FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT. Listen, O Lord, to My Prayer SATB Choir, Cantor, Assembly, Keyboard. prayer; your Ho. in the. œ á œ} œ œ

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FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Listen, O Lord, to My Prayer SATB Choir, Cantor, Assembly, Keyboard Intellege clamorem, Graduale Simplex Ps 5 /Assembly Lis ten, O Lord, to prayer; hear cry for help. VERSES 1, 7 1. To you I 2. You are not a god who de pray, lights. But I can enter your house because 7. Glory to Far, and to Son, and to your Ho O in great ly ; evil; love. } } 1. at dawn you will hear cry; 2. no wicked person finds ref uge with you;. I can worship in your ho ly temple as it was in be gin ning, is now, 7. } } at dawn I will plead before you arrogant cannot stand because reverence for and will be for ever. and wait. be fore you. you, A. men. SAMPLE VERSES 4 6 005286 } 4. Guide me in your ustice because foes; 5a. 5b. Then all who take Protect m that you may ref uge be in you oy 6. For you,, bless ust; } make straight your way be fore me. will be glad and forever shout those who love for your oy. name. you surround m with favor like a shield. Click Print download e05286 may be purchased at Verse text from New American Bible 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Translation antiphon text and music 2008, World Library Publications 708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60112158. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

4 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT The Vision You Have Seen Visionem quam vidistis, Graduale Simplex Ps 45 /Assembly 4 b The vi sion you have seen tell to no one, un The vi sion you have seen tell to no one, un. n SAMPLE b til Son man is. ris en from dead. til Son is ris en. VERSES 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 7. You love ustice and hate I will make your name re 1. My heart is stirred by a noble me, 2. You are most handsome men; 5. Your arrows are sharp; 8. b wrongdoing; nowned } } as I sing fair speech has peoples will cower refore God, your God, has a through all ode to graced your at your king. lips, feet; noint ed you gen er ations; } } This antiphon and psalm may also be used for Feast Transfiguration Lord. Verse text from New American Bible 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Translation antiphon text and music 2008, World Library Publications 708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60112158. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

SAMPLE b } 1. My tongue is pen a 2. for God has 5. king s enemies will 7. with oil gladness above your thus nations shall blessed praise nim you lose fel you ble for low for scribe. ever. heart. kings. ever. 8. } } 5 VERSES, 4, 6, 9 } }. Gird your sword upon your hip, 4. In cause 6. Your throne, O God, 9a. Glory to Far, and as it was in be gin might truth stands 9b. ning, is b } to y and for warrior! ustice ever; Son, now, b }. In splendor and maesty 4. may your right hand show you 6. your royal scepter is a ride scep on won ter tri drous for umphant! deeds. ustice. 9a. and to Ho ly 9b. and will be for ev er. A men. } }

6 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT The Lord Is My Light Illuminatio mea, Graduale Simplex Ps 27 /Assembly b 4 2. b b The Lord is light;.. Lord is sal va tion. VERSES 1, 5 7 b b b 1. The is life's 2. When evildoers come at me to devour a. Though an ar encamp a b. Though war be waged a 5. For God will hide me in his shelter in time 6. But I believe I shall enoy S 7. Wait for, take refuge; flesh, gainst me, gainst me, trouble, goodness courage; b 1. 2. a. b. 5. 6. 7. b b SAMPLE n whom am I These enemies and foes mselves stumble heart does even n do Will conceal me in cover in land be stouarted, wait for a and not I his fraid fall. fear; trust. tent. living.! Verse text from New American Bible 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Translation antiphon text and music 2008, World Library Publications 708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60112158. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

SAMPLE VERSES 4, 8 b 4. One thing I ask ; Glory to Far, and to Son, and to 8. b b this Ho I ly seek: 7 b 4. To dwell in s house all days as it was in beginning, is 8. b b life, now, n To gaze on s beauty, to visit and will be for ever. his temple. A men.

SAMPLE 8 Introibo ad altare, Graduale Simplex Ps 4 /Assembly 8 6 b 8 6 b I will go in VERSES 1, 6 to.. I will al tar God,. go 4 to 4 to e = e. God.. 1. Grant me ustice, God; 6. Glory to Far, and to Son, and to Ho ly FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT I Will Go In to Altar God who is great God who is 4 2 4 2 oy. oy. defend me from a faith less people; as it was in beginning, is now, } } 1. from deceitful and unust res and will be for ev er. 6. b } cue A me. men. VERSES 2 5 b 2a. You, God, are 2b. Why must I go a a. Send your light and b. And bring me to your ho 4a. That I may come to altar 4b. Then I will praise you with 5a. Why are you downcast, 5b. Wait for God, whom I shall praise bout a fi ly strength. mourning, delity, mountain, God, harp, soul gain, } } Why n with ene that y may to to God, O Why do you savior place oy, do be God, you spurn me op pressing me your de guide dwelling. light. God. in me God. } groan with and Verse text from New American Bible 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Translation antiphon text and music 2008, World Library Publications 708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60112158. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT/ PALM SUNDAY OF THE S PASSION Thy Will Be Done 9 Pater, si non potest, Graduale Simplex Ps 116 /Assembly 4 2 4 2 Fi at vo lún tas tu a. Thy will be done. Cantor Far, if this cup can not pass away, but if I must drink from it, Choir oo SAMPLE 4 2 4 2 /Assembly Fi at vo lún tas tu a. Thy will be done. Verse text from New American Bible 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Translation antiphon text and music 2008, World Library Publications 708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60112158. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

10SAMPLE VERSES 1. I kept faith, even when I 2. How can I repay. I will pay vows to 4., I am your 5. I will pay vows to Glory to Far, and to said, 6. servant; Son, } I am for all good in presence you have in presence and to great ly done all af for his loosed all his Ho ly } flicted! me people. bonds. people, 1. 2.. 4. 5. 6. I said in I will raise Too costly in ( ) cup eye a larm, sal vation I will fer a sacri fice thanks giving In courts house, as it was in be gin ning, is now, } } ( ) No one and call on is and call on in your and will be for name death name midst, ev can O er. be trusted!. his faithful.. e rusalem. A men. } }

Calicem salutaris, Graduale Simplex Ps 116 /Assembly b 4 b b 4 b b b I will VERSES 1 6 lift up cup sal va tion; I will call on name 1. I kept faith, even when I 2. How can I repay. I will pay vows to 4. Too costly in eyes 5., I am your 6. I will fer a sacrifice thanks said, servant, giving. Lord.. } I am for all good in presence is you have and call on great death name ly af flicted! done for me all his people. loosed his faithful. bonds.. } } 11 VERSES 7 8 b b b 7. I will pay vows to 8. Glory to Far, and to Son, in presence all his and to Holy people, b } 7. 8. b b in courts house as it was in beginning, is, now, SAMPLE HOLY THURSDAY EVENING MASS OF THE S SUPPER I Will Lift Up Cup Salvation in your midst, and will be for ev O er. e rusalem. A men. } This is an alternate antiphon and psalm for 5th Sunday Lent. Verse text from New American Bible 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Translation antiphon text and music 2008, World Library Publications 708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60112158. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

12 Alleluia, Graduale Simplex Ps 105 EASTER VIGIL / EASTER SUNDAY Alleluia /Assembly 4 4 Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu 4 2 4 2 ia. SAMPLE VERSE 1 Cantor/Assembly 1. Give thanks to, in voke his name; make known among peoples his deeds! VERSES 2 8 Cantor/Assembly } 2. Sing. Rely on 4. You descendants Abra 5a. He remembers for 5b. And ratified as 6. They asked and he 7. He brought his people 8. Glory to Far, and praise, play music; might y ; ham his servant, ev er bind ing his for brought m quail; out with oy, to Son, } 2. Glory in his ho. Recall wondrous deeds he 4. The is 5a. Which was made 5b. To you I give land 6. He split rock and water 7. That y might keep 8. as it was in beginning, ly has our with gushed his is name; done, God forth; laws now, } proclaim all his constantly fspring covenant, pact imposed for a thousand acob, an everlasting cove with bread from He gave m and to wondrous deeds! seek his face. a cob, chosen one! heav en lands Ho gen er ations. nant for Israel: he ly } filled m. nations, } } reoice, O hearts that his signs and his who rules Abraham, confirmed by Canaan, your own al it flowed through desert like and ob and will be for serve ev er. seek words! udgment. whole earth. oath to lot ted a his A Isaac, heritage. river. teachings. men. } Verse text from New American Bible 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Music 2008, World Library Publications 708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60112158. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

SAMPLE In Galilæa Iesum videbitis, Graduale Simplex Ps 16 /Assembly b b 4 b b b 4 VERSES 1, 5 6 b b b b b You will see e sus in Gali lee, as he told you, al le lu EASTER SEASON I You Will See esus in Galilee.. Ga 4 4 lilee, al le lu } 1. Keep me safe, O God; in 5. You will show me 6. Glory to Far, and to Son, and to you I path Ho take to ly } refuge, life, ia. ia. 1 b b 1. I say to, you are 5. abounding oy in as it was in beginning, your is 6. b b b Lord, presence, now, } you are delights at your and will be for on right ev hand er. ly good. for ever. A men. } } VERSES 2 4 b b b b b 2a. 2b., allotted portion and Pleasant places were cup, measured out for me; a. I bless b. I keep always who counsels me; be fore me; 4a. Therefore heart is glad, soul re oices; 4b. For you will not abandon me to Sheol, } you have made destin fair to me indeed is even at night with Lord at right, I shall body also nor let your faithful servant y heart nev er se be dwells se see cure. inheritance. exhorts me. shaken. cure, pit. } } Verse text from New American Bible 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Translation antiphon text and music 2008, World Library Publications 708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60112158. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

14 EASTER SEASON II Sing to Lord Cantate Domino, et benedicite, Graduale Simplex Ps 96 /Assembly 2 1 2 1 Sing to Lord, al le lu ia. Sing to Lord, bless God s name, al. SAMPLE le lu ia. bless God s name, al le lu ia. VERSES 1 2, 4 6, 8 } 1a. Sing to 1b. Announce his salvation 2. Splendor and power 4. Bring gifts and 5. Tremble before God, 6. The world will surely stand fast, never 8a. Then let all trees forest reoice be 8b. To govern world with } day en a af go ter all to fore new ter be his be song; day. fore him; courts; earth; moved. ustice Verse text from New American Bible 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Translation antiphon text and music 2008, World Library Publications 708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60112158. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

SAMPLE } 1a. sing to 1b. Tell God's glory a 2. power and grandeur are in his 4. bow down to, 5. say among nations: The 6. God rules 8a. who comes to and, splen 8b. with } peo gov peo all mong ho did ples ern ples ly in is with earth. nations. place. holiness. king. fairness. earth, faithfulness. 15 VERSES, 7, 9. Give to, you families 7. Let heavens be glad and earth re 9. Glory to Far, and to Son, and to Holy nations, oice;. give to 7. let sea and what as it was in be glo fills gin ry it ning, and re is 9. might; sound; now, }. give to glory 7. let plains be oyful and 9. and will be for ev er. A } all due his that is name! in m. men.

SAMPLE 16 Sede a dextris meis, Graduale Simplex Ps 110 /Assembly b b b b b b b The Lord God ASCENSION OF THE SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER said to The Lord God Said to My Lord lord: Sit at righthand, al le lu ia. Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu ia. VERSES 1, 4 6 b b b b b b b 1. Take your throne at right 4. The has sworn and will not hand, waver: 5a. At your right hand is, 5b. Who drinks from brook by wayside 6a. Glory to Far, and to 6a. as it was in beginning, is Son, now, } while I make your ene Like Melchizedek you are a who crushes kings on and thus holds day high and to Ho ly and will be for ev er. A mies footstool. priest for ever. wrath, head. men. } VERSES 2 b b b b b b b 2. The scepter your sovereign. Yours is princely power from day your might birth. will extend from In holy splendor before Zion. daystar, b b b 2.. b b b b } The says: Rule like dew o ver I your be enemies! got you. } Verse text from New American Bible 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Translation antiphon text and music 2008, World Library Publications 708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60112158. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

SAMPLE Spiritus qui a Patre, Graduale Simplex Ps 78 PENTECOST SUNDAY The Spirit Who Proceeds from Far 17 Choir/Assembly Al le lu ia, al le lu ia. Cantor(s) (harmony optional) The Spir it who proceeds from Fa r, Choir ah Choir/Assembly Al le lu ia, al le lu ia. Cantor(s) this Spirit will glo ri fy me. Choir ah Verse text from New American Bible 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Translation antiphon text and music 2008, World Library Publications 708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60112158. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against law.

Descant Al le lu ia, al le lu ia. Choir/Assembly Al le lu ia, al le lu ia. 18SAMPLE VERSES 1 2, 4 5 1. Attend, people, 2a. We do not keep m from 2b. The praiseworthy and mighty deeds 4a. When he 4b. So he commanded 5a. God rained manna upon 5b. They ate and to struck skies our teaching; children;, rock, water gushed a bove; doors heav en he m for food; were well filled; ( ) listen to we recite m to wonders that bread from he gave m what words next gen he heav en y er mouth. ation, per formed. forth. opened. he gave m. had craved. } VERSES, 6 a. What he commanded our b. In turn y were to recite m to ir 6. Glory to Far, and to Son, and to Holy ancestors, children, y were to that y too might put ir as it was in be a. b. 6. } teach ir children; trust in God, gin } ning, is now, } ( ) That next generation might keeping come his and will be for ev er. to know. commandments. A men. }