ARCCO Examination Hymns

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The Royal Canadian College Organists ARCCO Examation Hymns 20172019 The Royal Canadian College Organists 204 St George Street, Suite 202, Toron, Ontario M5R 2N5

As Comes Breath Sprg Denby 66 66 D 1. As 2. You 3. You comes come brea like breath songs re at is sprg morn health; that you light fill move mirth earth re is song, joy, power; so till you does we, whis y per, Spi rit Christ new re is 6 brg born, wealth new new days strength love, brave, y free, praise rich strong. You come em ploy. You come est dower. Y pres ence thrill rouse is life heart us from like 11 chase hence wter's btreath, hush peace strife s that ends drift g des pair, through high hopes im part life an amp sum mer soul, y joy shes forth n life blossoms ler its death. air. goal. TEXT: David Laikie Ritchie (18651951) alt. TUNE: Charles J. Dale (c. 18601920)

Deck Yself, My Soul, Gladness Schmücke dich 88 88 D 1. 2. 3. Deck Now Sun, y I who self, soul, glad ness, leave gloomy bow be fore you low ly, filled joy all life en light ens, light, which all most haunts deep soul can 6 sad ho bright ness. Come day light's splen d, re ly, as trem blg awe won der on en; Joy, all we know most free g, Fount y ta, 11 joy might whence y prais es ren der un Him whose grace un bound y works I pon der: how, by s te ry sur round flows all be g: from this ban quet let me mea ed ed, sure,

15 has depths Lord, this no how wond one vast rous ban quet found ed: high o'er all heav ens has ev er sound ed, none may dare pierce un deep its trea sure; through gifts you here do 19 reign bid give g, yet dwell us is deign den sec rets that you are hid me, as y guest heaven re ceive g. den. me. TEXT: Johann Franck (16181677), trans. Care Wkworth (18271878) alt. TUNE: Melody by Johann Crüger (15981920), harmonized The English Hymnal, 1906.

My Song is Love Unknown Love Unknown 66 66 44 44 Unison 1. My 2. He 3. Here song is came from might I love his stay un blest known, Savi's love me. love throne sal va tion be sw, but sg, no s ry so di ve; ne 5 men ver made was love strange love, less shown, that y might love none longed for Christ dear Kg, ne ver was grief ly would like be. know. the. O But This 9 who O, is am I, friend, friend, that for friend whose may sweet sake, deed, praise who I Lord at all should take need days frail his would flesh, life did glad ly die? spend! spend! TEXT: Samuel Crossman (16231683) TUNE: John Irel (18791962)

O For a Thous Tongues Sg StratfordonAvon 86 86 1. O 2. Je 3. My for sus: a thou name s that ngues charms sg fears, that dear bids Re gra cious Mas ter God, as sist me 6 deem sor er's praise, glo row cease; 'tis mu pro claim, spread ries sic through all 10 God s earth ner's Kg, ears, 'tis tri life, a broad hon umphs s health, his thy grace! peace. name. TEXT: Charles Wesley (17071788) TUNE: W. Wells Hewitt (18981966)

12 plead, sea, one, Fill we grant, us but O stew grant thy love pi ards thy boun hope's fru i ty, ty, tion: heal held here on 15 wrongs so earth lemn thy help trust will for be need. e. done. TEXT: Somerset Corry Lowry (18551932), alt. TUNE: Melody from Trier Gesangbuch, 1695

Son God, Eternal Savi Omni Die 87 87 D 1. 2. 3. Son As Come, thou, O God, Lord, Christ, e hast ter nal Sav i, Sce life truth lived for oth ers, So may we for oth reign a bove us, Kg Love, Prce ers 4 grace, live; Peace; Son Man, whose birth a mong us hal lows all hu man Free ly have thy gifts been grant ed, free ly may thy servants Hush srm strife pas sion, bid its cru el dis cord 8 race, give. cease; Thou, Head, who, throned glo ry, for the own dost ev er The gold the sil ver, the wealth l ho ly Shep herd, who pe ti tioned that thy peo ple should be

12 plead, sea, one, Fill we grant, us but O stew grant thy love pi ards thy boun hope's fru i ty, ty, tion: heal held here on 15 wrongs so earth lemn thy help trust will for be need. e. done. TEXT: Somerset Corry Lowry (18551932), alt. TUNE: Melody from Trier Gesangbuch, 1695