Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, wœ œ. œ œ

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Commissioned by St. nne Catholic Church, Houston, Texas, Jim Ross, Director Music and Liturgical Ministry, Mat McCue, Handll Choir Director and rganist, for 007 ilgrimage to Eastn Euroe Savior, Blesd Savior doro te devote STB, ith ot. Handlls and ot. Instrunt in C Godfrey Thring Thomas quinas Jas Biy Sorano In flexible chant temo ( q = ca. 76 ) lto Tenor Bass In flexible chant temo ( q = ca. 76 ) Keyboard (or rehearsal only) vailable Editions: Choir Se, rd No. MSM505115. ull Se, rd No. MSM505115. Instrunl arts (Handlls, Instrunt in C), rd No. MSM505115B. Text: English: Godfrey Thring, 13103, and ritten in 16 (D). Text: Latin: scr. to Thomas quinas, 1717 (D). Tune: DR TE DETE (DR DETE), Mode chant (D). Music: Nely comod, and coyright 010 ith this ublication. MSM505115 Coyright 010 Birnamood ublications (SC) division MorningSr Music ublishs, Inc., St. Louis, M ll rights resved. rinted in U.S...MorningSrMusic.com Roducing this ublication in any form is rohited by la ithout mission ublish. The CCLI Licen does not give mission to coy this music.

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