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REITS/TABLE OF ONTENTS PAGE Sata lara Mass Bob Hurd Excerpts from Eglish traslatio of Roma Missal 2010, Iteratioal ommissio o Eglish i Liturgy orporatio (IEL), 1100 oecticut Ave N, Suite 710, ashigto, 2003 101 All rights reserved Used with permissio The Eglish traslatio of Lete Gospel Acclamatio ad some gospel verses from Lectioary for Mass 199, 191, 1997, IEL All rights reserved Used with permissio Some gospel verses from Lectioary for Mass for Use i ioceses of Uited States 1970, 1997, 199, ofraterity of hristia octrie, Ic (), 3211 th St, NE, ashigto, 20017 All rights reserved Used with permissio No portio of this text may be reproduced without permissio i writig from copyright holder Published with approval of ommittee o ivie orship, Uited States oferece of atholic Bishops, 3211 Fourth Street NE, ashigto, 20017 119; USBorg You ill raw ater (Spriklig Rite) Peitetial Act with Ivocatios Lord, Have Mercy Glory to God Alleluia Lete Gospel Acclamatio Holy e Proclaim Your eath he e Eat This Bread Save Us, Savior oxology ad Ame Lamb of God

5% 5 % INTRO (q = 52 5) REFRAIN A m7 You will draw wa ter 7 love, A m7 from Gsus2/A Gadd9 G/F 7 Gadd9 Gma7 /A A oy ful ly from G/F 7 /A G/ B m7 well sprig of God's a G/ G/ Gma7 /A A well sprig of God's Sata lara Mass You ill raw ater Spriklig Rite love Bob Hurd Keyboard arr by Rick Modli horal arr by raig Kigsbury Text ad music: Sata lara Mass; Bob Hurd, b 1950, 2011, Bob Hurd Published by OP All rights reserved

2 You ill raw ater VERSES 12 15 1 1 2 3 / ho ev ash us, Spir it er O of G/B driks God, God, re poured sus sus2 1 gai 2 mer cy 3 a tio 1 2 3 7 /F give give glad you e ter us a stead de this ho The al fast ly G m b wa ter move i to I our our /A give guilt, hearts b b / G/B wa ter I give will re ate i us a Riv er of Life, re Gsus2 life spir cit it y 7 shall i make G m Gsus2/A ev er thirst a your a bu dat us a ew cre b well clea ew up heart, with O your /A i God, hurch, to b b Gsus2/A S S

7 Gsus2 mer Priest/eaco/ator You were set to heal co trite of / (q = 0) Gsus2 heart: 7 cy Lord, have mer a Priest/eaco/ator F m 7 All / You came to call si ers: hrist, have mer cy G Sata lara Mass Peitetial Act with Ivocatios F m Gadd9 Gsus2 Bob Hurd Keyboard arr by Rick Modli horal arr by raig Kigsbury Lord, have cy 7 / A sus w A Text 2010, IEL All rights reserved Used with permissio Music: Sata lara Mass; Bob Hurd, b 1950, 2011, Bob Hurd Published by OP All rights reserved

2 Peitetial Act with Ivocatios 10 13 1 All F m Gadd9 hrist, have mer cy (mer A sus cy) w /F 7 to itercede Gsus2 mer cy 7 for All us: A Priest/eaco/ator F m You are seated at right had of Far Lord, / have G Lord, have Gsus2 mer cy mer 7 rit / w cy, mer cy w w w

Sata lara Mass Lord, Have Mercy Bob Hurd Keyboard arr by Rick Modli horal arr by raig Kigsbury Soprao Alto Baritoe Gsus2 mer q = 0 / Priest/eaco/ator Lord, have Gsus2 mer cy a 7 cy hrist, have mer cy 7 F m Gadd9 Priest/eaco/ator A sus All Lord, have / w A Music: Sata lara Mass; Bob Hurd, b 1950, 2011, Bob Hurd Published by OP All rights reserved

2 Lord, Have Mercy 2 7 10 F m All hrist, have mer cy (mer Gsus2 mer cy Gadd9 7 All A sus cy) w Lord, / have A Gsus2 mer mer cy / Priest/eaco/ator Lord, have 7 rit w cy, mer cy w w

REFRAIN 5 9 INTRO (qd = 70) / / Glo ry to God i A m peo ple of good sus will, sus2 high est, to Sata lara Mass Glory to God peo ple of / ad / good 1 o earth will 1 All repeat peace to To Verses will Text 2010, IEL All rights reserved Used with permissio Music: Sata lara Mass; Bob Hurd, b 1950, 2011, Bob Hurd Published by OP All rights reserved Bob Hurd Keyboard arr by Rick Modli horal arr by raig Kigsbury To Verses 1 2 3 e For Performace optios: 1) retur to refrai after each verse, or 2) throughsug (cotiuig from verse to verse)

2 Glory to God VERSE 1 1 / / praise you, we bless you, we a dore you, we glo ri fy you, we 1 22 B m give you God, F m thaks for your great heav e ly Kig, A sus A O / glo ry, /F God, almight y Gsus2 / Fa r Lord a To Refrai

VERSE 2 27 32 37 / 2 Lord e sushrist, F m 2 God, So of A/ / Fa r, 2 mer cy o a a / Oly Begot te / you us; you Glory to God take So, Lord a way take a way a B m God, Lamb of sis of world, have sis of world, re 3

Glory to God 1 A/ B m 5 2 2 VERSE 3 50 3 a ceive our / Fa r, ( ) For ( ) ( ) / you prayer; you are / a loe are have a sus2 seat ed at /F mer cy o Ho ly Oe, / you Gsus2 us F m right had of a loe are To Refrai Lord, you a a

55 59 B m 3 loe are with Ho ly F m Most /A High, Spir it, i A / e glory of God sus hrist, /F Gsus2 / Fa r FINAL REFRAIN (For Throughsug versio skip refrai ad go directly to "Ame" at measure 72) / sus2 / Glo ry to God i highest, Glory to God ad o earth peace To Fial Refrai to 5

Glory to God 72 A m peo ple of good A m A sus will, to me sus peo ple of good A will me

Sata lara Mass Alleluia Itro: Measures 12, 5; ator itoes refrai first time, all repeat Bob Hurd Keyboard arr by Rick Modli horal arr by raig Kigsbury Soprao Alto Baritoe B m7 q = 3 ia / Al le lu ia Al le lu ia Al le lu G/ ma7 A m7 Al le lu 1 ia 1 A m7 2, Fial ia 2, Fial Text: Some verses 199, 191, 1997, IEL All rights reserved Used with permissio Some verses 1970, 1997, 199, All rights reserved Used with permissio Music: Sata lara Mass; Bob Hurd, b 1950, 2011, Bob Hurd Published by OP All rights reserved

2 Alleluia VERSES FOR AVENT/HRISTMASEPIPHANY/THE BAPTISM OF THE LOR / 9 9 Advet 1 AB 1 Show us, 2AB 2 Prepare way of Lord, make 3AB 3 The Spirit of A The virgi shall coceive ad B 5 Behold, I am hristmas Midight hristmas aw 7 I proclaim to you good Glory to (For hristmas ay see alterate verse settig) Epiphay 9 e saw his Baptism of Lord A 10 The heaves opeed ad voice of 11 (For Baptism of Lord B, see alterate verse settig) Baptism of Lord 12 oh said: Oe mightier tha / Lord, straight Lord is bear hadmaid of ews of God i star at Fa I your his u a great its r is love; paths: po me, so, Lord oy: highest, risig thudered: comig; 1 ad grat us 2 all flesh shall see sal 3 because he has aoited me to brig glad ad y shall ame him Em 5 May it be doe to me ac 7 today a Savior is bor for us, ad o earth peace to those o (see alterate settig) 9 ad have come to 10 This is my beloved So 11 (see alterate settig) 12 he will baptize you with Holy your vatio of tidigs to ma cordig to hrist whom his fa do liste Spirit ad sal our u your vor him to with NOTE: For Ordiary Time ad or celebratios, adapt assiged Gospel verse to toe settigs provided here

Alleluia 3 10 / A m7 10 1 va 2 God 3 poor el 5 word 7 Lord rests (see alterate settig) 9 hom age 10 him 11 (see alterate settig) 12 fire tio ALTERNATE VERSE SETTING 12 / hristmas ay A holy day has Baptism of Lord B 11 oh saw esus ap 12 1 1 ma7 dawed u po us ome, you atios ad a dore proachig him ad said: Behold Lamb for today a great light has who takes away A m7 * come upo si of ma7/f of Gadd9 Lord God earth world / A m7

Sata lara Mass Alleluia Itro: Measures 12, 5; ator itoes refrai first time, all repeat Bob Hurd Keyboard arr by Rick Modli horal arr by raig Kigsbury Soprao Alto Baritoe B m7 q = 3 / Al le lu ia Al le lu ia Al le lu ia G/ ma7 A m7 Al le lu 1 ia 1 A m7 2, Fial ia 2, Fial Text: Some verses 199, 191, 1997, IEL All rights reserved Used with permissio Some verses 1970, 1997, 199, All rights reserved Used with permissio Music: Sata lara Mass; Bob Hurd, b 1950, 2011, Bob Hurd Published by OP All rights reserved

2 Alleluia EASTER SEASON VERSES / 9 Easter 1 2AB 2 3AB 3 3 AB 5 5A 5B 7 5 AB 9 Ascesio 10 7AB 11 Petecost 12 1 2 3 5 7 9 10 11 12 / hrist, our paschal lamb, has bee You believe i me, Thomas, because you have Lord esus, ope hrist is rise, cre I am good shepherd, I am way, truth ad Remai i me as I remai i I give you a ew com hoever loves me will keep my Go ad teach all I will ot leave you ome, Holy Spirit, fill let us feast with blessed are those who have ot make our hearts bur while you he has show I kow my sheep, ad o oe comes to Far ex whoever remais i me will love oe aor as ad my Far will love him ad I am with you always, util I will come back to you, ad your ad kidle i m oy i see me but still speak pity o mie cept bear I have we will come ed of hearts will fire of sac ri see me, says Scriptures ator says life, says you, says madmet, says word, says atios, says orphas, says hearts of to of your ficed; Lord; us; all; Lord; Lord: Lord; Lord: Lord, Lord; Lord faithful be to all kow through much loved to re your Lord lieve! us peo me me fruit you him world oice love / ple A m7 NOTE: For Ordiary Time ad or celebratios, adapt assiged Gospel verse usig above verses as models

Alleluia 3 EASTER VIGIL/PSALM 11:12, 117, 2223 12 / 1 1 2 3 Give thaks to LOR, for The right had of LOR has The stoe which ma7/f 1 2 3 Let house of Is I shall ot By LOR has ra el die, but this bee he struck builders Gadd9 is with re say, live, doe; ( ) ad it good, for his mercy e power; right had of ected has be his de is ma7 / A m7 dures LOR is come for ex mer cy e dures for ev er clare works of LOR wo der ful i our eyes ever alted corerstoe

Sata lara Mass Lete Gospel Acclamatio Bob Hurd Keyboard arr by Rick Modli horal arr by raig Kigsbury Itro: Measures 12, 5; ator itoes refrai first time, all repeat Soprao Alto Baritoe B m7 qd = 3 Glo ry to you, ord of God, Lord e sus hrist, / G/ ma7 Lord e sus A m7 1 hrist 1 2, Fial hrist 2, Fial A m7 To Verses Text: Refrai ad some verses 199, 191, 1997, IEL All rights reserved Used with permissio Some verses 1970, 1997, 199, All rights reserved Used with permissio Music: Sata lara Mass; Bob Hurd, b 1950, 2011, Bob Hurd Published by OP All rights reserved

2 Lete Gospel Acclamatio LENT/HOLY EEK VERSES / 9 Ash edesday 1 1AB 2 2AB 3 3A 3B, B 5 3 A 7 5A 9 5B 10 5 11 Passio/Palm Suday 12 Holy Thursday 13 Good Friday 1 ma7/f 1 2 3 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 1 If today you Oe does ot live o From Lord, you are truly Savior God so loved world that he gave his Repet, I am light of world, I will get up ad go I am resurrectio ad life, hoever serves me must follow me, Eve ow, hrist became obediet to poit of death, eve death I give you a ew commadmet, hrist became obediet to poit of death, eve death hear bread shi of o says says to says says says o says o his a ig ly my voice, loe, cloud world; So, Lord; Lord; Far Lord; Lord; Lord, cross Lord: cross harde but o Far's give me so that everyoe who be kigdom of heave whoever ad shall say to him: Far whoever be ad retur to me with Because of this, God greatly ex love Because of this, God greatly ex ot eve voice liv lieves is fol I lieves where your alt oe alt your ry is ig i at lows have i I whole ed a ed hearts, word heard: water, him had, me, sied me, am, heart; him or him Gadd9

Lete Gospel Acclamatio 3 10 ma7 A m7 * / A m7 1 2 3 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 1 harde that comes forth from This is my be that I may ever might have e kigdom of will have agaist heave eve if he dies, will re also will my for I am ad bestowed o him ame which is a as I ad bestowed o him ame which is a ot mouth loved thirst ter heave is light ad a ev ser gracious bove eve have bove every oth your of So, a al at of gaist er vat ad ry loved er hearts God hear him gai life had life you die be mer ci ful ame you ame

5 9 (q= 70) / / Ho ly, Ho ly, A m Holy earth are full of your sus / / Lord God of glo ry Ho sa a i Sata lara Mass Holy hosts Heave ad Bob Hurd Keyboard arr by Rick Modli horal arr by raig Kigsbury / highest Text 2010, IEL All rights reserved Used with permissio Music: Sata lara Mass; Bob Hurd, b 1950, 2011, Bob Hurd Published by OP All rights reserved

2 Holy 13 17 / Blessed is he who A m sa a i comes i sus / ame of high est Ho sa a i Lord Ho / highest

All A m/ Presider á The myster y of faith á á (qd = 70) e pro claim your eath, O Lord, ad pro fess your Res ur rectio u A m / til you come a sus / gai, u til you come a Sata lara Mass e Proclaim Your eath NOTE: If presider speaks his part, itroductio begis at measure 2 / sus gai Text 2010, IEL All rights reserved Used with permissio Music: Sata lara Mass; Bob Hurd, b 1950, 2011, Bob Hurd Published by OP All rights reserved Bob Hurd Keyboard arr by Rick Modli horal arr by raig Kigsbury

/ A m/ Presider á The myster y of faith á á he we eat this A m claim your eath, O Bread ad sus Lord, Sata lara Mass he e Eat This Bread u (qd = 70) / this drik up, we pro til you come a sus gai Text 2010, IEL All rights reserved Used with permissio Music: Sata lara Mass; Bob Hurd, b 1950, 2011, Bob Hurd Published by OP All rights reserved Bob Hurd Keyboard arr by Rick Modli horal arr by raig Kigsbury NOTE: If presider speaks his part, itroductio begis at measure 2

Sata lara Mass Save Us, Savior Bob Hurd Keyboard arr by Rick Modli horal arr by raig Kigsbury A m/ Presider á The myster y of faith á á (qd = 72) / / All Save us, Sav ior of A m sus sus ross ad Res ur rec tio you have set us free world, for by your Text 2010, IEL All rights reserved Used with permissio Music: Sata lara Mass; Bob Hurd, b 1950, 2011, Bob Hurd Published by OP All rights reserved NOTE: If presider speaks his part, itroductio begis at measure 2

Sata lara Mass oxology ad Ame Bob Hurd Keyboard arr by Rick Modli horal arr by raig Kigsbury 7 / Priest Through him, ad with him, ad i him, O God, almighty Far, all glory ad hoor is yours, for ev er ad ev A m All A sus me / (q = 72) / w i uity of Holy Spirit, A er / w w w me Text: oxology, 2010, IEL All rights reserved Used with permissio Music: Sata lara Mass; Bob Hurd, b 1950, 2011, Bob Hurd Published by OP All rights reserved NOTE: If Presider speaks his part, itro begis at first double barlie

INTRO = Measures 1 thru 5 5 5 (q = 7) A/ 3 3 3 3 / Lamb of God, mer you cy, mer cy o A/B B m Sata lara Mass Lamb of God a take a way a 7 us ma7/f Gadd9 sis of Bob Hurd Keyboard arr by Rick Modli horal arr by raig Kigsbury Gsus2/A world, G have Music: Sata lara Mass; Bob Hurd, b 1950, 2011, Bob Hurd Published by OP All rights reserved

2 Lamb of God FINAL 9 9 9 13 13 13 / Lamb of God, A/ a tempo you grat grat us, us, a tempo a take a way a A/B grat grat B m us us, ma7/f Gadd9 rit sis of 7 peace grat Gsus2/A rit us rit world, G rit sus peace NOTE: "Lamb of God" may be used ust three times through or may be varied with or titles such as "Bread of Life," "ord made Flesh," "Price of Peace," "Savig up," so log as fial pass returs to "Lamb of God grat us peace"