Psalm 145 I Will Praise Your Name for Ever (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal) Psalm 145: 1 2, 8 9, 10 11, 12 13, œ j œ. praise your name for

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2 Psalm 5: 2, 8 9, 0, 2 3, 3 Soprao lto Baritoe Keyboard?? F m?? I will REFRIN: (q = ca 8) st time: Cator, ll repeat; thereafter: ll kig ad my Psalm 5 I Will Praise Your Name for Ever (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal) G Gm/ praise your ame for b b sus God Ó ( ) sus /G ev - er, my N 2-5, Fial sus God 2-5, Fial w rr by Craig Kigsbury to Verses (Fie) to Verses (Fie) Refrai text from the Eglish traslatio of Psalm Resposes from Lectioary for Mass 969, 98, 997, Iteratioal Commissio o Eglish i the Liturgy Corporatio (ICEL) ll rights reserved Used with permissio Verses text 200, Coceptio bbey/the Grail, admi by GI Publicatios, Ic ll rights reserved Used with permissio Music 20, 203, Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 9723 ll rights reserved 5th Suday of Easter, Year C: Verses 2 th Suday i Ordiary Time, Year ; 3st Suday i Ordiary Time, Year C; Commo Psalm i Ordiary Time: Verses 3, ad 5 Editio 3029862

3 VERSES: Cator??? I will extol you, my God ad kig, ad bless your ame forev - er 2 The LOR is kid ad full of com - passio, slow to ager, aboud - ig 3 ll your works sh thak you, O LOR, ad your faith - ful To make kow your might to the childre of me, ad the glorious spledor of 5 The LOR is faithful i his words, ad holy i Cadd9/E Cma7 * ( ) ( ) 2 3 5 The C I They LOR will How sh Your sup Bm ad ever i oes your his mercy bless you reig deeds bless you day af - ter day, ad praise your good is the LOR to, com- speak of the glo - ry of your reig, ad de - kig - dom is a ev - er - last - ig kig - dom; your - ports who f, ad rais - es F m G/B ame for - ev - er ad ev - er 2 pas - sio - ate to his crea - tures 3 clare your might - y deeds rule e - dures for ge - er - a - tios 5 up who are bowed dow *Cator may sig higher or lower otes c[[9\e sus w g 9 a Gadd9 /F G/ Ó Psalm 5

Psalm 5: 8 9, 0, 5 6, 7 8 Soprao lto Baritoe Keyboard?? F m?? The REFRIN: (q = ca 8) st time: Cator, ll repeat; thereafter: ll a - swers our G Psalm 5 The Had of the Lord Feeds Us (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal) Gm/ had of the Lord b b sus eeds Ó ( ) sus /G feeds us; he N 2-5, Fial sus eeds 2-5, Fial w rr by Craig Kigsbury to Verses (Fie) to Verses (Fie) Refrai text from the Eglish traslatio of Psalm Resposes from Lectioary for Mass 969, 98, 997, Iteratioal Commissio o Eglish i the Liturgy Corporatio (ICEL) ll rights reserved Used with permissio Verses text 200, Coceptio bbey/the Grail, admi by GI Publicatios, Ic ll rights reserved Used with permissio Music 20, 203, Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 9723 ll rights reserved 7th Suday i Ordiary Time, Year B: Verses 2 8th Suday i Ordiary Time, Year : Verses, 3,

5 VERSES: Cator??? The LOR is kid ad full of com - passio, slow to ager, aboud - ig 2 ll your works sh thak you, O LOR, ad your faith - ful 3 The eyes of look to you, ad you give them their food i The LOR is ust i his ways, ad holy i Cadd9/E Cma7 * ( ) ( ) 2 3 The C They LOR How sh You is Bm good speak o close i oes due his mercy bless you seaso deeds is of the the LOR glo - ry of to your, reig, ad com- de - - pe your had ad sat - is - fy the de - to who c him, who F m G/B pas - sio - ate to his crea - 2 clare your might - y deeds 3 sire c of ev - ery o liv him - ig i thig truth sus w tures a Gadd9 /F G/ Ó *Cator may sig higher or lower otes c[[9\e g 9 Psalm 5

6 Psalm 5: 2 3, 8 9, 7 8 Soprao lto Baritoe Keyboard?? Cma7?? The REFRIN: (q = ca 8) st time: Cator, ll repeat; thereafter: ll m7 c up - o Lord is ear to m7 Psalm 5 The Lord Is Near (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocal) sus him who Ó ( ) Bm7 a 2-, Fial sus w him 2-, Fial w rr by Craig Kigsbury to Verses (Fie) to Verses (Fie) Refrai text from the Eglish traslatio of Psalm Resposes from Lectioary for Mass 969, 98, 997, Iteratioal Commissio o Eglish i the Liturgy Corporatio (ICEL) ll rights reserved Used with permissio Verses text 200, Coceptio bbey/the Grail, admi by GI Publicatios, Ic ll rights reserved Used with permissio Music 20, 203, Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 9723 ll rights reserved 25th Suday i Ordiary Time, Year

7 VERSES: Cator??? Cadd9/E Cma7 I will bless you day after day, ad praise your ame forev - er 2 The LOR is kid ad full of com - passio, slow to ager, aboud - ig 3 The LOR is ust i his ways, ad holy i * ( ) ( ) The 2 3 The C LOR LOR is How is Bm great good close G/B is ad the to F m high - LOR ly to be to who great - ess ca - ot be mea - 2 pas - sio - ate 3 c to o him his i crea truth - *Cator may sig higher or lower otes sus w sured tures a Gadd9 /F praised;, c him, ad i his ever mercy deeds G/ his com who Ó - c[[9\e g 9 Psalm 5

8 Psalm 5 I Will Praise Your Name for Ever The Had of the Lord Feeds Us SOLO INSTRUMENT IN C VERSES REFRIN: (q = ca 8) Tacet st time () b ( ) ( ) Music 20, 203, Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 9723 ll rights reserved SOLO INSTRUMENT IN Bb VERSES REFRIN: (q = ca 8) Tacet st time () (Kbd) rr by Craig Kigsbury ( ) ( ) (Kbd) Fie () rr by Craig Kigsbury Fie () Music 20, 203, Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 9723 ll rights reserved

Psalm 5 The Lord Is Near 9 SOLO INSTRUMENT IN C rr by Craig Kigsbury VERSES REFRIN: (q = ca 8) Tacet st time Ó ( ) ( ) Fie Music 20, 203, Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 9723 ll rights reserved SOLO INSTRUMENT IN Bb VERSES REFRIN: (q = ca 8) Tacet st time Ó (Kbd) Fie ( ) ( ) (Kbd) rr by Craig Kigsbury Music 20, 203, Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 9723 ll rights reserved

0 ssembly Editios Psalm 5 I will praise your ame The LOR is kid ad full of compassio, slow to ager, aboudig i mercy How good is the LOR to, compassioate to his creatures 2 ll your works sh thak you, O LOR, ad your faithful oes bless you for ev - er, my kig ad my God They sh speak of the glory of your reig, ad declare your mighty deeds 3 To make kow your might to the childre of me, ad the glorious spledor of your reig Your kigdom is a everlastig kigdom; your rule edures for geeratios Psalm 5 Text: Psalm 5: 8 9, 0, 2 3 Refrai from the Eglish traslatio of Psalm Resposes from Lectioary for Mass 969, 98, 997, Iteratioal Commissio o Eglish i the Liturgy Corporatio (ICEL) ll rights reserved Used with permissio Verses 200, Coceptio bbey/the Grail, admi by GI Publicatios, Ic ll rights reserved Used with permissio Music 20, Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 9723 ll rights reserved 5th Suday of Easter, Year C I will praise your ame I will extol you, my God ad kig, ad bless your ame forever ad ever I will bless you day after day, ad praise your ame forever ad ever 2 The LOR is kid ad full of compassio, slow to ager, aboudig i mercy How good is the LOR to, compassioate to his creatures for ev - er, my kig ad my God 3 ll your works sh thak you, O LOR, ad your faithful oes bless you They sh speak of the glory of your reig, ad declare your mighty deeds The LOR is faithful i his words, ad holy i his deeds The LOR supports who f, ad raises up who are bowed dow Text: Psalm 5: 2, 8 9, 0, 3 Refrai from the Eglish traslatio of Psalm Resposes from Lectioary for Mass 969, 98, 997, Iteratioal Commissio o Eglish i the Liturgy Corporatio (ICEL) ll rights reserved Used with permissio Verses 200, Coceptio bbey/the Grail, admi by GI Publicatios, Ic ll rights reserved Used with permissio Music 20, Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 9723 ll rights reserved th Suday i Ordiary Time, Year 3st Suday i Ordiary Time, Year C Commo Psalm i Ordiary Time For reprit permissios, please visit OeLiceseet or cotact us at -800-663-50

ssembly Editios Psalm 5 The had of the Lord feeds us; ll your works sh thak you, O LOR, ad your faithful oes bless you They sh speak of the glory of your reig, ad declare your mighty deeds 2 The eyes of look to you, ad you give them their food i due seaso he a-swers our eeds You ope your had ad satisfy the desire of every livig thig 3 The LOR is ust i his ways, ad holy i his deeds The LOR is close to who c him, who c o him i truth Text: Psalm 5: 0, 5 6, 7 8 Refrai from the Eglish traslatio of Psalm Resposes from Lectioary for Mass 969, 98, 997, Iteratioal Commissio o Eglish i the Liturgy Corporatio (ICEL) ll rights reserved Used with permissio Verses 200, Coceptio bbey/the Grail, admi by GI Publicatios, Ic ll rights reserved Used with permissio Music 20, Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 9723 ll rights reserved 7th Suday i Ordiary Time, Year B: Verses 2 The had of the Lord Psalm 5 feeds us; The LOR is kid ad full of compassio, slow to ager, aboudig i mercy How good is the LOR to, compassioate to his creatures 2 The eyes of look to you, ad you give them their food i due seaso he a-swers our eeds You ope your had ad satisfy the desire of every livig thig 3 The LOR is ust i his ways, ad holy i his deeds The LOR is close to who c him, who c o him i truth Text: Psalm 5: 8 9, 5 6, 7 8 Refrai from the Eglish traslatio of Psalm Resposes from Lectioary for Mass 969, 98, 997, Iteratioal Commissio o Eglish i the Liturgy Corporatio (ICEL) ll rights reserved Used with permissio Verses 200, Coceptio bbey/the Grail, admi by GI Publicatios, Ic ll rights reserved Used with permissio Music 20, Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 9723 ll rights reserved 8th Suday i Ordiary Time, Year : Verses, 3, For reprit permissios, please visit OeLiceseet or cotact us at -800-663-50

2 ssembly Editio Psalm 5 The Lord is ear to I will bless you day after day, ad praise your ame forever ad ever The LOR is great ad highly to be praised; his greatess caot be measured 2 The LOR is kid ad full of compassio, slow to ager, aboudig i mercy who Text: Psalm 5: 2 3, 8 9, 7 8 Refrai from the Eglish traslatio of Psalm Resposes from Lectioary for Mass 969, 98, 997, Iteratioal Commissio o Eglish i the Liturgy Corporatio (ICEL) ll rights reserved Used with permissio Verses 200, Coceptio bbey/the Grail, admi by GI Publicatios, Ic ll rights reserved Used with permissio Music 20, Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 9723 ll rights reserved 25th Suday i Ordiary Time, Year For reprit permissios, please visit OeLiceseet or cotact us at -800-663-50 c up - o him How good is the LOR to, compassioate to his creatures 3 The LOR is ust i his ways, ad holy i his deeds The LOR is close to who c him, who c o him i truth