Common Chant Tone 8. Tone 8

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œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ

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œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

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Three Days. ι œ Ι. œ œ œ. % α α. œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ. α α. ι œ Ι. œ œ. ι œ Ι. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ œ.

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We invite you to participate in signing the Friendship Folders adding your name and address and if you desire a church newsletter or a pastoral call.

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Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, wœ œ. œ œ

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Apostles and Evangelists. œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. Were They And. œ œ. œ œ œ. œ œ. To With And. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ


First Sunday in Advent

October 11th-17th. The Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council. Stichera at "O Lord, I have cried"


E sus4 A /C. our. ref


Tone 8 The scheron melody for Tone 8 consists of the phrases (A, B, C, A'ʹ, B, C) which a sung in rotaon up to the st line of the scheron, and a final phrase. If a scheron is divided into 7 textual phrases, the musical lines will consist of A, B, C, A'ʹ, B, C and Final Phrase. PHRASE A The very first line of the scheron uses Phrase A (as opposed to A'ʹ) which egins with an intonaon of a half note on for the first accented sylle of the phrase. If this first phrase egins with one unaccented sylle, this is sung as a quarter note on ; if two or mo unaccented sylles, then the first unaccented sylles a sung on, and the st unaccented sylle is sung as a passing tone on. The, sung on, follows this first accented sylle. intonaon >. > > > Lord I The King of Your p- cious Cross, O The egins with a hold on, (either a half note or Qed half, depending on the text), sung on the st internal accent. Following the hold, unaccented sylles prior to the penulmate sylle a sung on. The penulmate sylle is sung on and the final sylle of the text on... the Vir - gin. O Christ our God - call- ing of Eve the Eld - er as on a throne 59

Example of Phrase A (from the feast of Transfiguraon, Doxaschon at the Praises) intonaon.. Christ took Peter, James and John alone to a high moun - tain, PHRASE A'ʹ The intonaon of Phrase A is used only for the first line of the scheron; all following uses of Phrase A egin dictly with the and a ferd to as Phrase A'ʹ.. > > Example of Phrase A'ʹ (from the feast of Transfiguraon, Doxaschon at the Praises).. Moses and Elijah appead talk - ing with Him. PHRASE B Phrase B has only a and a. The phrase egins dictly with the cing tone, sung on. > > 60

The egins on the st internal accent of the phrase. It is used to sing two or mo sylles and egins with a half note, sung on, the same pitch of the. the Per - sons all things through the Son is glo - ri - fied with the Son Example of Phrase B (from the feast of Transfiguraon, Doxaschon at the Praises). A right cloud over - shad - owed them PHRASE C Phrase C is comprised of the, sung on, and a two- part, which uses the st two internal accents of the phrase. The egins with an accent, and usually has a second accent at the start of the second the- pitch paqern. > > > > the root of Jes - se a - - - rned in her maj es ty ov - er thw - - Am a lek and put him to flight. 61

Example of Phrase C (from the feast of Transfiguraon, Doxaschon at the Praises). w and ehold, a voice from the cloud said: // FINAL PHRASE If the Final Phrase egins with an accented sylle, it egins dictly with the () and concludes with two part, eginning on the second to st internal accent of the text. If this Final Phrase egins with unaccented sylles, these a sung as quarter notes on. w > > >. > intonaon > > w w w from. w er - ror, glo - ry to You! us w wor - thy of Your King- m, O Lord A very short Final Phrase ght use only the second half of the. w Hear me, O Lord 62

It is somemes customary to find an alternate Final Phrase, consisng only of a on and a of only the st the pitches, eginning with a half note on, followed y a descending half tone () using one or mo sylles, and concluding with the final sylle of the scheron sung on. > w > w Example of Final Phrase (from the feast of Transfiguraon, Doxaschon at the Praises). w This is My eloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased; hear Him! 63

Melodic Phrases in Four- Part Harmony - Common Chant, Tone 8 Soprano Alto Phrase A intonaon. Tenor Bass. Phrase A'ʹ Phrase B Phrase C.. fa fi / n 64

Final Phrase intonaon w w si fa # w w Final Phrase (alternate) fa fa w si # w 65

Doxaschon at the Praises Transfiguraon of Our Lord August 6 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Tone 8 Phrase A Common Chant arr. from Lʹvov/Bakhmetev.. Christ took Peter, James and John alone to a high moun tain, w.. Phrase B. Phrase C and was transfigud e fo them. w.. His face shone like Phrase Aʹ w the sun, and His rai ment e came white as the light. Mo ses and n w. Elijah appead talk. Phrase B ing with Him. A right cloud over shad owed. 66

Phrase C w Final Phrase them and ehold, a voice from the cloud said: // n w w This is My w eloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased; hear Him! # w 67