Signed By Ashes. Assembly, Cantor, SATB Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Cello, Solo Instrument, and B Trumpet. ( = ca. 80)

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horal Series SMPLE Signed By shes ssembly, Cantor, STB Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Cello, Solo Instrument, and B Trumpet Maryanne Quinlivan, OSU Verses 4 8 based on Psalm 51 Soprano/ll lto Tenor Bass Keyboard *OSTINTO REFRIN Signed by ( = ca. 80) cure in your love, O God. rit. last time (to Verses) rit. last time (to Verses) Kevin Keil, SCP wa ter; signed by ash es; se Last time Fine Last time Fine rit. last time Text 1996, Ursuline cademy of Cleveland. Music 1996, Kevin Keil. Published by OCP. ll rights reserved. *Play Refrain one time as an Introduction. 5536 NE Hassalo Portland OR 97213 OCP 1-800-548-8749 1. 8 0 0. 5 4 8. 8 7 4 9 o c p. o r g

2 VERSES 1-4: Cantor 1. God, O God, we dare to stand be fore you, SMPLE 2. You brought forth the earth and the sky from des o la tion. You 3. shep herd leaves his flock to find the wan d ring sheep, 4. Have mer cy on us, God, in your com pas sion. 1. seek ing a sign of your mer cy. For we 2. breathed your breath of life in us all. Could 3. search ing the land scape both far and near. No 4. Wipe out our of fens es by your might. Edition 30109327 Signed By shes

3 1. know that e ven when our liv ing is un faith ful your 2. one who is both Par ent Cre a tor and Re deem er not SMPLE 3. sac ri fice too great to find the lost one. 4. Wash a way our guilt; make us worth y to 1. faith ful in vi ta tion bids: Come home! 2. cher ish chil dren e ven when they sin? 3. God s love is great er than our fear. 4. walk your path in jus tice. (to another Verse).C. (to another Verse).C. (to another Verse).C. (to another Verse).C. (to another Verse).C. Signed By shes

4 VERSES 5-8: Cantor 5. My sin ful ness is vis i ble, ev er be fore you. SMPLE 6. Cleanse me of my sin and I ll be pure, O Lord. 7. Cre ate for me a clean heart, God of mer cy. Re 8. O God, my heart and voice are raised to praise you. 5. gainst you a lone I ve trans gressed. But 6. Wash me so I m clean er than the snow. 7. new a stead fast spir it in me. 8. You are not pleased with sac ri fice a lone. My Signed By shes

5 5. in you is the might y pow er of mer cy; 6. Let me hear the sounds of joy and glad ness that SMPLE 7. Cast me not out from your lov ing pres ence, that 8. sac ri fice: a con trite, hum ble spir it; I ve 5. when I for give, I am blest. 6. on ly those for giv en ev er know. 7. I may wor ship, sac ri fice and sing. 8. heard your in vi ta tion: Child, come home! (to another Verse).C. (to another Verse).C. (to another Verse).C..C. al fine (to another Verse).C. Signed By shes

6 Maryanne Quinlivan, OSU Verses 4 8 based on Psalm 51 Signed By shes (Guitar/Vocal) Kevin Keil, SCP 1. *OSTINTO REFRIN: ll ( = ca. 80) Capo 3: (B/ ) /F (m9) cure (m9) seek 1. know (m9) Signed in VERSE 1: Cantor 7( 9) 1. God, ing your a that e ven O by SMPLE love, sign (B/ ) /F when our liv wa (B/ ) /F God, O of ter; we God. your 7/F dare mer 7/F 7/F rit. last time to stand be fore cy. ing is un faith (to Verses) (/C ) signed by ash 7( 9) 7( 9) (/C ) es; (/C ) ful you, For (to another Verse) se Last time Fine we your 7( 9).C. 1. faith ful in vi ta tion bids: Come home! *Play Refrain one time as an Introduction. Text 1996, Ursuline cademy of Cleveland. Music 1996, Kevin Keil. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. ll rights reserved.

7 VERSE 2: Cantor 7( 9) (B/ ) /F 7/F (/C ) 2. You (m9) 2. breathed 2. one (m9) 2. cher VERSE 3: Cantor 7( 9) 3. (m9) 3. search 3. sac brought forth ish shep ing your herd the the chil ri fice too great SMPLE breath (B/ ) /F who is both Par land earth (B/ ) /F leaves his flock scape both far (B/ ) /F and the of life in us all. dren e ven to 7/F ent Cre a when they to sky from des o 7/F and near. 7/F find sin? find the wan d ring sheep, the (/C ) tor and Re deem (to another Verse) la tion. You (/C ) lost 7( 9) er (/C ) 7( 9).C. 7( 9) one. No Could not (m9) (to another Verse) 7( 9).C. 3. God s love is great er than our fear. Signed By shes

8 VERSE 4: Cantor 7( 9) (B/ ) /F 7/F (/C ) 4. Have mer cy on us, God, in your com pas sion. (m9) 4. Wipe 4. Wash (m9) 4. walk VERSE 5: Cantor 7( 9) 5. My (m9) 5. gainst 5. out sin you ful ness in you is the a your our a of (B/ ) /F way path SMPLE is fens es by your lone (B/ ) /F (B/ ) /F vis our in 7/F jus i ble, ev I ve trans gressed. 7/F might y pow might. guilt; make us tice. 7/F (/C ) worth 7( 9) (to another Verse).C. er be fore (/C ) (/C ) er of mer y you. 7( 9) 7( 9) cy; But to (m9) 7( 9) (to another Verse).C. 5. when I for give, I am blest. Signed By shes

9 VERSE 6: Cantor 7( 9) (B/ ) /F 7/F (/C ) 6. Cleanse me of my sin and I ll be pure, O Lord. 7. new 7. (m9) 6. (m9) 6. on 7. (m9) Cast me not (m9) Cre a ly VERS: Cantor 7( 9) stead those 6. Wash me so I m (B/ ) /F Let me hear fast for (B/ ) /F SMPLE clean er than the giv ate for me a clean spir out from your lov the en ev er know. (B/ ) /F 7/F sounds heart, it in me. 7/F snow. of joy and glad 7/F God ing (/C ) of (to another Verse) (/C ) pres (/C ) mer ness ence, cy. (to another Verse) 7( 9) that 7( 9).C. Re 7( 9) that 7( 9).C. 7. I may wor ship, sac ri fice and sing. Signed By shes

10 VERSE 8: Cantor 7( 9) (B/ ) /F 7/F (/C ) 8. O God, my heart and voice are raised to praise you. 8. 8. You 8. (m9) sac (m9) heard your are /C x ri in CELLO/SYNTHESIZER not (B/ ) /F vi fice: SMPLE pleased a with 7/F con trite, hum ble spir ta tion: Child, come sac ri fice a home! (/C ) lone. m9 B7 9 B/ C7 Em7/ Em7/ x xo oo x x x x o x o xxoooo OSTINTO REFRIN/VERSES ( = ca. 80) 4 OR it; repeat as needed 7( 9) My I ve 7( 9).C. al fine Kevin Keil, SCP Last time rit. last time 1996, Kevin Keil. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. ll rights reserved. Signed By shes

SOLO INSTRUMENT in C ( = ca. 80) * Signed By shes 11 Kevin Keil, SCP (rit. last time) B SMPLE (rit. last time) C (rit. last time) 1996, Kevin Keil. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. ll rights reserved. *ny of the variations, B or C may be used with any refrain. Combine any two of them for a verse; or tacet for the first eight measures of a verse, and then play one; or tacet for the entire verse. TRUMPET in B ( = ca. 80) * (rit. last time) ** B (rit. last time) Last time Kevin Keil, SCP Last time 1996, Kevin Keil. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. ll rights reserved. *Either of the variations or B may be used with any refrain. Combine them for a verse; or tacet for the first eight measures of a verse, and then play one; or tacet for the entire verse. **Section B is not harmonically compatible with Verse 6 ( Cleanse me of my sin ). Transpositions for Solo Instrument in B and Trumpet in C are available in The Vineyard Of The Lord Instrument Book, edition 10860.

12 ssembly Edition Maryanne Quinlivan, OSU Verses 4 8 based on Psalm 51 OSTINTO REFRIN SIGNE BY SHES SMPLE Signed by wa ter; signed by ash es; se cure in your love, O God. VERSES 1. God, O God, we dare to stand before you, seeking a sign of your mercy. For we know that even when our living is unfaithful your faithful invitation bids: Come home! 2. You brought forth the earth and the sky from desolation. You breathed your breath of life in us all. Could one who is both Parent/Creator and Redeemer not cherish children even when they sin? 3. shepherd leaves his flock to find the wandering sheep, searching the landscape both far and near. No sacrifice too great to find the lost one. God s love is greater than our fear. 4. Have mercy on us, God, in your compassion. Wipe out our offenses by your might. Wash away our guilt; make us worthy to walk your path in justice. 5. My sinfulness is visible, ever before you. gainst you alone I ve transgressed. But in you is the mighty power of mercy; when I forgive, I am blest. 6. Cleanse me of my sin and I ll be pure, O Lord. Wash me so I m cleaner than the snow. Let me hear the sounds of joy and gladness that only those forgiven ever know. 7. Create for me a clean heart, God of mercy. Renew a steadfast spirit in me. Cast me not out from your loving presence, that I may worship, sacrifice and sing. 8. O God, my heart and voice are raised to praise you. You are not pleased with sacrifice alone. My sacrifice: a contrite, humble spirit; I ve heard your invitation: Child, come home! Text 1996, Ursuline cademy of Cleveland. Music 1996, Kevin Keil, SCP. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. ll rights reserved. For reprint permissions, please visit or contact us at 1-800-663-1501. Kevin Keil Fine