On Wednesday of next.week Mrs. Albert F. Parker will entertain tbe

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nplss-f".;v\*.r.-....-."...- ;.V-T-,: WWW!-.!:T.PrW;..-../;"J>"--,.J.,",? >. -: "."- -v-x-..v--. 0- B. TelllDgbnst.Btate Llbrarluj Ronn K?.. lt.j-..-.,:r<-.: f.fj a ~"l?feelthtfearr -Ayer,-Mass - Saturday* January -19,918 No. 20. Prce Four Cents PEPPERELL -K<Bnj»-jtteg»...:-".. -..-.---J-"., BulaU6M)a.wl>6ra, Uttle daughter Mr. Harry Dawborn, formerly, ths wn; was at St. Josepbjs hosjjhol.nashpa. lort week durng. 4ay» some ot P«ppereJl patents wero re, m»dergblng an operan for adenods enlargednsls. MVs. r.k.butler.cf twampbcotl has beenvsltlng n wn for week past, ers hlu..,e,famly ha>-e been Quar, antned tho past week,.krank Fordj who-hasbeen on. J- -Rowells jgraln deuvery team snce last far,>hju» accepted; a 4>06ltlon:as fore man Ota. ultry farm on eetate :tk -burtneae maajn- Halfax, ths state,- flnlshed hs Work here Saturday,.:-: LTef. bger Rbbbnaat Camp Dls, N. J, haa been Ul Wth measles n tho. hosptal. t s expected that hs three-woks Quarantne s Just over. Er by,letter or, "thought tranaterenoe," he seems have gven dls-. ase hla sster, Mlss Esr Robblns, - «tth<own,-who-lsjustrecoverlng. t sthsurbtbarely possble that she may have contracted dsease on cars Jhmakng trp Bosn, whereshe sft student a*.ne* Engl Con-.: servary.musc. -,...,. -.jvllbhng;-who.has been Bpend :nnh«rs-*at..wnter at jome-,.stead, returned,elmra, N. X.. ths week.. ;,-,.,.,-..,... :-.. -ahnnal meetng ot Mstrct Vuralnr assocan. WlU- be held art- -T-frcacott*aU.on Monday, evenlttj Feb ruary 4,at whlchtlme tlw.elecuon fcers wll occur reports wll.be. gven. Thlsl a meetng vtal nr terest everyone n communty. - all shonld t>lan attend or, organsan are asked obser\0 date..;.,,. Ms. Sarah.Dow ha»been serouslj; n -wltl bronchts at her home at tlo Per«e homestead: -At.present accounts ls a sught mprovement.; but her X condlohs-yet:alarmlftg;.hex_fapvl ly. ald frends,.r Her-daughter, Lucy Cushg, has beenwth; her constantly : Mlsa Harret Dow was sumooned. from New SorlCtho frst week;-. Leut. ]>«Ue Reed wrtes frt>m Washngn, D. C, where he was transferred. shortly after roportlng at concenr traaom campon Long sl,,ta.10-. cember. At present, n, company Wth two or flccrs, lho s at Unon etln,. engagea n worfc.n hte own.ut, oyll-engneerng. HbB.well; satr sfled wltl tud stuan, havng very de«lrabl6<rt*»s- d wrtes that al- though ths work may contnue for. -weeks, yet ho-nlglt bo transferred at ao hours notee. wear, s cold --:rtfashlnr-hert«ports,-: -y have two nches snow." George G- Tarbcll, commer Thomas A. Parker, poet, G. A. R., was guest o.f Mra. 3, X. Ahnls. She rotumea hoe Wt)de»day. ;.. r Onecase ot scarlet fever la reported 4r. thl..famy et Alex Nowlskl OO Parfc nstajung. Bcer at Gron on Tue«db.y aftemoon flcers 8,-Clajlc-post, G. A. K. Thursday holt-houday. 1s te contnued, /notwthstng shortened._hourabllonng mate ot Jdhea J. Srrow. As amonded nodlffed, however, but few sres n wn oro affected materally by change..,,,,, tne wu probably conunue pre- scrbed number da>-»,.-cjtlr.g.jhobartrtsjytttllpg,ol a,w<o<u lomn.west Oron-, recently purchaaed by hm. He.drves back forth wfch two men from wn. M2j_ Qreenl»f George -A. StcR-rt.omployed! byj hm.. Merln Salter, who hast been at home or sck lea%-c, from tho loss :hls rght h at battle Lena, returned Canada last SJaturday. as ;ho Charles Brd ha» been conflned hla home on thb South road snce Thursday last weekwth grppe ad an-almc«8;outh»3rn;:r, --.,,-, Mss Beatrce 0<Jbnnell, formerly ths wn but hojv resldlnp n Nashua. N.., hos-aocepted a posn as panst at Krankl > Opera House n.that cty, Mlss Llllkn.Dunn h.-s been nt St. Josephs hosptal. Nashua,, ths week, <0r nn oper.-tlon n lhrn,r Although dty -aak.srmy. WtUnt Ronrortb, *lk nnn nt Maude.Ohck, has enlsted from Bosn n quartermasters department : was report on Jan-uary 16. He expects flrst be obufced undergo Gertrude TarbeU. dstrct deputy pres; na-vy. report at Florda ths leotpnorwsmnrent, us pr%-e3hs dht, lnd sute, pem-verol la KOng week. arm are-troublng hm. thov later Gron nstall fcers Tho;P.fPP_etelJ hgh school basketball expects be transfeted France. Mddlesex UebekahludKe. One «":?/*«"?:.?*l?>s?j tho Opera House on Frday lll?;.! e-enlng 1e wurbe-grv-enur nsvruct TtT came from Woolwch,.Me.. be pres. last week by tho. score 42 14. ent. party went down on at Capt. Horan starred for PeppereU ternoon express, whch left here about seven oclock,.were conve>-edome teo.m.. -" by teams., Mlss Hazel Rchards, lanchester. K. H vsd MrsL Florence WUlpughby over Sunday., Albert F. Parker wll entertan tbe On Wednesday next.week - J.,E. Swasey returned.home members Bast Ulage club at a on -Tuesday from. an extended- vst snce Chrstmaa -a-lth frlehds n Wlnchendon.. Wllam Chapman la preparng cut ce. sad, be eghteen nches thck, trom.blokea pond. - A letter receved by local commttee on Cbnsers-atlon, from Nathanel Thayer,, charman, state commttee, urges that strct economcs prevau n. all.household matters, berth Spurgeon Cuthbertson Joned her.husb M Montague last, week, havng rented her tenement, furnshed Mr. Outhhertsone successor xos aaslstant Rtatlon agent on thc MUford branch, Mr. Davs, trom North Pownal, Vt:. E. L.., Humphrey, Nashua Rlyer Paper Company flco force bas moved here wth hs famly,. occpy: house on. Leghn stroet formerly owned by Hannah Barry.y "." "- : ", Suse \v. Dort who ha been spendlmr her vacan n, Wollasn, remedhome on Mondav attend nstauatlon MlddlescxBebekah lodge bn Tuesday evenng,,,_.... W. W.-Lmnt daughter MU dlture«?-ln,"th"e;nne ot repars, hulldmgr dred vlalted n.bosn Ond wlth or or largo jaalxers...*, Erajjt-sster; Arthur WUsbn,. at. rr*.;m;?r Reed returned hbme Brghn, oh Frday hnd Saturday frojsjjpwtba.-n Monday, comngmn last week.. Lunt returned Saturday evenng; Mlss Mlldred remanng conpa. Wth -her son Walter,.from: Ayer. bx; au;, nd wth WMdeUort-, for.a. longer vst, gho.-resumeslher Joy George GUbert,-who "have pee dtlk)as.teacher n Harvard next workbgwth;"walter Reed n Stuan? Monday, t s expected.- tan.;;,. young men -returned; n -Fred W. Rlnsdahl returned Wenden;LoveJoy"o- -carhat afternoon, home on Thursday last week from as. Mr. Beed s nght Bupernfendent. a Vst ;her mothor, Hoyt. at \ report that 9.09 a. m. ex N.orwalk, Conn. press, for Noshua,4.S4 p. m. express for Ayer were be dscontnued. s found be; wthout; floal (Mrflrmatlon. George A. - Gay, a nember Or A- R. ot-ths rwo; attended- nstallan Of E...Clark post n Gron op Tuesday. >. Elbrdge Jevrett. who has been worknsjat Aycr pumpng stan, as engneer, has.been f duty -conlned hs home on Pleasant street wth he gr)pe. - He returned work on Wedjpfeay. Horord Shattuck, who has been havng serous trouble wth hs throat, returned ore Monday "from St. Josephs hosptal, Nashua, -w-here (he had been undertreatnent. ; he famllj- RON. D.- R. Chld axe n quarantne. Chld t-ko sons beng stll U -wtth scarlet fever, thrd son-just reobverng. Mlss. Josephne Bowers, who resdes wth her nece. Addson Woodward, waa called Bbsn on- Thurs day,ot last «-eek by.luneas hcr elster. NearljThtttf- r-large st -coal ple about 500 ns n j-ards ot thc PeppereU Card Paper Co. w-as taken over by government thls week, fcal markers beng Qultng- porty," at J.er home, Brook Uno street. Ths s be anor allday meetng : hostess wth her assstants wll pre8d«over noon luncb arrange program for afternoon.. SoctlnK ot Pccnllar nteresu all-day meetng L. S. C. Branch Allance, tne Untartah socety, whch *as held wth Mrs Adr dlson Woodward on Frday- lost week, was -necular nterest. n -Spltc, tho..natural! depresslon-jfetl among members ths socety afl. recent as ot r churclv;bk Are, a hopeful sprt wat manfestedohd work crcle wll be carred forward ehergetlcally, Jt s a noteworthy-tem that-at dnner slver am chna;,. crcle were-used.; slver w-as removed, but chna had gone throubh flre practcauy unnjured. At afternoon devonal everclses psalm was read( trom hsrcal bble saved from flre - box passed for regular collecn was church oontrbun, box, whch-, passed through." Arc whb)e.. was pcked out debrs next day wth envelopes mornng collecn ntact;" soldly encased n ce. ; many remarkable ncdents connected, -wth flre could; pot fal be a pc conversan; re "Wts no speaker, ladled wt.rkng on hspltal.shrts for led Crosw placed by a govemment flcer. Several or cars. t s stated, were on knttng. way for tho same convpany. Mr. E. F. Brown. Rver Btreet, have been recevng congratulans on tho brth ot a da-ughter on nstallan, followng flcers Ofllccn* nstaual ; Sunday, January 13. young lady,beacon lodge.. O. t. F.. occurred s all more welcome that or on Thursday..evenng last week: members famly precedng her Sdward F. Brown; n.ff.: Charles W. wero two boys. Brown has her Card, -v.g.; J..Gardner Wlley. ree, sstert anurse from Peterboro, N. H,. sec,: Lncoln Johnson, fn. sec.: Curts D. Glman. treasl; Henry E. WU stayng wth.her. son. warden; Dmer Mason, chap.; nstallan- newly elected taymond MaxweU. cond.; Lous P. svm-dms n-au- four- cases-.wera-notl fcers- Acoma Rebekah. lodge ahattockr-r.s.n.g. r-ehester A-Parker,- narked ad dsease s n a very electve fcers s take place on l,».n.g.; Grant M. Palmer, r.3.v.g.: lght form." Reports atpresent are Tuesday evenng. February 12. Charles O. Messer, l,s.v,g.: Donald >. very favorable, although quaran- Blanche Brown, ot Gron. -tvll be Shattuck. r.s.s,: Charcs H. Stnerford. DpYotTKHhaYU Can Save hymnng Your FTGHBURG CO-OPERATVE BANK Depost at&ebreof~-:\r--;-------- J.J.Barry;Man.Street, Ayer,.-t-J c/:-----.--r----=-** Saves Postage, Stanery. Tme A.-a THE STOEE FOE THEFTY PEOPLE ngt.ung fcer. Mlss Margaret Boynn. who has had a posn n New Bosn. N, H., Hgh school snce September, has been promoted prncpal, through resgnan ot rmer prncpal. ".. llss ;Vollle Wlson, who recently returned her resdence on Mt. Lebanon, s much mproved: -Mr. Mra;-George Dow are stll stayng here, altbou«rh.y had JBomB-lrteraoaedrler jgohrgtd ealtbmla. Thomas Dwyer has been a vctm ot prevalng grppe confned hs home on Man street. HowaVd OConnell a frend, from Nashua, spent Sunday wth hs sster, Edward Ptzpatrck, Cottage street. Annual Sale Lades Shrt Wasts Mddy Blouses 69c. REGULAR PRCES 98 $1.50 Vole Wasts 69c. $1.00 REGULAR PRCES 98 $1.98 Smocks 98c. REGULAR PRCE $1.98 alk_w.alats..._..._. $l-00, REGULAR PRCES $2.98 $3.98 Crene le Gtle anl Georoette Wasts, $2.98 REGULAR PRCES $5.00 artd $7.50 " A. SECOND FLOOR BRDGE n.n.j lomhart C Melendy, g:-jonas E, Andrews, o.g, fnetauatlbn was performed by George F. Buxuj d.d,g.m.. Shrley, sute. ncludng Harr}- H; Lynch. d.dtg.w.;";. Charles.; Perce. d.d.g.«.; Alvah B.Watn. d.d.g.c.; J. Edwn Pomtret,; d.d,g;m.: Charles H, Weare. Jr.. d.d.g.g.; WUUam-WUkns. d.d.g.h. au Fredonan lodge, Shrley; aleo, W;- Hbward Gee, Ftchburg lodge;- dtd.sjtl.,....»;,, ; A-t "corclts<m«fhc exexclsea adjournment w-a«made ba-- quet hall, where an oy«er popper w-as ser\-ed under che drecn Fred S. Dunlap. chef, efflclent as..rtstants. After banquet re were short speeches by members nstallng sute.tad or vwtbrs. members Heacon lodge, J. G. Wlley llcatng.1-s astmaster. Grauge Notes. nstallan otfcer.s Prescott Grange ok place at r hall on last week Frld.ay evennk, " work -as performed n an e.xceedngly plea.sng m.nner by master Brooklno (H- -H.) Oraace. Clarence Ru,ssell. asslstetv by Mra. P.ussell. ar.d Mlss Florence K*mp tha Grange, flcers, a. nstalled, were Mss Ellen 1, Mller, m,; Jenne Mc Donald, c: Mr.s..-Vmy.. Shattuck. lec.;.\dellne Tucker, stew.; J. lanter l.nwrence, a-st. stew.: Olver M. N.-Uh. ohap.; Walter 1.. Shattuck. treas.: Lott.- Shepherd, see; Andrew.. Vessell.s. g.k.; Jenne Uce..U.S.; Maude Dow, Ceres; MlEs Bertha Glb-rt. Pomona;.\... We.<selles, lora;.mss llan Stewart, chorster; Gerge K, Shattuck. ex, com, t yrs. At close busnes* sesson a shtrt program was presentw. conslstns an artcle on "Glmpses vf Russa," by Amy Shattuck, -md solos by Mr, X»h, A lgh; collan was enjoved a:. close mee ng. At tho annujl meetlnk tho Lades Ad socety at thc homo.jerr>- Ann-s on Wednestlay afternoon twenty membera were present one KueHt. prncpal busness afternoon was oleca flcers for comnk" year. Alnts. premdent for past three yenrs. resgned, stated her reasons for dong so was partally dvg her health also her work. Several th* ladles spoke on her qualfcans -.ndl tho good work accomplhhed b> thj& socety under her KUdance und >f excellent couraje wth whch sh rgpred socety moot obstacle-. jacaln she declned otuce ajd.j?.- he nomnatng commttee had no >r cdate, vot was arcomphhcc by ballotng:. Out ()f all r.a Of* \rf, Anns roc*ve<l tho larj:e;t n To* r Of votes W.TS persadetl t t wa, h( for tho re-el Mcers, wh<l a Andrew.*. M r.v proh,; trs.» O. W, Perre. drecr.s. w chokon. wl charman. At four ov jourrjed for a pany were f: lttlo Kleanor all. Ljght ftt (h** elo*k CCC;»t fce vot d o cakt one lnllot on f tho romant., <»f- 0 p- follows;,\r-.,1 X. \V» A, Shc>ardtnn. \ cf K.*, Wesn, treas.: Mr.t ec A board t\s*-lvo tl -lr asssta nt.;. wt ro h W. U. P-eer; k -he noctnf: moc(n : w;s :\.lel - hour con- :t lned by ron (ln.,-s l>y rer.ace. who dolrhd rcfuments wcro sorvod f.-thf tttcrnoon. Comp Flro < ndt s" -Jfecport. Tho roport nt th«*ork Vnr.emaquan Baljbjl.ssett Camp Fre Clrclc make,; a AatlHfacry ahowlnb. Thc camps Kttllo ha\-c partcpated n Mtmoratday-projfrat. aded tho Red Crow leclat Ad socety. Joned -wth otht. orders thc wn n publc, patr otla demonstrans for boys who v-ere dkucd; thc colors. -hep<?dt-wtth-th--«"l*» 5<wnp»-tr>-«n->hrtalnmcnt for tho solders at Catp Devons. > -haw* been absovuly self-supportln.. earnng thc money mselves for thomxponsca tho order nnd for tho twtnat duos. Tho Ponncmam. Camp Flre havo awarded flve. flwjkrs ranks anrt three rch-besr«f«earnlnr thc money for-tho nro-m*.kl«f bpcelets thc rch-boarerrf P by glvlnc a play. From thc t)ro>e«b -ths fund, nvo dollars wa* also Jroted be Blvon thc Ladles Ad soretjr Thc> h-no Kl-vn lurrehcons for thc ""m/m. SHEEP-LNED COATS ULSTERS Nothng made that s so servceable so warm for money. An deal coat for any man who s out n all knds wear. Prces, are away below market values. Sheep-lned Coats... $9.00 $18.00 Sheepdned Ulsters _ $15.00 $35.00 STORM COATS FUR COATS Fur Coats n Dogskn, Galloway,ana Horsehde; Sm Coats n Montana Buffalo, Astrakhan Cloth- Patrck Cloth, all wnd pro srm pro, Fr Coats... $25.00 $50.00 Sforrd Cbats.;,.:., 1120.00 $35.00 SWEATERS How.about a good Sweater? We have m n plenty all knds all colors. Our prces are less than present wholesale prces for lke qualtes. Mens Sveaters $1.50 Khak Sveaters $5.00 Khak Sleeveless Sweaters A\AA» OF EVERY KND FOR MEN AND BOYS We have a large sck warm, hsome Overcoats sutable for ths cold wear. Every man wll fnd here somethng that s sure please hm.. We have Dressy Overcoat cut 42 nches long, Heavy, Long Coat wth large srm collars.. qualty goods makng garment s usual hgh grade whch ths sre has always fered ts cusmers. prces asked are far.. away below r present market value. t wu pay you Jsuyan Overcoat now for future needs, as prces on ths grade merchse bds far advance greatly before next, season comes around. Thnk t over. Mens Fancy Mxture Overcoats $12.50, $15.00, $18.60, $20.00, $25.00 Boys Fancy Mxture Overcoats. $8.47, $10.00, $15.00, $18.00 $8.00 $8.00 $3.50 $6.50 "Vsre Open on Monday, Tuesday, Frday Saturday Evenngs ch-arch, havc entert.-ur.ed son-.o a<)ldler Cam, Devens, suh.scrbed S2,50 :s thfr share n~..-!;azne l.lfc" sent C.-np Devens -nd made Kced bo--<o.s "sweets" for thc PepJOreU ;,rors who are "sonewhero n Fr.nco " n r \-ar rol work ;ho,v havo furnshed two dozen hosrt; cl.nfort bans. Thov r-xve ourned v.any hc--.ors j whle thor r.-.mbers h.-tve heexx ohav;;od " )-- tho n.. n.bers loavlng wn for thor "w-ork th.- crcle..re yet plannnk for a num:.-r.f now ones fl!! tho Ueplotej -.-lnks- For conr.f year v havo ;.anned, asde fron; us- Lal earn-..r honors, kee) on -vjth (ot w-ork. maknk fjcker thor w.r pllows, tr.- -..h comfort bacs nelp- ng tl! 1 M" (-amp Flre war chest,.,:us.sett Camp Fre havo n.l :o;-, crls wear tho slver authorz w(v)d-kat:er, have w-orkcd durn:; T.s -ay tho DlKtrk:! Nurse,,,,. rng ;h" a.ssorat-.r.. tumln? n fnte a sum,, money Red fl ca m 111 own 111 ever. 111!. luf WJlo p:u KO..l-fls. hospt 10-.0"- pro r tho p mau-r learn lr lanlak hat cause, havc helped tho m Kcttnc memhors. won;.r three days. KcttnK r ha\e enjoyed hkes ar. ;ks wth r guardan, on-,-..,.-t n cannng tlo l-s f.lr. held by tho Karr- -.rr.c t-vvo przes.r.» trr-.. o Nurso ossocn-. ---:,.e v-anned frul. as lo ;-, lho s-lvcos f.f lho nurs. 1,. hom n thol K.st.\d XX,!.re-n.lkcr-K rank, havo, Kl a half dozen rhoo-. k- rohls for thf Spo ll. L-lteor. beutfl M ral- l.voro sont by. App......]tal w-ork n l-r.mf. -- xxx a x p. oro -...v-.;.. r colls Chllrf ns -"0. hnve fnshed fo"r, :, r.flle.s havo ten ". h. dpped, Tloy h.vo..k,.o-\-e sot lho tn.-!" entre cam f>r \..V y.arc realy t" lo.l -.1,M rk tho comng yon r.l L-.nd servlnjr tn a danty nvalds tray nhd,,t ork wlththo ncccsvar> mako capable enclcnt Krls.. who are ready for.arounl. go ors. Tho gl w-lth Mrs ll w. r. T. X- Tho W ;t th t.nn :err""n «lon. nlth- cnnd*!"! ;-CSt " t t,b-.;h ll tho pv-l rarkfr. M -.vol OUl WNTER CAPS Every knd Wnter Caps, both n Cloth Fur. Also, all knds Yam Toques -Helmets, or Avan Caps. Mens Warm Caps... Boys Warm Caps.. Mens Fur Caps Mens Yarn Toques.. Boys Yarn Toques... 50f $1.50... 25 65 $4.00 $7.00 75 ana $1700 65 75 Helmets, or Avar Caps 75 $1.56 Scarfs Toques for Women ard Grls?1.00 t0 $2.50 a very good entertaner w-th amusng anoodote dalect sres..\ duet, (dd Kentuckv home,- was rendered RUBBER FOOTWEAR n spte. o,ft: scarcty Rubber Footwear we have" a SSy go6a"sfeclc meel your requrement. We carry very best qualtes be found n market. You wll fnd here such makers as Gold Seal, Red Seal Goodyear Glove Heavy Rubber Footwear be worn wth heavy socks also Felts Overs are here n plenty. We have a dozen dfferent knds for you select from. bv Florence Hutchnson M.ss arv Wood, folo-wed by a few remarks by r.ov. J. E. Lews... rectan was gven by K.*r Martn Rev, Mr,.Mallov sang a group song. program was concluded w-th duot, Anno Laure," by Hutchnson.Mss Wood. refreshments, w-hch w-ero adjusted somewhat tmes, wore 1 stl plea.sng varety gvon n abundance, served wth fne cotfee made a; tho farm. Gfts were d."ttrbu. as a remnder tho hold.ay,sea-,son md thc- hour was brght socal for all apprecated by those for wh.n; t was planned, augl Th...-.-tt.-11 Th s Wll! 1 lt Agents for LEWANDOS Laundry Dyehouse rrocodng program re w-aa 1 short busnoss ses,"on W. (". T l- at w-hoh Mr,s, H, N, Tower, ns l-st vce presfent. presded, Thc mucortan oxpondture.s w-ere taker.ls usson vod upon. (amp F1rt\.gs f-.-lm.p Fro Orls ho..! ;. meotng a-st wo.-k Krfla> at.r.-.-og.nal parsonage wth l Low-s. a.*asnt gu.rfla f 111" members, oallod Wshas.,,r l- t;r-t al k r.t tll,; ns- n!*o. cotmlt o for cookng.mplo kflst a afternoon a Mary Pond, : three oclock Man street. w-th At Methodst church on Sunday mo,rnlng )asr wll take for hs m.e, - man w-ho changed hsrv- tho word." Epworth league.servce.at l.- w-ll l>e led by. leors subject. "Young chrstan reachng upw-arl." roachng by asr at T.tO,.ast Sunday mornns subject d<\aconc.ss work w-as w-ell preaentcd by Ms,s Wood, a deaconess, also nvtron Haverhll Home for Conv-alescents. Mss WOCK gave a revew- ot thc work deaconess, ppoakng ths movement as an mportant facr among young people, mmense value tho church,.-mthough nf>t new, stbject w-as presented so.tympatcauy as wn a aubsnantal response from an nterested audonce. parsh moetng fnluarlan socety held on Thursday cvenlnb jast week n Congreganal ve»- j try wtts well atndod,.about sxty-flvo beng presont. Ms-s Florence Kemp, charmat f tho Frst arsh commtr-, sorvol as nolor. lv vrtuo hor olloor,\ "1 l rroo ntcrost WUS nanfos th. prnc.11 pc K"a am Zonta, who an ml r flscs.- th. ro- lng kng m. -01-. - tb.- V.hurch o tff r.ftt o.stroyed tho Tho l\- ro.,\r -ul r-.r om loth..11 llto assst- Olotl - S"Up Wth rs tf s\ r ll sln a lull 1. ds "f h. tv. ( hrlv, am fron. - tron. or uslrs, frot aj,;,;\s wth ta -,. tho NatT!,1 ssf t-u. t W.S lnnlxe-..l Clff." <".--.,,;,l tho chrl on tho V ll.- Wll tno.rfl tl- ftl- -ll.s r th. nf.o. Mrs l.!. l cftt.o c.t--stng Ms.,., ltfh.dsf.l... A..Mr-.Vltr. 11 1- lo-t, 1, w,b...\.,1ls.n, tho shw) -lft-ront.hun h s ror. W.S.pponted...-l.l for tho v-nr lol.t-r..mss H.ultl, t WS 1 t" unte ndelntely n -.k.- 1 f.r tho ncoss;ry fulus, -f.. tught thom so\-oral tho church s rnos wth tho Congre- tn---, ovlanod prn,1los Th- grls ar.l makng trench honon r plans b\ s.-rvlng lltlo later. Tho (-.mp Fre work-s pl.anned j (lnrch Xotcs. cmerkcncy.an all- Tho Lntaran Congreganal! daughter r mothrdan s Vt. H. Reers rre S. Btck. aslstant. T., recepn tho.xe farm on Wednesday at usual plcosnt orcnrh tho streets bon?: lt bad ny abomt twenty attended. m convoyed n Durants bg bo unavodable absence,.t "f unon, A, F, 1 Applen Kave address, whch,wa» followed, hy tho - Amorca,-thtr beatvtlfut." 1.; -on nvoked ble.s-slng, a H -- rhrl.stmajt wnrpl was sung c;woo Martn. Rev, A. D. Malloy brl(}<s who have Cone from r mdst 11 for remarks provod jnrtles,for rounc peoplo 1 wa- call churches wll hold unon servces n Congreganal ve-r on Sunday. 1re.aPhlng hy Rev, D, R, Chld at ta, n mornng, Sunday Bchool C.J M -nntnt Thf -Vrrrord.dth.. wlu -hold-lflclock,., frt K, B, 4l4«Ud:»-horae.Da-- mootng at sx oclock, led by Mlss Man strcot. group busy womon n r whte robes carps aro /.llpha Woodworth. Thc subjecl w-lll bo "What s reverence? tud why most attructlvo. cuttng.-hould w-e he reverent" At s<von throe >-ard Kauzo dressngs, thc fola-, clock Rev.,1, R, lx>wls wll dolvor an np;. rollnk n flrm shape.. lllls tmted lecture on " lfe nf packng flvo rolls n squares Chrst, " n keepng wth nterna now cotn cloth, tyng wth twlno, nal Sundav school lessons. He h.a.r atso "ocurod sxteen extra sldes, showng Jerusalem Rethle-hem, whch have recentv hoon tken by Rrltlsh army. re are.several llustrated songn. Tho "Womans Mhslonary.socety hold tho noxt mootng on Wednesday gnlona! slcoty..\ mootng ntarn parsh com7nto :nd olllcals ngroganal socety S he hrh th:t> n-<-ek Frday WW)- ng adjust cert.n matters busness pertanng ths mlon ser\-lce. snclety w-ll take no "Evory member canvuss on Sundav r regular expenses ths socety. R«J Crow Branch. Mcetlng. held every Wednesday Saturday afternoons from throe flvo stampng wth name ot br.anch. kcepsm.ny flngcrs at work, Twcnty-threo such p.acknges have hoen sent Lowell forty-three are ready for next shpment. Tho lcal return from N.an.a> socety gves twenty mllon "over thc p" annual membera for 1918. T 1 wj,.

Tsm- Vt.\-- v ; PAOE TWO ONE DOLLAR AND JTKTy CKNTS PER YEAR N ADVANCE OKORGE H. B. TlRKER, Pnkllakrr Wo publlah tbo followng Papevs: Toroers PaUlo Sprt, Aytr. Mae. -Tte Groa Ltutdmark Tbe PoppcvrU Ctarlo>-AdTertlscr Tfae Lttcn Gudon tnte Westford.Wardsman Tbe Haryard UUbldo Ttbe Sbnoy OnwSe Tbe Townaend Tocsn Tbe BrookUne- (N..H.) Beacon Tbe Holla (N. H.) Uomcutead Entered a> lecond-elas* matter at posfflce at Ayer, Maaa. Saturday, Jannary 19, 1S18. - WESTFOBB Center. r\ fjr Mra. Henry A. Fletcher ard Jfrs. Al fred W. Hartford went Xaahua llrat tho week vlalt Jenne Ffleld, -who makes her homo re, flndlns hcr well n sood eprlts. Msses Grace Ltchtleld. Edth Forster, Mollle Raynes - nu Macnutt have been Bueets Mr. Georee W. Goode durng school vacans. WllUam E. Frost school wlureop«n bn Monday, as repars heatlns plant are completed. t s *oped-}>ytwat tme th» branch car wll t>e n operan. After hardest knd bf -work clearng tho ley rals last -week Mor severe ce srm undd alt that work, n some places rals are frozen n several nches soud ce. greatest help would be a genune.jan-uary thaw. Tanuck club lows tsannuav guest nleht on Mohday e\-enlng. John P. Wrght s hostess Mendelssohn quartet n. good reader WlU gve entertanment. Bach. nfember s enttled ono guaet tcket. r o-wn membershp tcket servng /or hmels-es.- Guest tckets are not transferable.. Members are remnded that evenngs program wn begn jromptly at T.30 n-order close by ten oclock. n, accordance wth new- rulng state fuel admnlstra-. r >Mlss May Day has completed knttng her thrty-second par sckngs for solders. Mlss Day knta very smootbly ths as a good result accomplshed.-" f onowantcd- be faceus y mght say that she was a thrty-seconddegree member n knlltngr, ssterhood for, army. A daughter -wtas born Mr;- " Robert Russell at home ot MRL Russells parents. Mr. Charles H. Bcknell, Monday. A real estate transfer nterest under nay at present tme s tho salo by Uss Ella P. Hldreth Wllam R. Carver large Hldreth bam on west-sde Hlldreth street. And also a consderable amount l T)elonglng -EUldreth estate. concert hall planned, for members Company L, M. S. Q., -wth Poolee-orchestra os an attractlon, havo had set asde r plans or present, owlng Fuel Admnlatrar Srrows rulng for ten oclook closng publc halls. Ths waa ha\e been ote pleasant socal events -Cf a somewhat quet season, ; con\mttee n charge regjt change plans, although wllng sacrlflce for cause. " mornng servce at Congre- catlonal church last Sunday was held n vestr>. as probably wll be case durlns contnued cold- wear. Ono mlkmen who makes dally trps Westford from.owell. collectng mllk, lost a. horse on Monlay, one a par.. anmal was notlce<> us not rght comng up Rchard.son hlll After gettng up hlll- about opposte H V,.HBdreths anmal tell. drver ffot horso up unhtched hm from tho sled, but creature fell sgaln ded from hemorrhage. t was removed.-vleo Fshers afterwards taken aw-ay by renderng company. C. Bruce Wetmore, were tally destroyed. Mr. arul WeUdoro were spendng wnter n Bosn, nnd Mr, Wctmores bror. nglu Wetmore. who s n charge pluce. WRS away for over Sunday und hud not returned when tho flro was dscovered. Had er those men boen at home wth flrc-rtghtlt*; apparatus that was at h, -doubtk-ss flre could have been controlled. When John (.onnoll went frst tme see boler flro thngs were apparently all rght, but later, ubout seven oclock,.-when Kolng agan attend "boler fre ws dscovered.an alarm gven, lsle«. at telephone exchange, dd,»omo ctnclent work -alllcd.- good, force men from tho Cemer from Forge Vlllugo, Klward.M. Abbot Alonso H. Surl,- board engneers Westford \uul Electng..1 Tho annual meetng.ongreganal church ok place on Mon<ay afternoon wth good attendance. Precedng ths neetng \v.as church members dnner at noon, served n dlnlng.-room, n charge H, G, Oagood.\, E. Day. o-sslsted tly Mr.s. G..\, Latwuteley.. S, 1., Taylor ors. menu was abundant appetzng, w!.s accomfp-nlod hy un atmkjsphere genune good fellowshp, -Vt each plate -were h-made place cards wth well chosen quotans. se were m.ade hy Mlss S. W..oker, At close tho dnner (xmc tho roll call, wth good responses from forty-lvo present. Mr. Lncolns response emboded a report what has heen hs lrst yoar work wth church, a >ear pleawnt relans good cooperan. All regular servces h.ave heen sustaned wth specal servces for Chldrens Sumlay, Kasr < hrstmas, Tho chuch onnned assocan mootng n.\prl. Tho husness mo.-tng was. allod order at three o-.-lock l.\- tho clork. nd A, K, lay was <-ho-;o m<"lornr. Aftt prayor b>- th.- pasr th*- usua] rt p rts wero r.-.l a<cop;od. -hose shoed all Mls jahl ;d halanc arrve. By tme a. force men got work house was doomed. electrc mor for wndmll pump beng uh-eady dsabled by flro. makng a shortage water. men gve r efforts savng furnture also put n 80m«strenuous work te.rlng out some long ell runnng between -house barn n an effort save barn. Ths, however, proved uselojs. for.a strong wnd was blon-ng ward barn when thc flre-flghters saw that t was mpossble san-e that, gettng out sck places safety -was next n order. A valuable herd about thrty head cattle were saved as woll as horsea Much regretted by famly was loss a valuable dog who wa-s n basement he house. 34d a Perslancat. Much furnture n lower part house some rooms upstars w-us saved, but all furnshngs servce part pf houso were lost. Mr. Wetmore. electrcal supply flrn- Wetnore-Savage Bosn, bought ths place about flve.vears ago had remodelled t extensvely, makng t h a most attractve country home for hmself famly. Not only s t a great loss m, but so attractve - well kept-up place s a dstnct loss t-he wn. ls s estmated between $30,000 $35,000, s covered by nsurance. t s a fact be grateful for that flre cam n d-ytlmc: had.t happened n nght thc valuable herd cows horsos mght have pershed. Tho poultry houses were not destroyed. A corn crb was cleverly.saved by flromen.- Runnng a bg sled under t, fastenng horses t, n cuttng supports under crb. t was hauled out range, flre. SATUEDAY: JANUAEY 19,, 19S cs u- fc-u-: -m.... T,. tan emcrgonclett ncdent to war. A large number have been enrolled n, wheat clubs for 1818, wheat, rye oat clubs beng organzed wherever growng,t MJ crops s thought be pnu-tlcal.le. average yeld obuuned by corn club boys n Alabama. Arkansas, Georga. -Msssspp, Oklahoma,.Smth Carolna nnd \Vt.-»t Vrgna was H.t bushels shewed corn.cre. Ths waj< le«t than average yeld obtaned for lant three years precedng because unfavorable wear condns p-ot season. t mghts be adde by w.y comparson thatn Mrtssachu- MTtts average yeld per acre s thrty bushels shelled corn. A bll has been put n tho Mas-sachusetts legslature provde.three dog connlbsloners for evo-y county. bo.apponted by county comms-. J..... soners. y are nvestgate all *r,ffnt".vj tt? 5-.?:H<»» by )<,gs-«nd--og-s,putes generally, look after where * % t-esr>egh v-t\\o m two hal boe fellowshp been rocovo. <hed ro.c ouh jonevolo w. rs for xl have >a.sso<]. vor a pm,1 Tho.-lork lubors Durng galo. ;.t. 1 r r-hu-chos. o.r "1 Sg -s 11 lll nor>- He. as w n :h,se rop>t-d tho vfr s!" tho two ha.l n.l ;w., hatl r.p.r.l varlo provl.lng "f thos.. w.n.l "T h..1 tm f houghlfu all cbrst s;,-w sh p.f OUl-.n.tns. \rthtr ; l)a.\ r,-p.r-.-, f-.lrst,,s. K.-pars ucro -b -t M-s nat,-, --h<ln; th*. staln U w furr.-.-.-. Mv..s_.".(, m ort V for :h.,n.lu\ s.-h.."!, ut Of mborsh)! "f l.lo. whch n.-n..-s nterestng; Old Honcstcad Gone. Nashobah farm, whch s so much n thought wnspeople ths week owng destructve fre on Monday. s one nterestng old homesteads thown. t -was probably bult n 1836. was Hora Fletcher homestead. man house w-as a well btlt, large, roomy struct ture, facng southwest, wth substantal brck ends reachng thrd sry,, ncorporated n tho four large chmneys. (se brck ends are stll stng, a gaunt remnder what was so pleasant a home.) _ We tuote follow-ng from a hsrcal sketch wslch gves early hsry bf ths homestead: "Wllam Fletcher, son bf Samuel, who was Che son Robert Fletcher, mm.!- grant. was born Januarj- 1. 1671, marred Mary ( ) December 11. 1701. djed n 1743. He had. a son, Capt. Samuel, whowas oorn n 1707. was marrlotl Mary Lawrence Lttlen, September 17. 1729! who ded March 11, T80, He was a man Of large estate, for he bequead cach hs.sons a farm, he h.ad nne sons sx daughter.s. One se sons was Samuel, born n Westford, Janoary 24. 1754, He was twce marred, hs second w:lfe beng Mram Keyes. who sur\-vfd her husb lved n full po.s.ses,on her facultes be 102 years age. Samuel was a deaoon church dl-d August 25, :s3s. He j.nl ten chldren, one whom w.s Hora, born March 2S. 1796,,was marred Xncv Edwards,.\cn. (K-ber 2.;, s26, -Hora,spent hlsoarly da.vs.m -,ho f.an wheh he receved Tvor. hs fatler where ho reared hs homosad n w-hch hs chldren were born. farm s now callod Nashobah farm. because tho famous sprng whch s located re. Whon l.s voungest chld w-as four weoks old Hora Fletcher removed.owell. w-here he became a promnent busness man n tho lumber coal buslne-ss.".«o much for early hsrv -Nashobah farm. Lous Hldrethwas next owner, who later sold Danel Atwood hs far-n-law, Deacon.rle, who vame Westfonl from elham, Ths was ono thc longer ownershps after Deacon Carlen ded Deacon.\tw.od hult a home n center wn, hs sons, Wllam El.t, carred on tho fa-m, Thoy sold a.\rr, Cushng, whose.>wne*shp was a sh.rt one, about two years. Ho sol.l ;,.Mr, Wht- ter t was durng hs ow-nersh-p that.v.tshobah sprng water erprse was dovelope.l. Mr. F.-ste;- was ncst owner n came,mr Wetmore, presont..wnor. who had done so much make ths ol. homestead ono tho nt attractlvo fa-ns n th.s regon, -Ths localty has h.-on ufortuna wth lres. Wthn a oouparatvely sh.rt dstance on th.-- -oncor.l -ad a -e tw.,r coll.r ls whon- oncst.o.l pro.s).or"u.s form lomosloads..-no Cajt. Ja.-ob.-smth plac- tho or owne.v Krank.. -ld--th ax tn>" t «-as luned an.l n.rly.la>s w.s l.. avs h--luovt.-;,,! French Helef Work, So\o-al memb.--s.,t ho Lol-s.A-l s..cot\-.-"nk-.-,:at- Ma chur. h kn.lv atlon.lor b.- last o.-tn., -f tho --ron.-h l-,- abouts dogs generally. Wth all hs y wll bo busler-that- seeretary- w-ar n a world-w-ar tme, Th flr,st farmers nsttute season Was held at Grange holl. Dracut Center. Thursday. w-lth an addre«s by Snclar Kennedy on "How- farmers c-an help, wn th w-ar," n afternoon an address was gven by P, M, Harwood. charman Massachusetts dar> commsson, on "Daryng n Massachusetts under p-esent condlna" A representatve tho depar.tmeht ot agrculture r Waahlngn says that durng a recent -vst : New Engl t w-as notced that numerous pastures that formerly. supported flocks sheep tuubs -were, now.deserted w.ere becomng overgrown wth weeds bushes. A lttle nquryproduced tho nforman that 8h.eepkllllng dogs w-ere now so numerous that no flock sheep was- safe from r attrtcks unless surrounded- by a dog-pro bulwark,- f.farmers New-Engl could be assured that r sheep would, be allowed feed unmolested numerous flocks wonld bo pur/shased. Some.ocal legslan wll have lo recognzo fact that a Vagrant dog s a menace progess commtmlty atd. provde a. penalty for thos who nsst n keepng.t, dog wthout -keepng m tnder proper restrant. Dogs should" not be allowed- wer an-ay from (holr owners premses or leave r owners control, as orwse y wll become a publc nusance. Ablol J. Abbot wn gve a dcscrlptlvo talk on hs ur South.ea sknds n vestry Tnltarlan church thlg, Saturd.ay evenng. Hesdes ths talk, whch lke ors are al-ways freshly, entertanng. Mss WTtehoad. Lowell, n costume, wll entertan " n folk-,e song. She s favorably known n Untaran parsh. Mr. Abbot s deeply nterested n tho welfare Untaran churcw, church hs fars. He has sev. eml tmes gven most nterestng talks travels wlch hc hs wfe have boon per.nltted take ger. TKoSo who attended Wesf Chelmsford M. B. church durng summer vacan n home churches wll remember brllant preachng Francs J, McConnell. n a student at Bosn uhh-ersty. t was easly seen that he-was destned make hs murk.. years Jave proved ths be so. for he has become a bshop n M. E. church has attaned dstncn nanal reputan. Recently,he Was one sx promnent Jlethodlsts chosen by Nanal. Y..M, C. A. go over Engl France, make known how ths country feels abou ths war brng back a, returnmessage our countrj from Knglanl France, Hs oldest son. although only nneteen, has enlsted s now. servng ll fljng squadron n France. Mlss Elzabeth Kmball oldest daughter Mr, Jft-s, George Kmball. s be congratulated upon her new posln. She was otfered a flne. pkace n jrmary.school n.norwood, rot far from sn, whch she accepted llrs;,,f ths vear. Phe formerly taught n Sprngfleld, Vt,. number teachers n Norwood have a houso ger aro m.st pleasantly stuated. We are gl-td hoar promon on,." ouacadeny grls, who pr..v.-d herself such a good student here, J.-n-.e anor daughter.mr, an.l. Goor-;o Kmball, ha.s agan shown he- mark-d prolclency n tyowrtng,,-;he s a student at busness colege.ynn..\t a provous test she ok tho hghest rank,.\;au she tud hghest m st for spood accuracv nnd receved a lve-dollar Lold mc from.schjol because.-f her flcency. On evenng,:f Januarv 4 tho Dakota, layuakors,; rnlvo-.-ty.north Dakota hcl.l hor annua] Twelfth -Nght revels, t.s nn old K-glsh cust>u cole;.-a;ng on -he nvelfh n.-ht afr Chrstmas, Tl.-so Dakota ymakors revved cusm.morro Kngl by song, dau.-.- :s refroshraents. had a kng queen John.-\, Taylor was ob-c- b-o-,, Some th olderseeldents wn recall Httdretha Tenneys as frequent attendants at thc Old Frst Parsh Untaran church n tho dayfl when Rev. Thomas Whttemore. Bosn, ors, frequently occuped putpt at dllterent tmes. Hldreth stll retans.an mulrng ntere«tjn JPr8t Parsh n tho UrltaXan dehoratlon, generally. She can.see wthout glassee. heu- wthout an ear trumpet,.- f o-caslon re<tnlred could, dance down out many younger sol. She stll retans ettcly NewJEngkndjld-fushlonel, large, strong, vgorous physcal frame. work dgestve powers. Brought up on_ Qld.-fa«hloned Now- "Engl home-rown det vegetables ant anmal, she feels that she s rar an old Acholar learn - -ways meatless, wheatless days. old lady la stll n possesson hor erly "vpm fth, wth tt". crued nterest.. A, passng h-shako for "Auld t>ang Syne" sake wll be acoeptable on hnrptury hlrthdny. Forge VlUa«e.. Much s.vmpathy lcxpressod fr Mr. V. C. Brtce Wotmoro n loss by fro lr beautful home. Nashob.ah farm; Monday nornng, Wetmore las been slngul-trly unfortunate n thh»>re«pect. as she w-as stayng at -Hotel Lenox; Bosn, when flre brojce out re sevoral monlhs ago. Mrs: Wetmpre was asleep n her apartnentat tme narrowly escaped njury. Her son. Robert Wetmore, -TVho - attends Dummer academy (n Xc* Hampshlre, only recently lost all hs belongngs w-hen lre broke out n thjjcechoo a few weeks ago. He w-as asleep at tho tme had he aroused.- ;, Kev, Angus.,Dun t\*aj unable reach St. Andrews, msson last Sunday n tme lcservces, ts hs machne became stalled n a rut whle drvng from Ayer t was noarly a-n hour before herpctld- overcome dflculty. _Wfe; he arrve* here tho congreg-atlon htuj. dspersed. Fred A.;,Sweatt s recoverng from.a severe attack llnoss. Jrs, Margarot/WlJson has been tnder care a-physlclanfor past tw-o weeks. -: -MLs..* Carolyn -Putnam Webher...ortell, has been secured by.\bbot Worsted Company gve f seres ten lectures n Abbot hall on conservan -food. Everyone nterested s requeued. bc present, as Mlss Webber wll-demonstrate economcal cookng. re" wll be no charge r adm.sslon. Those who are nterested wlt do Tvell..take-a-lead pencl note paper as re wll be recpes that wn be_wrorth havng, - Wllam Cushng, U. S, N., spent thc week-end- at Jome hs ))arcnts. Mr, Omer Cushng,,. Mlss Prlscllla Bennett has returned from her vst several da>-s wth her sster...\ugust Meyer, Walpole. DcaU. Napoleon Cantara, son -Mr. Joseph Cantara, Bradford street, ded at hs homejon last weok Krlday afternoon at flve oclock afr a short llness two-weelcs rwlth a severe cold, Whch developedh pnctmonla. He w-as twonty years Of age. Besdes hs parents "heleas-esfkree" brors. Joseph. Celda Ranea; also, two ssters. Joseph Leclere Mss, Coranna Cantara- Hs death after so short an llness comes as a great shock hs famly: a -wde orcle Offrlends. He was-.a member ot St. Carnes church! also, Court Gr,nltevllle. P. A. Tho funeral ok placo at hs home on Monday mornng at S.30 -bclock,.\t nne oclock a funeral n>ass was sung, at.st, CarlneV ohurch. Grantevllle. Rev. Henry 1., Scott llcl-atlng. regular chor was n attendance, -wth Mlss Rebecca Letftc sustanng solos. bea-ors wero hs three brors, hs bror-n-law, Emlle Mlot, G.a.sn Provost, nterment.was n St, tarnos cemotery. tcrcstltt Letters. Some very nteresthg lotrs have been r( :-evel he- from Rev. Wllst.n -M, Ford, forner vcar, St,.-\dow-s parsh, who left for Colorado last fal, rher manv frends. both he-- n,\>er, w-ll be jleased hear now-s from n, Mtrose, where y aro located, s n Wost.-rn Colora-lo, has a popul.ln between llloo 4000 people..mr. Kord s vcr St. aufs Kpscopal < lu-ch.montrose. also has char;;o a msson n Olatho, a small vllage about eleven mlos north.m-ntmse, whch has some -so nhabt.uts,."nce gong re Mr. Ford has rase.1 funds buld a chor room on church, Ford mt o all thc vestments for ch..-. -who wore m for tho Hrst tme "u hrstmas day..ml-, -.rd has also en presented wth revels, cours. kn.avo d- t, c.-m>.. for th, nerrj - t - wtl,ml. bl-.,, loss han 1 ovor 51 1,0" an.l that or. contrutj.us slun tho Jr., Jlly sod " occa -r.nklr. V an.l tho,, wh-..f tb. W.rk" \ an-ou th.- ho -t- \ /rep.rt o layng boon \ y E. Day ls«olln,\- s tns?* complon th.- apjkrt.nmfent ftr gol.lon annvor«arv gft --tha. W. B,.M,., rasng fortythree llars for foroyn w.-k an.j two MtrrHs flothtg sont ol- "f xmrtl mnsteral ad,..;o., a colored school n Kentucky, t W-.S votel t" ronow xtxy s-rance polces that may o.vpl,.lurng th. year followng olll-ors wore r-oc. for comn- \«-a-:,. W. VSheolor. olerk Mlss, t.,\t woo.,trs,;,l.hn P Wrght, asst. troas.: H, C. O.sgool. -- Mnt-lT. B. rmm-xml. Mtr..Mnry f. Bunco, assstants.,\. K. l>ay.,. W, WToclor. Charles ), c.burn, H. ;. OsgOOtl. Jthn. Wrght, truses;,las. W Rfr, audr;.mlss 1... Atwotd, Mlw S, W,.oker, A, K, l>ay,, C. Osgood, 1., W, Wheelor, supply cm,; K, O Osgood,.undny school supt.; C D Cohurn. nsst. supt.. Anna K. Symme-s-. Sun.l.ay school S.H-. treas, nne. Ono wor.st fres, representng tlle Joss largest amount property over-happenng n Wo.ttford, ok place Mond.ay mornlrtg whore tho bulldnsb at Nashobah farm, ownct by V, :t - t. 11,1 rn, ro: tn.- ro h W-un.l.. al.rllg lho tghl :o:llor:l-\- h"splt pro\lnlr a t.u \"rk,.rrm f-.r pr.vlnl- h".s)ta ll. "f tb.-o!--,>] l"-- n use anl : s-ppllo,l 1,,,la vor...".. au surgcal, l-o b.-o sent nth \ ra -portal.tn s.o nod Cn.ss g.os on hr..lull < hannols tho -- l.l n.-.--n»; -o last ff.- :..- loader..\.-\lla*-- t. Karl,\ r.sl.n.f --r<-n. h -ns, lu-l-- :h- a KuTl f.lll no n.o, w-.rl< -, "stalsht - tht- w-.,r,.l,-.!, f-- a n;j.ula 11,-.- ss famlos ol. lt--.,m"ro than tna n,-n\. j Tho "lor-t jth" fr.--l var l-:.!g:r 1-. 111-. 011.1,Mr Chehnsr.-.l.- utn. r,,- ".--.m l Coucnar.Mr-- S.r.h.-: -lh. rx : rxx,. -. 1 : h.- -!:, - H ---. -,.f ll Ml 111-.- spt. ha O renremboro aro c.red for s.ngry fow lov-os, Tho "W.1conpHsllOfl hv h. dstrhtt. well orgrnzod l-ronch --lef. t mu,«t 1 that tho w-ondod who ntludo man\ Hrltlsh am Amercan sold.-rs. as w-.: as tho French, t s clear that ths vork must bo sustaned,,s lom,-- as ho nghtlng contnuos on Krocb sol, ll.l over afterw-artl. Wostf.rd b-nn.h has boon n actve servce snce O-jhc. ll. has sent a tal 2,frJ artcles, nclutlng rntre than 11,uou surgcal lressngs Bf4 kntt>-,l nrcles,,\bot To>vn,.Mss F.lla Wrght. -f el. Oht. a smtner ros.on,.f Hrooksldo. was tt lberal <ntrbr tho Trookst.lo fmd for thc relef Halfax sufterors. Agrcultural Rurtu n Washngn, reports that re w-ere more than 100.000 boys n south wht onrolletr n agrcultural cluhs dnrng ST, n addn ths 20.000 boys wore enrolled a.ssst n- mootng rorer 111 :, r H,.."lg a 11 ra c 11.. nrvr3. n.la 1.1. 111.- VUth ll rl.- s,\s forme.1 her h. old Ml. sho ful l.-\"n v ll" S.-vm..-. Samuel T v Fmma.. dreth. n ho;- -...11- Old-tlle 1.11 conspu" S hall, un.er, a hull near!;. whch wns..-; sorts n tho- - much plt>;«u w-rlter her pl" T. D.ay. wh.-n school. f ntellect memores m tay.s. tho role knave. He "--nal humorous ptetn 11 w-hch pleased all -at nrest th.at lovers ko cllegt- hace read that "1" students contrbuted for d Trangle, t-p -t-poatetl prev.us ";- thor thngs Tart real sacrfce fo-!--ht folks.are settng - ".-11 1.,ad flnd that.-s fr.un one four foot. ut-n, son late t. Sam lo,..dutn, lll luhew Dr, Charlos ar,,\.m-.rs teacher at tho "< sch.l, ded pnou- "Spa n,<chenectatl,\,,n-, c*- 1 lft -one yt-.ars. lll oth w-l! colobra y "11.-Montlay, Janu- - lll ot Tenney,s Cor- - W ll-known as tho l-o,.tt nr nl -tahle-tyngsboro. Ths houso w.a.** an. s 104 years old, last sx chl-,x, tebeca (tlark) -- -.».a«tl nntlvo 111.thor a natlvo tf - educated at tho x-. 4.school, locnted -1 Her early homf V -f f.amous vtng --adng antl Scrb- : brook, outlet ond wth ts trout lys _ pebbly herholr - X..she w-ns marred schoolm.ttc her lays old ds- -. oremwry -w.as por.oonard Luco. antl -1 yetxt was at thc.-uce on tho north.-ht-forpond, beautllosrlptlon or stuaron wero born.. l;. -Clarkr-Hnnry J,. -.v.. Myra...1.1 Frank H. H... ys she recalls whch sho, twas a pant at tvn arnn church, am t brck tavern, wholesome relsh oned day*. Wth -ho recalled 1 ntmoryjpgeotte 1.1 ght Dstrct No. 8 h n oss ydutlt, health rllcloncy dre tho - 1 thoae peachng fno.-adtlle hor.- whch onal.los hm nss.. Th.- lette Grace l.wr-nce. roads: oxpo-t - Don:!nl has ld vou my.ournov.. Su.-1 a lot vstng travelng as 1 hue done at Ayor, Forge VlLage, l.un Buffalo, -hlcag, S ko. aul tnalk ho htmse s just.ac w-horo th.-re s a v. have a larxe gn lllo, ame pota.-. snoo wt cam., \ t.l tlatho, whch.. lago,- last.sun.lay was re untl day, at four.clock shade, a: egl mornng t was nu ctld through thc n.hs "we need plenty llankets. Too had tnlk 1 "Vor those very ordrary matters when 1 nuht be lollng. f w-ondorful sc-nory. rea. hed -.loxad. two w-eeks ago j all vas (1 beautful day. w-ent lx ua.. tho <;ardo Gols whch pvastr,\ w-on.e ful. Such a lne vlow " lk.-s eak,.\oxt nornng wc ok bshop, o journey r.-ceved by Mlss -OU. Ford. l-urg, Ftchburg. aul, North Da- --. Our tny lttle. church, y nce lawn. We 1 plot. some have bcon dug -r- w-th Mr, lortl ur "Forge Vlr evenng servce "u"sday noon. Tol was ~. n oclock n- t s really very $AT N RATS, SPRNG STYLE Toueh««or Hlgl-Cotered Brad, Combnan* Velvet PromlM ult* tho Vluo. For eary sprng ear.-acconllng thc bulletn ot Retal Mllnery Assocan Amerca, oplnlon-ls eprewed that eatln hats wth uches brald n hle& colors, or satlo hats cotnbtnea TPKH Telvet" wllllfe qflte vogue,.,. For. maedlate.n«e,-arhlte hatw nro comng lore, Sonetlnes y arc.whte satn combned wth wh panne velvet,"whle ors show whte satn wth facngs blaek velvet AVhtte-bB«all»7na6t*WarEatTar not beenused for some tme, s com- ng baclt,lntn.«tylp. t s, seen,n bats made entrely ths materal, as well as n bats,thkt combne.beognllne-wth black velvetfaclngsr All.benga- lne hats seen are tauored etfects, are trmmed wth seal fnr, balls,.pompoms balds.;.. Bustle hats 4n whte patme velvet wth gold trmmngs are.seen, as are whte pa;ne, velvet shapes, combned wth.slver cloth.,. trlnmed wth small slver flowers. -, bulletn also says tlat fur fur.comblnatlon hats are olngwell n hgh-prced goods, whle n cheaper hats,re: s a, dem for Frech helmet effects n panhe velvet - combned wth satn n whte add colors. Nutra for s used decorate edges. SCARFS OF TULLE AND BEADS Flesh Colored Materal, Affords Attractve Evenng Wear as Doe* Blacc Wth Jet Tlere are wonderful scarfs flesh-- colored tulle-end bead,embrodery for evenng wear, says n fashon wrter, tulle foundan -almbst nvsble over decolletnge save where. folds deepen fne traceres- crystal run rot n border on ends. Black tulle wth jet s used for or exquste scarfs-more dellcatenelfect than those or seasons, n some cases both flesh color black scarfs are so cut that y have a suggesn qf deep cape form around back shoulders, though y have usual straght wde scarf end For har ornaments be*wom wth evenlhg lettes one must choose thng that s most becomng, but re s a varety from vhch choose. fne jeweled b flet across forehead 1, as popular as ever, but wth bgb-plled har combs have come n r own agan oe sees -some; extremely- effectve - -hlgb - cfures wth jeweled combs Spansh allure. Small jeweled combs ten hold strs har, o, afte> a tme frownng upon such effects, re are, conrse, many audacous egret arrangements, though ths sort thng seems less common wth evenng cfure than t s n some seasons. KMONO SMOCK OF LNEN, Wonderfully attractve s ths deeprose lnen kmono smock. bng at botm edgng on pockets are cut-out work, vrth rdescent satn n yellow, green purple, held n place wth a black long short sttch. Kmono means ease, comfort a sprt rest for wearer f t s proper kmono. Ths kmono lves up full meanng garment r a tau f"-.-tal loru-o, uhch s tran was d.-la,\efl us \v. lusso." s. pte.tk whe whero we sp.t -Startng ver\ ng wo wont t! ra,ss U- no\.,<.no w-mulorful we had stanl tho tran tr, r.-al w-ore so hgh al. slow-l\ clmbed looked Lack h< lotr,«:, We ha.l wth onl>- one t electrc ttaaster thr ugh Hoyal uarvllous. As our.y a wreck ahead no t, as t wns w-e roachod.satda. o ught. -l> thb noxt morn- -ugh.marshall homo n Montrose, mountan vews ns 111 tho roar door s"o thom as y vo us antl n wo 8100 feet, A«we ralroatl made tho supper n house p, one saucer, our tl teaspoons tn tra, w-lth, hut tho n lt ««,.( enjoved Just same. We n- ss all our Forgo Vla;. frends vot- mu.h. "hrstmas n-ng wa«verv n-nrn sunny, w<nt church wthout a coat. Tod.ay la.s he.-n so warm th.at Mr. l-ord worketl out n tho gar.en for two h,,-r» wthout coats on. Wo have not ha. a flurry snow- yot nnd t has only. eo-onco slm?c wc camo. <-omt.jnt sunshlnc_cvca_d h fhe most!.autful sunsotk, J wsh ytm were a-; here cnjov t, Santa raus was..-ry good us, w-lsh ctuld shl.l-l stwte thc pootl thnps wth y.m Wo have over sxty quarts jams,,(.-llles. preserves nntl ploklos gven lo - ml a proat deal cy. Wo had o f-o letter from Hurnott ths woek flenuaus have s- len tho brono tloors th lrusse, Hxchanpo nnd sent m t> rerlln. A wholo nan Of keplomanlacs mht well etr human plt\ lut htllgn lon < «tlh domnant n tht sentmc tho world ot largo FASHONS FANCES nul.son seal nnd velvet arc beautful combned. t s a soason raost wondrous rchness smplcty. Rlack velvet skrt.s nro worn wth spanpletl nnrt ombrolrterth blouses. Solder nnd cvlan man. woman chld all wear wrst watch. Bl.ck tulle bed wth vvd blue tulle makes n charmng combnan. Brown shoos are comng n strongly, because tho mltary trend. Muff nnrt sle vplvot trmmed wth fur w-l bo fashonable ths -wnter. manrtnrln sloevc was strongly fonturod nt Pars openngs. Brocades arc seen n two nes a gven color, such ns taupe or gray. Sammycth. satns, broadcloths pltytf ench nnd nl BTe"fttrore<l"vest materals. J e w e l r y Watches Damonds SOLD GOLD Sgnet Sne Rngs. Cuff lnks.;.."...... r.tttt. -rr. Bracelets, plan sne set. Scarf Pns Te CHps 14k. Go]d Bead Necks-... Brooches, plan sne set. Pendants--Ghang -. STERLNO SLVEE.. 92 fl.- 95 925. 91 920 97.50 98.. 92 92s -91.5<Mo-935- ChldsSets..., Mens_Bet Buckles Belts..,, Janeure Tolet Sets Cgarette Cgar Cases Match Boxes...,.. 94» 95> 9"... 92.25 up 97.50 926 95 915 91 tt> 95 Clestcks, KapkLn Rngrs, Chldrens Mags, Spoons,.Etc, Real French vory Tolet Sets 911.50 924.00.BOSTON WnterStreet AYER W. Man St. BPSTON PRCES Uvery wbnunr-bald.know comfort, experence relef.btalrelable emedy, that can be depended upon ovrt. condns whch cause headachy dzzness, ga, nausea Dohstpan. At such tmes, nothng s so saf so sure speedy as Durng jpast dzty year mmohs women bave found n most helpful n nng strengnng sytlem. for regulatng smach, Uver bowels. se famous plus are entfacly vegetable ahd contanno harmful or habt-formlhg dgs. Use m wth ote confdence for y cause, no unpleasant al ter-effects, yoa Drecns Specal Value Womea are wth Every Boc Soldby dtncsststhroacboat-de-wohd. n boxes, Oe,, 28c ( Slverwear Damonds Pendants Brooches Rngs Bracelets Srarf Pns Cuff Lnks Mltary Wrst Watches Gentlemens Sets All Knds John H. Serson WATCHMAEER JEWELER 2 PLEASANT ST. Rear Pletcher Bros, Sre AYER, MASS. New Shades n Neckwear. Thc newest shades n satn neckwear arc tea coral; tho frts a delcate shnr just t whte, otber a deep rose. Thought Fath. Men wlo arc sockng for knowledge n regard subjects ns whch re cnn. n ttfc nnturc thngs, be none, mght well nsk mselves wher thcrc s bc no.sphere left n human thought n whch fath can operate. t was sad Arnold Rugby that hs mnd could rest.as quetly n presence doubt as n that dscovered truth. t s a great thng b9 able beleve where ne cannot prove. Exchange BVERYTHNG MUSCfltl. A Good Place for Your Extra Money 45 Years n Busness J. F. CHAFFN GO. 356 Man Street FTCHBURG, MASS. R»eul»r Phone Sl Vcr Phone J7» SAVE TOUR EYES Have Yonr Eye-glasses Made Up--Data Come us for your eye examnans Consultan Free W. H. STEVENSON, Opmetrst 401 Mam Street Ftchbnrg, Mass. OVERHAULNG HONEST WORK AT HONEST PRCES re are two hghly mportant ponts for a man consder before havng hs car overhauled. frst pont s assure hmself that men who are. gong, jwork.on. hs_car_are.neclancs. experlenough. locate properly repar all parts that need attenn. second pont s convnce hmself that he pan trust shop gve.hm an honest acconlnqg amount work that was actuallydone bn cat. - \Yg-gadly welcome an nyestgan-twrfaoth-tr:: ponts. We have facltes, workmen bus-\. ness methods that wll more than satsfy all who nvest- gate.. YATES GARAGE MaRle Street TeL 157-2 AYER. MASS. AsM m mm tm mr

F5>f \> t> "/ o > t., > " t- wj-;;? F f:. /» V r "ljftnj \ ""ff H.«..._,,-»V4. Klh, 8ATVSDAT, JANUARY 19 X»l«PAQX THBEE <-2JS / f/ * tl-v /ry. BRNGS OUT LATENT TRATS -<-AT<*» <;_>«~.»- \ k>v rll 7,. C,:.M\ n War Develops Hdden Qullflcan Many Young Heroes Now n Governments Servce "t takes lll s,rt» nf tllg.s brlu; out latent tnls n HK all." speak- Pr n rll.,nt rolled lls elkur or -.nt lls uuuth. or occuas st,-<lently. srslk thut asry "v eolnn. reeuut.s u \vrlt.>r n un exchns-, "Knew 11 ynu- f.-llnw over Knst. Far h;l lots.. money. Son Jl uot sceu lclne a<m a creat deal! t by wo-kh,:, mt uule several dents j n.!m;,ly [mrm- \y hs sedlk, Not that he was a had hoy at heart oy-lloushterrk. Soncttmos thnlc! rch far was nttenptlnk make a busn->s man out u man <u«t-nll>-r» >! r.nr-n.,»... REPORT OF CONDTON tba "SERVANT" AN ABUSED WORDT""":"""? Nanal Bank, at Town..D<J, n tha State Ma»achu>«tt>, at tl* ) -lo,h- o, bu»lne.h. on llfentt.-t ttt. 1917, Presdent Unted States, Heads Banks, Mnsters, Physcans, Are n S me Class. V, "" > Though Snowbound What matters-t f you are snowbound f you have on h a good supply SO-GO-NY Kerosene? You are sure ha-vng plenty lght jheat nexpensvely, o; for even n face soarng; prjces,so-go:,ny Kerosene s th same economcal prodtct that t always was.. " t S best grade_ Kerosene ol put out by Stard Ol Company New York. Easy lght, easy use. Burns wth a clean, odorless flame so dfferent from many o; brs kerosene, nsst on SO-CQ-NY next -tme you order from yotr grocer. n youre sure lat you get. Each gallon s dependable pure. A gallon used n a Perfecn Heater,wll gve you eght pleasant hours comfortng -warmth just when you want t -vhere you want t. STANDARD OL CO. QF NEWYORK Prncpal Offces for lgm h ftte*.v»->asr*<rp». KEROSENE OL New York BuSalo -"<; ;-ll - KEROSQSl OL Albany Bos oever ntended lor that,sort lfe. boy dd not seem be ablo Und hs nche, ad me one day when he had gotten conldentlar: You know, my ouly tear s that am not gong make.sonethg out myself that wll make dad proud me,.\nd two surely <ld love euch or. One day boy asked fatler for Keveral thous dollar.s. t was forthcomng. u hc asked far cash a chock for some noaey left hm by hs dead nor. He got that. Tlen boy sort ot dropped out New York lfe. "Next thng knew he w-as a leutenant la avan secn. nrmy. He had bought two arplanes, taken ra down n country one lls fars farras learned fly. Guess tlose tat knew hln thought t was anoter hs noneyburnlng ways. But when he thougur hmself competent he went government smply sad: Here am, ready for any servce you may have.for 3e. government ok hm up ;n a hurry. He may be n France. But OU should have seen that fars Jace ght up every tme he menned that 5qy. And when he does get back from France he hs far aro gong 5e greater pls than ever. f that be possble. "Now am not gong say that mny young men are 4u o,;havebout.520.000 at r beck call Jemoustrate tlat t; only jeeds occason make meu out m, but lo say that re are scores ot young men dong Just as much or more." t s a pty tha we hve allowd op- probrltm lo attach KOM old, word "servant," or)prol)rlur utterly unmerted. Talk about "help," or th- at- " est equvalent, "nald," used qut,- napproprately, says tll Vottls Cm- " panou. does uot alter creumstnnees ;,.; n lejst, nor s re any r,ason why we should wsh tbem aered. Kvery oue who s worth anythng s a servant. Tho ne-<-la)t serves hs,. cusmers. f he serves m not well, y dscharge blu. lawyer.serves hl ctent. - tho Mul.-UT-hl par.stlot.-ers, docr hs patent.s. pres- lent a bank s u servant, so s j j he prstdentttalway. Tl>~presldent Unted States s hlrml xttvant people tho UJlttMl States, few servants n any occu- atlon are more abused by r masters. Servce, well fathfully performed, s only real dgnty, nnd ull outward pomp nnd nsgna rank arebut badges sence, dsgraceful f thcy are not enrned. Servce s lfe. t s only when we are dong somethng serve large movement world what we are enttled lve n t, that we really do lve n t. Lfe s measured by usefulness. Of all vared afflcn thnt swft-footed nge can brng, none s more oppressve than sense dmnshed capacty for servce. Not be rnlnlstered un, but mnster, not be served, but serve, s utterance, hghest authorty n sprtual matters. re s but one dsgrace connected wth servce any knd, that s serve 111. Let us perform whatever servce fals us, large or small, hgh or low, wth all zeal all strength that s n us. n we shall bp sure that when w-e depart weshall bo mssed, f only ;n Mttle; re s no more sold satsfacn n wrld than tbat. V llemourr-m llrfoulth,,, tnj-,-.-r,-j.l.-jn.s l.-.l -,, ;o<>, j;. 1-.. -jlh.. x,,-;....:x :.!.. ll.. f.,,ml l llk lk.-.l 1,000,00 or Tnwn or. am ot;.-. TOWNSEMS Oentcr. Tho pcs for tho next four Sn- *yb at tho Methodst ohurch aro aa, follows January 20 mornns, " puro heart n evenlngr, "Our peax:e terms"; January 27, mornlpg-, "Lfes paradox," n evenng-, "ntenk.n»lstn Chrstanty"; February 3, mornng, "Democracy brorhood," tnlon servce. Convrreganarchurch; evenng. "Thnly that make-a homo"; Fruarj- 10. "Peaco world," hgh school rally; evenng, "Crosses crowns," J. Herbert Whtney sute, from Leomnster, nstalled flcers North Star lodge.. O, O, F,. at r meetlns on Wednesday evenng. Th lst " elected! apponted flcers mnalled at ths tme s as follows:.eon_-z. Watklns, n.g,; Glbert Estes, v.g.; George A. Wlder, sec,: Fred J. Pper, treas,; Frank H, Jefts, trustee 3 years.; Wley.Swnnln.srn. warden; G. A. Kendall, cond.; Frank A. Woods; chap.; R. Msner. r.s.n.g.; R, A, l.ancey. l.s.n.g.; van Hlltz. r,s,v,g,; Lesle Hurjey. J,s.v,g,:.den Swcker, l,a6,; Wllam T. MacMaster. l,g,; Frank R. Jefts. eg,.\fter nstallan a lunch -w-as.served s- wches cfe by D.W, FUrrar. Frank Marsn. Melrose, past stale deputy, asssted by Clara Flarlty, past master local Grango. nstalled flcers Townsend Grange on Monday evenng. *ull lst elected Bcers ot stalled wth excepn three, Hester Burdett, chaplan; Ralph Ptper, assstant -steward, nnd Charles DU. gatekeeper. follownk -«-ere nstalled: EkJna W. Bray, m,; May Parker, o.: Emma F, Seaver,.lect,; Wnfred Farrar, stew,; George L, TVhtcomh. treas.; Flora, Atwood. Flora; Melora Procr. Ceres; Ruth Stearna. Pomona; Mldred Steam.s. Flora; Amy L. Whtcomb. l,a.s,; Galen Procr, ex. com,. 3 yrs.; Wley Swnnlngn, 1 yr. Ahout sxty were present after nstallan an oyster supper -was served n banquet hall n charge feast commttee, Mr. an* Swnnlngn. Olara B. Clement. Marj- Tnylor. Mr. Mra Galen Procr. Adney Oray Albert Co-wl. MV. Ste-wart. Preecott Grange, Popperell, -were guests evenng. At tho ann-ual meetng th sck- "holders Townsend Nanal Bank thc followng wtrc re-elected; Henry A. Hlll, pros.; CharleH E, Stlcknoy, V, p.; Carl B. WlUard, caahlcr: Walter Rockwood, Charles Stckney, Honry B. Hlldreth, Robort G. Fessenden Henrj- A. Hlll, drecrs, Hattle Hggns, Jercho. y< s tho BUCBt ot Mr. MrsL M, T, Hggns for present. She -plans spend thc -wnter n ths vcnty so an bo near her nophew. Hovcy H. Jordan, wo camo Camp Devens l.st Saturday attend flcera school. Mr. Jordar>. Who was assstant pressor n bology at Har\-ard- college, gave up lls fne-posn enter servce. netxt. Davd O. Howard, Annapo- -Ha, a-lnowv-ojv-a.-luxouyh,.ha.vln»- h- reccn-tly stffered a spraned wrst, M(S8-Oarre Walker, Townsend hlm, tsnrtatned her far, John Walker, Phburg, Mss Maron Holcomhe, Brookllne, N. H., laat week Thursday, who came n honor her brthday annversary. A bountful dnner -was served by Arthur Barber n<l day pleasantly spent by JortesB her- guests. A sngular tnclbncn.ll.tjf.famlly-tclattan.shle. la ntereat menn ro are flvo cousns -whose brthdays al come OV th<< same date, January 10. -> On-lost week Thursdoy evenng J. * Fhrra entertaned- at Park.hotel a slolgwng party thrty couples from - Bplacopal ch-urch socety, joomlnster, on followlnsr evcnlnr aparty ten couplea from -Japer l)ox,company n Leomnster. An - loyster eupper, wth Wld -meots. wcro served ana an evenns pleasure spent by both partlcb. At monthly -meetng 1> B s;. Congreganal church treasurer. Enona Smth, reported tltat sum $109 was cleared at far held n December. annual pat meetlrg Congreganal churoh was held last Saturday n -the vestry at two oclock. n absence ot Henry B. Hlldreth. George L.. Whtcomb was chosen moderar pro tem. ollowng otcers commttees were elected for ensung year: Herry B. Hlldreth. moderar: Albert S.- How-ard. clerk; T. James Har\-ey, treas,; t, G, Fessenden, W, A. Russell, A. K, Tyler, ex, com.; Albert G, Seaver. E, H, Savage, Vernal Barber, musc confmutee, Mr. lrs, Wlbur Scales, Green\lle. N, H,, sper,-t w-eek-end over Sunday wth Mr, Albert Scales wth Scales far.g,.1., Eastman, Wllam Cowdry attended meetng - MasMachusotts Beekeepers assocan -whoh -wa.s held n Worcester on Thursdy. Januarj- 10, West Ton-n.scnd. Frank Farnsworth. who has been on th sck lst for a few (a>-s past.week, s able resume hs teamng,.; - Rev, ahd Joseph McKean have been spendng a few days ths -week wth McKeans relatves n Wnchendon.. Lttle Fath Tucker was confned her home for a few days la.st week, sufferng from a smach trouble. Earl Whtney Bayherry hll has been spendng a few days at hs home n Dorchester, Mss Georgana McKean- returned Brattleboro. Vt,, Saturday, after a three -week!* vacan, havng an extra week on account scarcty fuel at school, where she s employed as teajcher. wnspeople are proud add anor name lst younk men n whom y have a personal nterest, who are n actve se-lce on foregn sol, n learnng that Homer Flynn, oldeat son Mr, James L. Flynn, Brooklyn. N. f,, summer,resdents here, has lt Wh- ngn. D, C.. sallod for France wth th 40th U, S, Engneers Camouflage unt, Co, A,, he s lookng forward meetng Townsen< bo>-s "ovor re," He s very- enthusastc over hs work sayw, -We hnd great fua foolng "resdent Wlson at a revew nnd exhbn camoullage ju-st before w-e left.".adles Mssonarj- meetng has been postponed from Thunw.ay afternoon Thursday.afternoon next week. Mr, Hadloy. who s n croxernment employ n charpe l.-l,oat.s at Charleswn Xav,v Vard. vsted hs famly, who ar lvng wth Lews K, Blar, on Ma,son road, Su.san Hox\nrd Sneham spent Frday wth hor grmor, Charles R. Alorgan, Rchard Lo\-crlng got hla f.-ce qn badly cut whllo sldng on crust back. hla home on, Elm str,eet_,last, wccjc Hd slcdbroke throgl. throw- nk hm head- frst n anow tho cy crust -cut a gash from hla forehead, hs chn. Belgrade facry h.as boon closed a few days ths -week on account coal scarcty. Mss Marlon Boutelle. who Js laklng a bosnebs course n tho Dorchester Hgh school, s stll at home her- parents, Mr. Frank BTOlelle Bayborry hlll..s tho achool s ooatta untl furr notce on account coal shortage. ;. A large flock wld geese were observed flylne north ovtnr Townsend hlll a few 4ayb ago. Harold PKts haa been at hs homc on Elm street for a few days cuotcr- ng from a sovere com. Owlnf srm.}>ad -walkhg thc, meetlnsr tho AU-rcady class was postponed for a -week wll bo held at hon«mss Alce Seavcj next Soturday afternoon at three SHRLEY News tcns. annual meetns voters Shrley Vllage water dstrct wll bo held n Engne h.all on Monday evenng at 7,30, At sesson Congreganal Sunday.school last Sunday followng flcers were elected for tho ensung year: Mlss Gl.adys Phelpa. secretary panst; Herbert Brchstead, treasurer. followng are cdates ths year for wn olhce: Selectmen. 3 years. Charles H, Weare, Jr,, 2 ve.trs, Dr, Thomas E, Llly, 1 year, wuard G, Whte: wn clerk, Arthur G, Dunn: tax collecr, talph S. Whoeler;.jverseer poor. 3 years, Thor..ts S, Gatey: school commttee, 3 vears, [Tr, Thomas E, Llly: board "he-.th, :: years, "Walte-Knowles: hg-hway- surveyor. As.t. A, Adams; tree wa.rder., Asa A, Adams; constahlos. George.\, Stebblns, Wllam.M, Gonet,ohn Seymour: aud-s. Elmer, K. Allen J, Edwn Pomfret; lbrarj- trustees, 2 years, Edw-ard, S, P-att. 2 years, Htte -VV, Ev-ans Thona,;;.," Hazen; a.ssessor, 3 years, Morn E, l.wrence, WlanVA, Houtler. p present tme re s r,(> contest for any above flce.s, Henry B-adstUbner, who has beer, spendng three weeks at home hs.p.trents. returned tt- hls dutes r. Xew York cty on Monday, MKses Ar,n Nn.. H.dbrnok are spondlng two weoks ; PhladeUvha, vstng relatves freus. Ager famly hve v.te.ated George Greonleat house or. Lrvard road. Fred Brown, who htm been ll for some tme, remans at)out -s,ane, M, J, John.son Mss Gertrude Johnson, w-ho were vstng at me formers parents, Mr, Walter Knowles, were suddenly called home ast week *-Yday, owng burnng home M.SS Gertrude, n Be.-vchmont, house w.aa burned ground. l.-ust Sttur H, Meagher Co, "lllam Wlklns al.so has not beon gven notce movo. but t s stll uncertan w-her he wll be affected by th order or not. followng tentatve arrangements have been mad by rcsldts Woodsvlle. who hav move beforec February 1: A. W, Wood famly wll move Ayer; George F, Buxn famy wll move vllage; George Farm, or famly are movln; n Frank Farnsworths eotse at.vorth:.mr, Waterman famly are move n Haradon cottage on sfate ro-.d a tho North; Capt. Blar expect- tn move n tenement above Center sre: lr. Mr.s, G, C, "West.-xpect nnv n th.--\acant tenement at th** home ot D;u;e Bartlett;!--:-.nk Ketnp :s mn-.e nt> upper -nemen a Kwl;: Whte place. Swtzerl Lke Unted States. Swtzerl s only European xunple a federatve demo- :ratc republc tho Amercan type, observes a wrter. Swtzerl, as Lnted States, was born from a desre for emancpan from aucratc despotsm; lke Unted States, Swltccrlantl never beleved n tle dvne rght kngs. very pat whch ancent federates, on, that quet spot, "Rutl." on classc Lake 3t Lucerne on August 1, 1201, swore, embodes that great prncple for whch now, C20 years later, Unltet States s Ughtlng, namely, quote Presdent Wlsons own words. "For rght o those who submt authorty have a voce n r own governments." re od Swss proclamed self-government aganst jucratfc rule ot Hapsburg, n followng words; "We ordan drect wth unanmous accord, that n above-menned valleys we shall recognze no Judge who shall have Dought hs rghts wth money or n any jr nanner. or who shall not be a. aatlve an nhabtant se dstrcts.".labllltlra pad.... Cpt;!; ~;..rk >. Surplus fun.l l.dlvded proltj ClrculutnK not,.- lag ndvdual deposts check..,.,, Dvdends unpad,,,, Certlncat,-.-* depo.<«t er thun for none.v roued oulstadsubject (oth- bor- -.1)00,01) s:.s-o -s JlOCOnO 00 20,000 00 S.SljO 80 100,000 00 L;,CCO 07 ccoo 10,19-9t $7.8;e 7» County or MW- Total State.Mas,.chuse dleae-x. ea., <-. B, Wllard, Casher tho above-nam,-d ba,nk, do solemnly swear that th,.- above.statement s true be.st my knowledge belef, C. B, WLLARD. C.-lshler Subscrb«d sworn before mo t!> 12th day January, SlS, T- lames Harve.v, Notary Publc Conte;.\tt,st; Wenry A. Hlll. Walter F. Rockwood Hobert G. Fessenden Dlrecra YOUNG MAN TWH)E_M1STAKEN. Alllnco. On last woek Thrsd.-v (. n-,eet;;g -f Frst Parsh Lranch.\nance was held r. rooms Shrley club r, reaseys bloc-:. atter.ance was.,-...d; l.ucy,t. Merrman presded.\ls- Harret W-slowassstt-l.-t ;)-:a o..merrman was c..sen deletrae. tl:--.vo-a Knglaul..\..st>cate,\ll..nc*-, t. :>e held!-, Hos. <r;- Jan..r - 17..hal.dn loy. c f nll nfantry t (.an-.p n.ven, ve...er>- nterestng m,r":-.ptn acdre.-..- n whch he er-.ll;;hter.ed hs htare-.,n tle dutes hs.nce, vv.-c:. <r..-.ot generally undersod, - rharles -:. Ware, Ftchbtr::, dstret dreer.mlance, pad her r.st v.st t., ths.branch gave a shot,mress Vocal sehynor.s by Wes;,-Jhrley club, a talk b\-.m:.-.s Z;:v,r about her work amon.rr.s cor-.pleted a progran j nterest ar.< pu.sure. Refreshments were.m*rved by :h- hostess, l,a- vonne J, EU-trt-n.. Mldred T. ] Grout had chartre jrorram. meetng adjoun-. d for om month! meet n fam place. Fel>ruarv 7, wler. Muss.K:,-S M, Holden wn" be hostess. Futle Dsputes. n statng prudental rules for our government u socety. must not omt [he mportant one ot never enterng,n dspute or argument wth anor. never saw au nstance one two dsputants convncng or Dy argument. have seen many, on r gettng varm. becomng rutle shootng one nor. Convcn s effect our own lspassonate reasonng, er n soltude 6r wenhng w-thn ourselves, dspassonately, what we hear from ors, stng uncommtted n argument ourselves. t w-as one rules whch, above all ors, made Docr FrankUn raost amable ot men n socety, "never contradct anybody." f he was urged announce tl opnon, he dd t rar hy a.skn; quesns, as f for nforman, or by suggestng doubts Thomas JelTerson. Addressed as Salesman n Hat Sre Gven a Dollar Bll as Tp at Restaurant. " forgpt have my ntals put tn a new hat thnt bought a.st week.".sad Mr. Blnklngn, " so passng that way day, spped n at sre. "A lttle back from door saw a tall, straght, trmly attred young man stng re, hatless. looknp ward front, hm sad, at same tme holdng out my hat: "Wn you please put my ntals n ths hat?" "Well, d be glad do that for you, tnll young man sad, "but am watng here have ntals put n my own hat. And he saltl ths smlng, wth, absolute good humor. "n found a»alesman who ok my hat; vhen ventured express tall yotmg man my regret ver havng made such a mstake n frst addressng hm he sad t was all rght, ld a lttle sry a some what smlar experence that had once befallen hm. "One nght last wnter whle he was watng n a restaurant for a frend who was jon hln re, beng n dress clos at tme stng at moment near door, a guest n passng fut thrust somethng n hs h. He ddnt look at ths, but tucked t n hs pocket. A Uttle later when t occurred hm that somebody had hed hm somethng he fshed t out hs pocket see what t was. t was a dollar bll." lkott OF THK CONt>TOX ot tho Frst Nanal Bank Ayer at Aycr n tho State Massachusetts at thc close busness on December 31, 1917, R*«ource«xans an. dscounts.,.,.. $C22.090 11 Overdrafts, unsecured 554 ZZ L, S, bonds deposted secure crculan (par value) tso.ooo.oo U,.S, bonds certfcates ndel- - --edness plcdgej. _ secure postarsav-. ngs deposts (par value),. 25.000,00 - U, <. bond,s certfcates ndebtedness, owned unpledged 75,000,09 Total L*, S, jonds (or th.an Lberty Bonds) certfcates Of ndebtedne.ss... 120,000 00 Lberty Loan Bonds, un- jledged, 3Vj per cent 4 per cent 98,298 2S Securtes or than V.. S.. -jonds not ncludng.scks) owned unpledged 138,527 5ft Sck Federal Reserve- Bank (50 per cent sub-.. scrpn),.,,5,750-09- Lawful reserve wth Fed- eral Reserve Bank 90,000 00 Cash n vault net amounts dje from nanal banks, 311 <S9 96 Checks on banks located outsde cty or wn reportng bank or cash tems. 40.75 Redempn fund wth. U, S. Treasurer due from U. 8. Treasurer Brazlans Are Courteous. Brazlans are among thc most suavely courteous consderate peoplo n world. Etquette s a matter greaf formalty..acquantances rase r hats one anor n passng, no matter how ten y may moot n course a day. A crowded street car s full murmured apologes from those gettng on f. Brazlans prde mselves on havng nherted flnest tradns manners artstc feelng from Latn nfttlon.s ot.sourn Europe. Courteous, temperamental courageous, typcal Brazlan s quck resent any encroachment on hs rghts nnd slow- abon flght mantan m. Total 1 440.** ;,416 1»0.?» LUbllltlea pad n... Captal sck Surplus fund Undvded prts Crculatng notes outstng Xet amounts due Nanal banks Xet amounts due banks, bankers, trust companes (or than ncluded n precedng tem) ndvdual depo,«ts subject check Certncate.-; depost due less than,t0 days (or that for noney borrowed) Certted checks vdends unpad osl.l savngs deposts..., ruber tme deposts Labltes or than above stated, $5,000-1a n a m a Bonds bought lor $4,25OJ30 S 110 64 1,153 Cl 54 1 SOU»- 4 SS8 5-50 00 tt ts 36 oo 09 rtchus Jl.llB lo 79 County ot Md- Total State Mtssrt dlesex, ss, r Charle,",\. Norm, Casher abov-name.! b.ank, do solemnly Mathat above statement s true t > bes: my knowledge, belef (.-ll.m..ks -\. NOr.M.\N>. Cashl - d 1.-th da; be cr..;. rorltf <-.s->ltl(n Frst,x..x Hank epperel at East e:".l n :h. State Massaet-=,.t c;ose busness on t tcnr. knttng crcle me day evenng at home K. Grout..\nor very ple.a.sant..c.al d.ance WAS held n th wn hall lu.-»t Saturd.ay- evonng under man.agement some resdents W.ods- \-Llle, thrd n seres x-curs on evenng Janar,v 18, G,,, Know has returnetl homo tfter ; short trp Chcago, Forrest B, Wng, who hns be<n vstng at home Mr, tmd Howartl.M, langley. returnetl l.,< week lls home n Brookllne,.M.ss Marlon L, Holtlen has returned her school n Southboro after a three-weeks acatlon spent at homo her paronts,.mr, Herbert Holdon, On account tho small atndance at moetng Matrons Ad,socety, held w-lth M.abel Gnwcs last week, elecn- olllcor» wa.s )Wtpon,c<. Tho noxt meetng wlll be houl wth STn.TtxHef-(. HoWe" on Tuesday afternoon. Jantary 22. Mlss.Margaret xngley. Bosn, spent tho week-end at home- hor mothor. Mre. Abble LongJcy. J. Bdward Adams has taken a posn at thc remount stan at Camp Devens. A> army truck from Camp Dovens became etaued n- slush at thc Center.lastSaturdgy, ha«l.ua costs tx home t h h.ave fresh tr n Now.VdTcrtsomcnfs pulled out by a team mulos from canp. Kev. Roscoe Thomas, Grotpn School, corwtactcd nervlce at Trnty chapel last Sunday afternoon after a. XTca several weeks, Mr, Thomas wll have charge sen co agtln o» Sunday aftemoon at 3.15. Accordng roport, thc recent order requrng Woodsvlo pcoplo leave r homes, doe.<f notaffect la Edwn Whte place, whch s now occuped by Waldo Ettmsworth a-nd famly, artd tho cmpoycm Foreclosure Sale,\ \:;re. : rt rwer,k, et. t;n«. r, a rett. m Jortg.age tlecd tr en l>,v,\l,\k-k.l, A. DlRKN a HAK.KS ( lulsn MOSKS,: r.m.mku, l.te..m, 2S. 1889 nn. r-- rded wtl;.mruc: South Dstrt Deeds, lln. ;";- f,... 612, for br. nrl r--l-;.. taned xxx.,xd - -.-rttre ar-.l f t> - purpose,>f Ur- \ elosn.:.a;-,. v 1 be stld at (.lt-.. tl att-ttn..>-. ; te premses, on stturday. ht* Hlt y February, 1 ftlk. at 11 tt-l k 1 Jc foreuhn, all antl sngular pr* sos Cfmveye.l l,\ sad ntrttratte - H1 namely; A certnn,t-!. r lot l.ajd stuated n Crot.n Centre on bouthly stle th. road o.atjng from HolllM Street t.. Mtlh Btreot. beng a part ChanpjeyFlarm so-eallel. German Schoolng, German s.hlng has proved antagonstc.-ooperatlon, although demng unty acn through mass obedlene, Wnthrop Talbot wrtes n Century, t has faued foster real co-operan, for co-opcratlon s n method hy whch persons ot r ow-n voln am by no compulson may w-ork -,-er harmonously. Only when trannc schoolng are common prvlege all s thnt stnte cvr levelopment possble w-hlch permts >.,..-ty t- become co-operatve n ts :-t;-t. or w-ords, a socalz..l <."-ty becomes morc possble only tl- all nlvdunl members acqure en(-t; t;,. wdest vson, thus tho Plwer t.l.-".perate harmonously. er.rft S bond ;, f.:. RCMOurceM d soo unts... unsecu ret!.. deposted,64, t7 Old llustrated Book. One oldest llustrated hooks s nn odtnn nf "Aesops Fables." publlshod nbout 1-171. t has ntal letters great ntere.t, upward 100 very curous wood cuts. copes whch havo survved centures are bound n thck oak boards, covered wth stamped lear. re was ft book publshed n Florence only fve years after Aesop whch had three eoppt-r-plat-; engravngs, one tht- nst remnrkahle features th. early llustrtl works s grace am exr-!l-t fanv r tal-peces am type, anl fr.-sh look whch nk hts. value -bertv Pledtr t p..: Hnr..ls - crctlar,,oan fjon.ls -d. :--, Jer e.-r -th -xx X than bon-k lted s. " post.,; s,\- s dests t les Oth-T n f.s hot.s ; ll.<!udr -.lu -.1 1 ; s-.t ;...Mo.oo,:-)o,oo cont.alnng olglty-.tpt rods,. bount od as folt>w«; Begnnng at horuoa.st corner.lad promses at t stake snes at Kld road, tt l now or formerly GJ-org- Cl, Smonds. nce sourly by,<d Smonds l 28.1 TF5t ftt a ktltho fnagtened al l Tow or formerly VfUUm Spauldng, hco westerly by fuld Spauldlng nnd.nd now or f>rmcrly Charlos Woolley 86 fect a ene bound nt l now or forme y rh.arle,s Hall, nco norrly by sad Hnll l.-nt 265 fect ".a sne bt und at s.ald natl. thonco easterly tho place by sad road 85 feet rtcglnnlng, ger wth tho buldngs tercon: rms cash on delvery GR\CF, ).->., XV..-J deee. WLSON 3t20 Assgnee Pay Our Marne Chaps. pay --; - ;eers Snd crews vessels n th-,\;nrran merchant marne s as fll"-t-; <;aptaln, $2.)0 a month; chef or.-.r, >: 10; second flcer, Sl.O; thr..>ll.-r, srj»:chl<yf engneer. $100; flrst asssant enulneer, $140; second a.sslstant elwn-. r, S»30;_thlrd, asslstnnt entne.-r, KO; (jarpetters, Sr; boatswan.?7; oucr, 60; «oal passers, $"0. n -llltlon regular wages fcers mtm now receve bons.s, whch materally ncrease r earnngs. q Country, t contn.ntnl v.rthl, an. f n- - be beleved, notes here s n hasn rv.r ont; p.tsshle ol-bearnc [.- enrth. j ctlstence lakes ovor long n \- Much OlBear N.l -ly Ull p.r.. j rn:;.l:l s stll uns dtn r.-purls are 1 : a r.rr. sjon.l.n,! Ma.-U-t;?;. larcst trens ->f country on fn.! ntllans report th j n huntlred mle; kon that no vhte mnn has ever seen, j w-he even ndans mselves np; parently know- nothng tho ns yet untrotllen Mnekenze mnunts..lnhllll. Typewrtng Fade* Out. t has l"... found-4hat-typewrmn)t on parchment.leeds s not durnble. n dcols lepos t.-.l wthn very recent years tnt y ln.-s nro llegble nnd.several lnes nve fonplctcly dsappeared. S(-= Towers, hrc -f Effel wer, Pars, s nso 1.. 1 : Blackpool wcr, 020 feet..1.new BrlRhn wer, TO f Woolworth buldng Nt. 7."! fecu Monks Carved Church Seats. Churrh sents carved l.v monks nre be st-en wthn walls ancent ehureh at Cloloek on he borders Monmouthshre, clllce wns bult some eght eentures at antl for mnny years t bn.l nt.-r.sn: relans wlfh.nthony,\bh>y wh!.- t was tho monks th.. a.l,ltu--n; lunstery that dd much betntful rnnn;: wthn ts wtlls, rhe lne w-r s now so dllnpldntel hat t must be spc.-lly resred f t s be saved fnun rnn. t " 1 ; ; 1 --, ;.,, ll r..!."!,: J : V "..1 \\-r<. Vv.--.- ;nj *,t \ - p.l l. V*:. :. L:x:u.aU:.>; ;.oltn v,..:.>.:.n.lme: nd Vu t. <l";>> r- s ul -r; rhtk (.TM-- [ V<- k -.111 s:.rnl:n; trpo?5:s rp<);rn»r notlcf hu: jos than."0 d-vs... ro5tnl.tvtks <ep(ts Oth-r tmo dfposlts Tot.! ln-f doposlt.h suhjcct t.«<tvf Jrl,;R? K To;,T J.OOfl./ :".oon.oo v..:..02.>rt.ono.«f> :<,or:.: n.l3 r.0.6s2.11 1.669,16 1AO.000.00 j43t.tlr.6a Pt,r(> r-?«n «ftt«;, ofnty o? S1R-.ll.-«ex-, fs, 11 K Tnrbell, lkhler rtb.v.-. n.ttned bunk, dtt solemnly swear lat tbe hovt- ptat.-n.-t s true tt> l-.-«t or my ke-wl.-lt-e nnd belef, H 1-, T.\l;!;.., Casher, h-- lw l! r V rt" T: -;hp r; ll..\* rtml sworn borft m V.(;nrtrv 191S. <;. Tarh-, Not.Try Publc. T,,T. Rowoll. T. F, (Jrahnm. Arthur V. Wrpht. Drccrjf. mmmm mmmamsm

taat:jf&(m.m :-:;.v,;,-.,,-,a.;-/:-...-,,"-.,:., : >-_\,Vp«?v>:-T 1; r,;;;,:»-.,.**..-..- --.-v-t.." 4» OHE DOUAB AND FFT CENTS P E S XEAK X ADVANCE AD AdrertlMmenta Appear n -AH tbr Tea P»pen Wo Pal>U»l» "TU tbe Pen Pre»» we mort»l» owe. All we beleve Knd almot all r Jf t«m> ocal ntereat are aollcltea sd muat always be accompaned by tbe name wrter, not for publcan, but as a suarantee good lalth anl wll alwaya be consdered trlctly confldentlal. Kndly mall tems eon Af ltr--;.y-occurr«nce:_ do net wat unnecessarly. Saturday. Junmtry 19, 1918. GRL SCOLTS ATTENTON Through thc courtesy pub- Usher,ths paper- Grl Seoutu thf Aver ycdorted Counc n -Ayer. cnttn. KorKO "VmKtte. Gron, Mar" vard Lancaster. Lttlen, Pepperell Shlrlev have been allotted a col-- «Jm n.ths paper. n tho Tnre stll Grl Scout news -wll appear under ths beddng. Notlces for publcan should be sent Mr«. Jonathan- Har- wood. local drecr. Glrla" Club House. Ajer, Mas-s..not later than -VVednesday each -n-e«k. n order that troops may know what r sster troops are accomplshng frequent news tems are desred. meetng Brd clut has boen postponed untl Monday, January 28. At tho meetlnk Gron lodge. 1. O. O. F.. on Monduy evenng, followng flcers wcre nrtalledt Herbert W, Taylor, n.g,: George E. l-awrence. v.g,; Wendell Ogllvle. rec. sec: Jerry V. Harrngn, (n. sec; Arthur A. Wood, treas. nstallng flcer was Geo-geH". Buxn, dstrct deputy gr master, und sute; Shrley, After tho nstallan refreshments were sorved, A pleasant ovenng was spent by menbers Grange on Tuesday evo.«lng; when an -t)y*;tur supper Jajt Kcr-od by a competent tmmmlttee." Onc tho most charmng affars tf season was a dance whch Mr. Wllllam Lndsey. parents Leut. Kenneth Lndsey. Oron, who H staned at amp Devens, gave last Saturday evenng at Chln club n honor Mls, Clarssa- Curts, MJT Kcmcth~l3Td»e>-tt«eu»6<lr but Leut. Lndsey. who w.as have been an usher, was unable go. as he was GEOTON?V" Ncvs tems. lbrary w bo closed on Sat- Urday foreroors all. day Jlonday untl fu-rr notce: Fred Caffpehter has rented lower tenement hs house Leut. Robert GllleUe. George-Floyd lt wn last week Frday s teamng wood neaj Carlsle for Mr. Spaldng, VVestford. ThDnas Altlten has accepted a- poeltlob at Lowthorpe school; Be gave tp hs posn, at Shrley ndus- trl school on account tho llness hs wfe, who s ganng ulowly n wn.. Arthur Shattuck, Baddacook pond road, has been conflned house tle past week, but s reported aa more «on«forta,ble. Word haa been, receved from Mss Alce Chapman-, who.wth ler; mor, ore spendng wnr n St. Vfltesburs, Fla,, that y reached r deatlnatlon. frst, bf last tweek. She -wrltee that t s beatlful re wear comfortable. -" Fred-Voods has been ylsltng -wth """ Mr. MVa..ew-ls Woods Jn~Buxn, V Me. 1 t current events, department Woman.sqlub, whch -was have: met at home MTS. Barle ths weelc Tuesday, was posttponed untl Tuesday afternoon, JamarV 22. /Franlc, D. «wla loubt se-foral head cattle at Lawrence Brooks aucn last Saturday.,. " Mr. Edward Roache re- «ently entertjed r daughter-ln-- law, Mrs Edward Roache. Jr., Bos- n. ;,,.,.\ Tho next neetng Womans club vttl be leld) on.frday aftemoon, January 2 S,. n: charge Jul n. TWrhawrxtlarmanTjf--deptwtment educan. George Swallow, o f Gardner, has been n wn- on a short vst wth hs brors,- Marshall Myron P. Swallow. Hany Floyd has accepted a posn as flrema at a portable mll for Jlr. Spaldng la Westford. gang men n employ Jobn Boynn. who have been busly engaged n clearng Cadys pond crovl-hg t ready for ce-cuttng, were greatly dsapponted n- thc srm Tuesday, whch spped all prosress n r work. J. R. Hawkes recently entertaned a frend from Worcos-ter; Xra. Gray. John M. Crowley has been very sck at hs home ut tho mll for tho past two weeks, pneumona beng feared lor a w days. He s ganng slowly, Elzabeth Blood, daughter Mr. md George Blood. Hollh).street, entered Cashng academy, Ashburnham. on. Monday. January 7, She MPtnt week-end at her home. El Green enjoyed a pleasant vacan wth members her famly m Newn. She returned for tho begnnng wnter. Clayn lckcan -etumctl on Tuesdav from.vashua, N, H,, where hhe spent a week wth frends. Mlss Mabel arker spent mdwnter school-vacan wth frends m Gr Rapds,.Mch. flcers -Mddlesex Rebekah lodge were n.stalled on Tuesday even- ng by Gertrude L, T.rboll. dstrct deputy presdent, sute, Popperell. flcers for 191S arc aa follows: - Wllllam Whtehll. n g, Mlss Elzabeth Gbson. V,K,: Mm. George Boynn, treas.:. Jamos Harrngn, rec, sec:.mss Elzabeth Wbltehlll. tn, sec. Charles R. Earle, who ha,t! been sufferng wth rheumatsm n ha feot for past two weekf, s atlc be bout agan. dstrtt ;nd.scho.l mlr.e has t-ken ll r.t>n at h.-t...f Fanny Samstm, t.trt -tte;; telephone ll -t. Frday ften-.t:,.larrunry 11, wts -federan.lay tt thf Wtmas cltl.. Thcrc w.os a ut.hl a-.tendance tml thc members weve well entertaned l>y an nterestn; talk gve l>. Clare H Ournev. jrestlet..f.«ttte l-ecratltm, whn,s)kf on.ll.-eney nf tmon n ths grett w.rl.l war, tnd tho benett..f th.- Wt.nans ell.s n dong tet w..rk.,\tsf!l numlers b - -l.hn l.awrt-nre h>-r two <1 ughters,.ms...;.-nldlnt- l. wr-ttantl - Stephen.--ttl.n,.. w.t- t;-.-tr.l> enjtyetl..\ s.ral h.-.ur t-ltst.l thf ].r.grm thf tftet.-..n. l l c v O f..r f.m, H o w.- w a- t n f--t-lmte ths tvffk n rallnt.n re on sdewalk n.. hs h-.n:.-. njunn,- hs am. edfnt tarr.v hs trtn n t from tjttnp dutes. A large number Grangers attended meetng Mld41esex->VorccHter Pomona Grange whch was held n Ftchburg on Thursday. Durng thc afternoon sesson flcers were nstalled by James B. Tuttle, past master Mddlesex Central Vmona Grange, Presdent Kenyon B. Butterlleld. Massachusetts Agrcultural college. Amherst,»:a8 speaker afteroojon. " reglar weekly drll Com-- pany K. M. S. G.. was held n thc wn lall on Wednesday evenng. com, pany was gven.frst call at 7.10,, assembly at 7.15, under tho; C. K. Bxby,.: sec.:- A. J. Blood, treas.:,e.-k, Harrngn. G, A. Blxby, A. L. Harrngn, drecrs: M. E. Wllams Gcorge G. Harrngn. lookout com.; M. McCar»y U O. Str, soclal-com.; A- \- Lamb; K, Hallet P..Malley. entertanment commttee, Wth shorutge jot fuel n mnd >lr, und Mra, G. H. Blxby generously opened r house on Tuesday evenng for prayer meetng servce, later for mprovemem.soeloty meetng, " Four evenngs for nstrucn cntertalnmnt--thcnpublc atr: wnter program mprovement socety. Commttees wcre..polnted fgr each am t s hoped tho plms wll be successfully <-arrlcd t,ut. Three tf se, at leut, wlllbe free unces plans should be materally changed. >Ht«lyathleen MyGowan s carng for hcr aunt. Janlcl Gerry. tjf Leomnster, who recently nutfered e«e are saldtabe elgble, f quallfled,- men above thlrty-on6 wll not bc refused f passfd by physcans. ; Trenc -v?ork JtlU Soes on. Tho heavy frot males dggng a slow very, laborloul-task. Tho men work n rolays whle hey ure not dong tho rough work y gar h groups und«r tr?e» receve nstructlohs from r ohcers. trenches aro BO e.>:tenslvo that one mght easly lose hs vvyln-tn-though some- m ure vrkcd wth; sgn posts. -"f- at tle home Mr..a3d Upham. Thoy are. 6nn«ldor)nfr leavljn;, El-Bta n tbd country, be educatud,,mr,.wrahs wlob,be remembgrcd ta all,townsond frlehds....,. ThoMonday "club wll meetnext Monday.wth ML-S. Albort,Howard. af(,ernoon program, "Current events," n charge Elzabeth Hrtford, Abble Barber Mss Alberta Barber, On account recent llness ln_th;e home ot A. L. Struth. ers"d exchange dates has T)oct made. -, -, A. Brtsh sergeant, who has sent several years n foregn mltary campa. s < Uoted as.makng thc ftd West Townsend. A party about ffty young-people dow!ng_»wt*tttfflrtatterr«ylsl,. Cap4 from-hepfu)tst\hkharkl.-j!.hur9lt_ot Devens: "t s slm-ply asundng Ktchburg enjoyed a seghrde ths " r r > ««- ; > ««ho<tk, s n conso<,.enee partally paralyzed. Gloanlnps., A very One concert, -under aufplcos Jur Blood fund, was gven n wn thall on Frday evenng lart week J>y tbe Mozaf t.ertet Bosn. -program conssted several muslqalseloctlons anotconcluded wth a dellght/ul htle play whch was enjoyed apprecated-by laxge audence.,, Mr tl ytl " James A Onoly. Marlboro, are guests at home lr dau»hter, Jlrs. CarJ W. Str. xn.w Amy Snell Mlss Ruth Walker. Bosn, were week-end vs comm Leut. Torrey w-as drlled rs at home F. E. Har- n close order work manual arms untl ".ts. when company was nspected by Capt. Herbert, F; Staples, Medford. M.-N. 0.. retred; Atty.-Generals department, n close open extended order work, nspecn arms, guard mountng, loadng flrng rfles practce drllng by squads plaons. Before fallng out men were gven flfteen mnutes n exercses under comm- Sergt. Shaw company was dsmssed after a short talk by Capt. Staples at ten o clock. re ore at present n company sxtyeght men three fcers, re were present sxty-two men three flcers. wth fve men- absent wthleave onc absent wthout leave. prognunot Womans, club s n charge department educan on January 25. J. R. Coolage. Bosn, wll speak on books ftew Engl. Adellghtfu aftemoon s antcpated.. JL wll be_refre«hnghear somethng that does not bear upon war.?.! Mfes Anne Culan. j dltrht rurse, wll tve a. seres «-talks 6n care feedng nfants n hgh school buldng. Mes Woods room, on Tuesdays, begnnng. Tuesday, January. 22, at two oclock. All grls over fourteen years age. ad young moth ers are cordally nvted aval mselves ths rare prvlege. talks are free, charge. Nna Knght has gven up drv- ng school team, after drvng t ten years. t s drven now by anor party. Henry Johnson s cuttng cord wood rlngn Frends Mr-t. Elza McGowan Gay; Leomnster, wll be pleased learn, that she s recoverng from sudden llness from whch she has been sufferng for tho -past week. Schools were xjced on Mondoy per order - tha school comnttee. Hollngsworth «;,Vose Company have taosed-r mll--:temporarly bn accbunt shortage coa; VJfany, employees have found employment out w-n. Begnnng on Sunday mornng aftemoon trans on Greenvlle branch wll be dscontnued. Many chldren have been U -wth German measles, some whom are stll tnobj attend stbool. see all tho comforts your men have, vllago Monday evenng, arrvng about t s Just lke steppng from one home 8.30 oclock were entertaned n n anbr W bb"a soldlor at th.at camp. re :s nothng lke t on tho or sde n>en dont expect t, And nenayc fnest looklng se 1 ever saw. y aro soldle-s ovory.nch.".: ;..- "New Hnglant solder dances o much. s -Opnon flccrs expcssed on Tuesday. At a confereke lcers t Was..ecldcd take stcxt cut tlown. socal funcns wlch are- almost nhy occur-ences, t wa-s Judgmaunt those present that lnt thelder was dstracted by o many gatles. mpresson was conflrmed.lt s sad, by comment a Brtsh llcer, who recently nspected thomhnment. Ths» fleer s uotedassayng, "re s o muchwomeh;ab6ut "cantp." Several thous %-lslrs came tho cnpp Jn Rplte Qt-JXqu-serlo AYEB News tens.. GCTaltno~Trra;r. rbted Trma.donna, wll make per dehut at Page lall atreon -Monday afternoon ahd evenng. Ths.wttederful pcture wll be shown here for oneday orly. ttle pcture s " -woman God forgot." a spectaculaj- pho drama wrtten especally for her by Jeano Macphersotu whole sry emboded,n ",wontan God fgot" comes from a,chapter fn-. early hsry Xmerca,- tellnghow Spansh lh\-aded-mexco, r conquest Montezuma hs Aztecs. Geraldne Farrar s-seen tn Tezca. daughter Montezuma., producn s one <f most elaborate uv... -... ant* beautful over made., requrng a for-johnconnolyfor»2.50 a cord- great-amount - tlme_ money n ho Baptst vclrlos by v. P. S.X.,?:, y were accompaned by r lkr.kcv, S. D. Rlhgrcfse ftunlly, who -were -heartly welcomed by r uld frunds neghbors., A.bouptlful-.supper..wax sorv-cd-by tho Socal commttee-,- asssl by Mary Tucker, Mlw Estello Tucker, Msses Gl-dyg Rrjwson, nez Hlll; H.ra..ucT Vera Brown after.supper a socal tme was enjoyed wth games und songs greetngs, wth.somo.. tho members -Y, P. S, C E, r frends who had gathcjced n, vestres lutlt 1,0.30 when thcyleft for l-ltchburg,cxpresslng r pleasure n evenlg"*.entcrtalrmtnt. " "t Mre. Horman Wrawrence s spend- pg. a tetw days.at -home her mor n Mason,N, S. Mlss; Ruby - Eldtt,..who -, has been cuts eght <Mrds a week,,fore8t Knghts blaok horse.-, J. s dead her hde s be made n an overcoat for hm wear ths wnter drve ttbast Gron. t-here he s runnng a sawmlll for.danel OConnell. - Fve new members have Joned gramm.a school grl scouts patrol Gron. f re are any grls under ten years age who wsh Jon scouts a body patrol wll be formed. Those who wsh do so may attend meetng held n lower wn hall tfrom 3.30 4.30 Wednesday, January 23., Thc hgh school troop Gro-_ n Grl Scouts have «uccc5»fully pas-sed r tenderfoot examnans. Great nterest has been shown n se meetngs. Parents frend.* scouts are cordally nvted attend meetng be held Wednesday, January 23. at two ocock n lower wn hall. Mr. Robley Pleasant street spent tbe week-entl at thor home, 2134 Commonwealth avenue, Auburndale, ver>- cold weatb. taxng lmted tran electrc lne Her\-co th<«crowdngjkhnlts,,- -.,., Whle old sngts true, that you should never" crusa- brdge Untl you come t, t aoekrsthat Ayer wll have an even gr*ater-aumoblc traffc hje du:l>g comng sprng summer th t dd las. summer, when, tha-rn-umber vslors reached n hundreds thouss, unlessre.ls a change n preaent transportan,facltes. WUh cmjrtallment tran- servco whch carotl-fornanxthouss n. past summetj ger wth t-ct tha next.draft soon come w-ll add many mprelthoosb large n-umber alreadyle-e.t looks now as f. polce forcewurhave plenty do n hlntbe volume traffc whch wll coe camp. - An ntcrestngprh-ate n-company A 303a-Machlne Gun Battalon s Rev. Joseph BRrnet; who -wtas formerly an a.>»lstant petstlor n St. Georges church n Ney-York cty. Mr. Barnet dd not clam ex«s9uon whch he was prvleged dd,.as clergymen are not oblged -dor»nmltary drty, becatse he tle-slred lve among men. see warfrtfrnrth solders stpont He takes,-ha turn, behnd a machne gun, hkes n untry wth muletcaln performs regular sentndutbes.. falhrefpf.many men vst recrean cehters outsde camp has gven rse t"<>:.mpresson tha.t perhaps such actvtes, although-establshed, wth,a.bne splrlt are somewhat overdone. "When" men,got leaves absence.from r dutes lhes generally come>.wn or go ol vsts -other.,tace.s. y usuallj. get -back camp just n season CO n" w-hhout maklng any sp at places provded/for m outsde, cannmqptl" ">,_ --;:-- --: Clayn Nlchols a Norwalk. Ctjnr ber V-fr; frxl.ff :. t-vftv-.-j -. - :<.-J(. :.:.-xt-n. Sale Of Aprons Mado from lght-nnd-medlunj Colored PCrcaleo; Somo ore Soled Some SUghUyDamoBCd, from Belns Wot. Plan Bmgalow.prons, regnlar. f8»c.->-nlnc.... gpc Klas Belt Bungalow -Aprons, v,;- 89c..-value...----. --»9C Skrt.4pron», wth fltted bb 79c. TUrc-plcfo Suts r-sklrt, Wast, Cap match,. regnl»,9 val sec. Wo bave "VrARNERSOOBSETS te a -faa)ona2)oe Ueurc. ntbceo tqks,wbmr we nspst swuvb tho market r dependamemerchse t 1 qnlte, -wortl wlue acutng t>o Vr.\RXEK, GUAKANTJ3E> C O M E T S ; ; : ;.r, jx A Xew Par for.*ny Coreetthot Rtsts.,,..,. or Tears,.,.,... Pro»»l.a5.»2,00 :t2.80 :, Loco Front»2,50 >" m Jont n-stallallon. B..& Clark post. G. A, P.. W, R, C. held a Jont n.stallan flcers on Tuesday evenng. Janu.ary 15, George G, Tnrbell. Pepperell. was nstallng fcer for O. A,. Mss Ella K. Bo,->s> Ftchburg, for W. R. r. flcers for thc G, A, R. for thu year are C H, Berrv, com,: WarnOr Sour. >.v,c,: John C.mdon, j,v,c,: Thoma,s Gl.son. flcer thc day; Mtwes Palmer,.m.: James F". Moor, thap,: Samuel A, Green, sergt.; Charles H. Torrey. dj.; Thonas Ob.son, pat, nat, fcer,-, for W, t. C, arc Sarah J.ucy, pros,: -Mara Bowers. v, p. a prvate n l(!,8th Company, Depot only- mmetllate.fymtllcs -beng Brgade, ded.spnal menngts njtj.present. Thc ceremony wasperformed...,..-; -.. -.--_r j..,f Rcv.W. D..Wlk»--: Secdnd ts maklg. Th sht?wng. or good attractlons w-ll be gven, durng balan<re week, wlth mathees at three ocltx-k every. aftemoon except Saturday, when.show st&fts at two oclock: eveanr*»t sx eght oclock. Marred rt Ayer, by Rev. J, Wt ThomaA January 12. Lews,W. Love. a solder at Camp Devens, Mlss Pearl E. Terperng, Cooperswn, N. y.talso. on same day. Leut. Albert M. Gam.er. Camp Devens. Mss Mlna M, Rourke, Brooklyn. N. Y. Servces at Baptst churoh on Sunday as follows: Preachng at 10.45 n mornng by pasr. Rev, J. W. T.homas: subject. " Master Ftlllng srm on Sea G.-tr.ce." Sundav school at twehe. Prase meet- Bowlng. ng atl.45 n thc evenng by young At tho soldle-s clubhouse on West peoples chorus congregan: sol- st-eet. Monday nght, t teant repredlors from Camp Devens wll assst, sentng Ayer a. team from th P r e a c h n g a t, s e v e n ocltjck. T h c c a m p b o w l e d t h r e e.t t r l n g s t h a t r e s u l t- young people wll hold a socal n ed n an Osy wn for local boys. pardts. Mr..Warre Ellott, threatened wth appendcts, s reported mprovng." :-.-,..: 0.;,,.G«or,gc,-,WllaLOh.; s- spendng a few doys at,center ts.week assstng her moth.er w-ht),1s (11.,,, - M"lss;l5dlth arrpr, bf Townsend s, assstng t,t hone Mr. Clarenco Sherwn,".,.,.,!.,-, Owlng. Heavjt snow «rm, no-schdolsgnal sot)nded at noon Tuesr day, slylngth9,chtld:ena halffhc!ll*»v Ladlcs Stud(;club met on Monday afternoon at thovhome, fes. Gebrge-A. Seavey wth (bght n attendance. Sove members a guest, Mr?. G. M: rye. At close. te btslhcss: meetng G A. Scaver read an nterestng paper on"jcafnc darc" closng -wth ; popular song, "Joan Arc y are calllnfe you." next meetng wr take -p "New old-france" wll be n charge Of -- Frank BoutcUe-. <?scdr LovCrngad -place»f meetng wll be.announced lar-.-.;:, - Frcd A. Patch who has been n- Bosn for tho pat sx.weeks re-...;vt<j.-y,vtn>«k«-effects ot fl. ferloj8-{l operat whch was pedfotmerat Boothby hosptal early n December, s mch mproved -retumed her homo, n Joselynvlle Tuesday evenr rg ahdher many frends here are rejocng welcome hef.back an.d hope ftjra,speedy return good health. Her dsughter-p-law. Mrs-- Edward Patch; ;. OES-bolflJhe, acco,mp?nled.-her atd wll reman for.. present., -VV.;ABtfttwell s fllll)»-hs, ksehouse, ths w.eek wth- lce from Walked pond; JH..B. Hathaway tnd Mervn Wares,are plbs; tl(o..j:eo,mng,v -:Kotce las been receved here ot marrage Mss Maron A. Blsbee Athol. tft Albert W.Barney Orange, whch ok place at. home. wldes,mothcr," ~1tlan ~BlBMee. last Monda*-, n a-very, quet manner, Geo. B. Turnjer :m Seven Passenerer Studebaker V/FpR-RENT. \ ClSte G larwell TelBpKbhB2r2, GROTQNv MASS. base hosplttrjdn Monday nght.:_ PrtfateChartfe»,E. Metcalf. Gth Battalon-, Depot Brgade, a former navy yard employee. Was ordered dscharged by twar department on Tuesday enable hm resume hs fonner dutes at. Charleswn navyyard. Tbls s lrst dscharge for such a case.. -, A dvdend -Jsbo each thc thrty-fdur compdhes n Depot Brgade-*-as declared by brgade post exchange on Tuesday. Ths sum was realzed from patronge onlleted men at tbe canteen. RYAN a,; BARRETT Eleetrcal Gontrads L8tFF Efl BEFAXBS ; ;:>-!-1 A."!;./fj Headquarters for MAZDA LAMPS Park Street Telephone Connecn ATEE, MASS. And,- Annual Meetng, M Ayer Farmers Gb-ogeratve At wj.bbjte vestry at T,30 ocltck on Frd.ay eve nng," February. B, Y, V. V. meetngon Tuesday evenng at 7,,10, Mdweek prayer meetn-,; on Thursday eve. nng at 7,30, Charles,H, CVocker has t?oncluded three months servce at Camp Devens, whcne he was engaged n santary work, havng charge sx barracks. Camp Notes. Two lcora medcal reserve corps w-ll be asslrned vst ctes wns n Mane Vermont nexl we<-k nstruct am n.spect local exannlngt,- /oards as method cx-.-.mnlnk cdates for nanal army. Prt\-at*.Tohn F- Smpson, Com pa.ny B,.Okst Supply Tran, wts serl-..uvj.... >ora ously xjred by accdental tlsntnm, j,-\-.p.; Mrs-, Effle Harrngn, j charge L psl whle downng sec-.marv.1, Bo\-nn, trets,: Ms. weapon -eforo gong on guard re-.mlnnle Gleason. chap.: Alce Olson, cently. bullet entered- arm. pres-s cor,:. Kmly Blfjotl. pat, nst,; om.- through that nember n hs.mr.s, Messenger, guartl: Blnnche M, ehest. He s confnet base ho? Brown, tutst, guttnl;?;ztl.eth Crhson, ptal. Sns.ts home s n Brt!-ec.nd.; -.\rthur \V.->or, a.«.st. e-.ntl.; j pott, fom-,, lt-s, -;mma HlotlKott. S.tle Put-.\n r.rn.rs.,f T"nted.States are. j,.. l.tlltan Northrop, representet tn thc men at eamp. t 1.. Ftzgerald w-as hph man for local team- wth a tal 294, whle Sylvester, camp team, vas hgh man fpr hy,team wth a tal 259. score n- doll s gven below:,\1er. Blodgett. Ftzgerald Goolall.., Turney :,, Pnman., 6e 105 94 SO SO 242 100 294 79-2.>4 92!7S S7 234 43S 1320 SOLD CRS Cl.tU MelaKutes lotlgt-.,,. Stann Sylvest.-p. yuphy.. «6?5 103 92 259 71 12: 65 239 77 253 392 1212 TOWNSEND Center, Kllery Klbourt ot ths w-n". who s tlraftsmans.at tle.charleswn Navy ard. ha-s been ca.le.l n thc Hrst class, dvson.\, s - ;t-ject fleet emer- Untarlan church. double rng servce was used. youg coupla left mtnedlately or a bref Aveddng trp am on r return wll make r home n Athol. Thc brdes far. James Blsbee. was a -well know West Townsend boy. son Mr. Studley Blsbee. whose fhrmlh Jossolyn-vll s now owned -OCcuped by Mr. John Clarke, Blsbee wlll be pleastntly remembered by many as, Mss Lllan Wellngn, a fretuent summer vsr. Sus,an Morgan s on sck lst ths- week wth a severe cold her- daughter. Mra Tcbbet-s, s also sufferng from a cold. Her grdaughter. Fred Howard, Sneham. s wth her at present. Harbor. Bvron ws hs son Arthur h.avc returned thor home n ths vllage. Sopha Burdett -s :crltcally l at tho Old Htymestcad, t s rumored that Old M.T,nslon s soltl,... Takng effect on Thursday " ths week re wll be but three freght tran.t a week. Monday; Wednesday Frday. Thore wll bc no more Sunday trans. A solder at Camp Devena says that fnest sweater as welj as best knt he h-as!>cen at cannment c.;me from Townsend branch Red Cross, fneral Mcs, St.acy. Ernest Heavvs mor, ok place last woek Thursday at tho home her Eon-!n-.aw-. Maplcw-ood cottage. nterment»-as n Marblehead. frst thc week Mr, Ueavy famly closed r house for thc wnter. He has found employment n Boan, Uct\-v wlll spend tho remer Of sctsor wth her ssr, M-s. Bartlett, n ltca. K, "V, ntctfestnff speakera from Massachnsctts ActltnralPolege vrl.;1)e prewt., Snbje(%wm be lxjnoa SEBVBD AT NDON- PlbloOordaUj? nvtea -prsent AYEB-FAEMEBSd6-0PERA.TVE EXCHANGE W-.\XTED Mddle-aged Protestant Womon- care for aged lady assst n housework; Good home lght work rar than hgh pay. Address P. O, BOX 80, East PeppercU, MAss, tso FOB S.ASK Owng death my husb must placo on sale at onoo, two Holsln Cows one Holsten 2-yea:r-old Hefer, one Ayrshre Cow a good Bed Koan Horse,-besdes a large lot Farmng mplements. W&gons. etc. -Apply MRS. CHARLES H. TEWKSBURY, Center Road. Shrloy, Mass t terson, >,vlt> Gbson, eoot- l.earers,.\fter n.stallan tt l,..tful spp.-r haked beans, hltn, r.lls, pes am t-fee wa.s.--t-r\ed. dlrn.tt wh.-h tme an.rrheslra r.sstnr O-t.t.,n talent flnshcfl tlse, Speoth.-s we-e ma.le hy nstallng -.thoer,-, (;, CJ, Tal.etl, -Ms: Pepp-r.-ll nn- Kll.l 11- l,-ml-,\ r. West (l-ol,,\l-s. 1-. K. fl-t-n-ls fv.ox.11.1. - XX 1 -;t--l.ml W. Kt. pr.-t. h- ttn.l> nerve tm-ses hn slng. Kev. Wll,tll bury, wll l.e th. tlst cht-.h. p.c f.-r tll-.-ven; <;, m-,".x"fxx-..f th lllustt te- :-v tl tlt. -1 1111.1.ltzat stulelts tt.l nur work -tuch tll t.vt are nt.w l.t-t Kame mfth--. -ts t -mun t-.l.mrs l;-h>...f.m-nroot--. vt-;t.--l thfr.htxht.--... W xxrxxxxd.111.1.mss Ktthh-.- 1) phy, twmr t- thf- -nt-al scxt-vts.-f tlll- we-r, tt hts -.-.-n f.nt-l tlp"- j sbl- t.l se\t-rtt!.la>s cet-lltb t-- k.-.p sohool-rouls stlllrt-tlt u 11111. tn.l pupls ht\e.r-t-n.lsfs-..1,..\s,-l Hat.--...Mes. -,-vx.\. F H-tf, htu f-nlstt-fl n llt- nt\\ -ts <.-tun;.t. (anl s n.w ;t K.,..wltng hs r.;: Thp ptpet mll s stl,l--s.-,l --ttlnt ml- 1 t.l laek ftl. t,\ ntlf West (;r-... el ar<- H. thnl t ts st. plans,,,.,,; (.,,\yer n nlh-l.-.sh..p rrut-.l t.. purs-,,,..,,,, transfer stat:..n;..tl.-s nr. hs stnmtt, wth at-,.,; ;hf- epperel paper mll. lt that on. regment has reprefvftatves from every state. Th.-re hav.- l.een a few accdents j men n tranng "break- nk" f r-een horse.s antl lxule.*!. Pr- vatt- -Mtu-v M..\llrdlce., Battery ;, l.:.! Kel 1.\r;llery., whose home ts n.n. " He.lf.-.l, whle loadng tbrep h..-s.-s t-- n»-\t frrs, annals H.r- s-tn..l l.y t passng aumohle : t.-.lu-tl, thr-wng r lealer,.\-< Alar- fe)..f horses kck- 1 <--! lt tlt- feek. He was taken, jtc.x,-,.-spttr.. rvate Danel.1,1 S;\-n. : -r...tt)-.-r (.ompany.v. t..! St Knt:;,-,-rs-. regment, had hsj nosr- l-t--k. tn-l hs face njured when! ll.1,11].. W.M---! hm n fnce. Mnor.tc. -l-nts, -.. --r.trretl from same e..-,~, S. :- s h-e s n Newport, B.-\, Wllmott!t t r bungalow tll for a few daj-s SLEGH. FOR B.LE Two-seated Famly Slegh n A-1 condn: upholstered n Broadcloth, Any reasonable olfer wn be accepted. Can he seen at my stable. X. R- KAR-E, Gron. Mass., - ST. ANDREWS OHUBCH Protestant Epscopal "Opposl Snbtmy" REV. ANGTSDUN. Vcar Sunday Mornng Servce, 10,30 Holy Communon, 8.00 Frst Sunday montl Holy Commnnon, 10.30 Thrd Sunday month " hour cometh now s. when true worshpper shall worshp Far n, sprt. m trtth." SmlO Sew Optcal Secrce have recently nstalled a MODEEN GENDNa PLANT whch enables me render qucker better servee n makng new glasses replacng broken lenses. f you break yonr glasses save peces wll guarantee tp duplcate m exactly. F. H., GATHERCOLE REGSTERED OPTOMETMST - Meads Block AFTER, MASSr llapt.rnntt Hs \ff- \\tl 1-tw-.rl-l wtr," 1.- L.rf htl scho..l re w--k. rs 1-st rms w.-rke.l - fxpe.t wt f lll.r, n.l fw. ncrea.se n th.- tun..nnt thlt nalnftctrers wll l,-lall> t.1- -opo«ths yeav r-tthry rtrt n-:, n.l th.lt wth th.-lr help fnmnl.-n tn <\cn gre-ter sr.l.- tllan l.t-f.-re wll ho stnne.l ll -al:. -prnt. Wc art- -strrv t...stnt.- tntt.mrs Bradford ltrrngttm s stll vrv tl at her home,.,.-nn.- llt-menwny s wth her, hot h.-.-otltt.-n s not llaterln;,. Crant W..htttntk.-nt.-rt.tm-.l «ho Headng elub on \V.-,ln.-s-l;t nfter- ~<bn, TTTTltnyTrnr tm.- -vrttt. r"-nf v knttng llst.-n-- t. ft.l.nes from Jerome K..1.1--m.-. a n-l -tar mems, Charlos H. Hen v fned lost. for several weeks [.ns. att<>nd Jont nf ftl-, lnvn wth 1.1 1-11 eol-vt-rt- lol.l untl,lo «lll:n tbe K, S Clark post, G, A, :., an.l K. S. Ckrk W R C. whrh.k plat-,- on Tuostkny evenng, Januarv 1- He w.as greatly msse.l by hs -onatles frends. George Donahue s lussstlnk n.mr. Talnters sre..lames (-aklwell..f rov.ence, ln \l,, Wth hor baby.laght.-f, s n wn, 1,-,ot n her hshul havng joln.-.l th- r.-.l.rs, ;.JnppT-, 1 Callwell s at rest nt epo>t>l lup H at tho Voso hoarlng h..llse, stlstn-.;,-,,r,. x-men, who s ll, Th.. lttle one j.j,-j,,,,,, remalnv wth ts gr.ndparents, Mr, j.(,,,,,,.,rv Mr.H. rhnets arker..j,, Wllam Mnxwell, Vernon, wb.. j,,.j,,,,,, has vstel n wn f.>r st-v,-.l weeks,..l..--!. lt>ft on Welnestlay. (-,.1 \. H,.pauUlnc r.trn<-d..n Stl- - st,t-n 11 rt ay from a nne-days- stny n.\lls-,,,.,.(-_, ttl am :\ulrnth\lp, TvJl.,v. Thf sn $27,1",,, wns tht- nmnnt,v,t o.tned here for Armenan rel<-f -m - j h- ng recont sollclttt.., 1 s.- -or lho purpn,se otmservng fu- Armv nnd.navy Relef sorety wll - e fo- a tme meet b-monthly tt hull, -nly on nrst thlnl Thurstlay lo noons, as Odd Kellow-s meet 111 tl o\enng thoso days. At rocont busness meetn-.: orun-. tho l..-dles Ad soooty thc followng, reerult.s onccrs wore oloctctl: Ganloy, pros,;.mr..., A. W - r-ttum, K.ast Wal- - rl pneumona at.,st Sundny, re whch was start stp.ned for.a nonth wth a hgh voltage t runs over artl- -,l,ustel. t s es-.; engneers that an < 1,000 wll be neces- - were ehangod..lel change.. - ntv-elght men - t Jon Water 25n"EnBlncersrT»t ttswn. N. J.. nt Wllll.m H. Taft s -lk at camp -on - ll.latex were selected oltkers tmlnng :-.rdered report s for nstrucn. -nntlv arsng from an lagnndlst ths wock Rtr\-, antl t..vbllr.v have be. home on Townsen ths week, T.>wnsentU.fre.:.,t--Teulad tb learn that Mark Woo-ll-ry. who s fl-st mate t.n Amercan Hawaan lne steam«hp Texan, was not aboard at tho tme tho r-ported collson on Jnauay H. Hs tn.thor. A. R, Wveth ths wn says she has not yet letrnetl how t happened that hc WHS ntl ahroatl on ths trp, as t w-as hs cusm mak* trps wherever sent,.ttho thnks hr may be 111 at hs l-tnt- n S-n l-rac.sco or possbly m.ay havt- boen sfnt bn anor steamshl elsewht-re. t has snce been reportetl that th. Texan wa..? not n a collson an.l has.rrlvc-l.at h.-r port safoy, 1: s t-x ecte.l thlt about thrty soltlers fr*n fnt-p e\-cns wll bo pres- C-oss enrtanent a.l plans are beng.n m royally, > -as recently hoen r.ttate Grange t funtla t-rtlor sft*-td tbe Town- -nl, ltl nurso. Mss lorhas mntle her vlsltar.te- schotl ths weok t o- T chldren.ere tre 101 who havc lul over S" who havo LTTLETON Vvere n two hospttnr rsfra. ts 1. gasj pr.-ntl\ nt-nt "f 111, :!:..l -ng through tho gas l.l as false. Ot men who have been hlfl suffered any bad - t-s aud ho rcfulrotl ;-nt. whlth nts npmproper adjust- -k Wllam eral t-o mb, V, >,: 1 0(1 lalo :,v Knfneors arc nov -Ml be glad receve -tmont s -do genwork -fwtts sklll- 1 lno. Jlen draft ent at tht- K. -rtlty t-vetnt, lll..le l.>.-ntef. T. K. ln 11 electt-.l tre.s-.atl run-, hnvo l.t-en trn sent Nan.al plhl.- t enee lltknson t.ml.s at (-- rep..rts 01 at sehl t defectve tet-th dsoaca ttnsu adenods Thcxc bave been l"...tc--e,«.sful vaccnans nnd seven < rttl-ntes. re arc nlso pome cases..f ; grots,-ny sh. dren who d,-. n- Ths tf rorstsoaj w,atet Geor;;,. letter from : WachM, 11 form. wfe who Alth w erkl.ss sho rehas found some chllt k-op clean tdy, an be remeded -wth plum has recoved- a \, Vcr Methodst pasr nov mssonares n 111 h.mpcret BmTtrr c-mdltlons good tl by se fathful 11 - addn thc 1 uses her talent n school s.-mo r daughter. Xcvs tcnvs. Co,pt, Burnet left w-n on Sunday, former havng boon ordorctv elsewhere after a bref servce at Camp Devons, Burnet roturnotl hcr homo n Charlesn. S, C,.\ partv eghteen young people, by nvtan Danel Healy, attende a barrack dance at Camp Devens on Saturtlay nght, where y enjoyed several dances, Mu,s-f was furnlshctj by reglmont.al b durng thc o\-enlng palatable refreshments wore s-orvcd. At.an early hour tbe twmlpany tucked securely n tho sled, started for home wcropa.sbng trough Man stroet. Ayer. -when unexpected, but usual happened. sled was upst-t antl occtpapls rolletl out, but -no serous njury -o!<ultctl. All w-ero agan settcd shortly happly speedng homowtrd. Cty papers, tho next mornng, gavo spare a much exaggeratel.ct:ott at-eldont. even attemptng names.f somo n thc party, but all proceeded wcrc left safe ll r.wn h.nes long before mdn-.rht. lades- whst club w-as vory lleasantly entertaned at. Wldes re.ltleco on Whtcomb avenue last w-eok Krd.ay afternoon. At ConprcKatloral church on Sunday nornng re wll bc thc regular proachng servce, nlthough nune- -tht> ujlclatng clergyman.canjt. not yot be ann.unoetl,, Tlc dnner at 12.30 on Saturdny, January 2«. wll bo followed by annu.al, busness meetngs tho Conr greganal church socety. lcase notco change n da. Thc regstrars voters "wll meet n tho selectmens room on Monday ovonng, January 21. from seven nne oclock, agan on Fobruary lrom-j.vstelvc_noon untl.ten olclcgk. fotce OF HEABmO, Ayor, Jan. 10, 191S. To tlc Bonrt Selectmen: Tho undersgned respectfully asks for.a Lcense Keop. Sre Sell (2o.000 G.al.) Gasolene on l on Park Stroet. now ownetl by me. Kamo E, O, PRQCTO Resdenoe J*"" s*- Appllwtlon receved.lanuary 10, 1918. JOHN D, CARNEY. Cha-nan Boartl Selectmen. FOR SALE A nce ten-room House Barn on hlll; steam heat; flne locan. y are not o plenty at ths tme, f you are ntendng get. a home call see me.. 14tf THOMAS F, MCtllN R o o m s Bank Bde;. Aycf, Mass.. BOARD OF SELECTMEN w-hat l.y th work slll t,o-- nssoltr.s an wtrk -M rs, Wll f tcchn. ttsr as shf dd wh.-n l-; tn, w-h.. w,,,.. lorn n Townsond. s now enht y.-nrs old r Uttle son..mller.\llen. who w.os born n Korea, s lve,,m, Woehs plan return t. la country <o Townsen.l next slmmer wlll celebrate r nnth vddlng annversary lt Jhe evonng. odjourned nnnunl meotng thc Board Trado wll K held on nox-t Tuosday ovonng n selecfncns room, Thomns Stephens has returned hs busness at shop nfr.ar> 111- nt-." two weeks. New Adverftsement llxo FOR SA.E A Ornn--PunB n excellent condn. WLLAM S. FOLKY, Shrley Ro.ad, Ayer, Mass. Aycr. M.ass, January- 10, 1918. ORDERED, tht a publc hearng be held.on tho foregong petn on Monday, tc wcnty-cghtl day January, 1018, nt eght, oclock P. 31., n Selectmens Room n tho To-wn Hall n sad Ayer, at whch tme place all persons nterested n sad petn may appmr wll bo hoard, that tho petltlcncr gve notce tho tlmo place sad hcarfng by publshng an attested copy re n Turners Publc "Splfltfthd ho AtS" News, newspapers publlsljod n sad Ayor, at least fourteen days pror re,,,,., JOHN D. CARNE, DOUGLAS C. SMTH, LyMAN K, CLARK,. Selectmen.Aycr., A true copy petn order reonr Attest: LYMAN K. CLARK, Clork. : went, tlal we keep fvrtytlng for he eonvenjecc* otj comfort snoko, Nonbr chthceu lne GgarsOgarette«antl Tobacco, but BrUr Wood Ppes Meerschamn Vpt* COR Cob Ppe*.T.D. Clay PM* P!p«Cleanen. Match B«bces Cgar HoUera Onr Cgan are kept n per-, fect condn ths-s what tbe putt?x, crtcal coket reqnltes. Ve hle all. popular br* Cgars, - odng thcvaous "NatlonU" Vbt»nds whch have proved mselves»o deservedly popnlr. Whatever Your Ogar Yaste We Can Sut H Exactly. llom BROWN DRUOOSX Man Street Aym, Man.

JB;:t.;;V;~ft:<,5..;;.--vt,«-;v:V;;v.,st-; -,-t. -,,-.;/, t-.,-_-, -,. " ",. Qr9<)(EAA.,.Aa>na!XT CBTB 8ATUATr JyJAET. 19; 1918; V OBOG9 ;.;!»,-: Trmwwfc,.Ww* flnbforlbe are urced ke r nbaorlptloa* pu -n advane*.. / n«vlaurbora 9f -Beh -, Awake my aoul tndntry; - who.san observe earaf ol Ant, -. And-«>t-prov)a»fofure Trantr Saltmlay, J(mpary;9, 1918. J r.,/.,,.,.., <?-*.>"*Re«ldejttB-Ayer, Gron, Lttlen a«35?d 6nlrt«Jt_rKur«d--bjf-prov8lon-«f JJv-hcBr lnc«<je,tx -make retprns t th»fn<;etna)kreyue department 1npon7elb*y,;rceved durng year tltcwll bo, afforded an opportunty mnk* fle such returns wth thc ad deptfty collecrs, at selectmens.room n wn hall, Ayer, from January 21 -January 26, n ng untl, ten at nght. -nvorjvrr pat*ol-mellss»-ej-gook-u»-chaplttnr -noo»,-jaj«ja*y-2s,-«t-3r»0, "ftxer- Xcw8,tctts. A telegrata receved ths, week Frday aftemoon y FrankrC. Johnsoh; uperntekent schools, from fuel admnstrar, states that new uev regulans desgnatng Montlays OS legal holdays,.,-does: hot aftect schools, whch wll be ht sesson, on usual days,-, A flhe fentertalnment wtte gven n wn halt, o> Thnday evenng n ad Red Cross;- whch, was attendedby,a large crowd. enteralnmenf;.waa anunged through- commttees Specal AA Socety for Amerlaa-vEreparedneaa > local Red Cr9«s,-vrganzatOn.- - Mss Marlon Wlson, <>f New Srork, gave a splendd entertanment-.dn- mpersonans for whch she recevedwell deserved aptpuuse. -A party young solders from, camp Devens, belongng.301st Resment, come wth r chaplan, -Rev, ".Bdwlr- -Flynn.-. 3;be - boys gtavoanentertanment thathaseldom been etualled. n tpwn.-- t conssted Toca-1 nstrumental musc. Thsy were repatedlytencored. -. - whole affar -waa/a-euccesn every -way..,. Mlss.Karlne MdSuane Robert Burns" w»re-jnlted n-marrage afst "Lowell as a con.sequence was canceuc(d; -Arthur-H,.TUnSr.,,Ow Bt.gharte* H;.Weare, Jr.CSurl A. P." renw/ trtatces; >s,n! W, Fletcher. OJl\*r K,.-Rerpe,-Howt(rd-B. Walte, PraJhlftA: Patch, botvfd. l\vestment: Wllam U. Sherwn, QuyB. Remck, BdT-ard-A;RchardsoK Audtng com- tnlttee,-; ;. -: ;:.-.,;,.- -Untaran-Grls olub wll meet wth Ms. Benjamn Taft on. Monday evenng.. -, \ _.. Th6regularmectlng. da McKlnley chapter, O. E S.; wll he held on Monday afternoon, January 23,at 4.30 Oclock recepn gr Bcers at elx- oelock >-suppcr at 6.30.. Each meraber-has prvlege nvtng one-guest.. Hrlng busness sesson, a assocate conductress wll -be. elected annual reports wll be read: flccrs organzan -wrlu -bo publcly nstalled at 7;30 by Louse G. Crafts, gr matron, asssted. -by Aco B. Wallace, gr maralutl;, Bertr H. Hopkns, An entertanment wll be gven by Madelne Sargent, soprano; Cf.rlno-se-Loule-S- -- Olh A.w;,c:;.v. :.::.. - re-was a d«(smful «arlng " membens. -Ayer Womans club nvted.guests at wn hall last Wednesday evenng, occason beng r annual guest nght.- hall was tastetfuuy decorated wth evergreen) flags, club omcers sod Jn lno greet those present. program conbsted nuplrlng musc.by -304th regmental b ghe«dhd"pq*ms lr.;jrench Ctradan dalect, gven by James B. "Thrasher Maden, who held close attenn hs audence. t was through kndness a club member thot-wower-eablo--hwr Mr. Thrash-- ondeo-voruo have hs property reoryd er thanta club should certanly be gven her. At tho close th,c *ntertarlment d:;nty delcous refreshments were served bv hosptalty commttee, Mss Edna Brown, charman. -Art secn wll meet-wth Mss S. -Adelade Blood on Tuesday after- Lterature Lbrary Extenson department wll- meet at homo Mudgett, reader, lj8_erkjeyj".t..,:larra,bee,. fcurmer well-known proprer tho Palace csfe, wlo s now n grocery busness n Barre, was n wn on Mon-,.dy.- Jtney drvers who do Msncaa n Ralroad square, have secured tho quarters n Dcknsons block formerly occuped by Board ot Trade, whch y wll nse whle f duty. great many transfers property n. wn Shce establshment,caltap Devens wll-greatly ncrease work assessors f or pr<!sent.year.. t ts expected that addlr nal work wjl.,j-equre sx weeks, more tme than lastyernt least, number, new buldngs any sze erected durng -pat summer fall s relatvely small wlu be )k)ductlve lttle addnal revenue from taxan.. - rsnow sleet srm Moll-- day-nlt OJuesday held up-travolt on th&-north lomnste- banoh-th-e Ftchburg" Leomnster street ralway coanpany from late Mpnday nght untl 10.30.Tuesday, nght " through Servce frort Fltchburjr l ou Wednesday Marys church "oh "Wedneeday mornng after a nuptal nass celebrated at 7.30 oclock by rrev. Thonas Pr McGnn. brde was attended by her sster. Mss Lllan McGuane, John F. Lynch was groomsman.. Tho brde woro a tajpe travellng stlt wth hat match,, ;a. bouquet sweet peos. Followlngt ceremoy. re was a weddng hreakfast.at home brldc-o=eear:;»treet,tfter-hckthe" wedded couple left On abref weddng trp whch wll nclude ponts n New York..brde, S a tlbughtec Mr Martn F;McGuAne. She graduated from Ayer hgh school Wafham Busness-college, for several years has been-enpldyedas a, stenographer for Waltham Crayon Company. groom s employed as a boler make.r -for JBosn Mane ralroad,ln Ay,er»;_ - - Teee bfljcere Veta Rebekah lodgewere nstalled on Wednesdav evenng l>y Mss Cora McClellan, ot Concord Jjtjactlon,.sute: -Blanche F. WWterran,n.g.; -M:ary MoX>onald. vg.; MssMelen F.KelleranVsec.; Mn. JJlla F. -Hovey,- treas.; Mary Brooks, w:; Mlas Mary Farrar. cond.; Martha G; Lyon; chap.; Em- ma K. Dualey,.r.s.n.g.; Sarnh A. Jenkns,..RjR,;- - Julleue Kdder,. ravg.; Mrs". Etta! Cra"K,.s.v.g.; AfBc 8. Washburn, l.g. Predelck H. Jenkns, o,fr. Lght refreshments were served. ";...-- curtalment- tran servce whch goes Jn effect on Bosr Mlno llrbad system on January 20, has dsarranged mall schedules -"removed ors. Apong Jmpottant changes. stnescbjulknersorhajmal -from tran No. 9. due leave here for west at 8.03 a. m.. No, 7.-whlch arrus here from Bosn at 12.54 p, m Ths mal Wll be frst one day gong -west. Two or mals have been cut out, owng removal tran 514, due here at 11.04. 5.17, due here at 12.22 p. m.. lor Montreal ntervenng ponts. Ths Saturday marks ffteth annversary organzan George S Boutwell post.,g. A. R. t was on January 19, 1S6S, that nne veterans cvl war receved charter for forman a gr army post here Ot charter members onlythree aro now alve Capt. M.bses Palmer Grbn, Benjamn Spauld- ng-.ayer Greenleaf "CBrock- Lowell Ftchburg electrc Ue kept ts usual schedule. - Not a sngle cdate appeared: be regstered by board o;.regstrars voters n selectmens room onthursday evenng. :.. - quarters n-dcknsonsblock formerly-occuped by, George & Botlt-. well post, G. A. R., are.nowseaas a -..sleepng, room;. for, employees ", latjobar BxfreSs~coTnpaly; x>well, a former well-known druggst Ay er, for many years engaged n a smlar busness n Lowell. new post was named n honor Hon. Oeorge S. Bout\-el, a dstngushed ctzen Gron. a wdely knotn> mblclst At tme forman ot post ths wn,was a part Gron. Sx yeats later three yetam- after wn Ayer wus set Jj apart from mor wn a post was ftrmed n Gron. Center, whch several members George S. Boutwell post later were transferred, ro -wll, b6 no formal obsen-ance tho golden weddng local post ths Saturday. A brakeman n local yard named Horn, receved a panful flesh wound n leg on Tuesdny nght n a fall from a trelght car. He w-as taken Burbank hosptal, Ftchburg, for treatment. njury s not serous. A specal communlstlon gf Caleb Butler lodge Masons wll be held on Monday evenng at soven oclock sharp Work Enterod Apprentce degree Through kndness ot Mr, Poullus, manager tho movng pcture atre,.three performances- " Amnxohs," -wth Marguerte ),, Clark, on Monday, January 28, wll be ), for Grl-Scout»work n Ayer. Tck-- els r adlts, thrty cents; chldren tunder twcvc, twonty cents. Tho Grl. Scouts wll sng scout songs -botween reels. Here s an opportunty help Olrl Scouts setve r country.,, Saturday, January 12, several cap- tans leutenants, representng Ayer, Gron. Harvard Lttlen. ok r tenderfoot examnan at tho Grls Club Ho.use n mornng, t Later thcy were Jolnetl by several ors, ncludng Mrs; James J. Srrow Bosn, who s a member ot Natlonal Board ot Grl Scouts. A drll fouowed n Hardys hall, conducted by -Capt; Harwood. tt se lcers wero choson at a meetng ot sckholders tho Frst Nanal bank held on Monday: Howj; ard B. Whte, pros,: Olver K. Perce, rvt-p.: Charles A. Norm. casher; Mtss Nettle B. Roe. asst. casher: Howftrd B. Whte. Danel W. Fletcher.nd Olver K -Perce Aycr, Thomas L. Hfttcn nf-.shrley, Waldo-Spaulllns-Ot, w- Pepperell, Carl J\. P..Awrence, >V,<Mf Qron, drecrs, g Edward R.>wyer, who htts been as- slstng. at postlce. returned on otthrsday h* studes at Dartmouth tjcollogo,. xeweukn T. Savagb has accepted a posn wth thccurts Aeroplane Co. ;, Of Buffalo, N, Y., n r protluctlon -.department, nnd -lojves next Jlonday j.:-.f6r that cty... fouowng fcers tho. North ;,mddlebex s.avlngs bank were elected «> last week: Danel W. Fletcher, Vc--! Frnnk A. Patch, CharlesP. Worcester, vce pres,; Edward A, Rchardson,.-cMrk;-RalphL. Hastng*. trea«.; Danel \W.-Fletcher, Thojms L. Hnzen;-01lver - K. Perce. Wllam U. Sherwn, How- ;««d B. W-hl. Frank A: Patch. Ellsha L->;.--Stbne.-Edward A. Rchardson. AOeoJtce H.- Blxby; Benjamn. Taft, -:Waldo Spauldlng,.Char6s F,-Worce»- Ktr/Trederk* Whtney, Btgene Barry, -r-bbbart E MMd Danel O Hdtgl)n.,% Kate Wtllcr Darrett,- M. D.. S. C D., presldeht Nanal Crttenn Msson, wn 6peak>,n socal room jeederah House on West Mlar street, Thursday afternoon, January" 24, at.three bclock; subjett, ".relan Florence Chlttenns wors patrotsm solders." Darrett has,recently been -ptade chalmaf army navy.commltteb-- ;"Notlonal jcongrss Mors Parent-Teachers amoclatlon lor welfare work, n connecn wth camps has vsted.part <amps.spoken wth boys. Women are.espally nylted Jo come. :. AmlstreL.Sho.W wlule. gven_by. members ot Company S, 30st Feld Sgnal Battalon,, tunder auspces ot Jda McKnley chapter, O.-B, S.. n wn hal 6n Wfdncsday evenng. Jannary 30, lor beneflt Red Cross. -Dancng wll follow entertalnraent untl twelve oclock. Many members, ot thls. company- are college graduates a good tmo s expected. A specal convbcat Bancrt Royal Arch chapter ot Mtsons wll bc held on Tuesday evenng. -Work Post Jaster - Most Excellent Master r.degrees, -Lunch.. Snce tho ralroad wer at "sta- n was put n operan all trans on er.ftchburg or W,. N, P, dvsons are not requred make old "know nothng" sp before crossng er track. elmnan ot sp saves a few mnutes for cach tran dally; whch n aggrcg.-te amtunts a consderable perod tme sayed. Tho sp referred take.<j ts name trom, well-known "know nothng" party, whch flour- shetl for a tew years just before Cvl war. party havng nassed law w-hch bears ts name ths day. Mr.s..ester M. Martell receved a very, pleasant surprse a few days ago wen she receved a hsome gold wrst-watch chan as a result ot contrbuns from men at Remount stan. letter - Martell, whch was sgned by solders makng gft, poke ot gft as a remembrance lor kndness ClTded m snce stan was establshed. Martell l\-*s on t state road- near Remount stan durng past summer. fall has extentletl m courteses wthout least thought a reward. On watch s hsomely engraved words, Lester W. Martell." Thc chan by w-hlch -n-atch s faened Wrst s sold gold, Martell. t goes -wthout sayng, s very grateful donors r gft ard for sprt whch prompted ths knd, remembrance... -;- Ho-ward Alf.ake Placd. X. \., who has come hore Uve that sho mav be near her husb w-ho s attached truck company No, 2--ot supply tran, s only w-oman n ths secn who wears a ser\-ce pn wth sx stars. Besdes her -husb are fou- brors two brors-nlaw. Two hor brors a.re \-eterans tho Spanlsh-Amer<»n war Phlppne Boer wars. Davd McPherson.nd daughter.,n. J,.Speedy, aro vstng r son, Peter.McPherson, Nashua street. Speedy s nursng McPherson. who lt qute U, Unon servces at Federated Houso. West Man streot. at 10,45, Sunday mornng:.musc; solo. Mss Gertrude Brlggs; ferry solo. Prvate Mertz. Preacher. Rcv. Frank B. Cr.ndall. Subject. "Thc sgn ol thc cross." At seven p. m,. evenng sor\-lcet Musc; ferry duet. "Thc lord s my shopherd." Bockford. Mss Clark, Preacher. Rev, Rollln S. Tuttle, Subject, " thrst," A pung comng from Lttlen, luled wth,people both sexes, returnng trom a danco nt Camp Dovens, Waa ovorturnetl ate last Saturday nght on Man strcot n front -Klttredges rest--urant, when thc runners thc puk got caught n thc cacctrlo car trtck. All had a rcmtrkablo e.tfcapc fron njury any knd, Tho party resumed, r trp r homes after a w mnutes delay, Walter R. McDonald concludes hs dutes as Janr ot tho wn house,thl.s,tjrday_cvcnng,,l_jamcs..bulrer. wlt t.ke hs place. A. Putnam TarbeU. Manch>«tcr. N. H.. s Jll at homc hs late far, Peter Tarbcll. A Packard urng car. drven by Jamets J. Corbett, 25 Chestnut streef. Wobum, ran n a largo urng car drven by John C. Guthre, ot Ayer, on Shrley road, near tho resltfonco ot Patrck Foley, last weck Frdny nght. Corbctts car was so ntu<;l<jab<t.kt-har1fwtt9"h0<tfc3ary atlemoon, at-three ocjock. mect- ng s open all club members. Federan House Notes..- Mornng congregan on Sundy l.»t was unusually «ood. R«v. R, S. Tuttle ok af hs me, "Excelsor," basng hs remarks upon Paml..* ambn press forward ward- mark. Thb solders acted as ushers. quartet trom Untaran church sang flnely. Tbe evenng servce was ol a hgh order wth an excellent sermtw by Rev. Angus Dtm a duet by SHss Hardy Sargent. Sunday-eerces were brought a close by, a. Socal hour «,round.tho,flrepltv:e, a lttle lunch a goodnght pessage by Rcv. Q. J. Slosser.. Many solders entertaned r Bunday vsrs n bur buldng abound our roarng flreplace.,. Gson has a very readable wrts up,. th«, FedexaMoa- House, n Chrstan Regster January 10,. D> lot hesvatte- call up our deaconess. Mss Raynes, otr any bt helpful servce. Telephone 8263. : VVe are glad that Deacon, Elmer.Mlen.our-House Commttee s able be.mound agan. Our charman. Rev. Hugh A. Heath, presented work ol Federan House before annual meetng ot Federal Councl Churches Massachusetts. Thrty Methodst mnsters ha,d a conference wth Rev. Chas. B. Spaudng, dstrct 8uperntendent,.,on Monday made plans for.backng up work tho war;<:6uncl- r de- ftbmlvatlon. -- - - ~ "For yoo our heart fre burns." w t Depot equtre, after.whch t wasrep.lrcd. or car was slghtly damaged.. - John Grosso. ot MUrd, whle drvng w-ard Ayer trom camp Lst S.Urday ngl.t.ran hs aunoblle n a troo on West Man, street, nenr Unon street. Tho car wa«somewhat dafnagcd. Thc tact that -car was gong very»>w nt tmo accdent accounts r tho Small damage dxme Or Ac news <m page fout" Fuel Admnstran Ordes. fouowng- orders be effectve on January C for Ayer. as ssued by ; Massachusetts Fuel Admnstran. - Owng tb presence or Cadp Devens se regulans for Ayer have been made conform wth a%labje tme f meat camp:.. Offlce, bankng or busness buldngs shall not be heated, on Sundays houdays, or on Saturdays, after 12 noon or on or days after S p. m., except sufflcent prevent freesslng. N- AU-wholesalOrretall- or busness hou.ses sres shall open at 9 a. m. closo at 6 p, m. for dong busness wth publc wth louowng excepns: a. Retal gres w-hosc practce has been reman open on one or more evenngs a week may reman open untl 9 a. n. on vsatur-days untl S p. m. on or day.s. b. Groceres, market*? ant- barber shops may open at 7 a, m. shau close- at 9 -p. m..on, ; Saturdays at. S p. nr. on or days. c. Restraurants may retan thor.uh-aal schedule hours. (No place buslnests shall come ndcr ths rulng unless ts man busness s that a restraurant or lunch rooh 3..Movng pcture houses, bowlng alleys,, bllard hals, publc pr!\-ate d.nce halls,.ll places amu,sement shall clase at 10 P- m. 4. Every nght except S.lturday shall be a "Llghtle nght" as defned by rhe Unted States Fuel Admn- Lstran order Decemter 3 5, whch order n href states that bu.slne.9s organzans, are forbdden use nteror lghts alter, closng, all outsde electrc "Sghts, except when necessary lor publc safety or requred by law. t also forbds»o-c!led whte-way, cluster ar. or decoratve street lghtng. se orders shall not apply government -Work furr excepns m may -be gran-evl n cases publc necessty. E. S, Barry, Charman, Geo. H, Brown. T. F, Mutn..*yer Fuel Commttee, c<*<o:tud.fr<$ltt-pt square. On last "week Frday,eftemoonwlven assault ok place, he sad that Agel came, one SpUlers aumobles, bf t*hlch, complanant had charge, -demtnded a tre that he-h-ad loaned Splllet; some tme tgo. tre thon beng on a Wheel ot thc SplUer matfllne. Upon refusal l«agel take tre, Cohen sad that AgeJ struck hm on forohetul wth a plece;~lron-used- as a hle for anmpbue Jack, cmtlng hm qute badly, Agel, n- hs own- defense, te-tllletl havng gon.e Ch Beatty n un hm. Ho sold he had mpresson that ho could take hs property wherever ho fdund t. Whle under SplUers aumoble. rasng machloe- get tre f, he clamed that Cohen pushed rachle, lottng t down ore Agels head. <«hen refused desst repeated opomtlon Be%eral tmes. Flnnly Agel became so opgry. that. he connlted assault. Agct sad he spnke takng tre -ft-th S>lller n sn n - presence thc conptrnant, SpUer agreeng hs takng back hb prppely-.. Judge Atwood explaned t.. Agel that he.had. - rght take bs property wherever he found t, provdng thathe dd not -twmmlt un assault or anyor crme n su long. n. coraplttlng assault he was amenable law. court, however, was tuable Undenttantl.\Kel waa not- njured when truck. wesgsng a n, fell on hm. A most pecular clse was that n whcl-leon C. Doefler. a. Jtney operar, was defendant Monday morn- ntg. He-wtM chatrged wth larceny ot a sealskn sle >alued at JOO. tho property ol Mrs Mary Munson, Albany, N. y., whtjse husb, lobert Munson,. s a solder at Camp Devens. Tha "defendant was found not gulty j- dscharged-. Mrs; Munson std that on Chrstmas- -day she came. -Ayer wth-her husb, her far.-nd fa.r-h-,aw,,atd-were drven che Gront rn.by Thomaa K. Ma-shall, «Jhney.owner, n hs aumoble. After three days at nn she dmco\-ered that sle was mssng. Chef Beatty wao hlfled m.ssng artcle was tracedt Doefler. he leng fast one have possesson t. Chef Beatty n-vestlgated cse as a result defendant wa,- taken ncusdy by OfHcer Albert S, Blood, Mr. MaraU was ntervlewthl n regard- mssng artcle sad that he found - sle n hx machne on way back -from Gron Ayer. Beng la a hurry he patssed ArtltJe tjjoefler, -n-hom he had known some tme, nldng-llnvo oheck t at stttlon,check-room, when he would <au.lor t later. Snce that tme ho haa taled - see defendant. Ths sry was same as that gven by Marshall n court. defendant, testfyng n hs own behalf, admtted takng a-tcle check-roomr Later he tk t hs quarters n. Gron. -oare for t After returnng trom a vst Bostqn he found that property was ken trom- hs rooh. He sad that he had no knowkdgo ts present locan sttxmgly dened stealng t,. J-udge -Atwood d- that le coumfnd no e\*dence ot larceny-by de- fendant. odnrt stated that all three partj6s_te_.comlajfna.t, defendant Marshall, were all neglgent n not reportng matter soon after dsappearance ot -aluablo artcle, so that mmedate sps mght "be-takerlor ts recovery. Munson, complanant, stated that she was marred 16 bert Munson n.\lbany, N. Y. valuable artcje,<>l wearng apparel wa gven t-j her as a weddng present. 1 J»tE WOMAN THAT GOD TOSCOT AN ARTCRAFT PCTURE 299 - - ""/x:f..--f--..f,,,-.;.-, " J " : } Annual Parsh Mcctnfr. annual parsh JeetlnR Untaran chnrch was held on Thursday evenng at Federan House. reports, especally that o actng treasurer, showed that church has made a very consderable jran n strength n year past. A needed enlargement n budget wll be made next year; churchs oontrbun Amercan Untaran a-ssocan for general mshlono purposes an<l mnster salary wll each be ncrea.sed twenty percent. n order pntvde adequate care nw bnldnc ; janrs salary twce former sum wll bo provded.. n accordance wth cusm, one mcnev parsh commufe, Herbert >. Karnsworth. retred Mr. Farnsworth was electee! treasurer parsh: Howard M. Beverly was re-elecfl clerk; Kdward M\rphy Herbert H. *rocr were re-elected nrembers parsh commttee. Dr. Ralph H. Wyle benk elected a«new memhor th.s commttee; Mr., H. T-.?arn.«worth was elocte<l as-o.ssor collecr; Hev. Frank B. t.rau was elected mnsteral delegate, Mlsa Kmma Butterneld Mra. F. H. Crall lay delepa? annual sesson <>f Amercan. Untaran assocan. lefrtshmcntf were nerved by thc men.ffr meetns. DLstrct <otrt, Tho contnued eae Fred Wlshre,. vcomnster. charged wth cruelty anmals, anl drunkenhccs, was heard last Saturday monng. defcnthnt pleaded gulty both complants. n explanan h«<fonduct Wjfhro stated that ho. stad tefl,vlrmt?tnay- n(nlt<r~ftrrvo" from -con\nftter lo Clnn, n. charge a hack whch was attached two horses. On hs return drove TownsetO, whero e s.-d* tho horses became exhausted. He left m re from 5.30 Afonay afternoon untu «ame hour on Tuesday, whhout protecn or food. court fne* hm twenty-flve dollars on cruelty complanft; chargo drunkenness wns fled. Max Agel. a local jftney drver, wth headquarters n Depot square, A\-as arralgnert on a charge a.«eauu battery on Touls. Cohen. Both raon Uvo n Bosn. AgeV vnua found guuty nnd wa-s ordered pay a flno ttn dollars.. trouble wnn result a pecular mxup between men am occurreo n tho open apace botween thptaylor hous tho Ftchburg davlsloh rauroad tracks. Cohn, tho complanant, stated that he -waa a jtney couccr for Max Splller. Bosn, taknflt fares for aunfoblle serv- nqae.st on death Patrck 0*Meara, who was klled n, a ralroad accdent here on January T,.\-as heldln court room lost Saturday mornng., Judge Atwood presded: James H. Maloney, werm-an. who s*as on. duty at.tne wer at ralroad stan at tme accdent, wa*. frst wtness called. Egnal was.-et for ea&t bound tran. So. S. duo at Ayer.stan at 2.24 p. m., ajd runnlnj; about an hour a half late, when ccdent occurred. ThLs tran v-us.-nf cau-lnj? accdent. From h.s pk-sn n wer wtn<-ss sad he sarw-a man tlns" n: a team on cder mh orsng. A ft-w secor.s --ter he saw tran.earn como ger; should.say, as near jvs he coad judge from where he wa.s at work, tha,t tran w mnvlns about twenty mles per hour. n answer quesns askfd by th court, Mr. Maloney explaned n detal opent.on sgnals n wer relatvt- r connecn wth novemf-nt tralr.s before runnng over :he crors-overa tjhe ralroad stan. Fred W. Jo.slyn. ensrneer j tho tran, fgurng n th*- accdent,»tate<l that at tme o: accdent tran was movng -not r:ore than twenty nles an hour..-;tgnal at wer showed thnt track ahead Wus clear that he nught.safely go over cross-over at depot, where Ktchburg Worcester. Nashua ortl.dvsons tracks nterseot. wtn - sad that because obstructed vew sourn approach cro.-snr where tho accdent hapjened. he dd not sec tho vctm <>f a<-cldent untl wthn a ver> few feet hlm,. He appled emergency brakes nstar.tly. b-.t t was o la avod accdent. ongnoor -atl rhat he sounded, regulan Kt.t->n whstlo, whoh s one l*»ng blast ft-om loo-)- motve, me <1 st a r.ce west t.e scene o a<cdont. Freman Murphy tle trar, orrol>orate< engneers srj. Wllam H..Smth, Walthnm, Jro. m.t.n on constnc tran whch was set f on srle-t: ck ;low p.x.*.scncer tran pns. stated that eakneor tra.n fffurr.-.; n accdent blew tho «;.n wllstle. tran struck tje ho; -e an. th-ew emj>ty pnr n whcn Mr. ()>eara wa.s rdng, turnng tho png.t rght angles, throwng tho drt\ or, er rea-r wheels -th* fr.st ca nn. Thomns K..MulH. wh- nvestratl accdent at : re-uew court. W.TS lst w net.t-h.n Parent. :.n nsporr uttuchv sta pvbc safety <""nmh.j.n. wa.s pr**.sent as a oprrst-tt.t v(,.hat hody., Stat- Ad. A chemc,)] :!:< truck wl be >«:.; here hy.«ta;o afho-jt e- a.s so.n as four mon CAU bo f<a.< - take chargo t. Tho truck a:k s.!- artes tho nun. whch ::e J.td!>e $1000 per yer oach. aro n Xl- \y\,\} hy state. Ths step was takv; b;. Ohcff.ta polce, wh* n addtlon assstng n ferretng ( tt crnunalscatso lave cthrge (h work flre prevenn througho:t ae.-tate enforcement al Pws relatve t. ).. acn tho state n-provdng extra peco lre apparatus U duo tho great ncrease n lrf hazards owng greater popjlfa greater numbor bulldn?:.. Jn wn oan result locatn camp here. j AT soon as nrrangements arorhade mulrterdd d tmfl TTTO ;!tpp!!\-alus men n Hawell hose companys quarters n wn htul Gldng. mon wll be on dv<l,> djurng twenty-four hours, two wr-klnj; ger on twelve-hour.shfts, : A. rn«flllebrown. chef engneer fre department. s tryng procure thc necessarj- men t6 man new apparatus, preference beng gven nombers fre department. One man has already been secured., A meetng englncoraf wns held on Thursday o\enng talk o\cr matr MONDAY; JANUARY 21 WLL BE SEEN AT rarrar Page Hall atre, Ayer N ONE OF HER BEST PCTURES Woman That God Forgot" For me n " Woman G,od Forgot," author. Mss Macpherson, has taken sry a Prncess who sells her country for man she loves., whole sry s taken from a chapter n early hsry Amerca, tellng how Spansh nvaded Mexco r conquest Montezuma hs Aztecs. Geraldne Farrar s seen as Tezca,. daughter Montezurqa. She falls n loye wth a hsome young Spanard, whch role s played by ever-popular star, Wallace Red. producn s one most elaborate beautful eve: made, n reproducn famous Aztec pyrarnd Teocall, t s largest-settng ever bult for a phodramatc producn, pyramd beng nearly 200 feetn heght. MATNEE EVERY DAY AT 3 OCLOCK Saturdays Holdays at 2 oclock TWO PERFORMANCES EVE RY EVENNG 6 8 oclock Each Monday management wll endeavor show one foremost stars appearng n Paramount- Artcraft pctures, fnest producns n world, ncludng Mary Pckford, Douglas Farbanks, Geraldne Farrar, Marguerte.Clark, Julan Eltnge Wllam S. Hart. COMNG Monday, January 28 MARGUERTE CLARK n "THE AMAZONS" P. Donlon & 60 CHOCE WESTERN BEEF N.VnVE PORK, CHCKENS, FOWS AMB VEO/ETABJSBS FRUTS CANDX AND CGARS TEAS AND COFFEE BREAD AND PASTTRT BrTTER, LARD, O.EOXARGARNB FRESH FSH AND OYSTERS ETeP7 Weelc Acenta for AOME OLEOMAROARN HM flnest best (ntettate for Batter. Can be oaed on Ue table, LARD.COMPOUND Cheaper than «rd (Tea better luxtuts. FRST QTJAUrr WESTERN BEEF Srlon Steolu, SBo. lb. P. Donlon & Co. Meada Block AYER, MASS. Telephone SS Unon Cash Market Ayer, Mass. JOTTO.M O no M> 25c. lb, lt<),\st rouk 28<-. lb. SMOKF.n sn)r,>rn zuc b. l-ttesk SO DKRS Sc. lb. (;oo) RO,\sT!: r 22c. lb. TOP OF Rorxn 3So. b. OXSTERv >"1»» "" """ *"* KXTRA GOOD rortkr aso, b. Gronml Onlcr SHRKnnKl) Wlll \ 1 CORNFLAKE-S HORSE FOK SM. (\11 1.1c. pkr. 10c pjg. HK.\P POR.Cash Dscount Sre Xow that tme for gvng -s over, wonen are begnnng tlnk somethng for mselves. January s one be.st months year n our CORSET DEPARTMENT We lave just reeeved new Sprng Models n R, & G,, Royal Worcester Her rajesty Corsets.t followng prtcs : R. & G. $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50 Royal Worcester $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50 Her Majesty... $1, $1.25, $1.50 Pnk Models... $1, $1.50, $2.50 BRASSERES Hamburg Trmmed Plan Models; also Talored Models SOc, 59c. H.H.Procr PAGE BLOCK AYER. MASS. xr.v;r u:n){, w; \VK HAD,Sl( A >!<>< K D >!l)s:. Cello llol Wll Razors Rnzor Strops Sfoty llj7<t-< Tlcrmos loclcs Tllrrmos l.uml Srs FTusT T.jTls Tlrcv Coll HnU«r. S. Slcll lnus CoTcc lvrf,»l.,»s. Pocket KlUs. Cn,sse roles Pnrker Fonuj Pens.Mnm CMUs Footl CopKM-s Sod ron,s.stcro R\,s,«!,: Sl.OO d S,.-)!) $.->,on 11,11 n.s,s:;,on.$:t,on S2,oo o s;t,no!,"><, O»2,00,<l,«0 o S7,.M s,., lo ss,n MS»;;,oo.s:t,2.> TTs-, lo Stt.otl s..">o s,2.-> sr,,.-,<,-,0 ll."loe. lo S2 -,n S,.n o s.".,oo S,.Ml SB,00 S M) lo SS,00!!1,",.T?2,T: S,K.-..G. Dwnell Fne (Sroceres Hardware D<)Ot "Squnre.\.vcr, M:s>«. CamD Devens Post Cards Wo mvc 4..000 thc very best canlh tlmt havo boon produord. "Wc hnd hnuorltjr from WuO ngn for tho work nnd oor Sr. BcTcrly wa«wth thc artst Hclcct nnbjcctk nhen thc orgnal nctatvcs wcro modo. "Hw prce tc CTOB S.OO per hklrccl DRUG STORE AYER 4A? 1

Vt.AOE -SX. SATtJBllAY.,,J,AWJTAS>y 9,f HARVARD >cvk tculk. (okrtklo Ml"-- club wlll hold r c-jfulur m.-etk " Smday evennk n churel VVMV,, Suppe wll be serv-l lt neve ocl,»ck, any lmn ntercstu n moral welfart:!( h* wn s wlc t» bcone a nuler at thus meetn,*,. At clbht jelrk Kev, U. M..Mls,slran, pautur lb* forrre»,-nl""l elureh llllloxluroull, wll Kve hls talk on Condtns n Anena," a subject that he s well uallel 1",speak on tntcllcentny. publc n conllally nvtlsl af.cu! ths nhl--tho Juuct;;, VXhe annual meetlnj.- t.nvn wll 1.,. held on Monday. ebruay 1, am on Saturday, January.tl, rev-ular ctzens caucu.swlh le held at tbe low - cr wn hall. re are ndlcao.s.r one or two warm contests m tle wn <.lllcer,s department, Mr, Goodwn, who fo ast has been a mcmbe LUNENBURG utnumk famly ded Jast Sunday tt lhort llness. ome tme n:"~tr,- oll lllr. dlstrct, pneumona, aftt-r News tcllls..anor-bl- srm struck tlvls wn sok- tme durlb Monday nl,-ht aul b\.wt-he oclock noon on Tn»sday t was elaluhsl by tho.s,-who neanuod t ll,;r. -\ nehes sno>v leu.<edwth sl,et aul ran, hul fallen on levt-l l- slp-n eotlnued untl three oclock 111 afternoon n alatej, but, thu wnd cauv up wle.l xxe,«now n all lrecns, de-,-.!.. llc fact that t was so llvy : d., when fallng-. h- c-arly orn- r,:: ear calt- ll or. tllle ok on ll u?u;c; load sxcock j Kers, Tlt- T.UO e:vr was late ad that wees tlu- last cr that reached : C.-u.r cuc*: tle- day, crs came.,.whalom t" K:-;s coner,\\,-, but.r,llu- was compu-tely blo<:k- ed ths sde,, Whalon Very tew teams were sc-en on rckld, A few!kr.-n,sldewalk snowplow dd ;ood work, but wnd, comng uj,-vo snon afterwtrd«. made much th,- labor plows und.shovels all n \-a!;. Ths surely tnns he what s nsttnl,\- styled t>-okl-fa»htc>m><l wlt- THN A.nrn n cows NEED SOME MNERALS Anmals Unable Utlze Suffcent pa.s,sen-1 Amount From Ordnary Ratlpn Support Body. t has been defntely proved that cows whch produce a heavy flow mllk nre not able utlze sufflcent mneral matter rom ordnary ran mantan tbe propcr quantty mnerals n body; la or words, more se mneral elemeuts are gven f than cow can SLEEVES REaECT forlds HSTORY Arm Coverngs Every Epoch tncorporafed n Cos- - tumes Today.. Frank Webster, -who last March left hero havo charge alarg? estate j n Wllamswn. pa.ssed away ut that lace recently. Ho was a uood ctzen, fathful n all oblgans, knd und courteous, tnd steadfast n hs vrlnclplea. He s survved by a Wdow und a famly. An only son. Cedrc.s Mcrrtns unde,r thc colors, belntr draft-, ed from ths wn ordered Camp "Devons. Earl Turner has left wn enter avan school n Bosn. l.ater; he expects «,o be sent Cornell or rlncen. as M,. T. tanns school has been mcrsed wth se two. - Henry.Mason has.been confned hs (homo wth spraned ankle. funeral Mss Elzabeth Cushmn was held on last weck?>day. body was taken Forest Hlls cremary, Mr., Srs. -Taylor entcrtnljed r son -n-lfe frn. FtzwlUan, N. H:, over Sunday., W. P. Dckson s at present wth her far n Plymouth, who s Qute feoble. Kent.Royal s contnue for anor year dt Massachusetts General hosptal as house llcer. At tho meetns tho Grl Scout.s on last week Krlday evejnp Mlss Kancy Harlow was elected.as.patrol leoder. Patrca,; youngest daughfor - Jlr. ond H. H. Putnam., s ver> ll at Massachusetts General hosplttl,,. A party ot ynunc-aaes.jwlth-jvra- H. C- Merrll as chaperon, attended a dance sven by Grls club n Ayer - on Wedlnesdayevenng. party was-glvea ; mltary polled deportment Camp Devens, : trustees Warner lecture -fund nro n reoelpt nf folowlnp ter." -JUuy -nev- hooks hao lately been added t5. collecn at Htter.Menora lbrary, amons whch are several rclatlb war. led frot nurse. Mss Klorence Dcknson, whn has been assgned tl.ls dstrct, has made one vst school e.\pect» come now every week. She wll Jon wth tho teachers n carryng on physcal exercses, study personal hy- Kene n schools. She wlll have care all defectve cases teeth throat, und look after general health pupls, be es )eettlly-watchful for tho breakng out any conta;;lous dsease. She promses,do all n her power keep chldren n good health asks parents co-operate -wth hcr. Ths nurse wll be no expense wn as her salay s all pad by lcu Cross assocan,. Sergt, George M. Stlcs. avan cop.s. nowocated at Morr-.son. Va,. gared sent home hs mor ssters a fne box ot beautful holly mstlee for Chrstmas, Thcy very kndly remembered many r frends neghbors wth branches t. n a recent letter he s;ys he expects hs squadron wll sal for Krance before long,. Joseph Peabody, from "somewhere n Krance," wrtes hs, aunt, George E. Jones, that he wshes she cold see beautful, fragrant flowers whch are growng vlhl re n great pruson beauty. He knows she would be delghted wth m, Everyone who at temred "servc en -,Congreganal church on Sunday obfn from ran, body ot tue.cow s robbed mneral elenents ~ supply deflclency. n addn an ordnary ran, one ounce common salt per cow dally s suffcent - mantan propcr, quantty sodum chlorne n a co)v producng S pounds mlllc.dally. An ordnary mxed ran suppues.suffcent potassum for every need n hgh-producng cow. element calcum or Ume appears be -defcent n all cows except thbse wth a very bw mlk producn. Thc deflclency mnerals n ran had no apparent eftect on amount or composn mll6- Ths fact.proves that deflclency s overcome, as lar as possble, by mneral elements taken from body cow, Whle ntrogen compounds from alfalfa hay were slghtly more dlgestlble:than those from clover hay, ntrogen from clover was equauy as yaluable, because t was more completely utlzed than alfalfa ntrogen.. quanttes ntrogen utlzed from clover alfalfa were refore practcally same. SUT COAT ALONE ESCAPES tbtfnt edse t cape conflned «cn,wlu p,bracelet tuue or lewelfc Anor sleevo s merely a brassard," conrse. t ts ou on evenng gown. re aro sleeves taucn from church, from comc opera, from Bound Tnblo, from.wngnerlon leg- ends,from dnys. Dante, one mght almost odd, from tho - Sultan SulL Thore are.sleevcs tb t-arcnothr tng but arm bs above nnd below - elbon, whch are caught swngng fols colored tulle. PrtlKlhly tho OQo prment whch letter from- ex-presdent WllHam -H : Tafl, whch explans tself: "My Dear Mr. Thoycr have your letter December 9. ts Jot possble for, mc make thc arrangemont whch you suggest, certanly not at present. havo lust assumed thc oblgan devote thrty days speakng at dlfterent mltary camps n country on subject tho orgn wm uud am oblged «lvo up-my unversty work all or work forthls. Sncerely yours. Wllllam H; Tlaft." conunttee. has arranged for a course lectures whch wll bo announced later. flrst oourse wlll be gven on Frday evenng: January 26, by Rabb Charles E- Fletecher, who" wlt spedk on subject, "Dem-ocraoy." Tho Congreganal church hold a specal meetng on Thursday afternoon, January 10. at 2.30 oclock, take ncn upon resgnan Rev. H. B. Mason, t was voted accept t. although wth regret that t must be so. n gong away Mr. Mason church communty wll lose a hghly respected ctzen. w*o always ga\-hs support what he fell was rght, had nterests wn at heart t s hoped that n hs now feld -work he hs famly - are about enter wll brng m that whch wll nake r lves useful happy, r labors crowned wth success. dol screen, Vola Dana, wll bc seen n feature pcture at mon pcture,sho»- ths Saturday evenng, n-" grl wthout a sou," Ths s a.soul-slrrn- - sry a ssters unselllhh love, sceer.-u among MXutOH Hudson portrayed by, a ca,st rare excellence- Resdents "t Harvard n-urea ly provsons war nco.- tax act. -make returns nternal :..-venue department ncome tl-,,y recc-ved durng yc-ar 1?1T, wll be afforded an oportunty t. make und ::l- Hoch returns wth ad nt" lepu;> collecr! delegated by,c,hn K. HalU->. collecr nt nternal r-vev-.u> fur tne dlstrlct Ma.s.s.achusetus assst new taxpayers n Clnn cty hall or.,lanuar>- 12. H, 15, 16, T, S nnd t, fr.m n oclock n rnornn.u- unll tf. at Tght. Only Garment Whch Desgners Have Left Unuched n r Mad Efforts Create Some-..thng New. NewTork. As cnrrcnt clos goes rushng by, one has a slrottet temptan reach out grasp at thvstrsws that are swrlng along on p.eddes. Stng on bank watchng, btuuant thngs borne down stream, one s strongly remnded an allarng artcle by lr. Becbe, explorer,-who has brought back so much that.was worth whle zoologcal knowledge n Amercn, Mr. Beee rests quetly on a bank, as.he,t t, by. whlch passes a great, swftly- flowng stream whch comes from : heart jungle whch s full mystery color nnd sleeve-mad - dcslgncra, have left m-. uchcd n r ylld orgy desgnng s street coat whch s part a convennal tauored sut. All sorts lbertes ore taken wth sleeves n p.coats, because ths garment has reached so hgh on ladder fashon that t gets a whack orgnalty from every desgner who wants )ny wlth-tbb garment.n er a com. tef: GRADNG FRUT FOR MARKET H J. Webb ttfxxetbbjsd OPTOSCBKBlBT Oppod Depot Ayer, Mut, _ SmSC V 1 % January t>, enjoyed a rare treat n tho sngng.rema:ks Charles -C, Hard, physcal dre(;r n Y, M, C,.K., at. avan camp at S.an Anno. Texas. He sang many hs own composns dm4ng-4hc servcev ot day. He nlso gave an nformal but very nterestng talk upon work T.-M. C, A, n camp. Anor thng whch made t specal nterest all,was that he hod met remembered two our Lunenburg boys n Camp, Sergt, George M, Stles George,E. Smth, both enlsted men, spoke very hghly m. Mr. Hard -spent week-end?flth hs s6ler.fmev hushanrt,- Rev.- L,.K. Whsn, left here on Monday return thc camp, cx-. pectns be sent Kr.tnce wthn a few days. flcers Hatte D, Sne tent. D. v., were nstalled on last Saturday evenng by Grace >L P. Brock, ot.eomlnster, a-sslsted by Alce r.chardson. deputy ad, as follows:- MUs Xellle M, Jewett, pres,; Arthur W, Adams, s,v,p,: W. H. Hlldreth, J,v,p,:. T, A,.\rchbald. chap,: Carl E, Brown, treas.; Mlss Ruth Harrngn, nstrucr; Mlss Nanne Ltchfleld, C. W, Hlldreth, George H. Blxby. councl; Mlss Maran Warren, sec: C. C, ane. gude: J, P. Glchrst, guard; Anne Lesure, asst, guard; Mnne Whtcomb, muscan; G, C, Burnev, Warren ercy. -Mss Ruth Glchrest. - Anne Gllchrest, color bearers. After tho nstallan refreshments were sea-ed, a presentan WUS made Brock by tbe presdent, sjeeches. made by (7on lpham... v.. Mr. Rchards-on. Putnam, llurclstead ors. hgh.school mprovement league gave a very nterestlns, program lwt week Krday.fternoon, M,ss Charlott -Xlexancer read last chapter Gerards "Four years n Germ.any"; Courllnd Whtney rected Shylocks s.cech,\nno, from ".\er chant Vence.. Orvlle D. Martr,, a lst K!-:uate, but now on fur- ;.. sh. lef"-e sung n actve sea --rvo-, rave a very nterestng talk.-.;,.,x\ r.ava sgnal servce,.\s he has.-f-n eng;u-ert n ths servce for,\ a \ear. le knows where he ks, alc! h,-,v-,g be--r a Lnenbl-g h-h s-;<,-,: bey, made t nuc more l,!.-.-s!n;.- for present pupls. LARGEST RECORD FOR MLK 6ow Hgh n Ftesh at Calvng Tme Gves Much Rcher Mlk for Long Perod Than VVhen Thn. Mlssonrl nvestgars have shown that a cow hgh n flesh at calvng tme gves very much rcher mlk for some tme than would be case were she thn. Ths knowledge la now made use by every breeder dary cattle who desres.make largest possble record for mllk butter fat producn. Anor nterestng dscovery s that when a cow s underfed that temporarly she gves rcher muk rar than thnner as mght be expected. Ths sf-great-mportance.ln connecn wth makng tests cows a falure underst ths; effect has resulted n svrong conclusons from many experments conducted vth cows n past. FRM FOUNDATON FOR DARY No Amount ot Feed.Wll Make Prtable Cow Out One That Doe«Not Have Mlk.Tendenc/< Buld your dary breed on. a Ann foundan. No amount feed wlu make a prltable cow out one that does not nhert a strong tendency gve mllk. One must, refore, use care n selectng foundan sck for herd. bun should be purebred wth a Une ancesrs whch show producn. Becanse one anmal s purebred s not a guarantee thnt mercal or nrtlstlc way., short street coat,.however, remans convennal. So lttle has been done wth ths garment n lne orgnalty that n-e begn beleve that French nfluence domnates even J ths lne Amercan cpstumcry. Pars, ds you remember. nssted that she could do lttle wth,coat sut bfjcauss her talors were weldng h grenades nstead ot scssors. Varety-n Armholes. ~t s not posslblo deal wth sleeves. n detal or n mass, wthout taklng. annhole n serous consderan. tauotlb dressmakers talk n an nterestng manner nl)out ths alleged- mnor part costume, t s n pty, one mght sny n passng, that re are any cutters Otters-!who treat t as,a mnor consderan, for. average woman knows that, skll or-awkwardness n cuttng jn. armhole makes or mars flt f rock- hcr ndvdual comfort. re nre few people who cnn re; stran r tempers -when subject armholes s menned, because extraordnary.defcency talent n thls*partlcnlar.lne; bf dressmakng reaches out n dally lves thouss. " et us hopc that cutters ths,wnter wll have learned more than -yknew lnst Ynp, f thpy Producer Who Has Neglected Spray Wll Learn ts Value When He _ Attempts Grade. f farmer desres have hs applet or otrer frut coupetc suecessmly tvlth that bought by retauer on-enerul-4uark«t, he mnst grade t carefully. Vhcn good, sound, well-graded frut s brougbt,sres by farmer, some grocers are known pay a good prce for t even, feature t as beng home grown. producer who has neglected spray wll learna lesson on yale are gong attempt a dozen nstead two varetes. re s tght Plreclre arm hole tht.hug.s. sklh so that fronts coat or bodce must be M.fl.SElJ81 Wshcaryourattenn ; r sck MEMORftLS " whch y would be pleased have ntendng purchasers nspect obtan prces. PARK STB1B:ET "AyeTTMass. Servce When -purcbaalntr groceres at ths sre, yp con depend upon on prompt corteous eervlce honest weght, dependable goods. Our experence n busness-makea t easy for ua please you.- Ths s tho houjehold h,ead<uarers., Rulnlnp tho benefcal Qualtes ot Hour 1» ono easleat tlngs n world. n Ceresota flour, for whch we are-agents you get best-re - s for tho money Our.Specalty s tlo Hlng., Very, Beet.VennoAt Butter Cheese EAST MAN STBEET OROCESY J-lSlES.E. GftlFFlN, Proprer East ManStroet Ajcr, Maag. -WHY NOT SEE Mchgan Apple Orchard, Ths sut s cream velours sttched wth same shade slk trmmed wdth sealskn. coat s fastened on bas rpples at back. nea: SJ.l >ew.-vdvcrtscments TOWN OF HARVARD flnuutc", A cla<s flf tv frst am - meetne tl- evennc. n tho -w-ork tle next rerular n- Febnan,- 5, we c.ntlflates r, <!e.r<"-: Cn,:-.!..- n rs llec-f- X. Sf-r«..(\ (e-.:r. -t.r.; «l.e Thrd ar. re,e\e. at tl- Ttesla;.- l!;..:ra t. decrrees wll be.!vo-,. h-.. ree team, wth Mr...K:ta.M as ma..ter, wll..> w.r-: ;h. thrd rkree,,v.«upper wll.- ser\e. at.seven oclo-k. ( han-_-.-.-f l-.>; n n keepnc wth,«\jrce,-:nn~ n-.a-le.:,sta;e l>.>ar. e. n?ervat.m, :.:. th,s (tuper wll tak,- th" plove..f :r.. regular evenn; nerl,,\ party..f Crr.V.K-r,-;..-t-v! tlmeetne.vyer (ran;.-! - h.--x --: xxe\t week Welnf-.-..!.,--.-..:,:... llek.trnrs Voters n- ::.(-.<:ol r. Sloctmcns n f.-- thf.jrpose <,f reesternk vo:.-r. f-r comne t..wn elecn. " "": satu-dav,.lanta-j 19. ns, from [f!.-".., =" <> """ """ P- ltr.le,v Satunlay..lanun-x 2(1. ftl8, from 12.M. 10 ocl(k-k *. M. CH.Vll.KS f. H.\SK;.l.. -::,KV n-:.\n, sr!.(,:)n.m. -.\!NS\V:TH,,,\M:.-; wnt.skv, -.,...,.ekstl-as,.lr nl.:-. 11.1 c.rx.xxx appe..f t-..- Wanted \, WOM.N AN> (.ltl.s ur w wr:-. -mc rl,.m>pl>." \,V. "."K. ( n\ WT, lon.htos <<> 1.ttlen Conno, Mas., Fne Type Purebred. le wlll be a good anmal, hs pedgree should be nvestgated, "aany small darymen buy aged bulls so y can judge producn hs fsprng. f good purebred cows cannot bc had, use best grade cows obtanable. t may be snld that for producn purposes, f good purebred bulls are used on good cows, fourth generan wll be equal purebreds as far aa producn s concerned. CLEAN COW STABLES NEEDED Good Mlk, Free From Offensve Odors, Cannot Be Secured Under Unsantary Condns. daryman cannot get good mllk, fr.-e from odors flt sell on elt.v nnrket. when hs stables are kept n an unsantary condn. When Knur. s left pack under cows fe..t, mold nnd rot, odor s so stro;,:; that t wll contamnate tho ; mlk even whllo t s beng drawn fro tlo row. \r..nw.m.th.m.!.l!<-h.-\ s-. f herk--." Farm JJare-a. ;> l".;. -.; that p.r,.-.:: whose flr.-t,, : t> pr.hl-ns. -.n 11.M--! x oat,.*e. womens lert.;r, flnl a cha.e tr> f- p somethn; for Ar.e,s alko means that all mrt feel t a <lty t" nrcstel n o;e,-.t.. ply wll n.l ths :. L-.P. -. Cn-t let, GrallKL dx come ont h.-lp. r.ranre app..nt". nt her l.n.sl n.elr.; lnrest,s Crls anl see that ths l.rn eoonom<s servce s :" tho splen.l work lf. <- ho contnued onr.-,,ntf-.-, se V. ths. - M.\SS.\. H - lnhal.- <..M;.\. n.m kn an.l t.-esle.l n th.- -- -,.V- 1-,MU.Y A, Klltll-H n,x;, fo Kh n sa.l ounty, dereasrl. U 1. -.-as a r.-rt.ln nstrum.nt pnr- 1 pon.111.- be tht- last wll.anl ";-. d,lere:sed has hppt pr/" COOK FEEDS FOR DARY COWS! No Advantage n Practce, Except That Some Unpalatable Food May Be Consumed. r. porl ment -.1 l! can ad <l....111.-.. t 1". ll soclete.-.-.lp /\nyf>r.e ;,,f f..od st>-., opportunty. ] a!l_ MVVx. X, comn.ttee. l.k, t-.,...1111.nj; rnh.fh home ;..m. Put that last \..t --hall ent Wl.l.A.M tl.-.t l"lt.rs Med hln od. wthout ncal bond.,. Court, for Probate, hy 1 KtP.BSH who rayk testamentary mny be s -xeeur ren nam- KlvlnK a surety on hs - Tl.. ro s no advantage n cookng or st.t, ;L feeds for dary cows. Some Tnpnhblo feeds-may be consumed n hr;.r quanttes f cooked, but cook- nc does not ordnarly ndd mch pnlatnhlllty grans nnd may eyen decrease r dgesublllty. splendd exotc lfe. stream has caught on ts p current parts ths lfe, as he studes t, keenly wth knowledge, us t swftly goes by hm, he s able form n hs mnd just whnt lfe that specal jungle s. Fauna flora go by, an opossum wth Us yotmg, a pecular knd pnake on a log, bts wood that explan tree growth, brds that have beon caught n branches cannot extrcate mselves. On. on goes. olorf ul stream, rushng past flat mud bank explanng zoookst ornthologst entre lfe personalty source from whlchall se thngs come. t s thus n fashons. All tumult, revolt, color, pcrconallty md lfe a country flow by n tl.3 sem-annual strenm clos that are symbols r sources..\t,d one who sts on bank -.vants reach out a h or throw out a grapplng pole, as Mr. Beebe dd. nad brng n for closer observan pecllar partcular thnga tlt can be developed n a whole chpter nterest. Sleeves From Every Epoch. Sleeves, for nstance. re s a det.ll that one wants catch at wth a grapplng pole, pull n bnnk study for a weck. y nre representatve hsry world. Each epoch seems have fered a pecular.h.sb nrm coverng for desgners ncorporate n modern costumes. We ave thc medeval sleeve whch opens att.;r t leaves elbow drops n a pont knee; we havc tho ln(f<e sleeve whch s roomy cno;l for all thc jugglng wc care (1. : thc,rc s thc tght sleeve Dre, t.re that lts n nn oversnug nrml oh stretches knuckles th> htnd; re s tho t.-.lnn slcov,- thnt begns n nn arrahole thnt s p.trlylat thc elbow wdens tself.lt n order that t may drop n clokll.e olds wrst, where t s cntkht n a b whte velvet or olob,. - re tho Sleeve that s slashed from rrnlolc wrst, as Marguerte au.st wore t, re s thc Orental Kleeve that s formed from grade. He wll fnd that thc per: centage strctly hgh-grade specl- T)crfectlyTdJnsted~n-ortlerat y j mens-ln-ltls-crop ""y J*); wll not rse n waves,about neck. " " re s long, loose Chnese arm; hole whch dems d certan lack conur n bodce or jacket. re s pear-shaped armhole whch extends wastlne ntd whch,an elbow-length or threequarter sleeve s usually placed. And, ppng lst " comfortable arm"-" holes. s one that belongs t lnng not bodce. Nev» Type Saves Temper. f you have had trotble wtth flt your jackets blouses because ll-cut arnholes, remember that ths last type saves temper tears. When sleeve s put n armhole lnng outer materal s allowed drop over t, movng wth securty ond f reedbnr accordng shftng shoulders, n yon get best armhole that Amercan talors can acheve. Ths s knd that s now n hgh fashon. t s run well over p arm up on lnng, n order that remay be no revealng nsde materal when outer armhole swngs fro. Some dressmakers use a b embrodery or soutachlng or ornamented cloth some knd over lnng from hohas F. Mulln THE: KEft x:statc AGErrr. n regard ZnTcetmcnf Room 3. Bonk Bldgr Ayer unsprayed crop may be helped cou slderably by gradng out those fruts whch are brused, rotted or have been badly damaged by nsects or dseases. One or two rotted apples may prevent thfe sale an entre basket. Well graded frut hghest -qualty should, be sound, well,colored, free-from-lnsecr dsease njury-ner blemshed or brused. best grades are also.unform n sze color.. When well graded, homegrown frut appears on market t s always n great dem. grower who markets a hgh-class product ths knd gets a good prce s seldom caught wth a surplus on h: -TtHZABBTH PATgSON.HXKlEUJO COSMEnOAN SHAMPOONG, faca, SCALP" SASSAGE, KANCCRNG Creuns, Otlona, Powdera, VertMUntm Har Tetm nnd Pa> Etc, on H -Asent-r Tbo-Centar7_Car«tj-. >.* Specaltes. MaU. Tel, O Pleasant los-4. Street, Ayer, ly31 WAEREN A WNSLOW (Successor.jtugustus Lovejoy) Fre nsturance Agent Farms, DweUlngs, Fumlturo Mer. cantlle Property Wrtten n Strong Companes _ WaslUnga Street AgER. MASS. LANGDON PEOtlTSr (Successor Charles F Flagg) nsurance Agent aad Broker Tel. 30 UTTLETON, BCASS. - Sm4».1.--w. t eojl;* notlln: t. tween ne.ls, (-ln.ly have hkh fuel value rrtatl- Hmar fec dt-enn metapolsm tn,-, he-,.ts that -,.1 nre lrhle (1..rwpe af- You are herehy eted nppf-v,", " rroh.te Court, l.e held at flambrklke n sad County Mddlesex on «-entv-nfth day ot February A- r.. MS -,1 nne oclock n forenoon,.shn«?-,,rre f any you have, why mn.e 1 should Jot -he.crantcd.,_ - And Kald petner sterehy ntf-rrru lo Kve pul>le notce here. by puhl,.hlnk thll. ctan once n each week, fo, three successve weeks. n f",", ublc Sprt, a newkpnper publlthed n Ayr last puhllcnlon be on.,l*v at least, before Md Court, l.y mlllnk. postpad, or delverng thn ctan all kno«n lnlere«te. n th<- estate, thrtv le-«t before sad (;ourt.. Ultnes" Charles-,7, Mclntlre, Ksqulre Krs JudKC Mald Court, ths nft.-en.h day Jnnuary n year one ttxoo- sa-l nlno hunlre,, -<!,_J,;--,. [ copy jersot," chvs al Pules only for Weak. t s one weaknesses manknd thnt t 18 forever establl.shng rules, progmm9r<o«nulac Thcyjcrvc r purposes for gudance ot ordlnnrv mnds. Bnt poneers thoucht rde rough-shod through nl. r-. y gan ends y de.lre by r.-fuslng be drected by whnt txot-.x.-oxxe else hns thought beforo m. t teachers havc nssted upon ll;. Exchnrsg, - _ : make bread n.rke loaves lter j apt be underjlonc. Ths Egyptan evenng gown s made blaek satn covered wth fne black lace broad bs black net embrodered wth gold Jet. panels are weghted Wth Jet frnge. edge armhole half way front. n order thnt effect s good when outer armhole shfts. Tho recognn gven by desgners ths armhole n thc lnng has heen tho reason for an nflux sleeves mado dfferent materal from Rown fabrc also n a dfferent color. Street frocks heavy cloth wll have long, tght sleeves braded satn runnng from shoulder wrst..thcy donot.makejubocung.conths.t n color, but depart from. no thc gown suffldcntly gve an artstc uch. (Copyrght. McCor* Ner»p«.por SrnAlet*,) HEAT FOR SMALL ORCHARDS Expense Both nsuan Operan Are Much Greater Than on Large Plantan. practcablty Of heatng small orchards has ten been quesned. t s comparatvely much harder heat a small orchard than n large, one. more pots are necessary mantan requred temperature. For ths reason expense both nstallan operan are much greater an acre than n large orchard. On thc or h, small orchardst need employ nolabor. Lkewse, he uses ol n small quanttes only, has no expense for srage. cost nstallng a heatlngsystem for a.lo-acre orchard under mdwestern condns has been estmated at from $225 $495, varyng wth local condns. Ths ncludes heaters, tank wagon, rches, rmometers a srage tank. cost labor fuel should not exceed $10 $20 an acre annually. n regons where frosts are frequent occurrence ths smnll cost s good nsurance, for. f well cared for, any orchard wlll produce a fmlt crop worth from $100 $400 an acre: SUTABLE SOL FOR GRAPES Well-Draned Umd Good Fertlty s Requred Few Farms Where Crop Cannot Be Grown. Grapes requre a well-draned sol good fertlty. A Ught sy loam, a clay loam or a gravelly loam where seasons are anythng lke normal may be exposed produce grapes. Grapes are grown on sols or characterstcs doubtless re are very few farms where ranfall s sufflcent where dranng s ample that some varetes grapes could not be grown. E.D; STONE Fre nsurance Agent Aunobllo Cordwood nsuxanoo Esr A. Sne, Typewrtng Pagos Block Ayer Mnas. Pano arufllng WLMOT B. OLBAVES Phone 20 HARVABD, MASS. Graduate >,". E. C. Musc. Bosn Ten years wth Aeolan Co., New Tork Agent for Holh B nstrumenta panos For Sale Haot lyls- COMMONWBALTH OF MASSACHU- SDTTS, Mddlbsox, ss. Probate Court_ TO hlrsjttt-lav, next--kn - all or persons nterested n estate ot PETEU TARBBLL, late Of Ayer n sad County, deceased. fwhereas. a certan nstrument puportlng be last wll testament sad deceased has been presented sad Court (or probate, by ABEL PUTNAM TARBEL who prays that letters ot admnstran wth tne, wll annexed may be ssued hm wthout gvng a surety on hs bond, or some or sutable person, ex-. ecutrlx named n sad wll havng deceased.,.. _ Your arc hereby cted apper at a Probate Court, be held at Cambrdge n sad County Mddlesex, on twenty-eghth day January.A..D, 1918. at nne oclock n forenoon, show cause. t any you hove, why thc same should not be granted. And sad petner s hereby drected gve publc notco re, by publshng ths ctan once n each week, for three successve weeks, n Turners Publc Sprt, a newspaper publshed n Ayer. last publcan be one day. at least, before sad Court, by malng, postpad, or delverng a copy ths ctan ol known oersons-- nterested n estate seven days, Bt least, bore sad Court Wtness, Charcs J. Mclntlre, Esqure. Frst Judge sad.court, ths thrd day Jonuary n year one thous nne hundred eghteen. 3tl9 F. M. gsty. Regster. -1 f Tk* awmpapm wkk makm crat l«> abronlata kaa a (< na- tat t fcrt t*» r «r - arna tkat ta stvaa *a tka "C DAMAGE FRO?l MCE AVODED Remove All Loose, Trashy Materal From Neghborhood Base ot Tree Trunk. Damage from mce should bc avoded by removal all loose, trashy materal from thc neghborhood base tree trunk. f ground has been fall plowed, thc under furrow slce furnshes good nestlng places fot mlco tho nearby trees are lkely "frsarrcvrsr f "thotsrouud-near-}- tree s clean well compacted, lttle damage wlll be done by se rodents. ly..hx Tn n oxan Hs Ddnt Know. trder trlnl sx experts were!. Most 5 had a nathmnl reptrtathkra-hypotlcal-<j08»- tlon <f 20,000 words, whch t requred two lor.- read, was asked Docr Jelley a Hosn expert on nsanty, loarn--(l docr nnswered quesn n ;l rec words: " dont know." A frank nswcr. but rar perplexng cotn.. Case Comment. An a.: fan Jll sur( -rtaement s lke an electrc eep t gong nnd pepple arc nlnd t A Commute ta Anlltlon. Wed lke be n a fnancal posn when wc take a menl ont, as we do once every two or three months wth all regularty clockwork, go some pnce where "fmlts n senson" on menu doesnt mean chlelly bananas. Oho State Journal. Queer Place for Meteorte*. One remnrkhble features oceans floor s fact that n some places t s covered wth dnst meteortes. Too Partcular. grl who thnks more her georgette crepe wnlst than sho does -her-banu-.refnsea, tn permt Jt.tg, get mussed wll never match tho weu-known tnno Mr. MendelaawJuu Florda Tmes-tJnon. ],, JDd5lae5SSocal ml ear6 hou)j$ 50 EngrftTed Ou-ds tf Scrpt, $1.25 PnbUo Sprt Offloe, Ajwf -W Adrertlwmenta naorted n onr te«> Crayon Wll Help. When someone has knocked a whte place n wnll paper copy prdpcr colorng thc flgnre wth crayons spot wll not show.. GEO. F, FEl CH TLCRST AYC;H, MAS: >,- W:: fx- -v.-:>-!-. fx

*JY:?< " V y (.--,jryv.f r- m. A TU EDA Y; Jf A f tr A E Y 19; 1918 S. JfllRLEY "GA8H MKET,-nrATS. ON. HLUn> -WTH A FRESH SUPPLY OF? PORK VEAL,8UOXXa>, PCELEB mnd OANMES MEATS At Xonr Doar n Aer JSvery Tnesday aad Satttrtey - BTOT Bay n BbbHef - - VBBBO. ESH FtlMYS EOtlKABJES XJt XBEta SEASON tmarubb A. McCARTRT, Prep. rt. F. R: McCJfal Fonaery Pepperell, wth >R. R. H, WnJE DENTST Barry Block, Aycr 7wl5» CUTFLOWERS, PLANTS, FLOKAL DESGNS, ETC. HARDY ORNAMENTAL TREES,,, SHRUBS AND VNES H. Huebner Florst Gron, Moos.- Greenhouees near Gron Scnool COMMONWEAyrH OF M.\SSACHD SKTTS. Mlddesex, ss. Proba Court. To thc folrs-at-law. next kn, all or perjsons nterested n estate MAJTHA REBECCA PRESCQTT late otchlcago n County Cook State llnos, deceased. Whereas; a petn has been presented sad Court, by LOUS J, STONE Wth ceralnpapers purportng be coples- last wll testament j7f sad deceased, probate repr ll sad Qta lllnolc duly athontlcated, representng that at tme her death, sad deceased had estate n sad County Mddlesex, on. whch - sad.wll may operate, prayng tha copy sad wll may be flled recorded n. ReKlslry Probate Bald.County- Mddlesex, letters testamentary-.tfaereon. jtranted EL=. UOTT S. RCE EDWNA PtES-,, COTT CADMUS execurs ren named wthout requlrnr suretes ol r bond, n case after beng duly cted for purpose y neglect accept same or neslect for twenty > days after probate ot sad wll, * Sve bond accordntr law, n tbat letters admnstran wth tho wll annexed be ssued sad petner. Tou are hereby cted appear at a Probate-Court, be held at CambrdKe; nsald. County_ ots Mddlesex,., on.. flfth day ot February A. D. 1918. «t nne oclock n forenoon, show caue.--f any.you have.-why same should not be grranted. And sad petner s hereby drected Klve.publc notce re, by publlshlncr tha ctan once n cach week, for three successve weeks, n Turners Publc Sprt, a newspaper nubllshed n Ayer, frst publcan be thrty days, at least, before sad Court. - Wtness. Charles J. -Mclntlre. Esaure, Plrst JudEe sad Court, ths twentyseventh day- December n tho year one thous nle. hundred scventee.-; :,- > 3tl«..:,-...P..3L.BSTT. Reglster.-. - NOTCE S HEREBY GVEN, that subscrber has been duly apponted admnstrar estate CH.,VRLES A SPAULDNG late Pepperell n County Mddlesex, deceased. nteste, has taken upon hlmselt that trust by svln? bond, as law drects. All persons havng dems unon estate sad deceased are requred -, exhbt same: all oerson n- debted sad estate are called upon make payment LYMAN E, WLKNS, Adm, 176 Elm St,. CambrdKe, B, Mass, December 2Sth, 1917. 3tlS MORTG.4.GEES S.*LK OF 7 REAL ESTATE N TOW-N.SEXD, MA.S.S.4CHt-SETTS / DESTROY ALU WORMY FRUT «umtnted"8 S«elwelf»7oB~Trees~o>~orf Ground Sho.uld Be Burned - Guard Aganst Petts..Peach- trees that have bome fmlt tlts year are lkely tc have deformed, mummed fmlts er on branches or on. ground-nnder -trees! t s hghly desrable that se frutsbe destroyed, so. that spores fnngous dsease or nsects n se fmlts be destroyed., Snch-dlseases as brown rot maybe carred over wnter oh specmens fnt left tn orchard. For ths reason/sueh specmens shonld not be left, but should t>e gared np, destroyed get rd any dsease germs or nsect psts, that such specmens may harbor. Where pgs have acces orchard generally y wll eat- faulty specmens fmlts that.may he left Blt even when pgs mn n orchard t s advsable go over examne trees, takng out all specmens that stll.clng hranches. Ths work may be done when or work s not pressng.when one can spare tme. Ths would hardly be practcal where one has n large orchard,- bnt for -small peach orchard for hpme nse t wll be work welt employed.. TO CONTROL SCAB ON PEARS Trees Should Be Thoroughly Sprayed Wth Bordeaux Mxture Also Spry for nsects. - Some pear trees are fftected by a very common fungous dsease called scab. Some varetlbs pears are very.susceptble ths dsease, f mcnt n-fle way sprayng, y wll nvarably be covered by scab, wll crack as result ths dsease. To control dsease, trees shold be thoroughly sprayed wth Bordeaux mxture, whch s made " four potnds, copper sulphate sx pounds Ume 50 gallons water. copper sulphate shonld be dssolved n water, lme slaked a smooth paste. n copper sulphate lme should both be dluted about 25 gallons each, n mxed ger. frst, appcatlon ths spray should be-made Just before blos- By vrtue a power--sale contaned n a certan Mortgage Deed gven by ORON A, BURGESS, Townsend, n Coumy Mddlesex. n Commonwealth Mossachuaet*a. HATTE B. TH"AYER. Ayer, n sad county, dated January 12, 191-1, recorded wth Mddlesex South Dstrct Deeds, book 3868, page 1-4, wll be sold at publc aucn upon premlsea below descrbed on Monday, tbo fourth day Februarj-, 1918,,~at two oclock afternoon, all slnkular th premses conveyed by, sad Mortgage Deed ren, dej ocrbed es follows: "A certan tract l wth buldngs reon, stuated n -Norrly part sad Townsend on.easterly elde thc old road leadl>lnff from house Wllllam S. Dud- ley tho house formery,wllam /"_Smth, bounded ns follows: " "Begnnng at tho North-west corner, premses at end an.,old.~wal, t beng a corner l Alexer Reed; nce runnng Easterly by sad Reeds l about fourteen (14) rods a. sne wall: nco Sourly by sad wall about ;nlnetect> (S) rods a comer; nce tnmln«a* nearly a rght angle yrtmnng Easterly by sad Reeds l Aftbout twenty (20) rods an angle: Vnco on Easterly by.sad Reeds l jabout twelvo (12) rods a cornor 7,»ea,r a sprng; nco Sourly by -sa-d Reeds l about twelve rods van angle; nce on Sourly by sad Reeds l about thrty-four (34), Pode a corner; nco Easterly by.sad R cd,8 l about twenty (20) [Jrods a eno bound at a corner l U. S. Adams, t nlso beng a.,«omer l owned by B. & A, D. kfesscnden Co., fornerly known a» Austln place; all above descrbed <ln«e run as fence now sts; nce Sourly by l sold _EeMenden.CX».. abaut:thlrty-, 1* ts9) rods a sne bound, at Wllllarn S. Dudley; nce h-kreoterly by sad Dudleys l» eorner; nce Westerly, Xorth-.<Westerly, Norry by tho afore- d road place begnnng." Terms: A depost Two Hundred lz>olars ($200 Oa) wll be requred at (tme sale premscs wll bo >ld aubject any, unpad taxes. Louse Pear. soms open. Whea about half blo.ssom petals have dropped, agan two weeks reafter, or applcans should be made. f season s a very wet one, a fourth sprayng should be made two weeks after thrd one. n order control nsects whch attack pear, arsenate lead at rate two pounds 50 gallons should be added each sprayng after thc blossoms have dropped. PAGE SEVEN THE BbbN By MARYLAND ALU (CopjTlfht, lllt,,wtst*n> New>ap«r tnoa.) -No matter how long or dark nght, no matter f t was brghteet moonlght, always atd ever-re was a lght-shnng n paror alcove wndow n home wdow Janet Graham. neghbors nnd wnspeople generally related a werd tale connected wlth famlar beacon. wdow her eo.n,.verne Gmham, ad come EoBlyn nfl had rented pretty lttle cottage. yonng man was *rl«kr4ndubtroujvalwayshad-tr smte DANGER OF WNTER KLLNG j rma made known- at tme lace sale 3tl9 6. P. PENDLETON, Assgnee eald Jorgoge. Townsend, MASS.,-Jah. 10, 1918, tslakk xrswkkt, C, E. Batt«r BoBrb" V. Ova EdJeweTj: fe/nfflee yrlth HERBERTJ..WEBB JHan Street Ayer, Uass. Mulchng Small Fruts Delays Bloomng Berres Also Conserves Mosture n Sol, Mulchng not only lessens danger from wnr kllllhg but t also lessens danger damage by late frosts by delayng bloomng berres small fruts. f mulch s left on, buds do not open qute so early re s consequently less danger r beng caught by a late freeze,, mulch may be er partally or wholly removed n sprng any plants whch hnve been lad down can be rased. t s usually a good plan leave some mulch on gronnd act as a summer mulch n keepng down weeds, conservng molstnre. protectng berres from contact wth s grt. ARSENATE OF LME RESULTS Equally at Effectve n Sprayng for Codlng Moth as Arsenate Lead, Says Grower. A Mchgan orchardst used about a n homemade arsenate lme ths year n comparson wth arsenate lead receved eqnally good results n sprayng control codlng moth, accordng reports burean enmology Unted SaT«~aeSarfmcnfWTgrremtnre, "H*- effected a snvng by tho nse arsenate lme plans nse t agan next year. Reports as a whole ndcate better results than nsnal ths season n control codlng moth by orchardst* nmchgan.. Fgures Tme Fallng Sne. tme n sne would requre fall 4,000 mles. center thc earth has been calculated for Pars Academy ot Scences, by M. Sager. (Consderng nflnenco varyng densty.earth, he flnds tme would be 19 mnntes 15 seconds, but f thc mean densty s assumed be-s.thc condn, tme, would be 70 seconds greater. - t cpsts-nothng oat some crusty food* that «lve proper employment. teeth thus save dntlsta blls. on hs face, t was no wonder that he-attracted attenn, Marjorle Dale, who was nearest,neghbor. Her lfe was devoted case a crppled far end an nvald mor. She was one" those sweet, patent souls whose face s rradated wth a purty gentleness luost ereal, when Verte wns colled a more promsng posn n Cty her prde mngled wth that fond mor, y bnllt great hopes as hs busness fnture...a year went, by twce Verae.Tls- ted home, each week he wrote both" dear ones. When he had flrst left.m Mr8.Grahan hnd looked earnestly ltb hs "eyes. "Veme," she sad, "yon see lght have pla( n wndow. t su be re, on darkest nght, yonr beacon. Thnk t, chersh t" One dny" Graham Marjoro were seated conversng, when a keeneyed, hard-facd jnan knocked at door. He edgedjhls wayln room, glancgabout sharply. " am lookng for Vcrae Graham," he announced n.n ne assurance comm that somehow chlled hearts mor nnd fahpee. "He s not here," Graham advsed vsr, "t s three months snce we snw hm last. Even hs usnal letter mssed us last week. Oh, slrl trust re s no trouble." "Sorry say re,s," bluntly re sponded. stranger, " 1 am a detectve lookng for hlro. He dsappeared from hs work ten days ago, takng wth hmjwenty thous_dpl-. lars ~fthds company Jjh trusted bs charge." "My son a thef!" cred On. hnm. "t s false " man shmgged hs shoulders ndfferently. " do not beleve hm!" bread Marjore, agtatedly. "re s some error, some plot, ohl be assured that Mor Graham, am gong.straght cty ferret out all (he detals ths terrble thng." Majore Dale was receved at. place where Veme Graham had.been a casher by manager, a Mr. Thorpe.!man was coldly polte - matter fact money Veme Graham had vanshed ger, ths man ld Marjore. Marjore carred a breakng heart back, lttla country.-vllage. She ld her sry amd tears strcken mor. "Oh, t s van!" cred Marjore. "Veme wll never come back." "He wll come," solemnly declared mor. "Of hs nnocence or gult what cnn -say. but he s always my son. always- welcome, no matter how black hs sns may be. Some nght Verae wll oome bnck tle lght n wndow." n cnme a break n r companonshp. Marjores far ded a bror nssted on Dale makng "her home n hs household. Marjorg went thc cty became a nnrse n a publc hosptal. One nght word went round that a terrble ralroad accdent wonld send n many sufferers for treatment After surgeons hnd attended one vctm n her ward, he delegated patent Marjores charge. man was nsensble had su.stane< frghtful njurp--. Mrjore was startled as she recognzed lm. He was plant manager. Mr. Thorpe, whom Marjore had called upon n regard dsappearance Vcrae Craham. Marjore sat down by cot. She became COPKCOUR that eyes patent were flxed upon her. She met glance. Tve seen yon before," spoke Thorpe. "You were sweeart Verno Graham." "Try keep quet," drected Marjorle gently. "t wll harm you talk." "ve got tnlk!" almost shouted man. n a wld stran exctement, " wnnt you <o send at once for Mr. Woodson, head our house. t s vtal. t must be done, more for your sake than my own." Marjoro consulted head nurse Mr. Woodson was eent for. He arrved wthn hour. As Marjore placed a ohnlr by bedsde patent nnd noved out.earng. latter called out nsstently: "No, no she mnat hear, o. Mr, Woodson. Verne Green never sle thnt twenty thousnd dollars. t was 1 who dd t 1 worked out a plot aganst hm hred some persona ns wlcke<1 as myself hold hm n cnptlvlty. Take down my confesson detals where ths man whom have so cmclly wronged cnn be fonnd nnd rescued." Thorpe bread hs last next mornng. wealthy humane Mr. Woodson nt once nssted-that she accompany hm on tho Jonmey that.was--resre- a loyal, falthful grt her lover, a patent, lovng mor ber chershed sdn, house wll make nl dne amends for fearful work Thorpe," pledged Mr. Woodson. And thc lght n wndow wel» corned Verne homc at last kanl)tne SEED CORN BROOXLKE, N H, Care Necessary n Selectng Re- MLes.SMlLlfl by H. Pckng Out Most Productve Ears Whle n Fleld Srng n Dry Place la Only Half Very mportant Task., (Prepared by Unted States Department ot Asrculture.) Shellng s one mportant steps nselectng seed corn. Tbe cure nec«8sary~n-#electng-.hlng com be nsed for seed requres sbell- hg be done by h. Selectng seed from most productve scks as y std n feld srng n n a dry place-free-from nsects rodents s.only half Job n pro-.vldlg nex.t years seed corn suppy- - Seed ears should flrst be nubbed kernels from tp butt slould be dhscarded from seed supply. szhall kernels from tps are less productve than or kernels on ear; bnnt thck, rounded [kernels frbm butts are Just us pro- -ductlve as any rest, but because j:(belr shape sre y do not jplant nnlfornly when used n a corn {planter wth pr kernels. Shellng by h takes more tme, labor, bnt s prltable. Tho mejchanlcal com sheller s Ukely tu fh-,jure germ tps ndvdual grans thus destroy or mpar lr power germnate. No matter how large requred supply, t wll stll pay shell t panstakngly by manual labor, because greater acr.eage be planted, greater ultmate prlt Each ear shonld be shelled separately h a shallow pan or box, every blemshed, msshapen or worm-eaten kernel should be rejected. As seed from each ear s found satsfucry sound, free from poor kernels. t s poured n general supply, anor ear s shelled n tbe.<jame way. t s much easer pck out defectve grans from a sngle Syer n a small receptacle than from a large mngled quantty n a bushel measure or a bag. EMERGENCY WRE STRETCHER Farmer Tellt Hew He Made Repars n Broken Fence by Usng Hckory Stck for Hle. After turnng cows n a feld happened flnd a broken place n fence dd n have tme : <o go for a stretder at or end farm. Fndng a hckory stck n woodple T sawed f a pece about three feet long for hle. : conld not take tme prepare a flre jfor heatng an ron, so flattened lend a quarter-nch bolt drove t n one end stck, n beat head make t rough lke teeth. Several nches from end fastened a shbrt length, chala a Nc\%«tem**..Seret. P, J, Mrk-v lutnerh (.opuny o vlstwl hs wfe four lu Mr. und.mrn, W. He txjeout l,.-ave.,,: lmut Janunry.5, Jcweph OuHcttc- l-," at home for th,. j,;---.,v uevere c-okl, QeorKo W, ;;j;...s w,.. on Tuenday, -Mrn, ElloruK F.f-.exxd" veek n Went.Nl-w.tn. M-. Mnne. Holcon Wednesday n l.-omnnt,;.mr,-.. KlbrldKo,\du,- (. Gra«e.SJlUva,.. Ke-> have been recen: nu,-bth Wll Sha.nck.,.ud famly. -. Bmlly Works an-d rhldren Mvrte lx,us have lef; tlwn fur.nonh -TmFOr-Mawrt, "f Head- F,.-, AndrcwH (ln>,v hkt week 11, <N.-*enden», luly or France 1 <lotaned k wth u epperel.-ent la«t >;*e*. la.1t Townwend f KecdB Wre Stretcher n Use. hook taken from a sngletree. hook was bent so that barbs on wre could not slp through. When barbed wre becomes slack t can be tghtened by catchng t between claws a hammer makng a seres knks. Tlese knks shonld not be o.short weaken wre. J. L. Pnksn n Popular Scence Monthly. REVVALOF FRUT ORCHARD Proper Surgcal Attenn Wll Prove Effectve Cut Out Dead Wood Fll n Holes. Old orchards can be revved by propler surgcal attenn. Cut out dead wood; flll n holes decayled spots wth cement; cover exposed wounds wth antseptc tree plant; reraove surplus growth from ntejrlor tree let n snnllght; :spade up ugh sod near trees; sprny for what alls m always for codlng moth. Gve tlo old trees :a chance thcy wll bear for many years. Take Palna. Ocnns hrts been defned ns an nfnte capacty for takng pans, nnd talent, whch s n sort second consln genlos, has snmo charactcrlstt(», observes nn educar. One who wll take pans enough wll meet wth a measure success. And no one who belttles need patent ploddng work s lkely succeed, no matter what hs endowments. PASTURAGE AND LVE STOCK Qratses Clovers cn Properly Managed Farm WM Double Crept Now Beng Secured, Grass lve sck shoulel j.) h n hnnd. re s no fnrm, nhch, f properly managed kept : ( least one-hnlf tho tme n grnses clovers, gradually broukh under a proper system rotan, w<(-jld not produce more. n fact, dojblc th > crops whch t now does, nnd yct ojstantly be growng better bettet..1, OConnell -a,n<! ftnllv were called Cunbrdfc-e on Krdwy xt- (cd funeral h,< l)roth<;---la-v, Krank.McDuKan, MrK..Sarah CoUxurn, \-ho nake* her home wth her -daukhter,. Harry Campbell, p.-uweu her ntlc-th Wrthday on January 11, Harry Whtney hax heen very H wlthakthmsu. Belle ll.tu ha* heen,-frelng tfom an ulcerated tc-oh neuralga, Guy Campbell ha.s leen a Kue.n hs far, Fre<l Campbell. Campbell s v.-!t::t,- her old home n Vonnont. Walter Corey ha.s boen confned hs home wth an attack Klppe but s able be about agan. He s ctlpk as Janr at Danels academy buldnp n absence A. T. Perce, who n employed by Kresh Pond co Company. -George Purrlnfcn. who was a summer guest n our md.st la«season, has enlsted s n Flor<a. Helen Rockwood fell on tho ce last Wednesday HK has boen unable attend.-xxhool snce. Maro:. Stles wa.s at "home from her school dutes n.nashu. on Haturdty last..a,.-v, Hall anl famly noved- thc house owned, -by. (.harles Hussell on- Mlford street..-. O, D. Fe«eldc.l.spent Wednesday n Bosn. Halph lyovejoy Holls h.ts been a srueet hs sster, (.harles Boun. Hc has enlsted n thc navy. Forrest Hall, who s setnffn navy, was a Kuest hs granuparonts, Mr. Wllam. Hall. Monday. Work on ce besan on Monday. January 7. r. Ery. who has been tmekeeper at cehouse for a number year..-, s at home Edward n»<ne>\ Z Charles Dunbar made a busnoss trp Xa.shua la.st week. Hev. Edward Kelley famly have been spendng past week n.spencrer. MASW. Brookllne Grange held ts regular meetng on Januarj- 9. John.Smth bt Mason, asslated by hs wfe Mss Blanche Hall, nstalled new llcere for ensunjr year, Orover Farwell. who was elected assstant.*;teward, has snce enlsted- Forace Hall was elected take hs place, ancl James Gllson wll succeed Foraco Hall as overseer. re was a short lterary program.s follows: Headng, Qeorge Cad}-: song, Henry Malley; pano solo. Mrs-, Charle,< Boun, a report,state Gran,ge meetng by Georg-e Stley d Kalph Greeley, Remarks were made by Mr, Smth Mason. Ralph xvejoy ot Hollls Wlls Burns llford. re were lfty present, among m twelve vsrs from surroundng tdwns. t W.S reported that re are twelvo grange ne.l,(-rs now enlsted n r countrys servce:,ser,;;t, ). Walloce Jenness ;;nl Frank Baley, cook, are a: Charltte, X," c,: Gr-Ver Farwell s n ra-tsm..uh:.\-.l<lr,n! Oullette s n Fl"rda: Chester B:ral,y s-n San.Ar.n., Texs, an.,matw Jrke s s..tueyn"ve xxx France." Meu"-n Ke.-y s ree,,yerv.a fvonx nxx ;tlt;tck -11" j,:-,eunona. H.-.s- a nc- ler o s:.:n-l cnrjs at Cha-lottt-. *. Ser.t-;;nts Danckk.- ;tu J;ns a:l r wves are ke. jng htjuse n a V,!:r.tlr,w alo-.r, half. mlo from cam;..much nconvenence has cen casef] rr. ectuse her trunks whth s-;.trted whon yet -r\e(. Mwanl lf-c,- h.s l-e. :. nn thc.sck lst. Txe Hf,l Cr-t.ss eld ts r-gular mnotnjs cn Tuesday anl -r:lay last weelt. re were s.vt,-en present at Frd.-y. moetn.r.,...1 much work was accmplshed. t was vnted jon Mlford ca.ter an.l,\ss f.lanche Hall w.s M.ond tuke charge x,n eten..nnent for beneft -»f s(,f-;.:-.,,-\n!rew.m:rshall. 1>. F. --.-nder. ju-esonted s-ocet>- wth x, w., clolh wth chldhood. Danty refreshments -w-cte sorved am t s needless t, hay tlt l thb* part tho prognln w.us thorojgh. ly enjoyed. KllzjOeth v.-,s recpent <,f many pretty gfts from ler lttle frends. pa-t>- was srel>- a great success.md tttr»:tv: fu v enjov,-< by all. We are strely havng -ll K..Tty ; wear hore ths -,,-a-.* for ox, l,"-- day we had snow, ran, holl an-l su;:- rthc a-ll n one day, UTTLETON XewH tczuk. <onkratulah bert Jl.twood. who hu been ele<tefl lo *Uolal Htaff thy Har\"anl Crwon, Tho Odd Udlt wll bo Tstullcd n- tlelr sevoral Hcos by l>eputy Cla-s pr decree wll bo conferr<*d uhe same evennk- JnucM K Smt-w-rwuly lo--ea;vh-for- Washlnj,n. D. C. ut hs tme. He expecth be absent about two montha. an< wll be engukocl n flca <utk.-.s lertannk th*- Bruth- (jrhood or Ralway Mantenance ejployeoh. New Bowon aul Mune tmetables so n effect on Sunxlay. Kew ehankeh e Lttlen appear on H<he<ule. A Sun<]H,y ufternoon Jlran frfun HUMn 13 taken f. Rev. W. \ Brown went \Vorcet<ter p-each last Sunday n nty ch.u-ch, whoh he has been NUpp>>nj.c for eve"al weeks. X<vwn.surKeal dre.ssns worhers met wth Mr.s. X. H. Whtcomb on Thursday. Mls«Klzabeth Erown returned her studes at Wee.sley foucke la.st week Wednewlay. Regstran Voters L. W. C. Tho Womans club met n, audrlunt 1,nltarlan chur<h.monday afternoon lstened wth wrapt attenn compellnd message Mlss Mabel Hll Brooklne Chelmsford, author, teacher lecturet, Mlss Hll chose substtute for her subject announced n club calendar. "Our obllkatlons socety n general," As Amercans ve need thnk more work for soldarty ths nan. lassez fare atttude (let well enoukh alone) o prevalent among us, characterzed our Anglo-Sa-xon ancesrs made possble conquest r beloved l: Great Brtan-, by Wllam, Conqueror, ancesr ot present Kaser, Lberty s one most rhc-rlshed possessons EnKllsh speakln-.,- race an* development a pure democruy s our ambn, but not all peoples Unted States have that atttude md that domnates descendants old Furltan sck. Here n ths countrt-. charter- zed :s " metlnp pot," are all nanaltes presentng tho problem amalgaman. A stupendous task ths, whch requres thought, sacrfce, subjecn selfsh ambn commercal nterests patrotc dems mposed upon us by our country. We need thnk n terms brorhood man educate, assmlate, nspre all vared nanaltes! peoples wthn our borders that y thnk act as a solld nan from democratc patrotc motves. For such achevement a readjustment.socety s nece.s-sary n closlns M1S.S Hlll read, " houset\-lfe;b hymn," concluded by sayng, that we oupht be thankful for our opportunty lve n such a tme :us ths that takes us out above thought ourselves n nterest servce our beloved nan-. speaker was ntroduced by Mss Fanne A, Sor.son, oharman Cvcs commttee, who pratefully acknowledsed thc ndebtedness club.mss Hll. Tho quartet..mesdames Haser Prou ty. Hartwel HoKhn,.-an;; a brllant, fnely rendered.selecn,. Houfrhn at-compancl a; pano. arker, jr-esdent club Kave a fathful rtjort (jf recesute fede-an meetn Madelne lrldjes l...-s mnor troducry t!;e ne-.v -..ar Th cnrdnp secretarys r.-...rt wn e<, comnuncjtftns oorrespondnjc.secret;tr.\- ;n<] ns le,-sl;-.:ve f-,.nf..; Newn Center J.-nKTv ;;.. conferenc- on hou.sehod ero; hev dd h.-ve not: ""- lnnuhry ll -svero anxn.ddt.n r.r.usness Mss Hll was u;est.m ol lr<nt\-. d read acceptlead t.y n\ ta- rxee n n< tl--.llllc.-. n!..;:ced l-.l- llara Cln-l Notes. youg people s. seted church l.-st.kf.\1: whch n; Kcal dres>vsted. 1...=. 1. ll tho nterest o t;--. new.a.ssk-r.nenr -.f -. ceved t s h... tendance wll!>.- :;, future meeln.:s. Frank.«h,-r : spent te wedaupht,r,,m rs. Kdor Clarence ;:.*-.e;:. Hussell an.l l..r.-.< perell. nsl.-t l.-.l tl. -. ell Grant- o;-, last ; lev. Kdw.ard s- : me.-s]da\ God. Tll,->.-:unl...nr.. met at honu on.m.nfl.y eve c son h,-:nk th l.rth,.-y. he: an.l a l»otn-ll l.y nl..\..f- <H-(-.lsor..-;-d : Hal n!,...r 1.\l; 111- tte sur l)o%-er rs on.monday t-d Cross. A < has luen renat a,...od atlan.a at thc :.-tll;-!ed hf.ne x. wth hcr!--. -...jden..-x-. by * j;jl. ej- rs..f Fepper;.. vennsr..-k for hs M. pow-er,.f h.-r ush.-nds- 1-: l:. Parker.X., r\ T. oe-. -.-venty-slxth.;.\.-n present -.vas enj<yed t:. for thc M.- nnx-hc s-r s.rthday. WESTFORD Hog Knovn What He V an.s. ExpcrlmcntR experence fecm.ndcate -that a.bae knowswbat-he wants, how much he wants, ao -when be wants t Ute for Undesrable Egdlt. Snall or drty PRRS should not be placed on market Cs tn at home. B«tt_Klnd. PlayJs Worr. Onc ot best knds rtay s Dont crumple your hang thom up dry. dsh cloths; work. Mnny ot tho elements play enter n work f t l-s perfortaed n rght sprt Thc most sdtlsfytns forms play nre those n whlflllntcr-- est s excted; competn, wth desre sncceed accomplsh.some defl-; mte end, makes game worth playng. Work s fntlnng nnd dstasteful when t s lackng n thdse elements.,: Dont spolkdod frmh frut by makng; t n ple ot yaddlnes. (;rnnll«"\ ll,..\t tno :;r-- -- -.- -. <hlll( ll l.st.-.,,:,:.-. : hers \ N : e.l llo:\...ml xxx..,,-. tev th,- Scru n..*- - lk lle W.>nM-: - At ths rn.-.ttn::. \\ ;. tende.1. :r..-n-!. h>- tle spt":ttl:l.; :. lea n,->-, af: r xx. :: - fleers were,,<--.; Cone>-, per.:.mss ; ;. per.:.mss Cath*:..- rckntr x:x"; Cross wa.s,-!. -xx W nn n Kre :*.. -.. turned out..\ o mcmhers w, -,"- maknk. -. s at ths <no. A <lrtnkhter \\.-. tullf tc!,,-. Tho car,scr% t-.- ttchburk r.lw.;. A. LyedTmSurA. ". cy cond:! : some places nl.-.nk :. formel a oup. tho tlmo tho n..-. nlrht untl tho ;- mornlnjc. A very ple:sant. home Mr... : cr or> l.st week l-;.!. oconson bens th- ffth brthday annv. r- tlo daughter Elzal,- Kll2.abcths- frends h ths tlmo tm. swmt n plajlnft ~ aauscments go den - c,-ttu;rnos 1- th*. mem-.. :,-ty recev- - ly, nf- -- Klar nleot- :\ was held, -..s arkcly at- r-- ddressed l-.v, C, 1, ;l.wlng-- 1.--- arlne. t en, nsst :.. \, treas,. Kel - s,,y aftcr-. w-<rk wns -n.l.ers, Tho 1. ted n thc "f bage " Mr,.s:.Saturday. - l.owcll mew-hat dc- xr. nvtnfrto tncks. n xhe ce hntl s hck from t.ken f at over n thc -emblc<l at Mark Palmft.-noon..!.ln V r Ut-.\nny lttlo Kred at.as plct-santly s or heart ot beautfully ncrl.ed roll.f h.mr. tanng tho names ot -\te. r ron,at;ons or fr-n.- wh enrollel n sefve. o.- decorated wth th. tw-.ve.f th.- tlle drnwn n water,-. younk- l:d--s th lak hts also h,.en pany.,;..f l. arrve.!. Th,- Sn.]a\ sol day l.l sv- -s <-o relef :le,-.vrment..s t.- stl ha\-.-.jd-s s r, rstmas. le n tlle nature. from th,- tt.e: t cannot be :::,.] Kfts no::e-, f..: Sunday srh-.o! M along. X.t. ve,-;. ;:..;: <-lll> W.S.:.-s.::t ago o] P k-...- 1 sbly renen)...;;;:- thrteenh at:.: no-r..w t. l... 11: ft good nutb.f u. n exr- 11.-- t -.-r th.-tr.<va:n- t.. :;. lgot that h.-,.... tf la n\ h\.s n x \v:,r \\he;,, n..\\. flety pre- Sutlfl\- ;, Board teg-trars Voters wll be n sesson n Selt-ctten.s Hoom. Town Hal Buldng, for llo purpose uf rugsternv; voters ;nd <,-»l.- rectng lst voters, Tlu-sdty. Juuury 17, H 8. front 7;DO 9.00 -.M;.Saturday,.luntmry U, l»«, f-ou 12 M. 10 P. M. Keglstran wll close at 10 l»..m Saturday,,anutry 26, no names wll be added tho votng lst after that date untl after next elecn, except names voters examned as r quallhcuns between tho precedng SOth day Aprl tho close regsterng, or correct a eleroal error or mstake! Persons wshng regster should brng a tax bll or a notce fom Collecr Tates show thdt y have been assessed for year 1917, -Naturalzed ctzens wlshlnk regster mu,st shfj.w r certncate naturalzan, PETEt B. MURPHT. FKA.NK J. MALONEY,.OUS H. CUSHXG, GUY B, REMCK, -tl9 ReK,strar9 bf Voters. CORRESPONDENCE CARDS BOXED PAPER - - -BNVELOPES- We also have Pads, Tablets, Blank Books, RGf cept, Note Bll Books, Memorums, Ledgers, Grocer Tme Books n paper- board covers. See Our elberf PUZZLES Ayer Varety Sre MOTHKRS.r.t nckkct \wur chldren". otl tch for tho.x->-oar molar. wh:c} rn tf j.-tffulh- MtW*. Ths :. n oth!.- Jfth Tl seventl } :avt S r. SUTMlu- f, ch.ldr.--:-. ll Armf--.. ;r L;;ft.s w.vr.: lk-..ts Dr. C. A. Fox, Dentst DnrrT Bde. Arer. Unas, ll..m.m<.lnwk,\.tn OTT,-;, Mddlesex, s To <H,\ll.KS K. -tee who formery OF MAS.S.VCHU- 1. Probate floort. KRRN an ahresded n.-vv":-.\: n al vng et- OS. wan ount.v.ml :rnj.--t\- n Sld r.unt>- -o:-.s eafk an nterf-st.-tty h.-renaft- t;am.-d: nl l.-, t.l -.vhotn 1: may oonc-rn. Wlereas. n.tn has te. n pr"- sfllled 1.. sad.ourt appot.\l.\fd A. l-.l:;ln..r.\y.-r n n.- Cf.un.y.M.l.llesex or sonf. nter.sttatle pe;- ;-.-\-er..f fflowng d.-se.-l.t..;..-: ty sad ahsentf.e..-ol wanaat o take t.o-sess..n l«s:e,l an ojtlr-er \- ho hs -d -.vhte.. l.ls re\ at.v Ct/c.s" ( a At, l-llfa\- f.\.- l.all otlla.t. K. Walts av tlons wre Wntt.s. t..\\: cfnl.. sele t poor. :x \ *. a-se--<ol-, : \ ter an,l ele years; 11..:: ur.- ;n.... hluh way. ;. l-awt lrank lllh.n.. Oeorue 11 Stltl H. Hlhlar.l. s, 1 KranVt A.t. h. lbrary. ;:.\e;ts cemetery.-..tn-::: bert K. H...k:v. seph N.Matn ye.ars: H..t- < Obarles 1. Watt w-n -onntt-.-.- sdered for th.. voyor, Chtrh--, Kartw-ll, (;..!. Kobnson, f-. seer.h.st at Hank her. onrt.tl.lc 1. lay nf Fell. X"X,\ a M.1.11 MV, sh..w --a tno -t... -..[V lr..l. f t. ; 1r.t lk M -ll. r t..t-s (;...s..n.l, l-:..nf..l.l..,..11.on Hoar 1 ll,.-h.-r, ll-s; V- ad -- no fh we. Tornd..o.-.-onsv.r.Hs Mr.la.-M "- he wn n whrh th- ao.,,.n lnst knn-wn hnvr- h.-tl, *: lmnng, nstp;tfl. at.-,.t l,.\-s hefo-e sad fourt. a eo.y - -.te.. ad thsentf.. a.l.lr-sv". hm at.\yer, hs last k..wn a.l- Hr*wel. V.llp, -:: Dr..1. lomlth. Knl.al Ufa.ll.l l-rr-.!» :- thl tho 1- - ml; New AdvrrtJscmenM <;o<)> n NTS To g-t Pnno al f rctrnfml on lease :.r» perfect condt:- rght, w-ell known scarf go wth t, no purchase wll le mer. Addrets,. tlnn mr \al-,.:r.lv-rt x,--x:, nalt.la;,\ pak," rhar ttn.l \l..ns.. e..flths na.le sut els- : w!l RATES!-.MTCnE., CO,, Care Turners Puhllc.Sprt, Ayct. wtness harles,). Mclnllre K l-st,l:fltre snld onrt, ths ; 1 lay,armr»- n vear one j s r,. lundred euhteer "!- M, CSTY, Hegsler, FRANK S. BENNETT F:Tcre,vjoF ARTHUR FKNXKR nsurance Agent Broker Sfaln.street Turners Bde. ATKR, MAS.S. Ralph H. Wyle DENTST Barry Bldg. AYER MASS. XHntttu CxBKtUA tm9 4\ <1,, <r~-\ \ -> agasesglflsesa -:.J">>MS»«««Mn»v;,

PAQE S09T SATUHBAY. JAHUABY SQ ft> OHB DOAR Al<n> FFTY CENTS FEB XEAB N AOVANOS TMa Paper U Sal* h7 W. A. Ornmmcr But PeppcnU Mward U Harklaa PaateHcc, SUcler flrodteuubjlroa.,..._._-. *}»y H. P. Talnter Orooa Coaaat * Co Uttlea Coauaoa e. -W. HUdretk ToWMOaa C. R. P. Co., Mala Street, Ayer 4, Watch Date oa Tear Payer date wtb your name s stamped 6D margn shows what tme your subscrpn s pad, also trves as a contnuous recept. Chaase ot Addresa -SObVcrreeTs wlblnb-tls posacb address paper changed, must end us botb old new address ena us DWU luv Vl««UU M«n»uu.v-v m.,a..tmn th«namn nf paper y receve. Saturday, Jttnmry-B. 1»1!4. au trp Florda n mmedate future. ley walklnk bat nduced not a few pedemtrttns reapond thc law fravlatlon ths week, but we fal learn any»crloub accdent that has re«ulted. Mm, Babcock lell 8>arned her wrtnt, MUs Florence ase slpped dslocated her shoulder. Gll Scouts, ortjanlrcd under tbe drecn Jonathan Hurwood. met Thursdav afternoon n wn hall Ml-s.f Chequer s leutenant -Mra OVf-FlHKK b* captan, Jor.t- onr jtlrls have dontlled mselves wth tho ornmlzan ors are expected jon ranks. GrnnKC met Wednesday evenng n Oddfellow-s hall whch y found vvrv cozv ynd well adapted, r needs. prokran as unnounced lu*t week wa.crrled out wth ex- -ceplr-llt-«>lo-l»y-mtl»-lu,.>kllo- - could not be pre.sent,.v h -whlst oncluded very pleasant evenng. H-jt meetng. F-lruary C. wlll be JAPAN HONORS WASHNOTON. Btrlkng etldenwt growtnf trendsblp between Amerca Japan was gvet roceouy when -Jap anese war msson arrred at a Pacfc port. Ambasdor shll, leader msson, expressed hmself as greatly pleased by frendlness greetng, he sked us forget Uttle mole hlus that have been exoggerated n mountans mor our h> 15, PEPPERELL Kcn» tems. A flne large puppy, partly breed called Bosn bull, was found lost week Tuesday by Kugene Fletcher, Oak lll, curled up n a slegh whch waa out bf doors. e,rly n oonrlng. Aa rmometer sod below zero re w-a» no quesn cklns t n. t bas reulned re contentedly snce. As dog s consdered, value wus evdently 4ouse-broken. someone s probably noumlng.for tber j)ct. Henry Lakln has been confned la house ths week wth pleursy. n hs absence Commssoner Blood was out on Tuesday plowng put gutters. A son, fourth.boy, wna born Mr., Au«nstua Mouln, Tjck- <H- street; Sunday, January 13. A meetng Pcoxperell troop. Boy Scouts, wll be held ot Fremens room, wn house, "Wednesday evenng. Jan- uarj" 23, tt 7.45..A number scouts wll be apponted as ades. commttee ol publc nforman, serve as dspatch bearers for government. Scout tests wll be consdered, plans made -for future- nork. Menbers.Whose attendancc record s j>ooror who are not advancng r qtalfloatlons wll be dropped from membershp on March 1. Ths wll e aa mportant meetng - every scout s expected attend unless good reason prevents. - treasurer wll (receve monthly dues.. #. All schoou n -n-n " nterests fuel conservan wll have one tesslon-durng cold..wear, order become effectve Januar 21. ludurs are: Hgh school. 8 a. tn. 1 :,Mal tteet. 8.1S.a. n. lo 1 p - gobdrelauasr~alqnnrvernon-thr-««ong4jf ambassador placed a -wreath roses upon mb ot George Washngn, suys St. Ncholas, gave utteranc se words:. *1 st lu ths.sacred presence ter smple trlbnte n peoples reverence ; love. Washngn belongs -all mlnklnd, so men come here from ends l»q>l«ln, Faathsr, Fur Monty. Porcelan money s used n Burma Sam; fear money, manufactured from short red featb from beneath wngs a speces parrot,s ordnary turrcncy ot Santa Cruz slers Loynlty sl*, whch He n Paclflc th«easf Australa, are famous for thdr fur money. fur, whch s taken rom behnd ears tht >,o-cau6d "flyng fox," n reauty a lurge frult- "n cord.s van- WEKDElttL " NCOME TAX Hetnns Must Be Tled onlr Before March 1 p. xxtll.., OMu a.wk, o..f AW,,,..V.,..... Gron street, 8.30 a. fn..s,». rt; Townsend street school wlll be dscontnued, chldreh a.ttendlng at thc Mal street buldg teacher, Mlas Sara Hubbard, actng as assstant n same buldng. News, advancement any our enlsted wh boys s always a matter nterest. Letters recently re- ceved fronjlrvfnslchrch hs morj ClaraCfurcf, ths tbv. ell t hs promon. He enlsted n avan corps ashort tme ago ad from Bosn wad sent NewRochelle, N. y: -Tt sfeatces-wetl Tdf fhrhraplta- ble people that-place, that although up. banaolcs lad been fltted up n read- tness fbrtbpo; yetsooo or more BoldleW turned n. upon m were well cared for, homs, halls churches <)elng thrown open. Selecn certan ; rnen was soon.made young Church, wth ors were sent Camp nx, N. J. After several weeks ot tranng he- passed examnan aa mechancan last;weelc ard was one fve, out ot ffty examned, pass; was tansferred avan tranng camp at Augusta, Georga, on Wednesday, wth hopes anor transfer France n actve servce aoon. Hs letters ore enthusastc on army lfe dongs he clams that he has "never once been sorry he enlsted." He has met wth no boys from homc n any hla transfers, although Roger Robblns was at Camp Dx. but was n tuarantne from measles, Mchael Drumm has been qute ll vvth tho pre\-alng grppe ths week was threatened wth pneumona. Or Pepperell new,-, on page one. Klven up a dance whlst. Several tho Uttlen people were reported as havng planned attend thc Mddlcscx-WorceKtcr Pomona meetng at Ftchburg on Thursday, Hugh Wrters s at a hosptal n Bosn, where he 9-l)eng treated for a severely straned back. Alonso V. Moore s at Clnn hosptal. She underwent an operan whch was followed by severe lllnes.s. but s now dong very -A-ell. although she s unable return homc at -present. Acksel verso. staned at Panama, hls bror. Edward verso. Camp Gordon, Ga,. receved Chrstmas boxes from Lttlen peoplo whch pleased m very much, for w-hoh y send sncere thanks all who so thoughtfully remembered m, l/cttcrs apprecan thanks have been receved tlso from Rchard Dodtge, at Nbrfolk, for kndness people n hs bome wn n helpng nako hs Chrstmas brght. Mss Olve Flagg has been vstng frends n Lym ths week. > xs. daughter Clfford Smth, s vstng.her grparents. Mr. Charles U Smhfh. - Mr. Jtrs. Jlowxrd R. Stewart, Worcester, were over Sunday guests her parents, lr.. J. H, D. Whtcomb. local fuel comrnlttee see nothng encouragng n coal stuan n fact, condns are growng tvorse rar than better. Lttle hope s gve from tho Srrow flce or flclal sources. What wll be, effect thfc) latest mpveby goverhment remans be seen.- Newspapers are publshng many opnons. effects are certsln. be far-reachng Krave doubts are expressed coal supply for season 1918-19, One feature-at -present s cheerful. n ths wn men are choppng lars earth honor flgtenory reterate r falth.ln prncples whlcfts "gfentewas devoted. Japan clams entrance ths holy crcle.,she yelds none n reverence "respect nor s re any-gulf between ancent Bast new-born West o deep wde for hearts.understngs "her people cross. language so noljle, e.loquent aftecnate as ths could only proceed from Ups a frend. OUS lengths, se conbtltutc ordnary currency slers,, Teach Feet Pont Straflht. Thb bnunn foot s wonderful n ts formatlob: 26 bones ntrcate tttfthges«t" musdes make t susceptble»f ahgh degree tmlnng, n.l.one nwrvps n fancy skats, ballet dancng. But t s sadly hampered U s practcal actvty by beng-cnca 5ed"n lear havng, supporthe weght as well as popel body forward. To ove> cone tlls,as far as possble we should leam.walk wth feet pontng practcally straght. MNUE MEN HELPNG OUT, Between 350,000-400,000 people />t Massachusetts all walks ot ltq are - requred,flle Federal ncome Tsrretumsfor- "year WT,." Clttsens; resdents n every secn state are now atfected by. Dd you ever see d pcture kaser laughng? Come thnk t, all those at head German government take mselves pretty serously, says Washngn Star. "What y need s a; laugh now n take stress f r mnds gfet mselves out, habt thnkng -world revolves around m; magne kaser spendng forty years couectng Jokes: award- ng.an ron cross ndvdual who would make hm laugh. AVhat a dfferent world thla would be! Laughng mennever would have precptated present world crss. K kaser had.formed habt great uplft comers hs mbuth Belgum would have been a happy nauon day, laughng men never strewed Europe wth dead wrecks men cadrals. skakeapeare Bble. Whatever hs faults. lmtans, Shnkegpeare wll lve forever. Dr. George W. Carey has sad: "Shakespeare -jrobed - deeps human possbltes, analyzed stuff from whch boughts are made, turned th* searchlt ncomparable genus on records soul, panted ts dcedscn? canvas ot lfe, left t naked a ashamefl;" Shakespeare tt Bble wllsurvve, after.all our current Uterflture s forgotten. Los Angeles-Klnes, Hy Use for Adhesve Tape. Adhesve tape s useful n shop for home mechanc, for may purposes:. mend broken hles temjomrl/.; bnd up a cut fnger; pret(bnt a hammer or ax-hle from slplng n hs, by applyng a,,prrule for awl, chsel, etc,; aronnd".; nal set t wll keep that ot from Jarrng h; around a lead pencl n vest pocket as a guard. Popular Mechancs Magazne. quanttes ot WKwd. not only ror tner own consumpn, but for narket, ths surplus may help out locally, some extent. fuel copmlttee advse savng coal n every way possble encourage choppng wood. Jfss Martha Walnwrght has returned from a weeks vst n Ftchburg. Jane McGovrans lttle whte dog. so famlar people wost vllage, was ht decaptated by 6.19 tran from Ayer on Wednesday nght. " Ten-r-bnerv meffor Red Crosswork at X. H. Whtcombs on Thursday afternoon. meetng next Thursday wll be wth Tlllotson. work on surgcal dressngs at Cooks on Thursday was carred on by a good number vllage wben. Some chldren are takng a keen delght p helpng out n work for solders are serously assumng responsbltes a patrotc nture. Collecrs papers magaznes for beneflt publc safety treasury may be expected at your homes very soon. J. M, Hartwell, local agent for Ford cars, has receved notce from headquarters that t may be mpossble buv ths make aumobles n sprnc. All aalable cars are beng taken at present, thus -not permttng dealers sre cars lor r trade later on. Prospectve -purchasers wlll protect mselves by puttng n r orde.r at once. LTTLETON Ncvs tem."!. Allen.1. Hathaway thc qu-termasrs department at.mcmphls, Ten-n.. h.as been promoted rank sergeant, A good nunber.ttlotn people take advantage opportunty t.> buy thrtt stamp,-* at thc po,«fflce thus patrotcally a.ssst thc gwernment at same tme make a sood safe nvestment for mselves. Here s opportunty for tho.anall nvesr do hs bt r h.s country. Even chldren <-an help wondcrfullv bv purchaso se sumps fec that v arc Just a," Nurely n-tslstn,- thc unvcrnment a,s taough y bought ll.crty bonds, fothts s practcally sjnu- thne. A.?:gen» Uobl.n ha.s,eexx holpv. out "at Woods ;a-a.- at th,- :f.mn-..n f>r a few weeks. neghbors an.l n.r.ny oth-r fvcnds Mn*. H-., faumn.s were pleasod wolcome hcr xom- Jjon hosptal la.st weck Xh"»<-» evennt;..mr. HarrU h.an noved n..-v. H Gregorvs house at tho renter, com- ng from Cambrdgo, le.s cngar.-d n-trucklnk, A.small amount pea ca! h-s n.er, delvered n -vn th,s week Fred Heed hus had th.- sf-rtnnc lo,se a horse recently. Mm. Amela WakeleM s vstn-- r,-.- ntves frends n.f-\xxnxx. n-! lledhnn. Mr.s. P. H rhel- sp.nt x, \--y ;.leasant e!u-lt\-s.xt!. l;rth.h\ :l h.r hon.e n :h- rct.r \Ve.n< s..-,. fhe r.-- coved plea.sant k-ns.vo fr-m thv mnelate fan-.l- nn.l «a.s!-.>nen-.her-d -.vth tllee l.rth.n,-,.-.ke-. Frer,.n n.-l.oloo.:.:.;).- nfornul.,1 am tll- K:n!-K ;n!:.-.-s ;r.l otl.r.- eexxt,.l.r..o.a!. n. :..-rs he. - -.as.n. h.-.s.,;o\.- :..o <,-- --r-e,.f ho,-;h nn.l ;. t ll..r.-h n... pos-.s,..-<sn,- Ull- 1-esl..r eyes--_-ht nn. hear-.n;..she nposs.-s..ne a.- lavm: :- c.n- ;-n;,-.l s.l Her nter.-sl.s are l.y n...n-.-ns self.<entee!..m ns m tle (la>-s <.r her rlne, she thnks nn.-l ct he j erhlors akl hurrh ass..rl:tes an<l events th.u dan atnn hrougtt world.. *ara Farmer s sck wth n very.sever* cold pneumona s feared. Mlss Klzabeth Dnnahy Kverett. a gr.aduate Rosn unver.sty. now a tcathf-r n Castne, Me., has been engaged suecced Mlss Thordlke on hgh school faculty» expected begn her dutes horo on Jnnuary 28, Sne".Mlss Thorndlkcs depnrttrt from wa Mrs Lcloy_ Greenfleld has been teachng her classes. After mnre or less delay occa.loncd by srms nnd or unfavorable condns Hartwel & Hosmer have flled ter cchouko on Mll road. To those persons who nqure about sbortncsb Lttlen column we would reply that lttle news s n makng here at present. Our people aro patrlotl< lly engaged n conservng fuel through ellmlrtatlon socal fdhctlons bully engaged. n-workng for tho-rcd Grosn equpm«nl. jlreotly-wo.-lebm that Mr. nnd Ml*-Stafey e. BAtW cojtemplate an SHRLEY Xo-n-s tems. Mr.s.., v.. Whte wll hold- her dancng cla-s,s on Satrday rtftemoon at l.no n Odd -elows hall. re wll he a conmunlty sng.at home ot -Mr. lrs. Frank H. Wheeler. South.street..Sunday afternoon at four oclock. wnspeople are cordally nvted attend; J-.hn Smpson s- s,endng a few days at home h.s nece: Mr.. M..1. Johnson, Bosn. llcer.s Mary.-\. l.vernoro lodge r.ebekah.s wll Le nstalled on Wednesday evenng, January 23, at a spocal meetn.l. Nelle r. Garl, d. l.!.-. sute,.eomnster. wll bc nsulln; flcer.s. nnua! chldrens ball Kven l>y dan. ns- cas.ses under drecr. -. K. Whte wll he held n Hd F,-l!ows hall on Krday evenn;. January 2.. At cl.se rhdrens exerc.so.s re vll he dancnc for all. Henaulfs orchestra. Ktchlur;. wll furn.sh nusc. T-rfreslTTTent.s wll he on s-le, Th-"-,";.; he oe cnl-s al nerby w:.-., t s earnestly hoped that suftcr- ngs tngwar- may be means otunltlng peojles ot world declare n unversal congress ot human sentment/that ths shall be last great war. mnd reels atcontemplatlon sacrlflces ths.mltary carnval, but f t should be means ot forever endng destrucn" lf e-ta-nrasses-mlulons drawng au manknd ger, as many beuevcs t wll, stupendous prce may after all notmyrleen- o hgh. Future dvlllzauon wll be erected upon lves dedcated lberty lu Europe. TJnlted States authortes aft wpe out German spy system n ths country, t s none ttfb soon t>egn thla nportant wk. restfante dvllleatl.on put ths oter countres at a dsadvantage wth ft nan whch adnlts no restrants at all, er dvuzed or moral, But even se restrants allow methods deaung effectvely wth uuscmpulous foes n our power who are smply encouraged by any consderan or lenency. cty Denver has decded purchase three thous sheep for use as lawn mowers. y wll be turned loose on grass plats n ts parks next year. t s expected that dty wll make a hsome probt on mutn wool wll\ gan beneflt hsome park lawns besdes. t experment works out well t wll be mtated elsewhere. Uaed Frst Sewng Machne. rst woman n Amerca tb nse a sewlngvnachlne ded at Wlnsted, n Connectcut, at age elgltyrslx. She was; Mss Elzabeth Kllboum, who nfftes was a teacher n a prvate", school at New Hartford. When KlasHowe was expermentng wth hs lventlon, he asked her tp help.hm, so her fell.honor beng thg.frst use new machne.,fedend ncome Tax laws, from wage-, earners, farmers small srekeepers mutrnlllonatrer~- Althbugh many thouss o.t people who have never before fled Federal return*, are ths year requred do" 8d, re s a closer co-operan between cover&ment,a&d people n makng regulans cleary undersod. nternal Revenue Offlce at BOST n hassent out one hundred bt ts tranod deputes assst people n understaodng r oblgans n" preparlnsr. requred jeraonal returns.,. se putes hare headtjuarters n- eadlng,,ndustral,centers aretddatug n surroundng wns farmng dstrths. :.-T..-,. :, -- t s earnest-ntenn ot John F. "Malley, JCollecr ot nternal Revenue for Massachusetts btjng every faclty. hls flce ad ctzens resldents, jbo; that number -dehmuehts rwho fal - fulflll dbllgaupn mposed by - law wll le a smal mnorty, j Collec.l Malley ponts out followng vtal tacts n connecn wth Federal ncome Tax for,1917: WHO- MUST FLET. Every unmarred, person whoso net ncome was. 1000 or ov6r. Every marred person lvng - apart from -wfe (or husb), whose net nco.me was JlOOO or OTer. Bvery" marred person lvng wth wfe (or husb), whosp net ncome, ncludng that ot wfe (or husb).. mnor chldren, waa Jan. 19 j9j Saturday Sale At Ftchburgs Bg Market " - - POBK TO KOAST Whole Lons 26c. lb, Eoasts.28o -SOc lb SESrSHOXnjDXBS 26o lb; 3?LAH TEPElc, b.- SMOKEP SHOULDERS 27c. lb., 8PABE ElBB 20c. lb. PEOES OF HAM 6 8 pounds 26o. lb. POTCH ForoquartcxH Hndanmra AMB Xcgs as low as... Stewng Peces... ;,, Speed on Pano. Whent a well-known planstewas playlng.;a-pres by Mendelssohn-a man wt)" was present set hlmselt cbustnjs : notes tme occuped. Se Jlayed 5,595, lotes n four mnut»ahdthpbeseconds. Everyone se notes nvolved three movements c a fnger; elblmjr arm. At 24 :notes»fter second, that amounted 72 movements a second.- BEEF Boneless Roasb : -9o. lb. Fot uts... 22<-.-24<% lb. Boneless rlotu Roa.sts Slkv lt» Rb Roasts f. ">. Sw Beef ; 25c lb. Choce Stwks : pou/trvl Choce Fowl...;... 380. lb. Dcy Chckens.. 40c,-4Sc. lb. Chlckensforstew, cut up 35c. lb. R»t>Wls vc... 75c.polE, Slooa.>rcd Beef... 30o. lb. Bambnrg Steak,20c. lb.. FrMh Trpe...,- 20c, lb. -.-x" TEA. TRlVDES. : New.Cw>p. TeaJs, Excellent Drnldn-Quallty; xnvces Formoea-.bolog-....83c.-lb..Japan -Groen. 33c.. lb. MUcd.Oca... 33c. b. NeW_Fl8»_>......,... 35c. lb. V. ".BAKEB.Y Macaroons.. -laay Ptngcrs,.Eclars.Cream JPuSts Tho Best Baked "Beans n tho Cty Hot from Ojcr, SSc. qt. Eat Brown Brfad lua Sa>-c Wleat loc-ltc. lortf BEST TUB BTTTER.. 49o, lb, -(noranteed Eggs,. 47a-do»eo Puro jard 31a lb. Camombort Cbccuo... -tsc, lb. RoqnblormCG*-:: :.T.OO tb. " R. & R. Plun PaddloK SSo. can -.. - 6Qt.»l.Qj) cag Galforn Beans * He. b. Hortcultural Beans.... lb. Florda OrangcH 2»c. «kw. FRESH \"EGBr.\BLE8 Whte Celery Tfnt Odery jettuoe Caullllowcrs Egg Phmtf SRcd Cablxgo... 17c buncb 18c-25c bnncfa 9c, lm«d... SOc each 40c cod Sc lb. HonbO Radab Root... SOc b. NATlONA BSCCETS. Sugar Top Cookes... 22c lb. Fg Kcwttma 26c lb. Cboooa Bars SOc lb. Ports Bscut SOc- b. Vanlla "Watcra SSc b. Socal Bscuts 14c. pcg. S. S, Butter Crackers,. 20c pkg. Ppcmnm Soda Cmckere, salted - 20c b. FSH DEPT. Gorna Clam Chovder, ts d> - r. SOc. can Oysters HOUSEHOLD DE. Sunlght Soap 8c bar Octagon Soop Povdcr., 7c pkg. Enomdtnc Sve Polsh 10c can Klpballs.Svc-Polsh.14c can. Brooms, :..:.. 75c., 90c, 95c cad - - - - -. - ;, UNTED STATES FOOD ApSCflSTRATQN.tlcense No; G,23,853 BROCKBMftN feros. L,Qrowlno Trouble. Annoyng troubles, noxous, weeds that y are, must have elements ordntry lfe or y.wlu fade away de a receptve sol n whch grow, mosture ones own tears as well as tears as many or good people as can be nduced cry, gentle sunlght sympatc attenn. St Panl Poneer Press. Flpnos are dl.splaylng on enthusasm as Amercan solders whch helps remove old fear that sls would never prove a nanal as.sct. establshment an educanal system s bearng frut, whle nhabtants are stll flghters. y recognze TJncle Sam as a frend protecr whose enemes are r enemes. n Harvest Tme, delghts vgorous manhood womanhood are not those youth, but y-are none less enjoyable because that lttle dfference, says St. Paul Poneer Press. A lfe, well Uved, grows rcher, fuller more botmteous as t approaches harvest tme. Dfference. Everyone who enjoys nature thnks that th«prncpal thng tree s frut, but n pont fact prncpal thns t s seed. Heren les dfference between m that create m that enjoy. Netzsche. Venter. F..-rl (;lllvl<, cf C.vr..r1, spct.\l..- - cav at th" homc,f, hs ),Tnn.s,.Mr, av Mr,.V, t. Gr...-:;--, Tho nootk..t-nf, M.t..- AL s"- oxe on,,-r.l,>- 1:2wn l.e held wth Mr.-.Mursraret larrs n.se <l wh Ml-..-..ester «. Holden..\ full att.-n.l- Xxxve ;s (esred. T-.e.--.t.l.t.r..-f fth, or.- t.>..k ;.;.r.. : rhe Meet-.-- tlle (;ra>re on Tnes-..\,-,-.-nntr. n.stalln;..hrer,, \V;!,n-.; t. Whte, past master.1 A.ver; f;j-..n:e,.:.l some.\rellent w..k, a.--- [-:e, 1,\. <;rare l.vmes,.f.\,. er rh(. >;:>pr comnttet. sovel x, lunrh, r.[.n>.v: n...f.s.-tn,dsmohes, (.o(.k..s,.. k.. j.. (..rtee. Al otllcers wre..-..-- er.t...\re,t tnl.kee.er..\n.s.r-. r..r new- rokraus f.-r ft.; ; wlu. t lave!.e n prepared l.v th.- ]< -..--. tporse llewos. -.\ee dsr.ne. j at th.s o-etnn n a-cor«l.nee wth llu <oa eoxxservat..!! l.venent ;he Cenler sl.r...\:1 rl.,se ever\ evenng at SM oel.ak, c-\-.-e.t.atrdnv evenlnk5<. CenrKC F.arnKT S.- confned l.s new hono nl tbp North sufferng fmn a bad coll. A letter recentl.v receved from Fr,-nce from Thom.a. 11, Kvan,. rejorts bm be «ell. n. Kood sprts. W.-rman f.-»mlly h.-vo move.l from Wortsvlle r new botno nt tbp North. Robert H. J. Holden ha. been re elected trrtpp - H.rvard chapter Alpbft Ssrm.a Pb fraternty. And n re are also people who nre strong for war, who would make any sacrfce help country, who would be glad go n front trenches f y were able, but who, when nsked eat corn bread nstead wheat bread one day n weekwell, thats expectng o mnch ot m. Pty Hm! Dont laugh at pale, emacated fellow who says "Oood mornng" you late n. afternoon, cauns j Moberly n(fe. chap may be a worker on a mornng newspaper nd may hare juat "got up." Kansas Cty. Tmes. man who nforms word that what Germans ddnt destroy n.elftm when y went n wll be l.loun out exstence when y KO out N probably one (f those cheerful o;.-nsts who beleve n kecplns; v.-st concealed. Got Or Place. A practcal joker called up telephone operar sad: "Hello, Central, Gve me heaven," but that snt what she gnve hlro, Youngswn Telegram. fonp what may." says tho kalsor,»e ;,ro ahle confdently look..:.! n face." "mpudently.".nl be a belter word thnn "confl- Clothlng. >o tejllng how far ths wnmans dres- npttcr wll go. Some women novv wllh bo clod wth ballot Klfrdn Tlraes-Unlon. l.ntlv, Wll a lttle more lash correctve appled wlfe-bentlng would soon 1.11..mo one or tlc dcdlnlns, f not lost, arts. TllO war wll not last ten years, but t mav seem Uke that tme before t U DF.F.r BREATHNG.\r free f you put t n yourself SlRn n Montclalr. N. J.. KaraRd, t costs nothng feed mnd wth wholprome mental food nstead tr..sh or morbd lterature tbat Nslly decompose ponons yotr whole lfe. One or two ounces lne flowers sulphur put on a brlrht. clear fre wlll remove thc.soot collected n flues, tt costsnothlnp tb keep "But bf Vour body substances lke alcohol that are known be njurous. Kssng- An optlbtst KbldS ths plcnsnnl proslpct out engaged couples: Dnmnrrpd couples kss forgve; Marred couples ktss declare a truce wbllo thc henvy artulcry s beng movet up," KanttsClt Star. :..-jn Produce Fner Lnen Yarn. slnr a chemcal process, a Moscow onrlnctr clams havc produced a fner lnen yarn than thc nncst spun, at low cost. Many Uses for-palmyra Palm, ro are sad be about 800 uses for palmyra palm, whch grows throughout tropcal nda. tzooty-or over. oblgan fle return. s ndependent wher tax s dntt tho govemment law; says. such return must be flled. net noore an ndvdual s hs tal ncome lesscertan expendtures nsmed n law; n computng the tax re s a personal exemptbn»l6o6 an unmarted person $2000 A- marred perso, or a anje.petson. who actually, supports bneor more dependent-reu «UVB8. A -prent s allbw»2<»-extra «empn r eack chld under 1 8 -., ",. re are only, two-dvsons people n Massachusetts Who are 1&- Ueved fron ohllgtlon fllet n- oome tax rettest1917;-1 " Frst: ABort-whW-jjeceved not ncone below-amollmt specfed n tje law as re<lulrg"«return from an ndvdual n hsstatus as a marred or unmarred person- Second: lcals; tn " employees ot a state, county, - dty or wn, wfao dd uot receve, asde tfom salary or wages from such sources, taxable ncome amotmt speclfled n thc law. Collecr Malley has partculaly ponts out that a return net ncome may be reaulred even though a tax s not due Government. n or words, he says " flllng returns s mary; a specal provson tho ncome tax law." Any tax ue Oovemment s computed on such a return. prme necessty for resdent- Massachusetts at ths tme s that he prepare fle wth Collecr Malley or one hs deputes an accurate return for 1917, on or before March 1, f hs ncome reached amounts named n law. f a persons net ncome for 1917 was below J3000, he should fle hs return on Form 1040A. Blanks ot ths form may be secured from John F. Malley, Collecr nternal Revenue, Bosn, or from any ot hs depuues who are travelhg through the state. Postmasters press are n close uch wth operans se men, can furnsh nforman as when se men can be reached for blanks for free advce n preparan; Of returns. Bvery precaun has been taken aganst lablty fraud. nternal Revenue deputes gve r servces free charge, are not allowed accept cash. Checks or money ordersn payment tax due can be accepted by m, n fact t s suggested that when returns are flled t s ten more convenent for tax payer attach n re a check or money order, thns avodng necessty for tuture annoyance or possble nconvenence or oversght n makng payment tax duo. re aro severe penaltes provded by tho Federal ncome Tax law n cases neglgence or evason lho duty nung returns that aretequred. re s a penalty from J20 $1000 for falure fle return wthn thc perod prescrbed hy law, that la on or before March st re s also a -penalty 80% added any Ux due tho Government 6h h6"dbltnnentrretum~ - r- A person who mates a falso or fraudulent return s subject a flne $2000 a. years mprlaonmenf, he - must. pay double tax whch he has.evaded. Van Street Telepbone.2080 ttscbbxma, MASS, BOXBOBOUOH Newrltcms.- - - ~ Mlss Lucy.Werbee came home from Wa-verley, Where she s staylns Wth her brors famly, last tho week; rettfrltogtuesday, Roy Cobleghtfot a rarsevero cut on hs forehead whle coastng recently- t Tequred. docrs car* Several sttches. flx lt:up, Ked Croea meetngwas postponed on Monday on account funeral Mrs; Furbush. t s hoped allwho-can wll bepresent nextmondayasf-ls Jedeasary - detetmne wher a brancj - Concord chapter wllbe organzed. Mra. Prank Dodge la vstng telatlvee n Townsend end Cllnn ths week. Mlss Cora HartweU Acn has come spend rest Wnter wth her brorb famly. All schools wll open Monday after a four.weeks vacan. Mss Mabel Werbee la vstng frends n TVorcester. At lost regular meetng Boxboro Orange -held Frday evenng. January 11. Robert C. Sherman bf Sprng- Held waa nstallng -fcer Maude K. Kchardson asssted. " ollowlng are new fcers: H. P. Burroughs..nwBter; J. R Prest, o.: Margaret 6. Llvermore, lec.; F. w. Dodge, stew.; J. ft. Llvermore, asst. stew.; Anna F. Cunnngham, c; Marlon E., Burroughs, treas.; Mabel W. Werbee, sec; H. C. Porter, g.k.: Helen. Burroughs. Ceres: Helen F. Flerra, Flora; Lucj- -V. Werbee. J. years. Kefreshments swches s.- C. H. Rchardson, ex. com. three ad hot ctco were served by stpper commttee. three weeks rest durng extremely cold wear. John Forde, a natve Engl, hut -for. many ye&rs areatdel v" *" wn, ded- at-nls home on Ayer road on- Wednesday last. MrrForde - has Uved alote-snce death =hs bror. y were steer worlcersby-;- trsde dnd were-formerty eropoyodr.f Robert Murphys Sons, Co. n r cutlery busness here..,,-.-. Mrs:. VP. H. Dean nnd Mte? Aane, Reed gave a party - JVMJle dpr partment - Congreganal Suor day school on Thursday, afternoon at chtrch >arlorb.;tbo»ejjresent-: were Kosamond Cleaves, -, Ma-rJorJo., Cleaves, Maron gkuungs, Andrew- Has-r. kel, Edwrv Kyan, Paul Knsma.awct,- Wnslow West..y played garne»!, enjoyed a lunch cocoa, cookes cles. -.. -..» Mrs Louse Turner s assstng wtl* : - work at Fske WorrenB. olrce buldng. - A muslcale by Musc Study class has been aranged for, meetng": Harvard Womans olub on Monday, January 21. VehKTes Br Owners Names. «EBglan*(.«!Cb..C*l*s -jvagons must bear wocrls nnmc.an.d nd- dross beforebenjr dscd n a publc hlrhway., best work n a serous.ven. o«uch. pooms as ",Brage Sghs, AS hc put t hmself: "fs only for my. llvolllood thnt rm a Uvely Hood, -rr Bosn Transcrpt. Compressng Cotn.. T??f Hood Jlkcd. Scentfc nvcstlgauon has proved wo anrw-tb«ttom-apod-jkea -_gs. not njure tbe fber, nnd cotn s packed n or countres dny at a densty substantally three Umes tht-flf ours by tho thostecbnllcol practce.; Egyptan packhge hns a actaglty; about 87 pounds,-,a,<;ubc foot; jjdjan cotn s ;<oraaressed» fstn D«rc»Ul«.lbbt,;*rhlle some ndan nnd Chnese balng pnnte effect a ffettsly or ffdm 55 To 60 potmdr vt O0(jdt4>er cubc ot. Death. communty was saddened last week Frday mornng learn that Vlrs W. H. Furbush had passed a-way Thursday nght. She had been sck less than a week wth pneumona. Mrs Augusta (Raymond) Furbush waa bom n East.Templen. December 16. 1863. "When qute young she lved awhle n ths wn later n Somer-llle where she receved onost or hcr educan. Snce her marrage she has always lved hero. She was a woman flne character her natural ablty waa above avorage, - mor ot a large famly, she had bat lttle tlmo devote nterests outsde her home? Sho was a charter member Grange contrbuted much ts usefulne She had eleven chldren, ten -whom arc lvng, youngest beng lfteen yoars age. three daughters aro marred away from home. Of seven sons only Joseph, thc emcst S" marred. Flnt la wth Forestrv- unt n Scotl; Ralph la away,11 work remanng four are at home wth r far. Thc funeral was held at church on Monday aftemoon, Kev. G.M. Mssran flcatng. Mss Dora Fletcher,>f South Acn sang three selecns. n her last restng place, surrounded,v llowors sent by lovng frends, her f.-cc h.ad thc serene beautful expresson eternal pe.-cc, HABVABD News tdj-s. Tho publc.-fcbools Bromfleld wlll not begn untl "Jl Jue.sday on account new Monday holldaj. ctzens caucua s bo held on ths week Saturday evenng. Ths cor- rectapkvloub-notce. Henry Mason, Jr., has a badly spraned ankle, whch s keepng hm conflned house for a few days. Frances, daughter Henry H. ttnam, ha«been 111 wth pneumona. SS hae passed ""JSuvnl a er daughter, Patty,.a-fl "{1 Massachusetts 0«n«*l.OBPl»> S>sTA transfuson blood, waa So Frday, her far, undergong a6-opat»tcfv<or her.-"ts fe*"* Stll Rver, x Mr. Herbert Kobnson Sprlngfleld were guests hs parents, Mr. A. W. Robnson, a few. dajs last week., Mr. Heeley s agan f dutyonaccount lllhess Mr. Hutcherson Js actng crossng tender n hla.place. S. B.,Haynes has been t duty-a few days from ralroad stan on account sckness, hs place beng taken by Wllam Mlurphy Hollla, N. Bt. Brthday club met wth Mr.Vnna Flers at Worcester last Frday ahd whle re Llttlefleld Framlngham. formerly thla vllage, called, makng an added pleasurer all.. Sbley has returned tbe Red Maple nn, aftfer beng away for several weeka. Sarah Nowell passed away atj her home n Sprngfleld last. Wednesdaj-. Kcwell was a natlv» thsvago after death her bus-, b, ran sre pobfnce here for several years, gong Sprngfleld be wth her sons, some flfteen yeare ago. Mene supper, thc great event season, whch was scheduled be at Baptst vestrj- Jamanr 26, has been postponed for one month so may be ecpected take place on tebruary 26.!, New Advertsements. CABD OF THANKS S\-c wsh express our thanks neghbors frends who were so ready assst us: Orange for flowers, al who n many wajra showed thcr sympathy for us n our. ate bereavement.,., WLLAM H, FURBUSH, Famly. Boxborough. Mas.s,. Jan. 17, 1918. Poultry Wanted Xmv Payng 23c. B5c. nnd upwards for Good Poultry x-avc Orders by tdcplonlng PcppcreU 51-2, or tclo*ono tvowcu 5S85-M DAVD S.VPERSTAN 20 SUent Applause. ; "j Mnny vnodevlllo fctrees-seenw thnk shes a bg tbloe because sho sngs throngh ber pose, Jl an,ele- phaht--tbtcbnlbe: " aft-oparatlcfnor ner.".*! "*">«Sor transfuson wll be»««l«* Mr, Goodwlnho hm narftteed H., PutnamB fam <,y" * face tm days agb, fune«"**sf, Aov" 4 Monday\ body was;,taken Dov flr N. H., for bural..,,., -, admlnlatrouon flcee Fske warren ar> now located at Rural Homo buldng at old North Shak- M- Dorothy W<,-JSr-<?one e studea at Bcckor J"**"!?" S* lhrwee)c bho ho. been home for a NOTCE S HBREBTT GVEN, that-,.h» «ubsorlb«rs have been duly ap.?n.rt admnstrars esute?lsj5lnu NORRS late.2r 1,; County MtaaCTex doeeoaea, StMtale bave taken "PO" msel". that trust by gvng bond, as, *All*!!.«o!;«ha-Vng dem, unon ;,«t»t» sad deceased are requred ; Mhlbt th"»*mo:»". P*"""* 2:<»l S?bt»d sad estate,»re called npnsjl make payment H ALBERT L. OALUBHA, BERTHA H. HLDRETH, Admnstrars.. c/o Wlllam 1. Bosn, Mass., Jan. 3.»18. 8tlt Oldest»«tMtM**t Aft Katata AKM*7 la 4«1«««Co«.«ty THOS, H. BL4OTT, :.-. Eeal Estate Mtgagw- \ SDcelal.A««aUU«-.» FW»»P*<*«*t>; 4 CntvM -St,»m«r nf P»o«««t.f: lyjj,owe,t«lta»». - 1