Wonderful (Psalm 139) based on the recording from the album "The Doorposts Songs: This is Love" by Dave & Jess Ray

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Score Wonderful (Psalm 139) based on the recording from the album "The Doorosts Songs: This is Love" by Dave ess Ray David Ray Vocals 4 Piano 4 4 F m F m9 F m C m C m11 C m Ab b /A b Ab String staves hidden until entrance. 1 2 3 1 Verse W.L. only (ot. kid solo) Where can I go from Your si - Ab 9 rit, 4 5 6 Coyright 2014 by Six Eighteen Music Publishing. Administered by Six Eighteen Music Publishing (ASCAP). All rights reserved. Used ith ermission.

2 Wonderful (Psalm 139) here can I flee fromyour re - sence Ab 9 Should I go don to the dark - F m7.. 7 8 9 ness, C m should I go u to the hea - Ab.. 2. r vens 'Cause You cre - 10. 11. 12. a - ted me, You kne ev - Ab 2 b 'ry sing - le day be - fore ma 7 /G Ab ma 7 13 14

Wonderful (Psalm 139) 3 one had come to be. F m7 /G Ab 2 P ΠALTO duet harm I am 2 Chorus fear-ful- ly P add bass, cym. and on - der- f'ly made, 15 16 17 Πall Your orks are on-der- ful, all Your orks are. on - der- ful. I am b m7 F m9 Ab 2 b (4) b 18. 19 20 fear-ful-ly and on-der-f'ly made, Πall Your orks are b m7 on- der- ful F m9 for You are b. 21 22 23

4 Wonderful (Psalm 139) on - der - ful. Ab b (4) 24 Ab b /A b Ab 27 F m F m9 F m F 1a Verse 2 25 + band F F If I could rise iththe dan - 28 26 C m C m11 C m Ab 9 ing. 29 and fly far o - ver the sea, Ab 9 TEN duet unis. 8vb e- ven there Your hand ill guide F m7... 30 31 32

Wonderful (Psalm 139) 5 C m11 me, 3 Your hand ill al- ays hold me. Ab Œ.. r 'Cause You cre - 3 33 34 Strings enter belo 35. TEN duet harm a - ted me, You kne ev - Ab 2 b 'ry sing - le day be - fore ma 7 /G Ab ma 7 Vln. Vla. Cl/s 36 37

6 Wonderful (Psalm 139) one had come to be. F m7 /G Ab 2 F ΠALTO duet harm 2 Chorus I am fear - ful-ly add bass, cym. and on - der - f'ly made, F. cello only 38 39 40

Wonderful (Psalm 139) 7 Πall Your orks are on - der - ful, all Your orks are b m7 F m9 b.. 41 42

8 Wonderful (Psalm 139). on - der- ful. I am Ab 2 b (4).. fear - ful - ly and on - der - f'ly made,. Πviolin I F violin II 43 44

Wonderful (Psalm 139) 9 Πall Your orks are on- der - ful for You are on - der - ful. b m7 b F m9 Ab b (4)... b b ΠF 45 46 cello only F 47

10 Wonderful (Psalm 139) 3 ridge ick u intensity Πf Ab 9 E - ven dark-ness can - not TEN duet unis. 8vb f hide me from You. C m9 b (4) f.. f tutti f 48 49

Wonderful (Psalm 139) 11 The night ill shinelike the day. Ab 9. C m9 b (4) 6 6. 50 51

12 Wonderful (Psalm 139) ΠE - ven dark-ness can - not hide me from You, Ab 9 C m9 b (4).. 52 53

Wonderful (Psalm 139) 13 Œ. Lord. F m11. Ab 2. band diamond 2a Chorus Œ W.L. only I am iano only fear-ful-ly 5.. and on - der-f'ly made, 54 55 56

14 Wonderful (Psalm 139) b Πall Your orks are b m9. b ΠALTO duet harm on-der - ful, I am fear-ful- ly F m11 ALL f 2 Chorus + band, IG and on - der- f'ly made, f f 57 58 f ot. viola II cues f 59

Wonderful (Psalm 139) 15 Πall Your orks are on-der-ful, all Your orks are. on - der-ful. I am b m7 b F m9 Ab 2 b (4).. b b. b 60 61 62

16 Wonderful (Psalm 139) fear- ful- ly and on - der- f'ly made, W.L ALTO duet cues Πall Your orks are b m7 b on- der - ful F m9 for You are b. b b. b 63 64 65

Wonderful (Psalm 139) 17 W.L. cues on - der - - - ful.. Œ Ab b (4) 66 (2) ƒ.. ƒ ƒ. ƒ 67 b m7 b. b b b. 68

18 Wonderful (Psalm 139) band diamonds Outro F m9 ΠW.L. only You are. on - der - ful. sub. P Ab 2 b (4) sub. P sub. P F m F m9 F m 69 sub. P 70 71

Wonderful (Psalm 139) 19 C m C m11 C m Rit. Ab b /A b Ab U U 72 cello only 73 U U U tutti 74