Common Troparia Used for Various Saints

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Byzantine Music in English Common Troparia Used for Various Saints in the rthodox Church by

Common Troparia Used for Various Saints Troparion for a Martyr (Tone 4) 1 Troparion for more than one Martyr (Tone 4) 2 Another Troparion for a Martyr (Tone 1) 3 Troparion for a Virgin Martyr (Tone 4) 4 Troparion for a Hieromartyr (Tone 4) Troparion for an Ascetic (Tone 8) 6 Troparion for Solitaries and Monastics (Tone 1) 7 Troparion for an Elder (Tone 8) 8 Troparion for a Bishop (Tone 4) 9 Troparion for Hierarchs, Confessors, Hymnographers (Tone 8) 10 Troparion for Venerable Bishops (Tone 4) 11 Troparion for an Apostle (Tone 3) 12 Troparion for more than one Apostle (Tone 3) 13 Troparion for an Apostle and Evangelist (Tone 3) 14 Troparion for a Prophet (Tone 2 Antiochian Style) 1 Troparion for a Prophet (Tone 2 Greek Style) 1a Troparion for an Unmercenary Healer 16 Translations from the Great Horologion by Holy Transfiguration Monastery Musical renditions ctober, 2001 Fr. David G. Barr All rights reserved.

Common Troparion for a Martyr 1 Tone 4 (to the melody of "Be Quick to Anticipate...") Thy adapted by Mar-tyr, Lord, in his cour-a - geous con-test for Thee re - ceived as the prize the crowns of in - cor - 10 rup - tion and life from Thee, our im - - mor tal God. 14 For since he pos - sessed Thy strength, he 18 cast down the ty - rants and whol-ly de - stroyed 23 the de - mons' strength - less pre-sump - tion. 27 30 Christ God, by his art mer - ci - ful. prayers, save our souls, since Thou by, 3/16/200

Common Troparion for Martyrs 2 Tone 4 (to the melody of "Be Quick to Anticipate...") Thy adapted by Mar-tyrs, Lord, in their cour - a - geous con-test for Thee re - ceived as the prize the crowns of in - cor - 10 rup - tion and life from Thee, our im - - mor tal God. 14 For since they pos - sessed Thy strength, they 18 cast down the ty - rants and whol-ly de - stroyed 23 the de - mons' strength - less pre-sump - tion. 27 30 Christ God, by their art mer - ci - ful. prayers, save our souls, since Thou by, 3/16/200

3 Troparion for Martyrs Tone 1 b c 4 b 8 b Be f'rings Πthou en - treat - ed of Thy and do Thou. Saints which for heal all our the sake they en-dured for. pains, we of the suf - Thee, Lord, pray, 12 b j. Friend of. man. by, 10/23/01

c 9 13 16 20 2 29 33 Lord a great voice: seek - ing Thee, cru - ci - fied # sake, that I may I may I Je-sus, un - to live my # now con - test,. and bur - ied. reign in long - ing to Thee save our souls Troparion for a Virgin Martyr Tone 4 to the melody of "Joseph was amazed..." (Dismissal Hymn) great in mer - with Thee Thy Bride - groom, and with Thy I Thee; thee: ac - as a spot-less through her in - ter -. cy. for Thy cept me lamb doth cry with Thee I love; and bap - tis - m am suf - fer for Thy # sake I die, that sac - ri - ces - sions, of-fered out of fice. Lord, since Thou art 4

Troparion for Hieromartyrs Tone 4 c 9 As a throne of the A - sha - rer of the pos - tles, ways and a suc - in- spired of ces - sor to the. God, thou 13 17 found-est dis - cip - line to be a vis - ion. Where-fore, hav-ing means of as - cent to di - vine right - ly di - vi- ded the word of 21 27 truth, un - to blood, in- ter-dede with thou didst Πal - so con - test for the For 2-4 Syllables Hier - o - mar - tyr 2 For Syllables Christ our God mar - tyr that our souls Faith be saved. ev - en by, /1/2011

6 b c With the streams Troparion for an Ascetic Tone 8 of thy tears, thou didst cul - ti - vate the bar - b ren - ness of the des - ert; Πand by thy sigh - ing from the 9 b depths, thou didst bear fruit a hun-dred - fold in la - 13 b Πbours; and thou be - cam - est a lu - min - ar - y, 17 b For 2- syllables Πshi - ning with mir - a - cles up - on the world, our righ- teous 21 For 1 syllable b Fa - ther,. our righ- teous Fa - ther, N. 2 b w In - ter cede with Christ God that our souls be saved. by, November 1, 2001

b c b 9 b 13 b Troparion for Solitaries and Monastics Tone 1 Thou didst an - gel in the prove to bear - ing Fath - be a flesh, and a. cit - i - zen er, N. won - der - wor -. of the des - By. ert, an ker, our God - fast - ing, 7 17 b 21 b 2 b 29 b vig - il, and gifts, and thou have re- course to giv - en thee Glo - ry to prayer thou heal - est the thee with faith. strength. Glo -. Him that didst ob - tain sick and the Glo - ry to ry to Him that hath wor - keth heal - heav - ven - ly souls of them that Him crowned ings for all through that hath. thee. thee. by, 10/23/01

Troparion for an Elder Tone 8 8 b c In thee the im - age was pre - served with ex - act - 4 b. ness, Fath - Moth - er; er; for ta - king up thy cross, thou didst 8 b Πfol - low Christ, and by thy deeds thou didst teach us to 12 b. o - ver - look the flesh, for it pas - seth a - way, but 16 b to at - tend to the soul since it is im - mor - tal. 21 b ΠWhere - fore, right - eous N., thy spi - rit 2 b w doth re - joice with the An - gels. by, March 29, 2001

Troparion for a Bishop 9 c Tone 4 The truth of things hath re - vealed thee to thy flock. as a rule of faith, an i - con of meek-ness, and a teach-er 10 of tem - per - ance; for this cause, thou hast a - chieved the heights 14. by hu-mil-it - y, rich - es by pov-er - ty. Fa - ther and 19 hier-arch N. in-ter - cede with Christ God that our 24. souls be. saved. by, 12/1/00

Troparion for Hierarchs, Confessors, Hymnographers Tone 8 10 b c Guide of r - tho - dox - y, teach - er of pi - et - y b and ho - li - ness, lum - in - a - ry of the world, 9 b 13 b God - in-spired a - N. dorn-ment of mo - by thy teach - nas - hier - tics, archs ings thou hast en - wise ligh-tened all, 17 b harp of the Spir - it. In - ter - 21 b w cede withchrist God that our souls be saved. by 1/17/01

11 Venerable Bishops Tone 4 c 9 13 with us ac - mer - cy from guide our life in God of our cor-ding to Thy. us,. peace. but Fath - ers, gen - tle-ness: by their en - ev - er deal-ing Πtake not Thy trea - ties by, 10/2/01

12 Common Troparion for an Apostle Tone 3 b c ne syllable 2 or 3 syllables ho - ly A - pos-stle N. pos-tle N. b 3 or 4 syllables pos - tle N. in-ter-cede with the mer - ci - ful God 9 b. that He grant un - to our souls for - giv - ness of sins. by, ctober 17, 2001

13 Common Troparion for Apostles Tone 3 b c ho - ly A - pos - stles, in - ter-cede b with the mer - ci - ful God that He grant un - 8 b. to our souls for - giv - ness of sins. by, ctober 17, 2001

Common Troparion for an Apostle and Evangelist Tone 3 14 b c Luke or Mark ho - ly A - pos - tle and E - van - gel - ist Luke, Mark, b Matthew van - gel-ist Mat-thew, in-ter-cede with the mer - ci-ful God 9 b. that He grant un - to our souls for - giv - ness of sins. by, ctober 17, 2001

Antiochian Style of Tone 2 Troparion for a Prophet Tone 2 1. j b b As we cel - e - brate the mem-o - ry of Thy Pro-phet For 2 syllables N. For 3 syllables N. For 4 syllables N. 8 b though him we be - seech. Thee, Lord, to 11 b save our w souls., November 1, 2000

Greek Style of Tone 2 Troparion for a Prophet Tone 2 1a. j As we cel - e - brate the mem-o - ry of Thy Pro-phet For 2 syllables N. For 3 syllables N. For 4 syllables N. 8 though him we be - seech. Thee, Lord, to 11 save our w souls., November 1, 2000

16 Common Troparion for Unmercenaries Tone 8 b c ho - ly un - mer-cen a - ries and won-der - wor - kers, 6 b vis - it our in - fir - mit - ies; free - ly ye re - ceived, 10 b free - ly give to us. by, September 18, 2001