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Sacred Song for Kids 1st Edition ilp International Liturgy Publications Nashville, TN

HM201616 Copyright 2016, International Liturgy Publications P.O. Box 50476, Nashville, TN 888-898-SONG International copyright secured. All rights reserved. No part of this ork may be reproduced or transmitted any form or by any means, electronic, digital or mechanical, cludg photocopyg, recordg, or by any formation storage or retrieval system, ithout permission ritg from the appropriate copyright oner. Prted the United States of America. All songs available from International Liturgy Publications on the Sacred Song for Kids CD set, levels 1 6 Other Publications from ILP: Sat Auguste Hymnal Credo Hymnal Book of Dive Worship Book of Sacred Liturgy Word & Eucharist Cover art by Holli Conger. The editorial team of Sacred Song for Kids has orked diligently to determe the precise copyright onership of titles ith this songbook. Despite exhaustive efforts to identify and properly accredit authors, composers and copyright oners, there may be advertent oversights, errors or omissions. Should such a deficiency be brought to the publisher s attention, e ill pay suitable royalties and make appropriate corrections future editions. ISBN 978-1-941542-09-5 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1

10 SACRED SONG FOR KIDS & b - A - ve, Ma- rí - a, & b & b be - ne - dí - cta tu - grá-ti - a ple - na, Dó- mi-nus te-cum, mu - li - é - ri - bus, et be - ne - dí- ctus fru-ctus ven-tris tu - i, Je - sus. & b n San - cta Ma - rí - a, Ma - ter De - i, & b & b Ave Maria o - ra pro no - bis pec - ca - tó - ri - bus, nunc et ho - ra mor - tis no - stræ. A - men. Text: Luke 1:29; Lat 1th cent. Tune: AVE MARIA; Chant, Mode I CD 4-8

& b b 4 4 Œ & b b Œ A - ve, Ma - rí - a, grá - ti - a & b b Œ be - ne - & b b Œ & b b Œ ple - na, dí - cta et be-ne - dí - ctus tu - i, & b b Œ Ma - ter & b b Œ Je - pec - ca - & b b Œ mor - tis Text: Ave Maria; Luke 1:29; 1th cent. Music: Gonzalo L. Gonzalez, b.1978 sus. De - i,. tó - ri- bus, no - strae. Ave Maria. Œ A - ve, Ma - rí - a, Œ Dó - mi-nus J tu mu - li - Œ fru - ctus Œ o - ra pro te - cum, é - ri-bus, Œ Œ A - nunc SACRED SONG FOR KIDS 11 men. ven - tris San - cta Ma - rí - a, et. no - bis ho - ra 2015, International Liturgy Publications CD 4-12 Œ

Refra & b b 4 4 & b b & b b Verses Be psalms; oy & b b & b b & b b & b b filled ith the Spir - Œ 1. Walk 2. Let us. Good is speaklay - g g Hon - or Sg of Freed from With song Text:Vce Ambrosetti, b.1956 Music:Vce Ambrosetti, b.1956 Be Filled With the Spirit it, brg- g forth Œ my ays; pro - fess God; J un - to good - a - side and praise my praise s, and dance, a the. ness and self - ish to his Lord. Œ. J sg- g hymns and J mel- o - dy of live my ne - ness great are his truth. ays. Name. ith let all us y sg tim - bral and al - ays and ev - ery - here give prais - g the great - ness of let us re - oice his SACRED SONG FOR KIDS 1 thanks! God! love!. light; life, deeds. hearts; out, harp,. to Refra 2000, International Liturgy Publications CD 1-5

Refra & b 4 4 Verses My soul is thirst- g for you, O Lord & b W 1. O God, you are my God 2. Thus have I gazed toard you. Thus ill I bless you 4. You 5. I ill remember you up - hom hile are on I the I my my my seek; sanctuary live; help, couch, & b W for you my flesh pes and to see y poer liftg up my hands, I ill call up - my and on and the shado of y gs I shout and through the night-atches I ill medi - tate soul y y for on God. thirsts glory, name. & b W For y kdness is a greater As ith the riches of a banquet shall my My you My Soul Is Thirstg good soul soul are than be clgs my & b W like the earth, parched, lifeless and my lips shall and ith exultant lips my y right and the shado of y gs I ith - glo - mouth hand shout Text: Psalm 6; refra, 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL; verses, 1970, 1997, 1998, CCD SACRED SONG FOR KIDS 71 oy. you: life; satisfied, fast to you; help, out ater. ri - fy you. shall praise you. up - for holds me. oy. to Refra Muisc: Bill Svarda, b.1941; 200, International Liturgy Publications CD -10

Refra & # 4 4 Our & # Œ Verses & # Œ J hearts. are thirst - y. 1. We send 2. Lov- g. With - & # Œ. J quench e see may us, & # Œ. We So You ill call love ill set & # night Lord on and and that Our Hearts are thirst - y for out Wis - love Lord, kd - hearts is day. God. day. Text: Psalm 6; Paul Knapp, b. 1947, and Brian Whaley, b. 1956 Music: Paul Knapp, b. 1947, and Brian Whaley, b. 1956 You. this dom, like ness for. You,. one You souls. pre - poer ho - SACRED SONG FOR KIDS 75 des - love Lord, re - fra; are light; fd peace; ert ra. lives. - crease. cious name, and might, ly feast to Refra 1984, International Liturgy Publications CD 2-12

84 SACRED SONG FOR KIDS Refra & # 4 In. ev- ery age, & # You have been & #. shel- ter from Verses 1, 2, 4 J the. ev- ery time, storm, & # 1. Al - ays 2. Shel - ter 4. Bro - ken & # trials: You. You; & #. chal - lenge make e might You us, though ref- uge, are O e You com - fort Cre - ate come, ash us us hearts rest & # end - less make us make us is hole one & #. ev - ery fer - vent fill us doubt, faith ith. ev- ery place, You have been Last time to Coda sanc-tu - ar - y here, God, are, and ith e that Sanctuary to us. us clean, gro. on. You. care. ne. You; sure.. shar - g gath - er still e O all us come Lord, strength; to to You n - ish a come, per - make fect us Con - stant Har - bor Save us is us, us. You love; come, strong, that O. Through ev - ery pa, Come, stir us for You a - lone kno e ev - that might er - You are sg to last - g here. You. song. love, Lord, love, through a can to Refra

Verse & # Œ. Light up - on & # d ith - CODA & # sure, path, breath, sanc-tu - ar -. har- bor for the fire SACRED SONG FOR KIDS 85 U y sure. ear - y, hearts! Text: Psalm 90:1-4, 91:2, 71:7, 7:2, 100:5, 2 Samuel 22:-12, Sirach 4:16, Isaiah 25:4;Vce Ambrosetti, b.1956 Music:Vce Ambrosetti, b.1956 to Verse 4 1994, International Liturgy Publications CD 6-2

86 SACRED SONG FOR KIDS Shema Yisrael Shema Yisrael / Baruch Shem & - - She-ma Yis - ra - el A - do - nai El - o - he - nu A - do - nai E - had Text: Deuteronomy 6:4 Tune:Traditional Hebre chant Baruch Shem & - - Ba-ruch shem ke - vod mal - chu - to la' - o - lam va' - ed Text: Response to the Shema Tune:Traditional Hebre chant TRANSLATIONS Shema Yisrael: Hear, O Israel: the Lord God, the Lord is one. Baruch Shem: Blessed be His Name, Whose glorious kgdom is forever and ever. CD 6-9 CD 6-9