A-PDF MERGER DEMO SOLOMON =140. Piano. Sol- o- mon! Son of Da- vid, Sol- o- mon! King of Is- rael. Great- est tri- bute we bring. Sol- o- mon!

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A-PDF MERGER DEMO SOLOMON =1 Pino o- mon! Son of D- vid, o- mon! King of Is- rel. o- mon! Gret- est tri- bute we bring. 1

You re born led n- tion, here t your co- ro- n- tion, we ll pro- To CODA clim tht you re our King. To CODA won by Dloved vid You re vic- r. ry; F- he s You re vid s es- King tb-lished D- pro- er son. mised lnd. gret- He You hs con- strength- nue ened ti- God s cho-sen l roy- peoline, ple, pro- nd tec-tewilit by God s led l- migh- ty hnd. gret-er one. 4 King. 4 2

NOBODY'S FOOL Nrrr: One night God ppered Solomon nd sked, "Wht would you like me give you?" Vocl =100 O Pino Lord Lord if you I ve know found tht f- I m vour in sim- your ple eyes, mn. I I ll pry do you ll this mke job me s trus ly best I wise. cn. Give But me with your wis- dom dom wis- I ll reign nd keep my rule. cool. O O Lord let Lord let me me be be 1. 2. no- bo- dy s fool. O no- bo- dy s fool. In si- tu- - tions with 1. 2. 3

no wy out, I pry you ll sve me from fer nd doubt. O Lord I pry tht in ll I do, I ll l- wys de- pend on you. O Lord I pry with ech new ps-sing dy, you ll show me wht do nd sy. Give me know- ledge tht s lerned in your school. O Lord let me be no- bo- dy s fool. In si- tu- - tions with no wy out, I 4

pry you ll sve me from fer nd doubt. O Lord I pry tht in ll I do, I ll l- wys de-pend on you. On you. O Lord I pry with ech new ps- sing dy, You ll show me wht do nd sy. Give me know-ledge tht s lerned in your school. O Lord let me be no- bo- dy s fool. 4 4 5

6 A PROBLEM Vocl =130 We ve not pers r r y re fogdiflivgiing fiest cult nogeprobtion. r. lem. Solooo Solooo How And It y re con- find t cerns two hpend rpy of gusolir ing u- tewotion. r. men. Solooo Solooo We In And need due re s some course help. ech b- We of by Pino

ll - m were look Ech rs, O lone. mo- you. ltwo Migh- dy boys, ty sys l- King he most wht is two shll her twin we The rs. We own. bro- do. truth we One died, rel- ly fer just ech sys do not 1-2. 3. is- its hve n t known. ors. clue. o- o- o- It Now o- o- o- pwe've 1-2. 3. Slower o- mon! You cn- not be ser- i- ous! Go on o- mon don t mke us lugh. o- mon! Wht re you do- ing? You just cn t cut b- by in hlf! Look! One 7

A tempo l- dy now is with- drw- ing. o- o- And she sys, Plese, sp sw- ing. o- o- The oth- er does- n t seem cre, nd o- mon is now - wre of pro-per moth-er b-by pir. o- o- You're rel-ly terr- i- bly

4 clev- er. o- o- We will look you for 4 e- ver. o- o- mon The wy you solved this lit- tle cse hs 56 proved tht you re rel- ly ce. Where wis- dom is, you set pce. o- 56 64 o- Ve- ry, ve- ry cle- ver o- mon! 64 9

HERE Nrrr: King Solomon decided build temple where Lord would be worshipped nd lso build plce for himself. Vocl =130 Pino verse 3 - sing "L" Here! There is is where we ll where we ll build build tem- p- ple. lce. Here! There! Here! There is where p- lce tem- built will yond ple be- p- com- per. Here, pre. There! A glortht s ious house tem ple fit will house - rise. king. But Here, here we n- bring our o- r sil- King ver we re nd hou- our sing. 10

gold, Here! Here, Here! we ll build With gret ex- tem- cite- ple ment rou- be sing. hold. Here! Here, Here! will is be where we ll ple- give sure him ev- our ery- eyes. thing. Build God s house, build him home. Give him some room; serve him in this plce, ll our dys we will rise songs of prise. In this God s glor- ious home. 11

BRING THE ARK Nrrr: Then King Solomon summoned ll leders of tribes nd clns of Isrel ssemble in Jeruslem, in order tke rk, which ws Lord's covennt box, from Zion temple. Vocl =126 Bring Bring Bring Bring Bring rk rk rk rk rk its its its its its spe- spe- spe- spe- spe- cil plce. cil plce. cil plce. cil plce. cil plce. Pino Bring Bring Bring Bring Bring rk rk rk rk rk re- re- re- re- re- mem- mem- mem- mem- mem- bering: bering: bering: bering: bering: In When How All we we o- God s fced ok mon s good- of it dd, ness Mo- Jorbrve- D- ses, dn ly vid. us how Floods All Lits were round tle his rk ll Jeriboy cho- ws - cho mde sen mde. round. wn. good. rce, 12

13 nd At And But How with when it thnkrk s trumwled ful propets ters us mem - cesblsprsferies sion, ted ted. ly let how How So At us he we ll dnced wlls crossed hed 1-4 just cme nd of like we evtumwlked Iserybeon rel one ling dry prshould. down. ground. de. 5 set rk in its plce. 1-4 5

THERE IS A RIVER Nrrr: The singers were ccompnied in perfect hrmony by trumpets, cymbls nd or instruments, s y prised Lord singing: "Prise Lord, becuse he is good, nd his love is eternl." As y were leving temple it ws suddenly filled with cloud shining with dzzling light of Lord's presence. Vocl =110 Pino There is riv- er whose strems mke gld ho- ly tem- ple where our God dwells. God is with us, we shll not fll. God is now ex- l- ted ov- er 14

15 1-2 ll. And Lift now up in your brighteyes ness nd he s see p pernew ing. morn. He The fills dwn is tembrekple ing with his glonew ry. dy. The A dzz ling for rdhelince ing of nd his commrplete velreslous r- presence. tion. A A plce new for be- God gin ning dwell for in soveold reign hs mpssed jesty. wy. 3 ll. 4 1-2 3 4

IF YOU WALK WITH ME Nrrr: After King Solomon hd finished temple nd plce, successfully completing ll his plns for m, Lord ppered him t night nd sid him: Vocl If you Should you wlk turn with from me me; Pino I tke will your wlk hnd with from you. mine. I Don t will you show be you sur- ll prised things. if I things will don t see turn you out through. fine. If Wlk- you ing look in me, drk I ll is- look n t f- ve- ter ry you. bright. 1. All You my won t help find you ll it get e- in sy ev- in eryblck thing you of do. 1.

1. 2. 1. night. 2. Keep- ing close me, let me tke your hnd. Let me show you how build pro- mised lnd. Let me led you on. Let me be your guide. Let s go on - ge- r wlk- ing side by 4 side. 4 17

1 THE QUEEN OF SHEBA Ex- En- En- Enit ter ter ter now now now now gret gret gret gret She- She- She- Sheb s b s b s b s queen, queen, queen, queen, dig- cler- Mkes Grndnily us est fied not enlnd n vidy so old ousevsehs - ly er rene. been. green. seen, With Dressed Bringin her in ing her glorsilks preglorious besents ious trin yond by robes unour r- furled, score. ryed. mens. she s Not She s You for cn ll her wlktell ing y re gret blouse Tesnot Miss nd co home To CODA jens. sre. mde. World. Pino =200 To CODA

19 And She With now comes gifts she of knows her gold from his nd ll wise pre she s de cious seen; crees. snes nd He nd hv list box ing ens es herd filled his ech with wis ques boun dom tion te nd she s ous ler ris tre ning, ing. sure, tht And she God cre of hs ful fers blessed ly up with bun wis Sol dnt est o ly. skill mon But He her now gives gifts n for She ns work b wer nd she she finds gifts is so for re tur mz ple ning. ing. sure. 4

VANITY OF VANITIES Nrrr: Solomon tried find out wht life is ll bout. =110 Vocl There s There s for for Pino ev- ev- ery- ery- thing, thing; A live lugh nd nd die, weep; A plnt mourn nd hr- vest, but dnce; who A knows re- wke son nd why? sleep; And A re s serch; for kill- ing nd sp; A for wounds keep nd hel; give, but none cn ter tell 20

re- son- build ing but why why, ech I of cn t us reshould vel. live. V- ni- ty of v- ni- ties, ll is v- ni- ty. 1. There s no re- son for it ll. None tht I cn see. 1. 2. see. There s for ev- ery- thing; 2. ter nd mend. A for si lence nd for speech Will 21

this ev- er end? A for love; for hte; A for wr nd pece. And goes on nd ne- ver ends, Will this ev- er cese. V- ni- ty of v- ni- ties, 4 ll is v- ni- ty. There s no re- son for it ll. 4 None tht I cn see. 22

GLORY GLORY Nrrr: Neverless, Solomon trusted God nd he ws richer nd wiser thn ny or King in world. They ll consulted him, her wisdom tht God hd given him. The lnd of Isrel ws never know such pece nd prosperity gin. Solomon hd built temple where God hd displyed his glory. Solomon hd lernt trust in Lord. Vocl =170 Pino Trust in He brought me Lord with his ll din- your ing hert; hll And He don t lifts re- his ly bn- on ner wht o- you ver know. me. Re- For mem- I ber m Lord his in nd ll he you is 23

do. mine. He ll His show glo ry wy I shll go. see. And I m sing- ing Glo- ry! Glo- ry! Glo- ry! Glo- ry! Glo- ry! Hl- lelu- jh! Glo- ry his nme. And I m sing- ing Glo- ry! Glo- ry! Glo- ry! Glo- ry! Glo- ry! Hl- le- lu- jh! 1. 2. Glo- ry his nme. 1. nme. And I m sing- ing Glo- ry! 2.

Glo- ry! Glo- ry! Glo- ry! Glo- ry! Hl- le- lu- jh! 4 4 Glo- ry his nme. And I m sing- ing Glo- ry! Glo- ry! 56 Glo- ry! Glo- ry! Glo- ry! Hl- le- lu- jh! 56 Glo- ry his nme. Glo- ry! Hl- le- lu- jh! Glo- ry his 64 nme.- ---- ---- ---- ---- 64 ---- 25