The Advent Paraklesis

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& b c The Advent Paraklesis Blessed is our God, alays: no and ever, and unto ages ages. A - men. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. O Heavenly King, Spirit Truth, Who art in all places and fillest all things; treasury blessings and giver life: come and abide in us and cleanse us all stain and save our souls, O Gracious Lord. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal: have mercy on us. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal: have mercy on us. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal: have mercy on us. Glory to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit: Both no and ever, and unto ages ages. Amen. All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy God, visit and heal our infirmities for Thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Glory to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit: Both no and ever, and unto ages ages. Amen. Our Far, ho art in heaven, halloed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come; Thy ill be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as e forgive those ho trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is kingdom, and poer, and glory: Far, and Son, and Holy Spirit: no and ever, and unto ages ages. Amen. Glory to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit: Both no and ever, and unto ages ages. Amen. O come, let us orship and fall don before God our King. O come, let us orship and fall don before Christ, our King and our God. O come, let us orship and fall don before Very Christ, our King and our God.

Reader: Psalm 142 Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplications: In Thy faithfulness anser me, and in Thy righteousness. And enter not into judgment ith Thy servant: For in Thy sight shall no man living be justified. For enemy hath persecuted my soul; he hath smitten my life don to ground; He hath made me to dell in darkness, as those that have been long dead. Therefore is my spirit overhelmed ithin me; my heart ithin me is desolate. I remember days old; I meditate on all Thy orks; I muse on ork Thy hands. I stretch forth my hands unto Thee: my soul thirsteth after Thee, as a thirsty land. Hear me speedily, O Lord: my spirit faileth: Hide not Thy face from me, lest I be like unto m that go don into pit. Cause me to hear Thy lovingkindness in morning; for in Thee do I trust: Cause me to kno ay herein I should alk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee. Deliver me, O Lord, from mine enemies: I flee unto Thee to hide me. Teach me to do Thy ill; for Thou art my God: Thy spirit is good; lead me into land uprightness. Quicken me, O Lord, for Thy name's sake: For Thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out trouble. And Thy mercy cut f mine enemies, and destroy all m that afflict my soul: For I am Thy servant. O Lord, give ear to my supplications, and enter not into judgment ith Thy servant. O Lord, give ear to my supplications, and enter not into judgment ith Thy servant. Thy spirit is good; lead me into land uprightness. God is Lord God is Lord and hath appeared unto us. Blessed is He that cometh in name Lord. O give thanks to Lord, for He is good; His mercy endures forever! & # God is Lord and hath ap - eared un - to us. Bless - ed is & He that com - eth in name Lord. All nations surrounded me; in name Lord I cut m f! (Refrain) I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount deeds Lord. (Refrain) The stone hich builders rejected has become head corner. This is Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. (Refrain)

Troparion Preparatory to Nativity & # c 4 3 4 2 4 3 c b Make read - y, O Beth - le - & # b. Π4 3 4 2 b 4 3 op - ened for all. Pre-pare, O. hem, for Eph - ra - & # c b 4 2 4 3 4 2 4 3 c b for Tree Life hath bloss-omed forth in b Ed-en hath been. tha, b cave from & # b vir - - - & # b b gin; Πfor b her omb Πdid ap - b pear as a su - per - sen - su - al par - a - dise, in hich is & # 4 3 c b b b plant - - - ed Di - vine Plant; here- & # j b j Π4 3 c b shall live, & # 4 2 4 3 c b dam. Ver - i - ly, & # 4 2 4 3 Christ and b not shall be die born, rais -. as j eat - ing e b A - - - b ing like - j ness that hath fall - en old. The Troparion is sung three times.

Psalm 51 Reader: Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy: According to multitude Thy tender mercies, blot out mine iniquity. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknoledge mine iniquity: and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee only, have I sinned, and done evil in Thy sight: That Thou mightest be justified in Thy ords, and prevail hen Thou art judged. For behold, I as shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mor conceive me. For behold, Thou hast loved truth: The unclear and hidden things Thy isdom Thou hast made clear to me. Thou shalt sprinkle me ith hyssop, and I shall be clean: Thou shalt ash me, and I shall be hiter than sno. Thou shalt make me to hear joy and gladness: The bones hich Thou hast broken shall rejoice. Turn aay Thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and rene a right spirit ithin me. Cast me not aay from Thy presence; and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me joy Thy salvation; and steady me ith a guiding spirit. Then ill I teach transgressors Thy ays; and impious shall be converted unto Thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, Thou God my salvation: And my tongue shall sing aloud Thy righteousness. O Lord, open Thou my lips; and my mouth shall declare Thy praise. For hadst Thou desired sacrifice, I ould have given it e: Thou delightest not in burnt fering. Sacrifices to God are a contrite spirit: A contrite and humble heart, O God, Thou ilt not despise. Do good, O Lord, in Thy good ill unto Zion: That alls Jerusalem may be built up. Then shalt Thou be pleased ith sacrifice righteousness, With burnt fering and hole burnt ferings: Then shall y fer bullocks upon Thine altar. The chanters chant Canon in Tone To. The Canon: Ode One A triumphant force once laid lo all armed hosts Pharoah in deep: even so glorious Lord, Word made flesh, has blotted out malignant sin; for He has been greatly glorified. & b b b Thee, our God. Thee.

O King All, ishing man to be enrolled in book life, Thou hast enrolled Thyself according to la Caesar. As a stranger hast Thou come unto Thine on, calling back to heaven those ho ere unhappily estranged from paradise. & W b Glo-ry to Far, and to Son, and to Ho - ly Spir - it. O Bethlehem, receive Christ: for, made flesh, He comes to dell in e, opening Eden to me. Make ready, O cave, to behold most strangely contained in e, Him Who cannot be contained, ho no is made poor in ealth His tender mercies. & W b Both no and ever, and unto ages a - ges. A - men. Christ comes to be born, granting in His goodness a strange rebirth to those sprung from Adam. Be glad, hole nature mortal man, thou that art barren and bearest not: Master has come to make e a mor many children. A triumphant force once laid lo all armed hosts Pharoah in deep: even so glorious Lord, Word made flesh, has blotted out malignant sin; for He has been greatly glorified. The Canon: Ode Three The desert floered as a lily at Thy coming, O Lord, even Church Gentiles that as barren: and in that same coming is my heart established. & b b Thee, our God. b Thee. Redeeming me from bands evil, O Lord ho lovest mankind, Thou comest to be rapped as a babe in saddling bands. I venerate Thy divine condescension. Glory to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit.

The Virgin dras nigh to bear Thee, O Lord, ho, shining timelessly from Far, hast no come to be in time, setting us loose from temporal passions our souls. & W b Both no and ever, and unto ages a - ges. A - men. Lord most merciful and full pity, seeking me ho had gone astray in transgression, Thou hast come to dell in a cave as in Heaven, reby preparing Heavenly mansions for me. The desert floered as a lily at Thy coming, O Lord, even Church Gentiles that as barren: and in that same coming is my heart established. The Kathisma Tone One Rejoice exceedingly, O Zion: make ready, O Bethlehem. The Upholder All Things, sending a star before Him, has made knon His condescension ithout measure. He before Whom heavenly poers tremble, our only God, ithout suffering change, is born in very truth from Virgin. The Ektenia Supplication Have mercy on us, O God, according to Thy great mercy, e pray Thee: hearken and have mercy. & b b Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. Again e pray for our Far and Metropolitan PHILIP, our Bishop THOMAS, priests, hieromonks, deacons, hierodeacons and monastics and all our brorhood in Christ. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Again e pray that as Thou didst deem a loly cave to be a fit delling for Lord Almighty, so Thou ouldst ever make our souls and bodies temples orthy to contain uncontainable God. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Again e pray Thee, O Lord, that Thou ouldst make us orthy to praise and glorify Thee toger ith angels and shepherds. & b Lord, have mer - cy. b Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - We give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, that Thou hast chosen us from barren Church Gentiles and hast grafted us, a young olive shoot, upon root and stock righteous Abraham; and e pray Thee to open our ears that e might heed Prophet's arning and 'prepare ay Lord.' Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Again e pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation and visitation and pardon and forgiveness sins for servants God, all Orthodox Christians true orship, no gared to prepare for feast Thy holy nativity. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. For Thou art a merciful God and lovest mankind, and unto Thee e ascribe glory, to Far and to Son and to Holy Spirit: no and ever, and unto ages ages. cy. & A - - - men.

The Canon: Ode Four Thou hast come forth from a virgin, neir angel nor ambassador, but Lord Himself made flesh, and to me ho am man Thou hast brought salvation. Therefore, I cry unto Thee: 'Glory to Thy poer, O Lord.' & b b Thee, our God. b & W b Thee. Let creation no cast f all things old, beholding Thee Creator made a child. For through Thy birth Thou dost shape all things afresh, making m ne once more and leading m back again to ir first beauty. Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee. The magi ho had been led on ir ay by a divine star, stood before Thee, in onder at Thy marvelous birth; and bearing gifts, y sa Sun that rose from virgin cloud. Glo-ry to Far, and to Son, and to Ho - ly Spir - it. Behold, Virgin comes like a young heifer, bearing in her omb fatted calf that takes aay sins orld. Let creation, as it keeps feast, rejoice exceedingly. & W b Both no and ever, and unto ages a - ges. A - men. The preaching prophets, foretelling manifestation Christ, has today received its saving fulfillment: for He has come in flesh to enlighten those in peril darkness. Thou hast come forth from a virgin, neir angel nor ambassador, but Lord Himself made flesh, and to me ho am man Thou hast brought salvation. Therefore, I cry unto Thee: 'Glory to Thy poer, O Lord.'

The Canon: Ode Five Thou art become mediator beteen God and man, O Christ our God; for through Thee, O Master, e have access from darkness ignorance to Thy Far, Author Light. & b b Thee, our God. b & W b Thee. Let people that once sat in darkness see Light shine forth that knos no evening: Him hom star once made knon to kings from Persia ho orshipped fire. Glo-ry to Far, and to Son, and to Ho - ly Spir - it. The great King comes in haste to enter a small cave, that He may make me great ho had gron small, and that, as transcendent God, by His poverty ithout measure He may enrich me ho had gron poor. & W b Both no and ever, and unto ages a - ges. A - men. 'No is Christ born Jacob,' so Balaam said: 'And He shall rule over nations, and His kingdom shall be exalted in grace and shall remain perpetually.' Thou art become mediator beteen God and man, O Christ our God; for through Thee, O Master, e have access from darkness ignorance to Thy Far, Author Light. The Canon: Ode Six Compassed about in an abyss sin, on unsearchable abyss Thy tender mercies do I call: bring me out corruption, O God. Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee. Christ in strange ise comes to His on. Let us make ourselves strangers to sin, and let us receive Him ho dells in souls meek.

& W Glo-ry to Far, and to Son, and to Ho - ly Spir - it. Thou, O Bethlehem, art not least among cities: for in e is born King and Lord ho shall tend as a shepherd people that is His on. & W Both no and ever, and unto ages b a - ges. b A - men. Ho shall a small cave receive Thee, for hom orld cannot find room, O Thou Whom none can comprehend? O Thou, Who ith Far art ithout beginning, ho shalt Thou appear as a small child? Compassed about in an abyss sin, on unsearchable abyss Thy tender mercies do I call: bring me out corruption, O God. The priest takes up censer and, hile folloing kontakion is chanted, censes four sides analogion. The Kontakion Preparatory to Nativity Greek Melody Arr. F. Karam

The Ektenia Fervent Supplication Have mercy on us, O God, according to thy great mercy, e pray e, hearken and have mercy. & Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. U Lord, have mer - cy. (After each petition, people respond as above.) Again e pray for our Far and Metropolitan PHILIP, our Bishop THOMAS, priests, hieromonks, deacons, hierodeacons and monastics and all our brorhood in Christ. Again e pray that as Thou didst deem a loly cave to be a fit delling for Lord Almighty, so Thou ouldst ever make our souls and bodies temples orthy to contain Uncontainable God. Again e pray Thee, O Lord, that Thou ouldst make us orthy to praise and glorify Thee toger ith angels and shepherds. We give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, that Thou hast chosen us from barren Church Gentiles and hast grafted us, a young olive shoot, upon root and stock righteous Abraham; and e pray Thee to open our ears that e might heed Prophet's arning and 'prepare ay Lord.' Again e pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation and visitation and pardon and forgiveness sins for servants God, all Orthodox Christians true orship, no gared to prepare for feast Thy holy nativity. For Thou art a merciful God and lovest mankind, and unto Thee e ascribe glory, to Far and to Son and to Holy Spirit: no and ever, and unto ages ages. & A - men.

& From my youth & Thou help and & & up ma-ny save Ye ho hate Zi - - Lord; Π& & Through & pur - i - ty Ho - ly & pass - ions have me, on like grass in Fa - r and Tri - une un - & ΠBoth no and & By Ho - ly & sho - er - ing Spi - rit is shall. fire to Πand made re - ev - er and Spi - rit all cre - a - The Anabathmoi Byzantine Tone 4 Arr. Basil Kazan arred a - gainst O my Sav - - be put to Son, and ev - 'ry soul i - ty in my - shall ye be ith - to Ho - ly quick-ened and ex - splen - - - - un - to a - chan - nels and tion ith in - ior. me. But do con - fu - sion ered. stic ho - li - ness. ges a - streams grace vig - or - a - ting up. Spi - rit. al - ted in dent by ges. A - men. o - ver-flo,. life.

The Prokeimenon The Prokeimenon: I shall commemorate Thy name from every generation to generation. & Œ. I shall com - mem - o - rate Thy name & from ev - 'ry gen - er - a - - - tion to gen - er - a - tion. Hearken, O daughter, and see and incline thine ear, and forget thy people and thy far's house, and king shall greatly desire thy beauty. & I shall com - mem - o - rate Thy name Œ from. ev - 'ry & gen - er - a - - - tion to gen - er - a - tion. I shall commemorate Thy name &. from ev - 'ry gen - er - a - tion to gen - er - a - tion. The Holy Gospel And that e may be accounted orthy to hear Holy Gospel, let us pray to Lord God. & Lord, have mer - cy, Lord, have mer - cy, Lord, have mer - cy. Wisdom. Let us attend. Let us hear Holy Gospel. Peace be to all.

&. And to thy Spir - - - - The reading from holy gospel according to Saint Luke. it. & Thee, O Lord, Thee. Let us attend. In those days, Mary arose and ent into hill country ith haste, into a city Judah; and entered into house Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. And it came to pass, that, hen Elizabeth heard salutation Mary, babe leaped in her omb; and Elizabeth as filled ith Holy Spirit: And she spake out ith a loud voice, and said, 'Blessed art thou among omen, and blessed is fruit thy omb. And hence is this to me, that mor my Lord should come to me? For, behold, hen voice thy salutation came into mine ears, babe leaped in my omb for joy. And blessed is she that believed: for re shall be a fulfillment those things hich have been spoken to her from Lord.' And Mary said, 'My soul doth magnify Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath looked upon loliness his handmaiden. For, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For Mighty One hath done to me great things; and holy is his name.' And Mary abode ith her about three months, and returned to her on house. Glory to Thee, O Lord. Glory to Thee. & b b b Byzantine Tone 2 Arr. Basil Kazan b & b Fath - er, and b to Son, and to b Ho - ly Spir - it. Through in - ter - cess - ions & pro - b blot out all mul - ti - tudes phets, O Thou. J b Who art mer-ci - our trans-gress - - - ions. ful,

& Πb b b b Both no and ev - er, and un - to a - ges a - ges. A - men. & b b b Through in-ter - cess-ions & blot out all The - o - to - b mul - ti - tudes. kos, O Thou J b Who art mer-ci - ful, our trans-gress - - - ions. & Idiomelon W Byzantine Tone 6 Melody, Basil Kazan Arr. Zenaida Bench Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Thy lovingkindness; according to multitude Thy tender mercies & b # & blot out my The b # say - ings & b be born & # yet shall re - & b ma - gi come to - & # b in & Lord, # born # b pro - b Vir - gin # b main b geth - er b fields, # b trans - gress - - - - - - such U b # phets are no ful - b # Ma - ry in # as # He as bear - ing gifts, # b a vir - b #. and e al - b. # filled, for our j b fash - ion past Πb Πb gin, glo - be - fore His shep - # Πso sing: b ions.. God ords, Πshall b and Πbirth. The herds a - bide b 'O # ry to Thee.'

& b b b b. Lord, have mer - cy, The Intercession O God, save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance. Visit Thy orld ith mercies and compassions. Exalt horn Orthodox Christians, and send don upon us Thy rich mercies, through intercessions our all-immaculate Lady Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary; by might precious and life-giving Cross; by protection honorable bodiless poers heaven; at supplication honorable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John and all holy prophets; holy, glorious, all-laudable apostles; our fars among saints, great hierarchs and ecumenical teachers, Basil Great, Gregory Theologian and John Chrysostom; Athanasios, Cyril, and John Merciful, patriarchs Alexandria; Nicholas Myra in Lycia, Spyridon Trimythous and Nektarios Pentapolis, Wonder-orkers, and Raphael, Bishop Brooklyn; holy and glorious great martyrs, George Trophy-bearer, Demetrios Myrrh-streaming, Theodore Soldier, Theodore General and Menas Wonder-orker; hieromartyrs Ignatios God-bearer Antioch, Haralampos and Elefrios; holy, glorious great martyrs, Thekla, Barbara, Anastasia, Karine, Kyriaki, Photeini, Marina, Paraskeva and Irene; holy, glorious and right-victorious martyrs; our venerable and God-bearing fars, ho shone in ascetic life: Anthony Great, Euthymios, Paisios, Sabbas Sanctified, Theodosius head monasteries, Onouphrios, Athanasios and Peter Athos; our holy mors, Mary Egypt, Macrina, Pelagia, and Thais; holy, glorious and onderorking healers, Cosmas and Damian, Cyros and John, Panteleimon and Hermolaos; holy and righteous ancestors God, Joachim and Anna; (name[s] saint[s] day) hose memory e celebrate, and all Thy saints, e beseech Thee, O only most merciful Lord, hearken unto petitions us sinners ho make our supplications unto Thee, and have mercy on us. Lord, have mer - cy, Lord, have mer - cy. & b (The above is repeated three times, and n:) Lord, have mer-cy, b b Lord, have mer-cy, b Lord, have mer - cy. Through mercies and compassions and love for mankind Thine only-begotten Son, ith hom Thou art blessed, toger ith Thine all-holy and good and life-giving Spirit, no and ever, and unto ages ages. & A - men.

The Canon: Ode Seven The prane command a laless tyrant fanned flame exceeding high; but Christ cast de Spirit over children ho feared God: blessed is He and exalted above all. & b b b Thee, our God. Thee. Let clouds drop ater from on high; He ho in glory makes clouds His chariot, comes borne upon a cloud, that is Virgin. The Light that knos no evening, He comes to shine on those ho before ere in darkness and in peril. & W b Glo-ry to Far, and to Son, and to Ho - ly Spir - it. O army divine angels, make ready to sing praises ineffable condescension Lord. O ye magi, come ith all speed; O shepherds, make haste. Christ is come, predestined expectation nations and ir deliverance. & W b Both no and ever, and unto ages a - ges. A - men. 'What is this great and strange onder? Ho do I uphold Thee ho upholdest all orld by Thy ord? O my Son Who art ithout beginning, Thy birth is beyond all speech!' So spake All-Pure, fearfully holding Christ in her arms. The prane command a laless tyrant fanned flame exceeding high; but Christ cast de Spirit over children ho feared God: blessed is He and exalted above all. The Canon: Ode Eight In Babylon old, by command God, fiery furnace orked in contrary ays: burning Chaldeans, it refreshed faithful as y sang: 'O all ye orks Lord, bless ye Lord.'

& c b b b Thee, our God. Thee. The blameless Lady as amazed at height mystery, in truth past speech, that covered heavens ith knoledge, and she said: 'The heavenly throne is consumed in flames as it holds Thee; ho is it, n, that I carry Thee, my Son?' & W b Glo-ry to Far, and to Son, and to Ho - ly Spir - it. 'Thou dost bear likeness Thy Far, O my Son. Ho n hast Thou become poor and taken upon Thyself likeness a servant? Ho shall I lay Thee in a manger beasts ithout reason, Who dost deliver all men from unreason? I sing praises Thy compassion.' & W b Both no and ever, and unto ages a - ges. A - men. Be joyful all earth: behold, Christ dras nigh to be born in Bethlehem. Be glad, O sea; dance for joy, thou congregation prophets, seeing fulfillment your ords; rejoice, O all ye righteous. In Babylon old, by command God, fiery furnace orked in contrary ays: burning Chaldeans, it refreshed faithful as y sang: 'O all ye orks Lord, bless ye Lord.' The Canon: Ode Nine The Son Far ithout beginning has appeared to us, God Lord made flesh Virgin, to give light to those in darkness, and to gar dispersed. Therefore far-famed Theotokos do e magnify. Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee. Let kings hole earth sing rejoicing, and let companies nations be in exceeding joy. Mountains and hills and hollos, rivers and seas, and hole creation, magnify Lord ho no is born. Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to Thee.

As far as it as right, Thou ast seen by prophets. Made man in last times, Thou hast appeared to all in Bethlehem, city Judah, and a star shoed Thee to star-gazers, O Thou Who passest all interpretation. & W b Glo-ry to Far, and to Son, and to Ho - ly Spir - it. Behold, Most Holy Word comes unto His on in a holy body that is not His. By a strange birth He makes His on orld that as estranged. To Him let us sing in praise, Who became poor for us. & W b Both no and ever, and unto ages a - ges. A - men. 'O seetest Child, ho shall I feed Thee Who givest food to all? Ho shall I hold Thee Who holdest all things in Thy poer? Ho shall I rap Thee in saddling clos, Who dost rap hole earth in clouds? So cried all-pure Lady hom in faith e magnify. The Son Far ithout beginning has appeared to us, God Lord made flesh Virgin, to give light to those in darkness, and to gar dispersed. Therefore far-famed Theotokos do e magnify. & b It is Truly Meet. j Byzantine Tone 8, Traditional Melody Arr. Holy Transfiguration Monastery It is tru - ly meet to call e & b blessed, The - o - to - kos, ev - er blessed and & b ΠMore hon - or - & b & b pare more glo - out cor - rup - & b all - im - ma - cu - late and Mo - r our God. a - ble than ri - ous than tion gav - est Che - ru - bim, and be - yond com - Se - ra - phim, birth to God e ho ith - Word: ve - ry The - o - to - kos, e do e mag - ni - fy.

& b 1. High - er 2. From 3. O La - 4. No 5. Let 6. Thou, e us O 7. 'Glo - ry 8. Thou 9. O all than great dy chant purge lo - be art ye a - and ith our ly to ar - The Megalynaria heav - bun - Moth - ea - bod - man - God my - ray ens dance er ger - ies ger, ho stic - ab - ness and pre - is al an - Byzantine Tone 8 Traditional Melody Arr. Holy Transfiguration Monastery ove all Christ un - souls pare born par - gel - art my our to thy - to - a - ic thou, sins, God, e sin, self. day dise, hosts, & b 1. and 2. ill 3. re - 4. ith 5. that 6. Hast - 7. 8. O 9. O thou am ceive this ith en, ye art I supp - hymn a O Vir - The - ho - much in li - most pure ye gin o - ly pur - bo - ca - joy - con - shep - Moth - to - Bap - er dy, tion ful, science herds, er kos, tist, than ail - from The - e for in in and ing us o - may hich ye rad - al - sin - to - el - birth ci - bloss - ho - i - so ners kos, come ty omed ly ance am ho all - in Christ Ap - I beg laud - Beth - is Beth - Christ; ost - in ed le - at le - sun; soul. e one; hem hand. hem!' les, & b 1. for 2. Thee 3. that 4. togeth - 5. Christ 6. Hur - 7. Thus 8. through 9. all thou have thou er ry cry him & b Π1. O 2. O 3. O 4. be - 5. 6. and 7. in 8. As 9. pray mist - hope Mist - seech, Vir - shout, or - e make ress ress O gin, 'To ship bo ye hast I make ith King on, men life - saints re - as en - ye and bearing to - deemed ref - treat - Bap - Glo - ma - an - ood geth - all The - pure Thee don in - cre - cre - o - and be be - ter - a - hope - a - to - sin - glo - Sa - fore cess - us uge; y tist ry, gi, gels er, out do un - and ho and ith as thou, to all com - gath - voi - Cross ell tion, less, tion, kos, less. ry vior's it, ion ith for pray that Come, Who ho - e for re eth er, ces as as curse fore, One saints to all joined plant - God's that born to - be ye in ed Birth - hymns thou thou e let for ly mag - our e art to find us our na - ni - de - hon - full God clem - or - sakes tiv - fy liv - held help from geth - born an - chor - up - on giv - or for en - ship art i - er - e. grace. us. cy. him! born!' ty. e. ance. us. me, e; er, gels, us earth. er,

The Trisagion Prayers Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal: have mercy on us. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal: have mercy on us. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal: have mercy on us. Glory to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit: Both no and ever, and unto ages ages. Amen. All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy God, visit and heal our infirmities for Thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Glory to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit: Both no and ever, and unto ages ages. Amen. Our Far, ho art in heaven, halloed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come; Thy ill be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as e forgive those ho trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is kingdom, and poer, and glory: Far, and Son, and Holy Spirit: no and ever, and unto ages ages. & b A - men.

Troparion Preparatory to Nativity & b Make read - y, & b b been op - ened & b b for Tree b O Beth -. for all. Life ΠPre-pare,. le - hem, b b b for Ed - en hath O Eph - hath bloss - omed forth. ra - tha, in cave & b b b Πb from vir - - - gin; for her omb did ap-pear & b b b Πas a su - per - sen - su - al par - a - dise, in hich & b b b b b is plant - - - ed Di - vine Plant; here - eat - ing & b b. Πb b e shall live, and not die as A - - - dam. & b b b Ver - i - ly, Christ shall be born, rais - ing like - ness that & b hath fall - en old. The Troparion is sung three times.

The Final Ektenia Have mercy on us, O God, according to Thy great goodness, e pray Thee: hearken and have mercy. & b b b b Lord, have mer - cy, Lord, have mer - cy, Lord, have mer - cy. Again e pray for all pious and Orthodox Christians. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Again e pray for our Far and Metropolitan PHILIP and His Grace Bishop THOMAS, and for all our brethren in Christ. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Again e pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation and visitation, and pardon and remission sins for servants God (Name[s]), and all Orthodox Christians true orship ho live and dell in this community. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Again e pray that he may keep this holy church and this city and every city and countryside from rath, famine, plague, earthquake, flood, fire, sord, foreign invasion, civil ar and sudden death; that our good God, ho loveth mankind, ill be gracious, favorable and conciliatory and turn aay and dispel all rath stirred up against us and all sickness, and may deliver us from his righteous chastisement hich impendeth against us, and have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy. (40 times) Again e pray that Lord our God ill hearken unto voice supplication us sinners, and have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Hear us, O God our Savior, Hope all ends earth and those ho are far f upon sea; and be gracious, be gracious, O Master, upon our sins, and have mercy on us. For thou art a merciful God and lovest mankind, and unto e e ascribe glory to Far and to Son and to Holy Spirit, no and ever, and unto ages ages. & A - men. Glory to Thee, O Christ, our God and our hope; glory to Thee! Glory to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit: both no and ever, and unto ages ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Far, bless. May Christ our True God, through intercessions His all-immaculate and all-blameless holy mor; by might precious and life-giving Cross; by protection honorable bodiless poers heaven; at supplication honorable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John and all holy Prophets; holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles; holy, glorious and right-victorious martyrs; our venerable and God-bearing fars; holy and righteous ancestors God, Joachim and Anna; (Name[s] Saint[s] day) hose memory e celebrate; and all Saints: have mercy upon us and save us, forasmuch as He is good and loveth mankind. The priest makes three prostrations before analogion, venerates icon, and moves to stand next to analogion. As faithful come forard to venerate icon, receive blessing priest and kiss his right hand, an appropriate seasonal hymn is chanted. After all present have received a blesising from Priest, Priest says: Through prayers our holy fars, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy upon us and save us. Amen.