Book of Psalms ~ Volume 3

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Book o Psalms ~ Volume 3 hant Verse Style 1. Psalm 1: Blessed re They Who Hope In The Lord 2. Psalm 8 Lord ur od, How Wonderul Your Name 3. Psalm 15 He Who oes Justice 4. Psalm 16 You re My Inheritance 5. Psalm 18 I Love You My Strength 6. Psalm 19 I Will Rise nd o To My ar 7. Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd 8. Psalm 31 ar, Into Your Hs I ommend My Spirit 9. Psalm 40: Here m I Here m I 10. Psalm 47: od Mounts His Throne 11. Psalm 67: Let ll The Nations Praise You 12. Psalm 84: Blessed re They Who well In Your House 13. Psalm 97: The Lord Is Kg Transiguration 14. Psalm 104: Send ut Your Spirit 15. Psalm 118: ive Thanks To The Lord or He Is ood 16. Psalm 128: May The Lord Bless Us 17. Psalm 131: In You I ve ound My Peace 18. Psalm 137: Let My Tongue Be Silenced

Lively happy q = 110 antor S/ Blest are y, Psalm 1 Blessed re They bless ed are Who Hope In The Lord y Em who hope sus4 Lord. LEN SHULER To Verses T/B Blest are y, bless ed are y who hope Lord. Verses antor 1. Blessed man who ollows not counsel o wicked nor walks 2. He is like a tree planted near 3. Not so wicked, way run o ng not sners, water so; mp opyright 2004 len Shuler xx000000

nor sits that yields its y are like cha which company ruit wd o drives due a solent, season, way. 7 but delights law o Lord meditates whose leaves or Lord watches over way on nev o his er law ade. just, but tempo day What ev way o er he wick does ed sus4 night. pros pers. van ish es. gliss...

Majestic q = 100 antor S/ T/B rgan our od, Psalm 8 ur od How Wonderul Your Name our od, how won der ul name how won der ul name all all LEN SHULER earth! earth! To Verses Verses antor 1. When I behold heavens, 2. You have made him little 3. ll work less sheep o than gers, angels, oxen, mp opyright 2004 len Shuler 48032604

7 moon stars which you crowned him with yes, set glo beasts ry o place honor ield, 7 What is man that you should be You have given him rule over birds o air, md works ishes ul o o o him, hs, sea, 7 or son o man that you should puttg all thgs whatever swims care un paths der o or his tempo him? eet. seas...

Majestic q = 115 Sounds better Bb; set transposer down 1 step on piano. antor S/ apo 3: He Bm7 who /# does Psalm 15 He Who oes Justice E7 jus tice shall live #m pres ence o Lord. LEN SHULER Esus4 E T/B He who does jus tice shall live presence o Lord. al Endg Bm7 /# Bm E7 sus4 He He who does justice shall live presence o Lord. Lord. who does justice shall live presence o Lord. Lord. opyright 2004 len Shuler xx000000

Verses antor Ps. 15Those Who o Justice 1. 2. Who harms not 3. Who lends not his ne his mon who el ey walks low at blamelessly; man, usury mp E7 nor takes up a reproach accepts no bribe a a gast gast does his justice; neighbor; nocent. 7 who thks by whom truth reprobate ne who is does his des se heart pised, thgs B7 slers while he honors those shall not who never with ear be his dis tempo E tongue. Lord. turbed... m

With a groove h = 60 Psalm 16 You re My Inheritance LEN SHULER antor S/S/ You are her i tance, Bb Lord! You are T/B You are her i tance, Lord! You are her i tance, her i tance, Bb Lord! Lord! To Verses Last Time Endg Bb opyright 2004 len Shuler rit. Lord! Lord! xx000000

Verses antor 1. allotted portion 2. Thereore heart is glad 3. You will show me soul path re to cup. joices, lie, mp 7 you it is who hold body too, ullness o ast abides joys lot. conidence. presence, 7 I set Lord Because you will not abon delights ev soul at er to be right ore me; nerworld, h, 7 with him at right h I shall Nor will you suer aithul one to not under or tempo be go dis cor turbed. rup ev tion. er...

Psalm 18 I Love You My Strength Expressive q = 65 LEN SHULER (uitar apo 3) ( hords) Soprano lto Tenor Bass I I I I love love love love you you you you Bb /# / +2 Bb+2 strength, strength, strength, strength, 7+9 strength. strength. strength. strength. /# +2 7 I I love love you you Bb / Bb+2 strength. strength, 7 strength. strength. I I love love you you strength, strength, strength. strength. opyright 2005 len Shuler 56072305

hords or verses You'll know it rom recordg 2 (uitar apo 3) Em7/ 7/ Em7/ Em7 ( hords) m7/ 7/ m7/ m7 rundown Very Endg hord

Psalm 19 I Will Rise nd o To My ar LEN SHULER rave q = 75 antor S/ T/B Bm I I will will rise rise go go to to Bm a a To Verses r. r. decresc. Verses antor add2 1. In you, 2. or all oes I am an 3. But trust is 4. Let ace she object up I o you, on take re reuge; proach; servant; mp opyright 2004 len Shuler xx000000

add2/ let me never be a laughgstock to neighbors, a dread I say, "You are od, hs save me put to is to shame. riends. desty; kdness. M7 In justice rescue me. Into hs I They who see me abroad Rescue me rom clutches o Take courage com mend lee en be rom e spirit; me; mies; stout hearted; add2 you will redeem me, I am orgotten like unremembered dead, I am like a dish all you who hope aith that per ul is se tempo od. broken. cutors." Lord...

Expressive q = 110 Soprano lto Tenor Bass m m m m m The The The The Lord Lord Psalm 23 The Lord Is My Shepherd /B Lord Lord is / shep is shep is is shep shep / herd, re LEN SHULER herd, re herd, re herd, re is is is is /# no no no thg I thg thg no I shall I shall shall thg I shall want. want. want. opyright 2004 len Shuler To Verses al Endg want. xx000000

Verses antor (' 9) p 1. The Lord is shepherd; I 2. He guides me right paths or his 3. You spread 4. nly goodness kdness shall name's table ol not be low want. sake ore me me. (' 9) In verdant pastures he gives Even though I walk dark valley sight all days me I ear o o re no pose; evil; oes; lie; M7 beside restul waters he or you are at side with rod you anot I shall dwell house leads head o with me; sta oil; Lord tempo m M7 He that My or m7 Em7 re resh es soul. give me cour age. cup o ver lows. years to come. m m7 p My My My My od. od. od. od...

rave h = 60 antor S/ T/B Psalm 31 ar, Into Your Hs I ommend My Spirit Bm ath er, ath er, to hs, I com mend to hs, I com mend decresc. decresc. LEN SHULER Bm spir spir To Verses it. it. decresc. Verses antor add2 1. In you, 2. or all oes I am an 3. But trust is 4. Let ace she object up I o you, on take re reuge; proach; servant; mp opyright 2004 len Shuler xx000000

add2/ let me never be a laughgstock to neighbors, a dread I say, "You are od, hs save me put to is to shame. riends. desty; kdness. M7 In justice rescue me. Into hs I They who see me abroad Rescue me rom clutches o Take courage com mend lee en be rom e spirit; me; mies; stout hearted; add2 you will redeem me, I am orgotten like unremembered dead, I am like a dish all you who hope aith that per ul is se tempo od. broken. cutors." Lord...

antor 1 q=60 LEN SHULER Here am I, Psalm 40 Here m I, Lord Lord; Here am I, Lord; I come to do will. antor S/ Here am I, Lord; Here am I, Lord; I come to do will. B antor Here am I, Here am I, Lord; Here am I, Lord; Here am I, Lord; Lord; m7/ 1. I have waited, 2. Sacriice or oerg 3. "In 4. I wait you an I I come come to ed wished writ nounced 3 or to do do ten will. will. M7/ not, scroll justice; opyright 2005 len Shuler xx000000

2 Ps. 40: Here m I, Here m I I ome to o Your Will p. 2 o 2 antor m7/ 1. he stooped toward me 3 / 2. but ears open to 3. it is 4. obedi pre heard ence scribed vast you gave or as cry. me. me, sembly; antor m7/ 1. nd he put a 3 M7/ 2. Holocausts or soergs 3. To do will, 4. I did not new song you od, re sought is stra to de mouth, not, light, lips; antor m7/ 1. 3 2. n said I, 3. nd law is 4. s you, a "Be with hymn hold, Lord to our I od. come." heart!" know.

Majestic q = 100 S/ T/B od m mounts his throne Psalm 47 od Mounts His Throne sus4 to shouts o joy; a m blare o LEN SHULER trum pets rgan 1.2.3. To Verses al Endg or Lord! Trumpet sound (organ, synth etc.) opyright 2004 len Shuler xx032604

Verses antor 1. ll you peoples, 2. od mounts his throne amid 3. or kg o all shouts earth clap o is hs, joy; od, mp 7 shout to od with Lord amid cries trum sg hymns o pet o gladness. blasts. praise; 7 or most Sg praise to od reigns high od, o ver sg awesome, praise; nations, 7 is great kg sg praise to our od sits upon over kg his all ho sg ly tempo earth. praise. throne. Trumpet sound (organ, synth etc.)..

Psalm 67 Let ll The Nations Praise You LEN SHULER Majestic q = 100 antor od, od, let all na tions praise you! To Verses S/ T/B od, od, let all na tions praise you! rgan Verses antor 1. May od have pity on 2. May 3. May peoples us na praise tions you, be bless us; glad od; p opyright 2004 len Shuler 45032604

7 may he let his may all ace peo she up ex ples on us. ult. praise you! 7 So may way be because you rule known peo May up ples on od earth; equity, bless us, 7 among all nations on may all ends o nations earth earth sal you tempo va guide. ear tion. him!..

Psalm 84 Blessed re They Who well In Your House LEN SHULER Lively happy q = 110 antor Blest are y who dwell Em house, sus4 Lord. To Verses S/ Blest are y who dwell house, Lord. T/B Verses antor p 1. How lovely is dwellg place, Lord 2. Happy y who dwell house! ontually y 3. Lord o hosts hear our prayer; hearken, od o praise o hosts! you. Jacob! opyright 2004 len Shuler xx000000

My soul yearns pes or Happy men whose od, courts strength behold o you our Lord. are. shield. 7 My heart lesh Their hearts look upon cry are out set ace tempo or u o liv pon g an sus4 od. pilgrim age. ot ed. gliss...

Majestic q = 100 antor S/ Psalm 97 The Lord is Kg, The Lord Most High The Lord is Kg, ver ll Earth The Lord most high, o ver all LEN SHULER earth! T/B rgan Verses antor 1. The Lord is kg; let 2. The mountas melt like wax 3. Because you, earth be ore are re joice; Lord Most High; p opyright 2006 len Shuler xxxxx

7 let many beore Lord over is o all ls all be glad. earth. earth! 7 louds darkness The heavens are pro round claim a his bout him; justice, 7 justice judgment are all exalted ar oundation peoples a o see bove his all tempo throne glory! ods!..

High Soprano starts ater irst verse has been sung Expressive q = 70 Psalm 104 Send ut Your Spirit LEN SHULER antor S/S/ T/B mp mp send send out out Spir Spir #º m it, it, m/ re re mp / new new 7 ace ace o o earth. 1.2.3. To Verses al Endg rit. earth. rit. opyright 2004 len Shuler 47032604

Verses antor 1. Bless 2. May glory o 3. I you take away ir Lord breath, en dure y or m7/ soul, ever; perish, /B od, you are may Lord be great glad return to his ir deed. works! dust. /B m7 How maniold are works Pleasg to him be When you send orth Spirit, y are cre m7 me: a ted, earth is I will be you renew ull glad ace o o tempo creat Lord. earth. ures...

Majestic q = 120 S/ T/B rgan ive Psalm 118 ive Thanks To The or He is ood thanks to or He is good; m m m / His love m is sus4 ev er last g. LEN SHULER To Verses Verses antor 1. Let house o 2. I was hard pressed 3. The stone which Is build ra ers el was re say, allg, jected mp 7 "His but has mercy endures become Lord or ever." helped me. cornerstone. opyright 2004 len Shuler xx000000

Let house o My strength By Lord has a courage this is on been say, done; 7 "His mercy he it is endures has wonderul been or our ever." savior. eyes. 7 Let those who The joyul This is day ear shout Lord Lord o has say, victory made; 7 "His mercy let us be glad endures tents o or re tempo e just. joice ver." it...

Lively happy q = 110 antor S/ T/B May May Lord Lord Psalm 128 May The Lord Bless Us bless bless us us all days all LEN SHULER To Verses Em sus4 o our lives. days o our lives. al Endg days Em sus4 o our lives. Em ll days sus4 o our lives. our lives. days o ll days o our lives. opyright 2004 len Shuler xx000000

Verses antor p 1. Blessed are you who 2. Your wie shall be like a 3. Behold, thus is man blessed who 4. May you see ear ruit ears child ul ren's ve Lord. children. Who recesses The Lord bless walk o you his rom ways! home, Zion: 7 or you shall eat ruit o children like may you see prosperity o h o Jeru i live sa work; plants lem tempo Blest a all Peace shall round be you days be, o u pon sus4 av ta lie. Is ra ored. ble. el! gliss...

Tranquillo rubato q = 95 Introduction mp Psalm 131: In You, I've ound My Peace east o St. Monica Lectionary #632, ugust 27 add2 Bm len Shuler Rera antor hoir 10 mp mp In In you you add2 I've ound I've ound Bm peace. peace. In In you, you, mp antor hoir 15 I've I've ound ound peace. peace. 2003 len Shuler ll rights reserved

Psalm 131: In You, I've ound My Peace east o St. Monica verses Page 2 o 2 antor 19 Em7/ 1. 2. Nay, rar, I have stilled 3. Israel, heart quiet hope is ed not maj7 proud, soul Lord; antor 20 Em7/ +9 1. nor are 2. like a 3. eyes weaned haught child. y. antor 21 Em7/ maj7 1. I busy not 2. Like a weaned child on 3. sel its with moth great er's thgs; lap; antor 22 Em7 1. nor with thgs too 2. so is 3. both sublime soul now or with or me. me. ever.

Psalm 137: Let My Tongue Be Silenced LEN SHULER 0 rave q = 78 1 2 piano lead rave q = 78 R Let tongue R be 3 4 5 si R lenced, R i R I 6 7 8 Last time to oda Ø oda 9 12 e R ver or get you. R R R Last time to oda R I... I ever...orget you. Ø oda R opyright 2006