The Great Doxology. Byzantine Tone 3. Including the Troparion, "Today Hath Salvation" and Biblical Source Citations

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Byzantine Tone 3 Including the Troparion, "Today Hath Salvation" and Bilical Source Citations ; Rearranged and Adapted into English y Michael G Farro from the Greek Musical Arrangement of George Anastassiou I' Four-Part Choral Arrangement anuary, 2013

Citations for the Great Doxology Text according to the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Adapted and Extensively Revised y Michael G Farro, PhD from a compilation y David M Masroerte Citations from the Septuagint Psalms in italics anuary 2013 1 Glory to Thee Revelation 7:12 ho hath shon us the light! Genesis 1:3-5; 2 Corinthians : Glory e to God on high, and on earth, peace, good ill among men Luke 2:1 2 We praise Thee Psalm 22:25; 21:25 We less Thee Psalm 103:1; 102:1 We orship Thee Psalm 95:6; 9:6 We glorify Thee Psalm 115:1; 113:9 We give thanks unto Thee for thy great glory 1 Chronicles 29:13 3 O Lord, heavenly King 2 Timothy :18 Psalm 103:19; 102:17 God the Father, Almighty, Genesis 17:1 Lord, the only-egotten Son, ohn 3:16, 18 esus Christ 1 Corinthians 8:6 and the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthian 12:3 O Lord God 1 Peter 3:15; Revelation 11:17 Lam of God, ohn 1:29; Revelation 15:3 Son of the Father ohn 1:1 that takest aay the sin of the orld, ohn 1:29 have mercy on us Psalm 123:3; 122:3; Luke 17:13; Thou that takest aay the sins of the orld 1 ohn 2:2 receive our prayer Psalm :1; :2 5 Thou that sittest on the right hand of the Father Mark 10:37; have mercy on us Psalm 123:3; 122:3; Luke 17:13 6 For Thou only art Holy, Revelations 15:1 Thou only art the Lord, O esus Christ 2 Kings 19:19; Isaiah 37:20; 1 Corinthians 12:3 to the glory of God the Father Phillipians 2:11 Amen 2 Corinthians 1:20

Great Doxology Citations continued 7 Every day ill I less Thee and I ill praise Thy name forever, yea, forever and ever Psalm 15:2; 1:2 8 Vouchsafe, O Lord ohn 8:3 to keep us this day ithout sin 9 Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God of our Fathers, Prayer of Azariah 1:29-30 and praised and glorified e Thy name forever Amen 10 Let Thy mercy, O Lord, Psalm 33:22; 32:22 e upon us as e do put our trust in Thee 11 Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statues Psalm 119:12; 118:12 12 O Lord, Thou hast een our refuge in all generations: Psalm 90:1; 89:1 13 I said: e merciful unto me, for I have sinned against Thee 1 Lord, I have fled unto Thee O teach me to do Thy ill, for Thou art my God 15 For ith Thee is the fountain of Life In Thy Light shall e see light 16 O continue Thy loving kindness, unto them that kno Thee Psalm 1: ; 0: Psalm 13:9-10; 12:11 Psalm 36: 9; 35:10 Psalm 36:10; 35:10 17 Holy God, oshua 2:19 Holy Mighty, Psalm 5:3; :3 Holy Immortal, Psalm 102-26-27; 101:26-27; 1 Timothy 1:17 have mercy on us Psalm 90:2-; 89:2 Luke 17:13; Matthe 9:27; 20:30-31 18 Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, oth no and ever and unto ages of ages Added to church hymns and services after 30 AD to counter the Arian heresy that taught: esus as not of the same sustance as God, ut a created eing exalted aove all other creatures 19 Amen 2 Corinthians 1:20

Byzantine Tone 3 Verse 1 6 Arranged in Greek y George Anastassiou Rearranged Adapted into English y Michael G Farro Ó Glo - ry to thee ho hast 6 shon us the Light Glo - ry e to God on high, and # 7 # 7 on earth peace, good ill n a - mong men 11 Verse 2 n # Œ 11 We praise thee, e less thee, e Ó Œ 11/0/2012 Rev2 DA Copyright 2012, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only

Anastassiou/Farro 1 or - ship thee, e glo - ri - fy 1 Ó 17 thee, e give thanks un - to 17 thee for thy great 20 Verse 3 glo 20 - ry O Lord, heav'n - ly King, # 23 God the Fa - ther, Al - might - y; Lord thē on - ly 23-2 Copyright 2012, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only

26 -e - got - ten Son, e - 26 29 sus Christ, and the Verse 2 Anastassiou/Farro Ho 29 - ly Spir - - - it 2 O 32 # Lord God, 32 Lam of God, Son # n 35 of the Fa 35 - ther that tak - est a - ay the sin 3 Copyright 2012, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only

Anastassiou/Farro 38 # 1 of the orld, have mer - cy on us Thou 38 Ó # n # 1 that tak - est a - ay the sins of the orld, re - ceive our n Verse 5 prayer Thou that sit - test on the right 7 hand of the 7 Fa - ther, have mer - cy Copyright 2012, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only

Anastassiou/Farro 50 Verse 6 on us 50 For thou on - ly art 53 n ho 53 - ly, thou on - ly art the Lord, n 56 O 56 59 8 e - sus Christ, to the glo - ry of God the Fa - ther ΠVerse 7 8 A - men Ev' - ry - day 59 Πill I less 5 Copyright 2012, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only

Anastassiou/Farro 62 2 62 66 thee, and I 2 yea, for 66 2 69 69 73 Verse 8 3 3 Vouch-safe, ill praise thy Name for - ev - - ev - er and ev - O Lord, er, U to keep Verse 9 er u us this day Π2 3 3 ith 73 - out sin Bless - ed art Π6 Copyright 2012, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only

Anastassiou/Farro 76 76 thou, O Lord, the God 79 # # n of our Fa 79 - thers, and praised and n 82 glo - ri - fied e thy Name for - ev - er A - 82 men 86 Verse 10 Let thy 86 mer - cy, O Lord, e up - 7 Copyright 2012, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only

89 89 92 - on us, as Verse 11 Sing 3 times 3 e do put our trust in thee Anastassiou/Farro 3 3 2 92 3 Bless - ed art thou, O Lord: 2 95 2 95 2 teach me thy stat - utes 98 Verse 12 O Lord, 98 # thou hast een our # # ref - uge in # 8 Copyright 2012, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only

Anastassiou/Farro 101 # n all gen - er - a - - - 101 tions I said: 10 # # # e mer 10 107 107 109 - ci - n for I have sinned a Verse 13 2 2 Lord, 109 I have fled ful - un - to me, n gainst un - to thee; thee O teach 2 2 9 Copyright 2012, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only

113 # Anastassiou/Farro U 2 113 me to do thy ill, for thou art my God U 2 117 2 2 For 117 121 Verse 1 # n ith thee is the Πn - foun tain of Verse 15 life ΠIn thy Πlight shall e see 121 light ΠO con - tin - ue thy lov - ing 125 # n kind 125 - ness un - to them that kno thee 10 Copyright 2012, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only

128 Ho 128 132 132 136 Verse 16 Sing 3 times - - ly God, Ho - - ly Might - y, Ho - ly Im - mor - tal, have mer - cy on Verse 17 Anastassiou/Farro us Glo - ry to the Fa -ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly Spir - it 136 137 Both no and ev - er and un - to ag - es of ag - es A - men 137 11 Copyright 2012, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only

138 138 12 Verse 18 Ho - ly Im - mor - tal, have mer - cy on Anastassiou/Farro us 12 18 18 Ho - ly God, Ho - ly Might - Ho - ly Im - mor - tal, have mer - cy on us y, 12 Copyright 2012, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only

Byzantine Tone 3 Ó To - day hath sal - va-tion come un - Today Hath Salvation Arranged in Greek y George Anastassiou Rearranged Adapted into English y Michael G Farro to the orld Let us sing prais - es to him ho rose a - gain from the grave, # # Œ thē au - thor of our life For in 8 # Œ n that y death, 02/18/2011 Rev 0 DA 13 Copyright 2011, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only

Anastassiou/Farro he hath de n - stroyed death He hath giv - en un - to Ó us the # n vic - t'ry and great mer - - - cy 1 Copyright 2011, y the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only