Third Sunday of Advent

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Third Sunday of Advent Sunday, December 15, 2013 Basilica of Sacred Heart University of Notre Dame du Lac Preludes Reoice, Reoice from Messiah Hel Take From My Heart Kyler/Kirner Opening Hymn O Come, Divine Messiah tune: venez, Divin Messie & b 8 6 & b orld priest lo 1. O 2. O 3. You in ly Greeting + Penitential Rite come, Chrt, come si lence et your proph ill & b. tri fet eak & b Refrain:. umph, ters; ness And Re Shall Di vine hom in na peace aits lg cra. sad deem e Mes tis day fore told, dle be:. si sigh meek When Come, All ness your. flee lg God ah! for, ness, hope shall break clod in a lost head The Whom And its cap tive hu man. ay. fold. see. Dear Sav ior, haste; Come, come to earth, D pel & b & b & b night sho your face, And bid us. hail dan of come, Divine Messiah; The orld in silence aits hope shall its.. grace. O day When. triumph, And sad ness flee a ay.

Penitential Rite Mass for Our Lady Kirner/Warner Cantor, n all: & b b b 4 2.. Ky ri e, e le have mer i s. cy. & b b b.. Chri Chrt ste, e le have mer i s. cy. & b b b. Ky ri e, e have le mer i ú s. cy. Collect Liturgy of Word Reading I Isaiah 35: 16, 10 Respse Psalm 146: Come Save Us Haugen & b 4 3 come & b come save n save us, come. us. save us, 2

Reading II ames 5: 710 Acclamati Mass for Our Lady Kirner/Warner & b b b 4. & b b b. Al lelu ia, Al le lu ia, Al lelu Gospel Mat 11: 211. Al lelu ia, Al le lu ia, Al lelu. ia! ia! Homily + Nicene Creed General Intercessis plainchant & # Cantor: Let us pray to... hear our prayer. Liturgy of Euchart Preparati Take Comfort, My People Warner, arr. Coman Prayer Over Gifts Please st Holy Mass of Charity Warner & # Ho ly, ho ly, ho ly, God of hosts, & # Heav'n earth are full of your glo ry, & #. Ho san na in high est. & #. Blessed He ho comes in name of Lord. & #. Hosan na in high est. Ho san na in high est. 3

Mystery of Faith Mass of Charity Warner & #. We proclaimyour death,o profess your Resurrecti. & # un til you come a gain. Amen Mass of Charity Warner & # A men, A men, A men. Communi Rite The Lord's Prayer & bb b Our Fa r, ho art in heav en, plainchant hal loed be thy name, & b b b Thy kingdom come, Thy ill be de earth as it in heaven. & b b b Give us th day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, & b b b As e for give those ho tres pass a gainst us. & b b b And lead us not in to tempta ti, But deliver us from e vil. & b b b For king dom, po er, glo ry are yours, & b b b no for ev er. 4

Lamb of God Mass of Charity Warner & #. Lamb of God, you take a ay & #. ú. sins of orld, have mer cy us. & # & # Lamb of God, you take a ay. sins of orld, ú grant us peace. Communi I Psalm 85: I Will Lten to Voice Warner & c &. voice I ill that l ten to voice of speaks of. peace. a Communi II All Who Hunger Dunstan/Moore & b b b b. Taste see grace e ter nal. & b b b b.. Taste see that God good. Prayer After Communi 5

Bles + Dmsal Ccluding Rites Hymn People Look tune: Besanc & # # 8 6 & # # & # # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Peo Fur Birds, Stars, An ple ros though keep gels be you an. glad. lg atch. nounce Postlude Herr Chrt, der ein'ge Gottes Sohn, BWV 601 Bach The Though have When ith time earth ceased night shouts. to of. near bare, build dim mirth, Of One Guard One Him more more ho croninnest that must be filled. E ven hour hen ings are of year. Make your house fair as you are seed plant ed re: Give up your strength seed to light bol shall brim, Shin ing be yd frost y brings ne life to earth. Set ev 'ry peak val ley a ble, nour h, fro zen eath er hum ming Trim That He Bright With & # # in for as to to to to to hearth course fledg sun ord, ing set flo'r time mo Lord. may has to Guest Rose Bird Star Lord ta ble. Peo ple flourh. Peo ple cho sen. Peo ple geth er. Peo ple coming. Peo ple. ay. ay. ay. ay. ay. Acknoledgments: "Mass of Charity " by Steven C. Warner "Penitential Rite" from "Mass for Our Lady" by Karen Kirner Steven C. Warner used ith permsi of World Library Publicatis, a divi of. S. Paluch Company, Inc., Franklin Park, IL under license #AL0707891. All rights reserved "Psalm 146: Come Save Us" by Marty Haugen "All Who Hunger" by Sylvia Dunstan Bob Moore reprinted ith permsi of GIA Publicatis, Inc., Chicago IL under OneLicense #A702876. All rights reserved. "Psalm 85: I Will Lten to Voice" by Steven C. Warner used ith permsi of composer. All or material from public domain.