with all of the volunteers and sponsors, we will have a wonderful and successful festival. The deadline for sponsorships for the banners will be June 1, 2015. Thank you again for your continued support of this Church and her efforts. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE A pilgrimage to the Holy Land is being extended to parishioners of St. Maron. You will be receiving an email this week with different options and dates for this journey to the Holy Land. This would be a great opportunity for St. Maron as well as other neighboring parishes to see where our Lord was born, ministered, suffered, died, and rose for sake. Please take a look at the different possibilities and let Fr. Vince know if you are able and interested in going. CARITAS ORGANIZATION OF LEBANON NEEDS OUR HELP Christians in Lebanon are suffering. Please pray for Lebanon! If you are able to relieve some of the suffering, please visit: HALL RENTALS AT THE MSGR. SHARBEL LISCHAA CENTER Our Community Center s main purpose is to accommodate our parishioners first. For those of you who are interested in renting the hall for any functions, listed below are the charges for parishioners. Daytime rentals are $300.00 and evening rentals are $600.00. In addition to these charges, there will be an additional $100.00 for the custodial fee, and $95.00 insurance policy fee. There is no security deposits required for parishioners. I hope this will clarify any questions you may have. Thank you. TRAVELING ICON FOR VOCATIONS As we celebrate the Sunday of the Priests, His Excellency Bishop Gregory Mansour announces today Vocation Day in the Eparchy of St. Quinn s Flowers Flowers For All Occcasions Serving The Philadelphia Area For Over 75 Years 215-468-2881 2008 S. 3rd St. Phila., PA 19148

Maron of Brooklyn. Raising awareness for priestly and religious vocations in our Eparchy, clergy, religious, and laity, is a witness to the importance of these vocations. In the midst of a troubled world, God calls men and women to be oases of peace and serenity, to proclaim his joyful and good news to all. Knowing that our prayers are heard by Almighty God, we are encouraging every family to take the icon of The Sunday of the Priest by Fr. Abdo Badwi, O.L.M. and the prayer card to your homes. Every evening for the entire week, as a family, we are asking you to say the prayer for vocations. Encourage those who are discerning the priesthood or religious life whether in our families or in our communities. This is the greatest gift we can offer in gratitude and thanks to Jesus Christ for giving us His Church. PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Blessed be God, the Father, Who chose shepherds after His own heart; Blessed be the Beloved Son, Who entrusted the service of His mysteries to them; Blessed be the Holy Life Giving Spirit, Who sanctifies their offerings. O Heavenly Father, we pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life for the service of your holy people. We ask You to send laborers into your vineyard. Your faithfulness is unconditional and You accompany Your Church and invite us to cooperate in your plan of Salvation. May we contribute to creating and preserving conditions in which the good seed, sown by Your Holy Spirit, can take root and bring forth abundant fruit in us. We petition You, O Christ our Lord, to enlighten the paths of Táttw c{éàézütñ{ç Marriage Baptism Graduation Family Long experience Adel Asaad 267-287-3238 those considering a call to priesthood, and religious life, and bring them close to You, so that their calling may become a pure sacrifice for the glory of God. To You be glory, and upon us Uour mercy, now and forever. Amen. UPCOMING EVENTS AT SAINT MARON CHURCH SUMMER FESTIVALS St. Sharbel Church in Somerset, NJ, will be holding their annual summer festival on May 29, 30, and 31, 2015. Details are in the bulletin. Please help our sister Church by attending this event. We wish them the best. St. Maron s Summer Festival will be held June 12, 13, and 14, 2015. This will be the weekend before Father s Day which will allow our fathers to enjoy their day with their families. NAM NATIONAL CONVENTION The National Apostolate of Maronites will hold its national convention in Cleveland, Ohio, on July 1-5, 2015. Details are available at For information please go to their website or ask Fr. Vincent. MYO NATIONAL WORKSHOP The National MYO Workshop will be held in Latrobe, PA, from July 6-11, 2015. This workshop is for MYO members between the ages of 12-17. This workshop will be conducted by Fr. Gary George and Fr. Vincent Farhat. This is a wonderful opportunity to our youth to gather together in prayer, faith and fun. Anyone who is interested in attending please see Fr. Vincent. It is my hope that we will be able to send several of our youth to this workshop. Thank you for your dedication. LITURGY INTENTIONS Sat. May 23, 2015, @ 6:00 pm, liturgy is being offered for the soul of Connie Sangrigoli requested by Rita Brunetto and Anthony Sangrigoli. May her soul rest in peace Sun. May 24, 2015, @ 11:00 am, liturgy is being offered for the soul of Siham Dib requested by George and Micheline Dib and family. Mon. May 25, 2015, @ 6:00 pm, Tue. May 26, 2015, @ 9:00 am, Wed. May 27, 2015, @ 6:00 pm, liturgy is being offered for the soul of Robert Abdallah requested by Margo Gussin. May his soul rest in peace. Thu. May 28, 2015, @ 9:00 am, Sat. May 30, 2015, @ 6:00 pm, Sun. May 31, 2015, @ 11:00 am, liturgy is being offered in memory of the Cherfane and Korkomaz Families requested by Dany and Rania Cherfane and family. May their souls rest in peace. PRAYER FOR THOSE WHO ARE SUFFERING IN OUR MOTHER COUNTRIES O Lord, Almighty God, You grant strength to the weak and heal the wounds of those in sorrow. O God, exalted above all, heed those who call upon You and assist those who call upon You and assist those who seek refuge in Your holy name, in Your saving cross, and in the prayers of your Mother Mary and all Your saints. Strengthen the hearts of Your servants (especially those in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Jordan). Comfort, sustain, and confirm them in mind and heart. Grant them strength to conquer the power of evil. May they overcome PROVIDING FUNERAL SERVICES OF DISTINCTION AND CLASS, THAT HONOR THOSE FAMILIES WE SERVE! 215-334-1578 856-456-1316 PHILADELPHIA BRIAN W. DONNELLY, Supervisor NEW JERSEY

all evil caused by adversity. O Lord God, bestow upon them a cheerful heart and a steadfast and unshaken spirit, so that they may sing praise to FUNERAL HOME, INC. 2533-35 BROAD ST. PHILA., PA 19148 Mark J. Rago Funeral Director Phone: 215-462-0992 Fax: 215-462-4699 You, Your Father, and Your Holy and living Spirit, now and forever. Amen. PRAYER FOR SOLDIERS During these difficult times, we remember those family members and friends in faraway places. Let us lift in prayer the many women and men serving overseas in our armed forces. May they know of our respect and gratitude and be kept safe in the Lord s love. Amen. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIA- TION (CONFESSION) Please know that confession is available before liturgies. You may also call to set up an appointment. IN OUR PRAYERS Please keep in your prayers Robert and Viviane Kouyoumdji, Stacey Fuentes, Debbie Freedenberg, Albert Anderson, Sr., Noel Andjuhar, Juliette Chokier, Eddie Gussin, Dominic Fratangeli, Angel Salerno, Dennis McGiney, Maurice Al Sholy, Robert Cherfane, Alan Sacilowski, Donny Pizzi, Mrs. Rose Kouri, Betty Antrilli, and Bonnie Sabatini. We ask Almighty God to bless them with good health so that they may join us in the Church and give glory and thanksgiving to God. Please notify the Church office of any family member who is ill so that we may remember them in our daily prayers and on our altar of intentions. WEEKLY COLLECTION FOR May 16-17, 2015 Sunday Collection $1,285.00 Coffee $57.00 Total: $1,342.00 TRANSLATION Need documents translated from Arabic/French/Italian into English? Call William Hanna 267-808-0287 IMMIGRATION We provide you with the best service and the least expensive! PARISH PHONE NUMBERS St. Maron Church Office: 215-389-2000 St. Maron Hall Reservations: 215-334-1884 Evening Emergency Phone Number: 215-952-0712 or 561-371-5316 CHURCH E-MAILS Church Office: Website: Facebook Page: Saint Maron Maronite Catholic Church of Philadelphia