name, my your O ( ) In the On the They shall ( ) down creased great toward the is your strength the

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Third Sunday of Advent


THANKSGIVING DAY 4 3 4 3 4 3 I I Allearth s ill give thanks thank you, I give kings shall LRD, thanks thank name, ith all you, e cause kindness my heart; name LRD, n youhave for heny A heard merciful hear truth RJB Psalm 38:2a 2c 45 (2c) / 945 (Mode: Soh; Tonic: F) ords love ords my mouth faithfulness mouth In n Theyshall presence day I angels called, ays I you praiseyou anseredme; LRD, Io youin Ho don creased great ard is strength holy glory my temple soul LRD! Text: Psalm 38: 2a, 2c 3, 4 5, The Revised Grail Psalms, 200, Conception Aey The Grail, admin y GIA Pulications, Inc; refrain, Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL Music: Refrain, Roert J Batastini, verses, Joseph Gelineau, 987, 998, GIA Pulications, Inc T psalm setting may e donloaded reproduced free charge for parish use only, for a limited time The contents t ox must appear on all copies All originals reproductions must e destroyed efore January 5, 20

FIRST SUNDAY F ADVENT / B 4 2 4 2 4 2 Lord, make God May us turn you; let us shepherd Israel, hosts, turn a gain, e im h e on man at right see hearus, plore; h, ( ) face 3 # e shall e 3 # 3 # en look son HH, adapt saved Psalm 80: 2ac 3 56 89 (4) / 2 (Mode: Me, Tonic: E) throned upon don from man you have con cheruim, heaven rmed shine as forth, see on Andeshall Rouseup son giveus might man life Visit t vine pro tectit, ( ) vine right never for you that have e may h has sake you a come claimed call for upon planted, gain; saveus self name Text: Psalm 80:2 3, 5 6, 8 9, The Revised Grail Psalms, 200, Conception Aey The Grail, admin y GIA Pulications, Inc; refrain, Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL Music: Refrain, Hoard Hughes, verses, Joseph Gelineau, 987, 998, GIA Pulications, Inc T psalm setting may e donloaded reproduced free charge for parish use only, for a limited time The contents t ox must appear on all copies All originals reproductions must e destroyed efore January 5, 20

# # 4 4 Lord, let us see kind ness, grant us sal va tion SECND SUNDAY F ADVENT / B ΠΠJRC # # # # # # Iill Merciful Also ( ) ( ) hear love LRD people peace yield fearhim, earth, forehim, have its hat LRD God faithfulness have ill e s faithful kissed increase Hissal glory ustice guide speaks; met; ounty, va Faithfulness Justice ill look tion dell don steps Psalm 85: 9a0 34 (8) / 5 (Mode: Soh, Tonic: D) hespeaks our is shall ill peace ustice earth for shall near spring march in our from on for those from e l heaven ay ho Text: Psalm 85:9a 0, 2, 3 4, The Revised Grail Psalms, 200, Conception Aey The Grail, admin y GIA Pulications, Inc; refrain, Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL Music: Refrain, J Roert Carroll, verses, Joseph Gelineau, 987, 998, GIA Pulications, Inc T psalm setting may e donloaded reproduced free charge for parish use only, for a limited time The contents t ox must appear on all copies All originals reproductions must e destroyed efore January 5, 20

DECEMBER 8: IMMACULATE CNCEPTIN c Sing Lord a ne song, for he has done mar vel ous deeds Œ JRC c Œ c Œ Psalm 98:, 2 3a, 3cd 4 The LRD a has ne made song knon sal LRD, vation, for has shon de he has orked liverance onders nations Hisright Hehasre h memered holy merciful arm love ẇ have truth for house Israel rought sal vation Text: Psalm 98:, 2 3a, 3cd 4, The Revised Grail Psalms, 200, Conception Aey The Grail, admin y GIA Pulications, Inc; refrain, Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL Music: Refrain, J Roert Carroll, verses, Joseph Gelineau, 987, 997, GIA Pulications, Inc

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) All ends earth have seen sal vation our God ( ) Shout LRD, all earth; ( ) ( ) ( ) reak forth in oyous song, ( ) out praise T psalm setting may e donloaded reproduced free charge for parish use only, for a limited time The contents t ox must appear on all copies All originals reproductions must e destroyed efore January 5, 20

THIRD SUNDAY F ADVENT / B Text: Luke :46 48, 49 50, 53 54, The Grail, 963, The Grail, GIA Pulications, Inc, agent; refrain, Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL Music: Refrain, Roert J Batastini, verses, Joseph Gelineau, 987, 998, GIA Pulications, Inc Please note that Gelineau verses in pe ook are in error T psalm setting may e donloaded reproduced free charge for parish use only, for a limited time The contents t ox must appear on all copies All originals reproductions must e destroyed efore January 5, 20

FURTH SUNDAY F ADVENT / B c c For mouth ever; ev er I ill good ness Iill J for ever mercy, LRD, J throughall Lord ( ) ill pro claim delity Ihavede clared mercy is es talished for Withmy Heillcall chosen out one me, delity I have made a You are my sts covenant; far, rm as Ihave my sorn God, heavens ages my JRC Psalm 89: 2 45 27 29 (cf 2a) / (Mode: Soh, Tonic: F) David my servant: rock my sal vation Iilles Iill talish des cendants for keep my faithful love for him ever, alays; ith set up him my throne through all covenant shall ages last Text: Psalm 89:2 3, 4 5, 27 29, The Revised Grail Psalms, 200, Conception Aey The Grail, admin y GIA Pulications, Inc; refrain, Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL Music: Refrain, J Roert Carroll, verses, Joseph Gelineau, 987, 998, GIA Pulications, Inc T psalm setting may e donloaded reproduced free charge for parish use only, for a limited time The contents t ox must appear on all copies All originals reproductions must e destroyed efore January 5, 20

c c For ev er I ill good ness J DECEMBER 25: CHRISTMAS / VIGIL MASS J Lord JRC Withmy Heillcall Iilles Iill chosen out one me, I have made a You are my talish des cendants for keep my faithful love for him Ho LRD, in name, lessed light ho people face, make ho covenant; far, ever, alays; kno ho ustice ith Ihave my sorn God, set up him my praise, nd ir ir Psalm 89: 45 67 27 29 (2a) / 3 (Mode: Soh, Tonic: F) David rock throne through all covenant shall oy oyful ho every ac my servant: my salvation alk, day in claim Text: Psalm 89:4 5, 6 7, 27 29, The Revised Grail Psalms, 200, Conception Aey The Grail, admin y GIA Pulications, Inc; refrain, Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL Music: Refrain, J Roert Carroll, verses, Joseph Gelineau, 987, 998, GIA Pulications, Inc ages last T psalm setting may e donloaded reproduced free charge for parish use only, for a limited time The contents t ox must appear on all copies All originals reproductions must e destroyed efore January 5, 20

DECEMBER 25: CHRISTMAS / MASS DURING THE NIGHT 8 6 8 6 8 6 To J J day is orn our Sav ior, Christ > > Lord HH J To J J day is orn our Savior, Christ > > J Lord n J J Psalm 96:2a 2 3 / 4 (Mode: Fah, Tonic: F) ( ) Pro a ne claim sal song vation day y LRD; day Tell among n LRD, all nations n earth glory, onders a LRD; mong less all name peoples Text: Psalm 96: 2a, 2 3, 2, 3, The Revised Grail Psalms, 200, Conception Aey The Grail, admin y GIA Pulications, Inc; refrain, Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL Music: Refrain, Hoard Hughes, verses, Joseph Gelineau, 976, 987, 998, GIA Pulications, Inc

( ) let 4 Let At heavens presence re oice earth e glad; sea all ith LRD, for he comes, he comes 4 n in it udge thunder praise earth Let Heill l udge all it n ears orld re ith oice ustice; 4 Thenillall heill trees govern n ood peoples n shout ith for oy truth T psalm setting may e donloaded reproduced free charge for parish use only, for a limited time The contents t ox must appear on all copies All originals reproductions must e destroyed efore January 5, 20

DECEMBER 25: CHRISTMAS / MASS AT DAWN c ΠJRC c c A ΠΠlight ill shine on us t day: Lord is orn for us TheLRDis king, Light let shines earth forth re for oice; usne, ( ) let Psalm 97: 6 2 (Lux fulgeit ) / 5 (Mode: Soh, Tonic: F) many oy for isls upright e glad heart ( ) The Re skies oice pro in claim LRD, you ustice; ust; all ( ) peoples memory see holiness give glory thanks Text: Psalm 97: 6, 2, The Revised Grail Psalms, 200, Conception Aey The Grail, admin y GIA Pulications, Inc; refrain, Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL Music: Refrain, J Roert Carroll, verses, Joseph Gelineau, 987, 998, GIA Pulications, Inc T psalm setting may e donloaded reproduced free charge for parish use only, for a limited time The contents t ox must appear on all copies All originals reproductions must e destroyed efore January 5, 20

DECEMBER 25: CHRISTMAS / MASS DURING THE DAY 8 6 J RFK 8 6 All ends earth have seen J sav ing po er J 8 6 J J J J God, sav ing po er J God J J J 4 The Sing LRD psalms a has ne made song knon LRD ith sal LRD, vation, harp, for has ith 4 shon harp de he liverance sound has orked onders nations song Text: Psalm 98:, 2 3a, 3cd 4, 5 6, The Revised Grail Psalms, 200, Conception Aey The Grail, admin y GIA Pulications, Inc; refrain, Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL Music: Refrain, Ronald F Krisman, verses, Joseph Gelineau, 987, 20, GIA Pulications, Inc

4 Hisright Hehasre With h memered trumpets holy merciful sound arm love horrn, ẇ 4 have raisea truth shout for efore house King, Israel LRD rought sal vation ( ) ( ) ( ) All ends earth have seen ( ) sal ( ) vation our God Shout LRD, all earth; ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) reak forth in oyous song, out praise T psalm setting may e donloaded reproduced free charge for parish use only, for a limited time The contents t ox must appear on all copies All originals reproductions must e destroyed efore January 5, 20

JANUARY : SLEMNITY F MARY, MTHER F GD 4 3 4 3 May God less us in mer cy, may God less us in mer cy RJB Psalm 67:2 5 6 8 / 8 (Mode: Soh, Tonic: F) Let Let God, nations peoples e e gracious glad praise shout you, for lessus oy, God; let ith let face shed uprightness all its you light rule peoples up onus peoples; praiseyou Soill May ays God e still knon give upon us earth les all you thatall nations guide ends learn nations earth on may sal re vation earth verehim Text: Psalm 67:2 3, 5, 6 8, The Revised Grail Psalms, 200, Conception Aey The Grail, admin y GIA Pulications, Inc; refrain, Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL Music: Refrain, Roert J Batastini, verses, Joseph Gelineau, 987, 997, GIA Pulications, Inc T psalm setting may e donloaded reproduced free charge for parish use only, for a limited time The contents t ox must appear on all copies All originals reproductions must e destroyed efore January 5, 20

EPIPHANY F THE LRD / ABC 4 3 4 3 4 3 Man n Ped Lord, ev n ry na tion on earth ill a n dore you Œ Œ Œ RP 4 In The For God, give days shall kings he shall save udgment us tice Tarsh needy hen y king, ourish, isls cry, a great shall king s peace pay poor, Psalm 72: 2, 7 8, 0, 2 3 son till him ustice, moon is no more triute those ho are helpless 4 The kings She a Sea shall ring him gifts 4 thamay heshall Be Heillhave udge rule fore pity from him all on peo sea kings eak ple shall in fall ustice, sea, prostrate, needy, from all save River ẇ poor ounds nations lives in right shall udgment earth servehim needy Text: Psalm 72: 2, 7 8, 0, 2 3, The Revised Grail Psalms, 200, Conception Aey The Grail, admin y GIA Pulications, Inc; refrain, Lectionary for Mass, 969, 98, 997, ICEL Music: Refrain, Richard Proulx, verses, Joseph Gelineau, 987, 997, GIA Pulications, Inc T psalm setting may e donloaded reproduced free charge for parish use only, for a limited time The contents t ox must appear on all copies All originals reproductions must e destroyed efore January 5, 20