Ritual Music for the Chrism Mass. The Blessing of the Oils. w w w. The oil for the sick. w w. œ œ. ol - ive branch - es

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2 Presetatio the Oil for the Sick Bass/Me Hadells Keyoard Choir Freely Hym VERSE 1 Durig the hym, the oil is carried i processio 1 From the fruit C B /C 1 Lord, e ask you, Em F ø /E The Blessig the Oils Delores Dufer, OSB Spaish tr y Pedro Rualcava Hadells used: 1 á The oil for the sick ol - ive rach - es m/c Em7/B make it ly, Em7 F/E Dm N Comes the oil for madd9 sus m7 Touch the sick ad m F6 heal - ig here Fadd9 B ø / Gsus G calm their fear G7 Jay F Hustiger C > Text: Excerpts from the Eglish traslatio Rite Cirmatio, Rite the Blessig the Oils, Rite Cosecratig the Chrism 1972, ICEL ll rights reserved Used ith permissio Hym the Holy Oils ad cclamatio for the Holy Oil y Delores Dufer, OSB; Spaish tr y Pedro Rualcava, 1983, 2008, Sisters St Beedict Pulished y OCP Music 1982, Jay F Hustiger Pulished y OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 97213 ll rights reserved Editio 20772-Z

3 maj7 > > Gm7 B maj7 Gm7 > - - > > proph - fe - Em7 et, ta y hum - ue B ø /F le pas - kig! tor! - - B ø / Gsus So Te im - may e plo - r your mos, C B m7 Gm C G REFRIN ll So Je - God, su - cris - to, C B /C prais - oh es Se - oit - ed Hi - jo u - Sav - gi - ior, do, Cmaj7 B /C C Bless this Sa - ti - oil for fi - ca Em F/E Dm7 sig ñor B add9 Gm7 C Priest Rey, Fadd9 ad pro - F6 our es - tos oit - ó - ig: leos, Cmaj7 B maj7 Gmadd9 Fm7/ Gm7 B maj7 C(o3)

Blessig the Oil the Sick Bishop: ll: cclamatio Cator, ll repeat Oil Sa - to m less-igó-leo G/ God all cosolatio, you chose ad set your So to heal the orld ho lives ad reigs ith you ad the Holy Spirit, oe God, for ever ad ever me ly oil, rr m do, Dm7 Em7sus Sig heal-ilo sím - o - de Em Dm7 N C G/B from our s God! ció! m G7/ Dm/F Wait util the oil is placed o its stad efore aoucig the ext oil Note: The composer s origial key for this acclamatio as i Cm Dm

5 Presetatio the Oil for Catechumes Hym Choir Freely T á B 2 The oil for cat - e - chu - mes Hadells VERSE 2 Durig the hym, the oil is carried i processio 2 Rich i kid - ess, C B /C 2 By this sig Em F ø /E rich i mer - cy, m/c Em7/B your sal - v tio Em7 F/E Dm N Lord, from hom madd9 all sus m7 Cat - e - chu- mes m F6 less - igs flo! Fadd9 B ø / Gsus G faith may gro G7 C >

6 maj7 > > Gm7 B maj7 Gm7 > - - > > - proph - fe - Em7 et, ta y hum - ue B ø /F le kig! pas - tor! - B ø / Gsus So may e Te im - plo - r C your mos, B m7 Gm C G REFRIN ll So Je - God, su - cris - to, C B /C prais - oh es Se - B add9 Gm7 oit - ed Hi - jo u - Sav - gi - ior, do, Cmaj7 B /C C Bless this Sa - ti - oil for fi - ca Em F/E Dm7 sig ñor C Gm Priest Rey, Fadd9 our es - tos oit - ó - ad pro - F6 ig: leos, Cmaj7 B maj7 Gmadd9 Gm7/B Gm/D C(o3)

7 Blessig the Oil Catechumes Bishop: ll: cclamatio Cator, ll repeat Oil Sa - to m less-igó-leo G/ Lord God, protector all ho elieve i you We ask this through Christ our Lord me ly oil, rr má - do, Dm7 Em7 sus Gift Do de is-duer - za Em Dm7 C G/B N ad y Wait util the oil is placed o its stad efore aoucig the ext oil stregth! r zó! m G7/ Dm/F Dm

8 Presetatio the Oil for the Chrism Hym Freely S/ T B Hadells 3 The oil for the Chri - sm VERSE 3 Durig the hym, the oil is carried i processio Choir C B /C 3 Bap - tized ad co - firmed ith Chri - sm, 3 Mem-ers a Em F ø /E m/c Em7/B priest - ly peo - ple, Em7 F/E Dm We e - come a madd9 sus m7 shar - ers i your m F6 ly race, Fadd9 B ø / Gsus G life ad grace G7 C > N

9 maj7 Gm7 B maj7 Gm7 > > > - - > > - Priest Rey, ad proph - pro - fe - Fadd9 F6 Em7 et, ta y Cmaj7 B 7 Gmadd9 our es - tos oit - ó - E /G Fm E /G ig: leos, - REFRIN ll So Je - su - God, cris - to, C B /C hum - ue le pas - kig! tor! B ø /F B ø / Gsus G So may e Te im - plo - r your mos, C B m7 Gm C B sus2, B Dm7 Gm F B maj7 oit - Hi - ed jo u - Sav - gi - ior, do, Cmaj7 B /C C Bless Sa - this ti - oil for fi - ca Em F/E Dm7 prais - oh es Se - sig ñor B add9 Gm7 C Csus C/B Dm/

10 VERSE Choir Oil sple - dor, D C/D form - ig might! Gadd9 C ø /B sus Pledge fu - ture Bm G6 oil glad - ess, Bm/D F m7/c Seet - est scet F m G ø /F life ad light! 7 D > Sig God s tras - Bmadd9 Bsus Bm7 God s o Spir - it, F m7 G/F Em N B maj7 m7 Cmaj7 m7 > > > > - > - - -

11 REFRIN Descat So God, Je - su - cris - Melody: ll to, So God, Je - su - cris - to, D C/D Bless this Sa - ti - oil fi - for ca oit - ed Sav - Hi - jo u - gi - ior, do, oit - ed Sav - ior, Hi - jo u - gi - do, D C/D D Bless this oil Sa - ti - fi - for ca F m G/F Em7 our es - tos hum - - ue Priest Rey, ad proph - et, pro - fe - ta y Gadd9 G6 F m7 oit - ig: ó - leos, our es - tos oit - ig: ó - leos, Dmaj7 Cmaj7madd9 So may Te im - plo - e r le pas - kig! tor! hum - ue le pas - kig! tor! C ø /G C ø /B sus your mos, So may e your Te im - plo - r mos, D C Bm7 m D prais - es sig oh Se - ñor prais - oh Cadd9 m7 es sig Se - ñor D

12 Cosecratio the Chrism Bishop: ll: cclamatio Cator, ll repeat Oil Sa - to m glad-essó-leo G/ Uiso Choir ly oil, rr m do, Dm7 Em7sus Fra-grace Bál - s ll oi - ted y this oil C m Let us pray that God our almighty Father ill less this oil We ask this through Christ our Lord me (ccompaimet optioal) F m the Spir - mo de is - pi - Em Dm7 C G/B N If y chri - sm e ere sealed, Bm7 D6 D6/F E/G it s reath! r ció! m G7/ Dm/F Dm Share the priest - hood the Lord D/F Bm7 Dmaj7 E e are ot our o: Bm7 D6 E

13 S T B Broadly a cappella No e are the Broadly (for rehearsal oly) Fmaj7 Dm/F Em7 Em cclamatio Descat Oil Sa - to Melody: ll Oil Sa - to m glad-essó-leo glad-essó-leo G/ ly rr oil, m do, ly rr oil, m do, Dm7Em7sus Fra-grace Bál - s Fra-grace Bál - s Lord s! a the Spir - mo de is - pi - the Spir - mo de is - pi - Em Dm7 C G/B N it s r it s reath! r ció! m G7/ Dm/F Dm reath! ció!

1 TRUMPETS I, II III i B I II III cclamatios for the Holy Oils Í Í Í 1982, Jay F Hustiger Pulished y OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 97213 ll rights reserved Jay F Hustiger ß ß ß,,,

TROMBONES I, II III I cclamatios for the Holy Oils 15 Jay F Hustiger, II III > >, > > 1982, Jay F Hustiger Pulished y OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 97213 ll rights reserved Í Í ß Í ß ß,

16 ssemly Editios HYMN OF THE HOLY OILS Refrai Oil the Sick: Oil for Catechumes: The Holy Chrism: CCLMTIONS FOR THE HOLY OILS Oil Sa - Oil Sa - Oil Sa - Sig Sím - Gift Do Fr Bál - o - de grace s heal - lo is - fuer - mo ig de to to to dom za the de is - less - ig, ó - leo, less - ig, ó - leo glad - ess, ó - leo So God, a-oit-ed to, Hi- jo u - gi - do, Rey, pro - fe - ta Sav - ior, Priest ad proph-et, Je - su- cris- y Bless this oil for Sa - ti - fi-ca our a-oit-ig: ó-leos, Te im-plo - r So may e your es - tos mos, from s our God! ció! ad stregth! y r zó! Spir - it s reath! pi - r ció! ly rr ly rr ly rr oil, m oil, m oil, m Jay F Hustiger Text: Delores Dufer, OSB; Spaish tr y Pedro Rualcava, 1983, 2008, Sisters St Beedict Pulished y OCP Music 1982, Jay F Hustiger Pulished y OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 97213 ll rights reserved Jay F Hustiger hum - le kig! ue pas - tor! prais-eoh Se - sig ñor Text: Delores Dufer, OSB; Spaish tr y Pedro Rualcava, 1983, 2008, Sisters St Beedict Pulished y OCP Music 1982, Jay F Hustiger Pulished y OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portlad, OR 97213 ll rights reserved For reprit permissios, please visit OeLiceseet or cotact us at 1-800-663-1501 do, do, do,