Dear Hallows Family, Sincerely,

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Dear Hallows Family, The word advent literally means comg The season Advent provides us with an tentional time frame focus our mds attention hearts affections upon comgs our Kg Toger, we reflect first upon Christ s arrival Bethlehem We consider how Incarnation reveals humility holy One As we do so, we n gladly grow downward traecry daily discipleship In Christ s kgdom, way up is always down, for Son Man came not e served ut serve give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:5) esus came serve us y savg us His humility ignites our humility As we fd ourselves eg served y Holy One, we more eagerly seek serve those around us esus said, For I have given you an example, that you also should do ust as I have done you Toger, we also focus our faith upon evitaility Christ s return We look forward day when Christ comes aga fish His work makg all thgs new esus first came as Sufferg Servant secure our salvation through service His life, death, resurrection Neverless, He will return as conquerg Kg settle our salvation once for all As we reflect upon two comgs our Kg, we will fd our lives creasgly adorned with humility hope here now This ook is divided four sections correspond with traditional mes advent: hope, peace, oy, love Each section this ooklet cludes daily Scripture readgs songs that can e used your personal or family times worship Perhaps you can use this ooklet start a new home tradition garg, sgg, worshipg ger We pray this resource serves you, your family, your friends well! You are loved, Church! Scerely, rew

Come, ye mourng souls, reoice; Look,, with a cheerful voice, Sg honours your Lord, Blazg carnate Word Gadsy s Hymns 3

Hope Our soul waits for Lord; He is our help our shield - Psalm 33:20 Scripture Readgs MONDAY: Isaiah 9:6-7 TUESDAY: Luke 1:1-25 WEDNESDAY: Luke 1:26-38 THURSDAY: Luke 1:39-5 FRIDAY: Luke 1:6-56 SATURDAY: Luke 1:57-80 Songs Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel 6 Come Thou Long-Expected esus 7 O Little Town Bethlehem 9 While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks y Night 10 5

1!!O 2!!O 3!!O!!O O Come, O Come, Emmanuel man - come from na - u - on tions, el, cheer high, d Our All come, O come, Em - come, Thou come, Thou Day-sprg, Wis - dom come, De - sire ran -som spir - its or - der cap - tive y The all thgs, peo-ples one Is - ad - far heart til death s dark cause us whole ra - el, vent here; nigh; md Son shad - world ows her with That Dis - To Bid mourns perse us en - God put ways heav - vy, lone - ly gloom - y path strife, ap - en s pear flight go peace ex - clouds knowl - quar - Chorus ile edge rels here, night, show, cease; Un - Fill Re - oice! Re - oice! Em - man - u - el Shall come e, O Is - ra - el! WORDS: Lat Hymn, tr st 1, 2, ohn Mason Neale; st 3,, Henry Sloane Cf MUSIC: Plasong; adapt Thomas Helmore VENI EMMANUEL 8888(LM) with Chorus

3 3 1 Come, 2 Born peo - yet ple a Let Now us Thy la - tion, Spir - it ev - fi - Come, Thou Long-Expected esus ry cient n Thou Thy long - peo - free; Kg, ex - pect - ple From Born fd our gra -cious Hope Rule ed de - our rest kg - dom all all na - mer - tion, it, our fears reign Thee rg earth hearts oy Raise e - liv - Thou a- sus, er, us Is - By ss us rael s The art; lone; ev - Born Born a re - for - strength own e - Dear By ry Thy set child, Thy lease ev - us; er, con - ter - de - sire The all - long - glo - so - nal suf - g rious heart throne (segue) WORDS: Charles Wesley MUSIC: Rowl H Prichard HYFRYDOL 8787D 7

For a child will e orn us, a son will e given us; government will rest on His shoulders; His name will e called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Far, Prce Peace There will e no end crease His government or peace, On throne David over his kgdom, To estalish it uphold it with ustice righteousness From n on forevermore The zeal Lord hosts will accomplish this Isaiah 9 : 6-7

1 O 2 For 3 How O lit - Christ si - ho - tle is lent - ly n wn orn ly, Child how Beth - le - hem, How still we Ma - ry, gath - ered si - lent - ly The won -drous Beth - le - hem! De -scend see e lie! all a-ove, gift us, is we giv n! pray; A - ove thy deep dream-leshu - man hearts The less-gs His sleep The si - lent stars go While mor - tals sleep, an - gels keep Their watch won-d rg So God im - parts Cast out our s, en - ter, Be orn us - Yet O No We thy morn - g ear may hear dark stars, hear Christ - streets - His mas n The hopes fears prais - es sg Where meek souls will O come us, n O Little Town Bethlehem n re - a - sh - eth The ev - er - last - g geth - er Pro - claim ho - ly com - g, But this world an - gels The great glad tid - gs all God ceive ide Him, with years Are Kg, still The us, Our y; love heav n day! Light; irth, s, tell; met e - night peace men on earth! dear Christ en - ters Lord, Im - man - u - el! n WORDS: Phillips Brooks MUSIC: Lewis H Redner ST LOUIS 86867686 9

1!!While 2!! Fear 3!! To!! The 5!! All on trou - Da - view earth While Shepherds Watched ir Flocks To Be - led vid s dis - e shep - not, you, heav n - glo - herds said ly ry watched he, Da - Bae e ir for vid s you ground, md, le, played, peace ΠΠglo - ry you this shall a g shone all e man - nev - The Glad The All Good - a - round, man-kd ger er flocks might - wn re God y y this shall on night, dread day fd high n an - tid - Sav - mean - will gel gs ior, ly hence - ΠTo Be - Πsign, laid, cease, who wrapped forth great is from glo - ry you this shall a g All Had Is To Lord oy Christ swath - heav n shone all e man - nev - seat - ed seized ir orn, hu - man came I g down, rg Lord; s, men a - man - ger er round kd sign: laid cease! WORDS: Nahum Tate MUSIC: George Frederick Hel; from Weyman s, Melodia Sacra CHRISTMAS 8686 (CM) with Repeats

Blessed e Lord God Israel, For He has visited us accomplished redemption for His people, has raised up a horn salvation for us In house David His servant As He spoke y mouth His holy prophets from old Salvation from our enemies, from h all who hate us; To show mercy ward our fars, rememer His holy covenant, The oath which He swore Araham our far, To grant us that we, eg rescued from h our enemies, Might serve Him without fear, In holess righteousness efore Him all our days you, child, will e called prophet Most High; For you will go on efore Lord prepare his ways; To give His people knowledge salvation By forgiveness ir ss, Because tender mercy our God, With which Sunrise from on high will visit us, she upon those who sit darkness shadow death, To guide our feet way peace Luke 1 : 68-79 11

Peace Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you Not as world gives do I give you Let not your hearts e trouled, neir let m e afraid - ohn 1:27 SCRIPture Readgs MONDAY: Matw 1:18-25 TUESDAY: Matw 2:1-6 WEDNESDAY: Matw 2:7-12 THURSDAY: Matw 2:13-15 FRIDAY: Matw 2:16-18 SATURDAY: Matw 2:19-23 Songs O Holy Night! 1 Silent Night, Holy Night 16 Away a Manger 17 It Came Upon Midnight Clear 18 13

12 8 12 8 Introduction sh - eam - oth - Ó g; It g, er; With His Ó Long So Chas lay led shall g is y He O Holy Night! Ó 1!!O 2!!Led 3!!Tru - Ó night hearts love world light reak, y for dear His cra - His gos - a ho - ly y night! light ly He taught us Sav - dle pel ior s we is stars are right-lrene - ly faith se - love one an- w irth st peace w is glowlaw s er - ror p - g, Till He ap - star sweetis our roth - er, ly gleam - g, Here came slave His Œ Œ n peared Wise name Men all from op - soul felt its O - ri - ent pres - sion shall n worth l cease Œ Œ A thrill The Kg Sweet hymns hope kgs oy lay WORDS: ohn S Dwight MUSIC: Adolphe Adam CANTIQUE DE NOEL Irregular meter

wea - thus grate - ry world re - oic - es, low - ly man-gerraise ful cho - rus we; Fall He Christ di - your ho - Kg, glo - on your knows our is ve, Kg, glo - ly e - ry Optional extended or choral endg His power knees! need Lord! O e - ry For In Let O O yon - der reaks all our tri - all with - night, fore ev - night fore ev - a als us new orn praise His hear an - gel voic - es! our weak - ness is no strang - er praise His name for - ev - er! when Christ was orn! Him low - ly end! er - more pro -claim! 1, 2 w O night di - ve! Him low - ly end! er - more pro- 2 2 glo - ry 2 glo - e ho - rious morn! our Friend ly name Œ O Be - His w w rit ev - er - more pro - claim! O Be - His 3 night hold power night, hold power w claim! w O your w w w Ó Œ Ó w w Ó w 15

6 8 6 8 1!!Si - 2!!Si - 3!!Si -!!Si - Round Shep - Ra - With mild, Kg! grace, Kg; lent lent lent lent night, night, night, night, ho - ho - ho - ho - yon vir - g herds hear diant eams from Thy an - gels Sleep Christ e - Christ Silent Night, Holy Night ly ly ly ly night, night, night, night, moth- er an - ho - let heav-en - ly Sav -ior is sus, Lord, at Thy Sav -ior is All Dark - Son Won - child! gels sg, ly face, us sg peace, orn, irth, orn, Ho - Al - With Al - is ness drous calm, flies, God, star, Sleep Christ e - Christ all all love s lend ly In - fant so le - lu - ia! dawn re - le - lu - ia sus, heavior en - ly Sav - ior is Lord, at Thy Sav - is is is pure thy right light; light light; ten - der hail deem - g our peace orn irth orn WORDS: oseph Mohr; tr st 1, 3, ohn Freeman Young; tr st 2,, Anonymous MUSIC: Franz Grüer STILLE NACHT Irregular meter

3 3 1 A - 2 The 3 Be e - e - ev - sus sus, er, way cat - near laid no tle me, down cry - love Away a Manger a are Lord His g me, man-ger, sus, low- g, e - no I sweet He I head; makes; pray; cri Ba - ask The I Bless for y Thee stars love all a a- ed, wakes, stay The But Close Thee, Lord dear lit - lit - y tle tle me Lord Lord for - sky e - sus! chil - dren looked look down where He down from Thy ten - der lay, sky, care, The lit - stay fit tle y us Lord my for e - sus, cra - dle heav - en a- till sleep on morn-g live with is Thee hay nigh re (segue) WORDS: St 1, 2 anonymous; st 3, ohn Thomas McFarl MUSIC: ames R Murray MUELLER 11111111 17

6 8 6 8 1 It 2 Yet 3 All For From Be - Who When Peace Look When The O O It Came upon Midnight Clear an - neath il with came with ye, lo! on man, now! peace Peace I leave with you My peace I give you ohn 1:27 world hush rest up - on woes e-neat days life s are n gels a- endan - long ev - g gel er - n n n at for shall n e - whole earth, war glad o - good with ver sol - noise, side world mid-nightclears strife The world has suf - fered long, That glo - rious song old, crush-g load, Whose forms are end - g low, has-t ng on, By proph - et ards fore-ld, near stra clim - emn ye give earth To uch ir have rolled Two thou - s g way With pa - ful cir - clg years Comes round will man, gold - all men, hears not en hours earth n stillmen wea - ack From The Come Its ness ry lay strife, road song n harps years steps age n gold: wrong; slow, gold; heav n s all - gra-ciouskgwhich y rg: love song swift - ly on wg: an - cient splen-dors flg, To Which n hear hear hear now an - an - an - an - gels gels gels gels sg sg! sg! sg (segue) WORDS: Edmund H Sears MUSIC: Richard S Willis CAROL 8686D(CMD)

Now after esus was orn Bethlehem udea days Herod kg, magi from east arrived erusalem, sayg, Where is He who has een orn Kg ews For we saw His star east have come worship Him Matw 2 : 1-6 19

oy Come let us sg Lord; let us make a oyful noise rock our salvation - Psalm 95:1 Scripture Readgs MONDAY: Luke 2:1-5 TUESDAY: Luke 2:6-7 WEDNESDAY: Luke 2:8-1 THURSDAY: Luke 2:15-21 FRIDAY: Luke 2:22-35 SATURDAY: Luke 2:36-38 Songs Hark! The Herald Angels Sg 22 oy World! The Lord is Come 2 Angels, from Realms Glory 25 O Come, All Ye Faithful 26 21

Hark! Herald Angels Sg 1 Hark! 2 Christ, 3 Hail, her - y high - heav n - ald est orn an - gels heav n a- Prce sg, dored; Peace! Glo - Christ, Hail, ry er - ev - Sun new - orn Kg; last - g Lord! Righ-teous-ness! Peace Late Light on earth, time life oy - Veiled Mild ful, He e - all flesh lays ye His mer - cy hold Him all He mild, come, rgs, n rec - on - ciled! Vir-g His wom: wgs na - tions, God-heaglo - ry rise, see; y, o Hail Born n tri - umph th - car - nate that man no ners g n God s - Off-sprg Ris n with heal - De - i - more may skies; ty, die, n With Pleased Born th an - gel - as man raise ic with host men sons pro claim, dwell, earth, Christ e - Born is sus, orn our give Em - m Beth - le - hem! man - u - el sec - ond irth WORDS: Charles Wesley, alt George Whitefield MUSIC: Felix Mendelssohn; arr William H Cummgs MENDELSSOHN 7777D with Chorus

n Hark! her - ald w an - gels sg, n Glo -ry new-orn Kg 23

oy World! The Lord Is Come Fear not: for, ehold, I rg you good tidgs great oy Luke 2:10 (KV) 1 oy 2 oy 3 No He more rules Kg; ploy; ground; prove let Let While He The world! earth! ss world with Lord Sav - sor - truth ev - fields comes glo - ry ries heart floods, make Πheav n, peat, as, won - Re - Far heav n na - ture sg, peat sound-curse is found, oy, as won - ders His love, 1 heav n na-ture 1 heav n na-ture re - far ders, sg, heav n peat as won - ders na - ture sound-g curse is His is ior rows sg oy found love come; reigns; grow, grace pre - rocks, His His Let Let Nor pare hills less - right - earth men thorns makes re - ir - ceive songs fest na - her em - tions Him gs eous - heav n peat as won - sg, na - ture sound-g curse is ders His sg, oy, found, love, room, plas flow ness, Re - Far Re - Far sg, heav n na-ture Optional last stanza settg > Πw w > Πw w WORDS: Isaac Watts ANTIOCH MUSIC: George Frederick Hel; arr Lowell Mason; Irregular meter Last stanza settg choral endg y David Hamiln Arr Copyright 2008 McKney Music, Inc (BMI) (adm y LifeWay Worship) All rights reserved

Angels, from Realms Glory your realms fields con - al - 1 An - gels, from 2 Shep-herds, 3 Sag - es, leave Sats e - fore glo - ry, Wg your flight o er all earth; a-id - g, Watch-g o er your flocks y night, temtaend-g, Watch-long hope pla-tions, Bright - er vi-sions eam a-far; fear, Ye who sang God with Seek man great Sud - den - ly cre - is De - a- now sire Lord, n n WORDS: ames Montgomery MUSIC: Henry T Smart; Last stanza settg y Bill Wolaver Arr Copyright 2008 Van Ness Press, Inc (ASCAP) (adm y LifeWay Worship) All rights reserved tion s re - Come wor- ship, come wor-ship, n n Mes - ple Wor-ship Christ, n s - ry Now pro - claim sid - g, Yon-der shes na - tions, Ye have seen de - scend-g, In His tem - si - ah s irth: - fant Light: In-fant shall ap - star: pear: new - orn Kg! REGENT SQUARE 878787 25

1 2 3 O Œ Œ come, Sg, Yea, all choirs Lord, O Come, All Ye Faithful ye we faith - ful, an - gels, greet Thee, ww oy - sg orn ful this tri - um - phant; O ex - ul - ta - tion; O hap-py morn - g; Œ come sg, e - ye, all sus, O ye come right Thee ye hosts e all Beth - heav n glo - Chorus le - hem! a-ove! ry giv n; w w Come Glo - ry Word e - hold God, Fa - Him, all r, orn Kg glo - ry now flesh ap- an - high - pear - O gels! est! g! O Œ come, let us a - come, let us a - Optional last stanza settg Œ Œ n n dore dore Him, O Him, come, let us a-dore Him, Christ WORDS: Lat hymn; ascried ohn Francis Wade; tr Frederick Oakeley MUSIC: ohn Francis Wade; Last stanza settg choral endg y Richard Kgsmore Arr Copyright 2008 Van Ness Press, Inc (ASCAP) (adm y LifeWay Worship) All rights reserved Ó Œ Lord! ADESTE FIDELES Irregular meter

Now those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that a census e taken all haited earth This was first census taken while Quirius was governor Syria everyone was on his way register for census, each his own city oseph also went up from Galilee, from city Nazareth, udea, city David which is called Bethlehem, ecause he was house family David, order register along with Mary, who was engaged him, was with child While y were re, days were completed for her give irth she gave irth her firsrn son; she wrapped Him cloths, laid Him a manger, ecause re was no room for m n In same region re were some shepherds stayg out fields keepg watch over ir flock y night an angel Lord suddenly sod efore m, glory Lord shone around m; y were terrily frightened But angel said m, Do not e afraid; for ehold, I rg you good news great oy which will e for all people; for day city David re has een orn for you a Savior, who is Christ Lord This will e a sign for you: you will fd a ay wrapped cloths lyg a manger suddenly re appeared with angel a multitude heavenly host praisg God sayg, Glory God highest, on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased Luke 2 : 1-1 27

Love Beloved, let us love one anor, for love is from God, whoever loves has een orn God knows God Anyone who does not love does not know God, ecause God is love - 1 ohn :7-8 Scripture Readgs MONDAY: ohn 3:16-21 TUESDAY: Colossians 1:15-20 WEDNESDAY: Philippians 2:1-11 THURSDAY: 1 ohn 3:1-10 FRIDAY: 1 ohn 3:11-15 SATURDAY: 1 ohn 3:16-2 Songs What Child is This 30 How Deep Far s Love for Us 31 Love Dive, All Loves Excellg 32 Oh, How I Love esus 3 29

6 8 6 8 1 What 2 Why 3 So Child lies rg is He Him this, - What Child Is This who, such cense, with for sal - laid rest, On Ma-ry ox ass are feed - g lap is sleep - g mean es - tate, Where gold, myrrh, Come, peas-ant, kg own Him Whom an - gels greet Good Chris-tian, fear: The Kg kgs an-ms - ners va - tion sweet, here rgs; While The Let shep - si - lov - are keep - g is plead - g en-throne Him herds lent g watch Word hearts Chorus This, this is Christ, Kg, Whom shep - herds guard an - gels sg: Haste, haste rg Him laud, The Bae, Son Ma -ry! (segue) WORDS: William C Dix MUSIC: Traditional English Melody, 16th Century; harm ohn Staer GREENSLEEVES 8787 with Chorus

3 3 1!!How 2!!Be - 3!!I HOW DEEP THE FATHER S LOVE FOR US deep hold will not love for on a an - y - us, cross, thg: how my no vast s gifts, e - yond all mea - sure; up - on His shoul - ders; no power, no wis - dom; That He should A - shamed, I But I will give hear oast His my Son voice Christ; call make out a wretch His trea - a - mong sc - His death res - ur - rec - sure fers tion How It Why great was should my I pa s ga that from loss; re ward Fa - un - til I can - r it not turns was give Fa- r s Man up - oast on - ly mock-g e - sus searheld Him g His re - His face acan com - an - a - way plished swer As wounds which mar Cho - sen One His dy - g reath has rought me life; But this I know with all my heart: rg I man - y know that sons it is glo - f - ry His wounds have paid my ran - ished som WORDS: Stuart Townend MUSIC: Stuart Townend; arr Bruce Greer Copyright 1995 Thankyou Music (PRS) (adm worldwide y EMI CMG Pulishg excludg Europe which is adm y kgswaysongscom) All rights reserved Used y permission TOWNEND Irregular meter 31

Love Dive, All Loves Excellg Fix Let heav n, earth come down; ev - ry trou - led reast! us all Thy grace re - ceive; spot- less let us e; Sud- Let us den - us us all ly see Thy re - Thy n le - sal - hum- Thee turn, great dwell-gher - it, nev - er, va - tion n n oy In - Let Pure 1 Love di - ve, all loves ex - cell - g, 2 Brea, O rea Thy lov - g Spir - it 3 Come, Al-mighish, n, Thy new cre - a-tion; - y de - liv - er, F - All Thy faith - ful Let us fd Nev - er - more Thy Per - fect - ly re - mer - cies prom - ised tem - ples sred crown rest leave Thee: n e - Take Thee Changed Vis - End Pray, Till sus, Thou a-way we would from glo - it we art our e ry us faith, with as Thy its praise Thee with - cast our crowns all com - pas-sion, ent s-ng; al-way - glo - less-g, ry, sal - e - out e - n Pure, Al - Serve Till unpha O-me - ga e; ound - ed love Thou art; Thee as Thy hosts a-ove, heav n we take our place, va - tion; En - ter ev - ry trem-lli - er - g - ng, Set our hearts at ceas - g, Glo - ry Thy per - fect fore Thee, Lost won-der, love WORDS: Charles Wesley MUSIC: ohn Zundel; Last stanza settg y Russell Mauld Arr Copyright 2008 Van Ness Press, Inc (ASCAP) (adm y LifeWay Worship) All rights reserved heart ty love praise BEECHER 8787D

For God so loved world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever elieves him should not perish ut have eternal life For God did not send his Son world condemn world, ut order that world might e saved through him Whoever elieves him is not condemned, ut whoever does not elieve is condemned already, ecause he has not elieved name only Son God this is udgment: light has come world, people loved darkness rar than light ecause ir works were evil For everyone who does wicked thgs hates light does not come light, lest his works should e exposed But whoever does what is true comes light, so that it may e clearly seen that his works have een carried out God ohn 3:16-21 33

6 8 6 8 1!!There is 2!!It tells 3!!It tells!!it tells It It Who Chorus a me me name what One I a my whose love died sre feel sg set for ev - my deep - its me ry est love hear, I Sav-ior s love, Who Fa - r has In lov - g heart Can sounds as mu - sic my ear, The sweet - est name on tells me His pre- cious lood, The s - ner s per - fect though I tread a dark-some ears a part That none can ear e path, Yields sun-she all each sor - row - Oh, how I love Oh, How I love esus e - sus, Oh, how I love worth; free; day; woe, earth plea way low e - sus, Oh, how I love e - sus, Be - cause He first loved me WORDS: Frederick Whitfield MUSIC: Anonymous OH, HOW I LOVE ESUS 8686(CM) with Chorus

Therefore if re is any encouragement Christ, if re is any consolation love, if re is any fellowship Spirit, if any affection compassion, make my oy complete y eg same md, matag same love, united spirit, tent on one purpose Do nothg from selfishness or empty conceit, ut with humility md regard one anor as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal terests, ut also for terests ors Have this attitude yourselves which was also Christ esus, who, although He existed form God, did not regard equality with God a thg e grasped, ut emptied Himself, takg form a ond-servant, eg made likeness men Beg found appearance as a man, He humled Himself y ecomg oedient pot death, even death on a cross For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, eswed on Him name which is aove every name, so that at name esus every knee will ow, those who are heaven on earth under earth, that every ngue will confess that esus Christ is Lord, glory God Far Philippians 2 : 1-11 35

In egng was Word, Word was with God, Word was God He was egng with God All thgs were made through him, without him was not any thg made that was made In him was life, life was light men The light shes darkness, darkness has not overcome it The true light, which gives light everyone, was comg world He was world, world was made through him, yet world did not know him He came his own, his own people did not receive him But all who did receive him, who elieved his name, he gave right ecome children God, who were orn, not lood nor will flesh nor will man, ut God Word ecame flesh dwelt among us, we have seen his glory, glory as only Son from Far, full grace truth (ohn ore witness aout him, cried out, This was he whom I said, He who comes after me ranks efore me, ecause he was efore me ) For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace For law was given through Moses; grace truth came through esus Christ No one has ever seen God; only God, who is at Far s side, he has made him known ohn 1:1-5, 9-18 37

3 The First Noel 3 1!!The 2!!For 3!!!!Then first all y let No - us el see light all re with an -gel did was a that same one ac - say, star star cord Was Sh - g The Sg cer - wise prais - ta poor men es shep - herds east, came e - from our fields as yond y m coun - try heav - en - ly lay; far, far; Lord In To Who fields seek hath where for a made y earth kg heav n lay it was keep - gave ir earth g ir great - sheep, light, tent, naught, On a cold so fol - with w - ter s night it con - t - ued low His star lood that oth wher - man - was day ev - kd so er it hath deep night went ought Chorus No - el, No - el, No - el, No - el, Born is Kg Is - ra - el WORDS: Traditional English Carol MUSIC: Traditional English Carol; Last chorus settg choral endg y Dennis Allen Arr Copyright 2008 Van Ness Press, Inc (ASCAP) (adm y LifeWay Worship) All rights reserved THE FIRST NOEL Irregular meter

Angels We Have Heard on High we why Beth - have this le - a heard u - hem, man - on i - ger high, lee see laid o er stras an - heav n pro - gels plas; long sg; earth! Say what Come, a- Ma - ry, Chorus 1 An - gels 2 Shep- herds, 3 Come See with - Sweet-ly sg - g Why your oy - ous Him whose irth e - sus, Lord mounmay dore o - tas on seph, tid - end - lend re - gs ed your ply, e knee aid, Ech - Which Christ With Glo - - - o ack - spire Lord, us sg ri -a ir your our oy - ous heav n - ly new - orn Sav - ior s stras song Kg irth ex-cel-sis De-o! Glo - - - ri -a ex-cel- sis De - w o! w w WORDS: Traditional French carol GLORIA MUSIC: Traditional French melody; Last stanza settg choral endg y David Huntsger 7777 with Chorus Arr Copyright 2008 Van Ness Press, Inc (ASCAP) (adm y LifeWay Worship) All rights reserved 39

Chorus Go, Go, Tell It on Mounta tell it on moun - ta, O-ver hills ev - ry - where; Go, tell it on moun - ta That e - sus Christ is Fe orn! (segue) Optional Solo 1 While 2 The 3 Down shep-herdshep-herd a kept feared low - ir ly watch - trem - man - g led ger O er When The si - lo! hum - lent flocks y a-ove le Christ was night, earth orn, Be - Rang hold out God through sent out an - us gel sal - heav - ens cho - rus va - tion There That That shone a ho - ly hailed our less - ed Sav - ior s Christ-mas w light irth morn DC al Fe WORDS: ohn W Work, r MUSIC: Spiritual; harm ohn W Work, III; Harmonization used y permission, Mrs ohn W Work, III GO TELL IT 7676 with Chorus

esus came said m, All authority heaven on earth has een given me Go refore make disciples all nations, aptizg m name Far Son Holy Spirit, teachg m oserve all that I have commed you ehold, I am with you always, end age Matw 28:18-20 1

Reflections from Advent Scripture Readg

Reflections from Advent Scripture Readg 3