Common Chant Tone 7. Tone 7

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Prepared by the Benedictine Monks. St. Meinrad Archabbey St. Meinrad, Indiana, June All Rights Reserved



Tone 7 The scheron melody for Tone 7 consists of two peang phrases (A and B) and a final phrase. If a scheron is divided into 6 textual phrases, the musical lines will consist of A, B, A, B, A and Final Phrase. PHRASE A has an intonaon, cing tone, and a. The first accented syllale of the phrase is a half note, sung on, and moves to the cing tone () via a passing note,. The cing tone egins on the second accented syllale of the phrase. Unaccented syllales pceding the first accented syllale a sung half tone aove, on. intonaon cing tone > > > > Lord, I call A rn your ri dal She car ries the King Sim e on ceiv ing The is used to sing two or mo syllales, eginning with an accented syllale sung on, and concluding with the last syllale sung on. the Tem ple and cried a loud Ma ry car ried in her arms 53

Example of (from the feast of the Meeng of Our Lord, first scheron at the Aposcha) intonaon cing tone w A rn your ridal chamer, O Zion, and welcome Christ the King! PHRASE B consists of an intonaon, cing tone, and. The intonaon includes the first accented syllale of the phrase, sung as a half note on. If the first accented syllale is pceded y one or mo unaccented syllales, then these unaccented syllales a quarter notes sung on. The cing tone dictly follows, sung on, a third elow the accented syllale. intonaon cing tone > > la > > la Sim e on the One, Who was made flesh of The is used to sing two or mo syllales, eginning with an accented syllale sung on la, and concluding with the last syllale sung on. the Fath er see Christ the Lord com mand ment of the Law 54

Example of (from the feast of the Meeng of Our Lord, first scheron at the Aposcha) intonaon cing tone. Sa lute Mar y, the heavenly gate, fashioned as the throne of the cher u im! FINAL PHRASE The Final Phrase egins dictly with the cing tone () and concludes with a, eginning on the second to last internal accent of the phrase with a half note (or Wed half, depending on the word), sung on the same pitch as the cing tone. cing tone. > > w > > la w la O Be. w Sav ior, glo ry to You! w seech Him to save our souls! Example of Final Phrase (from the feast of the Meeng of Our Lord, first scheron at the Aposcha) cing tone. w He is the Master of life and death; the Sav ior of the world! 55

Melodic Phrases in FourPart Harmony Common, Tone 7 intonaon cing tone Soprano Alto mi mi mi fa fa mi Tenor Bass Final Phrase intonaon fa la fi / n cing tone cing tone fa fa fa fa mi mi w la si mi # w mi la 56

Schera at the Aposcha The Meeng of Our Lord Feruary 2 Soprano Alto Tone 7 Common Chant arr. from L'ʹvov/Bakhmetev w Tenor Bass A rn your ridal chamer, O Zion, and welcome Christ the King! w w. Sa lute Mar y, the heavenly gate, fashioned as the throne of the cher u im! n.... w She car ries the King of Glo ry! The Vir gin is a cloud of light:.. n [ w w She has orne in the flesh the Son egofen efo the morn ing star. w w 57

w Final Phrase Sim eon, taking Him in his arms, proclaimed to the peo ples: // n [ w w He is the. w Master of life and death; the Sav ior of the world!. # w 58