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Eucharistic Prayers II and III from Mass of Spirit and race ccompaniment Edition Ricky Manalo, CSP 2012, OCP 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213 (503) 281-1191 liturgy@ocporg ocporg Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL), 1100 Connecticut ve NW, Ste 710, Washington, C 20036-4101 ll rights reserved sed ith permission Music 2007, 2009, 2011, Ricky Manalo, CSP Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213 ll rights reserved Published ith the approval of the Committee on ivine Worship, nited States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 3211 ourth St NE, Washington, C 20017; SCCBorg None of the pages in this book may be reproduced in any ay ithout ritten permission from the publisher Table of Contents Eucharistic Prayer II Preface ialogue 3 Preface4 Holy6 Pre-Consecration8 We Proclaim Your eath 11 When We Eat This Bread 12 Save s Savior 13 Post-Consecration 14 oxology and men 16 Eucharistic Prayer III Preface ialogue 18 Preface19 Holy20 Pre-Consecration22 We Proclaim Your eath 26 When We Eat This Bread 27 Save s Savior 28 Post-Consecration 29 oxology and men 34 Mass of Spirit and race Keyboard/Choral Edition ed 30107157 Keyboard/Vocal Editioned 30107168 uitar/vocal Edition ed 30107166 Choral-only Editioned 30107154 Eucharistic Prayers II and III (Presider s edition)ed 30107233 Eucharistic Prayers II and III (ccompaniment edition) ed 30107155 Mass of Spirit and race C ed 30107153 or reprintable ssembly Editions, please visit LicenSingOnlineorg Edition 30109548

Mass of Spirit and race Eucharistic Prayer II Ricky Manalo, CSP Mass of Spirit and race Melody Keyboard & &? & &? Priest ( = ca 72) & &? Priest Preface ialogue ΠThe Lord be ith you / Lift up your hearts add9 sus4 Priest Let us give thanks to the Lord our od ll ll m nd ith your spirit / We lift them up to the Lord add9 sus4 ll ΠIt is right and just 3

Preface & &? & &? & &? & & It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, alays and everyhere to give you thanks, *(for rehearsal only) ather most holy, through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, your Word through hom you made all things, hom you sent as our Savior and Redeemer, maj7 incarnate by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin he stretched out his hands as he endured his Passion,? *ccompaniment is provided here for rehearsal purposes only 4

PRECE (Eucharistic Prayer II), cont (2) & &? & &? maj7 so as to break the bonds of death and manifest the res -ur - rection e declare your glory, as ith one voice e ac - claim: nd so, ith the ngels and all the Saints 5

Holy Melody Keyboard & &? & &? m/c Moderate, not rushed (q = ca 144) Bm & &? hosts n n n > / - Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - j ΠΠj Em Heav - en and cresc sus4 ly maj7 n earth n n n Bm Lord are Em od n maj7 / of full of your glo - ry Ho - san - na, ho - san - na, ho - > - Πf Bm m /B n nn n / Bm 6

HOLY (Eucharistic Prayer II), cont (2) & add9 san 1 m/ - na in the high - est Bless - ed is ΠC /C Em he ho &? & &? rit last time C /C C comes in the n n /B m 1 name of the n dim sus4 Lord ΠHo - f n n inal high inal dim - est cresc 7

Pre-Consecration & &? & &? & &? & &? You are indeed Holy, O Lord, the fount of all holiness *(for rehearsal only) by sending don your Spirit upon them like the defall, Blood of our Lord, Je - sus Christ he took Bm maj7 Make holy, therefore, these gifts, e pray, so that they may become for us the 6 Body and ( ) t the time he as betrayed and entered illingly into his Passion, bread, and, giving thanks, broke it, and gave it to his dis 7 / - ci - ples, saying: *ccompaniment is provided here for rehearsal purposes only 8

PRE-CONSECRTION (Eucharistic Prayer II), cont (2) / & &? & &? & &? & &? TKE THIS, LL O YO, N ET O IT, P OR YO and, / Bm OR THIS IS MY BOY, WHICH WILL BE IVEN In a similar ay, hen supper as ended, he took the chalice once more giving thanks, he gave it to his dis - ci RINK ROM IT, OR 7 / THIS IS THE CHLICE O MY BLOO, - ples, saying: TKE THIS, LL O YO, N THE BLOO O THE NEW N ETERNL 9


We Proclaim Your eath Melody Keyboard & &? & &? Lord, & &? come Priest The mys-ter -y of faith We pro - claim / a and pro add9/ (q = ca 144) add9 7 ll add9/ your - fess your Res - ur - rec - tion un - 7 - gain, un - til you come a - / add9 rit 6 Em/ / gain / eath, add9 til O /B you 11

When We Eat This Bread Melody Keyboard & &? & &? & &? Priest The mys-ter -y of Em/ 7/ drink this add9 til you 7 Cup, come a / (q = ca 144) faith e pro add9/ Em/ 7 ll When e Em/ eat this / Bread and - claim your eath, O Lord, un - - gain, un - til you come a - add9 rit 6 7 gain / 12

Save s, Savior Melody Keyboard & b & b? b & b & b? b & b & b? b m Priest The mys - ter - y of faith Save us, Sav - N 7/C m of Bb you the have orld, C set us m/c (q = ca 126) m for by your free, P m Cross m and E o / 7 Bb you C Res rit m ll P - ur - rec - have 7 tion set us m free m6 ior m 13

& Post-Consecration / m &? & &? & &? & &? Therefore, as e celebrate the memorial of his eath and Res - ur - rection, *(for rehearsal only) the Bread of life and the Chalice of sal - va - tion, presence and minis - ter to you m/ e may be gathered into one by the Ho - ly Spirit b m e offer you, Lord, b giving thanks that you have held us orthy to be in your b Humbly e pray that, partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ, Remember, Lord, your / Church, spread throughout *ccompaniment is provided here for rehearsal purposes only 14

POST-CONSECRTION (Eucharistic Prayer II), cont (2) & add9 &? & &? & &? & & the orld, and bring her to the fullness of charity, all the clergy together ith N our Pope and N our Bishop and Remember al - so our brothers and sisters ho have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection, and all ho have died / in your mercy: elcome them into the light of your face Have mercy on us all, e pray, that ith the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of od, ith the blessed? 15

POST-CONSECRTION (Eucharistic Prayer II), cont (3) & / &? & &? Melody Keyboard postles and all the Saints ho have pleased you through - out the ages, e may merit to be coheirs to e - ter - nal life, & &? m/e and may praise and glorify you through your Son, Je - sus Christ b oxology and men Priest Through him, and ith him, and in him, O P m od, almight - y ather, in the unity of the cresc 16

OXOLOY N MEN (Eucharistic Prayer II), cont (2) & / /C maj7 6 &? & &? Ho - ly Spir - it, all glory and hon - or is yours, for ev - er and ev - er Moderate, not rushed (q = ca 136) Em/ & &? * sus4 men! 7 7 % % ll add9 f cresc - men! - men! - 6 rit last time - Em/ 7 1 ** men! 1 Em/ Bm 7 S S inal men! inal E/ *If oxology is spoken, Intro begins here **Consider repeating during Christmas and Easter Seasons, as ell as Solemnities and easts; otherise, skip 1st ending and proceed to inal 17

Mass of Spirit and race Eucharistic Prayer III Ricky Manalo, CSP Mass of Spirit and race Melody Keyboard & &? & &? Priest ( = ca 72) & &? Priest Preface ialogue ΠThe Lord be ith you / Lift up your hearts add9 sus4 Priest Let us give thanks to the Lord our od ll ll m nd ith your spirit / We lift them up to the Lord add9 sus4 ll ΠIt is right and just 18

Preface & &? & &? & &? & & It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, alays and everyhere to give you thanks, *(for rehearsal only) ather most holy, through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, your Word through hom you made all things, hom you sent as our Savior and Redeemer, maj7 incarnate by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin he stretched out his hands as he endured his Passion,? *ccompaniment is provided here for rehearsal purposes only 19

PRECE (Eucharistic Prayer III), cont (2) & &? & &? Melody Keyboard & &? maj7 so as to break the bonds of death and manifest the res -ur - rection e declare your glory, as ith one voice e ac m/c Moderate, not rushed (q = ca 144) Bm & &? hosts n n n Ho - Holy claim: - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ΠΠj j Em Heav - en and cresc nd sus4 ly maj7 n earth n n so, ith the ngels and all the Saints n Bm Lord are Em od maj7 n / of full of your n nn n 20

HOLY (Eucharistic Prayer III), cont (2) & &? & &? & &? > / glo > add9 san - - ry Ho - - na, ho - san - na, ho - - Πf Bm san m - na in the high - est Bless - ed is rit last time C /C C comes in the n n m/ /B m 1 1 name of the n dim sus4 Lord ΠΠHo - f C /B /C n n inal high inal dim - est / Em he Bm ho cresc 21

Pre-Consecration & &? & &? & &? & &? You are indeed Holy, O Lord, and all you have created rightly gives you praise, *(for rehearsal only) Bm for through your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, by the poer and orking of the Ho - ly Spirit, maj7 you give life to all things and make them holy, Bm so that from the rising of the sun to its setting a pure 6 and you never cease to gather a people to yourself, maj7 sacrifice may be offered to your name 6 *ccompaniment is provided here for rehearsal purposes only 22

PRE-CONSECRTION (Eucharistic Prayer III), cont (2) & &? & &? & &? & &? Therefore, O Lord, e humbly im - plore you: e have brought to you for conse -cra - tion, our Lord Jesus Christ, he himself took m bread, 6 Bm by the same Spirit graciously make holy these gifts maj7 that they may become the Body and (+) Blood of your Son at hose command e celebrate these mysteries and, Bm or on the night he as betrayed giving you thanks, he said the blessing, broke the bread and gave it to his 23

PRE-CONSECRTION (Eucharistic Prayer III), cont (3) & / / &? & &? & &? & &? dis - ci - ples, saying: TKE THIS, LL O YO, N ET O IT, OR THIS IS MY BOY, WHICH WILL BE IVEN P OR YO Bm In a similar ay, hen supper as ended, he took the chalice m/ he said the blessing, and gave the chalice to his dis - ci - / ples, saying: and, giving you thanks, TKE THIS, LL O YO, N 24


We Proclaim Your eath Melody Keyboard & &? & &? Lord, & &? come Priest The mys-ter -y of faith We pro - claim / a and pro add9/ (q = ca 144) add9 7 ll add9/ your - fess your Res - ur - rec - tion un - 7 - gain, un - til you come a - / add9 rit 6 Em/ / gain / eath, add9 til O /B you 26

When We Eat This Bread Melody Keyboard & &? & &? & &? Priest The mys-ter -y of Em/ 7/ drink this add9 til you 7 Cup, come a / (q = ca 144) faith e pro add9/ Em/ 7 ll When e Em/ eat this / Bread and - claim your eath, O Lord, un - - gain, un - til you come a - add9 rit 6 7 gain / 27

Save s, Savior Melody Keyboard & b & b? b & b & b? b & b & b? b m Priest The mys - ter - y of faith Save us, Sav - N 7/C m of Bb you the have orld, C set us m/c (q = ca 126) m for by your free, P m Cross m and Eo / 7 ll Bb you C Res rit m P - ur - rec - have 7 tion set us m free m6 ior m 28

Post-Consecration & &? & &? & &? & &? Therefore, O Lord, e celebrate the memorial of the saving Passion of your Son, *(for rehearsal only) m his ondrous Resurrection and scension into heav - en, and as e look forard to his second com - ing, b e offer you in thanksgiving this holy and liv - ing / sacrifice Look, e m pray, upon the oblation of your Church and, recognizing the sacrificial Victim by hose death you illed to reconcile us to your - *ccompaniment is provided here for rehearsal purposes only 29

POST-CONSECRTION (Eucharistic Prayer III), cont (2) & m/e &? & &? self, grant that e, ho are nourished by the Body and Blood of your Son and filled ith his Holy b Spirit, may become one body, one spir - it in Christ / & &? & &? you, so that Mother of od, May he make of us an eternal offer - ing to e may obtain an inheritance ith your elect, especially ith the most Blessed Virgin Mary, m/e ith your blessed postles and glorious Martyrs (ith Saint N: the Saint of the day or b 30

POST-CONSECRTION (Eucharistic Prayer III), cont (3) & m/ &? & &? & &? & &? Patron Saint) and ith all the Saints, fail - ing help m/e May on hose constant intercession in your presence e rely for un b this Sacrifice of our reconciliation, e ad - vance the peace and salvation of all the orld Be pleased to con - b your pilgrim Church on / earth, ith your / pray, O Lord, firm in faith and charity servant N our Pope and N our Bishop, - 31

POST-CONSECRTION (Eucharistic Prayer III), cont (4) & m/e &? & &? & &? & & the Order of Bishops, Lis all the clergy, and the entire people you have gained for your on b - ten graciously to the prayers of this family, hom you have sum - moned be - fore you: m/e / in your com - passion, O merciful ather, gather to yourself all your children scattered throughout To our de b - parted brothers and sisters and to all ho ere pleasing to you at their passing the orld / from this life,? 32

POST-CONSECRTION (Eucharistic Prayer III), cont (5) & &? & &? m/e give kind ad - mittance to your kingdom / b glo - ry through m/e There e hope to enjoy for ever the fullness of your Christ our Lord, through hom you besto on the orld all that b is good 33

oxology and men Melody Keyboard & &? & &? & &? *If oxology is spoken, Intro begins here Priest Through him, and ith him, and in him, O P m od, almight - y ather, in the unity of the / /C maj7 6 Ho - ly Spir - it, all glory and hon - or is yours, for ev - er and ev - er Moderate, not rushed (q = ca 136) Em/ * 7 % % ll f cresc cresc - men! - men! - 7 Bm E/ 34

OXOLOY N MEN (Eucharistic Prayer III), cont (2) & sus4 men! 7 add9 6 - Em/ 1 ** men! Em/ 7 S inal men! &? rit last time **Consider repeating during Christmas and Easter Seasons, as ell as Solemnities and easts; otherise, skip 1st ending and proceed to inal 1 S inal 35