contemporary songs of faith for Katherine Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad Psalm 118 Based on Psalm 118:1, 4, 13 15, j œ j Am7 œ.

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contemporary songs of faith % INTRO (q = ca. 90) Am? 4 4 Katherine Let Us Reoice and Be lad Psalm 118 Assembly, Three-part or SATB hoir, Keyboard, uitar, and Solo Instrument in Based on Psalm 118:1, 4, 1 15, 22 24 Bm7 Em. Refrain text 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommission on English in the Liturgy orporation (IEL). All rights reserved. Used ith permission. Music and verses text 1998, 2017, Thomas N. Tomaszek. Published by OP, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721. All rights reserved. Note: Keyboard part is compatible ith both the SATB arrangement and the three-part vocal arrangement found on the uitar/vocal score. Tom Tomaszek Keyboard acc. by Scot randal horal arr. by Scott Soper /F /E. 1.800.548.8749

2 4. %? %? REFRAIN: 1st time: antor, All repeat; thereafter: All Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Am Lord has made;. Bm7 let us re?? oice and be. (be ) /F /E. Em B 7(b 9) - Edition 019892 Let Us Reoice and Be lad

???? made; Lord has 6 Esus4 E 7. VERSES 1, 2 antor.. 1. ive thanks 2. I cried and let us re - oice and be od s od. stead - fast love; an - sered me; /F. S A T B. (.S.) to Verses /F (.S.) to Verses. od s mer the right 1. od s 2. the - cy en - hand of mer right - cy en - hand of /B Let Us Reoice and Be lad

4??. 1. dures 2. od.. 1. dures 2. od.. has ev tri - er. - umphed. has ev tri - er. - umphed. add9 Em 1. thanks 2. Lord?? is od s my Let I all fell those but.. mer strength - ci - and ho od ful my 1. thanks 2. Lord is od s my mer strength - ci - and ful my. fear lift the ed Lord me; give the Ó Ó /F.. love. might. love. might. sus4 -. give the.s..s..s. Let Us Reoice and Be lad

5 VERSE antor. The stone that the. build-ers re - ect - ed has be -come the cor - ner -? Am Em...??. stone. sus4. S A. Ah, T B.. The Lord has done mar - v lous things; /F.. Let Us Reoice and Be lad

6 (to Final Refrain). let us re - oice and be????. let us re - oice and be FINAL REFRAIN Sop. /Melody Alto This is the day that the This is the day that the Tenor Bass Am Lord has made; sus4. Lord, the Lord has made; Bm7. (to Final Refrain) (to Final Refrain) let us re - oice and be let us re - oice and be. Let Us Reoice and Be lad

7???? glad, re - oice and be /F /E. glad, let us re - oice and be let us re - oice and be n. that the Em B 7(b 9). r.h. optional 8va Lord has made; Lord has made;. 6 Esus4 E 7 U U u U U Let Us Reoice and Be lad

8 % INTRO (q = ca. 90) Am 4 4 (Kbd) Bm7 Em REFRAIN: 1st time: antor, All repeat; thereafter: All Am Bm7 Melody Harmony /F /E. Katherine Let Us Reoice and Be lad Psalm 118 Based on Psalm 118:1, 4, 1 15, 22 24 let us re - oice and be N Lord has made; /F /E. let us re-oice and be Em B 7(b 9) 6 Esus4 E 7 1- /F (.S.) to Verses. (uitar/vocal) Final Lord has Tom Tomaszek Vocal arr. by Scott Soper made; N Ó Ó Ó U Ó u Fine Refrain text 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommission on English in the Liturgy orporation (IEL). All rights reserved. Used ith permission. Music and verses text 1998, 2017, Thomas N. Tomaszek. Published by OP, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721. All rights reserved. Note: This three-part vocal arrangement is not compatible ith the SATB arrangement of the Keyboard/horal score.

9 VERSES 1, 2 VERSE antor 1. ive 2. I 1. Let all 2. I fell thanks cried and those but ho od od s od. The stone that the. Ah. The Lord has done /F stead - fast love; an - sered me; /F. fear the Lord lift - ed me; Ó Am Em build-ers /F re - ect - ed mar - v lous things; give thanks the Lord All. od s the /B mer - cy right hand en - of. is od s my add9 Em dures od. mer - strength ci - ful and my has ev - er. tri- umphed. sus4 love. might. has be-come the cor - ner - stone.. let us re - oice and be sus4 sus4.s..s. al fine Let Us Reoice and Be lad

10 SOLO INSTRUMENT in Let Us Reoice and Be lad Psalm 118 Tom Tomaszek Arr. by Scott Soper INTRO (q = ca. 90) 4 4 REFRAIN 8.. REFRAIN.. VERSE... VERSE 2.. FINAL REFRAIN VERSE 1 Ó... 7... REFRAIN. n. Ó. n U 1998, 2017, Thomas N. Tomaszek. Published by OP, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721. All rights reserved.

11 Assembly Edition LET US REOIE AN BE LA Psalm 118 4Refrain 4 oice and be Lord has Verses 1, 2 1. mer - cy 2. right hand 1. 2. made; 1. ive 2. I en - of. fear lift - the Lord ed me; thanks cried. dures od Lord has made; let us re- let us re-oice and be od s stead - fast and od an - sered has ev - er. tri - umphed. Verse.. love; me; give thanks od s mer - ci - the Lord is my strength and The stone that the. has be-come the cor-ner -stone.. mar -v lous things;. od s the Let I ful my all fell love. might. those but build -ers re - ect - ed let us re-oice and be ho od to Refrain The Lord has done For reprint permissions, please visit or contact us at 1-800-66-1501. Tom Tomaszek to Refrain Text: Based on Psalm 118:1, 4, 1 15, 22 24. Refrain text 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommission on English in the Liturgy orporation (IEL). All rights reserved. Used ith permission. Music and verses text 1998, Thomas N. Tomaszek. Published by OP, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721. All rights reserved.

12 Assembly Edition LET US REOIE AN BE LA Psalm 118 4 4 This is the day that the Lord has made; Lord has made; 1. ive thanks od s steadfast love; od s mercy endures ever. Let all those ho fear the Lord give thanks od s merciful love. 2. I cried and od ansered me; the right hand of od has triumphed. omposer Notes let us re-oice and be let us re-oice and be Tom Tomaszek Psalm 118 is prescribed the Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday, and the Second Sunday of Easter (or Sunday of ivine Mercy) ith alternate refrain. These highpoint celebrations of our faith ithin the liturgical year hrist s triumphant victory of love over death call us to a response in faith. Truly, this the day the Lord has made; let us reoice and be glad od s steadfast mercy and love. In od s ivine Mercy, it as also the day that Katherine (Kimi) and I ere married at an Alverno ollege eekend Mass and I composed this setting that occasion. Originally published the first edition of Spirit Song I anted to emphasize that oyful response of thanksgiving and delight in giving itness to od s faithful presence in all times of our lives. All generations, especially youth and young adults, experience life moments hen e feel abandoned, and hen e can only rely upon our faith in od to sustain us. It is through the lens of those most difficult times in our lives that e can most clearly experience od s presence. As my patron, Saint Thomas, declares in the upper room, My Lord and my od! (ohn 20:28). When playing this piece, allo the triplets in verse phrases to emphasize thanksgiving od s mercy and to bring attention to the psalmist s lyrical declarations of gratitude. onsider letting the initial chord of verse three ring out under the first to measures so that the cantor or choir can accentuate hrist s triumph. I am grateful the ne life this fresh, choral arrangement provides our prayer on this most holy day of the liturgical year, and our faith ourney each year.. I fell but od lifted me; the Lord is my strength and my might.. The stone that the builders reected has become the cornerstone. The Lord has done marv lous things; let us reoice and be Text: Based on Psalm 118:1, 4, 1 15, 22 24. Refrain text 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommission on English in the Liturgy orporation (IEL). All rights reserved. Used ith permission. Music and verses text 1998, Thomas N. Tomaszek. Published by OP, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721. All rights reserved. For reprint permissions, please visit or contact us at 1-800-66-1501. Tom Tomaszek