Table Prayer: An Evening of Food and Fellowship. Narration by Marcia McFee

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Tale Prayer: An Evening of ood and ellowship Narration y Marcia Mcee Lead Line Accompaniment 1 Introduction and all to Praise page 48 page 54 2 Lighting of Lamps 49 5 3 Blessing of up 50 58 4 Blessing of Bread 51 0 5 Prayers of People 52 2 losing Hymn 53

Tale Prayer: An Evening of ood and ellowship y Marcia Mcee Sharing food, singing and praying toger are activities that have long een used to ind people toger ( to ind toger is root of word religion ) The suite of songs in Tale Prayer were originally composed for an interfaith garing This script will guide you as you utilize this music, wher for a church potluck or, hopefully, as an opportunity to organize an ecumenical or interfaith garing in your community for purpose of extending hospitality, strengning ties and affirming common purposes The ritual requires no or printed material esides music People are prompted orally in ir veral responses In preparation, if this is an ecumenical or interfaith garing, invite representatives from each house of worship to meet and discuss ways to share appropriate menu items and to look over script, distriuting leader parts among m A comined vocal ensemle meets to rehearse music in order to lead people in singing, provide cantor voices and offer harmonies where indicated Music is playing as people gar (could e accompaniment to songs for evening as a way of suliminal introduction) Efforts to have people from various houses of worship sitting at each tale should e taken Tales are set with an unlit candle (or lamp of some kind) and something to light it with, a pitcher of of something to drink (sparkling cider is suggested), cups for each person and a loaf of read or dinner rolls for tale (with a gluten-free alternative in a separate asket at every tale) Prelude If a song leader desires, y can lead people riefly in practicing ir musical parts Greeting An appropriate welcome is given y representative leaders of community 2015 worshipdesignstudiocom Permission is granted for local use with citation Minor adaptations for context are permitted 44

Introduction and all to Praise Leader: Let us egin y calling upon reator of us all Your response is we meet at tales of food and fellowship Because of goodness of God, known y many names, we meet at tales of food and fellowship Because we are hungry in ody and spirit, we meet at tales of food and fellowship Because re is much to do to alleviate suffering in our world, we meet at tales of food and fellowship Holy Living God, open us to your possiilities as we meet at tales of food and fellowship Let us stand, as you are comfortale, and sing! The community sings (1) Introduction and all to Praise The people are invited to sit after song Lights in room dim slightly, if possile The pianist plays softly to underscore next introduction Lighting of Lamps Leader: The rhythm of light and darkness has impacted rituals of all religions since dawn of humanity Light has come to symolize presence, enlightenment, a way through difficult times, honor and celeration While darkness has een equated with fear, it also represents goodness of gestation a place out of which new things are orn As we sing our song for Lighting of Lamps, let us give thanks for this common symol of life among us and pray for new ways of envisioning our future The community sings (2) Lighting of Lamps If this is an interfaith garing, sing your holy names (plural) When song is over, a leader invites someone at each tale to light candle/lamp When all are lit, lighting in room comes up Blessing of up Leader: Many of us practice, or have practiced at one time in our lives, ways of lessing food at our tales Before we do this toger, I invite you to take a couple of minutes to share riefly in conversation with each or various ways you do, or have done, lessings over a meal As you do so, fill each or s cups, ut do not drink toger ust yet 45

Allow aout 3 5 minutes for people to share, depending on numer of people at each tale When it is time to conclude sharing, pianist egins to play to ring people ack to attention Leader: Let us sing our Blessing of up The song (3) is sung At end of song, piano continues to underscore softly Leader: I invite you to lift your filled cup Your response is, make us thirst for ustice Because we are caretakers of this good earth, make us thirst for ustice Because re are those in this world without resources, make us thirst for ustice Because toger we can raise our voices as we raise se cups, make us thirst for ustice Holy Living God, open us to your possiilities and make us thirst for ustice The community drinks toger and piano underscoring comes to a close Blessing of Bread Leader: At this time, please pass asket of read around tale There is a gluten-free option in a separate asket as well, if needed As you take a piece of read, offer a word or phrase to your tale-mates that descries what you are grateful for this night Allow 2 3 minutes for this to happen When it is time to conclude sharing, pianist egins to play to ring people ack to attention Leader: Let us sing our Blessing of Bread The song (4) is sung At end of song, piano continues to underscore softly Leader: Your response is, that all may e fed Because so many are hungry, we pray that all may e fed Because so many are excluded, we pray that all may e fed Because so many yearn for meaning in life, we pray that all may e fed Holy Living God, open us to your possiilities, working toger so that all may e fed 4

Leader: It is time for our meal, my friends Please enoy this time of food and fellowship You are invited to introduce yourselves, perhaps sharing some part of your story We especially would like you to find out what you might have in common with each person at your tale or instance, [leaders give examples such as I share eing an only child with I share a love of color green with I share volunteering at food ank with etc] When meal is finished, pianist egins to play accompaniment for next song Leader: We praise God for this food and fellowship! And ecause we have experienced such aundance in this garing, we are called to pray for ors Let us sing our Prayers of People The song (5) is sung Performance note: cantors may sing petitions and people may sing response, Hear our prayer, O God, n all sing Refrain On verse 4, you may want to slow and taper to a silence after and those we name in silence, sound and invite people to speak aloud names of people for whom we pray (when naming is finished, gently come ack in with Hear our prayer, O God ) Invite people to sing all of verses 5 and and invite m to stand for verse, singing this with more fervor losing Hymn Leader: We pray that this garing is only one of many times that we come toger for mutual support, encouragement, and inspiration to comine efforts in making this world more peaceful and ust Any announcements aout next steps or opportunities to serve toger are lifted at this moment Gratitude for organizers, those who provided food and music is offered Leader: And now for our closing hymn Your response is we give thanks or new friends, we give thanks or food and drink we have shared, we give thanks or fellowship that gives us hope, we give thanks! The piano accompaniment egins immediately and () losing Hymn is sung 47

& 8 m B/ m B/ ΠΠm/d G7-9 O Sing & Al Al 1 Introduction and all to Praise O Taste and See m taste oy 7sus4 7/ m7 and see that God - ful songs of thank - is ful m good, praise, - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ia! The source and life and - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ia! God s stead - fast love en - 7 m 7/ m7 m m/d G7 7 & 1 m dai - ly food, Al - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ia! dures al -ways, Al - le, al - le, al - le - lu - 2 m ia! f & Bm7 E7 A Esus4 E Bm Bm/D Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - m & ia, G al - le, al - le, al - le, al - le, al - le, al - le - lu - 7 D2 D & ia, G7-13 7 Πal - le - lu - m ia! m m m m WORDS: Ruth Duck MUSI: Mark A Miller Words and Music 2014 Hope Pulishing ompany 48 O TASTE AND SEE LM with Alleluias Accomp on p 54

& 8 Gm 2 Lighting of Lamps God of Darkness, God of Light Gm P A/D God of dark - ness, 7 God of light, B & Asus4 A al - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ia! Gm7 /A God of day and / G God of night, B Gm/E A7 & & al - le, al - le, al - le - lu - E E/D A/ A7 ia! You /B who guide y Gm7 /A B cloud and ame, less - ed e your ho - ly name Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - sus4 & Gm Gm/B ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le, al - le, al - le, E A7 & n B2 B E7-13 A7 Πal - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia! ollowing song, lamps are lit WORDS: Ruth Duck MUSI: Mark A Miller Words and Music 2014 Hope Pulishing ompany 49 DARKNESS AND LIGHT 787877 with Alleluias Accomp on p 5

3 Blessing of up You Bring orth ruit & 8 5 G G ΠYou aug7 ring forth fruit 7 G sweet from vine B & Praise you! Praise you, Asus4 God! A aug7 You quench our thirst with 7 love G di-vine B A7 & Praise you! Praise you, God! /B /A Show - ing us ten - der care, B E & E/D A/ A7 f you give drink we may share Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - Gm & 8 lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le, al - le, al - le, E & A7 n 8 5 B2 al - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ollowing song, cups are lled and lifted B E7 ΠA7 ia! WORDS: Ruth Duck MUSI: Mark A Miller Words and Music 2014 Hope Pulishing ompany 50 BRING ORTH RUIT 8585 with Alleluias Accomp on p 58

4 Blessing of Bread Your Love Brings orth Bread & 8 5 G G ΠYour love aug7 rings forth 7 G read from land B & Praise you! Praise you, Asus4 God! A Our aug7 lives have come 7 G fresh from your hand B A7 & Praise you! Praise you, God! /B /A Show - ing us ten - der care, B E & E/D A/ A7 f you give food we may share Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - Gm & 8 lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le, al - le, al - le, E & A7 n 8 5 B2 al - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - B E7 ΠA7 ia! WORDS: Ruth Duck MUSI: Mark A Miller Words and Music 2014 Hope Pulishing ompany 51 BRING ORTH BREAD 8585 with Alleluias Accomp on p 0

& 4 Π5 Prayers of People or All Who Laor without End 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 That Your all all all those peace name who who who with may e B/ la grieve search whom come hal - or with - out and all who for right -eous - - our in lowed lives our far are own and end, fear, ness, ound, day, wide, B & hear sus4 our prayer, O God B or or And And That Your all all live those your reign who, who we lest of B/ lone - ly, seek a friend, wait as death draws near, faith that y con - fess, name in si - lence, sound, word may light our way, us - tice long a - ide! Gm7 sus4 7 1, 3, 5 & hear our prayer, O God 2, 4, God Ho - ly Heal - er, your B & peo -ple call your name Send your Spir - it Hear our prayer Ho - ly G7 & B A/ B sus4 Heal - er, your peo -ple call your name Send your Spir-it Hear our prayer 2, 4 & B sus4 Spir - it Hear our prayer Send your Spir - it Hear our B sus4 w prayer WORDS: Ruth Duck MUSI: Mark A Miller Words and Music 2014 Hope Pulishing ompany 52 ALL WHO LABOR 8585107107 Accomp on p 2

& q = 48 8 G5 ΠΠ& calls En & f The And, Shine & are you your 1 D/ 1 2 3 G5 re - a - tion is sing -ing; Your peo - ple are tell - ing A - wak - en your im - age G5 out heal - with ing, your thun us - - - grave on our e - der, tice, ing your your G5 moun great light - tains and hill - - est of all on our liv - G5 prais pour won sides, is ing your and in voice of won - ders crea - tures you of pow lives will - er you and to make your wave do: clay save new way snow cov free and - e - us nant to ame, love; show - ing your glo - ry, ex - alt - ing your down your mer - cy like rain from a - - der, your glo - ry, gifts you e - & name D/ & al losing Hymn 2, 3 D/ ove stow reation Is Singing p E Al E/G Gm /E - le - lu - G/D A/E D/A - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, A ia, & A/ m 1 D G ΠΠto Verse 3 2 G al - le - lu - ia! ia! WORDS: Ruth Duck MUSI: Mark A Miller Words and Music 2014 Hope Pulishing ompany 53 REATION SINGING 11111111 with Alleluias Accomp on p

& 8 With life! q = 54 & 8 8 n ΠΠ1 2 n & Al Al & 1 Introduction and all to Praise O (Sing) n P taste and see that God is oy -ful songs of thank -ful good, praise, n - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ia! The source and life and - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ia! God s stead - fast love en - O Taste and See n n & dai - dures & n ly food, Al - le, al - le, al - le - lu - al-ways, Al - le, al - le, al - le - lu - 1 n n n ia! (2) Sing WORDS: Ruth Duck MUSI: Mark A Miller Words and Music 2014 Hope Pulishing ompany 54 O TASTE AND SEE LM with Alleluias

2 & & & & & & f ia! Al -le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia! f Al -le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - ia, lu - ia, n ia, P 55 al - le, al - le, al - le, al - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ΠΠn n n al - le - lu - ia! n n n n n n n

2 Lighting of Lamps God of Darkness, God of Light & 8 & 8 8 More sudued q = 50 n P n P God of dark-ness, God of light, n n & & al - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ia! God of day and God of night, n & & al -le, al -le, al - le - lu - n n ia! You who guide y cloud and ame, WORDS: Ruth Duck MUSI: Mark A Miller Words and Music 2014 Hope Pulishing ompany 5 DARKNESS AND LIGHT 787877 with Alleluias

& less-ed e your ho - ly name Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - & n n & & & ΠAl - le - lu - ia, al - le - ia, al -le -lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al -le, al - le, al -le, lu - ia, al - le - lu - n n ia, ΠΠal - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia! & n n 57 n n

3 Blessing of up You Bring orth ruit & 8 5 Swing e = c 15 & 8 5 n 8 5 ΠΠYou n ring P forth fruit sweet from vine n n & Praise you! Praise you, & God! You quench our thirst with love di-vine n n & Praise you! Praise you, & God! Show - ing us ten - der care, WORDS: Ruth Duck MUSI: Mark A Miller Words and Music 2014 Hope Pulishing ompany 58 BRING ORTH RUIT 8585 with Alleluias

& & & & & & you n lu give drink we may 59 share f f ΠAl-le - lu - ia, al -le - 8 8 8 8 f - ia, al-le - lu - ia, al-le - lu - ia, al-le, al-le, al -le, n 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 al - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ia, al -le-lu - ia! n ΠΠn

4 Blessing of Bread Your Love Brings orth Bread & 8 5 Swing e = c 15 & 8 5 n 8 5 ΠΠYour n love P rings forth read from land n n & Praise you! Praise you, God! & & Praise you! Praise you, & Our God! lives have come fresh from your hand Show n - ing us ten - n der care, WORDS: Ruth Duck MUSI: Mark A Miller Words and Music 2014 Hope Pulishing ompany 0 BRING ORTH BREAD 8585 with Alleluias

& & & & & & you lu n give drink we may 1 share ΠAl-le - lu - ia, al -le - 8 8 8 8 - ia, al-le - lu - ia, al-le - lu - ia, al-le, al-le, al -le, n 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 al - le, al - le, al - le - lu - ia, al -le-lu - ia! n ΠΠn

& 4 4 5 Prayers of People or All Who Laor without End Π1 or all 2 (or) all 3 or all 4 (or) those 5 That peace (Your) name who who who with may e la or grieve and search for whom are come in hal - lowed - with - out end, all who fear, right -eous -ness, lives our far are own and ound, day, wide, & 4 4 w w & hear our prayer, O God or or And And That Your Πall all live those your reign who, who we lest of lone - ly, wait faith name as that in word may us - tice & WORDS: Ruth Duck MUSI: Mark A Miller ALL WHO LABOR 8585107107 Words and Music 2014 Hope Pulishing ompany 2

& seek death y si - light long a draws con - friend, near, fess, lence, sound, our way, a - ide! hear our prayer, O 1, 3, 5 God (2) or (4) or () Your Π& w 2, 4, & God Ho-ly Heal - er, your peo-ple call your name Send your & w 3

& Spir - it Hear our prayer Ho-ly Heal - er, your & & n 4 n n peo-ple call your name Send your Spir-it & & & 2, 4 ΠΠHear our Spir-it Hear our prayer Send your Spir-it prayer (3) or (5) That Πw w Hear our w prayer w w w


& 8 ΠΠoy! q= 48 & 8 P & 8 ΠΠ& & 1 2 3 re (Your) (A) voice won crea - a peo - - tion ple is are sing - tell - - wak - en your im - ing; ing age in of wave calls out with your thun - der, - ders you do: heal - ing, us - tice, - tures of clay En - grave on our e - ing & & pow lives will & f n - er to save The moun -tains and hill - you make new And, great - est of all and your way Shine light on our liv - losing Hymn reation Is Singing your your sides, is ing your and f n n WORDS: Ruth Duck MUSI: Mark A Miller Words and Music 2014 Hope Pulishing ompany REATION SINGING 11111111 with Alleluias

& & & & snow cov free and ame, are prais - ing your glo - - e - nant love; you pour down your mer - us to show your won - der, your glo - ex like & p Al le p - alt - rain gifts ry, cy ry, ing your name (2) Your from a - you e - 1 - - lu - ia, 2 ove stow & Œ p 7 Œ

& al - le - lu - ia, & ΠΠ& al - le - lu - ia, & ΠP 8

& al - le - lu - n & & 1 ΠΠ2 ia! ΠΠ(3) A - ia! & 9