tor we ly ly Cre to Fa thee ther and thy most them thy of rest; high; one; the a And sweet gifts The hearts which ing noint from the that

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OME, HOLY HOST 1. 2.. ome, O Praise Ho om be ly fort to host, er, thee, re to Fa a thee ther tor we and blest, cry, Son, nd Thou nd in heav n Ho our ly ly 1. 2.. hearts gift Spir take of it, up od with thy most them rest; high; one; ome Thou nd with font may thy of the grace life Son 1. 2.. and and on heav n fire us ly of be aid love, stow To nd The fill sweet gifts the a that hearts noint from which ing the thou from Spir hast a it 1. made; 2. bove;. flow; To nd The fill the sweet a gifts that hearts noint from which ing the thou from Spir hast a it made. bove. flow. Text: LM with repeat; Veni, reator Spiritus; attr. to Rabanus Maurus, 776 856; tr. by Edward aswall, 1814 1878, alt. Music: LMBILLOTTE; Louis Lambillotte, SJ, 1796 1855; arr. by Randall ebruyn, b. 1947, 1990, OP. ll rights reserved. Edition #015124

π m re O ll a tor Spi rit, by whose Source of un cre a ted ad o ra tion ev er The The E aid light, be, re O ll a tor Spi rit, by whose Source of un cre a ted ad o ra tion ev er world's foun da tion first was laid! l le lu ia! lle Fa ther's prom ised Par a clete; ter nal Par a clete to thee. aid light, be, reator Spirit The The E world's foun da tion first was Fa ther's prom ised Par a ter nal Par a clete to avid rowder F laid! clete; thee. 6 6 lu ia! ive us thy self that we Thrice ho ly Font, thrice ho From sin and sor row set may ly us see Fire, free 9 9 m The Our That ive Thrice From us ho sin thy self that we may ly and Font, thrice sor row ho set ly us Fa ther and the Son by thee. l le lu ia! lle hearts with heav'n ly love in spire. we may live e ter nal ly. F see Fire, free The Our That Fa hearts we ther with may and heav'n live the Son by ly love in e ter nal thee. spire. ly.

2 reator Spirit 12 12 lu ia! lle lu ia! lle lu ia! lle lu F 1, 2. sus 1 1 ia! 1 1 18 18 1 1. sus F m 7/B O l le 2 2 F lu ia! l le lu ia! O lle lu ia! l le lu ia! O lle m 7/B 1. 1. 27 27 2. 7/B lu ia! l le lu F ia! LI Song # 608102 Brent Milligan avid rowder St. Francis ofssisi William Henry raper Words: Public omain Music: 2002 sixsteps Music (dmin. by apitol M Publishing) songs (dmin. by apitol M Publishing) Moon & Musky Music For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. ll rights reserved. LI License # 112706

Lord, Send out Your Spirit Psalm 104, Pentecost () Nichlas Schaal Lord, send out your Ι Ι B min Spi rit, and re new the 4 B min Τ( face of the earth. 4 To Verses To Verses B min 7 10 12 14 Verse 1 Bless the LOR, LOR, my od, you are man i fold are your earth is full of your crea B m O my soul! O great in deed! How B m works, O Lord! the. tures. 16 19 Verse 2 You fixed the earth up on it's foun da tions, not to be moved for ev B m er; with the Texst: Plsam 104: 12, 56, 10, 12, 114, 24, 5 2010, 2011, Nichlas Schaal. ll rights reseved.

2 21 2 B m o cean, you cov ered it; a bove the moun tains the wat ers stood.. 25 28 0 2 Verse You send forth springs in B m to the riv ers that wind a mong the moun tains. Be B m side them dwell the mong the trees they birds of heav en; from a. send forth their song. 4 7 Verse 4 How ma ni fold in wis dom you B m are your works LOR, wrought them all. The 9 B m earth is full of your crea tures; 41. bless the LOR, O my soul.

6 With Energy πϕ ƒ α α α apo : apo : α α α 5 7 5 7 E α ε B α ε Ι ospel cclamation l le lu ia! l le lu ia! l le lu Ι min7 min7 lleluia F α E α 7 B α 7 Ι Nichlas Schaal min7 F min7 α ia! α α α E α B α min7 min7 F α E α 7 B α 7 E α 1. α α α α α α l le lu ia! l le lu ia! l le lu Ι E α 2. Ι To Verses E α Final Ι Τ ia! α α α ia! ia! Τ dvent αα E α Ο α F α Pre pare the way of the B α Lord, make min min straight his paths: min/ min/b α all F α E7b9 7b9 αα α flesh shall min min see the sal B α sus4 sus4 va tion of 7 B α 7 od. Text: Lectionary for Mass for Use in the ioceses of the United States of merica, second typical edition 1970,1997,1998 by the onfraternity of hristian octrine. Music: Mass of New Life; Nichlas Schaal 2010 Nichlas Schaal. ll rights reserved.

hristmas α α α α α α Ο I pro claim to you good Ι day a Sav ior is α α Epiphany α Ο news of born for us, hrist the We saw his α α α and have come to star at its do lleluia him great ris joy: Lord. ing ho mage. to 7.... α α Easter α Ο hrist, our pas chal lamb, has been sac ri ficed; α α α let us then feast with joy in the Lord... αα scension α Ο αα α Ι I am with you o and teach all the na tions, says the always, un Lord; til the end of the world... α α Pentecost α Ο αα α ome, Ho ly Spi rit come, fill the hearts of your faith ful kin dle in them the fire of your love. and..

O BRETHE ON ME, O BRETH OF O /B Bm 1. 2.. 4. O O O O breathe breathe breathe breathe on on on on me, me, me, me, O O O O Breath Breath Breath Breath of of of of od, od, od, od, Fill Un My So /F sus4 Bm 9 Em 1. 2.. 4. me til will I with my to shall life heart yours nev a is in er new, pure; cline, die, That Un Un But I til til live may my this with love will self you the is ish the /F Bm [Bm] /F / sus4 1. 2.. 4. things one part per you with of fect love, yours, me life nd To lows For do do with all what and your e you to fire ter would en di ni do. dure. vine. ty. Text: M; Edwin Hatch, 185 1889, alt. Music: ST. OLUMB; trad. Irish Melody; keyboard acc. by Randall ebruyn, b. 1947, 1990, OP. ll rights reserved. 228Z1 Edition #9110

Pno. Pno. 52 Vocal/Piano/uitar Ε m F /E 5 Ε Soprano Piano 5 Intro q = 102 lto m7 They were all Tenor Bass m7 11 11 Ε Ε Ι filled /E with the F F Ho 7/F 7 ly Spir it and spoke of the marvels of od, al le lu ia, al le lu Ε /E Ε F Pentecost Sunday ommunion ntiphon t Mass during the ay 7 1. Ο ia. Ο Ο ο m ε /B F ε ε Ι Ι to verses ia. Final ia. ntiphon texts: excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal 2010, IEL.ll rights reserved. Used with permission Psalm texts: The Revised rail Psalms opyright 2010, onception bbey/the rail, admin. by I Publications, Inc., ll rights reserved. Used with permission Music: Nichlas and Joelle Schaal 2017, Nichlas and Joelle Schaal. ll rights reserved. Used with permission

Pno. 17 17 17 freely Let od a Fath er of or phans, de fend er of wid ows: such is Verse 7 Sum mon m7 Verse 1 rise; let his foes be scatt ered. Let those who Verse 4 forth your might, O Pentecost Sunday 5 m7 E m7 od; your might, O Pno. 20 20 20 m7 7 hate him flee from his od in his ho ly od, which you have shown for a tempo pre place. us. sence..s. Pno. 22 22 freely m7 Verse 2 But the just shall rejoice at the presence of od; they shall ex ult with glad re joic ing. m7 E m7 m E m7 7 m7 7 a tempo.s.

Pno. 54 29 29 29 freely O m7 Verse Verse 5 O sing to od, when you went forth be fore your peo ple, when you marched out a cross the m7 Pentecost Sunday E m7 od; make m mus ic to his E m7 Pno. 7 name. Ex tol the des ert, the earth trem bled, heav ens poured down m7 7 One who rides on the 6 clouds. The rain: at the F E 7 LOR is his face of od, the od of Pno. 7 7 7 µ m name; ex Si nai, at the face of od, the od of Is ra el. m7 7 ult at his pre a tempo sence..s.

Pno. Pno. 40 40 40 44 44 44 freely 7 m7 Verse 6 ay af ter day, may the LOR be blest. He bears our bur dens; od is our Verse 8 wesome is od in his ho ly place. He is m7 Pentecost Sunday 55 E m7 m E m7 od, the od of sav ior. This od of ours is a od who saves. LOR our LOR pro Is ra el. He him self gives strength and pow er to his m7 7 6 The F E 7 Pno. 48 48 48 m vides an es peo µ ple. m7 7 cape from Blest be a tempo death. od!.s.

56 Pentecost Sunday Pno. 12 51 51 freely lo ry to the Fa ther and to the Son and to the Ho ly Spir it; as it m7 Final Verse m7 E m7 m E m7 7 Pno. 56 56 F E 7 was in the be gin ning is now and will be for ev er. m µ m7 7 a tempo men..s.

reat re You Lord Words and Music by Jason Ingram, Leslie Jordan and avid Leonard 144 INTRO m 7 B sus 1. 2. You give VERSE 6 m 7 B sus life. You are love. You bring light to the dark ness. You give hope. You re 11 m 7 B sus m 7 store ev ry heart that is bro ken. nd great are You, HORUS 16 B sus m 7 Lord. Its Your breath in our lungs, so we 20 B sus Last time to oda m 7 pour out our praise, we pour out our praise. Its Your breath in our lungs, so we LI Song # 6460220 2012 Integrity's lleluia! Music Integrity's Praise! Music Open Hands Music So Essential Tunes For use solely with the SongSelect. Terms of Use. ll rights reserved. LI License # 112706

reat re You Lord 2 1. 24 B sus INSTRUMENTL 1 m 7 B sus pour out our praise to You on ly. 2, 4.. 29 B sus.s. B sus You give pour out our praise to You on ly. Its Your pour out our praise to You INSTRUMENTL 2 E E sus 2 on ly. 40 E BRIE E E sus nd all the earth will shout Your praise. Our hearts will cry, these 45 2 bones will sing, "reat are You, 48 E 1, 2.. E.S. al oda Lord!" nd Lord!" Its Your

reat re You Lord 52 B sus oda ENIN m 7 pour out our praise to You on ly. 56 B sus m 7 B sus

OME TO ME N RINK Refrain (q = 58 60) # & 4 2? # 4 2 # & ome to me and. J drink,. J j. come to me and ( U ). drink. (Fine),,? # Verses Oh, let all who are thirst ing j. come to me and drink... ( u ) & # 1. I 2. I. 4. will will Riv In put pour ers to my my of our spir spir liv hearts it it ing the with on wa love in all ter of # you flesh; od will flow has and your been & # n.. 1. you shall 2. sons. from with 4. poured live and and your in the through the know daugh one Spir that ters who it I shall be that am proph lieves dwells the LOR. e sy. in me. with in. Edition #0118218

OME TO ME N RINK, cont. (2) Verses (Psalm 42/4) & # 5. s 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. the My Tears O Send deer soul are od, Hope forth is my in your longs thirst food deep od, light for by calls run ning ing for day un O and and to my your # streams, od; night, deep soul, truth, when and a and & # 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. so can all as gain they my I the your shall soul go while might I lead n is to long see ing the for you, face they say: Where is y shall me wa praise to ters sweep my your o sav dwell O of your ver ing ing od. od? od? me. od. place... Text: Refrain based on John 7:7; Verses based on Ezekiel 7:14; Joel :1; John 7:8; Romans 5:5, 8:11; Psalm 42:2 ; Psalm 4:; Bob Hurd, b. 1950. Music: Bob Hurd; choral arr. by raig S. Kingsbury, b. 1952. Text and music 2006, Bob Hurd. Published by OP. ll rights reserved. Edition #0118218