A Light for Revelation. (The Solemn Entrance) Assembly, SATB Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Flute, and Finger Cymbals. Ó Œ j. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œœ. œ œ.

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horal Series SMLE Light or Revelation (The Solemn Entrance) ssembly, STB Choir, Keyboard, uitar, lute, and inger Cymbals Nunc dimittis; Luke :9 3 Keyboard? ently (q = ca. 76).?. Œ Randall ebruyn Text 010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL). ll rights reserved. Used ith permission. Music 016, Randall ebruyn. ublished by OC, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 9713. ll rights reserved.. en-tiles and the glo - ry o your peo-ple.. ẇ.. RERIN Unison Choir. light or rev -e - la-tion to the.. Œ.. rom the collection IN ERECT CHRITY Octavo acket 30135886 Compact isc 30135887 1.800.58.879 ocp.org

% () Unison Choir %. light or rev - e - la -tion to the. ()?.????. Is.. en - tiles and the glo - ry o your peo-ple. SMLE - ra - 1. Lord, no you let your ser - vant. 1. go in peace, in ac... Soprano/lto Tenor/Bass - cord - ance ith your N N VERSE 1 n.. n S. T B ord.. Edition 30135919 Light or Revelation

3 RERIN????. light or rev -e - la-tion to the en - tiles glo - ry o your peo -ple...... Is. and the SMLE..... - ra -. or my eyes have seen your sal - va - tion, hich ΠΠVERSE..... ΠΠΠLight or Revelation

????. you have pre-pared in the sight o all the peo - ples. escant Œ. peo - ples.. SMLE. INL RERIN Optional Repeat light to the. Optional Repeat. light or rev - e - la - tion to the en - tiles and the....s..s. en - tiles and the.. Light or Revelation

5??? glo - ry SMLE glo - ry o your peo - ple..... U p U Light or Revelation

6 LUTE Light or Revelation Randall ebruyn ently (q = ca. 76) RERIN. % RERIN () SMLE VERSE 1 3 RERIN. VERSE INL RERIN Music 016, Randall ebruyn. ublished by OC, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 9713. ll rights reserved. ΠOptional Repeat.S...... U p

Nunc dimittis; Luke :9 3 Light or Revelation The rocession (uitar/choral) 7 Randall ebruyn m ently (q = ca. 76) C SMLE /B sus Cantor/Choir Œ Em. light or rev - e - la - tion to the.?? en - tiles sus Œ Œ C VERSE 1 B? Women Men o your peo - ple and the % RERIN () /B C glo - ry o your peo - ple Em. light or rev - e - la - tion to the. () m7. 1. Lord, no you let your ser - vant Em 1 m m7 en - tiles and the /B glo - ry to Verse 1 to Verse m/c Em /B. Œ. or my Œ go in peace, in ac -. Text 010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL). ll rights reserved. Used ith permission. Music 016, Randall ebruyn. ublished by OC, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 9713. ll rights reserved.

8? VERSE? C 1. cord - ance ith your ( ) (. or my)? ( ) C. sus sus ord. SMLE eyes have seen your sal -.. sight o all the INL RERIN??. light or rev - e - la - tion to the. C o your peo - ple Em m7 Πsus va - tion, Πhich C /B you have pre-pared in the sus peo - ples. m en - tiles and the Em /B m /B.S. (opt..s.) glo - ry U u Note: This piece may be repeated to accommodate the length o the procession. Light or Revelation

INER CYMBLS Light or Revelation 9 Randall ebruyn ently (q = ca. 76) RERIN 3 SMLE % RERIN 1, to Û Û Verses VERSE 1 Music 016, Randall ebruyn. ublished by OC, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 9713. ll rights reserved. Note: This piece may be repeated to accommodate the length o the procession. inal VERSE.S. 3 U p ine.s.

10 Composer Notes On ebruary the Church celebrates the east o the resentation o the Lord (also knon as Candlemas). In the ospel account (Luke : 0), orty days ater Christmas, Mary and oseph took the child esus to the Temple in erusalem, as required under eish la. Upon arriving there they encountered Simeon, a holy man ho had been promised that he should not see death beore he had seen the Lord s Christ. It is recorded in Scripture that hen Simeon sees esus he proclaims the ords o this canticle, hich no bears his name. SMLE The Roman Missal gives to orms, either o hich can be used to begin this celebration. The irst orm: The rocession, calls or the aithul to gather initially in a suitable place outside o the church, holding unlighted candles. ter the candles are lit, and as the procession moves toard the church building, Simeon s canticle is sung until the procession reaches the church. The Second orm: The Solemn Entrance, is used hen no procession takes place. ter the candles are blessed and lit ithin the church, Simeon s canticle is then sung hile the priest processes to the altar. This musical setting o Simeon s Canticle provides to versions, one or each option (rocession, or Solemn Entrance), as described above. or the irst orm, portable instrumentation, such as the guitar and lute, can accompany the singers. or the Second orm, keyboard (organ or piano accompaniment) is provided. nother appropriate use o the Solemn Entrance setting o Simeon s canticle ould be or Compline (Night rayer), in the Liturgy o the Hours. Randall ebruyn Light or Revelation

11 ssembly Edition LIHT OR REVELTION Rerain. SMLE light or rev - e - la - tion to the en - tiles glo - ry o your peo -ple Text: Nunc dimittis; Luke :9 3, 010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL). ll rights reserved. Used ith permission. Music 016, Randall ebruyn. ublished by OC, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 9713. ll rights reserved. or reprint permissions, please visit OneLicense.net or contact us at 1-800-663-1501. Randall ebruyn and the. ΠΠVerse 1 1. Lord, no you let your ser - vant. 1. peace, in ac Verse. or my. - cord-ance ith your eyes have seen your sal. you have pre-pared in the sight o all the ord.. go Π( ) in - va - tion, hich peo - ples. to Rerain to Rerain