Song list. The Unbirthday song In a golden coach God bless the Queen National anthem

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Song list The Unbirthday song In a golden coach God bless the Queen National anthem

The Unbirthday song from Alice in Wonderland Verse 1 Statistics prove, prove that you ve One birth-day One birth-day ev- ry year But there are three hun-dred and six-ty-four un-birth-days That is why we re gath-ered here to cheer

The Unbirthday song from Alice in Wonderland Chorus 1 A ver-y mer-ry un birth-day to you, to you A ver-y mer-ry un birth-day to you, to you It s great to drink to some-one and I guess that you will do A ver-y mer-ry un-birth-day to you.

The Unbirthday song from Alice in Wonderland Chorus 2 A ver-y mer-ry un birth-day to us, to us. A ver-y mer-ry un birth-day to us, to us. If there are no objections lets it be un-an-i-mous A ver-y mer-ry un-birth-day to us!

The Unbirthday song from Alice in Wonderland Chorus 3 A ver-y mer-ry un birth-day to me, to who? A ver-y mer-ry un birth-day to me, to who? Let s all con-grat-u-late me with a pres-sent I a-gree A ver-y mer-ry un-birth-day to me.

The Unbirthday song from Alice in Wonderland Chorus 4 A ver-y mer-ry un birth-day to all A ver-y mer-ry un birth-day to all Let s have a celebration, hire a band and rent a hall A ver-y mer-ry un-birth-day, a ve-ry mer-ry un-birth-day A ver - y mer - ry un birth - day to all!

In a golden coach Spoken On one day in June, when the flowers are in bloom That day will make history The sun will shine down over old London town and this beautiful picture you ll see:

In a golden coach Sung In a golden coach, there s a heart of gold Driving through old London town. With the sweetest Queen the world s ever seen Wearing her golden crown As she drives in state through the palace gate Her beauty the whole word will see In a golden coach there s a heart of gold The belongs to you and me.

God bless the Queen Verse 1 How many hands has she had to shake on her royal vis-it-a-tions? How many times has she had to wave from a pal-ace bal-con-y? In sixty years Queen Eliz-a-beth s given more than ever we ll know, These count-less things we can cel-e-brate this Dia-mond Ju-bi-lee.

God bless the Queen Verse 2 How many prayers do you s pose she s said for the people of this na-tion? How many pa-pers and doc-u-ments do you think she s had to read? In sixty years Queen Eliz-a-beth s given more than ever we ll know, These count-less things we can cel-e-brate this Diamond Ju-bi-lee.

God bless the Queen Chorus And now with one heart and with one voice, We re all sing-ing in a simp-le chor-us, One song of acc-lam-a-tion from the peo-ple All a-cross this na-tion: God bless the Queen, this Ju-bi-lee!

God bless the Queen Verse 3 How many cards has she kind-ly sent for a Hap-py Hun-dredth Birth-day? How many names on the hon-ours list, and how ma-ny O-B-Es? In six-ty years Queen Eliz-a-beth s given more than ever we ll know, These count-less things we can cel-e-brate this Dia-mond Ju-bi-lee.

God bless the Queen Chorus And now with one heart and with one voice, We re all sing-ing in a simp-le chor-us, One song of acc-lam-a-tion from the peo-ple All a-cross this na-tion: God bless the Queen, this Ju-bi-lee!

God bless the Queen Verse 4 How many times has she worn her crown with a roy-al gown and scept-re? How many times has she asked herself what a normal life would be? In sixty years Queen Elizabeth s given more than ever we ll know, These countless things we can celebrate this Diamond Jubilee.

God bless the Queen Bridge We can t imagine what it must have been like To be the Queen for sixty years of your life. You ve seen our nation through the good and the bad And it s time for us to say, Thank you! Into Chorus (key change)

God bless the Queen Chorus And now with one heart and with one voice, We re all sing-ing in a simp-le chor-us, One song of acc-lam-a-tion from the peo-ple All a-cross this na-tion: God bless the Queen, this Ju-bi-lee!

National anthem Verse 1 God save our gracious Queen! Long live our noble Queen! God save the Queen! Send her victorious, Happy and glorious Long to reign over us, God save the Queen.

National anthem Verse 2 O Lord our God arise Scatter her enemies And. Make. Them. Fall. Confound their politics Frustrate their knavish tricks On thee our hopes we fix God save us all

National anthem Verse 3 Thy choicest gifts in store On her be pleased to pour Long may she reign May she defend our laws And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice God save the Queen.