Poem: Clive Wilmer Music: Christopher Page. The Sidney Carol: a Monody

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Poem: Clive Wilmer Music: Christopher Page The Sidney Carol: a Monody

Solo Tenor Soprano h = 6 solo tenor The Sidney Carol For Eric Whitacre: Michaelmas 010 ΠΠJ 1. Each year it comes round a-gain: The ach-ing chill, The ash - en Alto Tenor Bass ΠJ The ach-ing chill, The ash - en 6 sky, Πj The freez -ing of our arm good ΠΠj sky, The sun-set leed-ing through the fen, The freez -ing of our arm good

11, ill, The sense that things must die., ill, The sense that things must die. Œ j Each year it comes a -round a- gain. 16 ẇ oo oo mf oo ẇ oo

4 4 Πmysteriously... ΠAs ev' -ry year, the shep-herds squat On lea-ching grass A- J p p 9 ΠΠround the fold, Not as-king if their life is hat as al - ays al-ays p Not oo oo oo Πask-ing if their life is hat Was

4, J meant to come to pass Or hy good things gro cold. 5 n J al cold cold Π- ays meant to come to pass cold As ev' -ry year the 9 ΠJ ΠSure as the stars at eve -ning rise, There ΠJ Πshep-herds squat. Sure as the stars at eve -ning rise, There

6 4 are three kings, Who year y year, Come see - king hat ill make them ise: The J ΠJ ΠΠj Come see - king hat ill make them ise: The J ΠJ Πare three kings, Who year y year, Come seek - ing hat ill make them ise: The ΠJ ΠCome see - king hat ill make them ise: The 47 ne life the in -ter rings n ne life the in -ter rings And hich ill no ap - pear ne life the in -ter rings And hich ill no ap - pear ne life the in -ter rings And hich ill no ap - pear n ΠΠΠΠSure

51 n as the stars as eve -ning rise. In this leak orld hat hope of joy In this leak 7 In this leak 56 ΠJ taking over... A slight girl and her Th'or -deal of irth Has flecked ith lood peace on orld peace on earth, peace on Πorld peace on earth peace on A

8 61 J ti - ny oy, They hear the song of peace on earth And earth A - earth, A slight girl and her ti - ny oy A ΠJ earth They hear the song of peace 65 Πtrust in hu - man good: ΠIn this leak orld a hope of joy. ΠΠIn this leak orld a hope of joy. ΠΠIn this leak orld a hope of joy. ΠΠon earth... In this leak orld a hope of joy.

70 9 Not peace Not peace Not ΠThe year runs on and there is change, Not ΠThe year runs on and there is change, Not Π# The year runs on and there is change, Not 75 ΠΠpeace ut ar Not peace ut ar The Πj peace ut ar And yet the poer of life is strange The J Πj peace ut ar my path is lost, And yet the poer of life is strange The J n n peace ut ar my path is lost, And yet the poer of

10 79 j Œ in in in - ter child comes as e-fore The in - ter child comes as e -fore j Œ - ter child comes as e-fore The in - ter child comes as e -fore n j J - ter child comes as e-fore The in - ter child comes as e -fore time is strange The The J j in ter child in - ter child comes comes as as Œ j e fore j J e -fore 8 as e - fore Œ mysterious and distant Like sno drops as e - fore ẇ p as e - fore e - fore oo as e - fore as e - fore as e - ẇ e fore - fore

87 4 in the frost. 4 Ú 11 4 solo tenor Œ 4 n Like sno drops in the frost 4 Œ n The year runs on and there is change. 91 Œ Once more, a choir of an - gels sings, As moon-light glos With Once more a choir of Once more, a choir of an - gels J Once more, a choir of an - gels an - gels Once more, a choir of an - gels

1 96 Œ in the ice. The shep-herds join them, and the kings. Let an gels sings A ẇ sings oo A sings oo A an - gels sings oo A ẇ 101 U Œ Œ us, too, join them, hile it U U n n U ẇ U n

108 Œ snos, p p 1 lingering, and as if from a distance... Once more a choir of an-gels sings. pp ne - orn Christ ne solo ass pp To Œ greet the ne - orn Christ. To Œ 114 Œ pp To greet the ne -orn Christ. [ne] The ẇ orn Christ greet the ne orn Christ. the ne

14 11 ne orn Christ the ne - - ne - orn Christ ne - - ẇ Œ ne orn Christ ne - - Once orn ne - - 16 more a choir of an - gels sings. orn orn n orn Christ Christ Christ - - - - - - orn Christ.